Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto AirMap 600c del fabbricante Lowrance
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AirMap 600c Handheld Mapping GPS Receiver Operation Instructions .
Copyright © 2006 Lowranc e Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be co pi ed, reproduc ed, republished, trans- mitted or distributed for any purpos e, without prior written cons ent of Lowrance Electronics. Any unauthorized comme rcial dist ribution of this manual is st rictly prohibited.
i Table of Contents Section 1: Read Me Fi rst! ......................................................... 1 Capabilities and Sp ecificat ions .................................................... 3 How AirMap Works ......................................
ii Navigate Back to a Wayp o int ..................................................... 46 Navigate to Cursor Positio n on Map .......................................... 47 Navigate to a Poin t of Inte rest .............................................
iii Navigate to a Waypoi nt .......................................................... 68 Navigate a Trail ...................................................................... 68 Backtrack a Trail ....................................................
iv Coordinate System Select io n ...................................................... 85 Map Fi x .................................................................................... 87 Customize Page Displa ys ......................................
v Find Interstate Highway Ex its ............................................ 121 Find Map Places .................................................................... 122 Find Streets or (Str eet) Inte rsec tions .................................. 125 Find Wayp oints .
vi Notes.
1 Section 1: Read Me First! How this manual can get you flying, fast! Welcome to the exciting world of GPS! We know you're anxious to take off and begin navigating, but we have a favor to ask.
2 Whether your AirMap 600 is the only GPS in the cockpit or backing up an in-panel display, you're using th e most versatile and most affordable hand-held GPS receiver in the aviation market today. Our goal for this book is to get you in the air (or out on the road) fast, with a minimum of fuss.
3 the basics (or if you already have some GPS experience), you may want to try out some of AirMap's many advanced features. That brings us to Section Four, Land Mode Operation , which also includes its own one- page quick reference.
4 Weight: ............................. 8.7 ounc es (246.6 grams) with batteries. Receiver: .......................... I n t e r n a l, 1 6 p a ra l le l c ha n ne l G P S + W A AS ; a d - vanced active remote ex ternal antenna included. Recording: ..
5 Plot Trails: ....................... 100 sav able; up to 9,999 points in a single trail. Nearest Airport: ............. Quickly locates an airfield closest to your current position.
6 longitude, it plots that position on the m ap shown on the screen. While the screen is updated once a second the internal calculations are done several times a second. The performance doesn't stop there. Stored in the permanent memory of each AirMap is a basic background map of the entire world.
7 must be loaded from the MMC into memory before AirMap can use them.) As we mentioned earlier, the other key use for MMCs is storage of the aeronautical databases and high-det ail maps from MapCreate. These Custom Map Files (file format *.lcm) can also be shared between Air- Maps, other Lowrance GPS or sonar/GPS units and personal computers.
8 passing overhead twice daily. A series of ground stations (with precisely surveyed locations) controls the sate llites and monitors their exact loca- tions in the sky. Each satellite broadc asts a low-power signal that identi- fies the satellite and its position above the earth.
9 WAAS. This GPS add-on will include a time control element that will help airliners fly closer together while avoiding collisions. In addition to carefully spacing airplanes along travel corridors, WAAS will even- tually make instrument landings and takeoffs more accurate as it re- places existing aviation navigation systems.
10 mapping screen called the cursor. Th e arrow keys also help you move around the AirMap menus so you can execute different commands. They are represented by symbols like these, which denote the down arrow key, the up arrow, the left arrow and the right arrow: ↓ ↑ ← → .
11 Section 2: Installation & Accessories Power The AirMap operates from AA batteries or on 3 volts DC using an op- tional external power cable with a cigarette lighter adapter. If the power cable is used, the AirMap automatically switches to it if the ex- ternal power is greater than the batte ry voltage.
12 Do not mix different battery types. Mixing battery types may cause leak- age. (For example, don’t use both alkaline and NiMH batteries at the same time, and don't use standard al kalines with rechargeable alkalines.) Battery Installation Turn the unit over so that the back is facing you.
13 Cigarette Lighter Power Adapter To use external DC power: Plug the power cable's cigarette lighter adapter into a cigarette lighter re ceptacle. Next, pull aside the rubber cover on the bottom of the unit and insert the other connector as shown in the following image.
14 To use it, plug the power adapter into a cigarette lighter socket, plug the DB-9 connector into a serial port on the computer and attach the cable to the AirMap.
