Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 798C del fabbricante Humminbird
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Section Title 7 9 8 c a n d 7 9 8 c i S I C o m b o O p e r a t i o n s M a n u al 7 9 8 c a n d 7 9 8 c i S I Co mb o O p e r a t i o n s M a n u a l 531691-1_D.
T hank Y ou! T han k yo u for cho osin g Hum minb ir d®, A meri ca's # 1 nam e in fis hfi nder s. Hum minb ir d® has b uil t its r eputa tion b y desi gni ng and m anuf actur ing t op- qua lity , t hor oughly r eliab le mar ine e quip men t.
WEE E com pl ian ce ma y not be r equ ir ed in y our loc ati on f or el ect rical & e lec tr oni c equip men t (EE E), n or ma y it be r equ ir ed f or EE E des ign ed and in ten ded a s fixed o r tem por ary ins tal latio n in tr ansp ort ati on v ehi cle s suc h as au tom obi les, ai rc ra ft, a nd bo ats .
Ho w So na r W or ks 1 Si de Im ag ing ® So nar... .. ... .... ... .... .. ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .... . 3 Du alB ea m PL US ™ Son ar .. ... .. ... .... ... .... .. ... ... ...
ii Ch art /S ona r C om bo V iew .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .. 53 Ch art /S ide C om bo V iew .. ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ... .... ... .
iii Ac ce ss or y Bu s 80 P owe ring O n the U ni t 81 T he M en u Sy st em 82 St ar t -U p Op ti on s Me nu 83 No rma l Op er a tio n .... .. ... .. ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ... .
iv Qu ad La you t (wi th opti ona l-p urch ase Q uad ra Bea m PLUS ™ T ra nsd uce r , Sid e Bea m Vi ew onl y) .... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ... .... ... 1 03 Bo tto m Lo ck (S ona r Zoo m vie w only ) .
v Pi ngs P er Sec ond (op tio na l-p ur cha se MM C/S D Car d, Sna psh ot an d Rec or din g Vie w onl y) ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .... 1 18 Pl ay bac k Sp ee d (o pt io na l - p u r c h a se M MC /S D Ca r d , S n ap sh ot a nd R ec or d i n g V ie w on ly ) .
vi Na vi ga ti on M en u T ab 13 7 Cu rr en t T rac k .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... .. ... ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. 1 38 Sa ved T ra cks . .... ... .... ... .... ... .... .. ..
vii Se tu p Me nu T ab 157 Un its - D ep th ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... .. ... .. ... ..... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... . 158 Un its - T emp (I nte rna tio nal o nly) .. ... .... ... .... .
viii T ro ub le sh oo ti ng 1 74 Fi shin g Sys tem Do esn ’t P ow er Up. ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. 174 Fi shin g Sys tem De fa ul ts to S imul at or w ith a T ran sd uce r At tac hed .
1 How Sonar W orks Sonar technology is based on sound wav es. The 700 Series™ Fishing System uses sonar to locate and define structure, botto m contour and composition, as well as depth dir ectly below the transducer .
2 When all the echoes ar e viewed side by side, an easy to interpret “grap h“ of the bottom, fish, and structure appear s. The sound pulses ar e transmitted at v arious frequencies depending on the applica tion. V ery high frequencies (455 kHz) ar e used for grea test definition but the operating depth is limited.
3 Side Imaging ® Sonar Y our 7 00 S er ies ™ Fis hin g Syst em u ses Si de Im agin g® s ona r to pr ov ide a wi de y et pr eci se su rve y of a lar ge ar ea of water , including det ailed bottom t op og ra ph y an d fi sh -a tt ra ct in g st r uc tu re ori enta tion.
4 QuadraBeam PL US™ Sonar (wi th opt iona l-pu rc hase Q uadr aBeam PL US™ tr ansd ucer ) Y our 700 Se ries™ Fishin g System a lso sup port s Qua dra Beam PL US™ s onar w ith the p ur chas e of an ad dit iona l Qua dr aBea m PL US™ tr ansduce r .
5 Univer sal Sonar 2 (compatible w/ optional-purchase Minnkota tr olling motors) Y our 700 Series™ Fishing System supports Universal Sonar 2, a sta te-of-the- art, integrat ed and protected transducer tha t is built into the lower unit of Minnkota trolling motor s.
6 How GPS and Cartogr aphy W ork Y our 700 Series™ Fishing System also supports GPS and chartplotting. It uses GPS and sonar to determine your position, displa y it on a grid, and provide detailed underwa ter information. T he Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite nav igation system designed and maintained by the U.
7 The GPS Receiv er included with your 700 Series™ Fishing System allows y ou to combine easy-to-use FishingGPS® chartplotter and navigation capabilities with advanced fishfinding.
8 What’s on the Side Imaging ® Display Dep th - wa ter de pth; c an be se t to ala rm when t he w ater b ecom es too s hall ow . What’s on the Side Imaging ® Displa y Side Imaging® displa ys a number of easily recognizable f eatures tha t allow f or bottom composition determines the intensity of the sonar return.
9 What’s on the Side Imaging ® Display Shado ws res ult fro m a lack of r eflected sonar fr om a particular ar ea, and can be more v aluable for i nterpr etation t han the sonar r eflected by t he object it self . Use shad ows to hel p you see the im age in 3 dimens ions, orie nted in spac e.
10 Understanding the Side Imaging ® Displa y It is important to understand ho w Side Imaging® technology produces the display . The images y ou see on the display are pr oduced using sonar technology . The special tr ansducer projects three distinct beams – one beam facing down and tw o beams pointing out to the side.
11 The r ows closest to the boat icon at the top of the vie w are the most recent sonar data. T he information is scrolled do wn the screen as new da ta, dra wn at the top of the screen, becomes a vailable. T he si de bea ms op er ate a t a freq uen cy of 45 5 kHz .
12 Side Imaging ® T echnology: Ho w It W orks Side Imaging® sonar uses two v ery precise sonar beams tha t are directed to either side of the boat and “illumina te” the bottom contour , structure, and fish, and display results in a “picture-like” image.
13 Side Imaging ® : F or Best Perf ormance Use the following Side Imaging ® tips and examples to help you interpret the Side Imaging® display . Imaging Tips Boat spe ed: Side Im aging® is best perf ormed a t boat speed s betw een 2 to 6 mph. If th e boat i s stat ionary , the same inf ormation i s displa yed ov er and o ver .
14 Submerged Ravine with T imber Submerged Ravine Submerged T ree Possible Drop Off Submerged Timber Creek Channel and New Bridge Piling New bridge pilings Creek Channel What’s on the Side Imaging .
15 Submerged Bridge: Alternative P erspective S S u u b b m m e e r r g g e e d d B B r r i i d d g g e e - W hen the re i s an area directly under the boat that does not have side imag ing coverage, a sing le obje ct may appear as two separ ate objects on the di spla y .
