Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto BX80646I74770 del fabbricante Intel
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Reference Numbe r: 328899-007 Desktop 4th Generation Intel ® Core™ Processor Family, Desktop Intel ® Pentium ® Processor Family, and Desktop Intel ® Celeron ® Processor Family Specification Upd.
Contents Specification Update 3 Contents Revision History ................ ............ ................. ............. ............ ................. ............ ............ 5 Preface .................. ............. ................ ..........
Contents 4 Specification Update.
Specification Update 5 Revision History Revision Description Date 001 • Initial Release. June 2013 002 • No Updates. R evision number added to Revision History to maintain consistency with NDA Specificat ion Update numbering. N/A 003 •E r r a t a — Added HSD59-99 • Updated Identification Info rmation August 2013 004 • No Updates.
6 Specification Update Preface This document is an update to the specifications contained in the Affected Documents table below . This document is a compilation of device and documentation errata, specification clarifications and changes.
Specification Update 7 Nomenclature Errata are design defects or errors. These may cause the processor behavior to deviate from published specifications. Hardware and softw are designed to b e used with any giv en stepping must assume that all errata documented for that stepping are present on all devices.
8 Specification Update Summary Tables of Changes The following tables indicate the errata , specification changes, specification clarifications, or documentation changes which apply to the processor .
Specification Update 9 Errata (Sheet 1 of 5) Number Steppings Status ERRATA C-0 HSD1 XN o F i x LBR, BTS, BTM May Report a Wrong Address when an Exception/ Interrupt Occurs in 64-bit Mode HSD2 XN .
10 Specification Update HSD26 XN o F i x S p ecific Graphic s Blitter Instruc t ions May Result in Unpredictable Graphics Controller Behavior HSD27 XN o F i x Processor May Enter Shutdown Unexpectedly on a Second Uncorrectable Error HSD28 XN o F i x Modified Compliance Patterns for 2.
Specification Update 11 HSD55 XN o F i x Internal Parity Errors May Incorrectly Report Overflow in The IA32_MCi_ST A TUS MSR HSD56 XN o F i x Performance Monitor Events OTHER_ASSISTS.
12 Specification Update HSD82 XN o F i x PCIe* Host Bridge DID May Be Incorrect HSD83 XN o F i x T ransactional Abort M ay Produce an Incorrect Branch Record HSD84 XN o F i x SMRAM S tate-Save Area Ab.
Specification Update 13 HSD110 XN o F i x A PEBS Record May Contain Processor S tate for an Unexpected Instruction HSD111 XN o F i x MSR_PP1_ENERGY_ST A TUS Reports Incorrect Energy Data HSD112 XN.
14 Specification Update Identification Information Component Identification us ing Programmin g Interface The processor stepping can be identified by the following register contents.
Specification Update 15 Component Marking Information The processor stepping can be identified by the following component markings. Figure 1. Desktop 4th Generation Intel ® Core™ Processor Fami ly Top-Side Markings Table 2.
16 Specification Update SR18K I7-4770R C-0 6 4 3 3.9 1600 3.2 65 SR18M I5-4670R C-0 4 4 3 3.7 1600 3 65 SR18Q I5-4570R C -0 4 4 3 3.2 1600 2.7 65 SR1BW I7-4771 C-0 8 4 2 3.9 1600 3.5 95 SR1CA I5-45 70T C -0 4 2 2 3.6 1600 2.9 35 SR1CE G3430 C-0 3 2 1 3.
Specification Update 17 Errata HSD1. LBR, BTS, BTM May Report a Wrong Address when an Exception/ Interrupt Occurs in 64-bit Mode Problem: An exception/interrupt ev ent should be transparent to the LBR (Last Branch R ecord), B TS (Bran ch T race Store) and B TM (Branch T race Message) mechanisms.
18 Specification Update HSD4. LER MSRs May Be Unreliable Problem: Due to certain internal processor events, updates to the LER (Last Exception R ecord) MSRs, MSR_LER_FROM_LIP (1DDH) and MSR_L ER_TO_LIP (1DEH), may happen when no update was expected. Implication: The values of the LER MSRs may be unreliable.
