Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MC372LL/A del fabbricante Apple
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Congr atulations , y ou and your MacBook P ro were made f or each other ..
Say hello to y our MacBook Pro . www finder Pinch and zoom Rotate Scroll Swipe Multi-T ouch trackpad Scroll through files , adjust images, and enlarge te xt using just your fingers. Mac Help Built-in iSight camera and iChat Video chat with friends and family anywhere in the world .
Time Machine Automatically back up and restore y our files. Mac Help Spotlight Find an ything on your Mac. Mac Help time mac hine spotli ght Safari Experience the web with the fastest browser in the world . Mac Help safari Quick Look Instantly preview your files.
5 Contents C onten ts Chapter 1: Ready , Set Up , Go 9 What’ sintheBox 9 SettingUp Y ourMacBookP ro 1 6 Putting Y ourMacBookP rotoSleeporShuttin.
6 Contents 56 Problemswith Y ourInternetConnection 58 ProblemswithAirP ortExtremeWir elessCommunication 59 Keeping Y ourSoftwareUptoDate 60 Re.
Mac H elp Migr ation A ssist ant w w w.appl oo kp ro Ready , Set Up , Go 1.
8 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Y ourMacBookProisdesignedsothatyoucansetitupquicklyandstartusingitright away . Ifyouhavenev erusedaMacBookProorarenewtoMacintoshcomput ers, read thischapterforhelpgettingstarted.
9 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go What’ s in the Box AC power cord 85W MagSafe P ower Adapter ® Setting Up Y our MacB ook Pro Y ourMacBookProisdesignedsothatyoucansetitupquicklyandstartusingitright away .
10 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Important: Removetheprot ectivelmaroundthe85WMagSafeP owerAdapter beforesettingupyourMacBookP ro. Step 1: Plug in the 85W MagSafe P ower Adapter to pro vide power to the MacBook Pro and charge the ba ttery.
11 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Whenyourstconnectthepoweradaptert oyourMacBookPro ,anindicatorlighton theMagSafeconnectorstartstoglow. Anamberlightindicatesthebatteryischarging.
12 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Step 3: Pre ss the power ( ® ) button briey to turn on y our MacBook Pro . Y ouhearatonewhenyouturnonthecomputer . ® ® P ower button IttakestheMacBookProafewmomentstostartup.
13 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Step 4: Congure y our MacBook Pro with Setup Assistant. ThersttimeyouturnonyourMacBookPr o, SetupAssistantstarts.SetupAssistant helpsyouentery ourInternetandemailinformationandsetupauseraccountony our MacBookPro .
14 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Migrating Information to Y our M acBook Pro Y oucanfollowthepromptsinSetupAssistantt omigrateexistinguseraccounts , les, applications, andotherinformationfromanotherMaccomputer .
15 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Step 5: Customize the Mac OS X deskt op and set preference s. Menubar Helpmenu.
16 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Y oucanquicklycustomizethedesktopusingSystemP reference s. ChooseApple( )> SystemP referencesfr omthemenubarorclicktheSystemPr eferencesiconin theDock.
17 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go T o wake your MacBook Pro: Â If the display is closed, simplyopenittowakeupyourMacBookP ro. Â If the display is already open, pressthepower( ® )butt onoranykeyonthekeyboard.
w w w.appl x Mac H elp Mac OS X Life with Y our MacBook Pro 2.
20 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Basic F eatures of Y our MacB ook Pro ® ® P ower button Camera indicator light iSight camera Built-in stereo speakers Battery indicator lights (side) Micropho.
21 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Built-in iSight camera and indicator light VideoconferenceusingtheiChatapplication, takepic tureswithPhotoBooth, orcapture videowithiMovie. T heindicatorlightglowswhenthecameraisoperating .
22 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Keyboard F eatures of Y our MacBook Pro ® Fu nction (fn) key esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F1 0 F1 1 F1 2 — C - V olume keys Brightness keys Media Eject key.
