Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 8 del fabbricante Microsoft
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User Documentation Last Update: September 24, 2005 AssureBuy Payment Processing for Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains Release 8.0 Distributed By: AssureBuy 1340 Remington Roa d – Suite E Schaumbur g, I llinois 60173 Phone: 847-843-7 400 Fax: 847-843-7676 URL: www.
IMPORTANT NOTICE The information contained in th is publication is provided as a courtesy to AssureBuy clients, partners, employees and sub-contractors. Certain information contained herein is confidential and may be considered proprietary. As a result, plea se obtain the written cons ent of AssureBuy, Inc.
Contents Introduction to AssureBuy 7 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 7 Data Valid ation.......................................................
Step 6 ......................................................................................................................... 37 Step 7 ................................................................................................................
Introduction to AssureBuy Overview AssureBuy offers a reliable , scalable and secure met hod of outsourcing the mission critical back office payment pr ocessing infrast ructu re without the technical issues and histo ri cally high cost associated with an in-house developed solution.
the request and securely send s it to AssureBuy for p rocessing. Processing center firewall security controls access to the Assu reBuy processin g services. Once inside the pro cessing center, the seller’s reque st is authenticated, the request is validated and the appropriate servi ces are performed.
validity of all processing codes, and th e relationship of the data elements contained within the reque st. Certain d ata element s are required in order to complete a transaction request and othe rs a re required based on the values contained in related elements.
along with a seller identified tax jurisdiction and adds that amount into the total amount for the current transaction. For simple mail order type busi ne sses, the AssureBu y payment gateway allows sellers to establish tax rates which apply only to the shipping location of the order.
The system accepts transaction s ident ified as check, money order, COD, cash, ACH, p urc hase order, inv oice, gift certificate and giveaways. The system can also be set up to automat ically transfer el ectronic check and ACH payments to a seller’s bank fo r processing.
specific requirements. Data contai ning sensitive information, such as credit card or bank account numbers, is encry pted using standard pu blic/private key encryptio n technology. Although the AssureBuy payment gateway can be easily integrated into any existing environment, interfaces to ex isting environme nts and a pplications may be available.
freed from the burden of writing comple x error processing scripts t o validate buyer information entered throu gh the web bro wser. Systems and Technology AssureBuy houses its transaction an d paymen.
The acquiring bank that provides the me rchant account will act as a clearinghouse for the credit card p ayme nts. Each day, the acquiring bank transmits instructions to the issuing ba nks telling them to remove funds from the buyer’s credit card account and transfer the money back to the acq uiring bank.
Connection: High speed frame relay In order for AssureBuy to set up the payment gateway to work with a VisaNet merchant account, the merchant acco unt provider will need to provide the following information to AssureBuy. These details are necessary so AssureBuy and the acquiring bank will be able to iden tify the merchant for each transaction.
Nashville Platform If the seller’s merchant bank is set up to process on the Nashville platform, the seller’s bank will need to kno w the followin g information about the AssureBuy payment gateway.
actual validation of the transaction dat a and are grou ped into various levels. The watch codes identify each of the fraud filters for maintenance and for displaying the results of the fraud tests on the transact ion. Each watch code that is triggered for a tr ansaction will be displayed on the transaction record.
Levels of Service The AssureBuy fraud prevention syste m is o ffered i n three levels of service. The basic level of serv ic e includes five common t e sts, checki ng for things such as duplicate transa cti ons or rest rict ed email ad dresses.
Watch Codes Description Basic Advanced Custom VC Suspect Vowel Count X X VO Missing Vowels X X WD Restricted Words X X XB Too Many Orders From Same Billing Address X X XC Too Many Orders From Same C r.
Watch Code Filter Description FL The first name and last name fields con t ain the same information. This usually indicates that a custo m er h as either typed or copied garbage informati on into the transaction fields. ID The domain for the specified e-mail add ress is invali d or cannot be identified as a valid Internet domain.
List Watch Codes List watch codes require a list of data that is com pared to all incoming transaction data. If any of the tr ansaction data contains an entry on the restricted data lists, then the tran sact ion will fail the fraud filter and the appropriate watch codes will be applied t o the transaction.
