Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PROFESSIONAL LED II 20P del fabbricante Kodak
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KODAK PROFESSIONAL LED II Prin ter 20P KODAK PROFESSI ONAL L ED II Pro cessor Operato r ’ s Guide Part No. 6B619 1.
© Eastm an Kodak Company , 2000 All rights r eserved. C ontent s of thi s publica tion may not b e re produced in any for m witho ut permissi on from Eastman Kodak Com pany .
Regulato ry Information Rad io Fr equenc y Int erfer ence The Unite d St ates (47 CF R Part 15 Subpart B, FCC Class A, EMC) This equi pm ent has b een tested a nd found t o comply with t he limits for a Class A digital device, purs uant to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es.
Safety Re gulations IMPORT A NT : This equipment incorporates high-voltage c o m po nent s. Adequate safeguard s and interlocks have b een designed i nto this equ ipment to reduce the risk of inj ury during normal operation.
Environm ent al Regulations IMPORT A NT : Always adhere to your local ordinances and regulations for disposal of paper , chem icals, filters, cleaning supplies, et c.
W arranty In formation The f oll owing warr anty i nform atio n per tai ns to e quip ment th at is ins ta lled in th e Unite d S t ates onl y . For equ ipm ent i ns t a ll ed in cou ntri es othe r tha.
Septembe r 2000 vi i T a ble Of Contents A bout This Guide .................................................................................. ........................... .. .... ... .. ... .. .. ... .. . xi ii Usin g This Guide. ..... ... .... ..... .
viii Sept ember 2000 Sel ecting SCSI Ports ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ... 3-15 Selecting the Target Pad Read Option s . .................................. .
Septembe r 2000 ix Vie wing/ Setti ng Repl enis h ment Setti ngs ...... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ... 3-36 Vie wing the Repl enish ment Ra te ..... .. ..... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ....
x Septemb er 2000 Monthly M aintenance . . .. ....... ....... ............ ............ ......... ....... ............ ....... ....... ............ ... 4-11 Main Drive Chain .... ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .
Septembe r 2000 xi Appendi x B: Spe cifi cat ion s .............................. .. ........................................... .. ....................... . ..... ..... .. .... B-1 Pr inter /Process or Speci ficati ons . ..... .. ..... ..... .. .....
Appendix D: Using t h e Image Print Server Software .................... ................ ................... .. .......... .. ........ . D - 1 Ins talli ng t he IPS Sof tware ... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .... ..... .. ...
Septembe r 2000 xiii About This G uide This is a User ’ s Guide for t he KODAK PRO FESSION AL LED I I Printer 20P and the KODAK P ROFESSI ONAL LED II P roc essor . I t provi des s tep -by-st ep instructions for the operations y o u perform while using the Printer and Processor as a syst em.
About T his Guide xi v Sept ember 2 000 About O ther Publica tions The following publication is included with the printer: Quick Reference Guide f o r the KODAK PROFESSIONAL LED II Printer 20P and the.
About T his Gui de Septembe r 2000 xv Getting Help from Kodak Y our Kod ak sales repres ent ative is the best source for inf ormat ion about setting up and operating your printer and for ob taining accessories and supplies . Please contact your Kodak sales representative if you have any questions .
Septembe r 2000 1-1 1 Introduction This chapt er includes th e following inform at ion about t he KODAK PROF ESSIONAL LED II P rint er 20 P and the KODAK PROFESS IONAL L ED II Pr oc es s or : Pr oduct De scripti on .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ...
Introduction 1-2 Sept ember 2 000 KODAK PROF ES SI ONAL LED II Pro c essor Th e KODAK PR OFESSI ONAL LED II Pro c e sso r is desig ned as a comp ani on processor for t he KODAK PROFESSIONA L LED II Printer 20P . T he processor uses RA-4 processing techn iques to develop the image and deliver the print.
Introduc t ion Septembe r 2000 1-3 Rear V iew ba ck do or sheet transp or t door (rear) por t s conn ector processo r p anel for th e operator control.
Septembe r 2000 2-1 2 Using t he Sys tem This chapter explains how to use the KODAK PRO F ESSIONA L LED I I P rint er 20P a nd the K O DAK PRO FESSIONAL LE D II Process or for daily operat i ons. It takes you f rom startup to s hu tdown. T opi cs include: Sta rtin g up t he Pr ocessor .
Using the System 2-2 Sept ember 2 000 W ARNING: Wh en handling or mixi n g ch e mical so lutions, wear p ro tec t ive eyewear , clothi n g , an d g lov es. For safe handing p racti c es with all chemi cals, refer to the MS DS informatio n . 3. Check that the chemistry in each processor tank is at the top of the overflow pipe.
Using the System Septembe r 2000 2-3 Calibratin g the Pr inter Y ou need to calibrate the printer when you start the syst em up each day . Y ou also need t o calibrate the printer when • you cha nge paper • print quality is questiona bl e • the tem perature at t he s i te changes more t han 5 ° F ( 2.
Using the System 2-4 Sept ember 2 000 The LE D Calibration screen appears. 3. Click the Go icon to start the cali brat ion cycle. Dow nl oadin g LU T s and S e nd in g T es t Print h ighlights. If the configuration file specifies to Ask i f processo r is i n con trol , th e Process In Control dialog box appears.
Using the System Septembe r 2000 2-5 The Send LUT to P rinter screen ap pears. NOTE: The hi ghli ghted LUT in the di alog b ox above is t he mos t recent calibration LUT . 5. Click either L o ad Selected LUT or Load Custom L UT (or Can cel to ca nc el the calibration process).
Using the System 2-6 Sept ember 2 000 The syst e m automat i cally downloads the LUT file to the printer to create a test print. When the test p rint has been sent to the printer , the S canni ng Processed Print with De n sitometer status i con on t he KODAK LED Printer Calibration screen highlights.