15 4. Drag the MMC from the slot into the battery compartment. 5. Turn the AirMap face up and give it a shake to dump the MMC into your hand or onto a work surface. To add an MMC or SDC 1. Remove battery compartment cover. 2. Remove batteries, if present.
16 FreedomMaps come to you preloade d on a single 128 or 256 MB mem- ory card. Simply insert the memory card into your Lowrance GPS unit, and you're ready to go. FreedomMaps are available through LE I-Extras. To order a card (or for a list of the areas available) see th e ordering information in the back of this manual.
17 Press suction cup plate firmly against a window with unobstructed view. Wherever you mount the antenna, make sure it is in a location with an unobstructed view of the sky. If you' re sticking it to a window, moisten the suction cups on the mounting plate and press firmly against the window.
18 Notes.
19 Section 3: Aviation Operation This section addresses AirMap's m ain aviation GPS functions. The principles are the same in both oper ating modes, so this discussion also serves as a good introduction to Land Mode work.
20 6. EXIT – The Exit key lets you return to the previous screen, clear data or erase a menu. 7. FIND (Direct To) – The Find key launches the AirMap search menus.
21 Alarms command: turns arrival, off course and anchor GPS alarms on or off and changes alarm thresholds. Aviation Alarms command: turns distance, ti me, near and inside air- space alarms on or off and changes alarm thresholds. Route Planning command: used to plan, view o r navigate a route.
22 access these display options by pressing the PA GES key, then the down ↓ arrow or up ↑ arrow keys. To clear the Pages Menu, press EXIT . The following series of nine images shows the Pages Menu and display options on their corresponding screens.
23 Each of the three main Pages also has a submenu screen associated with it. You access a Page Submenu by pressing the MENU key one time while the page is displayed. (Pressing the MENU key twice takes you to the Main Menu.) Several pages share similar display features.
24 which satellites are obstructed by obstacles in your immediate area if you hold the unit facing north. The GPS receiver is tracking satellites that are in blue type. The re- ceiver hasn't locked onto a satellite if the number is in dark blue, there- fore it isn't being used to solve the position.
25 Navigation Page, HSI Map display option. Navigation Display Options A v iation Map display option The Aviation Map provides a simplified version of the Map Panel as described later (under Map Display Options). The Aviation Map, unlike the general map, shows only Aviation navaids, against a black back- ground.
26 Profile Window - In this window, your current position (or cursor po- sition if cursor is up) is always at the left edge of the screen. The ter- rain ahead of you stretches to the right. Th e line extending from the aircraft nose is your altitude and vertical speed indicator.
27 Navigation Page, traveling north. Page looks like this when AirMap is not navigating to a waypoint, following a route, or backtracking a trail. When navigating to a waypoint or following a route, the HSI screen looks like the one shown in the next image.
28 Navigation Page, flying TO KTUL on a course of 355º. The pilot needs to turn left to "center the needle" and get on course. The plane is cur- rently 2.6 nautical miles to the righ t of the course. The cross track er- ror range is set at 4.
29 Following a course by "chasing the n eedle." Fig. 1, plane has veered off course to the right by nearly 3 nautical miles, away from the needle. Fig. 2, pilot turns on heading of 348º, steering left toward CDI needle to intersect intended course.
30 NOTE: You must be navigating to some destination to begin using OBS Hold. Usually this will be a VOR, or som e other Aviation Waypoint in the Jeppesen database. See the entry Searching later in this section if you need help finding and setting up navigation to a waypoint.
31 Use the Clear OBS Hold command to resume navigation. The HSI dis- play will point to your original destination again. You can turn off OBS Hold at any time using the Navigation Page menu. 1. Press MENU | ↓ to C LEA R OBS H OLD | ENT . 2. A window will pop up asking you if you want to cancel OBS Hold.
32 Map Page Menu. Map Page Menu To get to Map Page Menu: press MENU while displaying a map page. The map menu has many options. It allows you to get information on the airspace you're in with the Airspace Status command. You can also find distances, change the orientation of your map, view map data, and other helpful map functions.
33 Far left, Map Page opening screen, Full Map display option. Center, zoomed to 100 nautical miles and right, zoomed to 30 nautical miles. (Note that the four data boxes or text boxes appearing in the bottom of these images are on by default.
