Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MLPN 2407 del fabbricante Metrologic Instruments
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MetroSelect ™ Configuration Guide MLPN 2407/February 2000.
MetroSelect ™ USA Corporate Headquarters Metrologic Instruments, Inc. 90 Coles Road Blackwood, NJ 08012-4683 T el: 856-228-8100 Fax: 856-228-6673 Email: Europe Metrologic Instruments GmbH Dornierstrasse 2 82178 Puchheim b.
MetroSelect ™ Introduction iii Section A: Code Types & Decode Rules A Section B: Supplements B Section C: Communications C Section D: Scanner Operation D Section E: Prefixes/Suffixes E Section F.
MetroSelect ™ Y our new scanner has been configured at the factory with default settings. Many host systems have unique formats and protocol requirements. Therefore, Metrologic provides a wide range of configurable features that may be selected using this bar code based configuration tool.
MetroSelect ™ Multi-Code Method 1. Power up scanner 2. Scan Enter/Exit Configuration Mode bar code (3 beeps) 3. Scan bar code for the desired feature (1 beep) 4. Scan Enter/Exit Configuration Mode bar code (3 beeps) and save new configuration. Single Code Method 1.
MetroSelect ™ Use the Recall Default bar code. This will erase all previous settings and return to the scanner’s default communications protocol. -Keyboard Wedge interface scanners will load keyboard wedge defaults. -All other scanners load RS-232 defaults.
MetroSelect ™ UPC-EAN A-1 Code 128 A-3 Code 39 A-4 Interleaved 2 of 5 A-6 Standard 2 of 5 A-8 Other 2 of 5 Codes A-9 Codabar A-10 Code 93 A-11 Code 11 A-11 T elepen A-12 Plessey Codes A-13 Other Dec.
MetroSelect ™ *Enable UPC/EAN Disable UPC/EAN *Enable UPC-A Disable UPC-A *Enable UPC-E Disable UPC-E UPC/EAN 100116 100106 100216 100206 100210 100200 A-1.
MetroSelect ™ *Enable EAN-13 Disable EAN-13 *Enable EAN-8 Disable EAN-8 100211 100214 100201 100204 A-2.
MetroSelect ™ *Enable Code 128 Disable Code 128 Enable UCC/EAN - 128 ‘]C1’ Code formatting *Disable UCC/EAN -128 ‘]C1’ Code formatting Code 128 For Coupon Code 128, see Section B.
MetroSelect ™ *Enable Code 39 Disable Code 39 Enable MOD 43 Check on Code 39 *Disable MOD 43 Check on Code 39 When enabled, the scanner will only scan Code 39 bar codes that have a valid Modulo 43 check digit. The scanner will not test Code 39 bar codes for a Modulo 43 check digit.
MetroSelect ™ Enable PARAF (Italian Pharmaceutical Codes) Support *Disable PARAF Support When enabled, the scanner will convert Code 39 bar codes to P ARAF format.
MetroSelect ™ *Enable Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) Disable Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) Interleaved 2 of 5 Enable MOD 10 Check on ITF *Disable MOD 10 Check on ITF When option disabled, the scanner will not test Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) bar codes for a Modulo 10 check digit.
MetroSelect ™ ~ITF Symbol Length Lock 1 ~ITF Symbol Length Lock 2 T o specify a second ITF symbol length lock, scan the above bar code and the a p p r op ri ate code by tes lo cat ed i n S e c t i o n M . Re f e r to Mu l ti C o d e M et h o d o n p ag e i i i.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Standard 2 of 5 *Disable Standard 2 of 5 ~Standard 2 of 5 Symbol Length Standard 2 of 5 100110 100100 901500 A-8 T o sp e ci f y a m in i mu m n um be r o f I T F c h a r ac te r s t o b e d ec o d e d , s ca n t h e a b ov e b a r co d e a nd t h e a p pr o p r ia t e c o d e b yt es l o c a t ed i n S e ct io n M .
MetroSelect ™ Enable Matrix 2 of 5 *Disable Matrix 2 of 5 Enable 15 Digit Airline 2 of 5 *Disable 15 Digit Airline 2 of 5 Other 2 of 5 Codes Enable 13 Digit Airline 2 of 5 *Disable 13 Digit Airline .
MetroSelect ™ Codabar *Enable Codabar Disable Codabar Enable Dual Field Codabar *Disable Dual Field Codabar Enable Hong Kong 2 of 5 *Disable Hong Kong 2 of 5 100316 100306 100114 100104 100012 10000.
MetroSelect ™ *Enable Code 93 Disable Code 93 Enable Code 11 *Disable Code 11 Code 93 Code 11 100112 100102 100013 100003 A-11.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Telepen *Disable Telepen Enable ALPHA Telepen *Disable ALPHA Telepen T elepen 100017 100007 100016 100006 A-12.
MetroSelect ™ Enable MSI Plessey MOD 10/10 Check Digit T es t MSI P le ss e y ba r co de s for a d oub l e Mod ulo 1 0 c hec k di gi t. *No MSI Plessey Check Digit This option will not test MSI Plessey bar codes for a check digit.