16 Submerged Swimming P ool Swimming pool Submerged Standing and Fallen Timber , Plus Bait Fish Bait Fish Standing and Fallen Timber What’s on the Side Imaging ® Display.
17 Submerged Barge with Dumped Logs Dumped logs Submerged barge What’s on the Side Imaging ® Display.
18 What’s on the Sonar Display What’s On the Sonar Display T he 70 0 Se rie s™ Fi sh ing Sy st em can d is pla y a va ri et y of use ful in fo rma ti on a bou t the area under and adjacent to yo.
19 What’s on the Sonar Display What’s On the Sonar Display T he 700 Se ri es™ F is hin g Sy st em can dis pla y a va riet y of use fu l in fo rma ti on a bou t the area under and adjacent to you.
20 U U n n d d e e r r s s t t a a n n d d i i n n g g t t h h e e S S o o n n a a r r D D i i s s p p l l a a y y It is important to understand the significance of the display . The display does not show a literal 3- dimensional repr esentation of what is under the wate r .
21 R R e e a a l l T T i i m m e e S S o o n n a a r r ( ( R R T T S S ™ ) ) W W i i n n d d o o w w A Real T ime Sonar (RTS ™ ) W indow appears on the right side of the displa y in the Sonar Vie w only .
22 F F r r e e e e z z e e F F r r a a m m e e a a n n d d A A c c t t i i v v e e C C u u r r s s o o r r F re ez e Fr ame & Acti v e Cur sor - Pre ss an y ar ro w on the 4- W A Y Cur sor Co ntr ol ke y , an d th e sc ree n wi ll fr ee ze and a cur sor will be dis pl ay ed.
23 B B o o t t t t o o m m P P r r e e s s e e n n t t a a t t i i o o n n As the boat moves, the unit charts the changes in depth on the displa y to crea te a profile of the Bottom Contour . T he type of bottom can be determined from the return charted on the display .
24 Structure ID® represents weak returns in blue and strong returns in red. W hit eLi ne ™ h ig hli gh ts the st r on ge st son ar re tur ns in wh it e, re su lti ng in a di sti nc tiv e out lin e. T hi s has th e be nef it o f cle arl y de fin in g the b ott om o n the d isp la y .
25 V iews The sonar and navigation informa tion from your Fishing System are displayed on your screen in a v ariety of easy-to-read vie ws. Ther e are many vie ws available on your Fishing System. When you press the VIEW key , the display cycles through the available views on your screen.
26 T o customize your views rotation: Y ou can choose which views are hidden or visible in your view rotation. 1. Press the MENU key twice to access the tabbed Main Menu, then press the RIGHT Cursor ke y until the V iews tab is selected. 2. Press the UP or DOWN Cursor ke ys to select a View .
27 3. Pr ess the UP or DOWN Cur sor key s to sele ct a Read out posit ion, then pr ess the RI GHT or L EFT Cur sor k eys t o cho ose w ha t wil l be d ispl ay ed in tha t posit ion. (Cou rs e, Navi ga tion , Off , P ositi on, Spee d, T emp er at ure , T ime +Da te, T riplog , V oltag e, T ime , Aux T emp.
28 Side Imaging ® V iew Side Imaging ® V iew sho ws a shadowed right- and left-looking view from the boat as the boat passes over the bottom. See Side Imaging ® : For Best Performance f or more information about interpreting the Side Imaging® Vie w .
29 Side Imaging Vie w with Active SI Zoom Depth Magnification Sights Magnification Box Distance of Cursor from Centerline Distance to the Cursor and Bearing to Cursor SI Zoom Level Side Imaging Vie w .
30 Sonar/Side Combo V iew Sonar/Side Combo View shows regular sonar informa tion and Side Imaging® sonar information in a combination split screen. Y ou can perform some of the functions for either of these views. See Sonar X -Press™ Menu and Side Imaging X-Press™ Menu for more informatio n.
31 Sonar V iew Son ar Vi ew pre sent s a histo ric al log of sona r retu rns. T he most re cent son ar re turn s are chart ed on the right side of the wind ow . As ne w inf orm at ion is re ceiv ed, the histo ric al inf orma tion scro lls left ac ro ss the displ ay .
32 Sonar Zoom V iew Sonar Zoom Vie w provides a magnified view of the bottom and structure. T he Sonar Zoom View makes it easier to see separate sonar returns that would usually be displayed close together , such as those caused by fish suspended close to the bottom or within structure.
33 200/83 kHz Split Sonar View Split Sonar V iew displays sonar returns from the 83 kHz wide beam on the left side of the screen and displays sonar returns from the 200 kHz narrow beam on the right side of the screen. Depth is displayed in the upper left hand corner .
34 Big Digits V iew Big Digits V iew provides digital data in a large, easy-to-see format. Depth is always displayed. Readouts for temperature, speed, and T riplog informa tion ar e displayed automatically if the appropriate accessory is connected to the system.
35 Circular Flasher Vie w Circular Flasher Vie w displays Real T ime Sonar (RTS ™ ) data in the traditional flasher format. Depth and temperature are always displayed.
36 Snapshot and Recording Vie w Snapshot and Recording Vie w shows the screen snapshots and recordings that y ou hav e saved on the MMC/SD car d (optional-purchase). Use this vie w to access your sav ed screen snapshots and recordings by selecting the thumbnail or icon for each file.
37 NO TE: For snapshots and recordi ngs, the indicator bar has sever al states. During reco rding, the amount of space remai ning on the MMC/SD card is indicat ed on the status bar . NO TE: During pla yback, the amount of time/mem ory rem aining to play is indicated on the status bar .
38 S S c c r r e e e e n n S S n n a a p p s s h h o o t t s s The Screen Snapshot feature takes a picture of your screen and saves the screen snapshot to the MMC/SD card (optional-pur chase) installed in y our unit.
39 NO TE: N av iga tio n is not affe cte d by the Scre en Sna psh ot fea ture . Also, if Scr een Sna psh ot is enab led, but the re is not a GPS rece iver con nec ted , pre ssi ng the MAR K key wil l ca ptu re the scr een imag e bu t an erro r wi ll di spl ay tha t sa ys a GPS po sit ion fix is re qui re d to cre at e a wa ypoi nt.
40 5. Press the DOWN Cursor key to highlight Vie w Snapshot, and press the RIGHT Cursor ke y to view the screen snapshot on the full screen. • A red border around the full screen indicates that the view is a saved screen capture, not a “live” view .
41 R R e e c c o o r r d d i i n n g g a a n n d d P P l l a a y y b b a a c c k k The Recor ding and Playback featur e recor ds active sonar informa tion, and the recor ding is saved to the MMC/SD card (optional-purchase) installed in your unit.
42 T o start recording and adjust detail lev el (Screen Snapshot must be enabled): 1. Make sure you hav e installed an optional-purchase MMC/SD card into the card slot.