Specification Update 19 HSD8. FREEZE_WHILE_SMM Does No t Prevent Event From Pending PEBS During SMM Problem: In general, a PEBS record should be gene ra ted on the first count of the event after the counter has overflow ed. However , IA32_DEBUGCTL_MSR.
20 Specification Update HSD11. Performance Monitor Precise In struction Retired Event May Present Wrong Indications Problem: When the PDIR (Precise Distribution for Instructions Retired) mechanism is activated (INST_RETIRED.
Specification Update 21 HSD14. Execution of VAESIMC or VAESKE YGENASSIST With An Illegal Value for VEX.vvvv May Produce a #NM Exception Problem: The VA ESIMC and V AESKEYGENASSIST in stru ctions should produce a #UD (Invalid- Opcode) exception if the value of the vvvv field in the VEX prefix is not 1111b.
22 Specification Update HSD17. PCIe* Root-port Initiated Comp liance State Transmitter Equalization Settings May be Incorrect Problem: If the processor is directed to enter PCIe Polling.
Specification Update 23 HSD21. PCIe Root Port May Not Initiate Link Speed Change Problem: The PCIe Base specification requires the upstream component to maintain the PCIe link at the target link speed or the highest speed supported by both components on the l ink, whichever is lower .
24 Specification Update HSD24. VEX.L is Not Ignored with VCVT*2SI Instructions Problem: The VEX.L bit should be ignored for the VCVTSS2SI, VCVTSD2SI, VCVTTS S2SI, and VCVT TSD2SI instructions, however due to this erratum the VEX.L bi t is not ignored and will cause a #UD.
Specification Update 25 HSD28. Modified Compliance Patterns for 2.5 GT/s and 5 GT/s Transfer Rates Do Not Follow PCIe* Specification Problem: The PCIe controller does not produce the PCIe specification defined seque nce for the Modified Compliance Pattern at 2.
26 Specification Update HSD31. MSR_PERF_STATUS May Repo rt an Incorrect Core Voltage Problem: The core operating voltage can be determined by dividing MSR_PERF_ST A TUS MSR (198H) bits [47:32] by 2^13. However , due to this erratum, this calculation may report half the actual core voltage.
Specification Update 27 HSD35. PLATFORM_POWER _LIMIT MSR Not Visible Problem: The PLA TFORM_POWER_LIMIT M SR (615H) is used to control the PL3 (power limit 3) mechanism of the processor . Due to this erratum, this MSR is n ot visible to software. Implication: Software is unable to read or write th e PLA TFORM_POWER_LIMIT MSR.
28 Specification Update HSD40. Spurious VT-d Interrupts Ma y Occur When the PFO Bit is Set Problem: When the PFO (Primary F ault Overflow) field (bit [0] in the VT -d FSTS [Fault Status] register) is set to 1, further faults sho u ld not gener ate an interrupt.
Specification Update 29 HSD44. Display May Flicker When Package C-States Are Enabled Problem: When package C-States are enabled, the di splay ma y not be refreshed at the correct rat e. Implication: When this err atum occurs, the user may observe flickering on the display .
30 Specification Update HSD49. AVX Gather Instruction That Should Result in #DF May Cause Unexpected System Behavior Problem: Due to this erratum, an execution of a 128-bit A VX gather instruction may fail to generate a #DF (double fault) when expected .
Specification Update 31 HSD53. The From-IP for Branch Tra cing May be Incorrect Problem: BT M (Branch T race Message) an d B TS (Branc h T race Store) report the “From-IP” indicating the source address of the br anch instruction. Due to this erratum, B TM and B TS may repeat the “From-IP” v alue previo usly reported.
32 Specification Update HSD58. Performance Monitor Ev en t DSB2MITE_SWITCHES.COUNT May Over Count Problem: The P erformance Monitor Ev ent DSB2MITE _SWIT CHES.C OUNT (Event A BH; Umask 01H) should count the number of DSB (Decode Stream Buffer) to MITE (Macro Instruction T ranslation Engine) switches.
Specification Update 33 HSD62. Some Performance Monitor Event Counts May be In accurate During SMT Mode Problem: The performance monitor event OFFCORE_RE QUESTS_OUTST ANDING (Event 60H, any Umask V alue) should count the number of occurrences that loads or stores stay in the super queue each cycle.