Using the System Septembe r 2000 2-7 3. Slide the lever on the densitometer to position 30. Align t h e edge of the test print with t h e lever on t h e dens itometer . Gently feed the test prin t through the densitomete r to scan t h e patches labeled “ both ” .
Using the System 2-8 Sept ember 2 000 If the pri nt dens ities are out of tolerance, a graph appears , allowing you to select the type of da ta and planes that yo u want to s ee displaye d. a. Cli ck OK . The f ol l owing list of options ap pears. Re-read th e densitom eter values is the m ost useful wh en the graphs show a n unusual plot.
Using the System Septembe r 2000 2-9 b. Select one of the four op t i ons to t ry to co m plete the c alibration succ essful ly . • If th e Out of T ol e ra nce dialog box appears again, repeat this step until you get a successful calibration; go to step 1.
Using the System 2-10 Sept ember 2 000 Shutting Do wn the Proc essor T o shut down the processor , press the On/Off key on the processor OCP . Shutting dow n the processo r for servi ce If yo u are shutting the processor down for service, turn of f the processor circuit breaker af t er t he green lig ht on the OCP is no lon ger illumina ted.
Using the System Septembe r 2000 2-11 CAUTION: Install a splash guard over the en tr an ce ar ea o f th e pr o cessor to prevent water and chemical s from enter ing the printer . 2. Pour warm water over th e top of the rol lers. 3. Reinstall the light tight cover and the top cover on t h e processor .
Using the System 2-12 Sept ember 2 000 CAUTION: T urn off the circu it breaker only after doing the soft sh u tdown. Otherwi se, you co uld lose printer status info r m ation and cause d ark lines to appear in th e middle of th e prints if p aper is load ed.
Septembe r 2000 3-1 3 Sys tem Op er ating P rocedur es This section provides the information you need to operate the KODAK PROF ESSIONAL LED II Pr inter 20P . T opics incl ude: Ope r at i ng the Print er ..... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .
System O perating Proced ures 3-2 Sept ember 2 000 Opera ting th e Printer Oper ator Co ntrol P anel The ope r ator control panel (OCP) for t he printer allows y ou to vie w and control: • current s.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-3 OCP K ey/Lig ht Descr iption s Key/ Ligh t Key / LED Ind ic ator Ligh t Desc ript i o n/Func tion S tart Key The Start k ey t urns on the power f or the printer when t he printer has been shu t down through the OCP .
System O perating Proced ures 3-4 Sept ember 2 000 Men u The m enu allows you to access other printer feat ures. NOTE: T o access the menu, the print queue must not have any pages waiting to be printed. 1. Press On /O ff Li n e to take the printer offli ne.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-5 St atu s Me ssa ge s S tat us m essag es display on the LCD display of the OCP to indi cat e the status or current state of the printer . S tatus M essage/P r i nter State Definition status: ON LINE – Ready The printer is idle and ready to accept j obs.
System O perating Proced ures 3-6 Sept ember 2 000 Loa ding Pa per I nto t he Supp ly Cas sette W ARNING: Move the supply cassette from the printer t o a table to load or unlo a d pap er . One 10 to 20 inch supply cassette is i ncluded with the printer and is d es igned to hold rolls of paper that are 10-, 1 1-, 12-, 2 0-inch and A4 widths.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-7 Load ing Pape r into th e Supply Cas sette 1. Unlock the supply cassette. 2. Open the supply ca ssette. 3. If necessary , remove paper scraps from the core support assembly . 4. Remove the old core and support assembly from the supply cassette.
System O perating Proced ures 3-8 Sept ember 2 000 TIP: Practice t he following st eps in the li ght with a n empty cardbo ard core before you load a new roll of p aper in the dark. CAUTION: Loading pap er into the p aper c assette m ust be completed in a darkroom with th e light s off.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-9 IMPORT ANT : Make sure t hat the right and left edge s of t h e paper on the p ape r roll remain ali g ned. Do not allow t h e roll of p aper to slide or “ telescope. ” 12. Fee d the lead edge of the paper throug h the slotted open ing in the paper cass ette.
System O perating Proced ures 3-10 Sept ember 2 000 When the paper cassette is l ocked, you can turn on the room lights. IMPORT ANT : When movin g t he supp ly c a s sett e, pick up an d c a rr y the casse t te by both handles to preven t the paper from sliding or “ tel es co ping ” to one side.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-11 5. Align the slot on the bottom of the supply ca s sette with the plate on the bot t om of the shelf and sli d e the full supply cassette into place on t h e she lf. 6. Chec k that the gear on t he suppl y cassette alig ns and m eshes with the gear on the printer .
System O perating Proced ures 3-12 Sept ember 2 000 CAUTION: If th e pa p er does not l oad prop erly or a p aper jam occur s, press Cancel. Remove any p a per from the sh oe area and repeat steps 6 throu gh 12. Make sure the lead edge is cut square. 13.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-13 Re achi ng th e End of the R oll o f Pape r When the end of the roll of paper is reached, the OCP displays one of two messag es: • “ Out of pape r , ope n su pply do or t o lo ad. . . ” — indica tes that the supply cassette i s empty .
System O perating Proced ures 3-14 Sept ember 2 000 Rem oving the C had Chad is wasted paper that is cut from the lead edge of the paper roll by the knife. It is dep os ited in the chad area of t h e printer . This waste is usually necessary to remove fogged paper (p ape r that has been exposed to light).
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-15 Acc essing th e Printer Features Shut down an d Res t art Shutdow n 1. Select “ Shutdown ” from the main menu on the OCP . 2. Select “ Shutdown NOW? ” This causes the printer to shut do wn operations and enter the st and by mode.
System O perating Proced ures 3-16 Sept ember 2 000 Selec ting the T arget P ad Read Options 1. Select “ Set up ” fr om the m ain menu on the O CP .
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-17 Set ting the P rin ter Time and D ate Set ting t he Cu rrent Ti me 1. Select “ Set up ” fr om the m ain menu on the O CP . 2. Select “ Tim e ” . 3. Select “ Current T ime ” . 4. Use t he Up and Do wn Arro ws to selec t a new time.
