Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto X-TYPE 2001.5 del fabbricante Jaguar
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X-TYPE 2001.5 MY VOICE ACTIVATION HANDBOOK North Americ an Markets Onl y Go t o Fore wo rd >> Go to Co nten ts > > Go to Index >>.
Fo r e w o r d Jaguar X-TY PE V oice Activation Handbook Pub lishe d May 2001 by P arts and Se rvic e Com munic at ions Jagu ar Cars Limited Pub lication P art No.
Conten ts General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Using th e syste m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 How to say numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Voice activation 1 Gener al inform ation This Handbook describes every opt ion and model variant avai la ble and t her efo re, som e of th e it ems cov ered may not apply t o your pa rticular vehic le.
2 Voice activati on General inf ormat ion (conti nued) Key to illustration Vehicle s fitted with naviga tion system : 1. Message c entre dis play. 2. Microphon e.
Voice activation 3 Gene ral inform ation (conti nue d) Key to illustration Vehicl es NOT f itted with navig ation s ystem: 1. Messag e centre display. 2. Microphone. 3. Voice bu tton. 4. Mode button, on radio. 5. S eek/ tuni ng c ont rol, on ra di o. (Used t o commenc e voice tr aining ).
4 Voice activati on Using the s ystem Initialisation When t he igni tion sw itch is turn ed to po sitio n ‘ll’ (ig niti on on), the sys tem is enab led. A fter ini tialisa tion , which tak es abou t ten seconds , the syst em is ready t o accept voice co mmands.
Voice activation 5 Usin g the syste m (c ontin ued ) Comma nd confi rmation and pro mpts After a command ha s been given, the system will give feedb ack of what it understood. The verba l feedb ack giv en can b e switched on or off by using t he VOICE FEEDBACK ON or VOICE FEEDBACK OFF comm ands.
6 Voice activati on Using the sy stem (conti nued) 2. If the u ser trie s to stor e a namet ag, which sounds phonetic ally s imilar to a nametag already stored, or to the word DIRECTORY, t he system will advis e the user that thi s nametag cannot be stored.
Voice activation 7 How to say numb ers Numbers in voice commands m ust be g iven as shown below. Ei th er ‘z e ro ’ o r ‘oh ’ ca n b e u s ed f or ‘ 0’ , mos t us er s w i ll fi nd th at ‘zero’ giv es bett er resul ts. For informati on about sp ecific commands, s ee Voice command descriptions on page 15.
8 Voice activati on How to say number s (continu ed) Phone numbers All ph one numbers are said a s singl e digits, as in the f ollowing example. St ar ( ∗ ) and Pound (# ) are acc eptable as the fir st digit of a number. • ‘Dial one two zero one eight one eight eight one zero zero’ (1-201-818-8100 ).
Voice activation 9 Voice co mmand list All the commands recognized by the system are shown in the list below. Opti onal words t hat can be omitted a re shown in square b rackets. Phrase s shown in r ound brac kets are optional ways of giving the command; one of the options separate d by the fo rward slas hes, must be give n.
10 Voice activat ion Voice command list (c ontinued ) Cassette tap e player co mmands • TAPE PLAY •[ T A P E ] R E V E R S E •[ T A P E ] R E W I N D • [TA PE] FAS T FORW ARD • TAPE SEEK [UP.
Voice activatio n 11 Voice com mand list (conti nue d) Automatic climat e control commands ( where fitted) • CLIMATE CONTROL ON • CLIMATE CONTROL OFF • [CLIMATE CONTROL] AUTOMATIC [ON] • (CLIM.
12 Voice activat ion Voice command list (c ontinued ) Navigation commands (continued ) • [NAVIGATION] ZOOM OUT zoom increm ent le vel 1 -12 • NAVIGATION STORE NAME • [NAVIGATION] [SELECT] DESTIN.
Voice activatio n 13 Voice co mmand syn onyms If prefe rred, th e synonym s describe d in the f ollowing tab le can b e used in p lace of t he primar y or pref erred word in t he voic e commands de scribe d on the p revious page.
14 Voice activat ion Voice comma nd synonyms (c ontin ued) Chan ger Ch anger Play Changer On Play Select (for disc and trac k comman ds only) Mix Shuffle /Ran dom Changer CD Changer Disc CD Phone Redi.
Voice activatio n 15 Voice comm and descript ions In the c ommand descr iptions, optiona l words are sh own in square b rackets. Data it ems that you nee d to ent er, suc h as phone numbers, are shown in italics . For i nform ation on enterin g numbers in commands , see How to sa y numbers on page 7.
16 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) Radio commands (con tinued) • RADIO TUNE nametag Select s the stored st ation wi th the n ametag given in the command. • [RADIO] [TUNE] PRESET pre set nu mber (1 –9) Select s the stored station cor responding to th e preset number (1 to 9) given in the command.
Voice activatio n 17 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Radio comm ands (cont inued) • RADIO [PLAY] DIRECTORY Gives a spoken l ist of stat ion name tags and f requencies currently stored i n the voice system m emory. • RADIO HELP Gives spoken information a bout the radi o voice commands.
18 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) CD changer com mands (where fitted) • CHANGER PLAY or CHANGER ON Selects the au tocha nger, p lays the CD and tra ck whic h were selec te d the l ast time th at th e au tocha nge r sto ppe d play in g.
Voice activatio n 19 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Phone c omm ands (wh ere fitte d) • PHONE (ON/OFF) Turns the phone on or off . Note : On vehicles without navigati on, turning the phone on will switch the sound system to phone m ode. • [PHONE] ENTER phone dig its (2-16 digits) Allows entry of a phone numb er in groups of digits.
