Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto FAX2900/FAX3900 del fabbricante Konica Minolta
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User’ s Guide GDI Printer Contr oller KONICA MINOL T A F AX2900/F AX3900.
Con ten ts i Cont ents 1 Introduct ion 1.1 END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ............... ................. ............. 1-1 1. SOFTWARE .............. ........... ................. ................. ................. .. 1-1 2. LICENSE AGREEMENT ........
Contents ii 4.2.6 Copy ................ ................. ........... ................. ................. ................. 4 -5 4.2.7 Resoluti on ....
Con ten ts iii 5 Control Panel Operations (PC Print Mode) 5.1 Printer Opera tions............... ........... ................. ................. ............. 5-1 General G uide .... ................. ................ ................. ...............
Contents iv 8 Specifications.
1 Introduct ion 1-2 (4) transf er posses sion of c opies of the Software to another party by transferri ng a cop y of this Agreement and all other d ocument ation alon g with a t least on e complete u.
Introductio n 1 1-3 7. TERMINATION You may terminate yo ur licens e at any time by des troying the So ftware and all your cop ies of i t or as otherwise describe d in thes e terms. KONICA MINOLTA m ay termi nate your license if you fail t o comply with thes e terms.
1 Introduct ion 1-4 1.2 Getti ng Ready System Req uirements The f ollowing op erating en vironmen t is require d in order to us e the pr inter drive r. G PIII, 600 M Hz or fa ster G Windows XP (SP1 or late r), Windows 200 0 (SP3 or later), Windows 98 G 128 MB R AM (Windo ws XP), 64 MB RAM ( Windows 2000/98) G USB port (V ersion 1.
Connect ing to a C omputer 2 2-1 2 Connecting to a Computer 2.1 USB Port Con nection Use a Ty pe B USB ca ble to co nnect the machine ’s USB port to the USB port on y our co mputer.
2 Connec ting to a Computer 2-2 2.2 Connecting th e Network Cable Insert th e connec tors on th e network c able into the network ports. Note This co nnection is avail able onl y with FAX390 0. Be sure to use a shielded Catego ry 5 or 5E network cab le.
Installin g the Printe r Driver 3 3-1 3 Installing th e Printer Driver This se ction de scribes t he proc edure for i nstallin g the print er drive r. The print er driver c an be ins talled in two ways : by usin g Plug and Play or by using t he Add Printe r Wizard.
3 Installi ng the Prin ter Driver 3-2 6 Browse to “Driv er(language)W inXP” on the CD-ROM, and then click [OK]. Tip Select the language yo u prefer. For exa mple, if yo u prefer Englis h, browse to: Driver EnglishWi nXP 7 Click [Next]. H The follo wing di alog appe ars, click [Continu e Anyway].
Installin g the Printe r Driver 3 3-3 Installing the Printer D river Usin g Plug and Play Under Window s 2000 1 With Win dows runnin g, insert the CD-ROM into y our comp uter’s CD- ROM drive. 2 Turn on th e machin e. 3 When the machine is ready , connect it to the com puter with t he USB cable.
3 Installi ng the Prin ter Driver 3-4 Installing th e Printer Driver Using Plug and Play Under Windows Me / 98 1 With Win dows run ning, ins ert the CD- ROM into y our comp uter’s C D- ROM drive. 2 Turn on th e machine. 3 When the machine is ready , connec t it to the c omputer with t he USB cable.
Installin g the Printe r Driver 3 3-5 3.2 Installing the Printer Dr iver Using the Add Printer Wizard Installing the Printer Driver Usin g the Add Printer W izard Under Windows XP 1 With Windo ws running , insert the CD-RO M into the CD-RO M drive of your compu ter.
3 Installi ng the Prin ter Driver 3-6 8 Click the [Bro wse] button . 9 Specify the printe r driver dire ctory on the CD-ROM fo r the env ironm ent being used , an d the n cli ck th e [O K] but ton. Note When ins tructed to specify the drive r, browse to “DriverEngl ishWinXP” on the CD-ROM .