43 T o stop recor ding: 1. In any view , press the MENU key once to access the Snapshot and Recording X-Pr ess™ Menu. 2. Press the RIGHT Cursor ke y to select Stop Recording. T o view and play saved recordings: 1. Make sure that the optional-purchase MMC/SD card used to sav e the recordi ng is installed in the card slot.
44 • When playback begins, the view is automatically switched to the primary Sonar Vie w for your model and no live sonar data will be displayed. During playback, all active navigation is cancelled, and all other thumbnails and icons will disappear .
45 T o delete sav ed recordings: Y ou can delete the highlighted recording, or all saved recordings, using the Snapshot and Recording X-Press™ Menu. 1. From the Snapshot and Recording V iew , press the UP or DOWN Cursor keys to highlight the recor ding you want to delete.
46 Side Beam V iew (with optional-purchase QuadraBeam PLUS™ transducer) Side Beam V iew is only available if you have connected an optional-purchase QuadraBeam PLUS™ transducer accessory and set T ransducer Select to QuadraBeam (see Sonar Menu T ab: T ransducer Select ).
47 Default layout: T he top portion of the display presents a historical log of sonar returns from the 200 kHz down-looking sonar beam. New information in the down beam panel scrolls from right to left. The bottom portion of the display presents a historical log of sonar returns from the 455 kHz right- and left- looking sonar beams.
48 Cla ssi c la yo ut: Th e top porti on of the disp la y pres ent s a histo ric al log of son ar re turn s fro m the 200 kHz do wn-l ook ing son ar beam.
49 Slanted lay out: This layout presents the two 455 kHz side sonar beams and the 200 kHz down-looking sonar beam as three panels of historical data. This layout is pr esented as three slanted panels. New inf ormation appears on the right and scrolls to the left.
50 Bird’s Eye V iew Bi rd 's Ey e V ie w sh o ws a 3D per sp ec ti ve vi ew of th e tr ac k an d th e cha rt ’s la nd co nt ou r fr om a p oi nt a bo v e an d be hi nd t he bo at (t he e y e p oi nt ). As th e b oa t tu rns , th e e ye po in t m o v es to f oll ow th e b oa t.
51 Chart V iew Chart V iew shows cartography fr om the built -in UniMap™ or an optional MMC/SD map for the area surrounding your current position. The current track (also known as the position histo.
52 Chart View with Active Cursor , shown with Optional-Purchase Navionics® Cartography Depth Map Scale Distance to the Cursor and Bearing to Cursor Cartography Active Cursor Bearing of Boat with Resp.
53 Chart/Sonar Combo V iew Combo Vie w is displayed as a split screen, with Chart View on the left and Sonar Vie w on the right side of the screen. The width of the sonar window can be changed by pressing the MENU key once and using the 4-WA Y Cursor Control key to select Sonar Windo w from the Sonar X -Press ™ Menu.
54 Chart/Side Combo V iew Ch ar t/Si de Com bo V ie w sh o ws r eg ul ar ch ar t inf orm a ti on an d Sid e Im ag in g® sona r in f or ma tio n in a com bi na tio n spl it scr een . Y ou ca n per f or m som e of th e fun cti on s f or eit he r of th ese vie ws.
55 V V i i e e w w O O r r i i e e n n t t a a t t i i o o n n Both Char t and Combo V iews allo w you to choos e the orienta tion of the vie w. W hen North-U p orientatio n is selecte d, T rue North is show n at the top of the displa y . In othe r w ord s, ob jects loca ted to t he nor th of the boat a re dra wn abov e the boat.
56 Zoo min g: P re ss the Pl us ( +) ke y to Zoo m I n a nd t he Min us ( -) ke y to Zoo m O ut to see the cart ogr aphy at diff eren t magn ifi ca tion lev els.
57 Nearest Tide Station: Tide information for the nearest tide station to your present position will be display ed. This includes the position of the station and the times of the high and low tides for today’s date. A tide graph is also display ed showing the rise and fall of the tides for the 24 hour time period encompassing the date.
58 Introduction to Navigation Use your 700 Series™ Fishing System to mark waypoints at areas of interest and to navigate to those waypoints via a sav able route. A route represents the shortest intended distance between waypoints. Y ou can also view and save tracks, which repr esent the actual path of the boat.
59 W aypoints, Routes, and T racks W aypoints are stored positions that allow you to mark areas of interest or navigati on points. Y our Fishing System can store up to 3000 waypoints.
60 Rou tes li nk two or more wa ypoin ts toget her to crea te a pa th fo r navi gat ion and ar e u sed in tr ip plan nin g. Y ou ca n l ink in divi dua l w aypo ints to get her by u sin g t he GO TO ke y . A rout e repr esent s your inten ded na viga tion and sho ws the shorte st pa th fro m each wa ypoin t to th e next.
61 Progr am a specific position as a wa ypoint: T o create a waypoint that is NOT your current position, from the Wa ypoints submenu select Create, and press the RIGHT Cursor key . Use the 4-W A Y Cursor Control k ey to progr am a wa ypoint name, latitude, longitude, and icon befor e selecting Sav e.
62 Navigate to a W aypoint or P osition Navigate to the cur sor position: From the Chart or Combo View , use the 4-WA Y Cursor Control key to mov e the cursor to a position or wa ypoint on the display . Press the GOT O key . Naviga tion will begin immediately .
63 Skipping a waypoint: From the Navigation X-Press™ Menu, select Skip Next W aypoint, and press the RIGHT Cursor ke y . If there is not another waypoint to skip to, navigation will be cancelled. Cancel navigation: From the Navigation X-Press™ Menu, select Cancel Naviga tion, and press the RIGHT Cursor ke y .
64 Add a W aypoint T arget or T rolling Grid Add or Remove a W aypoint T arget: The target shows various distance ranges in circular forma t from the waypoint you choose. From the W aypoints submenu, select T arget, and pr ess the RIGHT Cursor key to display the sav ed waypoints list.
65 Add or Remove a T rolling Grid: The trolling grid shows various distance r anges in grid format fr om the waypoint you choose. T he trolling grid can be used as a guide when trolling around a waypoint. Fro m the W aypoints submenu, select Grid, and press the RIGHT Cursor key to display the saved waypoints list.
66 Sav e, Edit, or Delete a Route Save the current route: While you are navigating, the current route can be saved. From the Naviga tion X-Pr ess™ Menu, select Sav e Current Route, and press the RIGHT Cursor key . Naviga tion will continue. Create a route: From the Routes submenu, select Create and press the RIGHT Cursor key .
67 Route Info: F rom the Routes submenu, select Info, and pr ess the RIGHT Cur sor ke y . The saved routes list will appear . Select a route, and press the RIGHT Cursor k ey .
68 Delete a saved track: F rom the Sa ved T racks submenu, select Delete, and press the RIGHT Cursor ke y to display the saved tr acks list. Select the track you want to delete and pr ess the RIGHT Cursor key . Y ou will be asked to confirm deletion befor e the track is permanently deleted.
