Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto HP 83236B PCS Interface del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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1 HP 83 236B PCS Interface C DMA /PCS Ba se S tation Tes t Sof twar e , User ’s Guide Software Ve rsion A.02.01 HP Part No. 83236- 90121 Printed in U.
2 Copyrigh t © Hewlett -Pac kard Compa ny 1996 RESTRICT ED RIGHTS LE GEN D Use, duplicati on or disclo sure by the U. S. Government is subje ct to restric tions a s set for th in s ubparagrap h (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Tech nical Data and Computer Softwa re Clause in DFARS 25 2.
3 In th is Book This b ook d ocuments the us e of th e CDMA/PCS Base Sta tion Te st Software su p- plied w i th the PCS In terf ace. It focus es spe ci fica lly on the use of the PCS Inter - face in tes ting CDMA/PCS base station eq uipment.
4 Con v en ti on s Used in this Book The followin g terms are used thro ughout thi s book: • Test Set - the HP 8921A Cell Sit e Test Set . • Cellu lar Ada pter - t he HP 8 3203B or 832 05A CDMA Ce ll ular Ad apter. • PCS In terfac e - the HP 83236 A,B; us ed to tra nslate PCS signa ls int o t he ra nge of t he Te s t Se t.
Contents 5 1 Gett in g S tarte d Introduc tion 12 Who s hould us e the CDMA/ PCS BS Test Sof twa re? 12 Prod uct De scri ption 12 So ftw ar e Oper at ion in B rie f 12 Requi re d Equi pmen t 13 Step 1.
Contents 6 2 M aki ng M eas ur eme nts Overvie w 25 Tran smit t er Mea sur emen ts 25 Re cei ve r Meas ure ment s 25 Other 25 Averag e P ower 2 6 Overvie w 26 Requi re ments 26 Step s 27 Notes 27 Modu.
Contents 7 Ov er vi ew 36 Requi re ments 36 Step s: Go to Spe ctrum A nalyz er @ P resen t Chan 37 Step s: Go to Spe ctrum Anal yzer & Ent er Fr eq 38 Notes 39 Receive r Sens itivity 40 Ov er vi e.
Contents 8 3 Operatin g Ove rview Overvie w 50 Co nfi gu rat i on In for mat io n 50 Re feren ce I nfo rmat i on 50 Selecti ng a PCS B and 51 Step s 51 Notes 51 Compensati ng for TX a nd RX Measur eme.
Contents 9 Setting the Test S ystem “ Beep” 59 Step s 59 Notes 59 An Alte rna tive T est-System-t o-Base-Sta tion Tim ebase Configur ation 60 Step s 60 Notes 60.
Contents 10 4 Troublesh ooting Overvie w 64 Error s When Loa d ing and Running the Softwar e 65 Me mo ry O ver fl ow Err ors 6 5 Test S ystem Conf ig urati on Erro rs at Runti me 66 Other Tes t Syste .
11 1 Getting Start ed Follow the ste ps in this chapter to loa d and r un t he CDMA/PCS BS Test Software , to connect the test eq uipment, and to make initi al setti ngs to confi gur e your Test Syst em.
12 Chap ter 1, Getting Started Intr oduction Intr oductio n Who should use t h e CDMA/PCS BS Test Software? If you ar e inst alling, commiss ioning, or m aintaining Personal Co mm unicati on Servi ces.
13 Ch apt er 1, G et ti ng Sta r ted Intr oduction Requi red Equip ment Fig ure 1 You mu st s upp ly : Means to c ontro l base st ation and read FE R. CDMA PCS Base Sta tion. Cable s to conn ect the base sta tion to the Test Sys tem . (See t abl e be low .
14 Chap ter 1, Getting Started Step 1: Make Connecti ons St ep 1: Make Connecti ons Make t he conne ctions between the elements o f the Test System and t he base stat ion as shown in figur e 2. NOTE: This fig ure do es not il lust rate al l re ar-pane l co nnecti ons between the Cellula r Adapte r and Te s t S et .
15 Ch apt er 1, G et ti ng Sta r ted Step 2: Load and Run the CDMA/PCS BS Te st Soft ware St ep 2: Load a nd Run the CDMA /PCS B S Tes t Softwa re The next st ep is to get the CDMA / PCS BS Test Softwa re loa ded into t he Test Set and runni ng on t he IBASIC con troller .
