Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MegaRAID Express 500 del fabbricante LSI
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MegaRAID ® Express 500 Hardw are Guide MAN- 475 6/13/2001.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss500 Har dwar e G uide ii © Copy right 2001 L S I Lo gic Cor poratio n All rights reserved. LSI Logic Corporat ion 6145-D N orthbe lt P arkw ay Nor cros s, G A 30071 This publ ication contains proprie tary infor mation w hich is pro tecte d by co pyr ight.
Pref ace iii Table of Contents 1 Overv iew .................................................. 1 Single En ded and Diff erential SCSI Buse s ....................... 2 Maxim um Cable Len gth for SC SI Standards .................... 2 Docum entation.....
Meg aRAI D Expre ss500 Har dwar e G uide iv Table of Contents, Continued 4 Features ................................................. 27 Hardw are Requirem ents ................................................. 28 Config uration Features .............
Pref ace v Table of Contents, Continued 6 Hardware Installation ............................ 49 Checklis t ......................................................................... 49 Installation Steps.................................................
Meg aRAI D Expre ss500 Hardw are G uide vi Table of Contents, Continued 8 Troubleshooting .................................... 99 BIOS Boot Error Message s .......................................... 101 Other BIOS Error Messa ges .....................
Pref ace vii Preface The Me gaRA ID Express 500 PCI RA ID Controller supports all single ended and low -voltage diff erentia l (LVD) SC SI device s on a 160M Ultra and Wide SCSI channe l with data transf er rates up to 160 MB/s (Meg abytes pe r sec ond).
Meg aRAI D Expre ss500 Hardw are G uide viii Preface, Continued Package Contents You shou ld have receiv ed: • a MegaRA ID Express 500 PCI R AID C ontroller • a CD w ith drivers, utilities, and do.
Pref ace ix MegaRA ID Problem Report Form Custom er Inform ation Meg aRAID Inform ati on Name Today’s Date Company Date of Pu rchase Addre ss Invoic e Num ber City/Sta te Serial Num ber Country emai.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss500 Hardw are G uide x Logical Drive RAID Level Stripe Size Logical Drive Size Cache Policy Read Policy Wri te Policy # of Physical Drives LD20 LD21 LD22 LD23 LD24 LD25 LD26 LD27 LD.
Pref ace xi Phy sical Device Lay out Channel 1 Target ID Device Type Logical Dr ive Nu mber / Dri ve Num ber Manufa cturer /Model Num ber Firmw are level Target ID Device Type Logical Dr ive Nu mber /.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss500 Hardw are G uide xii Channel 1 Logical Dr ive Nu mber / Dri ve Num ber Manufa cturer /Model Num ber Firmw are level Target ID Device Type Logical Dr ive Nu mber / Dri ve Num ber.
Pref ace xiii Preface, Continued Disclaim er This m anual desc ribes the operation of the LSI Log ic Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Disk Array Controller. A lthough eff orts hav e been m ade to assure the ac.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss500 Hardw are G uide xiv FCC Regulatory Statement This de vice co mplies w ith Part 15 o f the F CC Rules. Ope ration is s ubject to the follo wing two conditions: (1) this device m.
Chapter 1 O verv iew 1 1O v e r v i e w The MegaRAID® Ex press 500 PCI RA ID controller is a h igh perf ormance in telligent PCI-to-SCSI host adapter w ith RAID control capabilities. The MegaRAID Express 500 provides reliability, high perform a nce, and fau lt-tolerant disk subsy stem m anagement.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 2 Single Ended and Differential SCSI Buses The SCSI standard def ines tw o electrical buses: • a sing le ended bus • low- voltage differential bus Maximum.
Chapter 1 O verv iew 3 Documentation The MegaRA ID Express 500 t echnical docu men tation s et inclu des: • the MegaRAID Elite 1600 Hardware Guide • the MegaRAID C onfigurat ion Softwar e Guide �.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 4 MegaRA ID Express 500 Block Diagram.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 5 2 Introduction to RAID RAID (Redundant A rray of Independent Disks) is an array o f m ultiple independent hard disk dri ves th at provide hig h performan ce and fau lt toleran ce. A RA ID disk subsy stem improv es I/O perform ance over a comput er using only a s ingle driv e.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 6 In This Chapter The follow ing topics are dis cussed: Major Topic Subtop ic turn to Host-based RAID solution page 7 RAID overview page 8 Consiste ncy c heck.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 7 MegaRA ID Express 500 – Host-Based R A ID Solution RAID produ cts are either: • host- based or • SCSI-to-SCSI The MegaRA ID Express 500 controller is a host- based RA ID solution . MegaRA ID Express 500 is a PCI adapter card t hat is i nstall ed in any available PCI ex pansion slot in a host system.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 8 RA ID Overview RAID (R edundant A rray of Independent Disk s) is a collection of s pecifications th at describe a system f or ensuring th e reliability and stability of data stored on large disk subsy stems .
