Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto HP 3000 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems Edition 10 32650-90864 E1098 Printed in: U .S .A. October 1998.
Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-P ackard makes no w arranty of any kind with regard to this material, including , but not limited to, the implied w arranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose .
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1. Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 COB74XLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146 COB85XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 FREERIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 FTN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 6. Command Definitions P-R P ASCAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .414 P ASCALGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 SETCA TALOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 VSRESERVESYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .700 VSTORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Restricted Rights Legend 2 T able 2-1. Parm= values for the CI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 T able 2-2. Default Parameters for the AL TACCT Command . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 Preface The ninth edition of the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual is one volume with command descriptions alphabetically from A through X. This manual is written for all users of the HP 3000 MPE/iX Computers .
12 COMMAND {ON | OFF} [ ] In a syntax statement, brackets enclose optional elements . In the following example, OPTION can be omitted: COMMAND filename [OPTION] When several elements are enclosed within brackets , you canm select one or none of the elements .
Chapter 1 13 Commands by T ask 1 Commands by T ask Commands are used to communicate with the MPE/iX operating system. They request MPE/iX to perform a specific task or provide specific information.
14 Chapter 1 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands T ask-Related Commands This chapter is an introduction to MPE/iX commands and their functions , categorized by the task they perform. The categories of tasks identified for MPE/iX commands are: • Accessing Subsystems and Utilities .
Chapter 1 15 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands Check that list to find an appropriate functional description, which in this case is "Creates a new account". Then check the lefthand column for the name of the command that performs that function, which in this case is NEWACCT .
16 Chapter 1 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands RETURN Causes execution to return from the current user command (UDC or command file) to the calling environment SETVAR Creates or modifies a CI variable. WHILE Used to control execution in a job, session, UDC , or command file.
Chapter 1 17 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands PURGEUSER Removes a user from an account. REPORT Displays accounting information about the logon account and group . Managing Devices ABORTIO =ABORTIO Aborts a single pending I/O request for a device.
18 Chapter 1 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands LISTFILE Lists file information using native mode scanning/parsing that can be easily expanded. LISTFTEMP Displays information about temporary files . NEWDIR Creates a directory NEWLINK Creates a symbolic link PRINT Prints the contents of a file.
Chapter 1 19 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands HELLO Initiates an interactive session. JOB Defines a job to be activated in conjunction with the STREAM command to run in batch mode . JOBFENCE Defines the minimum input priority a job or session must have in order to execute.
20 Chapter 1 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands OUTFENCE Defines the minimum priority an output spoolfile needs in order to be printed. RESUMESPOOL Resumes suspended spooler output to a spooled device. STARTSPOOL Initiates the spooler process for a device.
Chapter 1 21 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands SHOWQ Displays process scheduling data and the contents of eac h subqueue. =SHUTDOWN Initiates a shutdown of MPE/iX. TUNE Alters the dispatcher subqueues which determine when processes must relinquish the CPU .
22 Chapter 1 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands LDISMOUNT Causes a volume set that was reserved system-wide by the user to be released. LMOUNT Reserves a volume set system-wide. MOUNT Reserves an online volume set. VMOUNT Enables/disables the MPE/iX movable volume facility .
Chapter 1 23 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands BBASICOMP Compiles an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility mode . BBASICPREP Compiles and prepares an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility mode. BBXL Initiates execution of the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter .
24 Chapter 1 Commands by T ask T ask-Related Commands FTNXL Compiles an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. FTNXLGO Compiles , links, and executes an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. FTNXLLK Compiles and links an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. PASCAL Compiles a compatibility mode P ascal/V program.
Chapter 2 25 Command Definitions A-B 2 Command Definitions A-B This chapter provides information on MPE/iX commands . F or your convenience, they are arranged in alphabetical order .
26 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B.
Chapter 2 27 Command Definitions A-B Commands and Parameter s Commands and P arameters MPE/iX commands tell the computer to perform a specific function. The parameters you enter for each command tell the computer to perform the function in a specific w ay .
28 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B Commands and Parameter s P ositional P arameters The meaning of a positional parameter depends upon its position (location) in the parameter list. In the syntax diagrams for each command in this chapter , positional parameters are separated from each other by a comma ( , ).
Chapter 2 29 Command Definitions A-B Commands and Parameter s.