Code Owner Fraud Test Description FM System The buyer's email add ress contai ns the domain of a free Web-based email provider. Free e-mail accou nts are often used to place fraudulent on-line transactions. WD System One or m any of the transaction fields contains a word or phrase from the rest ricted words wat ch list.
XP The buyer has placed multiple transactions from the same IP address in a given period of time. Enter a buyer’s IP address to allow their transaction to proces s.
letters. The seller can decide that the transactions that fail this watch code can be allowed to process. However, if a transa ction were placed using a credit card on the bad credi t card d atabase, the seller would typicall y want this transaction to be automatically de clined.
Payment Gateway Overview The AssureBuy payment gateway requires certain inf ormation to complete the processing of each tran saction. This required data will automatically be sent to the payment gateway by the AssureBuy Payment Processing application.
Great Plains Card Typ e AssureBuy Payment Type AssureBuy Code User-defined American Express AM User-defined Bravo Card BR User-defined Carte Blanche CB User-defined Diners Club DC User-defined Discove.
Transaction Type Description Manual Sale A manual sale or a force transaction allows a transaction to be entered after an authorization has been obtained from a voice authorization process.
Transaction Result The transaction re sult field contains t he result of the payment processing. The possible transactio n re sults are listed below. Code Status Description Corresponding AssureBuy Code 1 Unprocessed A status of “1”, or unprocessed indicates that payment has not been processed.
CALL CENT ER The CALL CENTER code is a decline— so the AssureBuy payment gateway treats the transaction as though it is declined; however, if a transaction receives a Call Center code, it indicates that the bank would like you to call the voice authorization center.
RE-ENTER The RE-ENT ER code indicat es that the credit card transaction could not be completed. The seller should cancel the p a yment, as the syste m con siders this an error and does not automatically decline the payment. Address Verification Service The Address Verification Service (AVS) is provided to a seller through the cardholder’s bank.
CVV2 Response Codes The CVV2 Response codes will vary greatly depen ding on the card type and the credit card issuer. The table below lists the valid respon se cod es for Visa and MasterCard as of the printing of this manual.
Installation and Setup Overview The AssureBuy Payment Processing application allows Mi crosoft Business Solutions users to process credit ca rd pa yments in re al-time or batch mode over any TCP/IP connection.
Installation Before beginning the installation of the Assu reBuy P ayment Processing application, we highly recommend clo sing all win dows pro grams currently running. Your Great Plains application should not be running, as it will cause the installation to fail.
Figure 5: Installation Step 2 Step 3 The third step of the installation involv es determining the destinatio n location of the AssureBuy Payment Processing fi les. The se files must be installed in the same directory as the current Great Plains Dynamics/eE nterp rise installation.
Step 4 The fourth step is simply a verification window. Select the Next button to continue with the install or the Ca ncel bu tton to cancel the installation. The Back button can be used if any of the pr evious installat ion information needs to be changed before continuing with the installation.
Step 6 The final step is to exit the installati on program by selecting the Finish button at the bottom of the window. The R eadMe file will automatically open once the installation program is closed. The Rea dMe file contain s instru ction s for setting up a test system and other im port ant information.
Uninstall Warning Only attempt to uninstall this application if you are familiar with the Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterp rise operat ing environment. Otherwise, contact your System Administrator for assistance. Instructions To uninstall the application manually, perform the following step s.
Setting up AssureBuy Inside Great Plains Once a seller has established an accoun t with Assu reBuy and has received and installed the AssureBuy Payment Processing a pplication, the seller can then set up the AssureBuy Payment Processi ng application inside the Great Plains software.
Figure 13: AssureBuy Processing Setup The top two fields of the setup window are uneditable fields that ide ntify the company within the Great Plains softwar e.
Field Name Description User ID The User ID field contains the AssureBuy- assigned 5 digit user ID for the seller. Please contact AssureBuy Support for the UserID. The correct User ID must be entered or the gateway will return an error on every transaction.
Field Name Description Mode The mode field indicates which operation mode of the payment gateway will be used. The two modes of operation are Productio n and Test. Production mode is used when the seller is ready to start charging customer’ s credit card s.
The next section of fields lists the sy stem setti ng s for the Assu reB uy/Great Plains payment processing interface. Some of these system options will affect the way certain situati ons are handled with the system.
Field Name Description Process Holds For the transacti on processing, the seller must chose a sales process hold value to be used when the payment processing end s with the specified result. The values entered for these must exist in the process holds master table.