MetroSelect ™ *UK Plessey A to X Conversion Disabled UK Plessey A to X Conversion Enabled Enable UK Plessey *Disable UK Plessey 100117 100107 100716 100706 A-14 Enables UK Plessey A to X Conversion.
MetroSelect ™ ~Symbol Length Lock This code combined with the proper Code Bytes, locks the bar c o d e ’ s length i nto pla ce. Refe r to M ul ti-C ode Method on page iii. ~Minimum Symbol Length Omnidirectional default is 4. Single-line default is 3.
MetroSelect ™ There are seven bar code lock lengths available. Specific code types can be assigned to a lock length. While in programming mode, start with lock length 1, then scan three Code Byte bar codes from Section M that represent the bar code length.
MetroSelect ™ ~Code Lock #3: Length ~Code Lock #3: Code Type ~Code Lock #4: Length ~Code Lock #4: Code Type ~Code Lock #5: Length ~Code Lock #5: Code Type 902400 902500 902600 902700 902800 902900 A.
MetroSelect ™ ~Code Lock #6: Length ~Code Lock #6: Code Type ~Code Lock #7: Length ~Code Lock #7: Code Type 903000 903100 903200 903300 A-18.
MetroSelect ™ Supplements T wo Digit Supplements B-1 Two Digit Redundancy B-1 Five Digit Supplements B-1 Five Digit Redundancy B-2 Supplements Required/Not Required B-2 Remote Supplemental Requireme.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Two Digit Supplements *Disable Two Digit Supplements *Disable Five Digit Supplements Enable Five Digit Supplements *Enable Two Digit Redundancy T wi ce b efore acc ept ing data, t he scanner will scan the bar code plus the 2 digit add on.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Five Digit Redundancy T w ice b efo re accept ing dat a, the scanner will scan the bar code plus the five digit add on. *Disable Five Digit Redundancy When Scanned, will not implement the five digit redundancy feature.
MetroSelect ™ *Disable 977 (2 digit) Supplemental Requirement When enabled, the scanner will not r equire a 2 digit supplement be scanned whenever an EAN-13 code begins with 977.
MetroSelect ™ *Disable #System 2 Requires Supplements Enable #System 2 Requires Supplements Enable #System 5 Requires Supplements *Disable #System 5 Requires Supplements Enable 434/439 German Supple.
MetroSelect ™ Enable 128 Group Separators “GS” (1DH) character will be transmit - ted with coupon Code 128 codes. *Disable 128 Group Separators “ GS” ( 1D H ) c h ar a ct e r wi ll n ot be tra nsm i tte d wit h c oup on C o de 128 c o d e s .
MetroSelect ™ 400 msec to Find Supplemental With this option, the scanner will allot 400 milliseconds to “find” an add on after a main UPC/EAN bar code has been scanned. 200 msec to Find Supplemental With this option, the scanner will allot 200 milliseconds to “find” an add on after a main UPC/EAN bar code has been scanned.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Code ID’s with Supplements *Disable Code ID’s with Supplements Beep Twice on Supplements *Beep Once on Supplements 101214 101204 118406 118416 B-7.
MetroSelect ™ Enable ISBN Check Digit Transmission Not available with all models. Disable ISBN Check Digit T ransmission *Disable Bookland to ISBN Conversion Enable ISBN Re-Formatting Not available with all models. *Disable ISBN Re-Formatting Enable Bookland to ISBN Conversion Not available with all models.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Light Pen/Wand Communication C-1 Enable RS-232 C-1 Load Keyboard Wedge Defaults C-1 Enable Stand-Alone Keyboard Scanner C-1 Enable Keyboard Wedge Emulation C-1 Enable OCIAOutput.
MetroSelect ™ *Enable RS-232 W h e n t hi s op t i o n i s e n a b l e d , t h e s ca n n e r w il l w o rk w it h R S - 23 2 + / - 1 2 V s e ri al o u t p u t . Enable Light Pen/Wand Communication Use this option if scanner should be used in place of a light pen.
MetroSelect ™ Enable OCIA Output S el e c t t h is op t io n i f t h e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s r e q u i r e me nt i s a n O p ti c a ll y C o u p l e d I n t e r fa c e A d ap t er (O C IA ) . T hi s a c l o c k e d ( by th e h o s t ) s e r i a l i n te r f a c e .
MetroSelect ™ Reserved Reserved 917500 415564 C-3 Enable No Communication Mode Select this option if the scanner does not interface with the host device.
MetroSelect ™ Section D Configuration Mode Options D-1 Scan Buffers D-2 Redundant Scans D-4 Miscellaneous Decode Features D-6 Depth of Field Adjustments D-7 Same Symbol Time Outs D-8 LED Options D-1.