System O perating Proced ures 3-18 Sept ember 2 000 Se lec ti n g th e Sl ug W id th fo r the Pa pe r Y ou can determine the width of the lead and trail edge borders on the prints by selecting the slug width.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-19 Set ting th e Page S t a rt s V alue T h e va l ue f or “ page start s ” i ndicates th e number of pixels betwe en the bac k wall of the printer and the edge of the image.
System O perating Proced ures 3-20 Sept ember 2 000 Produ cing Bo rderle ss Print s T o achi eve borderless prints on both the front and back edges of the paper , you must set the Page S tart s value to adjust the location of the image so that both edges of the image print of f the paper .
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-21 3. Adjust the page starts value to t he c al cula t ed pixel v a l ue. If the w hite border is on the: • back ed ge: reduce the page start value by.
System O perating Proced ures 3-22 Sept ember 2 000 Acces sing the Soft ware V e rsion Number T o view the software vers ion of the FEE, PEC and OPC circuit board s: 1. Select “ Set up ” fr om the m ain menu on the O CP . 2. Select “ Pri nter . ” 3.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-23 Resetting the Default s Res etti ng the Pa ramet ers This procedure resets the parame ters of t h e printer to the f act ory setup (default) values.
System O perating Proced ures 3-24 Sept ember 2 000 Ch ang ing t he Un it s o f Me asur em ent fo r P a pe r Si ze s 1. Select “ Set up ” fr om the m ain menu on the O CP . 2. Select “ Pri nter ” . 3. Select “ Mor e ” . 4. Select “ Unit s ” .
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-25 If the print j ob is sent to the printer with the Buffered/Deferred option, this indicates to the printer to wait until it h as a full buf fer before printing.
System O perating Proced ures 3-26 Sept ember 2 000 Opera ting th e Processo r Oper ator Co ntrol P anel The operator control panel (OC P) for the p roce ssor allows you to view and control: • chemi.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-27 OCP K ey/Lig ht Descr iption s Key/ Ligh t Key / LED Ind ic ator Ligh t Desc ript i o n/Func tion Set Key Pressi ng Set causes t he screen to chan ge from View mode to either Set m ode, Calibrate m ode, or Min M ax mode.
System O perating Proced ures 3-28 Sept ember 2 000 S ta tus Mes sages S tat us m essag es display on the LCD display of the operator cont rol panel to indicate th e st atus or current state of t h e processor . Drive Key and Drive Light Pr es s ing Drive accesses the drive motor control system.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-29 OCP On /Off Light The on/ of f light switch for t he OCP il luminates or deilluminates t he entire O CP .
System O perating Proced ures 3-30 Sept ember 2 000 Oper ationa l Modes There are three operational modes for the processor: • Operator • Key O perat or • Serv ic e T o access the feature s of the processor , it mus t be in t he correc t operational mode.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-31 Ad justing the Key S witch Loc k The key switch l ock is behi nd the f ront panel on the side of the OCP .
System O perating Proced ures 3-32 Sept ember 2 000 Pr oces si n g a C ontr ol S trip CAUTION: Loading the control stri p feed box must be d one in a d arkroom in comple t e darkness. IMPORT A NT : In the next st ep, ma k e s ure the emulsion side of the control st ri p is facing u p.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-33 10. Turn the knob on the control strip feed box clockwise with a st eady slow motion un t i l the processor pulls t he control st ri p or the knob moves freely . 1 1. After the control st ri p ha s been processed, loosen t he spring loaded knob and pull it t oward the processor ’ s OCP .
System O perating Proced ures 3-34 Sept ember 2 000 View ing/S etti ng th e S even- Day Timer The sev en-day timer all ows the proces s o r t o turn itself on an d of f automatically throughout t he week. If the processor is off and the day and time are th e same as an activate time setting, t h e processor automa tically turns on.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-35 Viewing /Se tting the T em perat ure s V iewing t he T emperatu re Se ttings 1. Press T emperature on the OCP to access the T e mpe rature screen. 2. Press the Up or Down Arrow to select the des ired hea ter .
System O perating Proced ures 3-36 Sept ember 2 000 Viewing /Se tting Re pleni shmen t Se tting s V iewing t he Re plenish ment Ra te 1. Press Replen i sh ment t o access the Replenishment screen. 2. Press the Up or Down Arrow to select the desired replenishment pum p or the was h / sta biliz e r tank s .
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-37 Ent eri ng the Fl ow R at e 1. Measure t he flow rate. S ee “ Meas uring the Flow Rate ” ab ove. 2. Press Set twice to enter the Calibrate mode. 3. Use t he Up or Down Arrow to enter t he measure d flow rate.
System O perating Proced ures 3-38 Sept ember 2 000 Disp laying the Min Max Developm ent T ime NOTE: The f ast e s t and slowest development times, a s recorded from the last time the screen was reset, can be seen from this screen. 1. Select the Drive screen.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-39 Co ntrol li ng the P roc ess or Driv e T urn ing th e Drive On 1. Press Drive . 2. Press Set . 3. Press Drive . The drive is on. Ret urning t he Drive to No rmal Oper ation 1. Press Drive . 2. Press Set .
System O perating Proced ures 3-40 Sept ember 2 000 Loadi ng the Defa ult V alues IMPORT AN T : Record all processor settings before using this proce dure. Reloading the defaults causes the processor to be configured as washless. T he following set t ings an d their c al i brations return to their original v al ues.
System O perating P rocedures Septembe r 2000 3-41 Set tin g the Deve lop men t Time T oler an ce A “ DRIVE ERROR ” message appears o n the OCP whe n the d evelopment time i s slower or faster t han the set speed by more than i t s set toleranc e.
Septembe r 2000 4-1 4 Maintaining the Equipment This chapt er includes inform at i on you will need t o maintain the KODAK PROF ESSIONAL LED II P rint er 20 P and the KODAK PRO FES SION AL LED II Processor . T he topics are as follows: Main ta i ning th e Pr int er .
