Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto A00V-9563-00A del fabbricante Konica Minolta
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magicolor 2500W User’s Guide ® A00V- 9563-00 A 1800816 -001 A.
Thank You Thank y ou for p urchasin g a magic olor 2500 W . Y ou hav e made an excellent cho ice. Y our magi color 2500W is s peciall y design ed for optimal p erforma nce in Wi ndows environm ents. Trademar ks KONICA M INOL T A and the KONICA MINOL T A logo are tradem arks or reg i stered trademarks of KONICA MINOL T A HOLDINGS, INC.
For EU member states only This symbo l me ans: Do not dispose of this product together with your hous ehold wast e! Please c ontact the Local Authority for appropriate dis - posal in structions. In th e case of a new devic e being purc has ed, the us ed on e can al so be give n to our deal er for appropri ate disposa l.
Contents Conten ts i 1 Introduction . ....................... ................. ...................... ................. ...................... . 1 Getting Acquainte d with Your Printer 2 Space Requi .
Conte nts ii System Require ments 11 Selecting Drive r Defaults 11 Uninstalling th e Printer Driver 12 Displayi ng Printer Dr iver Setti ngs 12 Window s XP/Server 2 003 12 Window s 2000/Me/9 8SE 13 Us.
Conten ts iii What Is the Guarante ed Imagea ble (Printable) Area ? 31 Imageab le Area—En velopes 32 Page Margi ns 32 Loading Media 33 Tra y 1 (M ul ti purpo s e Tray ) 3 3 Loading Plain Paper 33 Ot.
Conte nts iv A Appendix ...... ....................... ................ ....................... ................. ..................... 95 Safety Specif ications 96 Technical Spec ifications 96 Printe.
1 Introduction.
Getting Acq uainted with Your Printe r 2 Getting Ac quainted with Your Print er Space Requirements T o en sure e asy opera tion, con s umable replacem ent and m aintenance, adher e to the rec ommende d space requireme nts detailed bel ow .
Getting Acquainted w ith You r Prin ter 3 Printer Pa rts The followi ng drawings illus trate the parts of your printer referre d to through- out this g uide, so pleas e take some tim e to be come fam iliar with them.
Getting Acq uainted with Your Printe r 4 Rear View 1—USB port Front View wit h Option 1—Dust co ver 1 1.
About the Control P anel 5 About t he Cont rol Panel 1—Re ady i ndi cator 2—Error indic ator 3—Rotate T oner key 4—T one r indicato rs 5—Ca ncel key About the Indicators The i ndi cat ors us.
Abou t the Co ntro l Panel 6 Status Messages (Ready Indicat or, Error Indicator) Status message s indic ate the current conditio n of the printer . The print er sta- tus also can be check ed on the St atus Display . (Refe r to “W orking w ith t he Status Displa y” on page 20.
About the Control P anel 7 About the Rotate Toner KEY Pressing th e Rotate T oner key once moves the cyan ton er cartridge s o that it can be rep laced. With eac h additio nal press of the Rotate T oner k ey , the black, y ellow , then magenta toner cartridge m oves so that it can be rep laced.
2 About the Software.
Utilities a nd Documenta tion CD-ROM 10 Utilities and Docu mentation CD-ROM Drivers ! " For detail on t he installation of the printer driv ers, refer t o the magi- co lor 25 00W Ins tal lati on Gui de.
System Requ irements 11 System Requirem ents # Pers onal compu ter Celer on 333 MHz or higher # Operati ng System Micros oft Wind ows XP Home E d ition/Profe s sional , Window s Server 2003 , Window s.
Uninstalling th e Printer Dri ver 12 – (Windows M e/98SE) From the Star t menu, choos e Settings and t hen Printers to di spla y the Printers dir ectory . Righ t-click t he KONICA MINOL T A magicol or 2500W prin ter icon. Select t he Prope rt ies - Printer Properties - Basic tab.
Displayin g Printer Driver Settings 13 Windows 2000/Me/98SE 1 From th e Start menu, poin t to Setting s , and t hen click Print ers to display the Printers dire ctory . 2 Disp lay the p rinter driver s ettings: # Win dows 2000 —Right-clic k the KONICA MIN OL T A magico lor 2500W prin ter icon and choos e Printing Preferenc e s .
