Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto OfficeEdge Pro 4000 del fabbricante Lexmark
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Pro4 000 S erie s Quick Refe re nce Gui de January 2012 www.lexmark .com.
Important Message About Cartridge Recyc ling! Please Read Before Opening Your Inkjet Cartridge Box At Lex mark , we t ake our c ommit ment t o the en viron ment s erio usl y, a nd we en coura ge o ur cust omer s to participate in our easy, no-cost method for returning empty Lexmark cartridges to Lexmark for proper recycling.
Cont ents Import ant safety informati on...................... ............ ............. ..........2 About y our pr inter........... ........... ......................... ........... ........... .....5 Fin ding infor ma tion abo ut the pr in ter.... .
Configurin g Wi ‑ Fi P rote cted S etup m an ually ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......... ..42 Using shor tcuts........................... . .............................. ...................43 Wha t are sh or tcuts ?.
About y our printer Fi ndin g in form ation a bou t the pr inte r The Qu ic k Re f erence Guide co ntains i nstru ctions on ad ding your print er to a wireles s net work, s etting up a fax connec tion, and acco mplishi ng common printer tasks like printing, copying , scanning, and faxing .
• U se re cyc led pa per. To read the Lexmark Env ironmental Sustai nability Report, se e www. lexmar vironme nt . Note: Y our prin ter may not come w ith som e of these pr ogr ams or som e of the func tion s of the se programs, dependi ng on the f eatures of the printer tha t you purcha sed.
2 To initiate printer setup using a computer, insert the installat ion software CD, or download the prin ter driver. Wit h a C D or DVD drive (Windows/Macin tosh) Wit ho u t a CD or DV D dr iv e or fo.
6 M o ve the pa per guid es to the sides. 1 3 2 4 7 Fo r legal ‑ size paper, extend th e paper tray. 2 1 8 Load paper with t he print able side f acedown. 9 Adjust t he paper guide s to rest ag ainst the l eft, ri ght, and bot tom ed ges of the pap er.
10 Insert the paper tray . S D /M S /x D /M M C Paus e Dial Ton e Redia l Add re ss Boo k 11 Co n nect the pow er cord only . Note: Do not at ta ch the U SB c abl e y et .
15 Set the country or region, an d then pres s OK . Country/Region Country/Region United States Albania Algeria Please choose a country or region and press OK 16 Using the keypad o n the printer c ontrol panel, set the date. Press t h e left or righ t arrow button to scroll bet ween t he month , day, and ye ar.
21 Enter your name or comp any name, an d then pres s OK . Your fa x nam e i de nt if ies you as t he s ende r in all you r sent fa xe s. Fax Name Fax Name Enter Fax Name and press OK 22 C onfigure other advanc ed fax settings late r in the software in stallation.
27 From the printer c ontrol pa nel, press OK to prin t an align men t pa g e. S D / M S / x D / M M C Paus e DialTon e Redia l Add r ess Boo k Notes : • The a lignment p age p ri nts. • Do n ot remove th e page unt il printing is finis hed . The alignm ent page may take a whi le to print .
Use the To 7 P aper tra y Lo ad paper . 8 E xit bin Hol d paper a s it exits. Note: For the printer to be ready for any print job, make sure to fully extend the exit bin a nd to fli p out the bin exten der. 9 B in exte nder Ca tch th e paper as it exit s.
Use To 2 Disp lay Not e : Th e display is turned off i n Sleep mode. View : • Printer status • Messages • M enus 3 Arrow buttons Navigate through menu items that appear on the display. 4 Ho m e Return to th e home scre en. 5 K eypad In C opy mode or Pho to mode : Ente r the numb er of copi es or print s you wan t to make.
Use To 14 Start Start a job, dep endi ng on whi ch mode is sele cted. 15 Canc el • Ca nce l a p rint , cop y, s can , or fa x jo b in pr ogr ess . • Clear cu rrent sett ings or e rror me ssages, and retur n to pr e vious se ttings. 16 Ether net in dicat or Chec k th e Et h ernet c o nnecti on of your pr int er.
