Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto KUDD01S del fabbricante KitchenAid
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SINGLE DRAWER DISHWASHER Use & Care Guide For question s about featur es, oper ation/pe rformance, pa rts, acces sories or serv ice, call: 1-800-422-1230 or visit our website at www In Canada, fo r assistance, ins tallat ion or service, call: 1-800-807-6777 or visi t our w ebsite at www.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS DISHWASHER SAFETY ...................................... ........................... 3 PARTS AND FEATURES ................................................... ............. 4 START-UP GUIDE ................................. .......
3 DISHWASH ER SAFE TY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.
4 PARTS AND FEAT URES This manual covers several differ ent models. The features on your dis hwasher may vary from t hose shown below . Contr ol Panels A. SURE- HOLD ® medium rack inse rt B. SURE-H OLD ® l arge rack insert C. SURE -H OLD ® base rack D.
5 START -UP GUID E Befor e usin g your di shwash er , remov e all pa ckaging mat erials. Read th is enti re Use and Ca re G uide. Y ou will find i mportant s afe ty information and u seful operati ng tips. Using Y our New Dishwash er 1. Rinse aid is essential for good drying.
6 Wa s h S y s t e m The wash sys tem provides exce llent cl eaning resul ts. T wo le vels of filtration fi lter the wash wat er and keep food parti cles fr om redepositi ng on the cl ean dish es. ■ A filter plate keep s bones, pits, and other large objects from entering the pump syst em.
7 ■ Place items so op en ends fac e down for cleaning and draining. ■ China, crys tal, and oth er delicat e items mus t not touc h each other during dishwasher operation. Dam age may occur . ■ Load small it ems in the rack onl y if they are secured in pl ace.
8 T o r e move either insert 1. Gently pul l in and u p on the ha ndle to rele ase the in sert hand le f rom the b ase ra ck. 2. Once t he hand le is lif ted up , tilt the inse rt to th e left or right to release the insert l egs on the other end from their position under the base ra ck wir e.
9 T o install the center ba sket cover 1. Insert a cover hinge end into ho lder on one side. 2. Slide the c over until you can inse rt the oppos ite hinge en d into the hol der on the ot her side and sl ide into place. IMPORT AN T : Always load items ( knives , skewers, etc.
10 Rins e Aid Disp enser The r egular use of liquid ri nse aid gives the best drying r e sults. Rinse aids keep water from forming droplets that can dry as spots or streaks. They also help ke ep metal from tar nishing. They improve drying by allo wing water to dra in off of the dishes during the final ri nse.
11 W ash Cycles Selec t the wash cycl e desired. The i ndicator is l it above th e sele cted cycle . Press the St art/Resume bu tton. NOTE : Pleas e refer to “Detergent Use” for recommended detergent dispenser secti ons and powdered detergent amounts t o use.
12 Cance li ng a Cyc le T o end a wash cycl e in mid-cy cle, press the Power bu tton. Any water in the d rawer will be pumped out. Pausing a Cycle T o pause the d rawer durin g its was h cycle, press ST ART/ RES UME and wa it for 3 be eps bef or e ope ning.
13 Delay Start mode The start of the s elected was h cycle can be delayed from 1 to 12 hour s. T o a ctivate the De lay Start 1. Press and hold the Start /Resume but ton until the light above turns orange or lavender depending on model. 2. The dish was her wil l beep as yo u hold dow n the bu tton .
14 T o r emove the “ End of W a sh ” cy cle beep s The factory has programmed the dishwash er to beep 6 ti mes at the end of the selected w ash cycle. This feature can be tu rn ed off. 1. Enter the Opti on Adjustment Mode as expl ained at th e beginning of this section.
15 DISHWASHER CARE Clea ning Cleaning the exterior In most case s, regular use of a soft , damp cloth or spon ge and a mild d eter gent is a ll th at is nece ssar y to keep t he ou tside of your dishwash er looking nice an d clean. Dry with a clean, lint-f ree cloth.
16 Drai n Ai r G ap Check the drain air gap anytime y our dishw asher isn’t draining well. Some state or loc al plumbin g codes require the addi tion of a drain air gap bet ween a built-i n dishwa sher and the h ome drain system. If a drain is clogged, the drain air gap prot ects your dishwasher fr om wa ter backing u p into it.