69 Cancel MOB navigation: From the Navigation X-Press ™ Menu, select Cancel MOB, and press the RIGHT Cursor ke y . Canceling MOB navigat ion removes the route and any waypoints crea ted using the GO TO ke y but does not remove any saved routes from memory .
70 Using Y our 700 Series™ Control Head Y our 700 Series ™ Fishing System interface is easy to use. A combination of keys and special fea tures allows you to control what you see on the display . Refer to the following illustr ation, and see Ke y Functions f or more inf ormation.
71 Ke y Functions Y our Fishing System user interface consists of a set of easy-to-use keys that work with v arious on-screen views and menus to give y ou flexibility and control over your fishing experience. POWER/LIGHT Ke y The POWER/LIGHT key is used to power the Fishing System on and off.
72 INFO Ke y Inf o - Pre ss th e I NFO ke y w hil e i n Bi rd' s E ye , C ha rt, or Co mb o V ie w to dis pla y inf orm at ion ab out ob ject s th at ar e nea r an act iv e cur sor . If the cur sor is not acti ve , the Chart Inf o subm enu wil l be disp la ye d.
73 Press the MENU key twice to access the Main Menu. Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor k eys to select a tab. T hen press the DOWN or UP Cursor key to highlight a menu option, and press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor ke y to change a menu setting.
74 MARK Ke y Press the MARK key while in any view to mark the position of a way point. The MARK key function works if you have the GPS receiver connected or if you have activated Screen Snapshot from the Accessories menu tab.
75 ZOOM (+/-) Ke y The ZOOM (+/-) key has multiple functions, depending on the situation: • In any of the Navigation V iews or the Sonar Zoom V iew , press the +/- Zoom key to change the scale of the view to appear closer or farther awa y.
76 EXIT Ke y The EXIT ke y has multiple functions, depending on the situation: • If an alarm is sounding , press the EXIT key to cancel the alarm. • If a menu tab is selected , press the EXIT ke y to exit the menu mode and return to the view . • If a menu is active , press the EXIT key to return to the pre vious lev el in the menu system.
77 Multi-Media Card (MMC)/SD Slots The two multi-media card (MMC)/SD slots on your control head can be used with MMC/SD cards (optional-purchase required) to add detailed charts to your Fishing System, update your Fishing System software, or export navigatio n data from your Fishing System.
78 U U p p d d a a t t i i n n g g S S o o f f t t w w a a r r e e Softwar e upda tes can be added to your F ishing System. Go to th e Humminbir d® web site for information and computer requirements at www .
79 E E x x p p o o r r t t i i n n g g N N a a v v i i g g a a t t i i o o n n D D a a t t a a Y ou can export all sa ved T racks, Wa ypoints, and Routes from your Fishing System to an optional-purchase MMC/SD card. See Main Menu: User Mode and Navigation Menu T ab for more informatio n.
80 Accessory Bus Use the Accessory Bus to expand the functionality of your Fishing System. Accessories plug directly into the Fishing System, enabling Advanced featur es such as W eatherSense® and the SmartCast® Wireless Sonar Link.
81 P owering On the Unit Press the POWER/LIGHT key to power on your Fishing System. When the T itle screen is displa yed, press the MENU k ey to access the Start -Up Options Menu.
82 T he Menu System The Menu System is divided into easy-to-use menu modules. The main components of the menu system are as follo ws: • Start-Up Options Menu: Press the MENU key during the power on sequence to view the Start-Up Options Menu.
83 Start -Up Options Menu Press the MENU k ey during the pow er on sequence to view the Start -Up Options Menu. Press the UP or DOWN Cursor keys to highlight a menu option, then press the RIGHT Cursor ke y to start one of the follo wing operation modes: • Select Normal to use the Fishing System on the water with the transducer connected.
84 N N o o r r m m a a l l Use Normal for on-the-water operation with a transducer connected. In addition, your Fishing System uses advanced transducer detection methods to determine if a transducer is connected.
85 NO TE: Selecting Simulator from the Start-Up Options Menu allows you to pr e-con figu re your F ishi ng S yste m f or on the w ater op era tion. An y menu ch ange s yo u mak e will be sav ed fo r late r use.
86 S S y y s s t t e e m m S S t t a a t t u u s s Use System Status to view system connections and to conduct a unit self-test. After you select System Status from the Start-Up Options Menu, press the VIEW key to display the following options: • Self T est • Accessory T est • GPS Diagnostic V iew .
87 Accessory T est lists the accessories connected to the system. NO TE: Th e spe ed acce sso ry will be de tec ted only if th e pad dle whee l has mo ve d sin ce yo ur Fis hin g Syste m was p ow ered up.
88 GPS Diagnostic Vie w shows a sky chart and numerical data from the GPS receiver . The sky chart shows the location of each visible GPS satellite with its satellite number and a signal strength bar . A dark gray bar indicates that the satellite is being used to determine your current position.
89 X -Press™ Menu The X -Press™ Menu provides a shortcut to your most frequently-used settings. The options provided on the X-Press™ Menu correspond with the current view . F or example, if you are in a Sonar Vie w and press the MENU ke y once, the Sonar X-Press™ Menu will display .
90 Main Menu The Main Menu provides the standard set of menu options, including the settings that are changed less frequently . The Main Menu is organized under the following tabs to help you find a sp ecific menu item quickly: Alarms, Sonar , Navigation, Chart, Setup, Views, Accessories.
91 Q Q u u i i c c k k T T i i p p s s f f o o r r t t h h e e M M a a i i n n M M e e n n u u • F ro m any m enu opt ion on a men u t ab , pr ess the EXI T ke y to jump di re ctly to the top of th e tab. • F ro m th e bo tto m of a men u tab , pr ess th e DOW N ke y to ju mp dir ect ly to th e to p of the tab .
92 U U s s e e r r M M o o d d e e ( ( N N o o r r m m a a l l o o r r A A d d v v a a n n c c e e d d ) ) Me nu opt ion s can be sim pli fie d or exp and ed by se tti ng yo ur F ish in g Sys tem Use r Mo de t o N or ma l or Ad va nce d.
93 Sonar T ab, Normal Mode Sonar T ab, Advanced Mode Main Menu.
94 Side Imaging X -Press™ Menu (Side Imaging ® Views only) The Side Imaging X-Pr ess™ Menu provides a shortcut to your most frequently-used settings. Press the MENU key once while in any of the Side Imaging® Views to access the Side I maging X-Pr ess™ Menu.
95 SI Side SI Side sets which transducer beam from the SI beams will be shown on the display . T o Adjust SI Side: 1. Highlight SI Side on the Side Imaging X-Pr ess™ Menu.
96 SI Enhance SI En han ce allows you to adjust your Side Imaging® View in three categories: Sensitivity , Contrast, and Sharpness. Whether you’re searching the Side Imaging® data for fish or certain bottom contour , the most effectiv e settings will vary with the situation.