Installin g the Printe r Driver 3 3-7 Installing the Printer Driver Usin g the Add Printer W izard Under Windows 200 0 1 With Windo ws running , insert the CD-RO M into the CD-RO M drive of your compu ter. 2 Click th e Windows [Start] button , point to [Settings], and then c lick [Printers].
3 Installi ng the Prin ter Driver 3-8 12 After inst allation is co mpleted, che ck that th e icon fo r the insta lled print er appears in the “Printers” window. 13 Eject the CD-ROM fr om yo ur computer’s CD-ROM d rive. This co mpletes the insta llation o f the printe r driver.
Installin g the Printe r Driver 3 3-9 Installing the Printer Driver Usin g the Add Printer W izard Under Windows Me /98 1 With Windo ws running , insert the CD-RO M into the CD-RO M drive of your compu ter. 2 Click th e Windows [Start] button , point to [Settings], and then c lick [Printers].
3 Installi ng the Prin ter Driver 3-10 comple te the ins tallat ion. 13 After inst allation is co mpleted, che ck that th e icon fo r the insta lled print er appears in the “Printers” window. 14 Eject the CD-ROM fr om yo ur computer’s CD-ROM d rive.
Configur ing Printer Dri ver Setting s 4 4-1 4 Configuring Printer D river Settings The pr inter driv er “Properties ” dialog box appea rs when yo u displa y the print er driver proper ties from the Windo ws “Printers” w indow. The sett ings you ma ke in the “Properti es” dialog box are a pplied gl obally t o all applic ations.
4 Configurin g Printer Dr iver Settings 4-2 Displaying Settings Under W indows 200 0 1 Click th e Windows [Start] button, po int to [ Settings], and then c lick [Printers] . 2 Select th e “KONICA MINO LTA FAX2900/ 3900” icon. 3 To disp lay the pr inter drive r settings , select [Prin ting Pref erences.
Configur ing Printer Dri ver Setting s 4 4-3 Displaying Settings Under Wi ndows Me /98 1 Click th e Windows [Start] button , point to [Settings], and then c lick [Printers]. 2 Select the “KONICA M INOLTA FAX2900/3 900” icon. 3 To disp lay the printer dri ver setti ngs, se lect [Propertie s] from t he [Fi le] menu.
4 Configurin g Printer Dr iver Settings 4-4 4.2 Common Operatio ns This sect ion desc ribes settin gs and buttons that are co mmon to all tabs. Tip The tabs referred to this sectio n differ ac cording to the com puter’s operatin g system .
Configur ing Printer Dri ver Setting s 4 4-5 4.2.4 Media Type You can specify the type o f media to be used for p rintin g. To spec ify the m edia type: H Windows XP/2000: Select the [Paper/Quality ] tab, and then se lect the des ired medi a type fr om the “ Med ia” l ist.
4 Configurin g Printer Dr iver Settings 4-6 select a resolutio n of either “6 00 x 600 d pi” or “30 0 x 300 dpi” from the “Print Qualit y” list. H Windows M e/98: Selec t the [Grap hics] tab, an d then sel ect eithe r “600 x 600 dp i” or “30 0 x 300 dpi” f rom the “Resolutio n” list.
Control Panel Operatio ns (PC Print Mod e) 5 5-1 5 Control Panel Operat ions (PC Print Mode) This se ction co vers p rinter opera tions yo u can perf orm on the control panel of th e mac hine.
5 Contro l Panel Opera tions (PC Print Mode) 5-2 General Guide @ GHI PORS ABC JKL TUV DEF MNO WXYZ Auto/Photo Zoom Utility Printer Status Paper Ye s Sort No C Fax Copy 123/ABC Stop Panel Reset Start E.
Control Panel Operatio ns (PC Print Mod e) 5 5-3 [Printer] Indica tor The [Printer ] indi cator show s the curre nt PC printin g. Entering and Exiting the PC Print Mode When it is not being used in ano ther mode, the machin e will autom aticall y swit ch to t he PC prin t mod e whe n dat a is r eceiv ed f rom a c ompu ter.
