Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VT del fabbricante APC
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Operation Smart-UPS ® VT 10-40 kV A – 400 V 10-30 kV A – 208 V 10-30 kV A – 200 V.
1 Smart-UPS® VT 10-40 kV A, 400 V, 20 8 V, 200 V - O peration 990-2282A -001 About this Manual IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS This ma nual is i ntende d for the user of t he Smart-UPS ® VT .
About th is Manual 2 Smart-UPS® VT 10-40 kV A, 400 V, 20 8 V, 200 V - O peration 990-2282A -001 How to find u p dates to this manual Y ou can check for update s to this manual on t he APC W eb site (www .
Content s 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 10-40 k VA, 400 V, 208 V, 200 V – Ope ration i Safety ........ ...... ...... ......... ....... ......... ...... ...... .......... ...... ....... 1 Overview ......... ...... ...... .......... ...... ...... ....
ii Smart-UPS® VT 10-40 k VA, 400 V, 208 V, 200 V – Operat ion 990-228 2A-001 Maintenan ce ..... ...... ...... ......... ....... ...... ......... ...... ....... ...... 25 Parts Replac ement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 1 Safety For safe ty rea sons, t he train ed user is only a llowed to operat e the d ispla y and repla ce the followin g comp.
2 Smart-UPS® VT 10-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 990-2282A-0 01 Overview User Interface Interface a rea The four LEDs to th e left of the disp lay in dicate t he oper ational statu s of the UPS.
Overview – User In terface 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 3 Main Men u Screen. F rom the Main Menu Scr een it is po ssible t o co mmand, conf igure, and m.
Overview – User Interface 4 Smart-UPS® VT 10-40 kVA 400V, 208V, 200V – Opera tion 990-2282A-0 01 Menu tre e The menu tr ee prov ides a qui ck over view of the functio ns and vi ews you can a ccess. If you g et beyond t he functions described in the menu t ree, do not proceed .
Overview – User In terface 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 5 Ca utio n The displ ay pr ovides acce ss to mor e func tions than descr ibed in t his man ual. Th ose funct ions should not be acc essed with out the as sist ance of APC Cust omer Support in order to avoi d unwanted l oad impacts .
6 Smart-UPS® VT 10-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 990-2282A-0 01 Operation Operation Modes The UPS has di f ferent operati on modes. If t he insta llation includes a Mainte nance Bypass Panel (MBP), an external maintenan ce bypas s operati on mode wi ll also be avai lable.
990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 7 Operation Procedures How to tu rn in t o by pass Sing le Sys tem – turn ing into in tern al byp ass. Ca utio n The load i s not pr otected by the UPS and t he power is not c onditione d when th e interna l mechanical bypass lever i s activat ed.
Operation – Operation Proced ures 8 Smart-UPS® VT 10-40 kVA 400V, 208V, 200V – Opera tion 990-2282A-0 01 T urn th e inte rnal m e chan ical b ypass lever upwa rds to activ ate it . The lo ad will now be supporte d dire ctly by utili ty/mains po wer .
Operation – Opera tion Procedures 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 9 Para llel Sy stem – t urni ng int o exte rnal b yp as s.
Operation – Operation Proced ures 10 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 How to t ur n into no rmal op er atio n Sing le Sys tem – turn ing int o nor mal oper ation from i ntern al byp ass. Sing le Sys t em – turn ing int o nor mal oper ation from ex terna l byp ass.
Operation – Opera tion Procedures 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 11 Para llel Sy stem – t u rning into no rmal op era tion f r om ext ernal byp ass. Ca utio n Never att empt to tur n the UPS into normal opera tion til l you have verifie d that th ere ar e no inte rnal U PS fa ul ts.
Operation – Operation Proced ures 12 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 How to turn load OFF/ON via the display interface T urn Loa d OFF – How to dis conn ect the UPS output to the load equip m en t. T ur n load ON – How to connec t the UP S outp ut to the load e quipme nt.
Operation – Opera tion Procedures 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 13 How to view the St a tus screens Use the UP/DOWN key s to go thr ough th e parameter s: Press t he ESC key to retur n to the p revious m enus.
Operation – Operation Proced ures 14 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 How to vie w Lo gging an d St a tisti cs The View Log. V iew the 100 most rec ent UPS log events, and vie w the logged detail s of the events, such as date , time of occ urrence, and even t number .
Operation – Opera tion Procedures 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 15 How to use the Diags scre en The Di ags. V iew troubleshoot ing info rmatio n. No te For more det ails on t he Faul t and Diagn ostic s screens , see t he sectio n T roub leshoo ting .
Operation – Operation Proced ures 16 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 How to per form a total powe r of f T otal power o ff – single sy stem without M BP .