97 Sharpness - Filters the view and sharpens the edges of the Side Imaging® data. (Low (L), Medium (M), High (H), Default = Off) 4. Press the EXIT ke y to exit the SI Enhance dialog box and return to the Side Imaging® Vie w . The changes made in the dialog box will be sa ved.
98 Chart Speed Ch ar t Sp ee d de te rm in es the spe ed at whi ch th e Si de I ma gi ng ® in for mat ion m ov es dow n th e di spl ay , a nd c ons eq ue nt ly th e am oun t of det ail sho wn.
99 Sonar X -Press™ Menu (Sonar Views only) The Sonar X-Pr ess™ Menu provides a shortcut to your most fr equently-used settings. Pr ess the MENU k ey once while in an y of the Sonar Vie ws to access the Sonar X-Press ™ Menu.
100 Sensitivity Sensitivity controls how much detail is shown on the display and will adjust the sensitivity of all sonar frequencies. Increasing the sensitivity shows more sonar returns from small baitfish and suspended debris in the wa ter; howev er , the display may become too cluttered.
101 Upper Range (Advanced: Sonar, Split Sonar, Big Digits, and Circular Flasher V iews only) Upper Rang e sets the shallo west depth range that will be displ ay ed on the Sonar , Split Sonar , Big Digits, and Circula r Flashe r V iew s.
102 Low er Range Lower Range sets the deepest depth range that will be displayed by the unit. Auto is the default setting. Auto: The Lower Range will be adjusted by the unit to follo w the bottom automatically . Auto is the default setting. Manual: Y ou can adjust the Lower Range to lock the u nit on a particular depth.
103 Chart Speed Cha rt Spee d deter min es the speed at whi ch the son ar inf orma tio n mo ve s acr oss the displ ay , and co nseq uen tly the amo unt of det ail sh ow n. A fas ter sp eed sho ws mor e info rma tion and is pr ef err ed b y most angl ers ; ho we ver , th e sona r infor ma tio n mov es acr oss the displ ay q uic kly .
104 Bottom Lock (Sonar Zoom View only) Bottom Lock changes the mode of the zoomed view in the Sonar Zoom Vie w . Bottom Lock continuously gr aphs the bottom at a constant point on the displa y regardle ss of changes in depth. This “flattens“ out the bottom contour but is effective at showing fish on or near the bottom.
105 Cancel Navigation (only when Navigating) Cancel Navigation discards the current route and exits Navigation Mode. This menu option will only appear when you are currently navigating a route. This will not delete a previously-sa ved route. T o Cancel Navigation: 1.
106 Navigation X-Press™ Menu (Navigation Views only) The Navigation X-Pr ess™ Menu provides a shortcut to your most frequently-used settings. Press the MENU key once while in the Bird's Eye, Chart, or Combo V iew to access the Naviga tion X -Press™ Menu.
107 W aypoint [Name] (Only with an active cursor on a waypoint) W aypoint [Name] allows you to view the W aypoints submenu fo r the waypoint under your cursor .
108 Cursor to W aypoint (Chart or Combo V iew only) Cursor to W aypoint allows you to quickly mo ve the cur sor to any sav ed waypoint so that you can locate it or edit it. NO TE: This X -Pre ss™ Me nu op tio n only a ppe ar s if you h av e sav ed w aypo ints.
109 Clear Current T rack Clear Current T rack allo ws you to clear the current track being displayed and start a new track at the present position. T o Clear Current T rack: 1. Highlight Clear Current T rack on the Naviga tion X-Press™ Menu. 2. Press the RIGHT Cursor key to initiate clearing the current track.
110 Skip Next W aypoint (only when Navigating) Skip Next Wa ypoint remo ves the next waypoint from the current route. This menu option will only appear when you are currently navigating a route. T o Skip Next W aypoint: 1. Highlight Skip Next W aypoint on the Navigation X-Press™ Menu.
111 Cancel MOB Navigation (only when MOB Navigation is activated) Cancel MOB Navigation removes the Man Overboard (MOB) waypoint and exits Man Overboar d mode. This menu option will only appear when you are currently navigating in Man Overboard mode. T o Cancel MOB Navigation: 1.
112 Remov e Grid (only if a Grid is Active) Remove Grid remo ves the waypoint grid fr om the display . T his menu option will only appear when a grid has already been applied to a waypoint. NO TE: See In trod uc tio n t o Na vig ati on: Add a W ayp oin t T arg et or T rol lin g G ri d for mor e inf orm ati on.
113 W aypoint [Name] (Most recently-created waypoint) W aypoint [Name] allows you to view the waypoints submenu for the most recently created waypoint. NO TE: Y ou mus t ha ve pr esse d th e MA RK k ey a t le ast onc e si nce you las t po wer ed up the Fis hin g Sy ste m fo r th is me nu o pti on to ap pea r .
114 Snapshot and Recording X -Press™ Menu (Snapshot and Recording View only) The Snapshot and Recording X-Press™ Menu provi des access to the image management and sonar recording functions. Pr ess the MENU ke y once while in the Snapshot and Recording Vie w to access the Snapshot and Recording X-Pr ess™ Menu.
115 Start Recording (optional-purchase MMC/SD Card, Snapshot and Recording View only) Start Recording allows you to start sonar recordin g from the Snapshot and Recording V iew . T his menu option is only a vailable when y ou hav e an optional- purchase MMC/SD card installed and you are in Snapshot and Recording V iew .
116 Delete Image (optional-purchase MMC/SD Card, Snapshot and Recording View only) Delete Image allows you to delete a single screen capture image from the Snapshot and Recording View .
117 Delete Recording (optional-purchase MMC/SD Card, Snapshot and Recording View only) Delete Recording allows you to delete a single sonar recording fr om the Snapshot and Recording View . T his menu option is only available when you have an optional-purchase MMC/SD card installed and you are in Snapshot and Recording V iew .
118 Pings P er Second (optional-purchase MMC/SD Card, Snapshot and Recording View only) Pings Per Second allows you to s pecify the ping rate for an activ e sonar recor ding.
119 NO TE: Y ou can a lso chang e pla yba ck spee d in the Sna psh ot and Reco rd in g Vi ew us ing the Left and Ri ght Curs or ke ys, alth oug h you canno t sk ip to the beg inn ing or end of a re cor ding usin g thes e ke ys. NO TE: S ona r c har t sp eed is in cr eas ed dur ing Fast Forw ard an d r eve rs ed dur ing Re win d.
120 Alarms Menu T ab From any view , press the MENU key twice to access the Main Menu. The Alarms tab will be the default selection. NO TE: When an ala rm i s tr igg er ed, you can sil enc e it by pr ess ing any ke y .
121 Depth Alarm Depth Alarm sounds when the depth becomes equal to or less than the menu setting. T o change the Depth Alarm setting: 1. Highlight Depth Alarm on the Alarms main menu. 2. Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor keys to change the Depth Alarm setting.