5 Contro l Panel Opera tions (PC Print Mode) 5-4 G When the re is print data i n the machi ne memo ry ( indic ated by “[ PC PRN]” or “PC:PRN” on the display and a li t “Printer” in dicator), pressin g the [Printer] ke y enters the PC pri nt m ode.
Control Panel Operatio ns (PC Print Mod e) 5 5-5 Cancel ing a Print Job You can cancel a prin t job from the cont rol panel of the ma chine . You can cancel a print jo b from the control pa nel only while t he machi ne is in PC print mode. 1 Make su re th at mac hine’ s displ ay shows “*PC PRINT* PRINTING”.
5 Contro l Panel Opera tions (PC Print Mode) 5-6 Using th e Bypass Tray Use th e procedu re described below t o print ont o paper that is fed automa tically ( up to 10 sheets at a time) from the bypa ss tray. 1 On you r compute r, disp lay the pr inter driv er, and then specify “Bypas s” a s the Paper Source setting ( page 4-4 ).
Control Panel Operatio ns (PC Print Mod e) 5 5-7 5.2 Printing th e Configuration Page Detail ed inform ation on th e settings c an be pri nted so th at they can b e easi ly chec ked. 1 Press the [Sta tus] key on the control panel of the co pier. 2 Use the an d keys to sel ect “PRINTER REPORT?”.
5 Contro l Panel Opera tions (PC Print Mode) 5-8.
Network Pri nting in a Win dows Envi ronment (Available o nly with FAX3 900) 6 6-1 6 Network Printing in a Windo ws Environment (Available only wit h FAX3900) This ch apter pr ovides deta iled info rmatio n on setti ng up and using a copier as a netw ork print er.
6 Network Printing i n a Windows Environment (Availabl e only with FAX3900) 6-2 6.1 Assigning an IP Address From the control p anel o f the copier, a ssign an IP address to the co pier. Note Always a ssign an IP address on ly after c onsulting y our netwo rk administra tor.
Network Pri nting in a Win dows Envi ronment (Available o nly with FAX3 900) 6 6-3 Assigning a n IP Address The IP address can be assi gned usi ng a funct ion on the “NETWORK SETTING” me nu. Other fun ctions on th e “NETWORK SETTING” m enu can be used t o specify th e subnet mask an d default g ateway settings .
6 Network Printing i n a Windows Environment (Availabl e only with FAX3900) 6-4 Chec k wit h your netw ork ad mini stra tor t o det ermin e if ther e is a DHCP server available on the network. (If there is, a sp ecial IP address will be as signed b y the AutoI P function .
Network Pri nting in a Win dows Envi ronment (Available o nly with FAX3 900) 6 6-5 8 Use th e 10-key pad and the and keys to enter the sub net mask ad dres s. Note The subn et mask add ress sho wn in the i llustratio n is only an exampl e. Always che ck with yo ur networ k administra tor before entering a subnet m ask addres s.
6 Network Printing i n a Windows Environment (Availabl e only with FAX3900) 6-6 6.2 Sel ecting the Network Print Me thod Once a n etwor k card has bee n inst alle d, vari ous me thod s for ne twork print ing beco me avail able.
Network Pri nting in a Win dows Envi ronment (Available o nly with FAX3 900) 6 6-7 For Window s 2000 LPR Pr inti ng G You can c onnect a copier an d comput er via the LPR print se rvice. G The LP R print servic e is availa ble with a standa rd installati on of the operating system .
6 Network Printing i n a Windows Environment (Availabl e only with FAX3900) 6-8 For W ind ows XP IPP Printing G You ca n conn ect a copie r and comp uter via th e IPP pr int s erv ice. G The IP P print servic e is availa ble with a standa rd installati on of the operatin g system .
Network Pri nting in a Win dows Envi ronment (Available o nly with FAX3 900) 6 6-9 For NetWare (Net Ware Serve r/ Windows Client) When using NetW are, you c an use a computer runnin g Windows a s a NetWare client to print to a copier v ia a NetW are serve r.
6 Network Printing i n a Windows Environment (Availabl e only with FAX3900) 6-10 6.3 Checking the Set up Procedures This s ection de scribes the require d proce dures for s etting up network print ing for the selected network pri nt method . Peer-to-Peer Print ing 1 Conne ct the netwo rk cable.