Operation – Opera tion Procedures 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 17 T ot al power of f – sing le sys t em with MB P .
Operation – Operation Proced ures 18 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 T otal powe r off – iso lating o ne UPS i n a parallel sys tem. Para llel sys tem – t ur ning the is ol ate d UPS int o normal opera tion.
Operation – Opera tion Procedures 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 19 How to perform a restart Rest art – singl e sy stem wi ho ut ex te rna l MB P . Set th e util ity/m a ins br eaker to the ON posi tion.
Operation – Operation Proced ures 20 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 Rest art – single sy st em with MBP . No te Auto-dete ction on f requency – if a probl em occurs c all APC Custo mer Support (see the back cover of this manual).
Operation – Opera tion Procedures 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 21 Rest art – p arall el sys tem. War n in g Only traine d personnel f amiliar wi th the cons tructi on and the equi pment may restart the U PS sys tem.
22 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-2282A-0 01 Configuration Settings How to change the Clock an d the Alarms in the Setting menu Clock. The Clock menu ch anges the d ate and th e cloc k settin gs and i t time-st amps event s in the event l og.
Configuratio n – Settings 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 23 Alarm t hresh olds . The pro cedure for changing t he Alarm thre sholds is the same as d escribed u nder the Clock chan ges. Ple ase be awar e of the be low not es.
Configu ratio n – Setti ngs 24 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 The Bee p er se tup . In th e Beep er se tup you can choose b etween the follow ing option s: • Never: If you sel ect th is sett ing, th e Bee per w il l be ac tive at inter nal UP S erro rs onl y .
990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 25 Maintenance Part s Replacement How to determine if yo u nee d a rep la cemen t part T o determin e if you ne ed a repla ce.
Maintenance – Pa rts Replacement 26 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 How to store the battery mod ules The batt ery modul es must be s tored indoors a nd with thei r pro tective packaging s till i n place.
Maintenance – Part s Replacement 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 27 User interfac e (fron t). Network M anagemen t Card with tempera ture sens or: used for re mote sys tem contro l and monit oring, e-mail not ificat ions et c.
Maintenance – Pa rts Replacement 28 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 How to replace a Netwo rk Ma nagement Card How to replace and install a battery module General safety prior to ba tte ry mo du le repla cem e nt.
Maintenance – Part s Replacement 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 29 Battery m odule. One Battery Module c onsists o f four Bat tery Unit s (shipping i n the En closures ). How to re mov e a bat tery comp artment co ver .
Maintenance – Pa rts Replacement 30 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 How to remo ve and install battery lo cks (if ava ila bl e). I f your syste m is equ ippe d with Batt er y Locks, follow th e below p rocedure t o remove th e batter y locks .
Maintenance – Part s Replacement 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 31 Follow th e below p rocedures if you nee d to ch ange or add a batt ery module, e .g. if you r eceiv e a displa y message r eporting a bad ba ttery , or if you need to add bat teries for incr eased runt ime.
Maintenance – Pa rts Replacement 32 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 Instal l the Battery Modu le in t he lowe st availa ble bay (f our acr os s i n 523 mm/ (20 in ) UPS versio ns, two a cross in 3 52 mm/(14 i n) UPS versio ns).
990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 33 T roubleshooting S t atus and Alarm Messages This sectio n list s the s tatus and al arm m essa ges th at the U PS m ig ht dis play .
Troub leshoot ing – S tatus and Alarm Message s 34 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 Int. Mech. By pass Switch Open. T he i nternal mechanical switchgear is open. No corrective action is necessary . Low-Battery .
Troub leshoot ing – S tatus and Alar m Messag es 990-2282 A-001 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 20 8V, 200V – O peration 35 PBus Co mmun i c ation Fault on Cable 2. Commun icatio n fau lt detected on the PBus 1 or PBus 2. Check PBUS 1 or PB us 2 wiring .
Troub leshoot ing – S tatus and Alarm Message s 36 Smart-UPS® VT 1 0-40 kVA 4 00V, 208V, 2 00V – O peration 990-228 2A-001 System Not Sy nch ro- nize d to Bypa ss. The system cann ot synchronize to bypas s. The m ode m ay no t be av a il- abl e. Option 1 : Decr ease the input fre- quency sen sitivity .
01/2007 990-2282A-001 *990-2282A-001* APC W orldwide Cus tomer Support Customer s upport for this or any oth er APC pro duct i s availab le at no c har ge in any of the followin g ways: • V isit the APC W eb si te to acce ss docu ments in t he APC Knowledge Ba se and t o submit cu stomer support reques ts.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il APC VT è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del APC VT - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso APC VT imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul APC VT ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il APC VT, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del APC VT.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il APC VT. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo APC VT insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.