Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto KUDK01TK del fabbricante KitchenAid
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UNDERC OUNTER DISHW ASHER Use & C are Gu ide For questions abou t featur es, operation /performance, parts accessories or service, call: 1-800 -422-1 230 In Canada, ca ll for assistan ce 1- 800-461 -5681 , for installatio n and service, cal l: 1-800- 807-677 7 or vi sit o u r web sit e at .
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS DISHWASHER SAFETY ........................ ................. ................. .... 3 Before Usi ng You r Dis hwash er .... ...... .. ..... ...... .. ..... ...... .. ...... ..... .. . 4 PARTS AND FE ATURES ...................... .
3 DISHWASHER SAF ETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions. You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions.
4 Before Usin g Y our Dishwasher ■ Install whe re d ishwasher is p rot ected fr om t he elements . Pro tect against fre ezing to avo id possible ruptur e of fill valve. Such ruptur es ar e not cover ed by th e warran ty . See “ S tori ng Y our Dishwasher ” in the “ Dishwa sher Car e ” sec tion for wi nter storag e inform ation.
5 PARTS AND FEATURES Contr ol Panel 1. Upper s pray 2. T op rack 3. FLEX I-FO LD DOWN ™ fl exible tin es 4. Model a nd se rial nu mbe r labe l 5. W ater inlet opening [ in tub wall] 6. 4-way HYDRO SWEEP ™ spray arm 7. Bott om rack 8. Deter gent dispenser 9.
6 START-UP GUIDE Befor e using your d ishwasher , rem ove all packaging materials. Read this entir e Use an d Care Guid e. Y ou will find important sa fet y i nfo r mat io n an d u se ful op er at ing ti ps. Usi ng Y our New Dis hwa sh er 1. Scra pe lar ge fo od soil and har d items (to othpicks or b ones) fr om dishe s.
7 Loading the T op Rack The to p rack is designe d for cups, g lasses, and sm aller items. Many it ems, up to 9 in. (22 cm), fit in the top rack. (See r ecommended load i ng p atterns shown.) NOTE: The feat ures on your dishwashe r rack may vary fr om the dra wi ngs sh own .
8 ■ Load cookie sheets, cake pans, and other lar ge item s at the sides and back. Lo ading such items in fro nt can kee p the water spray fro m r eaching th e deter gent disp enser . Mixe d l oad ■ Secur e heavily soiled coo kware face down in th e rack.
9 NOTE: Use both sections fo r cycles with 2 washes. Use only t he main wash section fo r cycles with 1 wash. S ee the “ C ycl e Selection Chart ” for mo re d et ail s. How much deterg ent to use ■ The am ount of deter gent to use depen d s on the hardness o f your wa ter and the t ype of de terge nt.
10 Dishwasher Ef ficiency T ips Hot wat er dissolves an d activates the dishwashing d eterg ent. Hot wat er also dissolves gr ease on dishes a nd helps glasses d ry spot- fre e. Is the wat er temp erature too low? For best dishwashin g re sults, water should be 120 ° F (4 9 ° C) as it enters the dish washer .
11 † A sma ll amo unt of wat er is run t hrough the pump to rem ove soil particles b etween the main wash an d final rinse. Cancel ing a Cycl e Anytime du ring a cycle, pr ess CANCEL/DRAIN glows. The dishwasher sta rts a 2-minute d rain (if needed ).
12 Hi-T emp Scr ub Select this option t o heat the wa ter during parts of t he cycle, and add a rinse. Higher wate r temperatu res and an extra rinse helps clean to ugh soil. Hi- T emp Scrub, with th e Heavy cycle, heats t he water i n the main wash an d the pr ewash.
13 Drying System During d rying, you can se e steam esca ping through the vent at the up per left c orner of the doo r . This is norm al as the heat dries your di shes.
14 DI SH WASH ER CAR E Cleaning Y our Dishwasher Cleaning the exterior In mo st cases, regular use of a soft, d am p clot h or spong e and a mild de terge nt is all that is ne cessary to keep the outs i de o f your dishwashe r looking nice and clean.
15 TRO UBLESHOOTIN G First try the solutions sugg ested here and poss ibly avoid the cost of a service call... Dishwashe r is not operating prope rly ■ ■ ■ ■ Dish w ash er do es not ru n or s to ps d uri ng a cy cle Is the d oor closed tightly an d latched? Is the r ight cycle selec ted? Refer to t he “ Cycle Selection Chart.
16 NOTE: T o remove spots and film f rom dishe s, try a white vinegar rinse. This proc edure is int ended for o ccasional use only . Vineg ar is an acid and using it too often could d amage your di shwasher . 1. W ash and rinse dishes. Use a n air -dry or an ene r gy saving dry option.
17 ASSISTANC E OR SERVICE Before calling for assistance or service , please chec k “ T rou bleshooti ng. ” It may save you the cost of a service call. If you still need help, fo llow the instructions below . When calling, please kno w the p ur chase date and the c o mplete model and serial number of you r appliance.
18 KITCH ENAID ® DISHW ASHER W ARR ANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY For o ne year fr om the date of installation, whe n this dishwasher is o perated and maintained accor ding to instr uctions attache d to or furnished with the product, K itchenAid will pa y for replacem ent parts and r epair labor to corr ect defects in mater ials or workm anship.