Using the Prin ter Driv er 14 Using the Printer Driver Common Buttons The b utt ons desc ribe d bel ow ap pea r on ea ch t ab. OK Click to e xit the Printing Pr eferences dialo g box, saving any changes made . Cancel Click to e x it the Pri nting Preferences dialo g box witho ut saving any changes made.
Using the Printer Driver 15 Pri nt er V iew Click the button to display an i mage of th e printer in th e figure are a. ! " This button does not appea r on the Ve r s i o n tab. Watermark View Click this button to displ ay a prev iew of the watermark .
Using the Prin ter Driv er 16 Layout Tab The Layo ut T ab allows yo u to # Print seve ral pages of a do cument on the s ame page (N-up pri nting) # Rotate th e print image 18 0 degrees # Specify d upl.
Using the Printer Driver 17 # Specify the colo r matchin g for printi ng docum ents # Specify the resol ution for the prin tout Version Tab The V ersio n T ab allows you to vi ew information about the printer driver .
3 Using the Status Display.
Work ing wi th the S tatus Displ ay 20 Working with the Status Display Introduction The S tatu s Di spl ay sh ows in form ati on a bou t the c urre nt st at us of t he pr in ter (and its su ppl ies) a nd a llows yo u to spec ify va rious set tings such as th e time until the printer ente rs Energy Saver mode.
Recognizi ng Statu s Displ ay Alerts 21 # Printer Status Figure —Shows a grap hic representati on of t he printer and ind icates where the problem is.
Recoveri ng from a Status Display Al ert 22 Recovering from a Status Display A lert When the St atus Display notifies you of a p rinting probl em, doubl e-click its icon on the Wi ndows task bar to open the Status Display . The Status Display identifie s what type of error has o c curred.
4 Using Media.
Media S pecification s 24 Media Specificatio ns What types and sizes of media can I load? ! " For custom siz es, use t he printer driver to specify the setti ngs within the ranges show n in the above table. Media Media Size Inch Millimete r A4 8.
Media Type s 25 Media T ypes Before pu rchasing a large q uantity of spec ial media, do a trial printing with the same media an d check the pri nt quality . Keep medi a on a flat, le vel surfa ce in its original wrapp er until i t is time to load it. Fo r a list of approv ed media , refer to printer .
Media Types 26 # Adhesi ve # Folded, c reased, c urled, embossed, wa rped, or wrinkle d # Perforated, t hree-hole punche d, or torn # T oo slick, too coarse, or too te xtured # Diff erent in te xture .
Media Type s 27 Envelopes Print on the front (ad dress) si de only . Some parts o f the env elope con s ist of three laye rs of paper—the fro nt, back, an d flap.
Media Types 28 Labels A sheet of labels consi sts of a f ace sheet (the pr inting surface), adhesive, and a carrier she e t: # The face s heet mus t follow the plai n paper specific ation . # The face s heet surf ace must cove r the en tire carrie r sheet, and n o adhe- sive sh ould come throu gh on the surf ace.
Media Type s 29 Letterhead Format lett erhead data wit h in your a pplication. T ry prin ting your data on a sheet of p lain paper first t o check placeme nt. Postcards Format pos tcard data within your a pplicatio n. T ry print ing your d ata on a sheet of p lain paper first t o check placeme nt.
Media Types 30 # Folded or w rinkled Transparencie s ! " Do not fan tra nsparenc ies before loading them. Resulti ng static elec- tricity m ay caus e printing errors. ! " If you touc h the fac e of the trans parencies with your bare hands, print qualit y may be affect ed.
Media Type s 31 Use transpa rencies that are # Appr oved for las er p ri nti ng DO NOT use transparencies tha t # Have st atic electricit y that will ca use them to stick together # Are spec ified for i nkjet pri nters Glossy T est al l gl ossy to en sur e ac cept abl e per for man ce an d to en s ure th at the image does not sh ift.
