Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 5708009-C del fabbricante Apex Digital
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U S ER MANUAL Fort Collins, CO 80525 USA 970.221.4670 1625 Sharp Point Drive Advanced Energy Industries, Inc . #RGZ 6/ )GPGTCVQT VQM9 .
4 5708009- C Advanced Ener gy ® All infor mation herein i s subje ct to per iodic up dates. Inquirie s concer ning thi s manual should be direc ted to AE. I nformation provi ded by AE is be lieve d to be cor rect and relia ble. However, no resp onsibili ty is assumed by AE un less o therwise e xpres sly taken.
5708009- C 5 Apex 1 to 5.5 k W Generator Chapter 1. Intro duction Read This Secti on! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 1 Using thi s Manual t o Find Infor mation for Your Gener ator .
6 5708009- C Advanced Ener gy ® Chapter 4. I nterfaces and Indicators Apex Use r Po rt Opt ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 25-Pin Apex Standard User Por t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5708009- C 7 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Install ing the Opti onal Water Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 Connecting Ou tput Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Connecting Input Power .
8 5708009- C Advanced Ener gy ®.
5708009- C 9 Apex 1 to 5.5 k W Generator Serial number i dentif ication tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Exa mple c onfi gurati on n ote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 5708009- C Advanced Ener gy ®.
5708009- C 11 Apex 1 to 5.5 k W Generator Apex PIN Positions and Associated Opti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Electromagnet ic Compatibil ity (EMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 5708009- C Advanced Ener gy ®.
5708009- C 1-1 Chapter Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Chapter 1 1 Introduction This chapt er co ntai ns se vera l kind s of introd ucto ry in form atio n. •“ Using th is Ma nual to Fi nd Info rmatio n.
1-2 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Figure 1-1. Serial number ident ificat ion ta g The PIN is a 17-pos itio n alpha -numeri c that r eprese nts the c onfigu ration of your generat or and identi fies the op tions ins tall ed on it .
5708009- C 1-3 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator notes ar e best us ed to conf irm that a pa rtic ular se ction of t he manual a pplies to the option in stall ed on a speci fic Apex unit . They also re fer back to Table 1-1 , which provides complet e conf igura tion inf ormatio n Figure 1-2.
1-4 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Table 1-1. Apex PI N Positions an d Associated Options PIN Po s i t io n Apex Featur e Options, Descripti ons, and Cross-Refere nces 1 Output fr equenc y 0—N/A 1—4 MHZ, ±0.005% 2—12.56 MHz, ±0.005% 3—13.56 MHZ, ±0.
5708009- C 1-5 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 3 Input vol tage 0 — 208 V nominal, 187 t o 229 Vac, 3 φ , 47 to 63 Hz, with breaker 1 — 400 V nominal, 3 60 to 440 Vac, 3 φ , 47 to 63 Hz, wi th breake.
1-6 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 5 Panel 0 — none (on-bo ard, fr ame mount ) 1 — integrated r ack mount with blank panel 2 — integrat ed rack mount wi th passi ve digita l display (see “ Ape.
5708009- C 1-7 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 8 User port options A — no Us er p ort B — 25-pin APEX stand ard (see “ 25 -Pin Ap ex Sta ndar d User Port ” on pag e 4-2) C — 25-p in custom RFG co.
1-8 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 11 Output co nnector 0 — exclusiv e option #1 1 — 7/16 connec tor ) 2 — SQS connector 3 — LC connector 4 — HN 5 — N 6 — exclusiv e option #2 For fu rthe r infor mati on see “ Connecti ng Output Powe r ” on page 5-5.
5708009- C 1-9 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator INTERPRETING TH E MANUAL AND UNIT LABELS The foll owing sections provi de informa tion to help you int erpre t the us e of type in t he manual as well as fr equently use d graphic s in the manual. It also pro vides a reference chart t o help you underst a nd th e labels t hat may be used on t he Apex unit.
1-10 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Icons (Symbo ls) This symbol repr esents important note s concer ning pote ntial harm to people, this unit , or associated equi pment. It is found when ever needed in th e manual. We include this symbol in Dang er, Warning, and Caution boxe s to identify spec ific levels of hazard serio usness.
5708009- C 1-11 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Capacito r charge Hazardous Voltag e Short ci rcuit protect ed High volt age Protect ive ea rth groun d Earth gr ound CE label.
1-12 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® SAFETY Do not att empt to install or opera te this equipment if you ha ve not first ac quired proper t rain ing. • Ensure t hat th is unit i s prop erly groun ded. • Ensure t hat al l cables are properly co nnected.
5708009- C 1-13 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Directives and Stan dards The f ollow ing ta bles list t he El ectro magn etic C omp atibi lity (E MC ) and Sa fety direct ives and standar ds.
