Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto GC-XA2 del fabbricante JVC
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LY T 2 6 5 8 - 0 0 3 A Dea r Custom er s Thank you fo r purchasing this J VC produc t. Befo re use, be sure to read “ Read this b efo re using the cam era” (p.
2 Rea d thi s bef ore u sin g th e cam era Read this before using the camera Safety Instructions • Befo reusingthepro duc tinwater ,besuretoreadp. 3andtousethep roduc tcorre c tly . • Malfu nc tionduetomisusebythecus tomerisnotcoveredbywa rrant y.
3 Rea d thi s bef ore u sin g th e cam era W ater , Dust, and Shock Resista nce • Water re sis tan ce : Thec ameraop eratesfo r30minutesatdepthsupto5m(1 6.4f t). Thisisequi valenttotheIECStan dardpublic ation529IP X8.
4 Rea d thi s bef ore u sin g th e cam era Water , Du st , and Sho ck Res ista nce (continued) After Using Af terunder w ateruseorex posuretodust ycond itions,pro mptlyrinseth ecamer awithfre sh waterandthor oughlydr yi t.
5 Rea d thi s bef ore u sin g th e cam era • Werecommendrep lacingthes ealannuallytomaintainw aterresistan ce.Contactyou rJVC Ser vi cerepresent ative.(C hargesapp ly .) • Alwayskeeptheb atte r ycoverclosedb eforeus e.
6 Contents Read t his befo re u si ng the cam era ......................................................................... 2 Gettingt oKnowY ourCame ra ................................................................................. 7 Recording .
7 Ge tt ing t o Know Y our Ca mer a Overview Thisca merawi tha7 .99M egaPixelse nsorcant akeH. 264for matvide os. TheH .26 4techno logya llowsforvid eore cordingatanHDreso lutionof1 9 20x1 080.
8 Ge tt in g to K now Y ou r Ca mera Check in g the A cc essor ies Bat ter y (BN-V H 105 ) USB cable W id e exib le mo unt (Pod par t /Base par t) Not es • R em ov e any di r t or mois tur e be fo re at ta c hi ng a cc ess ori es . • O nce att ached, the exib le m ount c an not b e rem ov ed .
9 Ge tt ing t o Know Y our Ca mer a 1 Rem ove the k nob f rom t he ba se pa rt . T urn the k nob in the d irec tion ind icated. 2 Ins er t th e pod p ar t into t he k no b. 3 Att ach t he po d pa rt t o the b ase p ar t. Be care ful not to pin ch your f inger.
10 Ge tt ing t o Know Y our Ca mer a < / – but to n + / > but to n Reco rd/S ET bu tt on Recordin gmode:s tar ts / stopsrecordin g Playbackmo de:star t sorpause splayba.
11 Ge tt ing t o Know Y our Ca mer a 1 Load t he b att er y. ~ Slid e th e por t /slot cover l atch i n the dir ec ti on ind ica ted . Ÿ Slid e and o pe n the c over in th e dir ec ti on ind ica ted w hile h old ing down t he la tch .
12 Ge tt ing t o Know Y our Ca mer a • Inser tase paratelyp urchasedSDc ardintothe SDslotf irmly,untilthecardislocked . • T oremovetheSDcard ,pushthecardino nce, and pull it ou t straig ht.
13 Recording Recording 1 Pres s and ho ld Power f or 2 se con ds to tur n the p ower o n. 2 Chec k th at th e vid eo mo de ic on ( ) is on t he sc ree n. If the ph oto mode icon ( ) is displayed onthescre en,sw itchtothevide omodeas foll ows: ~ Pres s ME NU.
14 Recording 1 Pres s and ho ld Power f or 2 se con ds to tur n the p ower o n. 2 Chec k th at th e pho to mo de ic on ( ) is on t he sc ree n. Ifthemovi emodeicon( ) is disp layed onthescre en,sw itchtothephotomod eas foll ows: ~ Pres s ME NU.
15 Recording 1 Pres s ME NU in r ecor din g mod e. 2 Vid eo mo de: Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Vid eo M ode Opt io ns” , an d pre ss SE T . Photo mo de: Press < or > t o sel ec t “Ph oto M ode Opt io ns” , an d pre ss SE T . 3 Vid eo mo de: Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Vid eo Ti me L aps e” , and p res s SET .