Follow t he instructions on the printer dis p lay or sel ect from a vailable option s. Notes: • If the p rin ter do es n ot re cogni ze th e m e mo r y d evice, then r emove a nd rein sert it.
Ordering and replacing supplies Orderi ng ink cartri d ges 1 Li cense d fo r a sin gle use only. A fter us e, retu rn this ca rtrid ge to Le xmark for re manu fac tur ing , refi lling, or rec yc ling. 2 Available only on the Le xmark Web site at www. lexma rk.
5 C lose t he ink ca rtridge acce ss door. Notes: • If Align Pr inter appear s on the printer di splay, then touch Co nti nue or pr ess OK , depending on y our p rinter m ode l.
Using the printer s oftware Min imum sys tem req uirem ents The printer s oftware requires up to 500MB of free disk space. Supp or ted o per ating sys tems • M i cros oft W indows 7 (SP 1) • M icr.
If you did n ot install the se additional pro grams during initial ins tallation, then reinsert the installat ion software CD, run t he installation software, and then c lick Advanced Option s > Install Additional Softw are .
Notes: • Your printe r may not come wi th the se applicat ions, depe nding on the fea tures of the pr inter tha t you pur chase d or the inst allation t ype (st andard or cust om) chos en when y ou insta lled the pr inter.
Printing Pri nt ing a doc ume nt For W ind ows use rs 1 Wi th a d oc ument open, clic k File > Pri nt . 2 C lic k Pr ope r ti es , Pr ef er en ces , Op tio ns , or Setup . 3 Select the print quality , the number of copies t o print, the t ype of paper t o use, and how the page s should pr int.
• Fo r Short ‑ Edge bin ding, pag es are bound along the s hort edge of the pag e (top edg e for portrai t, left edge for lands cape). Port rait Lan dscape 10 C lick Pr in t . Pr i nt ing phot os f ro m a me m ory c a rd or fl ash d ri v e 1 L oad ph oto paper.
Pri nt ing fr om a m o bi le de v ice What is Le xPrint? LexPrint is a free ap plication that lets you p rint easily f rom yo ur iPad, iPh one, or iPod t ouch using any Le xma r k p rinte r co nn e cte d t o th e sa me w i re les s n e two rk .
Copying AD F Scan ner g lass S D / M S / x D / M M C Paus e DialTon e Redia l Add r essBoo k Us e th e AD F fo r mul tip le ‑ page do cuments . Not e : The AD F is av ailab le only i n sele ct mo dels. If you purchased a p rinter without an ADF, then load origi nal docu ments or phot os on the sca nner gl ass.
• For short-ed ged bind ing, page s are bound along t he short edge of the pag e (top edg e for portrait orie ntation and left edge for landscap e orientation). 5 Pr ess , and then follow the instructions on the display. Canc elin g copy job s To cancel a copy job, press .
Scanning AD F Scan ner g lass S D / M S / x D / M M C Paus e DialTon e Redia l Add r essBoo k Us e th e AD F fo r mul tip le ‑ page do cuments . Not e : The AD F is av ailab le only i n sele ct mo dels. If you purchased a p rinter without an ADF, then load origi nal docu ments or phot os on the sca nner gl ass.
2 C lic k or Sta rt . 3 C lic k All P rograms or Pr og rams , and then s elect the pri nter program folde r from the list . 4 Navigat e to: Pr int er Hom e > sel ect your print er > Sca n 5 Se lect Ema il pho to , Emai l document , or Email PDF .
E-mai ling You can use your print er to send e-mai l to one or more recipi ents withou t using a comp uter provided you have set up the scan to e-m ail task through sh ortcuts. For mo re information, see th e section on sh ortcut s in the Qu ic k Ref erence Guide .