122 Low Battery Alarm Low Battery Alarm sounds when the input battery v oltage is equal to or less than the menu setting. T he battery alarm will only sound for the battery that is connected to the Fishing System. The Low Battery Alarm should be set to w arn you when the battery v oltage drops belo w the safety margin that you have determined.
123 T emp. Alarm T emp . Al arm soun ds whe n th e wa ter te mpe r at ure de tec ted by th e Fis hi ng Sy ste m re ache s the T emp . Alar m set tin g, wh ich is eit her se t in deg re es F ah re nhei t or Cel si us [ Int erna ti on al M ode ls onl y] .
124 Off Course Alarm Off Course Alarm allows you to set how far the boat is allowed to mov e off course before the Off Course Alarm will sound during navigation. T o change the Off Course Alarm setting: 1. Highlight Off Course Alarm on the Alarms main menu.
125 Drift Alarm Dr ift A la rm a llo ws y ou to se t th e s iz e of a p er ime te r ar oun d the bo at ’s anc hor ed pos it ion . If the anc hor ed boa t dr if ts ou ts ide of tha t pe rim et er , t he Dr if t Al ar m w il l so un d. T o change the Drift Alarm setting: 1.
126 Sonar Menu T ab Press the MENU key twice to access the Main Menu and then pr ess the RIGHT Cursor key until the Sonar tab is selected. NO TE: M enu opt ion s can be exp and ed or sim pli fie d by s ett ing t he Use r Mod e to Adv ance d or Nor mal .
127 Beam Select Beam Select sets which sonar returns from the transducer will be displayed on the screen. When set to 200/83 kHz , the returns from both beams are blended by starting with the 83 kHz wide beam return, dimming it, and then ov erlaying it with the 200 kHz narrow beam return.
128 Fish ID+™ Fi sh I D+™ uses a dv ance d si gna l pr ocessi ng t o int erpr et son ar r eturns and will dis pla y a F ish Sy mbol whe n v ery s ele ctiv e re qui re ment s ar e met. Wh en a fish is detect ed, a fish icon and it s dep th are dis pla ye d abo ve the ret urn tha t has bee n class ifi ed as bein g a fish.
129 Fish ID Sensitivity F ish ID Se nsi ti v it y a dju st s th e th r es ho ld of the F ish I D +™ de te ct io n al go ri th ms . Se le ct in g a hi ghe r set ti ng a llo ws w ea k er r et urn s to be di spl ay ed as fi sh . T hi s is us ef ul fo r ide nt if yi ng sm all er fis h sp eci es or bai tf is h.
130 Bottom V iew Bo tt om View selects the method used to represent bottom and structure on the display . Structure ID® represents weak returns in blue and strong returns in red. W hi t eL in e ™ h ig hl ig ht s the s tr on ge st so na r r et ur ns i n wh it e r es ul ti ng in a d ist in ct iv e ou tl in e.
131 83 kHz Sensitivity (Advanced) 83 kHz Sensitivity changes the sensitivity of the 83 kHz beam. Increasing the 83 kHz Sensitivity will display additional weak returns, and decreasing the 83 kHz Sensitivity will display fewer weak returns. The 83 kHz Sensitivity menu option is available when User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ).
132 455 kHz Sensitivity (Advanced: with QuadraBeam PLUS™ transducer) 455 kHz Sensitivity adjusts the sensitivity of the 455 kHz beam. Increasing the sensitivity will display additional weak returns, and decreasing the sensitivity will display fe wer weak returns.
133 Depth Lines (Advanced) Depth Lines divide the display into four equal sections which are separated by three horizontal depth lines. The depth of each line is displayed along the depth scale. Y ou can turn Depth Lines On or Off . The Depth Lines menu option is available when User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ).
134 Surface Clutter (Advanced) Surface Clutter adjusts the filter that remov es surface clutter noise caused by algae and aer ation. The lower the setting, the less surface clutter will be displayed. T he Surface Clutter menu option is av ailable when User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ).
135 Noise Filter (Advanced) Noise Filter adjusts the sonar Noise Filter to limit interference on the display from sourc es such as your boat engine, turbulence, or other sonar de vices. T he Noise Filter menu option is available when User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ).
136 W ater T ype (Advanced) W ater T ype configures your unit for opera tion in fresh or salt water . In salt water , you can also choose the shallow or deep setting. The W ater T ype menu option is available when User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ).
137 Navigation Menu T ab Press the MENU key twice to access the Main Menu, then press the RIGHT Cursor key until the Naviga tion tab is selected. NO TE : Me nu opt io ns wil l v ary dep endi ng on sys te m se tt in gs, su ch as whe ther yo u ar e c urr en tl y nav ig at in g.
138 Current T rack Current T rack allows you to view the Current T rack submenu. T o view the Current T rack Submenu: 1. Highlight Current T rack on the Navigation main menu. 2. Press the RIGHT Cursor ke y to view the Current T rack submenu. T he Current T rack Submenu contains the following menu options: Save allo ws you to save the current track.
139 T he Sav ed T racks Submenu contains the following menu options: Edit allows you to select a saved track and change its Name, Visibility , Style and Color . Select Edit and press the RIGHT Cursor key to display the saved tracks list. Select a track to edit and pr ess the RIGHT Cur sor ke y .
140 W aypoints W ay po in ts allows you to view the W aypoints submenu. T o view the W aypoints Submenu: 1. Highlight W aypoints on the Navigation main menu.
141 Delete allows you to delete a waypoint from the saved waypoints list. Select Delete, and pr ess the RIGHT Cur sor ke y to displa y the sav ed wa ypoints list. Use the UP and DOWN Cursor ke ys to choose a waypoint, and press the RIGHT Cursor key . The Confirm dialog box will appear .
142 Routes Routes allows y ou to view the Routes submenu. T o view the Routes Submenu: 1. Highlight Routes on the Naviga tion main menu. 2. Pre ss the RIGHT Curs or ke y to vie w the Rou tes subme nu.
143 Delete allows you to delete a route from the saved routes list. Select Delete, and pres s the RIGHT Cursor key to displa y the sa ved routes list. Use the UP and DOWN Cursor keys to choose a route, and press the RIGHT Cursor key . The Confirm dialog box will appear .
144 Chart Orientation Chart Orientation allows you to select whether the Chart and Combo Views should be drawn North-Up or Course-Up. T o change the Chart Orientation setting: 1. Highlight Chart Orientation on the Navigation main menu. 2. Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor keys to change the Chart Orientation setting.
145 Grid Rotation Gr id Rot ati on all o ws yo u to set th e orie nta tio n of th e tr oll ing gri d in de gr ees, wher e a se tti ng of 0° dis pla ys a sta nda rd Nor th, Sou th, Ea st, W est ali gn men t. See Na vig atio n Men u T ab: W aypoints fo r inf orma tio n on ho w to se t a Gr id.