23 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Function (fn) key Pressandholdthiskeytoactivat ecustomizedactionsassignedtothefunctionkeys (F1toF1 2).
24 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro P or ts on Y our MacBook Pro ® ¯ Gigabit Ethernet port G Audio out port f Audio in port , Mini DisplayPort £ USB 2.
25 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro ¯ MagSafe power port Plugintheincluded85WMagSafeP owerAdaptertorechargetheMacBookP robattery. G Gigabit Ethernet port Connecttoahigh-speedEthernetnetwork, aDSLorcablemodem,oranothercomputer .
26 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Using the Multi-T ouch T rackpad UsethetrackpadtomovethecursorandtoperformavarietyofMulti-T ouchgestures. Unliketypicaltrack pads, theentireMacBookProtrackpadisabutton, andyoucanclick anywhereonthetrackpad.
27 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro  Secondary click ing or “right-clicking” letsyouacce ssshortcutmenucommands. • T osetupaone-ngersecondary-.
28 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Thefollowingtrackpadgesturesw orkincertainapplications. Whenyouperformthese gestures , slideyourngerslightlyonthesurfaceofthetrack pad.
29 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro  Three-nger swiping letsyourapidlypagethroughdocumen ts, movetotheprevious ornextphoto, andmore.  Four -nger swiping worksintheFinderandallapplications .
30 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Using the MacBook Pro Batt er y WhentheMagSafepoweradapterisn ’tconnected, yourMacBookProdrawspow er fromitsbuilt-inbattery .
31 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Charging the Batt ery Whenthepoweradapterthatcamewithy ourMacBookProisconnected , thebattery chargeswhetherthecomputerison, o ,orinsleep .
32 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro More Information Formor einformationaboutusingyourMacBookPro ,seethef ollowing: T o learn about See Installingmemory Chapter3, “Boost Y ourMacBookPro” onpage3 5.
33 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro T o learn about See UsingBluetoothwireless technology .
Mac H elp RA M w w w.appl Boost Y our MacBook Pro 3.
36 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Thischapterprovide sinformationandinstructionsforupgradingtheharddiskdrive andinstallingadditionalmemoryinyourMacBookPro.
37 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Replacing the Hard Disk Drive Y oucanupgradetheharddiskdriveinyourMacBookPr o. Wheny ouopentheback ofyourMacBookPro ,theharddiskdriveisloca tednexttothebuilt-inbattery.
38 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Important: Becausethescrewsaredi erentlengths, notethescrewlengthsand locationssoyoucanreplacethescrewsc orrectly . Putthemasideinasafeplace .
39 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Important: Whenyouremo vethebottomcase, youexposesensitiveinternal components. Av oidtouchinganythingotherthantheharddriveassemblywhenyou removeoraddaharddiskdriv e.
40 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 4 Locatethebracketatthetopofthedrive. UseaPhillipsscrewdrivertoloosenthetwo captivescrewsthatholdthebracketinplace. Putthebracketasideinasafeplace.
41 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 6 Holdthedr ivebyitssideswhileyougen tlypulltheconnectorontheleftsideofthe drivetodisconnectit. D on ’tpressthedrivebetweeny ourngers, andavoidtouching thecircuitryontheundersideofthedrive.
42 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 8 Inser tthereplacementdriveatanangle, makingsurethemountingscrewsareseated properly .
43 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 1 0 Replacethebottomcase. Replaceandtightenthetenscrewsyour emovedinstep2in theirproperlocations, makingsuretoinser ttheshor terscrewsattheanglesshownin theillustration.
44 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Installing Additional Memory Y ourcomputerhastwomemoryslotsthatyouaccessbyremovingthebott om case.
45 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 2 Pushtheleversonthesidesofthememorymoduleinanoutwarddirectiontorelease themodulefromthememorycardslot. Thememorypopsupatanangle.