16 Chap ter 1, Getting Started Step 2: Load and Run the CDMA/ PCS BS Test Software Fig ure 4 Position the cursor at Ch oices : and select PCSCDMA. Position the cursor at Run T est an d select it. The Soft ware is now loading. Position the cursor a t Select P rocedure Filename: and select it.
17 Ch apt er 1, G et ti ng Sta r ted Step 2: Load and Run the CDMA/PCS BS Te st Soft ware Navigation of the CDMA/PCS BS Test Softwa re After the S oftwa re has loaded , you should se e the CDMA/PCS BS Test Softw a re’s ma in me nu s cree n on the di splay of the Test S et (se e figur e 5 ).
18 Chap ter 1, Getting Started Step 3: Confi gure the Softwar e Step 3: Co nfigure t he Software The firs t t ime you run the Softwa re you must enter info rmat ion about your setup and the ba se s tation being tested. Use t hese ste ps: Scrol l to and select Base St ation Power Out and enter the level of your tr ansmitt ed signal .
19 Ch apt er 1, G et ti ng Sta r ted Step 3: Conf igure t he Soft ware Scrol l to and se lec t TX Measurement Path Loss . Enter the loss ( th rough cabl es, coup lers, and atte nuators ) between yo ur base stat ion’ s tr ansmitt er t est p ort a nd the RF IN/OUT p ort of the PCS Inte rface.
20 Chap ter 1, Getting Started Step 3: Confi gure the Softwar e This compl etes the req ui r ed entr ies. You may no w save you r ent ries or pres s the Ma in Menu (k5) ke y to retu rn to the mai n menu . To save entr ies see, “Savi ng Config urati on In formati on to Memory” in Chapter 3.
21 Ch apt er 1, G et ti ng Sta r ted Step 4 : Perf orm CDMA Tests Step 4: P erform CD MA Tests Now that you have successf ully run the Softwa re and entered your confi guration values, yo u can go on to making CDMA measur ements. Refer to c hapter 2, "Mak ing Measu rements" to s ee detaile d steps for p erform ing CDMA measure ments.
22 Chap ter 1, Getting Started Step 4: Perf orm CDMA Tests.
23 2 Maki ng M easu remen ts This c hapter contains desc riptio ns of the m ost c ommon receive r and tra nsmitter tests p erfo r med on CD MA b as e sta tion equipment. For eac h tes t, requir ement s are liste d and the st eps t o perfo rm the measuremen t are provid ed.
24 Chapter 2, Making M easurements.
25 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Over vi ew Ov erv i ew This c hapte r pres ents measur ement t asks m ost commonly per formed when testi ng CDMA/PCS base sta tion equipment. The mea surements are s ep arate d by type: transm itter t ests, follo wed by the r eceiver tes ts.
26 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Av er age Pow er Average Power Overview Ave rage power is a time-ave raged broad band measur ement of the trans mit ted signa l str ength at the RF I N/OUT por t on th e f ront pane l of the PCS Inte r face .
27 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Ave r a ge Po we r St ep s 1 Connect the equip ment as shown in fig ure 6. 2 In the mai n me nu, enter the Base Station Channel numbe r f or the t ransmit ter being te sted . 3 Set up th e base stati on to tr ansm it on the cha nne l number entered in step 2.
28 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Modulation Q uality (Rho) Modu la tion Qu al ity (Rho ) Overview I n this measureme nt, the modulat ed sign al is comp ared t o an idea l , refe rence waveform to determi ne the performanc e of the trans mitter’ s modulation c ircuitr y.
29 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Modulation Qualit y (Rho) St ep s 1 Connect the equip ment as shown in fig ure 8. 2 In the mai n me nu, enter the Base Station Channel numbe r f or the t ransmit ter being te sted . 3 Also in the ma in me nu, enter the Base Station PN Offset .
30 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Code Domain Power Code Domain Power Overview The Code Domain Power m ea surement shows the re lative power in eac h of the Walsh chann els of a transm itted sign al. Signal strength of the Pi lot, Paging, Sync, and Tr affi c chan n e ls are d i splayed ( in dB).