Field Name Description Allow Save to Batch Processing By selecting this check bo x, the system will allow both real-time and batch processing of p ayment transactions. If batch processing is allo wed, the user will be able to save the transaction without sending the transaction to the AssureBuy payment gateway for immediate processing.
Field Name Description Add Process Hold on Non-Approved Authorizations A credit card payment record is not adde d to the system for a document until after a transaction is authorized or approved.
Navigation Arrow Keys There are Arrow Keys available in the User ID Box. It is possible to set up many User ID’s. Examples of this might be the use of specific Accounts for View ‘N Pay or different Accounts based on Currency.
System: 3/4/2002 9:06:21 AM The World Online, Inc. Page: 1 User Date: 3/4/2002 ASSUREBUY PROCESSING SETTINGS REPORT User ID: Lessonuser1 Company Name: The World Online, Inc. Company ID: TWO AssureBuy User ID: 82001 Primary URL: Gateway Version: 4.
Figure 15: Sales Process Holds Setup AssureBuy Credit Card Setup The Great Plains system normally allows credit card ty pes to be se t up on the Credit Card Setup window, avail able by sele cting Credit Cards on the Company Setup palette.
Figure 16: AssureBuy Credit Card Setup Field Name Description Card Name The Card Name field is for credit card name as it is described in the Great Plains databa se. The value entered here should match one of the ca rd types already established using the Gre at Plains Credit Card Setup window.
Field Name Description Authorization Expiration The Authorization expirati on de signates how many days an authorization is still considered good by the bank for the specified credit card type. The standard number of days i s usually 7 day s but it can vary by card type.
AssureBuy Functionality Introduction The AssureBuy Payment Processing module is a sin gle-ven do r solution providing both enhanced credit ca rd p rocessing capabilities an d pa yment gateway services to Great Plains Dynam ics/eEnterprise use r s.
Authorization An authorization tran saction conta cts the cardholder’s bank to verify that the cardholder has en ough funds available to cover the transaction. An authorization will not transfer money from the cardholder’s acco unt until a Capture transaction is performed.
Source Document Type A U T H C A P T U R E S A L E R E F U N D M A N U A L V O I D Sales Order Processing Quote Sales Order Processing Order z Sales Order Processing Invoice z z Sales Order Processing.
Module Window Receivables Management Transaction Entry Cash Receipts Entry Shown below is an example of how the payment proces sing window can be accessed from the Sales Payment Entry window. See “ AssureBuy Payment Processing ” on page 61 for more inform ation about entering transactions.
Figure 19: Authorization Tran saction Step 3 - Transaction Processing Transactions are p ro cessed either by selecting the Process button on the AssureBuy Payment Processing window, or by perfo rming the AssureBuy Batch Transaction Processing option from either the Sales Batches or Invoice Batches window.
Figure 20: Transaction Result Step 4 - Linked Transactions A Great Plains document may have one or more associate d AssureBuy transactions. Once a transaction ha s be en processed, additional "linke d" transactions may be added. For example, an Autho rizatio n transaction may be later followed by a Capture transacti on.
Figure 21: Adding A Capture To An Authorizati on Other types of "linked" transaction s include linking a Refund to a previously entered Sale transaction, or linking a Vo id transaction to a previously entered Authorization or Sale. Declined tran sa ctions may be automatically re- processed in a similar fashi on.
Source Document Typ e Transaction Typ e Approved A U T H C A P T U R E S A L E R E F U N D M A N U A L V O I D Invoicing Invoice Sale No z z Invoicing Return Refund Yes z Invoicing Return Refund No z .
AssureBuy Payment Processing Window Figure 22: AssureBuy Payment Processing Window Top Row Buttons The top row buttons are the available action buttons for the payment processing screen.
document information for the customer and below that is the transaction processing r e sult section. Credit Card Information Figure 23: C redit Card Fiel ds from AssureBuy Paym ent Processing Field Description Transaction Type The transaction type field is a dropdown list.
Field Description Card Number The card nu m ber field di splays the masked credit card number for the cu stomer. The lookup icon to the right of the field allows the user to view the unmasked credit card n umbe r for this customer. Security Warning! The credit card number is always displ ayed as a masked number.