34 Specification Update HSD66. A PCIe* LTR Update Message May Cause The Processor to Hang Problem: If a PCIe device sends an L TR (Latency T olerance R eport) update message while the processor is in a package C6 or deeper , the processor may hang.
Specification Update 35 HSD70. IA32_VMX_VMCS_ENU M MSR (48AH) Does N ot Properly Report The Highest Index Value Used For VMCS Encoding Problem: IA32_VMX_VMCS_ENUM MSR (48AH) bits 9:1 rep ort the highest index value used for any VMCS encoding.
36 Specification Update Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Table of Changes . HSD74. Performance Monitoring Events Ma y Report Incorrect Number of Load Hits or Misses to LLC Problem: The following performance monitor events should count the numbers of loads hitting or missing LLC.
Specification Update 37 HSD78. Certain Performance Monitoring Events May Over Count Software Demand Loads Problem: The following performance monitor events should count the number of software demand loads. However due to this err atum, they may also include requests from the Next P age Prefetcher and over count.
38 Specification Update HSD82. PCIe* H ost Bridge DID May Be Incorrect Problem: The PCIe Host Bridge DID register (Bus 0; Device 0; Function 0; Offset 2H) contents may be incorrect. Implication: Software that depends on the Host Bridge DID value may not beha ve as expected.
Specification Update 39 HSD87. Intel ® TSX Inst ructions May Cause Unpredictable System behavior Problem: Under certain system conditions, Intel TSX (T ransactional Synchronization Extensions) instructions may result in unpred ictable system behavior.
40 Specification Update HSD92. Execution of FXSAVE or FXRSTO R With the VEX Prefix May Produce a #NM Exception Problem: Attempt to use FXSA VE or FXRSTOR with a VEX prefix should produce a #UD (Invalid- Opcode) exception.
Specification Update 41 HSD97. Video/Audio Distortion May Occur Problem: Due to this erratum, internal processo r operations can o ccasionally delay the completion of memory read requests enough to cause video or au dio streaming underru n. Implication: Visible artifacts such as flickering on a video device or glitches on audio ma y occur .
42 Specification Update HSD101. Incorrect LBR Source Addres s May be Reported For a Transactional Abort Problem: If the fetch of an instruction in a transactio nal region causes a fault, a transactional abort occurs. If LBRs are enabled, the source address recorded for such a transactiona l abort is the address of the instruction being fetched.
Specification Update 43 HSD105. Warm Reset Does Not Stop GT Power Draw Problem: Due to this erratum, if GT is enabled prior to a wa rm reset, it will remain powered after the warm reset. The processor will make incorrect po wer management decis ions because it assumes the GT is not drawing p ower after a warm reset.
44 Specification Update HSD109. Processor Energy Policy Sele ction May Not Work as Expected Problem: When the IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS MSR (1B0H) is set to a v alue of 4 or more, the processor will try to increase the energy efficiency of T urbo mode.
Specification Update 45 HSD113. Processor May Ha ng During Package C7 Exit Problem: Under certain internal timing conditions, th e processor might not properly exit package C7 leading to a hang. Implication: Due to this erratum, the package C7 state may not be reliable.
46 Specification Update The page fault (in #4) may report an incorrect error code and faulting linear address; these would describe the read-modify-write instruction’ s me mory access instead of that of the faulting instruction. (The address of the faulting instruction is reported correctly .
Specification Update 47 Specification Changes The Specification Changes listed in this section apply to the following documents: •I n t e l ® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s M.
48 Specification Update Specification Clarifications The Specification Clarifications listed in this section may apply to the following documents: •I n t e l ® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software D.
Specification Update 49 Documentation Changes The Documentation Changes listed in this section apply to the following documents: •I n t e l ® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s M.
50 Specification Update § § Display Family Display Model Display Family Display Model Display Family Display Model Display Family Display Model 0F_xx 06_1C 06_1A 06_1E 06_1F 06_25 06_26 06_27 06_2C .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel BX80646I74770 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel BX80646I74770 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel BX80646I74770 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel BX80646I74770 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel BX80646I74770, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel BX80646I74770.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel BX80646I74770. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel BX80646I74770 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.