34 Map Pages with high-detail map of an urban area loaded on the MMC, with the Earth Map Detail option se t to Medium, the default. At left, arterial streets appear at the 5 nautical mile zoom range. Center, at 1.5 nautical miles, minor streets appear, along with square dots represent- ing Points of Interest.
35 When the map is zoomed out far enough, most POIs appear as square dots. As you zoom in closer, the symbols become readable icons. In the 0.4 nautical mile zoom example at right, the cursor has selected the Denny's restaurant POI, which triggers a pop-up box with the POI name.
36 Map Page: Map Panel display option. The compass overlay at the bottom of the screen includes a bearing ar- row that points toward your destination, along with a CDI or Course Deviation Indicator. The CDI shows when you are off course. Steering toward the CDI needle will bring you back on course.
37 Additional information can be displayed using compass overlay data that appears at the top of the page. This information can be customized with the Compass Overlay Data command, which is discussed in Sec. 5, System Setup and GPS Setup Options . You can select from 28 different types of information to display.
38 Bearing is the direction of a line-of-sight from your present position to a destination. No matter what direction you are steering, the Bearing shows the compass direction straight to the destination from your loca- tion at the moment.
39 Resize Window command lets you use the arrow keys to adjust split window displays We've done everything we could wi th AirMap to make it a powerful navigation tool, but also to keep it simple to use.
40 Aviation GPS Quick Reference Start outdoors, with a clear view of open sky. Imagine you're flying to a nearby airport to practice landings. (If you're practicing on foot or by car, substitute a restaurant for an airport. Pick one a few blocks away.
41 Find Your Current Position Finding your current position is as simple as turning AirMap on. Under clear sky conditions, the unit automatically searches for satellites and calculates its position in approximately one minute or less. NOTE: "Clear sky" means open sky, unobstructed by terrain, dense foliage or structures.
42 The selected airport to the northwest is 3.64 nautical miles away. Tip: Use the cursor to determine the distance from your current position (or last known position, when working indoors) to any map object or location. Simply use the arrow keys to position the cursor over the object or place.
43 Searching Now that you've seen how AirMap can find where you are, let's search for something somewhere else. Searching is one of the most powerful features in the Lowrance GPS product line. In this example, we'll look for the nearest VOR.
44 Waypoint information screen on VOR nearest this position. Screen shows name, identifier, city, radio fr equency, latitude/longitude and its compass bearing.
45 NOTE: Search works from high detail mapping data loaded in AirMap. Avia- tion Navigation searches use in formation from a Jeppesen database, and general navigation searches use POI information available with a MapCreate custom map.
46 Setting a Waypoint A waypoint is simply an electronic "address," based on the latitude and longitude of a position on the earth. Both the Aviation and the Land mode allow you to save waypoints to mark specific locations you'd like to return to (or maybe send a friend to, or even specifically avoid ).
47 Navigate to Cursor Position on Map The Go To Cursor command navigates to the current cursor position on the map. To navigate to a particular location on the map, first find the location, then select the location with the cu rsor. Use the Go To Cursor command to lead you there: 1.
48 The 15-nautical mile zoom figure at left clearly shows the dotted course line connecting your current position to your destination. The 30-nautical mile zoom, center, shows both current position and desti- nation on screen. The Navigation Page, right, will also show naviga- tion information.
49 You can also use Direct To when na vigating a route, to force AirMap to navigate toward a particular waypoint in the route. To do this (from the Map Page), press MENU | MENU | ↓ to R OUTE P LA NNING | ENT | ↓ to route name | ENT . Now press ↓ to select the waypoint you want from the list, and then hit .
50 In the AirMap, airports have information screens packed with useful infor- mation. They include m uch of the same information as a VOR information screen. In addition, airport information screens contain a line drawing showing the general layout of the airport's runways.
51 At the runways screen you can press ← or → to cycle through the air- port's runways. In the previous image, you can see we've selected 18L , so all of the information shown refers to that particular runway. The previous images show not only the information available on this screen, but also the Runway Extension feature.
52 want to setup Runway Guidance?" (See the previous image.) If you want the AirMap to navigate a localizer-type approach, select Y ES and press ENT .
53 Airport Services screen for KTUL (Tulsa International). Terrain Awareness Display We'll discuss the Map Categories Drawn feature elsewhere in this document, but one of the most powerful Aviation tools available is the Map Category "Terrain Awareness.