30 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B Native Mode Command Structure Native Mode Command Structure Many commands in this chapter have the designation Native Mode at the end of their definition. This means that the command is parsed by the Native Mode Command P arser .
Chapter 2 31 Command Definitions A-B Native Mode Command Structure Combining P ositional/Keyword P arameters Another option is to enter NM-parsed commands by using a combination of positional and key.
32 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B Native Mode Command Structure Or , because decimal is the default you could omit the # sign and enter: SPOOLER DEV=0006;SUSPEND;SHOW Or , omitting the leading zer.
Chapter 2 33 Command Definitions A-B Native Mode Command Structure String Processing MPE/iX string pr ocessing finds the first double or single quote and pairs it with the last quote of the same type to form a string. In other words , single quotes pair only with other single quotes and double quotes only with other double quotes .
34 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B Native Mode Command Structure • The SETVAR command. • The XEQ command. These three exceptions allow the use of only specific delimiters when specifying parameters , as defined below .
Chapter 2 35 Command Definitions A-B Native Mode Command Structure NO TE If a parameter value begins with a quote it must have a matching end quote . If it does not begin with a quote it may contain embedded quotes which will be treated as any other character .
36 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B Remote Sessions and Command Intrinsics Remote Sessions and Command Intrinsics When used to invoke commands on remote systems the COMMAND or HPCICOMMAND intrinsics do not return a meaningful status code. F or more information on calling intrinsics refer to the MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual.
Chapter 2 37 Command Definitions A-B Running the CI as a Program Running the CI as a Program The MPE/iX Command Interpreter (CI) is a Native Mode Program. Y ou can run it the wa y you would any other program, either by explicitly using the RUN command (the first example below), or by using the the implied RUN (the second example): RUN CI.
38 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B ABORT ABORT Aborts the current program or operation suspended by BREAK. (Native Mode) Syntax ABORT P arameters None. Operation Notes The ABORT command terminates a process that has been suspended by pressing the Break key .
Chapter 2 39 Command Definitions A-B ABORTIO/ =ABOR TIO ABORTIO/ =ABORTIO Aborts a single pending I/O request for a device. Syntax ABORTIO ldev =ABORTIO ldev P arameters ldev The logical device number of the device for which you intend to abort one pending I/O request.
40 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B ABORTIO/ =ABOR TIO Examples T o abort a pending I/O request for logical device 53, enter: ABORTIO 53 It is necessary to issue several ABORTIO commands to abort al.
Chapter 2 41 Command Definitions A-B ABORTJOB/ =ABOR TJOB ABORTJOB/ =ABORTJOB Aborts a job or session. Syntax ABORTJOB {# J nnn #S nnn [ jobname ,] user . acct } =ABORTJOB {# J nnn #S nnn [ jobname ,] user . acct } P arameters #J nnn A job number . #S nnn A session number .
42 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B ABORTJOB/ =ABOR TJOB The standard error message that appears when a request is manually terminated by entering Y in response to =REPLY (or REPLY ) is displayed on the user's terminal: SESSION ABORTED BY SYSTEM MANAGEMENT The =ABORTJOB command may be used at the physical console if ABORTJOB is ineffective.
Chapter 2 43 Command Definitions A-B A CCEPT ACCEPT P ermits a designated device to accept jobs/sessions and/or data. Syntax ACCEPT [ JOBS | DAT A ] ,lde v P arameters JOBS The designated device recognizes the JOB and HELLO commands. The device must be interactive to support sessions .
44 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B A CCEPT Examples T o permit logical device 19 to accept jobs and data, enter: ACCEPT 19 SHOWDEV 19 LDEV AVAIL OWNERSHIP VOLID ASSOCIATION 19 AVAIL T o permit logi.
Chapter 2 45 Command Definitions A-B ALLOCA TE ALLOCA TE Loads a compatibility mode program or procedure into virtual memory . Syntax ALLOCATE [ PROCEDURE, | PROGRAM, ] name P arameters PROCEDURE The procedure in SL.PUB.SYS to be allocated. The default is PROGRAM .
46 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B ALLOCA TE In addition to comma (,) a semicolon (;) and equal sign (=) may be used as a delimiter . Example T o allocate a procedure identified as PROC1 , that resides in SL.PUB.SYS , enter: ALLOCATE PROCEDURE,PROC1 Program files residing in the nonsystem domain (a volume set) are not allocated.