MetroSelect ™ Allow Configuration Mode on Power-Up *Allow Configuration Mode Anytime A l l o w M e t r o S e t ™ co n fi gu ra t i o n a t a n y t i m e . Allow Configuration Labels on Power-up *Allow Configuration Labels Anytime Configuration Mode A l l ow s s c a n n i n g o f c o n f i g ur at i o n b a r c od e s a n y t i m e .
MetroSelect ™ *1 Scan Buffer When enabled, the scanner will scan one bar code in the scan field and not sc an again until the bar code is r emoved from the scan field for the duration of the same symbol time out. 2 Scan Buffers Same function as 2 Scan Buffers, but 4 bar codes are in the scan field.
MetroSelect ™ 7 Scan Buffers Same function as 2 Scan Buffers, but 7 bar codes are in the scan field. 8 Scan Buffers Same function as 2 Scan Buffers, but 8 bar codes are in the scan field.
MetroSelect ™ 1 Redundant Scans 2 Redundant Scans 3 Redundant Scans *0 Redundant Scans Redundant Scans 5 Redundant Scans Requires 1 good decode for a “good scan.” Requires 2 consecutive decodes of the same bar code data for a “good scan” . Requires 3 consecutive.
MetroSelect ™ 7 Redundant Scans 6 Redundant Scans Requires 7... Requires 8... 301160 301170 D-5.
MetroSelect ™ *Normal Same Symbol Check Optional Same Symbol Check Disable MAJIC *Enable MAJIC Miscellaneous Decode Features The Metrologic Algorithm for Joining Incomplete Codes (M AJ I C) aids in deciphering damaged or incomplete bar codes. Enable for more aggres- sive decoding.
MetroSelect ™ Fixed for High Density Codes Fixed for Medium Density *Optimize for Low Density Codes Do not change these settings unless instructed by a Metrologic representative.
MetroSelect ™ Same Symbol Time Out 100 msecs *Same Symbol Time Out 500 msecs Same Symbol Time Out 1200 msecs Same Symbol Time Out 2000 msecs Same Symbol Time Out 200 msecs No Same Symbol Time Out T .
MetroSelect ™ ~Variable Same Symbol Time- out In configuration mode, scan this bar code and a code byte sequence from Section M to set the same symbol time out duration. Values range f r om 001 to 127 (5 0 to 6350 msecs). Refer to MultiCode Method on page iii.
MetroSelect ™ *Do Not Flash Green LED if Rescan Allowed Reverse LED Functions *Normal LED Functions Flash Green LED if Rescan Allowed This indicates same symbol timeout has elapsed.
MetroSelect ™ Optional Tone 1 Optional Tone 2 Optional Tone 3 *Normal Tone Optional Tone 4 Optional Tone 5 Beeper Options 318575 318565 318555 318545 318535 318525 D-11.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Fast Beep *Disable Fast Beep Beep Twice on Supplements No Beep Optional Tone 6 *Beep Once on Supplements 318515 318505 118406 118416 118414 118404 D-12.
MetroSelect ™ Beep on BEL Command The scanner beeps when it receives a BEL character from the host. If a number is sent within 200 msecs before the BEL character, the scanner will beep that number of times.
MetroSelect ™ *1 msec Intercharacter Delay 10 msec Intercharacter Delay Use these codes to select the amount of delay between sending data characters and “Bar code” Records from the scan- ner to the host. This helps prevent the scanner from overflowing host input buffers.
MetroSelect ™ T urn Off Laser During Inter - Record Delay *Leave Laser On During Inter-Record Delay ~Variable Inter-Record Delay Inter-Record Delay No Intercharacter Delay 818800 919300 119317 11930.
MetroSelect ™ *Beep Before Transmit S c a n n e r w i ll b e e p a f t er ea ch l a b e l is t r a n s- m i t t e d . Beep After Transmit S ca n ne r w i l l be e p af t e r e a ch l a b el is tr a n s - m i t t e d .
MetroSelect ™ Long Communications Time Out (4 secs) Short Communications Time Out (1 secs) Three Beeps on Time Out *No Beeps on Time Out Razzberry Tone on Time Out *No Razzber ry Tone on Time Out 81.
MetroSelect ™ *Disable “D/E” Disable D o n o t m o ni t o r D/ E c o mm a nd s. Enable “D/E” Disable Command When this option is chosen, the scanner will disable scanning after it r eceives an ASCII “Z” from the host device. It will enable scanning when it receives an ASCII “R.
MetroSelect ™ Enable “F/L” Laser Command *Disable “F/L” Laser Command Do not monitor “F/L” commands. When enabled, the scanner will turn o f f th e la ser aft er the s cann er r eceives an ASCII “F” character. The laser will turn on after it receives an ASCII “L” character .
MetroSelect ™ Use DTRScan Disable When enabled, the scanner will monitor the DTR input to determine if scanning should be allowed. A +12V “active” level enables decoding. A - 12V “i nac tiv e” l eve l di sab les decoding. *Do not use DTRScan Disable Do not monitor the DTR input.
MetroSelect ™ No Green LED During “NO READ” Xmit *Green LED During “NOREAD” Xmit T ransmit “NO READ” if DC2 Activated Do Not Transmit “NO READ” if DC2 Activated *Do Not Activate on D.