Media Types 32 ! " When printing in color on lega l-size media, the bottom margin i s 17.0 mm (0 .669 " ). ! " When printing on glossy , the top marg in is 10 mm (0. 394 " ). Imageable Area—Envelopes Envelope s have a nongua ranteed imageab le area that vari es with envelope type.
Load ing Me dia 33 Loading Media How do I load media? T ake off the top an d bottom sheets of a ream of pap er . Hold ing a stac k of approx- imately 200 sheets a t a time, f an the stack to prevent s tatic buil dup before inserting it in a tray . ! " Do not fan tra nsparencies.
Load ing Medi a 34 2 Slide the m edia guides to pro- vide mor e space betwe en them. 3 Load the p aper face up in the tray . ! " Do not lo ad paper a bove the M mark. Up to 200 sheets (8 0 g/m 2 [22 lb]) of plain pape r ca n be loaded into the tray at one ti me.
Load ing Me dia 35 4 Slide th e media guides against the edg es of the paper . Other Media When load ing media ot her than pl ain paper , set th e media m ode (for e xam- ple, Env elo pe, La bel , Th ick St ock, or Transpa ren cy) in the d riv er for opti mum print qual ity .
Load ing Medi a 36 3 Slide the m edia guides to pro- vide mor e space betwe en them. 4 Load the e nvelopes flap side down in the tray . ! " Before loadi ng enve- lopes , pr ess t hem down to ma k.
Load ing Me dia 37 5 Slide th e media guides against the edg es of the envelope s. 6 Pull the le ver , and then open the top cover . ! " If ther e is pape r in the output tra y , remove it, and then fold up the out- put tr ay before o pening the top c over .
Load ing Medi a 38 7 Raise t he fuser s eparator le vers on the fuser unit. Note Since a med ia misfeed or decreas ed print qu ality may occur , be sure to return the levers on the fuse r unit to t he setting for plain paper b efore printing on media other than enve lopes.
Load ing Me dia 39 8 Carefu lly close the top co ver . ! " Before pri nting on m edia other than enve lopes, be sure to mov e the fuser separato r levers o n the fuser un it to its origi nal pos iti on. Loading Label She ets/Postcards/Thick Sto ck/ Transparencies 1 Open T ray 1.
Load ing Medi a 40 3 Slide the m edia guides to pro- vide mor e space betwe en them. 4 Load the m edia face up in the tray . ! " Up to 50 she ets can be loaded into the tray at one ti me. 5 Slide the m edia guides a gainst the edges of the media.
Manual Duplexi ng 41 Manual Duple xing Select pap er with high op acity for duplex (d ouble-sid ed) printing. For b est results, p rint a s mall qu antity to m a ke sure the opac ity is accepta ble. Only pla in paper can be used for m anual duplexi ng.
Output Tr ay 42 Output Tray All printed media is output to the face-down output tray on top of the printer . This tray has a capacit y of approximat ely 200 sheets (A4/Letter) of 80 g/m 2 (22 lb) paper .
5 Replacing Consumables.
Repla cing Consu m ables 44 Replacing Co nsumabl es Note Failure to foll ow instruction s as outline d in this manual coul d result in voiding your warranty . Refilled Toner Cartridges Note Do not use r efilled toner c a rtridges. Any damage to the printe r or quality problems caus ed by a refilled toner cartridge will void your warranty .
Repla cing Consu mables 45 When repla c ing a ton er cartridg e, refer to the f ollowing ta ble. For optimum print qual ity and performance , use onl y approve d KONICA MIN OL T A toner cartridg es for yo ur specific prin ter type, as lis ted in the table below .
Repla cing Consu m ables 46 TW A00V -071 Standar d-Capa city T o ner C artri dge -Y ell ow (Y) A0 0W121 Standard- Capacity T oner Cartridge -Ma genta (M) A 00W22 1 Standar d-Capa city T o ner Ca rtrid.
Repla cing Consu mables 47 Keep toner c artridges : # In th eir packa ging u ntil you ’re read y to in stall the m . # In a co ol, dry locat ion awa y from su nlight (due to hea t). The maximum storage temperature is 35 ° C (95 ° F) and th e maxim um storage humidity is 8 5% (nonco ndensing).