Chapter 2 47 Command Definitions A-B ALLO W ALLOW Grants a user access to a specific operator command. Syntax ALLOW FILE= formaldesignator [ ;SHOW] ALLOW[ @.
48 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B ALLO W 2 JOHN.ACCTNG;COMMANDS=ALTJOB,DELETESPOOLFILE 3 // ... / KEEP ALLOWTMP / E Once you create an indirect file, you then issue the ALLOW command, using the ;SHOW parameter to display each command line as it is executed from the file .
50 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL T A CCT AL T ACCT Changes the attributes of an existing account. Syntax ALTACCT acctname [ ;PASS=[ passwor d ] ] [ ;FILES=[ filespace ]] [ ;CPU=[ cpu ]] [ ;CO.
Chapter 2 51 Command Definitions A-B AL T A CCT If a capability is removed at the account level, users within the account are also denied that capability . No explicit change to the user's capabilities is necessary . Similarly , if a capability is returned to the account, any users with that capability regain it automatically .
52 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL T A CCT subqueuename Name of the highest priority subqueue that can be requested by any process of any job/session in the account, specified as AS , BS , CS , DS , or ES . When you specify ;MAXPRI= without a value, subqueuename defaults to CS .
Chapter 2 53 Command Definitions A-B AL T A CCT T able 2-2 Default P arameters for the AL T ACCT Command Any value changed with the ALTACCT command takes effect the next time MPE/iX is requested to check the value .
54 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL T A CCT T o c hange the password and the file space of an account called MALCHIOR in the volume set TIME_LORD , you need to issue two commands: ALTACCT MALCHI.
Chapter 2 55 Command Definitions A-B AL TFILE AL TFILE Changes the attributes of an existing file or directory . (Native Mode) Syntax ALTFILE[ FILE=] filename [ ] ;OWNER= ownername ] ] [ [ ;GROUPID=] POSIXgr oupname ] P arameters filename The filename of the object to be altered, specified in either MPE or HFS syntax.
56 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TFILE In order to change the GID of a file , you must be one of the following: • The file owner (your logon name matches the UID of the file). In this case , POSIXgr oupname must specify your logon account.
Chapter 2 57 Command Definitions A-B AL TGROUP AL TGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a group. Syntax ALTGROUP gr oupname [ . acctname ] [ ;PASS=[ passwor d ]] [ ;CAP=[ capabilitylist ] ] [ ;FIL.
58 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TGROUP Each capability is denoted by a two letter mnemonic , as follows: Process Handling = PH Extra Data Segments = DS Multiple RINs = MR Privileged Mode = PM Interactive Access = IA Batch Access = BA Default is IA, BA except for the PUB group of the SYS account which has no true default.
Chapter 2 59 Command Definitions A-B AL TGROUP The user types are specified as follows: ANY = Any user AC = Member of this account only GU = Member of this group only AL = Account librarian user only GL = Group librarian user only T o specify two or more user or access types, separate them by commas .
60 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TGROUP unchanged. When a keyword is included but the corresponding parameter is omitted (as in PASS = Return ), the default value is assigned. T able 2-3 lists the default values for the ALTGROUP command. T able 2-3 shows the default values for the AL TGROUP Command.
Chapter 2 61 Command Definitions A-B AL TGROUP However , if LEILA does contain files, you cannot c hange the home volume set for this group without creating a new group and transferring those files to it.
62 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TJOB AL TJOB Alters the attributes of waiting or sc heduled jobs. (Native Mode) Syntax ALTJOB[ JOB=] { #Jnnn #Snnn } [ ;INPRI= inputpriority ] [ ;OUTDEV={ l dev de vclass } ] [.HIPRI][;JOBQ=queuename] P arameters #J nnn A job number .
64 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TLOG AL TLOG Alters the attributes of an existing user logging identifier . Syntax ALTLOG logid [ ;LOG= logfile { ,DISC ,TAPE } ] [ ;PASS= passwor d [ { ;AUTO ;NOAUTO } ] P arameters logid The logging identifier whose attributes are to be changed.
Chapter 2 65 Command Definitions A-B AL TLOG Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
66 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TPROC AL TPROC Changes characteristics of the specified processes . Currently , a process' priority , queue attribute, and workgroup ma y be changed. (Native Mode) Syntax ALTPROC[ [ PIN=] { pinspec ( pinspec [ ,pinspec ] .