1-14 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Certification Certain options of this produc t are cer tifi ed by: • Canadian Stan dards Association (CSA) (NRTL/C) • CE marking i s self addr essed by AE Compl.
5708009- C 1-15 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS In order for p roper ins tallation to b e complete d on the Apex generat or, pl ease take note of t he following war ning box es and the i nforma tion cont ained in t hem.
1-16 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Condition s of Use To be in c ompliance with the stated di rectives and s tandards, you must meet the followi ng conditi ons of use. • This devi ce must be used in an ov ervoltag e category II i nstalla tion only.
5708009- C 2-1 Chapter Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Chapter 2 2 Theor y GE NERA L DESCR IPT ION The Apex ™ prod uct line consis ting o f generat ors an d deliver y syst em products defined by a matrix of fe ature s and capabili t ies that can be easi ly custom configured to specif ic requirements and application s.
2-2 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Interlock The Apex gen erator provides a system interl ock connection t hrough the User por t. The RF outpu t connector is a lso inte rlocked by a seri es switc h that is part o f the system i nterlock.
5708009- C 2-3 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Figure 2-1. Theory of operation block di agram Analog I/O Driver/ Exciter RF Amplif iers Digital Cont roller Sensor Electr onics (1) (2) (3 ) (5) (6) User RF Measure (4) RF Output Host Port Port Table 2-1.
2-4 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ®.
5708009- C 3-1 Chapter Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Chapter 3 3 Specifications This chap ter lists the specificati ons of the Apex g enerator in the followin g sections: •“ Physical Sp ecifi cations.
3-2 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Table 3-1. Physical Specifications Descriptio n PIN Option—Specificat ion Packaging Note: V aries acc ording to the option d efined b y PIN positi on 4.
5708009- C 3-3 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator AC power input connector Note: V aries according to the option d efined b y PIN positi on 13. A — ODU connector (see “ ODU Connector ” on page 5-7) B .
3-4 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Water c ontrol connectors Switc hcr aft ™ #L712A User port (analog I/O) conn ect or Note: V aries acc ording to the option d efined b y PIN positi on 8.
5708009- C 3-5 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Table 3-2, Table 3- 3, and Table 3-4 descri be the input power, output power, and other electr ical specifi catio ns for th e Apex generato r. In s ome cases, t he specificati ons for all 1 t o 5.
3-6 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Output Elec trical Specifications Table 3- 3 describes the output spe cifications f or the Apex generator. Line freq uency 47 to 63 Hz Line curre nt Typical A/ φ and ci rcuit br eaker rating f or uni ts with 208 Vac no minal inpu t (PIN position 3 , options 0 and 3) • 1500 W/13.
5708009- C 3-7 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Full -rat ed o utpu t pow er (Min imum into a 50 Ω , non- reacti ve load) Note: V aries according to the option d efined b y PIN positi on 2.
3-8 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Output prot ectio n — Apex gene rators se nse and employ several parameters for protection Reflect ed power limit 20% of maxi mum forwar d power for units rated for l ess than 5500 W. 10 00 W for 5500 W units. ( PIN posi tion 2 defin es th e max imum forw ard p ower ratin g for th e uni t.
5708009- C 3-9 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Other Electrical Specifications Table 3- 4 describes the other electri cal specifica tions for the Ape x generator. Warm up Approximate ly 2 s f rom ac-on t o RF-on RF On Response time < 7 ms (6 .4 ms typica l) Turn -off /deca y tim e 10 µs unti l output decays t o 1% of maximum rated va lue.
3-10 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® COOLING SPECIFICATIONS Table 3- 5 describes the coolin g specifi cations for t he Apex generator. CEX In • Required si gnal amp litude ra nge of +2 dBm to +10 dBm • Generator operating freq uency ± 0. 005% • Input imped ance of 50 Ω, less than 1.
5708009- C 3-11 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Maximum press ure ratin g 6.9 B ar (1 00 p si) Heat removal • For 1.5 kW, 3410 BTU/ho ur, 1000W at f ull rated output po wer • For 3 kW, 6825 BTU/ho ur, 2000W at full rated ou tput power • For 5.
3-12 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Graphical Represen tations of Flow Ra te The foll owing graph shows how f low (gpm) less ens as the pre ssure (p si) drops. Figure 3-1. Flo w Rate vs. Pressure Drop 0 1 02 0 3 04 05 0 6 07 08 0 9 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pressure drop (PSI) Flow (GPM) 5.