31 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Code Domain Power St ep s 1 Connect the equip ment as shown in fig ure 10. 2 In the mai n me nu, enter the Base Station Channel numbe r f or the t ransmit ter being te sted . 3 Also in the ma in me nu, enter the Base Station PN Offset .
32 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Code Domain Timing Code Domain Timi ng Overview S imilar to the Code Domain Power test, this measur emen t shows the ti ming rela tionship bet ween the various Walsh channe ls a nd the Pilot channel .
33 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Code Domain Ti ming St ep s 1 Connect the equip ment as shown in fig ure 12. 2 In the mai n me nu, enter the Base Station Channel numbe r f or the t ransmit ter being te sted . 3 Also in the ma in me nu, enter the Base Station PN Offset .
34 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Code Domain Phase Code Domain Phase Overview S imilar to the Code Domain Power measur e ment, this measure ment shows the rela tive phase relati onship of the various Wal sh channels re feren ced to the pilot channe l (Walsh 0).
35 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Code Doma in Phase St ep s 1 Connect the equip ment as shown in fig ure 14. 2 In the mai n me nu, enter the Base Station Channel numbe r f or the t ransmit ter being te sted . 3 Also in the ma in me nu, enter the Base Station PN Offset .
36 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Transmit S pectrum Tra nsmit Spec trum Overview I t is often useful to l ook at the transmitt er sig nal with the spectru m analyzer to se e its overa ll symmetr y and occupi ed bandwidt h, and to identif y potentia l sources of inte rference .
37 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Transmit S pectrum St e p s : G o to Spectrum Anal yzer @ Pr e sent Ch an 1 Connect t he equipment as s hown in figure 16. 2 In the mai n me nu, enter the Base Station Channel numbe r f or the t ransmit ter being te sted .
38 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Transmit S pectrum St e p s : G o to Spectrum Anal yzer & Enter Freq 1 Connect t he equipment as s hown in figure 16. 2 Turn on your b ase stati on tra nsmitt er. 3 In the ma in me nu, scrol l to a nd se le ct Go to Spectrum Analyzer & Enter Freq .
39 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Transmit S pectrum Notes For eit her sp ectr um anal yzer mo de ( Go To Spectrum Analyzer @ Present Chan or Go To Spectrum Analyzer & Enter Freq ) , do not make changes to RF port selecti ons, tun e freque nc y, or other “setup” fie lds.
40 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Receiver Sensiti vity Re ce iv er S en s i t iv i ty Overview I n this te st, the CDMA gene rator sends a cal ibrate d signa l to t he ba se st ation’s receive r. For a given RF level, the resulti ng Frame Error Rate (FER) is measured.
41 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Receiver Sensit ivity St ep s 1 Connect the equip ment as shown in fig ure 19. 2 In the mai n me nu, enter the Base Station Channel number. 3 Scrol l to an d sele ct Setup CDMA Generator . 4 Scroll to RF Level and e nter t he sig nal ge nerat or lev el fo r your s ensit ivity measurem ent (in dBm).
42 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Receiver Performance in Additive Noise Recei ver Perf orman ce in Additi ve Nois e Overview I n this test, the CDM A signal gen era tor is used wi th the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) s ource to si mulate a n uplink signa l to the base st ations’ s receive r.
43 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Receiver Perform ance in Additiv e Noise St ep s 1 Make t he e quipment co nnections as s how n in f igur e 21. 2 On th e main m e nu sc re en , en t er th e Base Station Channel numbe r. 3 Scrol l to an d sele ct Setup CDMA Generator .
44 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Sear ch fo r PN O ffs et Sea rch fo r PN Offs et Overview I f you are uns ure of the PN offset f or the tr ansmitte r and channe l you pla n to test , the S o ftware pr ovides this utili ty to search for and displ ay the PN offset.
45 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Sear ch fo r PN Of fs et St ep s 1 Connect the equip ment as s hown in fi gure 23 . 2 In the mai n me nu, enter the Base Station Channel numbe r f or the t ransmit ter being te sted . 3 Turn on your base sta tion tra nsmitt er (pilot c hannel mus t be on).