16 Recording 1 Pres s ME NU in r ecor din g mod e. 2 Pres s < or > to se le c t “V ide o Mo de Opt io ns” , an d pre ss SE T . 3 Pres s < or > to se le c t “V ide o & Phot o” , and pre ss SE T . 4 Pres s Reco rd to s tar t re cor din g.
17 Recording 1 Pres s ME NU in r ecor din g mod e. 2 Pres s < or > to se le c t “V ide o Mo de Opt io ns” , an d pre ss SE T . 3 Pres s < or > to se le c t “V ide o Ef fe c ts ” , and pre ss SE T . 4 Pres s Reco rd to s tar t re cor din g.
18 Reco r di ng Pres s MEN U in re cor din g mod e. Pres s < or > to se le ct “ V ide o Mod e Opt ion s” , an d pre ss SET. Pres s < or > to se le ct “E ndl e ss R EC” , an d pre ss SE T . Pres s Reco rd to s tar t re cor din g. Press Record ag ai n to stop reco rdi ng .
19 Recording 1 Pres s ME NU in r ecor din g mod e. 2 Pres s < or > to se le c t “Pho to Mo de Opt io ns” , an d pre ss SE T . 3 Pres s < or > to se le c t “Bu rst ” , a nd pre ss S E T. 4 Pres s Reco rd to s tar t re cor din g. Information • Y oucansp eci f ythetimeinter v alsinthemenu scree n.
20 Enjoy ing t he Playb ack M ode Enjo ying t he Pla yback Mode Stat us ico n (vide o mod e) :Playback :Pause :F astfor ward(Num ber :Spee d) :F astrewind(Numb er:Sp ee d) Playba ck cou nte r (vide o mod e) Vid eo ico n/ Phot o icon File cou nte r 1 Pre ss Play to sw itc h to t he pl aybac k mod e.
21 Enjoy ing t he Playb ack M ode 1 Pre ss Play to sw itc h to t he pl aybac k mod e. PressPlaytoswitchbacktotherecordi ng mode. 2 Pres s < or > to se le c t the f il e you wis h to delete. 3 Pres s ME NU. 4 Pres s < or > to se le c t “Y es” , an d pre ss SE T .
22 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Setting Y our C amera 1 Pres s ME NU in r ecor din g mod e. 2 Pres s < or > to se le c t the i tem yo u wis h to cha nge , and pr ess S ET . • PressMENUtoexi tthemenuscr een. • PressPlaytoswitchbacktotheprevi ous menu scre en.
23 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Setting items in “Video“ Video Switchestothenor malvide orecordingm ode (“ V ideo Recording ” ,P . 1 3 ) End les s REC Switchestotheendlessre cordingmo de (“Endle ss Recordin g (videomo deonly)” ,P .
24 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Setting items in “Setup“ Bright ne ss Thec ameraa djuststheb rightnessautom atically.Inaddition,manua lset tingsareavailab le.
25 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Video Time Lapse Y oucansp eci f ythetimeinter v alofthetime lapserecordi ng. 0. 2 Sec ond Records1fram eever y0.
26 Set t in g Y ou r Cam era Time Stamp ■ Y ou can ch oose w hether you ad d a tim est am p or not, and th e fo rmat of the tim estamp. (Y ou cannot de lete the tim e stamp af te r reco rdi ng .
27 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Setting items in “More“ LC D A uto Of f The disp lay automatically tur ns of f 5 secon ds af ter the st ar t of recordin g.
28 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Default Setting Y ou can r eset all se tti ngs to the fac tor y de fault . Update Y oucanu pdatetheinterna lsof t ware. Formorede tails,pl easerefe rtothefollowin gwebsite.
29 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Setting items in “Wi- Fi Menu“ OFF De ac tivatestheWi - Fifunc tionofthec amer a ON Activ atestheWi -Fifu nc tionoftheca mera Usethisset tingwh enyoumonito rthecame raviewusingA ndroidori OS devices.