5708009- C 3-13 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator The f ollow ing g raph s how s how Water F low vs. In let Te mp for all th ree A pex U nits. It rep resen ts the inle t tempe ratu re ris ing as flow rate in creas es. Figure 3-2. Water fl ow vs . Inlet Tempe ratu re Note: 5513 = 5500W and 13 .
3-14 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® EN VIR ONMENTA L SPECIFICATIONS Table 3- 6 and Table 3-7 prov ide climatic an d other environmen tal specifica tions for the A pex gen erato r. Table 3- 7 shows other envir onmental specif ications for t he Apex generat or.
5708009- C 4-1 Chapter Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Chapter 4 4 Interf aces and Indicators This chap ter contains i nformation on the Apex communication in terfaces and st atus indicat ors (LEDs) . It also contai ns repres entative drawin gs of the f r ont a nd rear pa nels of the un it.
4-2 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® APEX USER P OR T OPT IONS The foll owing sections prov ide information f or each of the User po rt options avail able with the 1 to 5.
5708009- C 4-3 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Unless ot herwise specifi ed, all anal og signals are 0 to 10 V while al l digital sign als are 5 to 24 V, opto-couple d (open-collect or signals wit h retu rn lines non-referenced to ground). Ground/Ret urn line s are floating and need to be connect ed as close to the s ystem as possibl e.
4-4 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Table 4-1. User Port 25-Pin APEX Standard Pin Descrip tions Signal Pin Return Pin Name Signal Ty p e Descripti on 1 SETPOINT STATUS RETURN Digital Output See sign al pin 14 21 5 RFL PWR MONITOR Analog output This si gnal provides a l inear ly scaled read ba ck of ref l ected powe r.
5708009- C 4-5 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 41 7 RF PWR ON Dig ital input When a posi tive voltage between 4 and 30 V i s applied to thi s pin RF output is ena bled. Once t he outp ut is ON, a voltage of 1.5 Vdc or le ss disables the RF out put. See Wi ring Diagra m 4-5 .
4-6 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 61 9 DC BIAS/POWER REGULATION Digital input This pi n is used in conju nction with si gnal pin 7 to allow the generat or to regul ate its p ower based on an external fee dback signal .
5708009- C 4-7 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 72 0 DC BIAS INPUT Analog input This pi n is used in conju nction with si gnal pin 6 to allow the generat or to regul ate its p ower based on an external fee dback signal .
4-8 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 11 DC BUS OK RETURN Digital Output See Signa l Pin 24 12 25 CEX LOCK Digit al output When th e generator is success fully phase -locked t o an extern al osc illator, a low (opto- coupler output ) impedanc e is creat ed between t his pin a nd return pi n 25.
5708009- C 4-9 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator WIRING DIAGRAMS FOR THE STANDARD 25-PIN USER PORT The d iagra ms in this s ectio n prov ide wirin g info rma tion to prop erly c onne ct to th e Apex stand ard 25-pi n User port.
4-10 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Wiring Diagram 4-1. Forward/ Load power monitor (pin s 3 and 16) Wiring Diagram 4-2. RFL PWR monitor (pins 2 and 15).
5708009- C 4-11 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Wiring Diagram 4-3. Setpoint (pins 5 and 18) Wiring Diagram 4-4. DC Bias Input (pi ns 7 and 20).
4-12 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Wiring Diagram 4-5. RF Power On (pins 4 and 17) Wiring Diagram 4-6. DC Bias/Power Regulati on (pins 6 and 19).
5708009- C 4-13 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Wiring Diagram 4-7. FWD/Load Power Regulat ion (pins 8 and 21) Wiring Diagram 4-8. Setpoint Status (pins 14 and 1).
4-14 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Wiring Diagram 4-9. Overtemp (pi ns 22 and 9) Wiring Diagram 4-10. DC Bus OK ( pins 24 and 11).
5708009- C 4-15 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Wiring Diagram 4-11. CEX Lock (pins 12 and 25) Wiring Diagram 4-12. Inter lock Loop (pins 10 and 23).
4-16 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Wiring Diagram 4-13. +15 Vdc (pins 13 and 21) 15-Pin User Port (Exclusive — Option D) To determi ne if y our Apex unit has this inter f ace, use the conf iguration PIN fr om your Apex unit a nd the following Config uration Note.
5708009- C 4-17 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Figure 4-2. User port connec tor 15 Pin Exclus ive for configuration D SATISFYING MINIMAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OPTION D 15- PIN USER PORT Regardle ss of whether .
4-18 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Unless oth erwise specifie d, all analog signal s are 0 to 10V whi le all digi tal signa ls are 0 to 5V. PIN DESCRIPTIONS FOR OPTION D USER PORT Table 4- 2 provides the co nnector pin descr iptions for the User por t interface.