Setting up the printer to fax CAU TI ON— SHO CK HA ZAR D: Do not use the fax fe ature du ring a lightning storm. Do n ot set up this product or make any e lectrical o r cabling co n nections, such as the power supply cord or telephone, durin g a light ning storm.
Co nnec t ed to di ff er ent w al l j ac ks P H O N E L IN E To co nnec t: Connec t the cabl e from the w all ja ck to th e port of the print er. Tips for this se tup: • If you have only one telepho ne num ber on your line , then y ou need t o set the pri nter to receive faxes au tom a tic all y (Aut o Ans we r On ).
When you a nswer the tele phone and you hear fax t one s, pr ess * 9* or the man ual answer code o n t he telephone to receive the fax. • You can also set the prin ter to rec eive faxes autom atically ( Auto Answer On) , but y ou need to turn of f the voice mail service w hen you are e xpecting a fa x.
To co nnect: 1 Connec t one end of a telephon e cabl e to the po rt o f th e pri nte r. 2 C onnec t the other e nd of the cabl e to t he port la beled Phone Line 1 or Pho n e Por t on t he VoIP a dapter . The port labeled Ph on e Li ne 2 or Fax Port is not a lwa ys active.
• If y o u need t wo phone port s for your dev ices but d o not want to pay ex tra, then do not plug the print er into th e sec ond ph one port. Y ou ca n use a ph one split ter. Plug the phon e spli tter into t he Phone Line 1 or Ph one P ort , and th en plug the pri nter a nd telephone into the sp litter.
Con nect ing th e printe r to a non ‑ RJ ‑ 11 wall jack E X T L IN E To co nnec t: 1 C on nect one e nd of a tel ephone ca ble to the por t of the prin ter . 2 C onn ect the ot her end of the cable t o the RJ ‑ 11 ad apter, and t h en con ne ct th e ada pte r to the wall jack.
France Netherlands Switzerland Finland Norway United K ingdo m War ni ng— Pot ent ia l D amage : I f your count ry or regi on is on the list, then do not remove the wrap pl ug fr om t he por t of the pr inter . It is nec essar y for the pr oper func tionin g of the de vices on the telepho ne lin e.
Con nect the p rinter to an y of the N port s. P H O N E LIN E NFN To co nnec t: 1 C on nect one e nd of a tel ephone ca ble to the por t of the prin ter . 2 C onn ect the ot her end of the cable t o the RJ ‑ 11 ad apter, and t h en con ne ct th e ada pter to an N p ort .
Step 5: Set t he number of rings I f y ou se t Au t o A n sw er t o On in St e p 4 , th en d o t h e fo llo wi n g . I f yo u se t Au to A ns w e r t o O f f, th e n pr o c ee d to S tep 6.
Faxing CAU TI ON— SHO CK HA ZAR D: Do not use the fax fe ature du ring a lightning storm. Do n ot set up this product or m ake any el ectric al or cabling connec tions, suc h as the fax fea ture, po wer cord, or telephone, durin g a light ning storm.
Recei vin g faxe s au toma tica lly 1 M ake s ure that A uto A nswer is on: From the prin ter cont rol panel , navigat e to: > Setu p > OK > Fax Setup > OK > Ring ing an d Ans we rin g .
Wireless networking Inf orm at io n yo u wi ll n eed to se t up th e pri nt er o n a wirel ess netw ork To set up the pri nter for wirele ss pri nting, you ne ed to know: • The name of your wire les.
You can f ind these WPS logos on the side , back, o r top of your a ccess point . For more information on accessing the wireless settings and determining the WPS c apability of your access po int, see th e d ocu men tati on tha t came w ith t h e a cc ess po int or co n tac t your syste m suppo rt per son .
Using shortcuts What a re sho rtc ut s? A shortcut is a way to quickly accomplis h print ing, cop ying, scanning , e ‑ ma il in g , o r fax i n g ta sk s wit h th e printer. You can configu re an d save a set of freq uent ly used printer se ttings availa ble for a given t ask and then ass ign a short cut name and s hortcut num ber to it.