146 T rack Min Distance (Advanced) T rac k Mi n Di sta nce al lo ws yo u to se t a mi ni mum dis ta nce of tr av el bef or e a tr ackp oint is add ed to th e tr ac k. T he T ra ck Mi n Di sta nce me nu op ti on is av aila ble wh en U ser Mo de is se t to Adv anc ed (se e Mai n Menu : Use r Mo de ) .
147 Map Datum (Advanced) Map Datum allows you to change the map coordinate system used by the Fishing System to match those of a paper map. The Map Datum menu option is a vailable when User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ). T o change the Map Datum setting: 1.
148 Delete All Nav Data (Advanced) Delete All Nav Data allows you to delete all saved T racks, W aypoints, and Routes. The Delete All Nav Data menu option is available when User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ). This menu option should be used with caution! T o Delete All Navigation Data: 1.
149 GPS Receiver Override (Advanced) GPS Receiver Override allo ws you t o set which GPS r eceiver to use if y ou hav e multiple GPS receiv ers plugged into your system. These multiple GPS receiv ers may either be internal, external, or connected via the InterLink ™ .
150 Chart Menu T ab Press the MENU key twice to access the Main Menu and then pr ess the RIGHT Cursor key until the Chart tab is selected. NO TE: M enu opt ion s can be exp and ed or sim pli fie d by s ett ing t he Use r Mod e to Adv ance d or Nor mal .
151 Chart Detail Lev el Chart Detail Lev el allows you to select ho w much chart detail you want display ed on the Naviga tion Views. • Basic shows land areas, ports, obstructions and restricted areas. • Navigation shows na vaids, landmarks, ferrywa ys and navigation r outes in addition to the Basic informa tion.
152 Map Border s Map Borders allows you to display or hide map borders . The dotted lines of a Map Border indicate an area which contains a different map. T o change the Map Border s setting: 1. Highlight Map Borders on the Chart main menu. 2. Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor ke ys to change the Map Bor ders setting.
153 Lat/Lon Grid Lat/Lon Grid allows you to display or hide a grid showing latitude and longitude lines. T o change the Lat/Lon Grid setting: 1. Highlight Lat/Lon Grid on the Chart main menu. 2. Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor keys to change the La t/Lon Grid setting.
154 Shaded Depth Shaded Depth allow s you to change the depth used for shading on the chart views. T o change the Shaded Depth setting: 1. Highlight Shaded Depth on the Chart main menu. 2. Pr ess the L EFT or RIGH T Cur so r k ey s t o ch an ge the S hade d Dept h sett in g.
155 Set Simulation P osition (Advanced) Set Simulation P osition allows you to set the position of the boat used in the Simulator . The Set Simulation P osition menu option is available when User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ). T o set the Simulation P osition: 1.
156 Set Map Offset (Advanced) Set Map Offset allows you to change the map offset used by your Fishing System. T he Set Map Offset menu option is available when User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ). NO TE: Th e Map Off set will be ap pli ed to all maps and not just the map tha t re qui re s the cor re cti on.
157 Setup Menu T ab From any view , press the MENU key twice to access the tabbed Main Menu, then press the RIGHT Cursor key until the Setup tab is selected. NO TE: M enu opt ion s wil l vary de pen din g on whi ch acc ess ories are at tac hed to th e uni t.
158 Units - Depth Units - Depth selects the units of measure for all depth-rela ted readouts. T o change the Units - Depth setting: 1. Highlight Units - Depth on the Setup main menu. 2. Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor keys to change the Units - Depth sett ing.
159 Units - Speed Units - Speed selects the units of measure for speed- relat ed readouts, and will appear in the menu if a T emp/Speed Accessory is connected and the paddlewheel has mov ed at least once, or if the GPS Receiver is connected. T o change the Units - Speed setting: 1.
160 T riplog Reset T riplog Reset resets the T riplog to zero, and will appear in the menu if a T emp/Speed Accessory is connected and the paddlewheel has mov ed at least once, or if the GPS Receiver is connected. The T riplog provides the f ollowing informa tion: timer for elapsed time, distance trav eled since last reset, and average speed.
161 Select Readouts (Advanced, Sonar View only) Select Readouts sets individual digital r eadouts on the S onar View . This Advan ced feature allows you to select what data will be display ed in each .
162 Depth Offset (Advanced) Depth Offset will adjust the digital depth readout to indica te depth from the waterline or boat's keel. Enter a positiv e vertical measurement fr om the transducer to the w aterline to read the depth fr om the water line.
163 Aux. T emp. Offset (Advanced) Aux. T emp. Offset will adjust the aux. tempera ture read out (the tempera ture on the optional-purchase temperat ure probe or T emp/Speed accessory) by the amount entered. This menu option is available when the User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ).
164 Speed Calibration (Advanced, with T emp/Speed only) Speed Calibration will adjust the speed readout by the percentage entered, and will appear in the menu if a T emp/Speed Accessory is connected and the paddlewheel has moved at least once, and when the User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ).
165 Daylight Saving T ime (Advanced) Daylight Saving Time adjusts the time display to account for local Daylight Saving Time when Time+Date is selected as a Digital Readout on the Sonar Vie w (see Setup Menu T ab: Select Readouts ). Selecting On adds one hour to the time display adjusted for your local time zone.
166 T ime F ormat (Advanced, International only) Time Format changes the time format used by the unit. This menu option is available when the User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ).
167 Digits F ormat (Advanced) Digits Format allows you to add a tenth decimal place to readouts such as T emperature and Depth. The format can be changed to small format, large forma t, or no format. T his menu option is available when the User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode ).
168 W hen navigating, the f ollowing NMEA sentences are also output when NMEA Output is turned On: APB - Autopilot Sentence B BWR - Bearing and Distance to Wa ypoint RMB - Recommended Minimum Navigation Info T o turn NMEA Output on or off: 1. Make sure the User Mode is set to Advanced, then highlight NMEA Output on the Setup main menu.
169 V iews Menu T ab F ro m an y v ie w , pr ess the MENU ke y t wi ce to ac ces s the ta bbe d Mai n Menu , the n pre ss th e RI GHT Cu rs or ke y unt il the V ie ws tab is se lect ed . T his menu t ab all ow s you to set the av aila bl e vi ew s to eit her hi dde n or visi ble in the vie w r ota tio n.
170 Accessories Menu T ab From any view , press the MENU key twice to access the tabbed Main Menu, then press the RIGHT cursor key until the Accessories tab is selected. If there are not accessories attached to the Accessory Bus, Screen Snapshot will be the only menu choice available.
171 Using Screen Snapshot Screen Snapshot activates the screen snapshot function. When Screen Snapshot is enabled, pressing the MARK ke y crea tes a saved screen capture on the optional-purchase MMC/SD card installed in your unit’s card slot. All active menus, dialog boxes, warnings and messages are captured and sav ed automatically .