19 Not es.
20 LA S É CURI T É DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
21 Av a n t d ’ util iser le lave-vaisselle ■ Installer le lave- vaisselle dans un endroit à l ’ abri des intemp é ries. Pr ot é ger l ’ appareil contr e le gel pour é viter une rup ture pos si ble du robine t d e re mp lis sag e. De te lle s r upt ures ne sont pas couvertes p ar la gar antie.
22 PI È CES ET CARACT É RI ST IQUES T a bleau de commande 1. Bras d'asp ersion sup é rieur 2. Panier sup é rieur 3. Tiges flexibles FLEX I-FOLD DOWN ™ 4. Plaque signal é tique des num é ros de mod è le et de s é rie 5. Ouvertur e d ’ arriv é e d ’ eau [dans la par oi de la cuve] 6.
23 GUIDE DE MISE EN MARC HE Av an t d ’ utiliser le lave-vaisselle, enle ver tous les mat é riaux d ’ emb allage. Lir e ce guide d ’ u tilisation et d ’ entr etien au complet. V ous y tro uvere z de s re ns eig ne men ts de s é curit é imp ortants ainsi que des con seils d ’ utilisation utiles.
24 Chargement du pani er sup é rieur Le pan ier sup é rie ur est con ç u pour le char geme nt des tasse s, verr es et p etits articles. De nombr eux articles jusqu ’à 9 po (22 cm ) de hauteur con viennent dans l e pan ier sup é rie ur . (V o ir les mod è les de charge ment r ecommand é s ci-dessous.
25 ■ Char ger les plaques à biscuit s, moules à g â teaux et autres gr os articles sur les c ô t é s et à l ’ arri è r e. Le c harge ment de t els articles à l ’ avant peu t emp ê cher le jet d ’ eau d ’ at teindr e le dist r ibut eu r d e d é ter gent.
26 Remplissage d u distribu teur 1. Si le co uver cle du distribute ur est ferm é , l ’ ouvrir en tournant le loquet. 2. Ve r s e r l e d é terg ent dans la section po ur le lavage principal. Vo i r “ Quantit é de d é ter gent à ut iliser . ” 3.
27 Distrib uteur d ’ agent de rin ç age Un agent de rin ç age em p ê che l ’ eau de former des g outtelettes qui pe uve nt s é cher en la issant des ta ches ou coul é es.
28 T ableau de s é lection de programme Choisir le pr ogramme et les optio ns de lavage d é sir é s. Ou app uyer su r ST ART ( mise en ma rche ) po ur r é p é ter le m ê me progr amm e et l a ou le s m ê m es opt ion s qu e d ans l e pro gr amm e pr é c é dent.
29 Annulati on d ’ un p r og ramme En to ut temps au co urs d ’ un pro gramme, ap puyer sur CANCEL/ DR AIN (a nnulation/vidang e) s ’ allume. Le lave-vaisselle comm ence une vid ange de 2 minutes (si n é cessair e). Laisser le lave-vaisse lle se vidanger com pl è tement .
30 REMARQUES : ■ On peut ouvrir la p orte du lave-vaisselle lo r sque les commande s so nt verr ouill é es. ■ On peut encle n cher le dispositif de verro uillage des comm andes lorsq ue le lave-va isselle est en mar che. Pour act ionner la comman de de verrouilla ge App uyer sur le bou ton penda nt 4 secondes.
31 LAVAGE D ’ ARTICLES SP É CIAUX En cas de doute au su jet du lavage d ’ un ar ticle particulier , consulte r le fabr icant pour d é terminer si l ’ article est lavable a u lave-vaisselle.
32 Nettoyage de l ’ in t é ri eur Les com p os é s min é raux pr é sents dans l ’ eau du re pe uv ent prov oqu er l ’ accumu lation d ’ un film b lanch â tre sur les surfaces int é rie ures , pa rtic ul i è rement juste au-dess ous de la porte.
33 ■ ■ ■ ■ Odeu r dans le l ave-vaisselle La vaisselle es t -elle lav é e se ulement to us les 2 ou 3 jour s? Ex é cuter un pro gramme de rin ç age une ou d eux fois p ar jour jusqu ’à ce q u ’ une char ge com pl è te soit a ccumul é e.
34 ■ ■ ■ ■ T ache s marr on sur la vaisselle et les sur faces in ternes du lave-v aisselle L ’ eau compor te-t-elle une concentr ation de fer é lev é e? La ver de no uveau la vaisselle ap r è s avoir vers é 1 à 3 c.
35 GARANTIE DU LA VE-V AISSELL E KITCHENAID ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un an, à compter de la d ate d ’ installation, lorsque le lave-vaiss elle est utilis é et entr etenu con form .
8524557 A © 2001. All rights re served. Tous droits r é se rv é s. ® Regis tered Trad emark /TM Trad emark of Kit che nAid, U.S.A ., Kitche nAid C ana da licen see i n Cana da ® Marque d é pos é e/TM Marq ue de c ommerce de Kit chenA id, U.S .A.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il KitchenAid KUDK01TK è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del KitchenAid KUDK01TK - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso KitchenAid KUDK01TK imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul KitchenAid KUDK01TK ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il KitchenAid KUDK01TK, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del KitchenAid KUDK01TK.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il KitchenAid KUDK01TK. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo KitchenAid KUDK01TK insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.