Modifying or deleting a s hortcut 1 L aunc h the sho rtcut s page, and then selec t a shor tcut. 2 Do either of the followi ng: • Make the ne ce ss ar y ch a nge s, an d the n cli ck Sav e Chan ges . • C lic k De lete . Using shor tcuts on the printer M ake s ure yo u ha ve c r e a te d a sho rtcu t.
Troubleshooting Bef ore you trou bles hoot Use th is checklist to so lve most printer p roblems: • M a ke s ure the po wer c ord is pl ugge d into the printer and into a properly g round ed, w orking elec trical outlet . • M ake su re the printe r is tu rned on .
C HE CK THE USB CONNECTION 1 Check the USB cable f or any ob vious da mage. I f the cable is da mage d, then use a new one. 2 F irm ly pl ug th e sq uar e e nd of th e U SB cabl e in to t he bac k of t he p rin ter . 3 Firmly plu g the recta ngular end of the USB cable into the US B port of t he compute r.
2 Load plain, unm arke d paper. 3 From the print er control p anel, naviga te to : > Se tup > OK > Mainte nance > OK > Dee p Clea n Pri nth ead > OK 4 Press the up or down arrow but ton to scroll to a clea ning option, a nd then pres s OK .
• “ Can not receiv e faxes” on pa ge 49 • “ C an not run the fax software” on page 49 Fax troubleshooting checkl ist If you enc ounter pro blems se nding and rec eivin g faxes, t hen check.
3 If t he pre fix is not co rrect , enter the c orre ct p refix, and th en p ress OK . Cannot receive faxes If the “Fax tr oubles hootin g chec klist ” does not solve t he problem, then try one or.
Print a net work set up page to verif y the SSID the printer is using. If you are not sure if your SSI D is correct, then run t he wireles s setup aga in. • Your WEP key or WPA passphras e is correct ( if your networ k is secure). Log on t o th e ac cess p oint and ch eck the s e cu rity se ttin gs.
If y our access point is using W PA or WPA2 security, then the WPA pa ssphrase should be : • E xac tly 64 hexa d ec imal ch aract e rs . Hexa decima l cha racte rs a re A – F , a–f , and 0–9. or • From 8 to 63 ASCII charact ers. ASCII chara cters are let ters, num bers, and sym bols found on a keyb oard .
The SSID of the network that the comput er is connec ted to is disp layed in the Net work Nam e menu . 2 Write down t he SS ID. In Mac OS X versio n 10 .
• Make sur e your DHCP ser ver, whi ch may a lso be your wirele ss router, is wo rking a nd is co nfigured to ass ign IP a ddre sses. If you are not sure ho w to do thi s, then ref er to the m anual that ca me wi th your wirele ss ro uter.
Noti ces Edit ion n oti ce Jan u ary 20 12 The foll owing paragr aph d oes n ot ap ply to any c ountr y whe re su ch pr ovi sio ns are inco nsis te nt wit h loc a l law : LEXM ARK INTERN ATIONAL , INC.
Index A Addr ess Bo ok 38 ADF input tray location 12 aligni ng the print hea d 18 answering machine setti ng up 30 Auto matic Docu men t Fee der (A DF) location 12 B bidirect iona l communica tion ena.
support ed type s 15 memory card slot location 12 minimum sy stem require me nts 19 models , printer 6 N netw ork set up page printi ng 50 netw orking findi ng IP addre ss of com puter 50 findi ng IP .
Web s ite fin d in g 5 Window s installi ng printer on wireless n etwork 41 Windo ws softwa re Abbyy Sp rint OCR 19 Phon e Book 19 Print er Home 1 9 Printer Set up Utility 1 9 Print ing Preferen ces 1.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro 4000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro 4000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro 4000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro 4000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro 4000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro 4000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro 4000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro 4000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.