54 Transfer Custom Maps and GPS Data Files Custom maps work only from the MMC card or SDC card. When a card containing a Custom Map File is loaded into the unit, AirMap automatically loads the map into me mory when the unit is turned on.
55 From left to right, these figure s show the menu sequence for naming and saving a GPS Data File from AirMap's memory onto an MMC. The unit will display first a progress then a completion message when the data transfer is finished. To return to the Page view, press EXIT | EXIT .
56 Switch Back to Aviation Mode from Land Mode To leave Land Mode and switch back to Aviation Mode: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT | ↓ to E NABLE A IR M AP | ENT . 2. Unit asks, "Are you sure you want to turn o n aviation mode?" 3.
57 E6B Altitude/Airspeed Calculator E6B Wind Speed/Direction Calculator To determine the wind speed and direct ion, first find true airspeed us- ing the Altitude/Airspeed Calculator (see above). Once you have that, open the Wind Speed/Direction Calculator.
58 Vertical Navigation Calculator Wi th th e Ve rt ic al N av ig a ti on Ca l cu la to r , th e Ai rM ap 2000 ca n h el p yo u decide when to let down for an approach to an airport.
59 Section 4: Land Operation Keypad AirMap 600 keypad. 1. PWR/LIGHT (Power & Light) – The PWR key turns the unit on and off and activates the backlight. 2. PAGES – Pressing this key and the arrow keys will switch the unit between the three different page screens in Land Mode (Satellite, Navigation and Map).
60 9. ZIN – (Zoom In) – This key lets you z oom the screen in to see greater detail in a smaller geographic area on the map. Power/lights on and off To turn on the unit, press PWR . To turn on the backlight, press PWR again. Pressing PWR once again will turn off the backlight.
61 Satellite Status Page This page provides detailed information on the status of AirMap's sat- ellite lock-on and position acquisitio n. No matter what page you are on, a flashing current position indicato r/question mark symbol and flash- ing GPS data displays indicate that satellite lock has been lost and there is no position confirmed.
62 NOTE: Refer to Sec. 3, Aviation Operation , for further explanation and more illustrations of the Navigation Page. 1. To get to the Navigation Page: press PAGES | ← to N AVI G AT I O N | ENT . 2. To get to Navigation Page Sub Menu: press MENU . Navigation Page, left, Navigation Menu, right.
63 Map Page, left, Map Menu, right. Map Menu The map menu has many options. The map menu allows you to find distances, change the orientation of your map, view map data, and other helpful map functions. Moving Around the Map: Zoom & Cursor Arrow Keys The map is presented from a bird's-eye view perspective.
64 The distance to Dallas from the star ting point is 207.5 nautical mi le s. Find Distance From Point to Point You can also measure distance between two other points on the map. 1. While on the Map page press: MENU | ↓ to F IND D ISTANCE | ENT . 2.
65 Icons Icons are graphic symbols used to mark some location, personal point of interest or event. They can be placed on the map screen, saved and re- called later for navigation purposes. These are sometimes referred to as event marker icons. AirMap has 63 different symbols you can pick from when creating an icon.
66 Delete an Icon You can delete all the icons at one time, you can delete all icons repre- sented by a particular symbol, or you can use the cursor to delete a se- lected icon from the map. 1. Press MENU | ↓ to D ELETE M Y I CONS | ENT . 2. Press ↓ to D ELETE A LL I CONS , D ELETE B Y S YMBOL , or D ELETE F ROM M AP and press ENT .
67 2. The Transfer My Data menu includes a message which tells you if an MMC is present or not. If no MMC is present, you must first insert a card into AirMap in order to acti vate the Load or Save commands. To load data from the MMC to AirMap: press → to L OAD | ENT .
68 2. To navigate to the selected location: press MENU | ENT | EXIT . Follow steer- ing arrow on Map Page or compass bearing arrow on Navigation Page. Navigate to an Icon Use the Navigate to Cursor command above, and use the cursor to se- lect the icon.
69 the trip, such as the time to your destination. Th e other requires only three key strokes and provides a full range of navigation data. Try both methods and see which you prefer. When hiking at walking speed, we of- ten just use visual back trailing because it is better at following each little turn on a foot path.
70 5. To follow the trail, press ENT . The unit begins showing navigation data along the trail. Follow the steering arrow on the Map Page or the compass bearing arrow on the Navigation Page.