MetroSelect ™ Always Power Save Mode Enters power save mode immediately after power-up and after each bar c ode s canne d. For use with Omnidirectional scanners only. Enters power save mode when the scanner r emains idle for 1 minute. For use with Omnidirectional scanners only.
MetroSelect ™ Power Save in 20 Minutes E n t e r s po w e r s a v e m od e i f t h e s c a n ne r r e m a i ns i d le fo r 2 0 mi n u t es . For use with Omnidirectional scanners only . Power Save in 30 Minutes D-23 8186200 8186300 E n t e rs p o w er sa v e m od e i f t h e s c a nn er r em ai n s i d l e f or 3 0 m in ut es .
MetroSelect ™ Enable Japan Mode *Disable Japan Mode Miscellaneous Features D-24 118112 118102.
MetroSelect ™ Scanability ON T hi s o pt i o n e nt er s s c a n a b i li t y te s t m o d e . D o n ot en a b le un l es s in st r u ct ed b y a M e t r ol o g i c r e p r e s e nt a t i v e.
MetroSelect ™ Section E Prefixes/Suffixes User Configurable Prefixes, All Data E-1 User Configurable ID Characters, Code Specific E-3 Standard Prefix Characters E-8 Standard Suffix Characters E-13 L.
MetroSelect ™ ~Configurable Prefix Character #1 When this option is chosen, a prefix ID can be added and assigned for data transmission. Use this code with a 3 cod e b yte sequ en ce f r o m Sec tio n M th at r e p r ese nts the desired character . ~Configurable Prefix Character #2 Assigns a second configurable prefix character .
MetroSelect ™ ~Configurable Prefix Character #7 Assigns a seventh configurable prefix character . ~Configurable Prefix Character #8 Assigns an eighth configurable prefix character . ~Configurable Prefix Character #10 A ss i g n s a t e n th c o nf i g u r a bl e p r ef ix c h a r a c t e r .
MetroSelect ™ Use Configurable Code ID Bytes as Suffixes Us er co n f ig u r e d, c o de s pe ci fic ID by te s a r e tra ns m itt ed a f t e r th e d a t a.
MetroSelect ™ Configurable EAN-8 ID Configurable EAN-13 ID Configurable Code 128 ID Configurable Code 39 ID 905800 905900 906000 906100 E-4 W h i le i n u s i n g t he M u l ti C o d e Me th o d, sc.
MetroSelect ™ Configurable Code 93 ID Configurable Code 11 ID E-5 W h i le i n u si n g t h e M ul t i C od e M e th o d, s c a n t hi s b a r c o d e fo ll ow ed b y th e 3 c od e by t e b a r c o d es i n S e ct i o n M t ha t r e p r es e n t a u ni q u e ID ch a r ac t e r to b e a s so c i a te d w it h t h is ba r c o d e ty p e.
MetroSelect ™ E-6 Configurable Interleaved 2 of 5 ID Configurable Matrix 2 of 5 ID Configurable Airline 2 of 5 ID Configurable Standard 2 of 5 ID 907100 906700 906800 906900 W h i l e i n u si n g t.
MetroSelect ™ E-7 Configurable MSI Plessey ID Configurable UK Plessey ID *Clear all Configurable Code Specific ID’ s Configurable Codabar ID 906500 907000 W h i l e i n u si n g t h e M ul t i C o.
MetroSelect ™ E-8 Enable Rochford-Thomson Mode *Disable Rochford-Thomson Mode Enable STX Prefix *Disable STX Prefix Standard Prefix Characters When enabled, the scanner will trans - mi t a S t a r t of T e X t (ASCII 0 2H) before each bar code. W ill not transmit a S tart of T e X t (ASCII 02H) before each bar code.
MetroSelect ™ E-9 Enable UPC Prefix ID *Disable UPCPrefix ID When enabled, the scanner will transmit a prefix before any UPC/EAN bar code. The prefixes are A (UPC-A), E0 (UPC-E), F (EAN-13), and FF (EAN-8). Do not send prefix ID Characters with UPC/EAN codes.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Nixdorf ID Characters Wh en en a b le d , th i s opt i on t ran sm it s c od e id en t if i e r s befo r e ea c h b ar c o de f or ma n y S ie me n s / Ni xd o rf r e g i s t e r s . *Disable Nixdorf ID Characters Thi s b ar code wil l not tr ansmit S i e m e n s / N i x d o r f co de id e nt ifi er s.
MetroSelect ™ E-11 Enable Manufacturer ID Prefix T r an s mi ts “ M E T R O L O G I C” b e fo re al l ba r c od e d at a t o i d en ti f y t h e s ca n n e r a s a M e t r ol og i c s ca n ne r . *Disable Manufacturer ID Prefix W ill not transmit the identification string.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Tab Prefix The Scanner will transmit a TAB (ASCII 09H) before each bar code. *Disable Tab Prefix Will not transmit a TAB. *Disable SNI Beetle Mode Enable SNI Beetle Mode Enable .