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 9 Disk Rebuild You rebuild a disk drive by recreating the data th at had been st ored on the drive bef ore the drive failed. Rebuil ding can be done only in arrays w ith data redun dancy such as RAID level 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, and 50.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 10 Hot Spares A hot spa re is a n extra, unused d isk dr ive that i s par t of the d isk subsystem. I t is usually in standby mode, ready f or service if a driv e fails. Hot spares perm it you to replace failed drives with out system shutdow n or user intervention.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 11 Parity Parity generat es a set of redundancy data from tw o or more parent data sets. The redundancy data can be used to reconstruct one of the parent data sets. Parity data does not fully d uplicate the parent data sets.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 12 Disk Striping Disk striping w r ites data across multiple disk drives instead of just one disk drive. Disk striping involves partitioning each drive storage space into stripes that can vary in size from 2 KB to 128 KB.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 13 Disk Mirroring With mirroring (used in RAID 1), data written to one disk drive is sim ultaneously w r itten to anoth er disk driv e. If one di sk driv e fails, t he conten ts of th e other disk driv e can be used to run the sy stem and recons truct the fa iled drive.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 14 Disk Spanning Disk spanning allow s multiple disk drives to function like one big drive. Spannin g overcom es lack of dis k space and sim plifies storage m anagement by com b ining existing resources or addin g relati vely inexpen sive res ources.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 15 Logical Drive A logical drive is a partition in a phy sical array of disks that is made up of contig uous data segm ents on the phy sical disks.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 16 Disk A rray Ty pes The RAID disk array ty pes are listed in the follow ing table: Type D escri ptio n Softw are- Based The a rray is manag ed by softw are running in a hos t compute r using the host CPU bandwidth.
Chapter 3 RA ID L evel s 17 3 RAID Levels The re ar e six o fficial RAI D level s (RAID 0 thro ugh RAID 5) . Mega RAID Exp ress 5 00 supports R AID levels 0, 1, 3, and 5. LSI L ogic has des igned th ree additional RAID lev els (10, 30, and 50) that provide add itional benefits.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 18 Selecting a RA ID Level Level Description and Use Pros Cons Max im um Physical Drives Fault Tolerant 0 Data div ided in blocks and distributed sequentia lly (pur e striping ). Use f or non-critical data that requir es high perf orm ance .
Chapter 3 RA ID L evel s 19 RA ID 0 RAID 0 provides dis k stripi ng acros s all driv es in th e RAID subsy stem. R AID 0 does not provide any data redundancy , but does offe r the best perf orman ce of any RAID lev el. RAID 0 break s up data into sm aller blocks and then w rites a block to each drive in the array.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 20 RA ID 1 In RA ID 1, MegaRA ID Express 500 duplicat es all data f rom on e drive to a secon d drive. RAID 1 provides com plete data redundancy , but at the cos t of doubl ing th e required data storage capacity .
Chapter 3 RA ID L evel s 21 RA ID 3 RAID 3 p rovi des d isk strip ing and comple te da ta re dunda ncy though a d edic ated par ity drive. The stri pe size m ust be 64 KB if RAID 3 is used. R AID 3 h andles data at the block level, not the by te level, so it is ideal for netw orks that often han dle very large f iles, such as graphic im ages.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 22 RA ID 3, Co ntinued RAID 5 vs RAID 3 You may find that RA ID 5 is preferable to RA ID 3, even f or applications characterized by s equential reads an d w rites, because Mega RAID Expres s 500 has v ery robu st cachin g algorithm s.
Chapter 3 RA ID L evel s 23 RA ID 5 RAID 5 includes disk striping at the byte level an d parity. In RAID 5, the parity inform ation is written to several drives. RA ID 5 is best suited for networks th at perform a lot of small I/O transactions sim ultaneously.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 24 RA ID 10 RAID 10 is a com bination of RA ID 0 and RAID 1. RA ID 10 has m irrored drives. R AID 10 breaks up data in to smaller block s, and then stripes th e blocks of data to each RAID 1 raid set. Each RA ID 1 raid set then duplicates its data to its oth er drive.
