Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DF-35 del fabbricante Antec
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2 DF-35 U SER ’ S M ANUAL Congratulation s on your purch ase of the An tec Dark Fleet DF-35. The DF-35 is a complete ly uniqu e chassis – ma ssively conveni ent, but in a swifter, lighter mid -tower size. It starts with the brilliant w hite LEDs set in variable-s peed, k nob-controlled Fleet-R elease™ 12 0 mm acc ess door fans.
3 T ABLE OF C ONTENT S S ECTION 1: I NTRODUCTION 1.1 Getting to know y our case…………………………………… ……………. 5 1.2 Case specifications………… …………………………… …………………. 6 1.3 Before you begin…… …………………………… ………………………… 7 1.
5 1.1 G ETTING TO KNOW YOUR CA SE Drive bays H ardware mounts 1 5.25” drive bays 9 Mothe rboard standoffs (pre- 2 3.5” drive ba ys installed) 3 Fleet-Swap SA TA bays 10 Pow er supply mounts 4 2.
6 1.2 C ASE S PECIFICATIONS C ASE T YPE Mid Tower C OLOR Matte black D IMENSIONS 19.1 ″ (H) x 7.8 ″ (W) x 19.1 ″ (D) 485 mm (H) x 198 mm ( W) x 486 mm (D) W EIGHT 15.
7 1.3 B EFORE Y OU B EGIN In order to ensur e that y our bui lding experie nce with the Dark Fleet DF -35 will be a positive one , please take note of the foll owing: • While worki ng inside y our Dark Fleet DF -35, keep y our case on a fla t, stable sur face.
8 1.4 L OCATING A ND P OSITIONING Y OUR C OMPUTE R Your DF-35 ha s backward s- and top-facing ex haust fans, a s well a s front-mounted intake fan s and one side - mounted front air intake. F or optimum per formance, we reco mmend leaving the front air i ntakes unobstruc ted.
10 2.1 S ETTING U P Put the ca se upright on a flat, stable surface so that the rear panel (power su pply and expansio n slots) is fac ing you. To remove the left a nd right sid e panels, remove these.
11 Now rest your c ase with the left side up. He re’s what we’ll be worki ng with first: A – Po wer supply mounts B – 5 .25” drive b ay area C – 3.5 ” drive b ay area with F leet-Swap SATA bays D – Fro nt panel wiring E – I/O panel Note: Do not use your fingernails to pry or lift the panels.
12 2.2 M OTHERBOARD I NSTALLATION Before proce eding: - Check the ma nual for y our CPU cooler to find out if ther e are steps you must d o before in stalling the motherboard - Make sure you have the corre ct I/O panel for y our mother board.
13 3. Now remove your mother boar d by lifting it u p. Lift your mo therboa rd ou t to install the stan doffs. 4. Install standoff s as neede d and put the motherb oard bac k in. 5. Screw in y our motherboa rd to the standoffs wit h the provid ed Phillip s-head scr ews.
14 Note: The DF-35 comes with a CPU cutou t on the motherboa rd tray, whic h will allow you to ch ange yo ur CPU heatsink without rem oving the motherb oard. 2.3 S TANDARD ATX P OWER S UPPLY I NSTALLATION The DF-35 c an accommod ate a standa rd-size ATX power su pply.
15 Use these scre ws to secure you r power sup ply to the case. 2.4 C ABLE M ANAGEMENT There is a cable manage ment compart ment behind the 3.5” d rive c age. You can tu ck or route excess c ables in this compartme nt. 1. Locate the cable manage ment c ompartment wi th cable ties l oca ted behind the walls of the 3 .
16 2.5 I NTERNAL 3.5” D EVICE I NSTALLATION The DF-35 inc ludes tw o Fleet-Re lease ™ acc ess doors. With t he front beze l facing you, they ar e located by defau lt on the bottom ni ne drive bay slots (each door cove rs three drive bay s). 1. Open the F leet-Rele ase TM acce ss door.
17 Make sure to install scre ws on th e left side… …as well as th e right sid e. 4. Mount any ot her 3.5” HDD de vices ac cordingly. 5. Connect the a ppropriate p ower and data cables to the d evice(s), using c able routi ng as desire d. 6. Close the Flee t-Release ™ acce ss door.