2) If the system cannot find an addr ess for the customer that matche s the default address ID, then the sy stem will use the BillTo address attached to the current document. 3) If the system cannot find a def ault address or the BillT o address for the document, then the system will ta ke the address di rectly from the current document.
Field Description IP Address The IP address fiel d is available to enter the customer’s IP address if the informatio n is available. If not, the system will use default IP address from the AssureBuy Processing Setup. Great Plains Document Information The Great Plains document information is not editable by the user.
Figure 26: Transaction Fields from AssureB uy Payment Pr ocessing Field Description Bypass Processing The Bypass Proc essing checkbox allows the user to override the AssureBuy transaction processing and enter the processing results manually.
Field Description AVS Response The AVS response field displays the Address Verification Service’s response. Only credit card transactions will have an AVS response.
Sales Order Processing This section describe s ho w the Assu re Buy Payment Processing application integrates with the Great Plains Sales O rder Processing modul e. There are four windows on which the Assu reBuy functionality has been added: Sales Transaction Entry, Sales Payment Entry, Sales Batches, and Order Fulfillment.
automatically be applied to the document. For more information, please see “ AssureBuy Payment Processing Window ” on page 61. Transfer Button When transferring docume nts and payments from one type to another, all AssureBuy transactions attached to the originating document will be automatically reassigned to the new document numbe r.
Allocate or Fulfill Menu Option When the Allocate or Fulfill menu option is chose n fro m the Options menu, a window will display allowing a choi ce between sele cting allocate, fulfill or both.
Warning”. This warning wi ll allow the fulfillment process to continue if the Yes button is selected and w ill abort the process if the No button is selected. The “Transaction Amount Warning ” opti on can also affect the fulfillment process without the “Authorization Re quired Before Order Fulfillment” option being enabled.
Figure 29: Sales Payment Entry Window As with the Sales Transaction Entry win dow, the Extras menu option is an alternative way of launching the AssureBuy Payment Processing window. Again, the payment processing window will open with the default customer and transaction inform atio n filled in and ready for a new transactio n to be entered.
failed. Continue?” By selecting No on the warning m essag e, the payment removal process will be abor ted. By selecting Yes on the warning message, the payment removal process will continue without reversing the authorization.
Figure 30: Sales Batch Entry AssureBuy Transactions By selecting the AssureBuy Transactions menu o ptio n, the Assu reBuy Payment Processing wind ow will launch and display all the credit card transactions attached to all docum ents i n the currently selected batch.
batch transaction processing will check the setting called “Fulfillment Required Before Capturing Tran sactions" on the AssureBuy Proce ssing Setup window. If this function has been enabled, then the tran sact ion will only be processed if the document has been fulfilled.
AssureBuy Batch Processing Re port System: 3/4/2002 9:06:21 AM The World Online, Inc. Page: 1 User Date: 3/4/2002 ASSUREBUY BATCH PROCESSING REPORT User ID: Lessonuser 1 Sales Order Processing Batch ID: SALES01/2002 Batch Comment: Approved: Batch Transactions Attempted: 7 Batch Sales Total: $397.
Report Field Description Document Number The document number field displays the document number associated with the current document. Doc Date The doc date or docum ent date field displays the date the document was created. Customer ID The customer ID field displays the customer ID associated wi th the current document.
Report Field Description Summary of Sales Transaction s The summary of sales transact ion section displays a summary of all credit card transaction that are approved sales.
Allocate or Fulfill Menu Option When the Allocate or Fulfill menu option is chose n fro m the Options menu, a window will display allowing a choi ce between sele cting allocate, fulfill or both.
The “Transaction Amount Warning ” opti on can also affect the fulfillment process without the “Authorization Re quired Before Order Fulfillment” option being enabled.
declined or processed with an error. Posting the sale s document to the general ledger with a status other than approve d would result in a document being posted without a full payment. In addition, a pending transaction processed after the document has b een posted would not be applied to the sales document.
Figure 34: Transaction Entry Window In addition to entering data in the credit card amount field or sele cting the credit card details icon, the Extras menu offers an alternative way of launching the AssureBuy Payment Processing windo w.
the user will be returned to the Transacti on Entry window. If the document already has transactions attached, the AssureBuy Payment Proce ssing window will launch and will display any attache d credit card transactions that already exist for the current document.