46 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 3 Holdthememor ymodulebyitsnotchesandremoveitfromtheslot. 4 Removetheothermemor ymodule. Important: Holdthememorymodulesbytheiredges, anddonottouchthegold connectors.
47 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Notches 6 Followtheinstructionsforreplacingthebottomcaseinstep1 0onpage43..
48 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Making Sure Y our MacBook Pro Recognizes the New Memory AfterinstallingadditionalmemoryinyourMacBookPro, checkwhetherthecomputer recognizesthenewmemory . T o check the computer’ s memor y: 1 Star tupyourMacBookPro.
Mac H elp help w w w.appl r t P roblem, Meet Solution 4.
50 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Occasionally ,youma yhaveproblemswhilew orkingwithyourMacBookPro. Read onfortroubleshootingtipstotrywhenyouhav eaproblem.
51 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Problems That Pre vent Y ou from Using Y our MacB ook Pro If your MacBook Pro doesn ’t respond or the point er doesn’ t move Onrareoccasions, anapplicationmay “freeze ” onthescreen.
52 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution If your MacBook Pro freeze s during startup, or you see a ashing question mark, or the display is dark and the sleep indicat or light is glowing steadily (not in.
53 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution If your MacBook Pro doesn ’t turn on or start up T r ythefollowingsuggestionsinorderuntilyourcomput erturnson: Â Makesurethepoweradapterispluggedintothecomput erandintoafunctioning poweroutlet.
54 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution If the display suddenly goes black or y our MacBook Pro freezes T r yrestar tingyourMacBookPro . 1 Unplugan ydevic estha tare connected toy ourMacBoo kPr o, except thepow eradapter .
55 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution If you hav e trouble ejecting a disc Quitanyapplicationsthatmightbeusingthediscandtryagain. Ifthatdoesn ’twork, restartthecomputerandthenimmediatelypressandholdthetrackpadbutton.
56 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Problems with Y our Internet Connection Y ourMacBookProhastheNetworkSetupAssistantapplicationtohelpw alkyou throughsettingupanInternetconnection. OpenSystemPrefer encesandclick Network.
57 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Important: Instructionsthatrefertomodemsdonotapplyt oLANusers. LANusers mighthavehubs , switches, routers, orconnectionpodsthatDSLandcablemodem usersdonothave.
58 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Network Connections MakesuretheEthernetcableisconnectedtoyourMacBookProandtothenetw ork. Checkthecablesandpowersuppliest oyourEthernethubsandrouters.
59 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution  Makesureyouarewithinantennarangeoftheothercomput erorthenetwork’ s accesspoint. Nearbyelectronicdevicesormetalstructurescaninterferewithwireless communicationandreducethisrange .
60 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Reinstalling the Software That Came with Y our MacB ook Pro UsethesoftwareinstallationdiscsthatcamewithyourMacBookPr otoreinstall MacOSXandanyapplicationsthatcamewithyourcomput er .
61 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Reinstalling Applications IfyouerasedyourharddiskaspartofreinstallingMacOSX, youmustreinstallthe applicationsthatcamewithyourMacBookPro ,suchastheiLif eapplications.
62 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Learning More , Service, and Suppor t Y ourMacBookProdoesnothav eanyuser-serviceablepar ts, excepttheharddriveand thememory. Ifyouneedservice, contactAppleortakeyourMacBookProtoanApple AuthorizedServiceProvider .
63 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Ifyouneedassistance, AppleCaretelephonesupportrepresentativescanhelpyou withinstallingandopeningapplications, andbasictroubleshooting. Callthesuppor t centernumbernearesty ou(therst90daysarecomplimentary).
64 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Locating Y our Product Serial Number Useoneofthesemethodstondyourcomput er ’ sserialnumber: Â T urnovery ourMacBookP ro. Theseri alnumbe riset chedin tothe casene artheh inge.