Chapter 3 RA ID L evel s 25 RA ID 30 RAID 30 is a com bination of RA ID 0 and RA ID 3. RAID 30 provides high data trans fer speeds and high data reliability. RA ID 30 is best implemented on tw o RAID 3 disk array s w ith data s triped across bot h disk arrays.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 26 RA ID 50 RAID 50 provides th e featu res of both RAID 0 an d RAID 5. RAID 50 i ncludes both parity and disk striping across m ultiple drives. RAID 50 is best implemen ted on two RAID 5 disk array s wit h data stri ped across both disk array s.
Chapter 4 F eatures 27 4 Features MegaRAID is a f amily of high perf ormance intelligen t PCI-to-SCSI host adapters with RAID con trol capabilities. MegaRA ID Express 500 h as a SCSI chan nel that su pports 160M Ultra and Wi de SCSI at data t ransfer rat es up to 160 MB/s.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 28 Hardw are Requirements MegaRA ID Express 500 can be in stalled in an IBM AT®- compatibl e or EISA com puter with a motherboard that has 5 volt/3.3 volt PCI expansion slots. The computer m ust support PC I versi on 2.
Chapter 4 F eatures 29 Hardware Archit ecture Features The hardw are architecture features include: Specification Feature Process or I ntel i960RM 100 SCSI Controller Q Log ic ISP10160A Size of Flash .
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 30 RA ID Management Features The RAID m anagem ent features include: Specification Feature Support for SN MP Yes Perform ance Monitor prov ided Yes Rem ote co.
Chapter 4 F eatures 31 Software Utilities The software utility features include: Specification Feature Graphical u ser interface Yes Manage ment utility Yes Bootup conf iguration v ia Meg aRA ID Mana .
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 32 MegaRA ID Express 500 Specifications Parame ter Specification Card Size 5.875" x 4.2" (half length PCI) Processor Intel i960RM™ 32-bit RISC pr ocess or @ 100 MHz Bus T ype PCI 2.
Chapter 4 F eatures 33 Cache Memory MegaRA ID Express 500 cach e mem ory resides in a mem ory bank th at uses 2 M x 72 (16 MB), 4 M x 72 (32 MB), 8 M x 72 (64 MB) or 16 M x 72 (128 MB) unbu ff ered 3.3V SDRA M . Possibl e config uration s are 16, 32, 64, or 128 MB.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 34 SCSI Bus MegaRA ID Express 500 has a F ast and Wi de Ultra 160M SCS I chann el that s upports both LVD an d single- ended devices with active term ination. Sy nchronou s and asy nchron ous devices are supported.
Chapter 4 F eatures 35 RA ID Management RAID m anagem ent is provided b y soft ware utilities th at manag e and configure the RA ID sy stem and MegaRA ID Express 500, create and m anage m ultiple disk arrays , control and monitor m ultiple RAID servers, provide error statistics lo gging , and provide online main tenance.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 36 Compatibility MegaRA ID Express 500 com p atibility is sues in clude: • server management • SCSI device compatibility • softw are compatibility Server Management As an SNMP agen t, MegaRA ID Express 500 support s all SNMP m anagers and RedA lert from Storage Dim ension s.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring MegaRA ID Ex press 500 37 5 Configuring MegaRAID Express 500 Configuring SCSI Phy sical Drives SCSI Channel Phys ical SCSI drives m ust be organized into log ical drives. The array s and logical driv es that y ou construct m ust be able to su pport the RA ID level t hat y ou select.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 38 Current Configuration SCSI ID Device De scription Termination ? SCSI Channel 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Logical Drive Configuration Logical Driv.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring MegaRA ID Ex press 500 39 Logical Drive RAID Level Stripe Size Logical Drive Size Cache Policy Read Policy Wri te Policy # of Physical Drives LD29 LD30 LD31 LD32 LD33 LD34 LD35 .