Figure 36: Cash Receipts Entry Window As with the Transaction Entry windo w, the Extras menu option is an alternative way of launching the AssureBuy Payment Processing window. Again, the payment processing window will open with the default customer and transaction inform atio n filled in and ready for a new transactio n to be entered.
Posted Transactions On the Posted Transactions windo w, the user i s allowed to void an existing payment that has already been posted. When the AssureBuy Payment Processing application is installed, this functionality is enhance d to ensure that payments with approved credit card transa ctions are not voided without issuing an appropriate refund.
When the Receivables Bat ch Entry wi ndow is open, an Extras menu will appear with two AssureBuy menu functi ons: Assure Buy Transactions and Process AssureBuy Batch Transactions.
A transaction has failed to receive an approval from the bank. Contact the customer to let them know the credit card was decli ned. A transaction was sent for proces sing but re ceived an error from the AssureBuy payment gateway. Review the “ AssureBuy Gateway Errors ” on page 101 or co ntact AssureBuy Support.
Report Field Description Batch Summary Fields A group of fiel ds that su mmarize how many transactions were attempted and the results of those transa ction s including the batch dollar totals. Type This field displays the document type for Receivable Manageme nt.
Report Field Description Number The number field displays a transaction reference numb er assigned by the AssureBuy payment gateway. Summary of Sales Transaction s The summary of sales transact ion section displays a summary of all credit card transaction that are approved sales.
Figure 40: Invoice Entry Window The AssureBuy Payment Processing wi ndow will launch and display all the transactions attached to the selected inv oice document. If there are no transactions attached to the current document, then a message will be displayed and a new transaction can b e entered.
Invoice Holds Warning: The AssureBuy system will remove any hold previously attached to a document when a credit card transact i on is processed. An invoice hold applied while to an in voice document will be affected by the A ssureBuy application when credit card transactions have been ad ded to the document.
Invoice Payment Entry Normally, credit card payments for invoice docum ents are entered directly on the Invoice Payment Entry window. When the AssureBuy Payment Processing application is installed, th is functionality is disabled and replaced by the AssureBuy Payment Processing wind ow.
payments are attached to the document. Depending on the type of credit card transactions found, the Assu reBuy Payment Processing application may prevent the payment from being removed until a credi t card tra nsaction has been removed or reversed. The following items outline the verifications performed by AssureBuy.
Figure 43: Invoice Batch AssureBuy Transactions By selecting the AssureBuy Transactions menu o ptio n, the Assu reBuy Payment Processing wind ow will launch and display all the credit card transactions attached to all docum ents i n the currently selected batch.
include anything from a transa ction failin g to get approval from the ban k to an error accessing the credit card network. Possible Errors Solutions A transaction has failed to receive an approval from the bank. Contact the customer to let them know the credit card was decli ned.
Report Field Description Batch Comment The Batch Comment field display s any notes that have been added to the current batch. Batch Summary Fields A group of fiel ds that su mmarize how many transactions were attempted and the results of those transa ction s including the batch dollar totals.
Report Field Description Status The status field displays the status of the credit card transaction. For a complete list of all possible status codes, pleas e see “ Transaction Result ” on page 28. Approval Code The approval code field displays the approval code received from the customer’s bank at the time of processing.
Technical Support How To Obtain Technical Support AssureBuy maintains a staff of qualified sup port pe rsonnel to assist when you encounter problems while using the payment pro cessing gateway.
Figure 45: About AssureBuy Window In order to provide you with the best po ssible service for your insta llation, the AssureBuy support staff will need to know the entire six-digit version number displayed on the About AssureBuy window.
Appendix AssureBuy Gateway Errors Error Code Description 0174 System cu rrently unavailable. 0175 Internal com munications error. 0181 Internal gate way error. 0187 System timeo ut, try again. 5101 Missi ng or invalid HTTP Content-type. 5102 No HT TP post data received.
Error Code Description 5301 Missi ng or invalid BillTo first name. 5302 Missi ng or invalid BillTo middle name. 5303 Missi ng or invalid BillTo last name. 5304 Missi ng or invalid BillTo name prefix. 5305 Missi ng or invalid BillTo company name. 5306 Missi ng or invalid BillTo address line 1.