46 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Check Even- Second Clock Che ck Ev en-S econd Clo ck Overview Mo st CDMA transmit ter tes ts requir e an Eve n-Second c lock sign al from the base stat ion in order to corr elate th e measur ement. I f you are r eceiving an e rror st at ing Cannot correlate to input signal.
47 Ch ap ter 2, M ak in g M e asur eme nts Check Even-Second Clock St ep s 1 You ca n st art wi th th e con nec ti ons sho wn i n fi g ur e 24 . You will get prompts from the Software to chang e the E ven-S econd cl ock c onnect ion whe n needed. 2 In the mai n menu, sc roll t o and sel ect Check Even Second Clock .
48 Chapter 2, Making M easurements Check Even- Second Clock.
49 3 Opera ting Ove rvi e w This c hapter descr ibes gene ral ope ration of the Software. Opera ti ng Overview.
50 Ch apt er 3, Op era t ing Ov er vi ew Over vie w Ov erv i ew This chapte r provides deta il on Softwa re operat ions not covered in chapte r 1, "Gett ing Started" or c hapter 2, " Making Meas urements".
51 Ch apt er 3, Op erat ing Over view Selecting a PCS Ba nd Select in g a PCS Band With the HP 83236B PCS Inte rfac e, th e Softwar e supports sever al “c hann e l plans ” use d in P CS sy stems inte rnationa ll y.
52 Ch apte r 3, Oper ati ng Ov ervi ew Sele ct ing a P CS B an d Table 1 Channe l plans for P CS Band se lections. PCS Band Channel Plan To calculate the transmitter frequency: Nor th Amer ic a n Band Chann el ra nge: 0 t o 1199 Tran smitte r frequ encies : 1930 to 1989.
53 Ch apte r 3, Op erat ing Ove rv iew Compensating for TX and RX Measurement Path Los s Compen sating fo r TX a nd RX Mea sure m ent Path Los s The Softwar e can compensate for losse s (through cable.
54 Ch apte r 3, Oper ati ng Ov ervi ew Saving Config uration Informat ion to Memory Savin g Con f ig urat io n Inf or m at io n to M e mor y The infor m ation about your s etup and base stati on ent ered into the Configuration Information Menu can be saved to memory.
55 Ch apte r 3, Op erat ing Ove rv iew Loading Confi guration Informat ion from Memory Load in g Con figu r at ion In f or m at ion f ro m Me mor y The infor m ation about your s etup and base stati on ent ered into the Configuration Information Menu can be saved in memory.
56 Ch apte r 3, Oper ati ng Ov ervi ew Purging Conf iguratio n Information from Memory Purg in g Con f igu r ation In f or m at ion f ro m Mem or y The infor m ation about your s etup and base stati on ent ered into the Configuration Information Menu can be saved in memory.
57 Ch apte r 3, Op erat ing Ove rv iew Using Aut ost art Using Autostart “Autost a rt” is a featur e of the Test Set’s IBASIC contr olle r and is used to custo m ize the inst rument for a specif ic task.
58 Ch apte r 3, Oper ati ng Ov ervi ew Viewing Instrument Connection s Viewi ng Ins trument Co nnecti ons In se tting up your Test System, you may have quest ions a bout connecti ons betwee n the Test Set, Cel lular Ada pter, and PCS I nterf ace as we ll a s the connec tions to the CDM A/PCS base stati on.
59 Ch apte r 3, Op erat ing Ove rv iew Setting the Te st System “Be ep” Setti ng the T es t Sys tem “B eep” The Softwar e can provide an audio tone (bee p) to let you know w h en selections are made in the menu scree ns. This beep sounds when you change menu scree ns, choose an entry f ield, and when y ou complete an entr y.
60 Ch apte r 3, Oper ati ng Ov ervi ew An Alt ernative Test- System-to-Base- Station Timeba se Configurat ion An Alterna ti v e Test -Sy st em-to -Ba s e-S tation Timeba s e Config ura ti on Chapter 1 describe s the most common meth od of connecti ng timeba ses b etween the Test Sy stem and the base -station -under- test.