MetroSelect ™ E-13 *Enable CR Suffix Disable CR Suffix Enable Tab Suffix *Disable Tab Suffix W ill not transmit TAB (ASCII 09H) after each bar code. Disable LF Suffix *Enable LF Suffix Standard Suffix Characters Whe n en able d, t he sc anne r wil l transmit a TAB (ASCII 09H) after each bar code.
MetroSelect ™ Enable ETX Suffix W hen ena ble d, th e scan ner wil l transmit E nd of T e X t (ASCII 03H) after the bar code data. *Disable ETX Suffix *Disable UPC Suffix ID W ill not transmit a suffix after UPC/EAN bar codes. Enable UPC Suffix ID W hen en able d, the s ca nner wi ll transmit a suffix after any UPC/EAN bar code.
MetroSelect ™ E-15 *Disable Transmit of LRC Calculation Wi ll n o t out p u t an L RC ( c h ec k c ha r act e r ) a ft e r th e b a r c od e . Start LRC on Second Byte *Start LRC on First Byte Enable Transmit of LRC Calculation Wi th t his o p tio n , t h e scan n e r ou t put s a n L RC che c k ch a r ac te r af t e r the ba r c ode .
MetroSelect ™ ~Configurable Suffix Character #1 ~Configurable Suffix Character #2 ~Configurable Suffix Character #4 ~Configurable Suffix Character #3 User Configurable Suffixes, All Data When chosen, a suffix ID can be added and assigned for data transmission.
MetroSelect ™ E-17 ~Configurable Suffix Character #5 ~Configurable Suffix Character #6 A ss ig ns a f i f t h c o n fi g u r a b le su f f i x c ha r a c t er .
MetroSelect ™ *Clear All User Configurable Suffixes E-18 999984.
MetroSelect ™ E-19 Special Formats Enable SINEKO Mode *Disable SINEKO Mode *Disable Newcode Formatting Mode B Enable Newcode Formatting Mode B *Disable Newcode Formatting Mode A Enable Newcode Forma.
MetroSelect ™ UPC-EAN Formatting F-1 Codabar Formatting F-5 Code 39 Formatting F-6 Code 11 F-7 T elepen F-7 Plessey F-8 2 of 5 Code Formatting F-9 Section F Code Formatting F.
MetroSelect ™ *Transmit UPC-A Check Digit T ransmit UPC-E Check Digit *Do Not Transmit UPC-E Check Digit Expand UPC-E to 12 Digits Expand UPC-E bar codes to the 12 digit equivalent, UPC-A bar codes. *Do Not Expand UPC-E to 12 Digits Do not expand UPC-E to the 12 digit equivalent, UPC-A bar code.
MetroSelect ™ Convert UPC-A to EAN-13 W ith thi s opti on , t he sc a nn er conve r t s U PC-A to EAN- 1 3 by tra ns mi tti ng a lead - ing z er o be fo r e th e ba r cod e . *Do Not Convert UPC-A to EAN-13 W ith this option, the scanner will not convert UPC-A to EAN-13.
MetroSelect ™ F-3 *Transmit UPC-A Number System Metrologic strongly discourages using this feature. Duplicate numbers may result in the database. Do Not Transmit UPC-A Number System Do Not Transmit .
MetroSelect ™ *Transmit EAN-8 Check Digit Do Not Transmit EAN-8 Check Digit Do Not Transmit EAN-13 Check Digit S cann er wi ll no t tr ans mi t E AN -13 C heck Digi t .
MetroSelect ™ F-5 Transmit Codabar Start/Stop Characters T ran sm its Cod a bar ’ s star t/s to p ch a r a ct ers bef o re and af te r ea ch ba r code . *Do Not Transmit Codabar Start/Stop W ill not t ra nsm i t Co da b ar ’ s st a r t / s t o p c ha r ac t er s bef or e a n d a f ter each bar c o d e .
MetroSelect ™ T ransmit Mod 43 Check Digit On Code 39 T hi s f e a t u r e w o r k s i n c o n j u n c ti o n w it h M o d 43 C h e ck on C od e 3 9 o pt i on in s ec ti on A.
MetroSelect ™ F-7 T ransmit Code 11 Check Digit This bar code will transmit Code 11 check characters when used with Enabled Code 11 in section A. *Do Not Transmit Code 11 Check Digit T hi s ba r co d e wi l l n ot t ra n s mi t Co de 11 c he c k c h a ra ct e r s .
MetroSelect ™ Transmit UK Plessey Check Digit T he s ca nne r wi ll t r a ns m it U K Pl ess e y Ch e ck D ig it ch ar a c t er s and mu st be us e d wi t h th e UK P le s s ey o pti o n . *Do Not Transmit UK Plessey Check Digit W il l n o t t r a n sm it UK P l e ss ey C h ec k D ig it ch ar a ct er s .