Error Code Description 5602 Missi ng or invalid payment type. 5603 Missi ng or invalid payment card type. 5604 Missi ng or invalid payment number. 5605 Missi ng or invalid payment verification number. 5606 Missi ng or invalid payment PIN. 5607 Missi ng or invalid card present indicator.
Midway Island, Samoa Subtract 11:00 hours from GMT Hawaii Subtract 10:00 hours from GMT Alaska Subtract 9:00 hours from GMT Pacific Time Subtract 8:00 hours from GMT Mountain Time Subtract 7:00 hours .
ISO 3166 Standard Country Codes The following is a list of Internatio nal Standards Org anization (ISO) country codes in use by A ssu reBuy: Country Code AFGHANISTAN AF ALBANIA AL ALGERIA DZ AMERICAN .
VisaNet(Vital) – IP Frame AssureBuy Gateway Settings All terminals need to be setup to accept Paylin X software. AssureBuy is currently running Paylin X versi on 3.
Card Types Accepted Please check the card types that are ava il able. Some card types may require an additional merchant account. Pleas e cons ul t the merchant account provider for additional details.
FDMS South AssureBuy Gateway Settings All terminals need to be setup to accept PaylinX software. AssureBuy is currently running PaylinX version 3.1.9 with a frame con nection to the FDMS South credit card network. AssureBuy wi ll also ne ed a Contact name and number at the seller’s merchant accou n t bank.
FDMS Nashville (FDC) AssureBuy Gateway Settings All terminals need to be setup to accept PaylinX software. AssureBuy is currently running PaylinX version 3.
Glossary of Terms ACH ACH (Automated Clearin g house) is a serv ice used by banks that allows the banks to exchange electronic payments. Acquirer The acquirer receives all credit card or bankca rd transactions from the merchant and sends the data to the issui ng banks.
Authorization An authorization is given to the merchant by the cardholders’ bank at the time of the sale. The cardholder’s ba nk, or issuing ba nk, verifies th at the cardholder has ade quate fu nds availabl e on their account and issues the merchant an authorization code.
cardholder The cardholder is the person to whom t he financial institution has issued the credit card or debit card. A card holder can also be a person autho rized to use the credit card or debit card.
encryption Encryption is the process o f converting readable data into unreada ble data. Only the computer that has the ke y to the encryption can convert the unreadable data back to readabl e data. expiration date The expiration date is the date the credit card or debit card b ecomes invalid.
secure site, all information being sent and received by the computer will be encrypted. IntegriCharge® AssureBuy's IntegriCharge ® is an outsourced solution for Internet transaction and payment processing , fulfillment, reporting and customer relationship management.
navigation Navigation is the processes of moving from web p age through the use of a web brow ser. order system The order system is the part of the Web store right after the customer clicks the buy button.
recurring orders A recurring order is an order that will be automat ically resubmitted for payment after a specific period of time. Orders can recur d aily, wee kly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Refund A refund, or credit, is a transaction that returns mon ey to a credit ca rd customer.
the data to be encoded and decoded by only the users and the server. This process of encoding an d decoding the da ta prevent s any other co mputers or users from viewing the data being ex changed. swipe terminal A swipe terminal is a small machi ne with a modem that can dial into the credit card network for authorization s.
Index A About 12–14 , 41, 45, 54, 97–98 Accessing The AssureBuy Pa yment Processing Window 66, 69, 79, 81 , 87, 90 acquiring bank 11–12, 14 Action 14–15, 1 7, 21–22, 59, 75, 86, 94, 100 Add .
CVV2 8, 27–29 , 61, 65 CVV2 Response 29, 65 D Data Collection 10 Data Required 23 Data Returne d 23 , 25 Data Validation 6 database 7–8, 17, 22 , 27 , 31, 48, 59 Declined 15, 22 , 26–27, 41, 44,.
Posted Transactions 83 Primary UR L 40 Proc Date 75, 86, 94 Process 8, 9, 10, 11–15, 20 –22, 25, 26, 31, 32, 39, 42 – 44, 46–48, 52, 54, 59, 64–68, 7 1–72, 75, 76–78, 81–84, 86–87, 8.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Microsoft 8 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Microsoft 8 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Microsoft 8 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Microsoft 8 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Microsoft 8, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Microsoft 8.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Microsoft 8. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Microsoft 8 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.