Mac H elp ergo nomic s w w w.appl ent Last, but Not Least 5.
66 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Fory oursafetyandthatofyourequipment, followtheserulesf orhandlingand cleaningyourMacBookProandf orworkingmorecomfortably. Keeptheseinstructions handyforrefer encebyyouandothers.
67 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least W ater and wet locations KeepyourMacBookP roawayfromsour cesofliquid, suchas drinks, washbasins, bathtubs, showerstalls, andsoon.P rotectyourMacBookProfrom dampnessorwetweather ,suchasrain, snow ,andfog .
68 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least MagSafe power specications:  Frequency: 50to60Hz, singlephase  Line V oltage: 1 00to240V  Output V oltage: 1 8.
69 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Laser Information for Optical Disc Driv es W ARNING: Makingadjustmentsorper formingproceduresotherthanthosespecied inyourequipment’ smanualmayresultinhazardousradiationexposur e.
70 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Carrying your MacBook Pro IfyoucarryyourMacBookProinabagorbriefcase, makesurethattherearenolooseitems(s.
71 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Storing your MacBook Pro Ifyouaregoingtostorey ourMacBookProforanextended periodoftime, keepitinacoollocation(ideally , 7 1°For22°C)anddischargethe batterytoapproximately50percen t.
72 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Understanding Ergonomics Herearesometipsforsettingupahealth yworkenvironment. Keyboard and T rackpad Whenyouusethekeyboardandtrackpad, yourshouldersshouldberelaxed .
73 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Changehandpositionsoftentoavoidfatigue . Somecomputerusersmightdevelop discomfortintheirhands, wrists,orarmsafterintensiv eworkwithoutbreaks.
74 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Built-in Display Adjusttheangleofthedispla ytominimizeglareandreectionsfromoverheadlights andwindows. Donotforcethedisplayify oumeetresistance.
75 Regulatory Compliance Information Compliance Statemen t Thisdevicecomplieswithpart1 5oftheFCCrules.Operation issubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:.
76 Industry Canada Statement ComplieswiththeCanadianICES-003ClassBspecications. CetappareilnumériquedelaclasseBestconformeàlanorme NMB-003duCanada. ThisdevicecomplieswithRSS2 1 0ofIndustry Canada.
77 External USB Modem Information WhenconnectingyourMacBookProtothephonelineusingan externalUSBmodem,refert othetelecommunicationsagency informationinthedocumentationthatcamewithyourmodem.
78 Disposal and Recycling Information Thissymbolindicatesthatyourproductmustbedisposedof properlyaccordingtolocallawsandregulations. Whenyour productreachesitsendoflife, contactAppleoryourlocal authoritiestolearnaboutrecyclingoptions.
L ook ing for Something?.
80 Looking for Something? A ACplug 1 0 ACpoweradapter . See power adapter ACpowercor d 1 0 adapter ,pow er . See power adapter AirP ortEx treme connecting.
81 Looking for Something? E ejectingadisc 55 EnergySaverpref erences conservingbatter y power 30 environmentalimpact 7 4 ergonomics 72 Ethernet connectingto 1 1 .
82 Looking for Something? N networkaddresstranslation (NA T ) 5 8 networkconnections 58 NetworkDiagnostics 56 NetworkSetupAssistant 56 number ,serial 64 O online.
83 Looking for Something? SystemPr eferences customizingthedesktop 1 5 EnergySaver 1 6 SoftwareUpdate 59 StartupDisk 52 SystemPr oler 62 T three-ngerswipin.
K AppleInc. ©20 1 0AppleInc.Allrightsreserved. Underthecopyrightlaws, thismanualmaynotbecopied,inwhole orinpart,withoutthewrittenconsentofApple .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Apple MC372LL/A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Apple MC372LL/A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Apple MC372LL/A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Apple MC372LL/A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Apple MC372LL/A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Apple MC372LL/A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Apple MC372LL/A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Apple MC372LL/A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.