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 40 Phy sical Device Lay out Channel 1 Target ID Device Type Logical Dr ive Nu mber / Dri ve Num ber Manufa cturer /Model Num ber Firmw are level Target ID Dev.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring MegaRA ID Ex press 500 41 Channel 1 Logical Dr ive Nu mber / Dri ve Num ber Manufa cturer /Model Num ber Firmw are level Target ID Device Type Logical Dr ive Nu mber / Dri ve Nu.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 42 Configuring A rrays Organize th e phys ical disk drives in arrays after the drives are connected to MegaR AID Express 500, f ormatted, an d initialized. An array can con sist of u p to 15 phy sical disk drives, depending on the RAID level.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring MegaRA ID Ex press 500 43 Configuration Strategies The most im portant factors in RA ID array configu ration are: drive capacity , drive availability (f ault tolerance), and drive perform ance.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 44 Configuration Strategies, Continue d Ma xim izing Drive Availability You can m axim ize the availability of data on the physical disk drive in the logical array by maximi zing the level of fault tolerance.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring MegaRA ID Ex press 500 45 A ssigning RAID Lev els Only one RA ID level can be assi gned to each log ical drive. The drives requ ired per RAID level is: RAID Level M i n i mu m N.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 46 Optimizing Data Storage Data Access Requirem ents Each type of data stored in the di sk su bsy stem has a dif ferent frequen cy of read and w rite activity .
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring MegaRA ID Ex press 500 47 A rray Configuration Planner Using the Array Co nfiguratio n Planner T he follow ing table lists the possible RAID levels, fault tolerance, and ef fective capacity for all possible driv e configu rations for an array consistin g of one to s even drives .
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 48.
Chapter 6 H ardwar e I nstallation 49 6 Hardw are Installation Requirem ents You must have the fo llowing: • a Meg aRA ID Expre ss 500 Controller • a host c omputer with an a vailable PCI expans i.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 50 Installation Steps MegaRA ID Express 500 provides ex tensi ve cust omizat ion options . If y ou need on ly bas ic MegaRA ID Express 500 featu res and y o u.
Chapter 6 H ardwar e I nstallation 51 Step 1 Unpack Unpack and in stall the ha rdware in a static-free en vironm ent. T he MegaRA ID Express 500 controller card i s packed in side an an ti-st atic bag betw een tw o sponge s heets. Rem ove the controller card an d inspect it for dam age.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 52 Step 4 Install Cache Memory Use 72-bi t 3.3V un buff ered SDRA M only . T he m axim um m emory ban d w idth is 528 MB/s with an SDRAM DIMM. Important A minimum of 16 M B of cache memory is required. T he cache memory must be ins talled befor e MegaRAID Expres s 500 is oper ational .
Chapter 6 H ardwar e I nstallation 53 Step 5 Set Jumpers Make su re the jum per settin gs on t he MegaRA ID Express 500 card are correct. The jumpers and connectors are: Connector Description T ype J1.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 54 Step 5 Set Jumpers, Continued J1 Term ination Enabl e J1 is a three-pin h eader that specifies hardw are or softw are control of SCSI termin ation. Type o f SCSI Ter m inat ion J10 Settin g Softw are control of SC SI term ination via dr ive dete ction.
Chapter 6 H ardwar e I nstallation 55 Step 5 Set Jumpers, Continued J8 Hard Disk LED J8 is a four-pin con nector that attaches to a cable th at connects to th e hard disk L ED mou nted on the com puter enclosure.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 56 Step 6 Set Termination You mu st terminate th e SCSI bus prope rly. Set term ination at both ends of the SCSI cable. The SCSI bus is an electrical transm ission lin e and m ust be term inated properly to min imi ze reflections an d losses.
Chapter 6 H ardwar e I nstallation 57 SCSI Termination The SCSI bus is an electrical transm ission lin e and it mu st be term inated properly to min imize refl ections and losses.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 58 SCSI Termination, Continue d Term inating External Disk Arrays In m ost array enclosu res, the end of the SCSI cable has an independent SCSI termin ator module that is not part of any SCSI drive.
Chapter 6 H ardwar e I nstallation 59 SCSI Termination, Continue d Connecting Non- Disk SCSI Devices S CSI Tape drives, s canners, C D-ROM dri ves, and ot her non- disk drive devices m ust each hav e a unique SC SI ID regardless of th e SCSI chann el they are attached to.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 60 Step 7 Install MegaRA ID Express 500 Choos e a 3.3 V or 5 V PCI slot and alig n the Meg aRA ID Express 500 controller card bu s connector to the slot. Press do w n gently but firm ly to m ake sure that the card is properly seated in the s lot.