30 Conne c tin g to a PC Con necting to a PC Information • Thefo lderlayoutintheSDc ardisshownbe low. DCIM ***M E D I A * * * * * * * * . MP4 – Vid eo CLIP * * * * . T HM – Thu mbn ail f il e ( used fo r camer a display) PIC T* * * * .
31 Usin g Wi- Fi Using Wi-Fi A vailable Wi-Fi F unctions Monitori ng the camera view Y oucanch eckthec amerav iewandop eratethecam erafr omanAndroido riOSdevice. Broadcasting using U STREAM (* 1 ) Y oucanb roadc astcam erafo otageinre al-tim eusingUSTR EA M.
32 Usin g Wi- Fi Monitor ing the Ca mera Vie w 1 Down loa d the a ppl icat io n. T omonitorth ecamer aview,Y oumustdown load“ ADIXXI ONsy nc.“(freeware)toyour Androidori OSdevice. Downlo adtheapp licationf romGo oglePlay(Playstore)ortheAppStore.
33 Usin g Wi- Fi Andr oid d evice: ~ T ou ch “S et tin gs” o n th e app lic ati on list. Ÿ Set t he W i- Fi fun ct ion o f your d evice to on . ! Pres s the h ome b ut ton t o go ba ck to th e home s cre en . Notes • Thedisp layandprocedurem aydif fer depe ndingonth edeviceyouuse.
34 Usin g Wi- Fi iOS dev ice: ~ T ou ch “S et tin gs” . Ÿ T ou ch “ Wi- Fi ” . ! T ou ch “ Wi- Fi ” to tu rn t he Wi -Fi o n. ⁄ T ou ch th e Cam era ID ( JVC -*** *) on the list. @ Ente r th e KE Y . $ Pres s the h ome b ut ton t o go ba ck to th e home s cre en .
35 Usin g Wi- Fi 4 Star t “ADIXX ION s ync .” . ~ T ou ch “ ADIX XI ON sy nc .” on th e app lic ati on lis t. Ÿ T ou ch th e det ec te d cam era . • Ifthecam eraca nnotbefo und,conf irm thattheWi -Fise t tingissettoonan d touch “R efresh” .
36 Usin g Wi- Fi Z oo m T o th e mon ito r scr ee n (this sc re en) T o th e alb um sc ree n T o th e set up sc re en Reco r din g/s ho ot in g Switc h bet we en mul tip le ca mer as* 1 Use this when multip le camer as ar e connec ted. Contr ol t he ca mera f ro m th e app lica tio n.
37 Us in g Wi - Fi V id eo in dex P hot o ind ex Del ete Album sc re en Y ou can ch eck or de lete imag es. (*) It is displayed in the following cases . ・ If the thumbnails has been deleted . ・ If video les has been split by a long time r ecording .
38 Usin g Wi- Fi Setup s cre en Y ou can ch ange the se t tings of the cam era. Came ra se tt ing s ID /Pas sword Changesthecam eraIDandth epassword Date & T ime Adjuststhecl ock .
39 Usin g Wi- Fi Ope rations 1 to 3 are onl y require d the f irs t time. Go to 4 (p age42 )i ftheseop eratio nshave already b een c arrie d out. 1 Conne c t the c ame ra an d the s mar t pho ne/ tab le t via a wi rel ess L AN r out er .
40 Usin g Wi- Fi ! T ou ch in “ Access Po int Se tt ing ” . ⁄ Sel ec t t he acce ss po int you w ish t o use and e nter t he p asswo rd . @ T ou ch to re tur n.
41 Usin g Wi- Fi 3 Reg ist er t he acco unt you w ish t o use. ~ Ente r your “ USTR EA M” Use rna me and Passw ord. Ÿ T ou ch “S ave to Came ra” .
42 Usin g Wi- Fi 4 Star t br oad cas tin g usi ng th e cam era . ~ Pres s ME NU in r ecor din g mod e. Ÿ Pres s < or > to se le c t “W i- Fi Me nu” , and p res s SET .
43 Usin g Wi- Fi ⁄ Pres s < or > to se le c t “Y es” , an d pre ss S E T. Broad castingv iaUSTR EAMs tar ts . PressSETorPlay/Recordtostop broadcasting. Notes • Broad castingf ootag eviaUSTR EA Mand maynotbeallowe ddepe ndingonth earea, net work ,etc .