Network Pri nting in a Win dows Envi ronment (Available o nly with FAX3 900) 6 6-11 IPP Printing 1 Connec t the netwo rk cable. ( “Connec ting the Ne twork Cabl e” on page 2-2 ) 2 Specify the IP addre ss, subnet mask, an d default gateway settings fo r the copi er.
6 Network Printing i n a Windows Environment (Availabl e only with FAX3900) 6-12 6.4 Setting Up the Network Connections 6.4.1 Peer-t o-Peer Printing Windows 98/ Window s Me Important Before c ontinuing to set u p the ne twork setti ngs, check the fol lowing: Check th at the com puter is set up to u se the TCP/IP protocol.
Network Pri nting in a Win dows Envi ronment (Available o nly with FAX3 900) 6 6-13 6.4.2 LPR Printing Windows 200 0 Important Before conti nuing to set up the ne twork settings , check the fol lowing: Check th at the compu ter is set up to use the TCP/IP protoco l.
6 Network Printing i n a Windows Environment (Availabl e only with FAX3900) 6-14 11 Clic k [Fin ish] ..
Network Pri nting in a Win dows Envi ronment (Available o nly with FAX3 900) 6 6-15 6.4.3 Printing to Port 9100 Windows 2000/ Windo ws XP Important Before conti nuing to set up the ne twork settings , check the fol lowing: Check th at the compu ter is set up to use the TCP/IP protoco l.
6 Network Printing i n a Windows Environment (Availabl e only with FAX3900) 6-16 12 Clic k [Fin ish] . 6.4.4 IPP Print ing Windows 2000/ Windo ws XP Important Before c ontinuing to set u p the ne twork setti ngs, check the fol lowing: Check th at the com puter is set up to u se the TCP/IP protocol.
Network Pri nting in a Win dows Envi ronment (Available o nly with FAX3 900) 6 6-17 6.4.5 Connecting a Copier to the NetWare Serve r Note For inform ation abo ut config uring sett ings for pr inter user privileges, printe r alert options, and queue all ocation, refe r to the NetWa re docu mentation .
6 Network Printing i n a Windows Environment (Availabl e only with FAX3900) 6-18.
Troublesh ooting 7 7-1 7 Troub lesho oting If a pr oblem occu rs during PC printin g, check th e follow ing. 7.1 Correcting Errors This s ection de scribes the errors that can a ppear duri ng PC pri nting and what y ou need to do to cor rect the situatio n.
7 Troublesh ooting 7-2 7.1.2 Main Error Messages The t able belo w describe s the mai n error mes sages t hat may a ppear during PC p rint mode operation s.
Troublesh ooting 7 7-3 2 Does th e compute r respond w hen a ping test is sent to the contro ller? Yes The por t number setting is wro ng. Corre ct the por t numb er setting. A computer malfunction has occure d. Restart th e comp uter. The dr iver has no t been i nstalled correctly.
7 Troublesh ooting 7-4 7.1.3 Errors and Print Data What hap pens to your pri nt data when an error oc curs depe nds on th e error type . “MACHINE TROUBLE” Error This error indica tes a seriou s operation al prob lem. The ma chine is un able to recei ve any d ata while th is error mess age is o n the displa y.
Specifica tions 8 8-1 8 Specifications Specificatio ns FAX2900 FAX3900 Print spee d 16 pages /min. (A4L, 300 dpi) RAM Shar ed w ith mac hin e. Inte rf aces USB Version 1.
8 Specific ations 8-2.
Copyright 2004 1392-7702-0 2
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Konica Minolta FAX2900/FAX3900 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Konica Minolta FAX2900/FAX3900 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Konica Minolta FAX2900/FAX3900 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Konica Minolta FAX2900/FAX3900 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Konica Minolta FAX2900/FAX3900, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Konica Minolta FAX2900/FAX3900.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Konica Minolta FAX2900/FAX3900. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Konica Minolta FAX2900/FAX3900 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.