Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DCP3600 del fabbricante Intel
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Order Number: 330569-002 US Intel ® Solid-State Dri ve DC P3600 Series Product Specification Capacities: 400GB , 800GB, 1.2TB, 1 .6 TB, 2TB PCIe* Gen3 X4 Form Factors – 2.
Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 2 330569-002 US Ordering Information Contact your local Intel sales representative for ordering information. INFORMATION IN THIS DOC UMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECT ION WITH INTEL PRODUCTS . NO LICENSE , EXPRESS OR I MPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL O R OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECT UAL PROPE RTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY TH IS DOCUMENT.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Series Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 3 Contents 1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 References ..
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 4 330569-002 US Figures Figure 3-1 Intel ® SSD DC P3600 Series SFF Dimensions ...................................................... 18 Figure 3-2 Intel ® SSD DC P3600 Series PCIe* Dimensions .
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 5 Revision History Document Number Revision Number Description Revision Da te 330569 001 Initial releas.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 6 330569-002 US This page intentionally left blank..
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 7 1 Overview This document describes the specifications and capabi lities of the Intel ® Solid State Drive (SSD) DC P3600 Series.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 8 330569-002 US 1.1 References Table 1: Stan dard Information Referenced in this Document Date Title Location Jan 2013 Enterprise SS D Form Fact or Version 1. 0a http:// www.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 9 1.2 Terms and Acro nyms Table 2: Glossar y of Terms and Acronyms Term Definition AT A Ad vanc ed T echno .
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 10 330569-002 US 2 Product Speci fications 2.1 Capacity Table 3: User Address able Sectors Intel ® SSD DC P3 600 Series Unformatte d Capacity (Total User A ddressable Se ctors in LBA Mo de) 400GB 390,721,968 800GB 781,422,768 1.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 11 Table 5: Random Read/Write IOPS Consisten cy Specificatio n 1 Unit Intel ® SSD DC P3 600 Series 400GB 800GB 1.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 12 330569-002 US Table 8: Quality of Service Specificatio n Unit Intel ® SSD DC P3 600 Series QD=1 QD=128 Quality of Serv ice 1,2 (99 %) Reads ms 0.600 2 Writes ms 0. 09 0 11 Quality of Serv ice 1,2 (99.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 13 Electrical Char a cteristics Intel ® SSD DC P3 600 Series 3.3Vaux Ope rating Charac teristics: Operating Volt age range Rise time (Ma x/Min) Fall time (Max/M in) 1 Noise level Max Current 3.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 14 330569-002 US Shock and Vi bration Range Shock 5 Operating Non-operating 50 G Trapezoidal , 170 in/ s 50 G Trapezoidal , 170 in/ s 1,000 G (Ma x) at 0.5 mse c 1,000 G (Ma x) at 0.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 15 2.5 Product Regula tory Complianc e Intel ® SSD DC P3600 Series meets or exceeds the regulatory or cert ification requirements in Table 14.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 16 330569-002 US 2.6 Reliability Spec ifications Intel ® SSD DC P3600 Series meets or exceeds SSD endu rance and data retention requirements as specified in the JESD218 standard.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 17 2.9 Hot Plug Suppo rt 2.5-inch form factor will support surprise hot plug feature in capable platforms and OSs. Intel SSD DC P3600 Series supports hot insertion an d removal and surprise hot insertion by means of presence detect and link-up detect.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 18 330569-002 US 3 Mechanic al Information Figures 3-1 and 3-2 show the physical package inf ormati on for the Intel ® SSD DC P3600 Series in the 2.5-inch form factors. All dimensions are in millimete rs.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 19 Figure 3-2 Intel ® SSD DC P3600 Series PCIe* Dimensions §.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 20 330569-002 US 4 Pin and S ignal Descriptions 4.1 2.5-inch Form Fac tor Pin Loca tions Figure 4-1 2.5-inch Form Factor Pin Locations Note: 2.5-inch connector supports built in latching capability.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 21 Pin Name Description Pin Name Description P1 Not used (SATAe/SA S) S11 GND Ground P2 Not used (SATAe/SA .