17 TROUBLESHO OTING First try the solutions suggested here and possibly avoid the cost of a service call... Dis hwas her i s n ot op er ati ng pr operly ■ Dishwasher does not run or stops during a cycle Is the drawer cl osed tigh tly? Is the correct wash cycl e selected ? Refer to“Wash Cycles.
18 ■ Silica film or etch ing (silica film is a milky , rainbow- color ed deposit; etching is a cloudy film) Sometimes there is a wat er/chemic al reaction with certain types of gla ssware.
19 Error Co des How to recognize an Error Co de When a fai lure has occurred, the dish washer wil l continu ously beep every se cond and th e Start/Res ume indi cator light will be re d. The error code will be di splayed with the red li ght indi cators on the w ash cyc le panel .
20 ASSIS TANCE OR SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or serv ice, plea se check “T r ouble shoo ting.” It m ay s ave you th e co st of a ser vice cal l. If you sti ll ne ed hel p, fo llow the instru ctio ns be low . When calli ng, please kn ow the purchase date an d the comple te model and s erial number of you r appliance.
21 KITCHENAID ® DISHW ASHER W ARRANTY TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY For two year s from the date of purchase, w hen thi s major appl iance i s operated and mai ntained ac cording to inst ructions at tach.
22 LA SÉCURITÉ DU LA VE-V AIS SELLE Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas imm é diatement les instructions. Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
23 PIÈC ES ET CARACTÉRI STIQ UES Ce manuel cou vre plusieurs mod è les dif f é rents. L es caract é risti ques de vot re lave-vaiss elle peuve nt vari er par rappor t à celle s illus tr é es ci-dessous. T ableaux de comm ande A. Insertion moyenne du panier SURE-HOLD ® B.
24 GUID E DE MI SE EN MARCHE Ava n t d ’ utiliser le lav e-vaiss ell e, enle ver to us les mat é riaux d ’ emballage. Lire ce Guide d ’ ut ilis ation et d ’ en tretien au compl et. V ous y trouverez des renseignements de s é curit é importants ainsi que des con seils d ’ utilisat ion utiles.
25 9. Bien fermer le tiroir . Ap puyer sur le bouton Start /Resume (mise en marche/r é initia lisa tion) à l'avant du tiroir pour d é marre r le programme d e lavage. REMARQUES : ■ Si une pann e de co ura nt sur vien t pend an t le fonctionne ment du lave-vai ssell e, celui-ci s'arr ê tera.
26 CHARGEMENT DU LAVE- VAISSELLE Suggestions de chargement ■ Enlever de l a vaissel le les restes alimen taires, os, cure-den ts et autres articles durs. Pou r conserver l ’ eau, l ’é ner gie et sauver du te mps, i l n ’ es t pas n é cessa ir e de rincer la vai sselle avant de l a place r dans le lave-vais sell e.
27 ■ Pour facil iter le nettoyage et le drai nage, orienter la cavit é ouverte des arti cles vers l e bas. ■ V eiller à ce qu ’ il n ’ y ait aucun conta ct entre les arti cles de porcelaine, de cri stal et au tres articl es d é li cats p endan t le foncti onne ment du lave-v aiss elle.
28 T ablettes rabattables pour les tasses Raba ttr e l es ta blet tes pour les ta sses sur les c ô t é s du tiroir pou r y placer des ta sse s suppl é men tair es, de s ver r es à pied ou de lo ngs articles tel s que des u stensile s et spa tules.
29 Chargement du panier à couverts Le p an ier à couverts FLEXI-BASKET ™ peut ê tre s é par é et plac é dans le pa nier à diff é re nts en dr oits .
30 UTILISATION DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Utilisation du détergent Le distr ibu teur de d é ter ge nt et d'a gent d e rin ç age est sit u é dans la p aroi int er ne à l'avan t du tir oir .
31 Distributeur d’agent d e rinçage L'ut ilisati on r é gu li è re d 'a g e n t de r i n ç age liquide pe rmet d'obteni r les meil leurs r é sult ats d e s é ch age. Les agen ts de rin ç age emp ê chent l ’ eau de forme r des gouttelet tes qui p euvent s é cher en laissant d es taches ou coul é es.