5708009- C 4-19 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 46 RF POWER ENABLE Dig ital input RF outpu t is enable d when a 4 to 30 V in put (pin 9, RF ON BIAS, can be us ed as a voltage s ource) is pr esen t on th is pi n. Note: The i nterlocks mus t be satis f ied and t he set point must be with in th e O utpu t power ran ge be fore u nit will de li ver po wer .
4-20 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® WIRING DIAGRAMS FOR OPTION D 15-PIN USER PORT The d iagra ms in this s ection prov ide w iring infor matio n to p rope rly co nnect to the Apex 15-pi n confi guratio n D User port. 96 RF ON BIAS Vol ta ge refe rence +15 Vdc pr ovided to the User port t hrough a 1.
5708009- C 4-21 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Wiring Diagram 4-14. Forward/ Load Power monitor (pin s 3 and 6) Wiring Diagram 4-15. Reflec ted power moni tor (pi ns 2 and 6).
4-22 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Wiring Diagram 4-16. Forward/ Load Power setpoint (pi ns 5 and 6) Wiring Diagram 4-17. RF power enable (pins 4 and 6).
5708009- C 4-23 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Wiring Diagram 4-18. RF on status (pins 7 and 6) Wiring Diagram 4-19. Power l imit st atus (pi ns 1 and 6).
4-24 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Wiring Diagram 4-20. Externa l bias (pins 8 and 6) Wiring Diagram 4-21. RF on bias (pins 9 and 6).
5708009- C 4-25 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Wiring Diagram 4-22. FWD/LOAD Power Reg ulation ( pins 13 and 6) Wiring Diagram 4-23. Inter lock (pins 11 and 6).
4-26 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 15-Pin User Port (Exclusive — Option E) The foll owing section des cribes the Apex 15 -pin User p ort (configura tion E). To determi ne if your Apex unit has this interface, us e the c onfigurat ion PI N from your Apex unit and the followin g Configuration Not e.
5708009- C 4-27 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator SATISFYING MINIMAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OPTION E 15-PIN USER PORT Regardle ss of whether you are cont roll ing an d monitorin g the ge nerator through the User p.
4-28 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Table 4-3. User Port (15-pin) Connect or Pins Exclusive f or Configurati on E Signal Pin Ret ur n Pin Name Signal Ty p e Description 1 +24V (User Provided) Voltage Input +24V provided by use r for devicene t LEDs, use d for DeviceNet iso lation.
5708009- C 4-29 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 4 RF POWER ENABLE Digital input This pin r epresent s RF output be ing ena bled when a 4 to 30V input (pin 9, RF ON BIAS, can be used as a v oltage sourc e) is prese nt on thi s pin. See Wiring D iagram 4 -27.
4-30 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 6 SIGNAL COMMON Chassis ground Common for signal pins 2, 3 , and 5. Connec ted to the Apex gen erator ch assis ground. 78 RF ON STATUS Digi tal outpu t When an RF ON STATUS conditi on is detecte d, a low (opt o- couple r outp ut) impedance i s creat ed between t his pin and pin 8 (6mA max).
5708009- C 4-31 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 11 12 INTERLOCK When conne cted exte rnally , the se pin s close th e interlock and allows RF ou tput to be enabled.
4-32 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® WIRING DIAGRAMS FOR OPTION E USER PORT The d iagra ms in this s ection prov ide w iring infor matio n to p rope rly co nnect to the Apex 15-pi n User port configuration E.
5708009- C 4-33 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Wiring Diagram 4-24. DeviceNet LEDs (pins 1,10,13,14 and 15) Wiring Diagram 4-25. Reflec ted power moni tor (pi ns 2 and 6).
4-34 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Wiring Diagram 4-26. Forward/ Load Power Monitor (pin s 3 and 6) Wiring Diagram 4-27. RF Power Enable (pin 4 and 6).
5708009- C 4-35 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Wiring Diagram 4-28. Forward/ Load Power Setpoint (pins 5 and 6) Wiring Diagram 4-29. RF on status (pins 7 and 8).
4-36 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Wiring Diagram 4-30. +15 Vdc (pins 9 and 6) Wiring Diagram 4-31. Inter lock (pins 11 and 12).
5708009- C 4-37 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator APEX HOST P OR T OPTIONS The f ollow ing s ect ions provi de i nform atio n for eac h of th e Ho st po rt opt ion s avai lable with the 1 to 5.
4-38 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® contact AE Global Supp ort or your AE sales re presentative. ( For conta ct infor m ation, see “ AE Cust omer Support ” on page 6-11.) AE ca n also pr ovide a simple host softwar e for t his port . For information , contact AE Globa l Support.