Chapter 6 H ardwar e I nstallation 61 Step 8 Connect SCSI C ables Connect SCSI cables to SCSI dev ices. MegaR AID Expres s 500 provides t wo S CSI connectors : J11, the S CSI chan nel in ternal h igh-.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 62 Step 8 Connect SCSI C ables , Conti nued Cable Suggest ions System throughput p rob lems can oc cur if SCSI c able use is not maximized.
Chapter 6 H ardwar e I nstallation 63 Device Ident ification on MegaRA ID Express 500 Exam ple of MegaRAID Ex press 500 I D Mapping ID Channel 1 0A 1 - 1 1A 2 - 1 2C D 3A 2 - 5 4C D 5A 4 - 1 6 Optical.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 64 Step 10 Power Up Replace the com puter cover and reconn ect the AC power cords . Turn pow er on to the host com puter. Set up the pow er supplies so that th e SCSI devices are pow ered up at the sam e time as or bef ore the host com puter.
Chapter 6 H ardwar e I nstallation 65 Step 12 Install the Operat ing Sy stem Driv er Important When booti ng the system f rom a drive connect ed to a MegaRAID control ler and using EMM 386.EXE, MEGASPI.SYS must be l oaded in CONFIG.SY S before EMM386.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 66 Step 12 Install Operating Sy stem Driv er, Continued CD-ROM Driver A dev ice driver is provided w ith MegaRA ID Express 500 for CD- ROM drives operating under D OS, Window s 3. x , and Win dows 95. The driver fi lenam e is AMICDR OM.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 67 7 Cluster Installation and Configuration Overview This chapt er co ntains the pro ced ures fo r insta lling Cluste r Ser vice fo r serve rs running t he Window s 2000 server operati ng sy stem .
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 68 Hardw are Requirements The hardw are requirem ents for the C luster Service n ode can be foun d at the follow ing web s i te : h tt p : // www. mi c ro s o ft . c o m/ win d o ws 2000/upgrade/com pat/defaul t.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 69 Installation and Configuration Use the follow ing procedures to in stall and conf igure y our sy stem as part of a clus ter. Step Action 1 Unpack the controller f o llowing the instructions on pag e 51.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 70 Driver Installation Instructions under Microsoft Windows 2000 A dvanced Server After th e hardware is set u p for the MS cluster conf iguration, perform the followi ng procedure to conf igure the driv er.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 71 Step Action 4 The follow ing screen dis plays . Insert the floppy diskette with the appropriate driver disk f or Window s 2000. Selec t Floppy dis k drive s in the scr een below and click on Next.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 72 Step Action 8 On the scre en below , choose to displa y a list of the known dr ivers, s o that y ou can choos e a spec ific driver. C lick on Ne xt. 9 The follow ing screen dis plays . Select O ther dev ices f rom the list of ha rdwar e type s.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 73 Step Action 10 The follow ing scree n displays . Select the driv er that y ou want to install for the devic e. If y ou have a disk with the driver you w ant to install, click on H ave Disk. 11 The follow ing window display s.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 74 Step Action 12 The follo wing screen disp lays. Select th e pro cessor device an d click o n Next. 13 On the final scre en, click on Finish to c omplete the installation. Repea t the process o n the p eer system.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 75 Netw ork Requirements The netw ork requirem ents f or clustering are: • A unique Net BIO S cluster name • Five unique, static IP a ddre sses.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 76 Cluster Installation Installation Overv iew During instal lation, s ome n odes are shu t dow n, and oth er nodes are rebooted. This is necess ary to en sure un corrupted data on disk s attached to the sh ared storage bu s.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 77 Installing the Windows 2000 Operating System Install Micros oft Window s 2000 to each node. See y our Windows 2000 man ual on h ow to install the Operating Sy stem. Log on as adm inistrator before you install th e Cluster Services.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 78 Setting Up Netw ork s, Co ntinued Verify that all netw ork connections are correct, w ith private netw ork adapters conn ected to other private n etwork adapters only , and public n etwork adapters connected to th e public netw ork.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 79 Configuring the Cluster Node Netw ork A dapter Note: Which netw o rk adapter is private and which is public depends upon your w iring.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 80 Configuring the Public Netw ork A dapter Note : It is strongly recom mended that you u se static IP addresses for all network adapters in the cluster. This inclu des both the netw ork adapter used to access th e cluster nodes and the netw ork adapter used to access the L AN (Local A rea Network).