71 Routes Created in AirMap If you plan on flying the route – or if you just want to make it quickly without using a computer – you can create a route in the unit. You do this by selecting existing waypoint s from your waypoint list or the Aviation Waypoints, or by m aking new route waypoints on the map with cursor arrows and the Enter key.
72 Keep adding waypoints in this way until you have plotted your whole route. Of course, you do n't have to use just one method. You could add a handful of Aviation Waypoints but in between place some waypoints from the map, if you want to detour over a particular landmark.
73 4. 5. 6. Route creation sequence, continued: Fi g. 4. Point (3) set at on-ramp turn. Fig. 5. Waypoint (4) set at highway exit to frontage road leading to river. Waypoint (5) ends the route at a tree stand in the hunting area. Fig. 6. Press EXIT to save the route and you return to this screen.
74 4. To accept the default name "D ata" for the GPS Data File, press ↓ to S AV E | ENT . (If you wish to rename the file, press ENT to activate the se- lection box. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the name is correct.
75 4. If you wish, you could scroll ↑ or ↓ here to select another motel or hotel, but for now we will just accept the nearest one. Press ENT . 5. The POI information screen appe ars. (This is what makes AirMap handy as a business phone directory!) If you wanted to navigate there, you could press Enter, since the Go To command is highlighted.
76 sor and let the map return to the current or last known position. (Be- fore you completely exited out of the Search menus, you could have gone looking for another place.) Switch to Aviation Mode To leave Land Mode and switch to Aviation Mode: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ↓ to E NABLE A IR M AP | ENT .
77 To preserve a trail from point A to po int B, you must "turn off" the trail by making it inactive before heading to point C or even back to point A. When a trail is set inactive, AirMap automatically creates and begins recording a new trail.
78 Alarm Clock To get to the alarm clock menu: press MENU | MENU | ↓ to U TILITI ES | ENT | ↓ to A LA RM C LOCK | ENT . Sun/Moon Rise & Set Calculator To get to the Sun/Moon menu: press MENU | MENU | ↓ to U TILI- TIES | ENT | ENT .
79 Create a Man Overboard Waypoint This unit has a man overboard feature that shows navigation data to the location where the feature was activated. To activate it, press the ZOUT and ZIN keys at the same time. Your posi tion at the time these keys are pressed is used as the man overboard position.
80 Selecting a Waypoint To select a waypoint on the map (for navigating to, for editing, etc.,) use the arrow keys and center the curs or over the waypoint.
81 Section 5: System & GPS Setup Options Alarms This unit has several GPS alarms. You can set an arrival alarm to flash a warning message and sound a tone when you cross a preset distance from a waypoint. For example, if yo u have the arrival alarm set to 0.
82 2. Scroll ↓ or ↑ to select the desire d category, then press ENT to turn the alarm on or off. 3. To change the alarm range, press → to D ISTANCE | ENT . Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and re- peat until the distance is correct.
83 To change any of these settings while in Aviation Mode: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to A VIA TION A LA RM S | ENT . 2. Scroll ↓ or ↑ to select the desire d category, then press ENT . 3. In number boxes, press ↑ or ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat unt il the distance or time is correct.
84 You can force the unit to immediatel y kick into auto search mode. Here's how: 1. Press PA GES | ← to S TATUS | ENT . 2. Press MENU | ↓ to GPS A UTO S EARCH | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT .
85 Menus for changing Com Port settings. For connectors and wiring information for another device, consult the factory; phone numbers are in the back of this manual. To set Com Port Configuration: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT . 2.
86 This unit can show a position in degrees (36.14952°); degrees, minutes and thousandths of a minute (36° 28.700'); or degrees, minutes, seconds and tenths of a second (36° 28' 40.
87 At left, Setup Loran TD option on the Coordinate System Menu. At right, Configure Loran TD menu. Map Fix Map Fix is used with charts or maps . This system asks for a reference position in latitude/longitude, whic h you take from a marked location on the map.
88 Configure a map fix so AirMap can find your position on a printed chart, sectional or topographical map. Press → to S ELECT O RIGIN | ENT | ENT ( M Y W A YPOINTS ) if you saved the refer- ence point as a waypoint. Select the waypoint that you saved the refer- ence point under and press ENT .
89 Customize Menu, with "GPS Data" and "Navigation" categories expanded. Selecting the category name and pressing ENT will show the category's contents, so you can choose items within it.