18 Insert you r drive as sh own. 2. With one hand supporting t he drive, f asten the drive with the scr ews provided . 3. Find a small 4-pin white connector on the power supply a nd connec t it to the ma le 4-pin co nnector on the floppy drive. 2.7 U SING F LEET -S WAP ™ The DF-35 inc ludes one se t of Fle et-Swap TM 3.
19 A – Fle et-Swap™ SATA and power connec tors B – Fle et-Swap™ bay screws 2. You may wi sh to move t he Flee t-Swap bays. The re are two screws secu ring each F leet-Swap b ay to the drive cage.
20 One exa mple of AHCI configuratio n – your motherb oard m ay vary B. L OADING THE F LEET -S WAP BAYS Fleet-Swap™ bays are designed to be acc essible from the front of the case, throug h the Fle et-Relea se™ access doors. 1. Open the F leet-Rele ase™ acc ess door, and insert your 3.
21 Open th e Fleet-R elease Ac cess Door to ac cess the drive you want to un load. 3. Grasp the top a nd botto m of your HDD. Now pull the HD D free . Removin g a Fleet-S wap d rive 4.
22 2.8 U SING T HE T OP 2.5” H OT -S WAP B AY The DF-35’s t op 2.5” hard drive bay is hot-swa p capable. To u se the ho t-swap fea ture, ensur e that your motherboard is configur ed for hot-swap.
23 2.9 E XTERNAL 5.25” D EVICE I NSTALLATION There ar e three e xternally acc essible 5.25” drive bays. Before you begin, r emove both sid e pan els. 1. First, remove the drive bay fac eplate and meta l cover plate as shown bel ow. The pla stic drive ba y facep late should pop free.
24 2.10 I NTERNAL 2. 5” D EVICE I NSTALLATION There is a 2.5” devic e mounting loca tion located at the bott om of the c ase. To use t his mou nting locati on: 1. Locate the bay at the bot tom of the case. The 2.5 ” mounting location 2. Using the scr ews provide d, secu re your 2.
26 Pin Signal Names Pin Signal Names 1 USB Power 1 2 USB Power 2 3 Negative Signal 1 4 Negative Signal 2 5 Positive Signa l 1 6 Positive Signa l 2 7 Ground 1 8 Ground 2 9 Key (No Connection ) 10 Empty.
27 3.3 P OWER S WITCH / R ESET S WITCH / H ARD D ISK D RIVE LED C ONNECTORS Connected to your f ront panel ar e LED and switch leads for power, re set, and HDD LED ac tivity. Attac h these to the c orrespondin g connec tors on your motherboar d. Consul t your mot herboard ma nual f or specific pin header locations.
29 4.1 I NCLUDED FANS Stand ard fans o n the DF-35 : A –1 x 120 mm rea r TwoCool™ LED fan B – 1 x 140 mm to p TwoCoo l™ fan C – 2 x Fleet-Re lease access do or mod ules w/front va riable-spe.
30 4.2 T OP 140 MM T WO C OOL ™ F AN The DF-35 c omes with one 140 mm TwoCo ol™ fan. Thi s fan has a t wo-speed switch that l ets you choo se the speed best suite d to your ne ed. These switches ar e located a t the re ar of the c ase. The d efault fan speed settin g is Low.
31 4.4 R EAR E XHAUST 120 MM T WO C OOL ™ W HITE LED F ANS There is one 12 0 x 25 mm T woCool ™ white LED fan preinsta lled a t the rear of the case . This fan is designed to pull hot air ou t of the c ase. Eac h fan comes with two-s peed switch t hat let you choose t he speed best suited to your need .
32 4.6 W ASHABLE A IR F ILTERS There is a filter locate d behind the f aceplate of each Fle et-Release TM Access Do or. There a re total of t hree front air filter s that come with the case. Removin g the wa shable air filter. Note the filter tabs. To clean the fi lter: 1.
33 Antec, Inc. 47900 Fre mont Blvd. Fremont, CA 945 38 tel: 510-770-12 00 fax: 510-770-1288 Antec Europe B.V. Stuttgartstra at 12 3047 AS Rotterd am The Netherland s tel: +31 (0) 10 46 2-2060 fax: +31 (0) 10 4 37-1752 Technical Supp ort: US & Canad a 1-800-22ANT EC customersup port@antec.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Antec DF-35 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Antec DF-35 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Antec DF-35 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Antec DF-35 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Antec DF-35, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Antec DF-35.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Antec DF-35. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Antec DF-35 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.