Repla cing Consu m ables 48 Replacing a Toner Cartrid ge Note Be careful not to spill to ner while replaci ng a toner cartridge. If ton e r spills, imm ediately wipe it off with a soft, dry cloth. When the t oner is empty , the toner i ndicator lights up.
Repla cing Consu mables 49 3 Pull the le ver , and then open the top cover . ! " If ther e is pape r in the output tra y , remove it, and then fold up the out- put tr ay before o pening the top c over . ! " Do no t to uch t he t rans fer belt .
Repla cing Consu m ables 50 5 Pull the ha ndle on the tone r car- tridge toward you, and then p ull the toner cartri dge up to remove it. ! " Do not manu ally rotate the tone r cartridge carou - sel. In addition , do not rotate th e carousel with force, othe rwise it may be damage d.
Repla cing Consu mables 51 8 Remove the cover from th e toner rol ler . ! " Do not touch or s cratch the tone r roller. 9 Align th e shaft on each end of the tone r cartridge with its hold- ers, and then i nsert the car - trid ge.
Repla cing Consu m ables 52 11 Close t he front cover . 12 Car efu lly clos e th e top c ov er . ! " When the to p cover is clos ed, th e bl ack t one r cartridg e automat i cally moves s o that it can be repl aced. With eac h press of t he Rotate T oner key , the ye llow , then magent a toner cartrid ge moves s o that it can be repl aced.
Repla cing Consu mables 53 Replacing the Drum Cartridge 1 Pull the le ver , and then open the top cover . ! " If ther e is pape r in the output tra y , remove it, and then fold up the out- put tr ay before o pening the top c over . ! " Do no t to uch t he t rans fer belt .
Repla cing Consu m ables 54 3 Prepare the new drum cartrid ge. ! " Do not touch the PC drum on the drum car- trid ge. 4 Install th e new drum ca rtridge.
Repla cing Consu mables 55 ! " The printer m ust complete a calib ration cyc le (less than 2 minutes) after the drum cartridge ha s been rep laced. If you op en a cov er befor e the printe r is reset, the c a libration stops, then sta rts over again after the cov er is closed.
6 Maintaining the Printer.
Maintain ing the Printer 58 Maintaining the Prin ter CAUTION Read all cau tion and warning labe ls carefully , making sure to follow any instructio ns containe d in them. These lab els are loca ted on the inside of the printe r ’ s covers and the inte r ior of the pr inter bo dy .
Maintainin g the Pr inter 59 # Do not le ave the pri nter’s cove rs open for any lengt h of time, espe ciall y in well- lit pla ces; lig ht may da mage the drum cartridge. # Do not open the prin ter during printin g. # Do no t tap medi a stacks on th e printer .
Cleanin g t he P rinter 60 Cleaning th e Printer CAUTION Be sure to turn o ff the printer and unplug the power cord before cleaning. Exterior Ready Ready Error Error Cancel Cancel Y M C K Rotate Rotat.
Cleanin g th e P rinter 61 Interior Cleaning the Media Feed Roller and Laser Lens 1 Pull the le ver , and then open the top cover . ! " If ther e is pape r in the output tra y , remove it, and then fold up the out- put tr ay before o pening the top c over .
Cleanin g t he P rinter 62 Note Position t he removed d rum cartridge as shown in th e illustration a t the right. Be sure to kee p the drum ca rtr idge horizontal an d place it w here it will not become dirty .
Cleanin g th e P rinter 63 4 Clean the lase r lens by wiping it with a s oft, dry cl oth. 5 Reinst all the drum cartridge. BOTT OM.
Stori ng the Printer 64 6 Car efu lly clos e th e top c ov er . Storing the Printer Note If this printe r is not to be us ed for an extend ed period of time, store the p r inter with the fuser separator levers raised (set to th e envelope position) .
Storin g the Pr inter 65 Note Since a medi a misfeed or decreased prin t quality may occur , be sure to return the levers on the fuser unit to the setting for plain paper be fore printing on med ia other than envelopes.