90 A message appears periodically, warning you that the simulator is on. Repeat the above steps or turn the unit off to turn the simulator off. GPS Setup Menu, left, GPS Simulator Menu, right. Map Auto Zoom This receiver has an auto zoom fe ature that eliminates much of the button pushing that other brands of GPS receivers force you to make.
91 Map Menu, left, Map Data Menu, right. Show Map Data Press MENU | ↓ to M AP D AT A | ENT . Press ENT to adjust the level of detail using E ART H M AP D ETA IL .
92 To set Lat/Lon Grid: Press MENU | ↓ to M AP D AT A | ENT . Press ↓ to L AT /L ON G RID L INES . With the option highlighted, press ENT to check it (turn on) and uncheck it (turn off). After the option is set, press EXIT to return to the page display.
93 To get to Map Categories: 1. Press MENU | ↓ to M AP C ATEGORIES D RA WN | ENT . 2. Press ↑ or ↓ to select a category or subcategory. Press ENT to turn it off (no check) or on (checked).
94 By default, many receivers show the map with north always at the top of the screen. This is the way most maps and charts are printed on pa- per. This is fine if you're always traveling due north. What you see to your left corresponds to the left side of the map, to your right is shown on the right side of the map, and so on.
95 3. To turn off a Navionics chart, from the Map Page, press MENU | ↓ to M AP D AT A | ENT | ↓ to N AVIONICS M AP C HOICE | ENT . Use ↑ or ↓ to select N ONE , then press ENT | EXIT | EXIT . Port Information Navionics charts contain Port Servic es information, represented by an- chor icons on the m ap display.
96 Port Services information screens. 4. Depending on the location, the Detailed Services window may have a long list of services under the Ge neral Services category. To scroll through the Detailed Services window: from S ERVICE C A TEGORIES , press ↓ to D ETA ILED S ERVICES | ENT , then use ↑ or ↓ to read the list of available services.
97 To view Tidal Current information: 1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor over a Tidal Current Station icon. When selected, a po p-up name box appears. 2. Press FIND | FIND to display the Tidal Current Information screen. Navionics chart showing Tidal Current Station icon selected by cur- sor.
98 Slack water, the period of little or no current, is represented by the Slack Water Line (SWL). The flood appears above the SWL and the ebb appears below the SWL. You can look up tidal current data for other dates by changing the month, day and year selection bo xes.
99 Tide Information screen. The Tide Information screen displays daily tidal data for this station on this date at the present time. The gr aph at the top of the screen is an approximate view of the tidal range pattern for the day, from midnight (MN), to noon (NN) to midnight (MN).
100 This example shows the Pop-up Help message for the Route Planning command, located on the Main Menu. Reset Options To reset all features to their factory defaults: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT | ↓ to R ESET O PTIONS | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT .
101 maximum contrast. Adju st the screen so that you see white, black & 2 shades of gray at the top of the screen. Screen Command, left, and Contrast bar, right. To adjust the display's brightness: 1. Press ↓ to B RIGHTNESS . Press → or ← to move the bar.
102 Display Mode menu. To adjust the display's back light delay options: 1. Press ↓ to L IGHT D ELA Y | ENT |press ↑ or ↓ to select mode | EXIT . 2. To leave the screen settings and return to the last page displayed, press EXIT | EXIT . Light Delay menu.
103 Set Local Time The local time and date are saved when a waypoint is created. Begin by pressing MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT | ↓ to S ET L OCAL T IME | ENT . Set Local Time Command: left, Main Menu; center System Setup menu. At right, the Time Settings menu.
104 The last field in this menu is C ONFIG DST . This feature allows your unit to automatically adjust with the time change caused by Daylight Sav- ing Time (you should only have to set it once). You may select which set of rules matches DST in your regio n, or simply accept the default.
105 At left, Main Menu with Sounds command selected. At right, the Sounds menu. Once in the Sounds me nu: To set Key Sounds: With the option highlighted, press ENT to check it (turn on) and uncheck it (turn off). After the option is set, press EXIT | EXIT to return to the page display.
106 Trail Options There are several options you can use wi th trails. Some affect all trails, other options can be applied to a particular trail. You can change the way trails are updated, you can displa y or hide trails, make them flash on the screen or not flash, create a new trail, delete a trail, etc.
107 Trail Options menu. Press ↓ to U PDA TE C RITERIA , then press → or ← to select criteria type | ENT . Trail Update Rate (Time, Distance) You can update a trail by time, with a range from 1 second to 9999 seconds; the default is 3 seconds. You can update by distance, with a range from 0.