61 Ch apte r 3, Op erat ing Ove rv iew An Alternativ e Test-System-to- Base-Station Tim ebase Configur ation Figur e 25 114. 3 MHz IF IN I BAS EBAND OU T AUX CW RF IN IQ RF OUT OPT ION AL SER IAL PO RT CONTROL I/O SYNTH REF IN10 MHz OUT CDMA CLOCK O UTPUTS DSP IN MOD OUT 10 MHz REF O UT Q BA SEBAND O UT PWR REF UNLOCK DIAGNOSTIC MONITOR 1.
62 Ch apte r 3, Oper ati ng Ov ervi ew An Alt ernative Test- System-to-Base- Station Timeba se Configurat ion.
63 4 Trou blesho oting Use thi s cha pter if you have encounte red Softwa re er rors or i f you ar e quest ioning measure ment results. Troubl eshooting.
64 Ch apte r 4, Tr oubl esho oti ng Over vie w Ov erv i ew Use table 2 to locat e your problem or a received err or messag e, then refer to the page nu mber shown.
65 Ch ap ter 4, T rou ble sho oting Errors When Loading a nd Running the Soft ware Erro rs When Loadin g and Ru nning th e Software Memory Over flow Errors Pr ob lem : The random access memory ( RAM ) spa ce of the Test Set is shared by IBASIC progra m s and t he Save/Rec all st orage re gisters.
66 Ch apte r 4, Tr oubl esho oti ng Errors Whe n Loa ding and Running the Software Test Sy st em Conf iguration E rr ors at Run ti m e Pro blem: When i t is fi r st run, the Software check s to se e t hat all required elements of a CDMA/PCS Test System are present.
67 Ch ap ter 4, T rou ble sho oting Errors When Loading a nd Running the Soft ware Other Tes t Syst em Conf iguration Errors Pro blem : Additiona l er ror s can be reported when using the Softwa re, depending on which measure ment modes are being used: Compensation not pe rformed.
68 Ch apte r 4, Tr oubl esho oti ng Errors Whe n Loa ding and Running the Software Menu S creens i n thi s Bo ok do n o t Match the Screens that You See Pro blem: You may have loaded anoth er software proce dur e from the utilit y s oft ware memory car d that is s hipped with each PCS Inte rfac e.
69 Ch ap ter 4, T rou ble sho oting Errors While Attempting Measurements Erro rs Whi le Attempt i ng Measu rements CDMA Measurement not Correlatin g Pro blem : If you r Te st Syst em is no t set up correctly for some of t he tests, you m ay see the foll owing message pos ted at the top of the displa y: Cannot correlate to input signal.
70 Ch apte r 4, Tr oubl esho oti ng Errors Whil e Attempting Measurements 4 Test System timebase re fere nc e not conne ct ed. Verify tha t you have acces s to the base st at ion’s referenc e timebase signal (typica lly 19.6608 MH z). The r efe rence s houl d be connec te d to the S YNTH REF IN por t on the re ar o f th e C el lul ar A da pte r.
71 Ch ap ter 4, T rou ble sho oting Errors While Attempting Measurements Frame Error Rate (Receiver Measure ments) Pro blem : If your Test Syst em i s not set up corre c tly for receive r tests, you m.
72 Ch apte r 4, Tr oubl esho oti ng Errors Whil e Attempting Measurements 5 RX PN Offset not se t to ze r o. For r ec e iv er tes ting, th e CDMA Ge ner ator is simul ating th e r ev erse chann el (uplin k) signa l as it would be sent b y a mobile phon e.
73 Ch ap ter 4, T rou ble sho oting Questionabl e Measurement Result s Ques tion able Measureme nt Results Overview R e fer to the topic s in this section if you are see ing measur ement re sults wit h no indic a ted er rors, but you a r e fa iling a test or you beli e ve you’ r e getting e rroneous results .
74 Ch apte r 4, Tr oubl esho oti ng Questionabl e Measurement Results Rho Meas urements Sources of er rors in rho measurement inc lud e the foll owing: Input si gnal is outside the m easurement r ange.
75 Ch ap ter 4, T rou ble sho oting Questionabl e Measurement Result s Sensitivity tests: r andom data not se lected for si gnal so urce For receive r sensitivi ty m eas urement s, c heck to see tha t the CDMA Gener ato r is set to send r andom data .