20 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) Phone command s (continued) • [PHONE] REDIAL The last phone number to be called is redialle d. If phone confir mation is on , the user will be as ked to co nfirm the n u m b e r b e f o r e t h e c a ll i s m a d e .
Voice activatio n 21 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Phone command s (continued) • PHONE DELETE DIRECTORY Deletes all currently stored phone nametags from the voice system me mory. Th e system will reque st con firmation fr om the use r before deletin g the nam etags.
22 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) Automatic climate control comm ands (where fitted) •C L I M A T E C O N T R O L O N Turns t he climate control system on in the pr evious mode. •C L I M A T E C O N T R O L O F F Turns t he climat e control system off.
Voice activatio n 23 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Navigation command s (where fitted) • [NAVIGATION] SHOW DESTINATION This s hows the de stination of the r oute cur rentl y set in the navigat ion system. The destinat ion address is display ed at the top of the screen .
24 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) Navigation commands (continued) • [NAVIGATION] (VOICE GUIDANCE ON/MUTE OFF) Turns on the sp oken gu idance fr om the na vigati on system. • [NAVIGATION] (VOICE GUIDANCE OFF/MUTE ON) Turns off the spok en guidan ce from t he navigat ion syste m.
Voice activatio n 25 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Navigation commands (cont inued) • [NAVIGATION] [SELECT] DESTINATION nameta g This allows a prev iously stor ed nametag to be given as the required route de stination. The user will be asked to c onfirm the command bef ore the rout e is set.
26 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) Navigation commands (continued) • [NAVIGATION] PREFER FERRIES Sets the na vigati on syst em rout e pref erence s to u se fer ries where possible. • [NAVIGATION] AVOID FERRIES Sets the navigation s ystem ro ute prefere nces to av oid ferries where possible.
Voice activatio n 27 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Navigation nametag features within the navigation system To list navigation memory poi nts with nametags: 1. Pre ss th e NAV ke y next to th e scre en to s elec t the navigat ion system, if requ ired pr ess again to sele ct the ma p view.
28 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) To play the nametag associated with a memory point: 1. Follow st eps 1-4 abov e to list all memory points then s elect the desired memor y point. 2. Pr ess th e talki ng he ad butt on (s ee ill ustra tion abo ve) to pla y the na metag.
Voice activatio n 29 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Display comm ands (where fitted) • DISPLAY ON Turns on t he display in th e mode previous ly sel ected.
30 Voice activat ion Voice trai ning The voic e acti vation system is a ble to in terpr et mos t English speakers wit hout difficult y. If, however, i t is found t hat comman ds ar e som etimes n ot be ing rec ogniz ed, the voice syste m can be train ed to improve its recogniti on of the us er.
Voice activatio n 31 Voice trai ning (c ontinued) 6. You will b e promp ted to rea d from th e list of phras es, see Training command list on page 3 3, on e phr ase at a time. After each prompt, press and relea se the voice bu tton, wait for the end of the bee p then sa y the phra se.
32 Voice activat ion Voice trai ning (continu ed) 7. You will be promp ted to re ad from the l ist of phrases, see Training com mand list on page 33, one phrase at a time. After each prompt , press and release the voic e button, wait for the end of the beep then say the phra se.
Voice activatio n 33 Trai ning com man d lis t 1. climate temp erature eight een point oh degree s 2. teleph one enter s tar ze ro seven zero f our 3. navigation s how turn list 4. map zoom out maximum 5. telephone en ter one seven hu ndred five six two four 6.
34 Voice activat ion Trouble s hooting error mess ages In addition to th e voice c ommand prom pts giv en by t he system, the fol lowing erro r messag es may be displaye d on the inst rument cluste r displa y. Most of these mess ages are accom panied by an advisory dou ble beep .
Voice activati on 35 Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Gene ral (c ont ’d) COMMAND NOT RECOGNIZED The voice system has failed to recognize y our command. 1 . E n s u r e t h a t t h e c o m m a n d f o r m a t i s va li d , s e e Voi ce comm and list on page 9.
36 Voice activat ion Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Gene ral (c ont ’d) NO SPEECH DETECTED The voice system h as not heard any sp eech. 1. Ensure that th e command is given after the en d of the beep. 2. Ensure th at the co mmand is giv en within a maximum of f ive seconds fro m t he en d o f th e be ep.
Voice activati on 37 Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Namet ags RADIO NOT IN TUNER MODE Displayed when the user tries to store a radio nametag and the radio has not bee n place d in tun er mode, for exam ple playi ng a ta pe or CD. NAMES TOO M UCH ALIKE 1.
38 Voice activat ion Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Nametags (co nt’d) NAMETAG TOO S HORT The nametag g iven is t oo short ( so as not t o mistak e the na metag for inadvertent n oise). If you experience this error please provide a lon ger namet ag.
Voice activati on 39 Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Phone CONNECT PHONE TRY AGAIN If the G SM phone i s in its c radle bu t voic e system k eeps sayin g "dial not accept ed, pl ease c onnect p hone and try a gain", then t he ph one hands et may not be cor rectl y attach ed to its stor age cr adle.
40 Voice activat ion Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Navigation (cont’ d) UNABLE TO F IND NAME Displayed b y the voic e system when the NAVIGATION SELECT DESTINATION nametag command is giv en and the naviga tion syste m cannot locate th e tagged me mory point int ernal in its memory.
Voice activati on 41 Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Voice Training SET HANDBRAKE TO CONTINUE T h i s t e x t m es s a g e i s d i s p l a y e d w i t h i t s as so c i a t e d v e r b a l f e e d b a c k w h e n t h e handbrak e is lifted during Voice Trai ning.
Index General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – introduc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – langu age and ac cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JJM 18 09 20/1 5.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.