108 Trail menu. The name, maximum number of points in the trail, activity, and visi- bility are all changed on this screen. The Active setting determines whether or not AirMap is recording new points for a particular trail. Press ↓ or ↑ to highlight the section you wish to change, then press ENT .
109 To set Heading: Press ↓ to H EA DING | ENT . Press ↑ or ↓ to change the heading, then press ENT . After the option is set, press EXIT | EXIT to re- turn to the page display. To set Depth: Press ↓ to D EPTH | ENT . Press ↑ or ↓ to change the depth units, then press ENT .
110 Notes.
111 Section 6: Searching Whether you are in Aviation Mode or Land Mode, AirMap's search func- tions all begin with the FIND key, and the search menus work the same in each mode. However, the Aviation Mode searches appear only in Aviation Mode (while the general searches appear in both Aviation and Land mode).
112 the airspace, not on the airspace itself. This means you can scroll the cursor to the far side of the airspace to check how far it is across, or move it to the exact spot you plan on entering the air- space for more precise navigation information.
113 Calculating message, left, and list of the nearest airports, right. 4. If you're looking by name , there are two options: A. You can spell out the name in the top selection box. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first letter, then press → to move the cursor to the next letter and repeat until the name is correct, then press ENT | ENT .
114 2. If searching for the Nearest VOR, press ENT . If searching for a VOR By Name , press ↓ to N AM E | ENT . You can also search By I dentifier , and By City . Find menu, left, and Find By Near est, center, Find By Name, right. 3. If you're looking for nearest , AirMap says it is calculating, then a list of VORs appears.
115 Find By Name menu. 5. If you're looking by identifier or by city , the method is the same as by na me ( de s cr ib e d i n st ep 4 ). Use the arrow keys to enter the VOR's identifier or the name of a city, and the AirMap will show you all avail- able VORs matching the criteria you entered.
116 Calculating message, left, and list of the nearest NDBs, right. 4. If you're looking by name , there are two options: A. You can spell out the name in the top selection box. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first letter, then press → to move the cursor to the next letter and repeat until the name is correct, then press ENT | ENT .
117 Find Intersections (Aviation Mode only) 1. Press FIND | ↓ to F IND I NTERSECTIONS | ENT . 2. If searching for the Nearest intersection, press ENT . If searching for an airport By Identifier , press ↓ to I DENTI FIER | ENT . Find menu, left, and Find By Nearest, center, Find By Identifier, right.
118 tion from the list, then press ENT . The waypoint information screen ap- pears. To find the intersection, press → to F I ND O N M AP | ENT . To return to the previous page, press EXIT | EXIT | EXIT | EXIT | EXIT . Find By Name menu. Land Mode Searches Find Addresses 1.
119 ter and repeat until the name is correct, then press ENT | ENT . B. Jump down to the lower selection list by pressing ENT , then press ↓ or ↑ to select a street name from the list, then press ENT . T he street name you selected is now in the street fiel d.
120 Find city field, left, Search in particular city only option, center, Find City by name, right. NOTE: It is recommended that you not enter a city name unless the list you are given is too large when you try searching without one. AirMap can search quicker without a city entered, and you save time by not entering one in.
121 Find Interstate Highway Exits 1. Press FIND | ↓ to H IGHWA Y E XITS | ENT . Land Mode Find menu, with Highway Exits option selected. 2. First select a highway by pressing ENT . There are two options: A. You can spell out the highway in the top selection box.
122 Selected exit. 4. In the Exit Information screen you have two choices. A. Press ENT to navigate or "go to" the exit. B. Press → | ENT to find the exit on the map. "Go To" option, left, "Find On Map" option, right. Find Map Places 1.
123 Land Mode Find menu, with Map Places command selected. 2. Press ↓ or ↑ to select a POI category then press ENT . You will be given two options: Search by nearest or by name. NOTE: To narrow your search press → and then ↑ or ↓ to select a subcate- gory before pressing ENT .
124 Find by nearest option, left, Calculating screen, center, POI list, right. 4. Search by name of POI. Press ↓ | ENT . There are two options: A. You can spell out the POI in the top selection box.
125 "Go To" POI option, left, "Find on Map" POI option, right. Find Streets or (Street) Intersections 1. Press FIND | ↓ to S TREETS | ENT . Land Mode Find menu, with Fi nd Streets command selected. 2. To find a street. Press ENT .