5708009- C 4-39 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator RS-232, AE BUS HOST PORT CABLING REQUIREMENTS The cabli ng requirements for the RS-232 and AE Bu s require s a standard DB-9 mal e to fem ale e xtens ion ca ble.
4-40 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® The host c omputer must fi nish o ne transa ction with the Ape x generator b efore it initi ates anot her one, either w ith th e same unit or any o ther unit. Note: The Ape x generator send s data through pi n 2 (TXD.
5708009- C 4-41 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Header The fir st byt e in each pa cket contains tw o pieces o f information: five bit s contain the packet a ddress , and th ree bits contain the dat a byte coun t.
4-42 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Checks um This one- byte f ield is the la st one in the packet. The con t ent d epends o n the valu e of each of t he preceding fi elds. The transmi tting uni t determines th is val ue by accu mula ting th e exclusive -or (XOR) of all bytes of th e packe t up to, but not includi ng, the checksum val ue.
5708009- C 4-43 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator • A command and da ta that change a parameter setting • An executa ble command Once the Apex ge nerator receiv es the message packet , the Apex generator verifi es that the me ssage is intended fo r it and not for another unit on the ne twork.
4-44 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Figure 4-7. AE Bus communications transacti on example COMMAND STATUS RESPONSE (CSR) CODES — RS-232, AE BUS HOST When the hos t sends an execut able command o r a.
5708009- C 4-45 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator COMMAND SET FOR THE RS-232, AE BU S HOST PORT Table 4- 6 lists t he command set for t he RS-232, AE Bus Host port. 51 Duty cycle out of range 52 Minimum on/of f time violate d (on/of f time must be ≥ 10 µs) .
4-46 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 8 setpoint Specif ies the outpu t setpoi nt lev el for whatever method of output r e gula tion has been sel ected. Accepts a value of 0 to 8000 W (for the 8 kW opt ion) or 0 to 10000 W ( for the 10 kW op tion) when forwar d or load power re gulation is sel ected.
5708009- C 4-47 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 16 allowab le deviat ion Speci fies a p ercentage that the ge nerator c an be ou t of setp oint before it star ts the out-of- setpoi nt ti mer. Accep ts a value of 1 t o 99%. (Readbac k command is 185 .) 1 data by te 8-bit val ue 1 19 numb er o f recipe ste ps Specif i es th e number of recipe steps.
4-48 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 69 set seria l por t address and baud rate Sets t he serial port addres s and baud r ate. Send 3 data byte s: • byt e 1: bits 0 t hrough 4 set seri al port addres.
5708009- C 4-49 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 86 Set point diode 1 latch Sets th e pin diode 1 lat ch. Send 1 data byte . • byte 1 = latch Note: b yte 1 bits o n a standard 5 pin unit: 0: S erie s 3 1:.
4-50 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 130 read mainframe software versi on numb er Requests the version numbe r of the mainf rame so ftware. The returning packe t contai ns 7 ASCII characte rs — a 7-digi t number. Thi s command is u sed in conjunc tion with CM D 198 to obt ain the versio n/revision number of th e mainframe softw are.
5708009- C 4-51 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 162 read pr ocess status Requests report on proce ss status; ret urning pack et contai ns the followin g bytes arran ged as foll ows.
4-52 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 164 read setpoint/ regulation mode Requests output setpoin t level ( set by CMD 8 ) and wha tever meth od of output regul ation has bee n selected (se t by CMD 3 ) .
5708009- C 4-53 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 171 read ext feedbac k limit Requests external feed back limit (set by CMD 6 ) Note: T he response in data b ytes 1 and 2 repres ent t he user e xternal fee dback limit (LSB f irst) . It re turns the user ext ernal feedback limit.
4-54 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 188 report recipe step setpoints/ run times Reports the setpoints and run times for each recipe step. The number of data bytes retur ned depe nds on the n umber of steps in the re cipe.
5708009- C 4-55 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 201 report unit on events Reports a count of unit o n events Note: T he response co ntains 4 b ytes which repres ent a 32-bit coun t of ev ents (LSB first).
4-56 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 212 repo r t seri al port 0 address and baud rate Returns the serial por t 0 address a nd baud rate (s et w ith C MD 69 ).
5708009- C 4-57 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 219 report condensed snapshot of generator data Returns the condensed snapsho t of gener a tor data Note: T he response co ntains 2 s ets of respons es for APEX with Dire ction al Coupler and VI System.
4-58 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Host Port — Profibus This sect ion describes the Profibus Host port i nterf ace. To deter mine if your Apex uni t has thi s seri al inte rface, use the PI N from your Apex unit and the following Configur ation Note .