7 Troubleshooting.
Intr od ucti on 68 Introd uction This ch apter provide s informa tion to aid you in resol ving printer prob lems you may enc ounter , or at least g uide you to the p roper sources fo r help.
Prev enting Media Misfee ds 69 Preventing Media Misfeed s Make sur e that.. . Media m atches th e printer specif ications. Media i s flat, es pecially on th e leadi ng edge. The printe r is on a hard, fl at, level surface. Y ou stor e media in a dr y locatio n away from mois ture and h u midity .
Underst anding the Media Pa th 70 Understandin g the Media Path Underst anding the printe r ’ s media path w ill help you locate media m isfeeds. 1 Output tray 2 T ransfer bel t unit 3 T oner cartri.
Indicator Messag es 71 Rapid blink ing alter- nately The tray ran ou t of paper while pr inting . Load medi a into T ray 1. No media i n the tray specifie d in the p rinter driver .
Indicator Messages 72 Service Me ssage This mes sage in dicates a more serious fa ult tha t can onl y be corre cted by a cus tom er ser vic e eng ine er . Ready indi ca tor (green) Error indicator (orange) Condition Action Off Rapid blink- ing Fatal erro r T urn the printe r of f, then on aga in.
Clearing Media Misfee ds 73 Clearing Me dia Misfeeds T o avoid dama ge, alwa ys remove mi sfed medi a gently , witho ut tearing it. Any pieces o f media l eft in the p rinter , whether l arge or sm all, can obstruct the media path and cause furt her misfee ds.
Cleari ng Me dia Misfe eds 74 Clearing Procedure s 1 Pull the lev er , and then op en the top co ver . ! " If there is paper in th e output t ray , remove it, and the n fold up the out- put tray before ope ning the top cover . ! " Do not touch the trans fer belt.
Clearing Media Misfee ds 75 Note Position the rem oved drum cartridge as shown in the illustration a t the right. Be sure to k eep the drum cartrid ge horizontal and place it w here it will not become dirty .
Cleari ng Me dia Misfe eds 76 4 Remove any mis fed media..
Clearing Media Misfee ds 77 5 Return the fuser se parator levers to their or iginal posi tions. 6 Reinst all the drum cartridge..
Cleari ng Me dia Misfe eds 78 7 Car efu lly clos e th e top c ov er ..
Solv ing Prob lems wit h Medi a Misfe eds 79 Solving Problems with Media Misfeeds ! " Frequent misfeed s in any area in dicate that a rea shoul d be checked, repaired , or cleaned. Repeate d misfeed s ma y also ha ppen i f you’re using unsupported print media.
Solving Pro blems with Med ia Misfeed s 80 Media i s misfeed ing. Envelopes are facing the wrong w ay in T ray 1. Load the e nvelopes in T ray 1 so the flaps are facing down. If the flaps are o n the long edge, load the envel opes with the flap towa rd the left of the printer .
Solvin g Othe r Probl ems 81 Solving Other Prob lems ! " T o order KONICA MINOL T A consumables, go to www Symptom Cause Solution Printer power is not on.
Solvin g Other Pr oble ms 82 Not all pages print. The pr inter has the wrong k ind of cable, or the printer is not configu red for the corre ct ca ble an d port. Chec k you r cabl e. The Canc el ke y was pres sed. Make sure no one press ed the Cancel key whil e your job was printing.
Solvin g Othe r Probl ems 83 Media is wrinkled. The medi a is moi st from hum idity or ha v- ing wate r spilled on it. Remove the moist media and replace it with ne w , dry media. The media fe ed roller or fuse r unit is defec- tive. Check the m for damage .
Solvin g Problems with Pri nting Qua lity 84 Solving Problems with Prin ting Quality Symptom Cau se Solution Nothin g is printed, o r there are blank s pots on the printed p age. One or mo re of the toner cartri dges ar e defect ive. Remove the tone r cartridge an d check for damage.
Solving Proble ms with Printing Qu ality 85 Entire she et is printe d in black or color . One or more of the toner ca rtridges are defec tiv e. Remo ve the toner ca rtridge and chec k for dam age. If it is d amaged, replac e it. The drum ca rtridge is defec tiv e.