76 Ch apte r 4, Tr oubl esho oti ng Questionabl e Measurement Results.
77 Gloss ary Acces s Channel A reverse CDMA chan nel used by mobile stat ions for com mun icati ng to the base stati on. The acc ess channe l is u se d for sh ort sign ali ng me ssa ge e xch ang es suc h as ca l l or iginat ions, r esponses to p a ges, a nd reg is tra ti ons .
Gloss ary 78 Code Dom ain Analyz er An ins t rum ent that meas ure s indivi dual Walsh Cha nnel ch ar acte risti cs in a CDMA cha n n e l. The Cell ular Adapter c an di splay all 64 Walsh Ch ann els in a rece ived si gna l and displa y thei r powe r, phase , an d timing rela ti onship.
79 Gloss ary Fram e A bas i c tim in g in te rv a l in th e syste m. For the Access ch a nnel, pa gi ng ch an nel , an d t raff ic ch an nel , a f r ame is 20 ms long .
Gloss ary 80 Per s onal Communi cat ion Servic es (PCS) Emergin g wirel ess networks u s ing digit al modul ation format s an d opera ting i n the fre que nc y ba nd bet ween 1.8 and 2.4 GHz. Pilot Ch annel An unmodulated , dire ct - sequen c e, spread-s pe c trum sig nal tr an s mit ted cont inuous ly by each CDMA bas e sta tio n.
81 Gloss ary Rho The measure of the waveform quality of a modula ted s i gnal in a CDMA sys te m. A r ece iv ed sig na l is co mp a red t o an ide al , refe rence, s ignal. A hig h correla tion bet w ee n th e re ce iv ed sig n a l an d th e refe renc e re prese nt s a high wave form qu ality fact or.
Gloss ary 82 Walsh Function One of 2 N time - or thogonal bina ry func tions (no te t hat t he funct ions a re or thogonal aft er mapping 0 to 1, and 1 to − 1). Walsh Symbol Th e time n ece ssar y t o tr an s mit one W alsh fun ction on the re vers e CDMA ch annel.
83 A acce ss c hannel defi niti on, 77 Ad ded Whi te Ga uss ian Nois e defi niti on, 77 adde d whit e ga ussia n noi se, 42 Autosta rt, 57 defi niti on, 77 tur ning off , 57 tur ning on, 57 aver age p.
Index 84 fron t panel , 58 inst rument s, 14 rear panel, 58 ti meba se s, 60 corr elat i on, 69 corr elat i on errors, 69 D data bl ock defi n iti on , 78 descr iption pr odu c t, 12 E Eb defi nition,.
Index 85 F FER defi niti on, 78 fin ite in pul se respons e fil te r defi niti on, 78 FIR fi lt er defi niti on, 78 forw ar d CD MA ch ann el defi niti on, 78 forw a r d lin k defi niti on, 78 for war.
Index 86 I ins trument con necti ons, 14 , 58 inte rme dia te fre que ncy defi niti on, 79 L Load ing Co nfigu rati on In format ion, 55 loa di ng the sof tw are , 15 M main menu scr een, 17 maki ng c.
Index 87 N n avi gation of soft ware menu s, 17 noi se s our ce , 42 Nois e, Added W hite Gau ssian defi niti on, 77 O offse t quadr ature phas e shif t keyin g defi n iti on , 79 OQPSK defi n iti on .
Index 88 Q QPSK defi niti on, 80 q uadrat ure phase shif t keyi ng defi niti on, 80 qua d ratu re spr ead in g defi niti on, 80 q ues tiona bl e m eas urement results , 73 R rece iver perform ance in .
Index 89 T Test Set defi niti on, 81 ti meba se co nnect io ns, 60 timi ng, code dom ai n, 32 tone , audio, 59 tr af fi c ch a nn e l defi niti on, 81 tran s m it sp e ct ru m , 36 trig ger e ven t de.
Index 90 W Walsh chip defi niti on, 81 Wal sh c over defi niti on, 81 Wal sh f uncti on defi niti on, 82 Wal sh s ymbol defi niti on, 82 Z zero offs et pi lot defi n iti on , 82.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 83236B PCS Interface è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 83236B PCS Interface - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 83236B PCS Interface imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 83236B PCS Interface ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 83236B PCS Interface, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 83236B PCS Interface.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 83236B PCS Interface. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 83236B PCS Interface insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.