MetroSelect ™ F-9 *Do not Transmit Mod 10 Check Digit on ITF T he sca nne r wi ll not tra n s m i t Int e r le a v e d 2 of 5 (I T F ) Mo d 10 che c k char ac te r . W ork s in c on j u nc ti on wi t h M o d 1 0 ch e ck on ITF . B ot h m ust be en ab l e for thi s f e a - t u r e to wor k.
MetroSelect ™ Section G RS-232 Enable RS-232 G-1 Parity Features G-2 BAUD Rate Features G-3 Data/Stop Bit Features G-5 Hardware Handshaking G-6 Software Handshaking G-9 Miscellaneous G-11 G.
MetroSelect ™ *Enable RS-232 Mode When enabled the scanner will work with RS-232 +/-12V serial output. 415554 G-1.
MetroSelect ™ A parity bit is an extra data bit used to help catch data transmission er rors. The scanner’s parity must match the host’s parity .
MetroSelect ™ G-3 115200 BAUD Rate A “BAU D” or “ BAU D Rate” i s the s p eed at which d ata is transmitted. Select a BAUD for the sca nner that mat c hes th e host device.
MetroSelect ™ 4800 BAUD Rate 2400 BAUD Rate 600 BAUD Rate 300 BAUD Rate 1200 BAUD Rate 415840 415830 415820 415810 415800 G-4.
MetroSelect ™ G-5 8 Data Bits Number of data bits transmitted for each character . *7 Data Bits *2 Stop Bits 1 Stop Bit Data/Stop Bits 116013 116003 116014 116004.
MetroSelect ™ Enable RTS/CTS Handshaking *Disable RTS/CTS Handshaking Message RTS/CTS A c t i v a t e /D e ac ti v a t e R T S s i g na l f o r ea c h c h a r a c t e r .
MetroSelect ™ G-7 Invert CTS Polarity (RSV2) +12v = Inactive, do not send -12v = Active, OK to send *Standard CTS Polarity - 12v = I na c ti v e , do no t se nd + 12 v = A c t iv e , OK to s e nd *Activate RTS, Wait for CTS W ai t f or C TS af t er a c t iv a ti n g R T S .
MetroSelect ™ Enable DTR Support Wh en ena ble d the sc an ne r will sto p s canni ng wh en t he Data T e r mi na l Rea d y ( DTR) s ign a l go es inac ti ve. *Disable DTR Suppor t Enable RTS Counter Toggle T he sc a n n er wi ll to gg l e t he R T S l in e o n a g oo d d e c o de .
MetroSelect ™ G-9 Enable XON/XOFF Handshaking Wh en ena bl ed, the sc an ner wi ll s t op t ran sm i s s io n w h e nev e r an XO FF ( A S C I I 13H) is r e ce iv ed . T r a n s m i s s i o n wi ll r e s u me a f t e r a n X ON ( A SCI I 1 1 H ) is r e c e i v e d .
MetroSelect ™ Enable 5 Retries on ACK/NAK Time Out Al low u p t o 5 NAK r e t r an sm iss io n s o f th e d ata be f or e dr op p in g ou t of th e co mm un ic a t io n s lo op . *Disable 5 Retries on ACK/NAK Time Out D o no t l im it r e t r an sm i s s io n t o 5 NAK c y c l e s .
MetroSelect ™ G-11 *Disable French PC Term D o n ot t r a ns mi t in Fr en c h P C T e r m m o de . Enable French PC Term W h e n en a bl e d, t h e s c a nn er t r an sm i t s P C t yp e m a k e / b r e a k sc a n c o de s in s te ad of AS C I I d a t a c ha r a ct er s.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Keyboard Emulations H-1 Country/Scan Code Table Selects H-2 Keyboard/System Type H-4 Special Keyboard Features H-5 InterScan Code Delays H-8 Control Sets H-9 Section H Keyboard .
MetroSelect ™ H-1 *Enable Keyboard Wedge Emulation Us e thi s wit h an ext e rna l ke ybo ar d . T r ansm it i n we dg e mod e t o al low st a n - d a r d PC Ke y bo ard s to co mmu ni cate w he n no ba r co de da t a i s a vai labl e .
MetroSelect ™ *USA Keyboard Enable USA Keyboard. Switzerland Keyboard En ab le Sw is s K e yb oa r d . Spain Keyboard Enable Spanish Keyboard. Italy Keyboard Enable Italian Keyboard. France Keyboar d Enable French Keyboard. Germany Keyboard Enable German Keyboard.
MetroSelect ™ H-3 UK Keyboard Enable UK Keyboard. Belgium Keyboard Enable Belgium Keyboard. Japanese Keyboard IBM 4700 Financial Keyboar d Enable IBM 4700 Financial Keyboard.
MetroSelect ™ PS/2 Keyboard Sc an th e ab ove fo r PS/2 comp ut er . (I nc lu d e s IBM PC an d c o mp a ti ble m o de l s 3 0, 70 , 85 5 6 ) *AT Keyboard If using an AT computer, scan the abo ve. (I nclu des IB M PS /2 and compatible models 50, 55, 60, 80) XT Keyboar d I f u si n g a n X T c om pu t er , s ca n th e ab o v e .