32 Programmes de lavage Choisir le programme de lavage d é si r é . L'indicat eur s'al lume au-des sus du programme s é le ctio nn é . Appuyer s ur le bouton Start/ Resume (mise en mar che/r é init iali sati on).
33 Annulation d’ un programm e Pour met tre fi n à un programme de lavage en cours de programme, appu yer sur le bouton Power (mise sous tension). L'ea u se tro uvan t da ns le tiroi r sera aspi r é e.
34 V errou de s é curit é ■ La caract é r istiq ue Keylo ck (ve rrou de s é curit é ) verr ouille le tiroir et d é sact ive le lave-v aissell e ainsi q ue l'en semble d es bouton s. 1. Pour activ er , appuyer sur le bouton de ve rrouillage jusqu ' à ce que l'on entende les deux si gnaux sonores (envir on 5 secon des).
35 Pour enlever le r é glage Auto Power (mise sous tension automatique) Lorsque l e lave-vai ssell e quitte l'usin e, il est programm é pour se mettre au toma tiqu ement sous t ensi on d è s que le tir oir es t ouve rt, m ê me si l e bouton de mise sous tension n'a pa s é t é appuy é .
36 LAVAGE D ’ARTICLES SPÉCI AUX En cas d e doute au sujet du la vage d ’ un art icle part iculi er , consulter le fa bricant p our d é t erminer si l' article e st lavab le au lav e-vaisse lle.
37 ENTRETIEN D U LAVE -VAISS ELLE Nettoyage Nettoya ge de l ’ ext é rieur Dans l a plup art d es cas, il suf f it d ’ utilise r u n ling e d oux, h umide ou une é p onge et un d é ter gent doux pour nett oyer les surfa ces ext é rieures du l ave-vai sselle et pr é serv er son aspect de produit neuf.
38 Dispositif anti-re foulement V é rifier le disp ositif an ti-refoulement lorsque vot re lave-vaisse lle ne s e vi dang e p as b ien. Certains co des de plomberie p rovinciaux ou loca ux exigent l ’ insta llati on d ’ un disposi tif anti-r efoulement entr e un lave- vaiss ell e en cas tr é et le syst è me d e canalis ation du domicil e.
39 DÉPANNAG E Essayer d ’ abord les solutions sugg é r é es ici, ce qui vous é vite ra peut- ê tre l e co û t d ’ une visite de service... Le lave-vaisselle ne f onctionne pas corr ectement .
40 La p ress ion d ’ eau du domicile es t-ell e suffisamment é le v é e pour un remplis sage convena ble du lav e-vai sselle? La pression d ’ ea u du domicile doit ê tre de 20 à 120 l b/po ² (138 à 828 kPa) pour un rempl issage convena ble du tir oir .
41 Codes d'er reur Comment r econna î t re un code d'erreur Lorsqu'un e panne de courant est surven ue, le l ave-vaiss elle é met un signal son ore toutes le s secondes et le t é moin lumineux Start / Resume (mise en marche/r é initiali sation ) devi ent rouge.
42 ASSISTANCE O U SERVICE Avant de demander un e assist ance ou un service, veuill ez v é rifier la s ection “ D é pannage ” . Cett e v é rification peut vous faire é conomiser le co û t d ’ une visi te de r é paration . Si v ous ave z encore beso in d ’ ai de, sui vre les instru ctions ci-d essous .
43 GARANTIE DU LAVE-V AISSELLE KITCHENAID ® GARANTIE LIMIT É E DE DEUX AN S Pendant deux an s à compter de la date d'achat, l orsque ce gros appareil m é nag er es t ut ili s é et entretenu .
528823/ 857375 3 © 2005. All righ ts rese rved. Tou s dr oits r é serv é s. ® Regist ered T rademar k/TM Tra demar k of Kitche nAid, U.S.A., K itchen Aid Canada licen see in Ca nada ® Marqu e d é pos é e/ TM Mar que de c omme rce de Kit che nAi d, U.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il KitchenAid KUDD01S è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del KitchenAid KUDD01S - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso KitchenAid KUDD01S imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul KitchenAid KUDD01S ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il KitchenAid KUDD01S, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del KitchenAid KUDD01S.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il KitchenAid KUDD01S. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo KitchenAid KUDD01S insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.