Chapter 2 67 Command Definitions A-B AL TPROC However , if you add anyuser to the same command as shown below , then all job processes are altered. :ALTPROC job=@j;pri=cs;anyuser TREE is the default for all jobspec target processes, and can be overridden with the NOTREE option.
68 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TPROC priority specified need not fall between the base and limit priorities of the workgroup. T o assign an absolute priority value , you must have SM capability . If you do not have SM capability , then your MAXPRI value represents the highest priority that you can assign a process .
Chapter 2 69 Command Definitions A-B AL TPROC Operation Notes T o execute the ALTPROC command, you must have System Supervisor (OP) or System Manager (SM) capability . SM capability is necessary to alter system processes, for the WG= option, for certain specifications to the PRI option, and to increase a process' priority above MAXPRI .
70 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TSEC AL TSEC Changes the access permissions of an object by altering the access control definition (ACD). ACDs are the main method of controlling access to files , hierarchical directories, and devices .
Chapter 2 71 Command Definitions A-B AL TSEC MPE Syntax Y ou can include MPE file name Syntax but not RF A information. If the object is an MPE Syntax file, its format is: filename [/ lockwor d ][.
72 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TSEC Y ou may specify two or more user types if you separate them by commas . The default is R,L,W ,A,X:ANY . The colon ( : ) separating one or more modes from one or more user types is required punctuation in the specification of fileaccess .
Chapter 2 73 Command Definitions A-B AL TSEC Y ou cannot use wildcards in any other manner within a user specification. A typical ACD consisting of three ACD pairs might look like this: (R,W:ENGR.
74 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TSEC Operation Notes Y ou use the ALTSEC command to alter security provisions for files, hierarchical directories , devices , and device classes by manipulating an object's access control definition (ACD) or its access mask.
Chapter 2 75 Command Definitions A-B AL TSEC ALTSEC FPROG;ACCESS=(X:GU;R,W:AL,GL) ACD Examples T o view ACD information, use the LISTFILE,-2 command. This form of the LISTFILE command displays only ACD information. Y ou have created a file named FDATA , and want to assign a new ACD to FDATA , granting write access to a user named FRIEND.
76 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TSEC Note that L and A (lock and append) need not be specified because they are implied with W (write). T o add an ACD that prevents any user except OPERATOR.SYS (and any user with SM capability) from accessing LDEV 7 (a tape drive), enter: ALTSEC 7,LDEV;NEWACD=(R,W:OPERATOR.
Chapter 2 77 Command Definitions A-B AL TSPOOLFILE AL TSPOOLFILE Alters the characteristics of an output spoolfile . Syntax ALTSPOOLFILE{ #Onnn ldev1 } { ;PRI= outputpriority ;COPIES= numcopies ;DEV={ lde v2 devclass } ;DEFER } [ ;...] P arameters #O nnn The output device file identification of a spoolfile.
78 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TSPOOLFILE Y ou may alter the outputpriority or the numcopies of an ACTIVE spoolfile without interrupting the printing process . If you alter the device or defer the ACTIVE spoolfile with the DEFER parameter , the printer stops immediately .
Chapter 2 79 Command Definitions A-B AL TUSER AL TUSER Changes the attributes currently defined for a user . Syntax ALTUSER username [ .acctname ] [ ;PASS=[ passwor d ] ] [ ;CAP=[ capabilitylist] ] .
80 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TUSER Save Files = SF Access to Nonshareable I/O Devices = ND Use Volumes = UV Create Volumes = CV Use Communication Subsystem CS Programmatic Sessions = PS Us.
Chapter 2 81 Command Definitions A-B AL TUSER Opt USERP ASS=OPT specifies that users in this account may or may not have passwords . If you do not use the USERP ASS parameter , the old value remains . It is a vailable only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.
82 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B AL TUSER Use This command may be issued from a session, a job , a program, or in break mode. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Account manager (AM) capability is required to use this command. System manager (SM) capability is required to specify a user in an account other than your own.
Chapter 2 83 Command Definitions A-B ASSOCIA TE ASSOCIA TE Gives a user operator control of a device class . Syntax ASSOCIATE devclass P arameters devclass The name of a logical device class configured with SYSGEN . Operation Notes This command links a device class , such as LP , to an individual user on the system.