Maintainin g the Equipm ent 4-2 Sept ember 2 000 Maint aining the Printer Da ily Ma inte na nc e Removing the Chad Chad is the waste (fogged paper) that is cut from the lead edg e of the paper roll by the knife and deposi ted in t he chad area of the print er .
Maintainin g the Equipm ent Septembe r 2000 4-3 Peri odic M aintena nce Re plac ing the A ir Filt er The air filter un der the shoe should be replaced app roximately every 3 months. 1. Open the front door of the printer . 2. Pull back the spring f i ngers.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent 4-4 Sept ember 2 000 Maint aining the Processor Da ily Ma inte na nc e Ch emistry Le vels Check that t he chemistry in t he each o f the processor t anks is up to the t op of t he overflow p i pe. NOTE: If neces s a r y , a dd warm water to the proc essor tanks to brin g the fluid le vel in the tank to the proper level.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent Septembe r 2000 4-5 CAUTION: T o avoid having chemicals overflow from the effluent bottl es, be sure th at the volume of chemical s in the re plenishment b ottles does no t exce ed the rem aining capacity of th e effluent b o ttles.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent 4-6 Sept ember 2 000 Oper ational Checks Check that the crossover assem blies and transport assemb lies in the processor are installed correc tly and op erat ing smoot hl y .
Maintainin g the Equipm ent Septembe r 2000 4-7 Weekly Mainte nanc e Ch ecking the T ens ion of the Mai n Dr ive Chain W ARNING: T urn off the ma in power for the pro cessor on the o perator c o ntr o.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent 4-8 Sept ember 2 000 Pre venting Alg ae (for W ash Configu ratio n) Add hot water to t he top roll ers in t h e wash area of the processor to prevent algae from forming and causing chemical and transport problems.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent Septembe r 2000 4-9 Clea ning t he Feed T able an d the Proce ssor Ent rance Sen sors W ARNING: T urn of f th e main p ower to t he processor on th e operator co ntrol pane.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent 4-10 Sept ember 2 000 Repl acing Chem ical and Wa sh F ilters Check the condition of the f i lters in t h e proce ssor tanks. I f nec essary , replace the filters. NOTE: The f i lter for t he developer i s dif ferent t han the filters f or the other chem icals and for the wash.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent Septembe r 2000 4-11 Mont hly Main tena nce Main D rive Chain W ARNING: T urn of f th e main p ower to t he processor on th e operator co ntrol panel and at the circuit breaker to prevent injury from mov in g parts an d high vo l ta g e electricity and to p revent losing th e process or param eters.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent 4-12 Sept ember 2 000 Clea ning t he T ank and Dryer Co ver Clean the inside and out sid e of the t ank and dryer cover with water and a soft cloth to prevent corrosion and chemical contamination.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent Septembe r 2000 4-13 Peri odic M aintena nce Clea ning Ch emical R esidu e Buil dup The processor should be cleaned regularly to prevent corrosion and chemical residue buildup, media transport problems, and contamination of the processing baths.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent 4-14 Sept ember 2 000 Addin g New Chemistr y The following information is a guideline for mixing new chemistry for chemical tanks in the processor . IMPORT A NT : T o avoi d oxidation, do not use PRIME Develope r or Bleach/Fix.
Maintainin g the Equipm ent Septembe r 2000 4-15 St ab ilize r: ( EKT ACO LOR P RI ME St abi l izer and Replenisher) 1. Pour 9 litres of water in a 10 li tre mixing bottle. 2. A d d stab ilizer [10 li tr e m ix) to the wa t e r in the mi xi n g b ott le .
Septembe r 2000 5-1 5 Diagnostics and T roublesho oting This chapter describes the error mes sages for the KODAK PROF ESSIONA L LED II Printer 20P and the KODA K PROFESSIONA L LED II Processor and off ers information for troubleshooting. T he information i n this chapt er includes: Printer Error Mess ages .
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-2 Sept ember 2 000 Printe r Error Messa ges The f ol l owing me s sages app ear on t he printer ’ s OC P when an equipme nt problem occurs: • Error Messages – i ndi cate an e r ror condition that needs to be correct ed or resolved before you can resume operating the equipment.
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-3 Prin ter Pape r Path The paper p ath through the printer i s illustrated below . Us e this information when troubleshooting the printer . W ARNING: Do not touch the car r iage. Use the tr an slator knob to mo ve th e carriag e.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-4 Sept ember 2 000 Prin ter Er ror Mess ages If the error message c ontinues to occur after i mp lement ing the possible solutions from t he table b elow , call your service person.
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-5 15 timers b us y A low level motor mo ve command was iss ued while the tim er mot or was i n use . Wait for th e moto r mo v e to co mp le te or stop t he motor and reiss ue the comman d. 16 tim er spur ious i nte rrupt code A sp urious (false ) tim er i nt errupt h as occu rr ed.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-6 Sept ember 2 000 65 proc stopp ed t aking sheet T he pap er did not disap pear from the she et trans por t area withi n the expec ted amoun t of time. An err or may have occu rred in t he proc esso r . • Clear a p aper j am fr om sheet tran sport (chad) area.
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-7 80 pape r at shoe entr not det ec ted During pa per loadi ng, the lead edge of the p ape r was no t detected at th e s hoe entran ce sensor withi n the exp ected am ount of time. Load the p aper in le ss ti me.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-8 Sept ember 2 000 92 kni fe bac k n ot detect ed Kn if ebac k switch was no t detect ed aft er moving kni f e from fron t to b ack. Check for a paper jam at t he knife area. 93 transl ator power faul t er ror A power fault was dete cted by the tr anslat o r puc k.