5708009- C 4-59 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator AE PROFIBUS PROTOCOL Profibu s (Proc ess Fiel d Bus) is an interface tha t lets y ou communicate with your Apex generat or fr om a host (mas ter).
4-60 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Profibus Type Files (GSD Files) Type file s are c ompu ter fi les t hat some P rog ramma ble Logi c Con trolle rs ( PLCs ) use to comp ile thei r Profibus progr ams. These files are de vice-spec i fic and contain informat ion on features found i n that de vice.
5708009- C 4-61 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Placing a switch in the “ up ” position (towar d the numb er) is t he same as indicat ing “ 1 ” bina ry. The fo llowing example d emonstrates swit ch settings f or an address of 12: 0000 1100 = 0x0Ch = 12.
4-62 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Profibus-Specific Errors In the even t of a Profibus error , the Apex gene rator turns outpu t power off and sets the Profibu s fault s tatus bit.
5708009- C 4-63 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator PROFIBUS/APEX SOFTWARE COMMANDS The new AE Profibus i s command-bas ed. We define a downl o ad pack et ( “ outby tes ” ) and an u pload packet ( “ in bytes ” ) as des cribed i n the followi ng sections of this chapt er.
4-64 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Bytes 0 and 1 of the upl oad packe t contain inf ormati on about th e Apex genera tor; this informat ion appears as stat us bits (or statu s “ flags ” ).
5708009- C 4-65 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator In the pa cket, byt es 8, 9, 10, 11, and 1 2 comprise the “ data fiel d ” and cont ain informat ion defined by byte 13, the dat a field de finition byte.
4-66 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® PROFIBUS COMMAND SET Table 4- 11 lists the command set for the Pro fibus Host port. Table 4-11. Profibus Host Port Commands Command Description Number of T ransmit Data Bytes Number of Response Data Bytes 1 RF off Requests RF output off; re quest is always honored r egardles s of which interfac e has control .
5708009- C 4-67 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 9 max ext feedback Specifi es the external feed back valu e that corres ponds to 10 V on the Use r2 port; requir es dat a bytes ar ranged as follo w s: Second/t hird byte = a 16-bit v alue in the r ange of 500 to 5000.
4-68 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 130 read mainframe software version number Requests the version number of th e main fram e soft war e. Th e retu rning pack et contain s 5 ASCII characte rs — a 5-di git number. This command i s used in conj unction with CMD 198 to obtai n the version/r evision number of the mainfr ame soft ware.
5708009- C 4-69 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 162 read proc ess status Reques ts repor t on process s tatus; r eturning packet c ontai ns the fol l owing bytes arr a nged as fol lows .
4-70 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 164 read setpoint / regulati on mode Reques ts output setpoint le vel ( set by CMD 8 ) and whatev er method of outp ut reg ulation ha s been sel ected (set by CMD 3 ). T he retu rn pack et is arran ged as follo ws: First a nd second bytes = s etpoint value.
5708009- C 4-71 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 185 read allowable deviatio n Requests what percentage the generator can be out o f setpoin t before it star ts the out -of- setpoin t timer (set wi th CMD 16 ). 0 1 data byt es 8-bit v alue 198 read mainframe software revisi on level Requ ests t he r evisi on le vel o f the m ainfr ame softwar e.
4-72 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Host Port — DeviceNet This sec tion describes the Device Net Host port int erface. To deter mine if your Apex unit has this interfa ce, use the PI N from your Apex unit and the fol lowing Configur ation Note . The Device Net conn ector is eithe r a 5-pin , male, Lumbe rg, RSF 5/0.
5708009- C 4-73 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Analog in puts and outputs u se the values and equations list ed in Table 4-13 t o define the volt age ranges an d the corr esponding digit al values (assu m ing N is the number of bits of resolut i on ava ilable a t the Devi ceNet interfac e).
4-74 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Analog out puts automatica lly set the out put vol tages to 0 V if too much time el apses after the la st Poll Comman d message received by the device. At t his timeo ut conditi on, the output of the generator s huts off and goes safe.
5708009- C 4-75 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator . Note: For inform atio n on LED f lash rates , refe r to se ctio n 8.2 .8 of the D e vice Net Specif ication (r evis ion 2.0). Note: F or inf ormation a bout Module Status LED indic ations du ring power -up, refer to Section 8.
4-76 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® For info rmation about Module Status LED i ndications duri ng power -up, re fer to Section 8.2.4 of the DeviceNe t Specifi cation (revis ion 2.0) . DEVICENET OPERATION You may op erate your Apex gen erator e ither sol e ly thr ough the User port or through the opti onal DeviceNet por t.