MetroSelect ™ H-5 Do Not Transmit F0H Break Code The scanner will not transmit the F0H in the break-code sequence. *Transmit F0H Break Code The scanner will transmit the F0H in the break-code sequence.
MetroSelect ™ Enable Alt Mode W hen e n able d, the sc an ner wi ll dup l i cate this keyboa r d sequence: Hold down ALT key: Type decimal number that corresponds to the appropriate character. *Disable Alt Mode C au t i on : If ho st so f t wa re ap p l i c ati on u se s the ri g ht A l t ke y as a “Ho t ” ke y .
MetroSelect ™ H-7 *Send Numbers as Normal Data Send Numbers as Keypad Data W h e n en ab l e d , a ll d a ta i s s e n t as i f i t ha s b e e n e n t e r ed on a k ey p ad .
MetroSelect ™ *InterScan Code Delay 800 Microseconds T h e t im e s p ec i f i e d r e p r es e n ts t h e am ou n t o f ti m e b e t w e en in di v i d u a l 9 bi t - s c an c o d e s . Th i s p a r a m e t er m a y n e e d to b e a d j u st ed fo r o p e r a ti o n w i t h c e r t a in P C k e y b o a r d BI OS .
MetroSelect ™ H-9 Disable Control Set #1 Enable Control Set #1 Control Sets In general, standard bar code symbologies will only encode the ASCII character set. Function keys, ar row keys and many other “extended” keys on an IBMcompatible keyboard do not translate to ASCII characters.
MetroSelect ™ 0AH 0BH 0CH 0DH 0EH 0FH 10H 11H 12H 13H 14H 15H 16H 17H 18H 19H 1AH 1BH 1CH 1DH 1EH 1FH LF VT FF CR SO SI DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US Caps Lock Shift Tab.
MetroSelect ™ OCIA I-1 Load OCIA Defaults I-1 DTS/Nixdorf I-1 DTS/Siemens I-1 NCR-S I-1 NCR-F I-1 Section I OCIA I.
MetroSelect ™ I-1 Enable OCIA Mode *Enable DTS/Nixdorf Enable NCR-F Enable NCR-S Load OCIA Defaults Enable DTS/Siemens 217736 217726 415544 999993 217706 217716 Select this option if communications requires OCIA (Optically Coupled Interface Adapter).
MetroSelect ™ Light Pen Parameters Enable Light Pen Mode J-1 Spaces/Bar High J-1 T ransmit as Scanned/Code 39 J-1 Poll Light Pen Source J-2 Light Pen Extra Toggle J-2 10x Narrow Element Border J-2 5.
MetroSelect ™ J-1 Spaces High Transmit Code 39 A ll bar co d e s wi ll b e de c ode d th e n t rans m i t t ed a s co d e 3 9 b a r c od e s . *Transmit as Scanned A ll ba r cod es wil l be dec o de d an d t ran s mi t t e d i n t h a t s y m b ol o g y .
MetroSelect ™ J-2 Poll Light Pen Source When chosen, the scanner waits for an ac tive so urce voltage b efore transmitting data. *Do Not Poll Light Pen Source W he n c h os e n, th e s c a n n er w i ll n o t w ai t f or a n a ct iv e s ou r c e v ol ta ge b e f o r e t ra n s m i t t i n g d at a.
MetroSelect ™ J-3 ~Variable Narrow Element Width S et s the m in i mu m x-d i m e ns i o n in 6 µ s i n c r e m e nt s. S ca n t hi s c od e f o ll ow e d b y a 3 d ig it c o d e b y t e se qu e nc e fo u nd i n Se c t io n M . Re f e r to Mu l t i C o de Me th od o n p a g e ii i .
MetroSelect ™ IBM 46xx Configuration IBM Port K-1 IBM Reserved Codes K-2 Section K K.
MetroSelect ™ IBM Port 17B 3687-2 In Counter IBM Port 9B 4500 CCD HH BCRI IBM Port 5B 1520 HH Laser IBM Por t Load 46xx IBM Defaults Load default format settings for the IBM 46xx systems . Enable IBM 46xx Communication S ele c t th i s o pti o n for IB M 46X X S IO C / R S 4 8 5 co mmu n i cat i on s .
MetroSelect ™ K-2 IBM Reserved #1 IBM Reserved #2 IBM Reserved #4 IBM Reserved #5 IBM Reserved #3 IBM Reserved Codes 317200 317210 317220 317230 317240.
MetroSelect ™ Section L Activation Range L-1 CodeGate ™ Status L-2 Laser/Scan Modes L-3 Same Symbol Time Outs L-4 MS9500 Voyager ™ L.
MetroSelect ™ Activation Range L-1 *Long Range in Stand Short Range in Stand Short Range out of Stand *Long Range out of Stand Use these bar codes to select infrared (IR) sensor activation range for sensing when objects are placed in the scan field.