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-9 132 kni fe at both limi t s Both the fr ont and back knif e l imit sw itches a re act uated. Ca ll fo r s er v ic e. 133 ti meout s heet xp ort repl y The 3 00 b oard do es not repl y to the 200 boar d withi n the expecte d amo unt of time.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-10 Sept ember 2 000 M isc ell aneo us P rint er Er ror Mess ag es Miscellaneous error messages indicate that a problem with t he printer has occurred that may or m ay not requir e you t o call your service pe r son .
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-11 Clea ri ng Print er Paper Jams Open the front door and front sheet transport door on the printer .
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-12 Sept ember 2 000 T rouble shoot ing Obs erva ble E rro rs Observ ation Po s sib le C a u se Possi ble Solution • The print er i s dif fi cul t to calib rate. • The print er calibr ati on values ar e n ot corre ct.
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-13 The vacuum reduct ion insert is damaged and causing noise i n the pr int er . • The vacuum re ductio n insert was not ins tal le d p roperl y and has becom e damaged. • A damaged vacuum redu ction inser t was inst all ed.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-14 Sept ember 2 000 The host compu ter an d t he print er ar e not communi cating c orrect ly . The SCSI cabl e has been disturb ed. 1. T urn off the host c omputer and ot her SCSI devices . 2. T ur n off t he printer .
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-15 Ad diti onal T rou bles hoot ing T ip s fo r the Pri nte r • Check that the process or is turned ON and warm ed up pri or to p r inting. • T urn on the processor drive f or 30 minutes b efore printing.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-16 Sept ember 2 000 Proc essor Er ror Me ssages T wo t ypes of mess ages appear on the OCP for the processor: • Error Messages — Indicat e that a m inor error cond i t ion has oc curred or that there is a probl em during system monitoring.
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-17 Cle aring Err or Mess ages T o cle ar an error or warning m essage from t he O CP , the condition causing the error or warni n g must be corrected. Paper jam, drive e rrors and temperature errors must be cleared fr o m the material function.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-18 Sept ember 2 000 Cle aring Proc esso r P aper Ja ms IMPORT AN T : See "Clearing Printer Paper Jams" on page 5-1 1 t o clear paper jams i n the printer . The proces sor enters t h e jammed m ode if it fail s to detect m aterial exiting t he processor at the expect ed time.
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-19 Ad diti onal T rou bles hoot ing T ip s fo r th e Pro ces sor Y ou can avoid many error conditions by following these guidelines: • Check that the process or is turned ON and warm ed up pri or to p r inting.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-20 Sept ember 2 000 Ca libra tion E rro r C odes Erro r Code Erro r Code /S tatus Mess age Possible Cause/Su bsys tem P ossible Solution 1 The foll owing file i s locked: _f ilename _ . The system is try ing to acce ss a file th a t is cu rre n t ly in use .
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-21 106 The foll owing devi ce i s closed: _dev icename_. The ser ial por t cl osed during system rea ding. • V er if y tha t no other app li cat ion is ac cessin g the port. • Restar t t he appl icatio n.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-22 Sept ember 2 000 118 A SCSI ID for the followi ng device was not foun d: _device name_ . SCSI dr iver not found . Rei nstall SCSI d river o n h ost computer . 119 The wrong SCSI ID was specif ied f or the foll owing device: _devi cename_ .
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-23 601 A ba d count was en tered. The expected count was: _coun t_ . • A file was edit ed ma nual ly and an incorrect number of rows was entered . • An in te rn a l s of tw a re e rro r occurr ed.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-24 Sept ember 2 000 910 Configu ratio n file field: _ filename_ is inv alid. Calibrat ion will be canc elled . The user manual ly edited a fi el d in a configu rati on file and ent ered an incorr ect value. • Manuall y ente r th e corr ect value.
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-25 1101 Density DMI N/DMAX poi nts ar e inv alid. Densi ty poin t s are inval i d. Reread densi t y values on densit ometer or make a new cali brat ion print . 1102 Density dat a is not monotoni c inc reasin g.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-26 Sept ember 2 000 Non -Nume ric E rror Mess ages Erro r Me ssage Poss ible Cause/Su bsys tem Possibl e Solution An underrun error occu rred duri ng communi ca tions t o t he followi ng devic e. • The ca ble be tween the printer and the host computer i s worn.
Diagnost ics and T roubleshooting Septembe r 2000 5-27 Gettin g Additional Help Y our Kodak Sales Representative is the best sourc e for information about the KODAK PROFE SSIONA L LED II Printer 20P and the KO DAK PROFESSIO NA L LED II Processor . In add it ion, t echnical support i s also avail abl e in t he United S t ates.
Septembe r 2000 A-1 Appendix A: Ordering Supplies This appendix include s ordering information for Kodak accessori es, supplies, paper , chemica l s and pu bli cations. Acc essories Purchase these items through Ko dak . * Order through your Kodak Sales Repres entative.
Ordering S upplies A- 2 Sept em ber 2000 S t anda rd (U.S.) Paper Purchase these items through yo ur Kodak representative. Met ric Pap er Purchase these items through yo ur Kodak representative.
Ordering S upplies Septembe r 2000 A-3 Proc essor C hemicals Purchase these i t ems t hrough your Kodak d eal er or dis t ributor . Publica tions Call 1-800-431-7278 in the Un ited S tates to purc hase these item s through Kodak Part s Servi ces.
Septembe r 2000 B-1 Appendix B: Specifications This appendix include s specifications and site requirements information for the pr i nt er an d pr oc es s o r . Printe r/Processor Specifi cations Di me nsio ns an d W eigh t Pri nter Processor T o m ove the prin t er t hrough a 91 c m (36 in.
Specifications B-2 Sept ember 2 000 Site Requ irement s Oper ator and S ervice Acc ess When f ull y assemb led the equ ipment requ i res a m i nimum o f 91 cm (36 in.) on each side t o allow sufficient access f or norm al operator mainten ance and for service.