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 22 330569-002 US Table 17 : Pi n Definition for Add-In Card (Half Height Half Length) Form Factor Side B Side A Pin Name .
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 23 5 Supported Comm and Sets Intel ® SSD DC P3600 Series supports all mandatory Admin and I /O commands defined in NVMe* (Non-Volatile Memory Express) revision 1.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 24 330569-002 US 5.3 Log Page Support Intel ® SSD DC P3600 Series supports the following mandatory log pages defined in NVMe* 1.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 25 Byte # of Bytes Attribute Description 32 16 Data Units Read (in LBAs) Contains the nu mber of 5 12 byte data units the host ha s read from the controller; thi s value does not include metadata.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 26 330569-002 US Table 19 : Additional SMART Attributes (Log Identifier CAh) Byte # of Bytes Attribute Description 0 1 AB (Program Fail Coun t) Raw value: sho ws total count of program fails.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 27 5.5 Temperature Sta tistics Table 20 : Temperature Statistics (Log Identifier C5h) Note: For 2 .5 -inch form factor, case temperature is reported. For Add-in Card, NAND temperature is reported.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 28 330569-002 US Intel ® SSD DC P3600 Series will also support the following v endor unique SET Fe atures.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 29 6 NVMe* Driv er Support Table 27 describes the NVMe* Driver Support for Intel ® SSD DC P3600 Series.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 30 330569-002 US 7 Certifications and Declarations Table 28 : Device Certifications and Declarations Certification Descri.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 31 Appendix A IDENTIF Y Data S tructure Table 29 : Identify Controller Bytes F = Fixed V = Variable X = Bot.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 32 330569-002 US Bytes F = Fixed V = Variable X = Both Default Value Interpretatio n Description and Write Uncorrectab le optiona l NVMe* comman ds.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 33 Bytes F = Fixed V = Variable X = Both Default Value Interpretatio n Description power state 21 2783 - 27.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 34 330569-002 US Table 30 : Power State Descriptor Bytes F = Fixed V = Variable X = Both Default Value Interpretatio n De.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 35 Table 31 : Identify Namespace Bytes F = Fixed V = Variable X = Both Default Va lue Interpretatio n Description 7-0 V varies In di cat es th e t otal si ze of t he nam espac e i n l ogic al bl ock s.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 36 330569-002 US Bytes F = Fixed V = Variable X = Both Default Va lue Interpretatio n Description 155 - 152 V MS:128 , LB.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 37 Table 32 : LBA Format Data Structure Bytes F = Fixed V = Variable X = Both Default Val ue Interpretatio .
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 38 330569-002 US Appendix B Vital Data Structure Table 33 : Vital Product Data Structure (VPD) Address # Bytes Function P.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 39 Appendix C O ut of Band T emperatur e Sensor Read O ut Register 0x05 on address 0x 1B contains the temperature inf ormation for the latest reado ut. Measured temperature is captured by bit 12 to bit 0.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 40 330569-002 US Appendix D PCIe* ID Table 36 : PCIe* ID ID name Description Add-in Card 2.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Ju ly 2014 Product Specificat ion 330569-002 US 41 Appendix E SCSI Command Translation Following SCSI commands are supported: Read 6,10,12,16 Inquiry Mode Sense 6,10 Mode Select 6.
Intel ® Solid-Sta te Drive DC P3600 Serie s Product Specificat ion Ju ly 2014 42 330569-002 US Appendix F Add-in Card L ED Decoder Table 37 : LED Functionality LED Description Blink Behavi or LED 1( .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel DCP3600 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel DCP3600 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel DCP3600 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel DCP3600 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel DCP3600, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel DCP3600.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel DCP3600. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel DCP3600 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.