MetroSelect ™ L-2 CodeGate Active in the Stand Use the following to control button functions. *CodeGate Inactive in the Stand CodeGate Inactive Out of Stand *CodeGate Active Out of Stand CodeGate �.
MetroSelect ™ L-3 *Normal Scan Continuous Blinky Scan Custom (One Shot) Scan Blinky Scan Laser/Scan Modes 418304 418324 418334 418344 Laser turns on after the IR senses a bar code. The laser remains on for approximately 3 to 10 seconds. Laser turns on after the IR senses a bar code.
MetroSelect ™ L-4 No Same Symbol Time Out 1000 msec Same Symbol Time Out 750 msec Same Symbol Time Out 625 msec Same Symbol Time Out 500 msec Same Symbol Time Out *875 msec Same Symbol Time Out Same.
MetroSelect ™ L-5 375 msec Same Symbol Time Out 250 msec Same Symbol Time Out Infinite Same Symbol Time Out 318960 318970 118917.
MetroSelect ™ Section M Code Byte Usage M-1 Code Bytes 0-5 M-2 Code Bytes 6-9 M-3 Reserved Codes M-4 Code Byte/Code Type Table M-5 ASCII Reference Table M-6 Extended Key Code Reference Table M-11 Co.
MetroSelect ™ M-1 User Configurable Prefixes, Symbol Length and other features that use these Code Bytes for configura- tion, require that the scanner be in Configuration Mode. Scan the Enter/Exit Configuration Mode bar code before starting the configuration cycle.
MetroSelect ™ M-2 Code Byte 0 Code Byte 1 Code Byte 3 Code Byte 4 Code Byte 5 Code Byte 2 Code Bytes 0-5 0 1 2 3 4 5.
MetroSelect ™ M-3 Code Byte 6 Code Byte 7 Code Byte 8 Code Byte 9 Code Bytes 6-9 6 7 8 9.
MetroSelect ™ M-4 ~Enable Reserved Code ~Disable Reserved Code Reserved Codes 999988 999987 Contact Metrologic for information about this feature..
MetroSelect ™ M-5 004 002 003 005 080 081 082 083 084 091 092 093 094 095 096 099 098 097 Code Byte/Code Type Table UPC-A UPC-E EAN-8 EAN-13 Code 39 Codabar Interleaved 2 of 5 Code 128 Code 93 MSI P.
MetroSelect ™ 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ASCII Reference Table 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 .
MetroSelect ™ M-7 ASCII Reference Table HEX Value Decimal/ Code Byte Value Character Control Keyboar d EQV 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 SUB ESC FS GS RS US SP ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - .
MetroSelect ™ ASCII Reference Table HEX Value Decimal/ Code Byte Value Character Control Keyboard EQV 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 052 053 054 055 05.
MetroSelect ™ M-9 ASCII Reference Table HEX Value Decimal/ Code Byte Value Character Control Keyboard EQV 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 078 079 080 08.
MetroSelect ™ ASCII Reference Table HEX Value Decimal/ Code Byte Value Character Control Keyboard EQV 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 104 105 106 107 108 109 .
MetroSelect ™ M-11 Extended Key Code Reference Table Key At Scan Code XT/PS2 Scan Code Prefix/Suffix Value Hex = Decimal Insert Delete Home End Page Up Page Down Right Alt Right Ctrl Reserved Reserv.
MetroSelect ™ Extended Key Code Reference Table Key At Scan Code XT/PS2 Scan Code Prefix/Suffix Value Hex = Decimal F11 F12 Numeric + Numeric - Numeric * Caps Lock Num Lock Left Alt Left Ctrl Left S.
MetroSelect ™ Section N Custom Defaults N-1 Serial Program Mode N-3 Miscellaneous Features N.
MetroSelect ™ Custom Defaults Enable Factory Defaults 846600 Metrologic manufatures several scanners for OEM applications. These scanners may use a different set of defaults than Metrologic factory defaults. Scanning the bar code will reset the default table to Metrologic defaults.
MetroSelect ™ Ruby Verifone Defaults 84661280 RCH 84660010 Sanyo 84660020 Gilbarco 84660030 ALT Defaults 84660040 Scan this code followed by “Recall Defaults” code to enable and load Ruby Verifone Defaults. Scan this code followed by “Recall Defaults” code to enable and load RCH Defaults.
MetroSelect ™ N-3 For Serial Program Mode, all commands must be framed by an STX (02 Hex) and ETX (03 Hex). T o recall defaults: 1) T ransmit <STX>999999<ETX> through the Serial Port. This will put the scanner in serial program mode. Scanning will be suspended and the scanner will respond with an ACK (06 Hex).
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Metrologic Instruments MLPN 2407 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Metrologic Instruments MLPN 2407 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Metrologic Instruments MLPN 2407 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Metrologic Instruments MLPN 2407 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Metrologic Instruments MLPN 2407, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Metrologic Instruments MLPN 2407.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Metrologic Instruments MLPN 2407. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Metrologic Instruments MLPN 2407 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.