44 Usin g Wi- Fi Ope rations 1 to 3 are onl y require d the f irs t time. Go to 4 (p age47)iftheseope rationshave already b een c arrie d out. 1 Conne c t the c ame ra an d the s mar t pho ne/ tab le t via a wi rel ess L AN r out er .
45 Usin g Wi- Fi ! T ou ch in “ Access Po int Se tt ing ” . ⁄ Sel ec t t he acce ss po int you w ish t o use and e nter t he p asswo rd . @ T ou ch to re tur n.
46 Usin g Wi- Fi 3 Reg ist er t he acco unt you w ish t o use. ~ Ente r your “ Y ou T u be ” User name a nd Passw ord. Ÿ T ou ch “S ave to Came ra” .
47 Usin g Wi- Fi 4 Star t up loa din g usi ng th e cam era . ~ Pres s ME NU in r ecor din g mod e. Ÿ Pres s < or > to se le c t “W i- Fi Me nu” , and p res s SET .
48 Usin g Wi- Fi ⁄ Press < or > to s ele ct t he f ile to up loa d, and p res s SET . Uploa dingtoY ou T ubes tar ts . PressPlay / Recordtos topuploa ding. Notes • Uploa dingf ilestoY o u T ub emaynotbe allowedde pendin gonthearea,n et work ,etc.
49 Us in g Wi - Fi req uir e d Applica tions fo r Wi nd ow s/Mac O S PCs By inst alling the app licat io n, you ca n per fo rm the same o perat io ns as o n the Android /iOS applic at io n on Wi nd ows or M ac OS PCs. Not es • D ownloa d the applic at io n at the follow ing website.
50 Prec aut ion s on Usi ng Wi - Fi Caution s on the Wi-Fi F unct ion • Ope rationisnotguar anteedo nalldevices. • Thisfun cti onisnotdesign edfordis asterorcr imeprevention .
51 Prec aut ion s on Usi ng Wi - Fi Radio W av es Used b y this Produ ct This p rod uc t make s use o f radi o waves in t he ISM b and (2 .4 G Hz). Alt hou gh a rad io st ati on li cens e is no t req uir ed to u se t his pr odu ct , p lea se ta ke note o f th e foll owin g.
52 Specif ications Specif ications Specif ications Ima ge se nsor 1 /3.2 ”7 .99M egapi xelCMOSsenso r Lens F2.4f= 2.46m m(FixedFocus) Zoom Digi talzoo m:upto5 x LCD moni tor 1 .
53 Specif ications Recordable T ime/Num ber of Images Appro ximate video recording time Vid eo resolution SDH C/SDXC card 4 GB 8 GB 1 6 G B 32 GB 48 GB 64 G B 1 28 G B 19 2 0 x 1 0 8 0 / 60p (50p) 1 5min. 35 min. 1hr. 1 0min . 2 hr .
54 T roubleshooting T roub leshooting Ifthecam eraf ailstofunc tionase xpe cte d,followth eprocedure sbelow. 1 Chec k th e tr oub les hoo ti ng be low. 2 The c ame ra may not wo rk pro pe rly du e to th e noi se or s tat ic el ec t rici ty, etc .
55 T ro ubl es hoo t in g P ro ble m Che ck T he re is a black or colo red spot in the LCD monitor This is not a mal func tion. The LCD s cr een is manu fac tur ed usin g ex tr eme ly high -pre c is io n techn ol og y, so ov er 99. 9 9% of the p ixels ar e ope rat io nal fo r e ec tive u se.
56 T roubleshooting FC C: Federal Communication Commission Interfe rence Statement Thisequ ipmenthasb eentes tedandfou ndtocomplywithth elimitsfo raClassBdigitald evice, pursuanttoPar t1 5oftheFCCRules.
©20 1 3J VCKENWOODCorp oratio n 0613HO-MW-VM.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il JVC GC-XA2 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del JVC GC-XA2 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso JVC GC-XA2 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul JVC GC-XA2 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il JVC GC-XA2, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del JVC GC-XA2.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il JVC GC-XA2. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo JVC GC-XA2 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.