Specifications Septembe r 2000 B-3 Plum bing NOTE: Always adhere to local ordinances and regulations for wastewater disposal. A plumbed processor wi th a water wash system is requi red for environments with tempera tures above 27 o C (80 o F).
Specifications B-4 Sept ember 2 000 Elect rical Th e KODAK PR OFESSI ONA L LED II Pri nter 20P a nd the KO D AK PROF ESSIONAL LED II Proc essor a re manuf actu red to operate wi thin o ne of the follo.
Specifications Septembe r 2000 B-5 Power Cor ds A 2.4 m (8 ft.), grounded power cord with a s p ec ial three prong plug is pro vided with you r printer . I n addition, an 2.4 m (8 ft.), grounded power cord with a three prong plug is provided with your processor .
Specifications B-6 Sept ember 2 000 Li ne Fr equ ency In m ost cas es, the el ectric utility com p any is respons ible for maintaini ng the proper frequency of the alternating current in i ts distribution network.
Specifications Septembe r 2000 B-7 Pri nter P ower Recep t ac les (Eu rop e) L N 16A 16A L N 2 (1.5 mm ) OR CEE (7) 250,16A 250,16A CEE (7) Pin NEUTRAL BUS GROUND BUS (Isolated from power panel) (Isol.
Specifications B-8 Sept ember 2 000 Pro cess or Po wer Re ceptacle s (Eur ope) 32A, 5 Pin, 230-400VAC ICE Connector 309 32A, 3 pin, 230VAC ICE Connector 309 16A 16A 16A 2 OR NEUTRAL BUS GROUND BUS (Isolated from power panel) (Isolated from power panel) OA OC IN OB IG Computer system branch circuit panel (4.
Specifications Septembe r 2000 B-9 Li ne V o ltage The printer and processor operate satisfactorily over a range of vol tages around the no mi nal vo l t age. The lo c al ut i lit y company is required t o deliver power usual ly within ± 10% of t he rated value to the main distribution p a nel in the building.
Specifications B-10 Sept ember 2 000 Oper atin g Envir onme nt If the environmental temperature changes more than 3 o C els iu s (5 o Fahrenheit) since the printer was last calibrated, calibration is necessary to maintain the image quality of the prints.
Specifications Septembe r 2000 B-11 Pr oces so r Humi dit y Sp eci fic ati ons If the humidity is low (approxima tely 15 - 20%), check the chemistry levels in the tank e very 2 hours. Make sure that the chemistry in each processor t a nk is at the top of the overflow pipe.
Specifications B-12 Sept ember 2 000 SCSI Cable A sing le -ended or di f ferent ial-ended S CSI cable is required to c onnect th e host computer to the printer . Install a s ingle-en ded SCSI cable if the di stance between the host computer and the printer i s less than 6 meters.
Septembe r 2000 C-1 Appendix C: A ddi t i onal Cal ibration Information The t opi cs covered i n this s ection incl ude: • Inst alling the Cali bration Software • An overvie w of the KODAK Device .
Additional Cal ibration Information C-2 Sept ember 2 000 Installa tion P roc edure 1. Place the supplied CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive. 2. When the Browser appears, select LED P rin t er . MACINTO SH V ersion Under “ Do wnloa d File , ” select LED CalApp Vn (n is the current version numb er).
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-3 6. S elect the i nst all ation type: For Windows NT syst ems, select one of the foll ow ing: • Ty p i c a l includes Device Calib ration Appli.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-4 Sept ember 2 000 Kod ak Device Calib r a tion Softwa re The Kodak Device Calibration S oftware is used to launch the Ca libration Software for the 2 0P and 20R Printers and to launc h calibration sof t ware for other devices such as other printers and scanners.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-5 The table b elow defines t he functi ons and their corresponding i c ons on the m ain window of the KODAK Device CalibrationSoftwa r e.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-6 Sept ember 2 000 St artin g th e Kod ak Dev ice Cal ibration Softwa r e Load the Calibration Software according to the table below . (If needed, see “ Inst al ling the Calibration Software ” beginning on page C-1.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-7 The Create a New Dev ice dialog box appears. 2. Enter the correct device settings . Us e a u ni que i d ent ifying word for the device name. NOTES: The default SCSI ID for t h e printer is 5. The pri nter ’ s OCP me n u displays th e current SCSI ID for the pri nter .
Additional Cal ibration Information C-8 Sept ember 2 000 Edi ting the L og Se tting s T o change the log settings for the KODAK Device Calibration: 1. Deselect all devices on the K O DA K Device Calibration screen and click the Edit i con. The E di t Configurat i on dialog b ox appears: 2.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-9 Updati ng a Dev ice T o upd ate or change the device na me or the SCSI ID for any device : 1. Select t he device b y clicking once on th e device icon on the K ODA K Device Calibration screen. 2.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-10 Sept ember 2 000 Deleting a De v i c e T o d el e te a d evice from the KODAK D evi ce Ca l ibr atio n Software scr een: 1. Select t he device b y clicking on the d evice icon. 2. Click the Cu t icon. The f ol l owing dialo g box app ears: 3.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-11 Advance d Features of the LED II Calibration So ftware Th e Ca libra tion Sof tware f or t he KODAK P ROFESSI ONAL L ED II P ri nter 20P/20R provides aut omated neutral density printer calibration an d is designed t o be used without assistance from technical experts.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-12 Sept ember 2 000 V alue G raph.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-13 Diffe rence Graph.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-14 Sept ember 2 000 Histo ry Gr ap h T o view calibrati on graphs: 1. From the KO DAK Device Calibrat i on screen, doubl e - click the device for which you w ant to vie w graphs.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-15 The LE D Calibration Appl i cation screen appears. 2. Click the Gr aphs i co n. One of the graphs appears; normal ly it is the V a lue graph. 3. S elect the Graph T y pe that you want to view . When th e gr aph appears, select the type of dat a and plan es that you want to see displayed.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-16 Sept ember 2 000 The LE D Calibration Appl i cation screen appears. 2. Click the Send LUT icon. The S end LUT t o Printer dialog b ox appears . 3. S elect one of the LUT s from the dialo g box and cli ck Loa d Se l ect ed L UT or cli ck L o ad Custom LUT and f ollow the prompts to load a custom LUT .