5708009- C 4-77 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator DeviceNet is con nected th rough pins 1, 10, 13, 14, an d 15 of the U ser por t (See ta ble 4-1). When the gen erator powers up, it defaults to us er control mode. Howev er, engaging Devi ceNe t auto mati call y plac es t he gen erato r in ho st c ontro l mod e.
4-78 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Forward Powe r Sense 0 to 10 V; 10 V = maximum rated power lin ear Refle cte d Powe r Se nse 0 to 10 V ; 10 V = max imu m refl ected pow er lin ear POS = Power on S.
5708009- C 4-79 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator APEX STATUS INDICATOR S (LEDS) Some Apex genera tors provi de the foll owing stat us indicators on the front or r ear panel.
4-80 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® APEX P ANEL ILLUSTRAT IONS The a ppea ranc e of th e fron t an d real pane ls of the A pex ge nera tor i s high ly va riab le due to t he number of customer -selectable o ptions availab le in the product line.
5708009- C 4-81 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Figure 4-11. Fro nt Panel LED status indicators (may be absent or on the rear panel) Host port (connector varies; two Host ports may be present) Water out Gr.
4-82 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Figure 4-12. Rear panel Output (connector varies; may be on front panel) LED status indicators (may be absent or on the rear panel).
5708009- C 5-1 Chapter Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Chapter 5 5 Installation, Setup , and Oper ation This chap ter guides yo u throu gh the proc ess of install ing, se tting up, a nd operating an Apex gener ator.
5-2 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Spacing Requirem ents The foll owing diagram i llustra tes the spac ing requi rements in th e installati on of an Apex unit.
5708009- C 5-3 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Figure 5-1. Apex dimens ions.
5-4 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Mount ing the Gener ator Refer t o Figure 5-1 fo r dimens ions u sed to prop erly mount the Apex gene rator. Conn ecti ng Co oling Wate r This gene rator is water cooled. Do no t operate it un til water is co nnected and the cooling requirement s are met.
5708009- C 5-5 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator generat or when the addi tional coo ling is not required. Water flow is ena bled whene ver ac is p resent on the input o f the sup ply and open whe n ac is a bsent on the input of the supply. Figure 5-2. Water contr ol connec tor Figure 5-3.
5-6 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Apex output connec tors var y depending on the o ption install ed on th e generat or. The outpu t connector optio n is iden tified by the opti on in PIN po sition 11.
5708009- C 5-7 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator ODU CONNECTOR The followi ng section des cribes the ODU input connec tor. To determine if your Apex unit has this connector , use the configu ration PI N from your Apex unit and the followi ng Configur ation Note.
5-8 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Figure 5-5. ODU input connector Table 5- 2 provides pin des criptio ns for the ODU input connect or. NONTERMINATED, FOUR-CONDUCTOR PIGTAIL The foll owing section des cribes the nont erminated, four- conductor pigta i l in put options .
5708009- C 5-9 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Table 5- 3 provides pin des criptio ns for the nonte rminated, four-c onductor input options . HARTING TYPE HAN-Q CONNECTOR The foll owing section des cribes the Hart ing Type Han- Q input connector .
5-10 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Figure 5- 6 shows the Harti ng Type Han-Q i nput connec tor. Figure 5-6. Hart ing type Han-Q connector Table 5- 4 provides pin des criptio ns for the Harti ng inpu t connect or.
5708009- C 5-11 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Note: Eith er cable c onnectors or in terlock cov ers must be i nstalle d to allo w the generat or to operat e.
5-12 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® TO USE THE COMMON EXCITER (CEX) FEATURE (OPTIONAL) In the comm on e xcite r (C EX) mo de of ope ratio n, mo re tha n one Apex gene rato r is coupled i nto the s ame plasma.
5708009- C 5-13 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator 5. V erify that th e Ala rm LED is not lit. If it i s lit, see “ Troub leshooti ng guide ” on page 6-1. 6. V erify that th e Inte rlock LED is lit. If it is n ot lit, See “ Troubleshoo ting guide ” on page 6-1.
5-14 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® For unit s that have the p ulsing option, pu lsing output can be enab led or disabled. All pulsing setti ngs are made onl y throu gh the AE Bus Host por t. If you are using Vir tual Front Pan e l, see the Vi rtual Fro nt Panel User Man ual fo r an expla nation of making these se ttings.
5708009- C 6-1 Chapter Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Chapter 6 6 T roub leshooting and Customer Suppor t This Chapt er addresses t he troubl eshooti ng of the Apex unit. It can b e used best by knowing what problem you have an d then finding th e information wit hin each heading i tem laid out in this chapt er.
6-2 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 4. Check to de termine whether a ny system- r elat ed circui t bre akers have been trippe d. 5. Ensure t here is i nput power to the u nit, and ensure t he inp ut power me ets spec ificati ons. 6. Ensure gr ound con necti ons are ade quate and secure .