84 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B ASSOCIA TE ASSOCIATE TAPE Related Information Commands DISASSOCIATE Manuals P erforming System Operation T asks.
Chapter 2 85 Command Definitions A-B BASIC BASIC Interprets a compatibility mode BASIC/V program. B ASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
86 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BASIC Examples T o enter commands and data from your standard input device, with program listing and output transmitted to the standard output device, enter: BASIC Y ou may also submit commands and data to the B ASIC/V interpreter through input files that you have stored on disk.
Chapter 2 87 Command Definitions A-B BASICGO BASICGO Compiles , prepares , and executes a compatibility mode BASIC/V program. B ASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
88 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BASICGO Example T o compile, prepare , and execute the BASIC/V program MYPROG , enter: BASICGO $ CONTROL USLINIT $ COMPILE MYPROG $ EXIT The above example begins execution of the BASIC/V compiler , initializes the USL, compiles the program MYPROG , and then exits from the compiler .
Chapter 2 89 Command Definitions A-B BASICOMP BASICOMP Compiles a compatibility mode BASIC/V program. B ASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
90 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BASICOMP example, below . Y ou may , however , build a USL file in the permanent file domain, then direct the BASIC/V compiler to store the object code in this file by naming the USL file in the BASICOMP command line.
Chapter 2 91 Command Definitions A-B BASICPREP BASICPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode BASIC/V program. B ASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
92 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BASICPREP Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Chapter 2 93 Command Definitions A-B BBASIC BBASIC Starts execution of the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter in compatibility mode . HP Business BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
94 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BBASIC Y ou may also submit commands and data to the HP Business B ASIC/V interpreter through input files that you have stored on disk. Files created using the editor must be kept with the UNN (unnumbered) option of the editor's KEEP command.
Chapter 2 95 Command Definitions A-B BBASICGO BBASICGO Compiles , prepares, and executes an HP Business B ASIC/V program in compatibility mode. HP Business B ASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
96 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BBASICGO Related Information Commands BBASIC , BBASICOMP , BBASICPREP Manuals HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual MPE Segmenter Reference Manual.
Chapter 2 97 Command Definitions A-B BBASICOMP BBASICOMP Compiles an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility mode . HP Business B ASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
98 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BBASICOMP A BSAVE program file can be created from within the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter after it is written, by using the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter >SAVE filename command.
Chapter 2 99 Command Definitions A-B BBASICPREP BBASICPREP Compiles and prepares an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility mode . HP Business BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
100 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BBASICPREP Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
Chapter 2 101 Command Definitions A-B BBXL BBXL Initiates execution of the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter . HP Business BASIC/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
102 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BBXL Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program. It is not available in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Chapter 2 103 Command Definitions A-B BBXLCOMP BBXLCOMP Compiles an HP Business BASIC/XL program. HP Business B ASIC/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
104 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BBXLCOMP NO TE The formal file designators used in this command ( BBCIN , BBCOBJ , and BBCLIST ) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. F or further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
Chapter 2 105 Command Definitions A-B BBXLCOMP Manuals HP Business BASIC/XL Migration Guide HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual.
106 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BBXLGO BBXLGO Compiles , links, and executes an HP Business B ASIC/XL program. HP Business BASIC/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 2 107 Command Definitions A-B BBXLGO Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
108 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BBXLGO Example T o compile, link, and execute the HP Business B ASIC/XL program MYPROG and direct the listing to the disk file LISTFL , enter: BBXLGO MYPROG,LIS.
Chapter 2 109 Command Definitions A-B BBXLLK BBXLLK Compiles and links an HP Business BASIC/XL program. HP Business B ASIC/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
110 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BBXLLK Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Chapter 2 111 Command Definitions A-B BREAKJOB BREAKJOB Suspends an executing job. (Native Mode) Syntax BREAKJOB #J nnn P arameters #J nnn A job number . Operation Notes The operator can use the BREAKJOB command to suspend any executing job, including spooled and streamed jobs .
112 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BUILD BUILD Creates and immediately allocates a new empty file on disk. Syntax BUILD filer efer encer [;REC=[ [ r ecsize ] [ ,[ blockfactor ] [ ,[ F U V B ] [ .
Chapter 2 113 Command Definitions A-B BUILD • File names can contain (but not begin with ) a dash (-). File names are of the form path/filename where the path/filename combination may have a maximum of 255 characters . r ecsize Record size. A positive number indicates words , while a negative number indicates bytes for new files only .