Solvin g Problems with Pri nting Qua lity 86 Image is blurred; backgro und is ligh tly stai ned; there is ins uffic ien t gloss o f the printed image. One or mo re of the toner cartri dges ar e defect ive. Remove the tone r cartridge an d check for damage.
Solving Proble ms with Printing Qu ality 87 There i s insuf ficient fusing or the image come s of f when rubbed. The med ia is moist from hum idity . Remo ve th e moist media and rep lace it with new, dry medi a. Unsu ppor te d med ia (wrong size, thick- ness , ty pe, et c.
Solvin g Problems with Pri nting Qua lity 88 Abnormal areas (whi te, black, or color) a ppear in a r egular pattern. The laser lens is dirty . Clean th e laser lens. The toner cartri dge is defect ive. Remove the toner c artridg e with t he color causi ng the abnormal im age.
Solving Proble ms with Printing Qu ality 89 If the probl em is not resol ved, even af ter all of the abo v e have b een pe r- formed, conta ct T echnical Support with the error info rmation. For contac t informat ion, refer to the Need Assista nce Sheet.
8 Installing Accessories.
Dust Cover 92 Dust Cover The dust cover is a stan dard printe r feature in the Am ericas an d T aiwan, but an option al accessor y in other areas. Contac t your ven dor or g o to printe r .
Dust Cover 93 3 Attach th e lid to the dus t cover . Loading Media in Tray 1 w ith the D ust Cover ins t alled 1 Remo ve the li d from the dust cover , and then ope n the front panel of t he du st c over. 2 Slide th e media guides to pro- vide m ore spac e betwee n them.
Dust Cover 94 3 Load the m edia face up in the tray . ! " Do not lo ad abo ve the M mark. Do no t load more than 10 envelopes o r 50 sheets o f labels, post- cards, thick stock, o r transpare ncies at one time. 4 Slide the m edia guides a gainst the edges of the media.
A Appendix.
Safety Sp ecifications 96 Safety Specificat ions Technic al Specifications Printe r Printer Safety s tandards U.S. mod e l UL 60950-1, C SA C22.2 No. 60950-1-0 3 European m odel EU Direc tive 73/23 /EEC EU Directive 9 3 /68/EEC EN 6095 0-1 (IEC 60950 -1) China mod el GB 4943 EMC stan dards U.
Techn ica l Speci fic ations 97 W arm-up time 100 V/120 V : 54 sec onds o r less 220 to 2 40 V: 59 secon ds or less Media s izes Paper width: 92 to 216 mm (3.
Technical Spe cifications 98 Consumable Life Expecta ncy Chart ! " The values s hown for the toner cartridge a nd drum cartridge indicate the numbe r of pages for sim plex pri nting usi ng A4/Lette r-size media with 5% coverage. The actual life may differ (be shorter) dependin g on the print ing cond i- tions (co verage, paper siz e, etc.
Our Con cern f or En viro nmen tal Pro tect ion 99 Our Concern fo r Environmental Protectio n As an ENERGY ST AR ® Partner , we have dete rmined that this mach ine meet s the ENERGY ST AR Guide lines for energy efficie ncy .
Index Index 101 A Accesso ry Dust cov er 92 B Basic ta b 15 C Consumables Toner cartr idge 44 D Dust cover 92 E Envelope 27 G Glossy 31 I Imag eab le a rea 31 Indicator Error messag es 70 Service me s.
Index 102 M Main tena nce 58 Manual du plexing 41 Media Clea ring misf eeds 73 Imageab le area 31 Loading 33 Path 70 Preventin g misfee ds 69 Media pa th 70 Medi a st orag e 42 Medi a ty pe Envelope 2.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Konica Minolta A00V-9563-00A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Konica Minolta A00V-9563-00A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Konica Minolta A00V-9563-00A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Konica Minolta A00V-9563-00A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Konica Minolta A00V-9563-00A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Konica Minolta A00V-9563-00A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Konica Minolta A00V-9563-00A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Konica Minolta A00V-9563-00A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.