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-17 Send ing T arget s The S end T arget f e at ure enables you t o send any p r operly formatted target file to the printer wi thout performing a calibration. The target file must contain image data in t he format for the Kodak P rofessional LE D II Printer 20P/20R.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-18 Sept ember 2 000 The Send T arget to Printer di al og box appears. (Both the Windows NT and Macintosh versions are shown here.) WINDOWS NT V e rsion NOTE: Windows NT users can cli ck Browse to select an ot he r f ile name.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-19 MACINTOSH V ersion 3. Enter the desired settings and click OK to sa ve the s etti ngs ( or Cancel to keep the previous settings).
Additional Cal ibration Information C-20 Sept ember 2 000 The LE D Calibration Appl i cation screen appears. 2. Click the Edit i con . The E di t Configurat i on screen ap pears with th e Procedure tab di splayed.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-21 3. T o navigate am ong the tabs, click the t ab you want and f ol low the instructions for upda t i ng the information for that tab. IMPORT AN T : When ever y o u cl i ck OK , the so f tware assum es ALL changes t o the Edit Configuration are complete and the Edit Configuration screen closes.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-22 Sept ember 2 000 Editing Informa tion on t he Procedur e T ab The Procedure tab contains general configuration attributes as shown and described belo w . The values displayed in the example are the default settings.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-23 T o edit the configuration inform ation on the Procedure tab : 1. Use the drop-down lists to change the Procedure inform ation as needed.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-24 Sept ember 2 000 Editing Informa tion on the De nsity Source T ab The Density Source tab specifies how the c alibra tion application is to receive density data. Th e values displayed in the example are the default setting s.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-25 Editing Informa tion on the Aim T ab The A i m tab specifies: • whether the aims u s ed f or calibration are to be Density Aims or Lightness .
Additional Cal ibration Information C-26 Sept ember 2 000 Editing Informa tion on the His tory T ab The History t ab specifies information ab out maintaining cali bration history dat a. The values displayed in the example are the defaul t settings. T o edit the configuration information on the History t ab: 1.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-27 Editing Informa tion on t he Paper T ab The Paper tab all ow s you to specify the p ape r being calibrated. The value displayed i n the ex ample is the default set ting. T o edit the configuration information on the Paper tab: 1.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-28 Sept ember 2 000 Editi ng DP2 Inform ation (W INDO WS NT S ystem s) When you click the DP2 tab of the Edit Configuration screen, t he following t abbed screen ap pears. The v alues displayed in the ex ample are t he de f au l t set tings.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-29 Editing KP IS Informat ion (Macintos h Systems) If you are using the cali bration output files with t he KPIS s y stem , it is n ecessary to activate KP IS a nd assign a filename and location t o the output file.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-30 Sept ember 2 000 The di s p lay shows the Edi t Configuration screen w it h the default settings f or KPIS Lo cation an d KPIS Filenam e. 2. T o chan ge the direct ory for the KPIS file: a. Cli ck KPIS Location .
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-31 The di s p lay shows the u pdated Edit Conf i guration screen wit h up dat ed File Loc at ion o f CalDisk:Com positeMachine:T ables: K odakLED. Completin g the Edit Co nfiguration When f ini shed, c l i ck OK to save t he attributes.
Additional Cal ibration Information C-32 Sept ember 2 000 Creat ing a De nsity F ile fo r Use with Calib ration During calibration, you have the option of obtaini n g dens ity data f rom a file or by scanning a processed t est target through a n X-RITE DTP 36 densitometer .
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-33 Inst alling th e Den sitometer This section describes how to instal l the X-RI TE DTP 36 Densitometer , including changing s om e of the a t tributes on t he Edit Configuration screen t o accommodat e the de nsit ometer .
Septembe r 2000 D-1 Appendix D: U sing the I mage Print Se r ver Sof twar e This section describes how to use the KODAK PROFE SSIONA L Image P rint Serv er Soft wa r e for WIND OWS NT Wor kst at ion 4.0 Syste ms wi th the KODAK PROF ESSIONAL LED II P rint er 20 P (20P Prin ter) and the K ODAK PROF ESSIONAL LED II P rint er 20 R (20R Print er) .
Using the Image Print Serv e r Software D-2 Sept ember 2 000 Installing the Softw are 1. Insert the IP S So ftware CD into the C D-R OM drive. 2. Doubl e-c lick on t he S etup.exe icon. 3. Follow the on-line inst ru ctions to complete the installation.
Using t he Image P rin t Server S o ftware Septembe r 2000 D-3 Susp en ding and Re suming When the IP S application beg ins execution, it searches the current directory for its preferences file, KIPSpref.dat. If this file i s not found, the application begins execution in the “ suspended ” state as i f the Suspend but ton was pressed.
Using the Image Print Serv e r Software D-4 Sept ember 2 000 Enque ue Exa mple 1. Select File->Enqu eue from the menu bar for the main application screen.
Using t he Image P rin t Server S o ftware Septembe r 2000 D-5 The E nqueue d i al og box appears. 2. T ype a file name into the Ima ge File text box or click the Brows e button. 3. Click OK to close the Enqueue dialog box and to insert the specified file into the print queue.
Using the Image Print Serv e r Software D-6 Sept ember 2 000 Dialog Box es and Prin t Options This section describes the dialog boxes and print options for t h e KOD AK Image Pr int Se rver Soft ware.
Using t he Image P rin t Server S o ftware Septembe r 2000 D-7 Opt ion D e scri pti ons The main window allows you to c h oose the following options: Menu Acc ess Button Ic on De scripti on/Func tion F ile Enqueue Displays t he Enqueue dia l og box and allo ws you t o insert a new ima ge into the print queue.