5708009- C 6-3 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Troubleshoo ting Quest ions This sec tion lists th e step s neces sary to ge t the unit on. Bef ore working th rough the followi ng quest ions, chec k the unit ’ s in put and remote power con necti ons to ensu re the prop er power is being suppli ed to the unit.
6-4 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® 7. Is the P ower Limit LED lit? – If yes , then r efer to “ Power Limit LE D is Lit ” on pag e 6-5. – If no , your uni t is opera ting proper ly and del ivering th e requested power l evel.
5708009- C 6-5 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator Interlock LED is no t Lit When t he AC On LE D is lit and the Inter lock LED is not li t, eith er the inte rlock is no t satisf ied or was inter rupted . Both th e inte rlock L ED and the RF o utput will remai n off until t he int erlock i s satis fied and an RF off command i s given.
6-6 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® External Load Ch ecks - Open/Short R F Output Path Use extr eme caution as thi s sect ion is i nvolves trouble shooti ng the output of t he uni t. There ar e 4 basi c component s that could imped e the RF p ath: the Apex unit outpu t connecto r , the output cab le, the tuner, or the c hamber.
5708009- C 6-7 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator If you an swered y es to any on e of the p r evio us questi ons and the Apex pass ed the Intern al Diagnostics t e st, the Apex is probably wor king pr operly an d it may be reacti ng to an ex terna l load condi tion.
6-8 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® E009 co ntacto r failed to c lose This cont actor is part of the input sec tion that follows the interlock c ondition. The cont actor is closed whe n the i nterloc ks are sat isfied and open when an int erlock is open.
5708009- C 6-9 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator E020 User interl ock open When the AC On LE D is li t and t he In terlo ck LE D is not lit, th is me ans e ither t he int erlo ck is n ot satisf ied or was inte rrupted. Bot h the in terl ock LED and the RF o utput will remain of f until the inter lock is sati sfied an d an RF off command is gi ven.
6-10 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® E050 DeviceNet Error DeviceNet error Verify Dev iceNet cabl e is c onne cted E051 Profibu s Watch Dog e xpire d PROFIBUS watc h dog expir ed Have the mas t er reesta blish communica tions and send a “ master re set ” to clea r the er ror.
5708009- C 6-11 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator AE CUSTOMER SUPPOR T Please c ontact one of th e foll owing offi ces i f you have q uestions: E105 User setpoi nt scale f actor does n ot matc h This indi cate s a config uration error. Call AE Globa l Support.
6-12 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® RETURNING UNITS FOR REPAIR Befo re retu rni ng an y prod uct f or re pair a nd/ or adj ust ment , first follow all trouble shooting pr ocedures .
5708009- C 6-13 Apex 1 to 5.5 kW Generator If you re turn a uni t without f i rst get t ing a uthorizati on fro m Customer Support and that uni t is found to be function al, you wi ll be charg ed a re-test and calibra t ion fee pl us shipping charges .
6-14 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® Units th at ar e returne d without authori z ation f r om AE Cust omer Support and tha t are found to b e functional wil l not b e cover ed under th e warranty (s ee warrant y stat ement, below). Tha t is, you will ha ve to pay a retes t and cali bration fee, and all shi pping charg es.
5708009- C Index-i Apex 1 to 5.5 k W Generator Symbols +15 Vd c (pin s 13 and 2 1) 4-16 Numerics 15 pin connect or for c onfigura tion D externa l bias (pins 8 and 6) 4-24 forward load po wer regul at.
Index--ii 5708009-C Advanced Ener gy ® contact info rmation 6- 11 returning units for repair 6-12 warranty filing a claim 6-13 D data (dat a bytes) 4-41 DC bias i nput (pin s 7 and 20 ) 4-11 DC Bias/.
Index--iii 570800 9-C Advanced Ener gy ® maximum leakage curren t 3-9 power fac tor 3-9 load regul ation as a functio n of temperatu re 3-8 ambient a ir temperat ure 3-8 cooling water temp erature ra.
Index--iv 5708009-C Advanced Ener gy ® schemat ics for User po rt 25-pin descripti ons 4- 9 sensor electroni cs 2-3 serial communi catio ns AE Bus host 4-59 serial I/O 1-6 setpo int (pins 5 and 18) 4.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Apex Digital 5708009-C è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Apex Digital 5708009-C - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Apex Digital 5708009-C imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Apex Digital 5708009-C ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Apex Digital 5708009-C, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Apex Digital 5708009-C.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Apex Digital 5708009-C. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Apex Digital 5708009-C insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.