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 81 They you w ould type Ping and from Node 2. To confirm name resolut ion, ping each node from a client using the node’s ma chine nam e instea d of its IP num ber.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 82 Setting Up a Cluster User A ccount The Cluster Serv ice requires a dom ain user accou nt that the C luster Service can run under. You m ust create the us er account before installing the Cluster Service. The reason for this is that setup requ ires a user n ame an d passw ord.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 83 Setting Up Shared Disks Warn ing : Make su re that Window s 2000 Advanced S erver or Window s 2000 Datacenter Server an d the Cluste r Servi ce ar e install ed a nd running o n one no de b efor e you start an op erat ing sy stem on anoth er node.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 84 Configuring Shared Disks Perform th e follow ing procedure to config ure the sh ared disks. Step Description 1 Right-click on My Computer. 2 Click on Manag e, then click on Storage. 3 Double-click on Disk Ma nagem ent.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 85 Verify ing Disk A ccess and Functionality Perform the steps below to verify d isk access and fun ctionality. Step Description 1 Click on Start. 2 Click on Program s. Click on Ac cess ories, then c lick on Notepa d.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 86 Cluster Serv ice Software Installation Before you begin the Cluster Service Softw are installation on the first node, m ake sure that all other nodes are either pow ered down or s topped and th at all sh ared storage devices are pow ered on.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 87 8 Click o n Next. 9 The Hardw are Config uration Cer tifica tion window appears. Click on I Understan d to accep t the c ondition that Cluster Se rvice is supported only on hardwa re listed on the Hardw are Compatibility List.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 88 11 Enter a nam e for the clus ter (up to 15 cha racte rs), and c lick on Ne xt. (In our e xam ple, the cluster is nam ed Cluste rOne.) 12 Ty pe the use r nam e of the Cluster Se rvice account tha t y ou create d during the pr e- installation.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 89 Configuring Cluster Disks Window s 2000 Managed Di sks di splay s all SC SI disk s, as sh ow n on th e screen bel ow. It displays SCSI disks th at do not reside on th e same bu s as the s ystem disk.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 90 Configuring Cluster Disks, Continued Use the follow ing procedure to conf igure the clu stered disks. Step Description 1 The Add or Rem ove Mana ged D isks dia log box s pecif ies disk s on the shared SCSI bus that will be used by Cluster Service.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 91 Next. 6 The next dia log box c onfig ures the pr ivate ne twork . Make sure that the netw ork nam e and IP addres s corre spond to the netw ork interf ace used for the private netw ork. Check the box Enable this netw ork for cluster use.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 92 network on the list—in this case Public Cluster Connection. Verify that the first connection in the list is the Private Cluster Conne ction, then click on Next. Note: Always se t the order of the connections so that the Private Cluster Conne ction is first in the list .
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 93 The Cl uster Ser vice Se tup Wiza rd comple tes the s etup proces s for the firs t node by copy ing the file s needed to com plete the installa tion of Cluster Serv ice.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 94 11 Close the A dd/Remov e Progra ms w indow..
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 95 Validating the Cluster Installat ion Use the Cluster A dministrator snap-in to validate the Cluster Service installation on th e firs t node. Step Description 1 Click on Start. 2 Click on Program s.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 96 Verify Installation There are several way s to verify that Clus ter Service w as successfully installed. Here is a simple one: 1. Click Start, click Programs , click Adm inistrative Tools, then click Cluster Adm inistrator.
Chapter 7 Cl uster I nstallation and Co nfiguratio n 97 SCSI Drive Inst allations This information is provided as a generic instru ction set for SCSI drive installations. If the SCSI hard disk vendor’s instructions conflict w ith the instructions in this section, alw ays use the instru ctions supplied by the vendor.
Mega RAI D Expre ss 500 Har dwar e G uide 98.
Chapter 8 T roubl eshoo ting 99 8 T roubleshooting Prob lem Suggested Solutio n The s ys tem hangs during the boot process af ter installation. Make sure the SCSI BIOS on the m otherboard has bee n disabled. The s ys tem hangs during the boot process af ter installation.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 100 Prob lem Suggested Solutio n Firmware Initializing... appears an d remains on t he screen. Make sure that T ERMP WR is being proper ly provid ed to each perip heral devi ce populated chann el.