Using the Image Print Serv e r Software D-8 Sept ember 2 000 Enque ue D ialog Box Optio n Descriptions The selections/opt ions that you can make from the Enqueue dialog box include the following: Image File T ext Box — you m ay type in a name or browse the directory struc t ure.
Using t he Image P rin t Server S o ftware Septembe r 2000 D-9 So urc e Dir ec to ry Pr efer en ce s D ial o g Box Optio n Descriptions The select i ons/options t h at you c an make from the Server Default dial og bo x are: OK — closes t he dialog box and s aves the specified valu es .
Using the Image Print Serv e r Software D-10 Sept ember 2 000 Initia lize De fault P a rameter s Dial o g Box Description This dialog box appears if you press the Resum e button (or activated t hrough the menu bar) before the Source Directory Preferences have been initialized.
Septembe r 2000 E-1 Appendix E: Using the PHOT OS HOP Export Module This appendix desc ribes how to use the Export Module for PHOTOSHO P on MACIN TOSH Syste ms with t he KOD AK PROF ESSIONA L LED II Printe r 20 P . The Export Mo dule allows you to export p rints from PHOTOS HOP to a 20P P r inte r .
Using the PHOTOSHO P Export Module E-2 Sept ember 2 000 Installing the Softw are 1. Open the Adobe Ph otosho p f ol der on your compu t er . The Adobe Photoshop windo w appears. It should look similar t o the one shown below . 2. Insert the Host Software CD (included wi th your printer) into the CD dri ve.
Using t he PHOTO SHOP Export Module Septembe r 2000 E-3 6. Click and drag the KO DAK LE D Prin te r p lu g -i n icon and Media Files over t he Adobe Photo shop Plug-in s folder and release the mouse b ut ton. A copy progress dialog box appears as the folders and files are copied.
Using the PHOTOSHO P Export Module E-4 Sept ember 2 000 T o select anot h er printer: 1. Cl ick Select . The S el ect a K O DAK LE D Printer dialog box appea r s.
Using t he PHOTO SHOP Export Module Septembe r 2000 E-5 The KODA K LED P rinter main di al og box appears. 4. Make the remaining print option choices to meet the needs of your print job from t he K ODAK LED Printer dialog box . See “ Dial og Boxes and Print Options ” on page E-6 for m o re information.
Using the PHOTOSHO P Export Module E-6 Sept ember 2 000 Dialog Box es and Prin t Options This sec t ion describes the dialog b ox that allows you to s pe c ify pri nt options.
Using t he PHOTO SHOP Export Module Septembe r 2000 E-7 Oth er op t ion s The other selec t ions you can m ake from the KOD A K LED P rinter main dialog box include the following op t i ons: Copies — allows you to specify the num ber of copies. Up to 99 c opies can be printed at a ti m e.
Using the PHOTOSHO P Export Module E-8 Sept ember 2 000 Pag e La yout Att ribu tes Optio n Descriptions The Pa ge Layout Attributes group box allows you to ma nipul a t e the p osit ion of t he image on the page. Center — cent ers the image within the specified border .
Using t he PHOTO SHOP Export Module Septembe r 2000 E-9 Opt ion D e scri pti ons The following are descriptions of the options in t h e Select a KODAK LED Printer dialog b ox: Up date — refres hes the scr een and replaces any information that has changed.
Using the PHOTOSHO P Export Module E-10 Sept ember 2 000 Opt ion D e scri pti ons The following are descriptions of the options in t h e Printer S t atus dialog box: Print er Informat ion — descr i be s th e st ate o f t he s el ected proofer .
Using t he PHOTO SHOP Export Module Septembe r 2000 E-11 There are no printers found att ach ed to the host computer . Check th e connection s and power to each p rinter . Check that the connections to each printer , including the SCSI cables and power cables, are properly connected.
Septembe r 2000 Index- 1 A access, operator and serv i ce B- 2 activate DP2, attribute in configuration file C-28 activate KPIS, attribute in configuration file C-29 adding a calibration device C-6 to.
Ind ex Index -2 September 2000 date setting, printer 3-17 viewing/setting, processor 3-33 defaults, processor 3-39 deferred jobs , printing 3-4 deleting a calibration de v ice C-10 densities creating .
Index Septembe r 2000 Index- 3 interface, SCSI 1-1 IP S at tend ed operation D- 3 dialog b oxes and prin t options D- 6 enque di alog box D-8 enqueue D-4 failed jobs D-3 fi le fo r ma t D-10 initializ.
Ind ex Index -4 September 2000 operating environment B-10 the process or 3- 26 operational checks, processor 4- 6 operator access B-2 mo de 3-30 operator con t rol pane l key/light des criptions, prin.
Index Septembe r 2000 Index- 5 status mes sages 3-28 tanks, cl eaning 4-13 tes tin g 4-6 troubleshooting tips 5-19 weekly maintenanc e 4- 7 processor in control, attribute i n configuration file C-22 .
Ind ex Index -6 September 2000 supply cassettes inst allin g 3-10 loading paper 3-7 removing 3- 6 T ta n k cover, cle aning 4-12 tanks, cl eaning 4-13 target pad read options, selecting 3-16 telephon .
EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rocheste r , New Y ork 14653 U.S.A. KODAK CANADA INC. T oro nt o, On tari o M 6M 1V 3 Canada Kodak, Port ra, Supr a, Gold, Ekt acolor , Prime and Kodak Prof essional are trade marks of Eastman Kodak Com p any ©Eas tman Kodak Company , 2000 Printed in U.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Kodak PROFESSIONAL LED II 20P è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Kodak PROFESSIONAL LED II 20P - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Kodak PROFESSIONAL LED II 20P imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Kodak PROFESSIONAL LED II 20P ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Kodak PROFESSIONAL LED II 20P, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Kodak PROFESSIONAL LED II 20P.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Kodak PROFESSIONAL LED II 20P. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Kodak PROFESSIONAL LED II 20P insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.