126 Find streets or intersections menu, left, Find street by name, right. Find first street, left, Street found, right. 3. To find an intersection. First enter an address into the "first street" field by pressing ENT . There are two options: A.
127 Find intersection, left, and "Working " menu, center, Intersection list, right. Find Waypoints 1. Press FIND | ENT . 2. If searching for the Nearest waypoint, press ENT . If searching for a waypoint By Name , press ↓ to N AM E | ENT . Find menu, left, and Find By nearest, center, Find by name, right.
128 Calculating message, left, and list of the nearest waypoints, right. 4. If you're looking by name , there are two options: A. You can spell out the name in the top selection box. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first letter, then press → to move the cursor to the next letter and repeat until the name is correct, then press ENT | ENT .
129 Section 7: Supplemental Material Datums Used by This Unit WGS 1984 Default Adindan Mean for Ethiopia, Sudan Adindan Burkina Faso Adindan Cameroon Adindan Ethiopia Adindan Mali Adindan Senegal Adin.
130 Chua Astro Paraguay Corrego Alegre Brazil Dabola Guinea Djakarta (Batavia) Indonesia (Sumatra) DOS 1968 New Georgia Islands (Gizo Island) Easter Island 1967 Easter Island European 1950 Mean for Au.
131 Naparima BWI Trinidad & T obago North American 1927 Mean for Antigua, Barbados, Barbuda, Caicos Islands, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Turks Islands North American 1927 Mean.
132 Point 58 Sweden Santo (DOS) 1965 Espirito Santo Island Sao Braz Azores (Sao Miguel, Santa Maria Islands) Sapper Hill 1943 East Falkland Island Schwarzeck Nambia Selvagem Grande Salvage Islands SGS.
133 FCC Compliance This device complies with Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communica- tions Commission (FCC) Rules. Operation is subject to the follow- ing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interfer- ence, and (2) this device must acce pt any interference received, in- cluding interference that may cause undesired operation.
134 Notes.
135 Index A Accessories, 5, 7, 16, 17, 54, 77 Sec. 2, Installation & Accessories , 11 Airspace, 4, 25, 26, 32, 33, 49, 82, 111, 112 Alarm C lock, 78 Alarms , 21, 28, 70, 81, 82 Anchor Alarm, 81, 8.
136 Map Data, 10, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95 Map Datum , 86, 92 Selection, 86, 92 Map Detai l, 34, 35, 91, 92 Map Fix (Coordi nate System ), 86, 87, 88 Map Menu, 63, 91, 93 Map Orient ation, 31, 62, 93 Map Ov.
137 Status Menu, 61, 83 Sun/Moon Rise & Set Calculator, 78 T Track Smoothi ng, 105 Trail, 5, 6, 10, 21, 27, 32, 37, 54, 61, 66, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 92, 100, 105, 106, 107, 108 Delete, 77 Delete Al.
138 Notes.
140 DATABASES LIMITED WARRANTY "We", "our", or "us" refers to Lowrance Electronics, Inc ., the manufacturer of this product. "You" or "your" refer s to the first person who purchases the prod- uct as a consumer item for per sonal, family, or household use.
141 LOWRANCE ELECTRONICS FULL ONE-YEAR WARRANTY "We," "our," or "us" refers to LO W RANCE ELECTRONICS, INC., the manufacturer of this product. "You" or "your" refers to the first person wh o p urchases this produc t as a consumer item for personal, f amily or household use.
142 How to Obtain Service… …in the USA: We back your investment in quality pr oducts with quick, expert service and genuine Lowrance parts. If you're in the United States and you have technical, return or repair qu estions, please contact the Factory Customer Service Department.
Accessory Orde ring Informa tion for all countries To order Lowrance accessories such as power cables, please cont act: 1) Your l ocal aviation equipment de aler or consumer el ectronics store. Most quality dealers that hand le avionics eq uipment, marine electronics or other c onsumer electronics sh ould be able to ass ist you with these items.
Visit our web site: © Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Lowrance Electronics, Inc..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Lowrance AirMap 600c è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Lowrance AirMap 600c - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Lowrance AirMap 600c imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Lowrance AirMap 600c ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Lowrance AirMap 600c, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Lowrance AirMap 600c.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Lowrance AirMap 600c. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Lowrance AirMap 600c insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.