Chapter 8 T roubl eshoo ting 101 BIOS Boot Error Messages Message Prob lem Sugges ted So lutio n Adapter BIOS Disabled . No Logical Dri ves Handled by BIOS The MegaRA ID BIOS is disabled. Som etime s the BIOS is disa bled to preve nt booting fr om the BIOS.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 102 Message Prob lem Sugges ted So lutio n 1 Logical Dri ve Degraded A logical drive sign ed on in a degrad ed state. Make sure all ph ysical drives are pr operly conn ected and are powered on. Run Mega RAI D Manag er to find out if any phy sical drives are not re sponding.
Chapter 8 T roubl eshoo ting 103 Other BIOS Error Messages Message Prob lem Su ggeste d Solu tion Following SCSI disk not f ound and no em pty slot avai lable for ma pping it The physical di sk roaming fe ature did not f ind the physic al disk w ith the display ed SCSI ID.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 104 DOS A SPI Driver Error Messages Messag e Corrective Action LSI Lo gic AS P I M anage r ha s NOT been lo aded. The ASPI manager is no t load ed. One o f the failure codes lis ted below is display ed next. Controller se tup FAIL ED error code=[ 0xab] Correct th e condi tion t hat caused the failure.
Chapter 8 T roubl eshoo ting 105 Other Potential Problems Topic Inf ormation DOS A SPI MEGA SPI.SYS, the Mega RAID DO S ASPI ma nager, use s 6 KB of system m emory once it is load ed. CD-ROM drives under DO S At this time, cop ied CDs are n ot accessib le from DOS even after loading MEGASPI.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 106 Topic Inf ormation Window s NT Installation When W indows N T is inst alled via a bootable CD, the devic es on the Meg aRAID Express 500 will not be recognize d until after the initial reboot. The Microsoft docum ented w orkaround is in SETUP.
A ppendix A SCSI Cabl es and Connector s 107 A SCSI Cables and Connectors SCSI Connectors MegaRA ID Express 500 provides several dif ferent ty pes of S CSI conn ectors.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 108 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continue d Cable Assem bly for Internal Wide SCSI Devices The cable assem bly for conn ecting intern al wi de SCSI devices i s show n below: pin 1 pin 1 pin 1 Connectors: 68 position plug (male) AMP - 786090-7 Cable: Flat Ribbon or Twisted-Pair Flat Cable 68 Conductor 0.
A ppendix A SCSI Cabl es and Connector s 109 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continue d Connecting Internal and External Wide Devices The cable assem bly for conn ecting intern al w ide and external w.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 110 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continue d Converting Internal Wide to Internal Non-Wide (T ype 2) The cable assembly for converting in ternal w ide SCSI con.
A ppendix A SCSI Cabl es and Connector s 111 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continue d Converting Internal Wide to Internal Non-Wide (T ype 30) The cable assem bly for con necting in ternal w ide SCS.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 112 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continue d Converting from Internal Wide to Internal Non-W ide (Type 3) The cable ass embly for connectin g intern al w ide S.
A ppendix A SCSI Cabl es and Connector s 113 High-Density 68-Pin SCSI Connector Pinout Sig nal Connector Pin Cable Pin Cable Pin Connector Pin Signal Gr ound 1 1 2 35 -D B(12) Gr ound 2 3 4 36 -D B(13.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 114 68-Pin SCSI Connector Pinout, Continued High-Density Single Ended Connector T he followi ng applies to the high- density SCSI connector table on the previou s page: • A hy phen before a sign al name in dicates that sign al is active low .
A ppendix A SCSI Cabl es and Connector s 115 68-Pin Connector Pinout for LVD SCSI Sig nal Connector Pin Cable Pin Cable Pin Connector Pin Signal +DB( 12) 1 1 2 35 -DB(12) +DB( 13) 2 3 4 36 -DB(13) +DB.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 116.
Appe ndix B A udible W arnings 117 B Audible W arnings The MegaRA ID Express 500 RAID con troller h as an onboard t one gen erator that indicates even ts and errors. Tone Pa ttern M eanin g Examp les Thre e sec onds on and one s econd off A log ical drive is off line.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 118.
Appe ndix C Cluste r Configuratio n with a Cro ssove r Cable 119 C Cluster Configuration w ith a Crossover Cable When y ou are installing the Clus ter Service on the f irst node in a s erver cluster, Setup may not detect the netw ork adapter that is conn ected w ith a crossover cable.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 120 Solution Note : Using Registry Ed itor incorrectly can cau se serious problems that m ay require y ou to reinsta ll your o per ating system. Use Re gistry Edi tor a t your o wn risk. You sho uld ba ck up the re gistry be fore you e dit i t.