172 NO TE : Na vig at ion i s not a ffe ct ed by th e Scr een Sna ps hot f eat ur e. Als o, if Scr een Sn ap sh ot is ena bled bu t t her e i s no GPS r ece ive r c onne cted , p res si ng the MA RK ke y wil l ca pt ur e the sc re en im age a nd d is pl ay an e rr or sa ying th at a G PS pos it io n fi x is r equ ir ed to cr eate a w ay poi nt.
173 Accessories Menu T ab NO TE: For rec or din g in fo rma tio n, se e Sn aps hot and Reco rd ing V ie w a nd Sn ap sho t and Re cor ding X -Pr ess™ Menu .
174 T roubleshooting Before contacting the Humminbird® Customer Resour ce Center , please read the follo wing section. T aking the time to review these troubleshooting guidelines may allow you to solve a performance problem yourself , and theref ore avoid sending your unit back for repair .
175 T roubleshooting Display Problems Ther e are sev eral main conditions or sources of possible interfer ence that may cause problems with the quality of the information displayed on the control head.
176 T roubleshooting Finding the Cause of Noise Electrical noise usually affects the display with many black dots at high speeds, and high sensitivity readings.
177 700 Series™ Fishing System Accessories Accessories customize the 700 Series™ Fishing System to your needs and enable you to stay on the edge of new technology . When an accessory is connected to the 700 Series™ Fishing System, additional menus and readouts are added automatically to the Main Menu System.
178 harm’s way , with no clamps, ties, or exposed wires. Universal Sonar 2 features new temperatur e sensing and the performance of DualBeam PLUS™ technology (available with all Humminbird® DualBeam PL US™ models).
179 Specifications Depth Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 ft (50 m) Side Imaging® 1500 ft (500 m) DualBeam PLUS™ P owe r Output . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 W atts (RMS), 4000 W atts (P eak to P eak) Operating Frequenc y .
180 Gl oss ary Sonar T erms: Alarm, Depth: Depth Alarm is a user -controllable, audible alert that sounds when depth is less than or equal to the setting. Alarm, T emperature: T emperature Alarm is a user -controllable, audible alert that sounds when the water surface temperatur e equals the setting.
181 Chart Speed: Chart Speed is a user-contr ollable fea ture that sets the speed at which sonar information moves across the display . A faster setting displays sonar information from more pings and .
182 F eat ure Memo ry: Fe atu r e Me mor y is a Hu mmi nbir d® f ea tur e th at re ta in s th e us er’ s menu se tt ing s in pe rma nent mem ory . Set ting s ar e re ta ine d ev en w hen th e un it i s po wer ed of f in de fin itel y .
183 Gr ays cale , In v er se : In ver se Gr ay scal e is a Humm in bi rd ® fe at ure t ha t re ver ses the co rr ela tio n of son ar s ig nal str eng th a nd th e shad e of gra y t yp ica lly use d to r epr ese nt it.
184 Hy dr odyn am ic nois e ca n be ov erc ome by pr oper tr ansd uc er inst al la ti on. Ma ny Hu mmi nbir d® pr oduc ts ha v e a Nois e Fil te r me nu set tin g tha t allo ws the user to cl ear th e sc r een of noi se tha t is di ff icu lt to el imin a te.
185 QuadraBeam PLUS™: QuadraBeam PLUS™ is a Humminbird® sonar con figu ra tion tha t uses fou r sonar beam s for a more det aile d botto m image. Qua dr aBea m PL US™ us es t he Du alB eam P LU S™ c onfi gur atio n f or d ow nloo kin g, and also adds tw o add itio nal beam s to look to the left and righ t.
186 Se nsi tivi ty : Sen sit ivit y is a us er fea tur e tha t adj ust s th e sen si ti vit y of the son ar sy ste m to sh o w mor e or le ss deta il in the wa ter . Hi gh er se ns iti viti es ar e of ten pr efe rr ed, ho we ve r , whe n the wa te r c ont ains de br is (si lt, sto rm de bri s, et c.
187 St ruc tur e: St ruc tur e is a gen er al term for obje cts on th e bot tom tha t pr esen t a di sco ntin ui ty and ar e a lik ely at tr acto r fo r fi sh.
188 ne w r ange , and the ol d son ar inf orma tio n wou ld con tin ue to scr oll off th e scr een a t th e ol d r ang e. T ransducer: T he transducer is part of the sonar system, which mounts on the .
189 V ie win g Angl e: Vi ew ing An gl e is an att ri but e of an L CD tha t cha rac te riz es visi bi lit y of the di spl ay when vi ew ing fro m off the ce ntr al acce ss, such as whe n stan di ng to the si de of the fish find er .
190 GPS & Navigation T erms: Ac qui siti on T ime : T he leng th o f tim e t hat a GPS r ecei v er typ ic all y ta k es to de ter mine a pos itio n fro m a t leas t th re e sa tel lite s.
191 Cr oss T r ack Er ror (XT E): C ros s T ra ck Er ro r is th e st r aig ht -li ne di sta nc e of the boa t fr om the int en ded T r ack . XTE me asu res ho w fa r the boa t is off cou rs e, and als o tr igg ers the Off Cou rs e Alar m. See T ra ck .
192 Ma p Datu m: A M ap Da tum ref er s to a pa rti cu la r su rv e y of t he e arth ’s s ur fa ce tha t w as re f er ence d whe n cre a tin g a char t ( i.
193 me mor y . Ro ute s ar e ofte n use d wh en fr eque ntly tra ve lin g bet wee n tw o or mor e lo ca ti on s be cau se it i s a f aste r an d mo re ac cu ra te me th od t han r epe ate dl y se lec ting ind ivid ua l wa yp oin ts each tim e one tr av els thr oug h the sam e are a.
194 me nu to inc rea se the amo unt of time bet wee n wh en poin ts ar e sa ved , and thus ex ten d the di st anc e co ve red b y a tr ack . T rac ks ca n also be pe rm ane ntly sa ved to me mor y , and r e-di sp la yed at the use r’ s op tio n.
195 Glossary W a ypo int: A W ayp oint is the sav ed lo ca tion (la tit ude , long itud e) of a poin t of in ter est t ha t is s tor ed in a GPS r ece ive r’ s m emor y . T hi s can i nc lud e a mar ker b uo y , do ck, fish in g ho le or an ywhe r e el se th e u ser may wa nt to r etu rn to .
196 No tes.
197 No tes.
198 Contact Humminbird® Contact the Humminbird® Customer Resource Center in any of the following ways: By T elephone: (Monday - Frida y 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time): 1-800-633-1468 By e-mail: (typically we respond to your e-mail within three business days): cservice@johnsonoutdoors.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Humminbird 798C è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Humminbird 798C - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Humminbird 798C imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Humminbird 798C ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Humminbird 798C, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Humminbird 798C.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Humminbird 798C. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Humminbird 798C insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.