Gl ossary 121 Glossary Array A grou ping or array of disk drives com b ines th e storage space on th e disk drives into a sing le segm ent of contigu ous storag e space. MegaRA ID can group dis k drives on one or more SCSI chan nels into an array . A hot spare drive does not participate in an array.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 122 Glossary , Co ntinued Consistency Check An exam ination of the disk system to d etermin e wh ether all conditions are valid for the spec ified confi guratio n (suc h as pa rity.) Cold Swa p A cold sw ap requires that y ou turn the pow er off before replacing a defective hard driv e in a disk sub system .
Gl ossary 123 Glossary , Co ntinued Disk Striping A type of disk array mappin g. Cons ecutiv e stripes of data are m apped round- robin to consecutiv e array m embers. A s triped array (R AID Lev el 0) provides hi gh I/O performance at low co st, but provides lowers data reliability than any of its m ember disks.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 124 Glossary , Co ntinued Form at The process of w riting zeros to all data f ields in a phy sical drive (h ard drive) to m ap out unreadable or bad sectors. B ecause m ost hard drives are factory form atted , formattin g is usually only do ne if a har d d isk gener ates many media er ror s.
Gl ossary 125 Glossary , Co ntinued Logical D isk A set of c ontiguo us chunks on a physical d isk. Lo gical d isks are used i n arra y implem entations as constituen ts of logical volum es or partitio ns. Logical disk s are normally transparent to the host en vironm ent, except when the array containing them is bei ng configur ed.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 126 Glossary , Co ntinued Parity Parity is an extra bit added to a byte or w ord to reveal errors in storage (in RAM or disk) or transmission. Parity is used to generate a set of redun dancy data from two or m ore parent data sets.
Gl ossary 127 Glossary , Co ntinued RAID Levels A style of redundancy applied to a logical drive. It can increas e the perform ance of the logical drive an d can decrease usable capacity .
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 128 Glossary , Co ntinued Reconstruct T he act of rem aking a logical driv e after chan ging R AID levels or adding a phy sical drive to an existing array . Redundancy The pro vision of m ultiple interchang eable components to perform a sing le function to cope with f ailures or errors.
Gl ossary 129 Glossary , Co ntinued SCSI ID A SCSI phy sical drive can be in one of these states : • Online - Powered- on and operational. • Hot Spare - Powered- on stand- by disk drive, ready for use if an on line disk fails. • Rebuild - A disk drive to w hich one or more logical drives is restoring data.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 130 Glossary , Co ntinued Spare A hard drive available to back up the data of oth er drives. Stripe Size The amount of data contig uously written to each disk . You can specify stripe sizes of 4 KB, 8 KB, 16 KB, 32 KB, 64 KB, and 128 KB for each logical drive.
I ndex 131 Index 1 160M and Wide SCSI, 27 6 68-Pin High De nsity Connector s, 107 A AMICDROM.SYS, 66 AMPLI MITE .050 Ser ies conne ctors, 114 Array , 121 Arr ay Config uration Planner, 47 Arr ay Manag.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 132 Devi ces per SCSI Channel, 32 DIMMs, 52 Disconne ct/Rec onnect, 34 Disk , 122 Disk A ccess and Functiona lity, 85 Disk Ac tivity L ED, 53 Disk Array , 1 22 D.
Gl ossary 133 O Off line, 15 Onboard Spe aker , 33 Online Drive state, 1 5 Opera ting Environm ent, 125 Operatin g System Softwa re Drivers, 31 Operating Voltage, 32 Optima l, 15 Optimizing Data Storag e, 46 OS/2 2.
MegaRA ID Expre ss 500 Har dware Guide 134 Softw are Utilities, 31 Software-Based, 16 Spanning, 14, 129 Spare, 1 30 Standby rebuild, 9 Stripe Size , 12, 34, 130 Stripe W idth, 12, 130 Striping, 130 Sy.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il LSI MegaRAID Express 500 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del LSI MegaRAID Express 500 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso LSI MegaRAID Express 500 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul LSI MegaRAID Express 500 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il LSI MegaRAID Express 500, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del LSI MegaRAID Express 500.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il LSI MegaRAID Express 500. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo LSI MegaRAID Express 500 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.