114 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BUILD TEMP Indicates that the file is created as a temporary file and is saved in the job/session temporary file domain when closed.
Chapter 2 115 Command Definitions A-B BUILD RIO and NORIO specifications affect only the physical characteristics of the file. If NOBUF is specified in the FILE command, the file is not accessed in RIO mode; otherwise, RIO access is used with RIO files.
116 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BUILD ;KEY= ( ke ytype,ke ylocation,ke ysize [,DUP|RDUP]; . . ke ytype,ke ylocation,ke ysize [,DUP|RDUP]) One key specification ( ke ytype, ke ylocation, ke ysize [,DUP|RDUP] must be included for each key in the KSAM file .
Chapter 2 117 Command Definitions A-B BUILD If the NOREUSE option is used, deleted record space is not reused. If the DUP option is specified for a key , duplicate records are placed chronologically at the tail end of the file . The default is NOREUSE .
118 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BUILD Examples The following example creates a permanent disk file named WORKFILE , which can reside on any disk. WORKFILE has fixed length records of 80 bytes each. The records are blocked 3 records per block (which is the blockfactor ), and are written in ASCII code .
Chapter 2 119 Command Definitions A-B BYE BYE Ends an interactive session. (Native Mode) Syntax BYE P arameters None. Operation Notes This command terminates a session and displays the CPU-time used (in seconds), connect-time (in minutes), and the date and time, as follows: CPU=48.
120 Chapter 2 Command Definitions A-B BYE.
Chapter 3 121 Command Definitions C-E 3 Command Definitions C-E.
122 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CALC CALC Evaluates an expression. (Native Mode) Syntax CALC expression NO TE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional F ormat for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter .
Chapter 3 123 Command Definitions C-E CALC Do not use the FINFO function with the CALC command for remote files. It ignores their existence and returns incorrect information. Use This command is available in a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break terminates the INPUT( ) function.
124 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CCXL CCXL Compiles an HP C/iX program. HP C/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately . This command is recognized only if HP C/iX is installed on your system.
Chapter 3 125 Command Definitions C-E CCXL listfile The name of the file on which the compiler writes the program listing . It can be any ASCII file. The default is $STDLIST.$STDLIST is usually the terminal from a session or the printer from a batch job .
126 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CCXL Examples The following example compiles an HP C/iX program entered from your standard input device and stores the object program in the object file $OLDPASS . The listing is then sent to your standard list device.
Chapter 3 127 Command Definitions C-E CCXLGO CCXLGO Compiles , links, and executes an HP C/iX program. HP C/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately . This command is recognized only if HP C/iX is installed on your system.
128 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CCXLGO Operation Notes The CCXLGO command compiles , links, and executes an HP C/iX program. If textfile is omitted, the compiler expects input from your standard input device.
Chapter 3 129 Command Definitions C-E CCXLLK CCXLLK Compiles and links an HP C/iX program. HP C/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately . This command is recognized only if HP C/iX is installed on your system.
130 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CCXLLK Operation Notes The CCXLLK command compiles and links an HP C/iX program into a file on disk. If you do not specify textfile , the compiler expects input from the current input device.
Chapter 3 131 Command Definitions C-E CHANGELOG CHANGELOG Changes the user logging file without stopping or interrupting the logging process . Syntax CHANGELOG logid [ ;DEV= device ] P arameters logid Name of the currently active user logging process .
132 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CHANGELOG Mount new tape volume for changelog of logid AAA (ulogmsg 40). Normally when a user logging file is full, the system terminates the logging process and displays an appropriate message .
Chapter 3 133 Command Definitions C-E CHANGELOG Related Information Commands ALTLOG , GETLOG , LISTLOG , LOG , OPENLOG , RELLOG , SHOWLOG , SHOWLOGSTATUS Manuals User Logging Programmer's Guide.
134 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CHDIR CHDIR Changes the process' current working directory (CWD). (Native Mode) Syntax CHDIR [ [ DIR=] dir_name ] [ ;SHOW | NOSHOW] P arameters dir_name The name of the directory you want to c hange to, which is assumed to be an MPE name unless you specify otherwise.
Chapter 3 135 Command Definitions C-E CHDIR Use The CHDIR command may be invoked from a job , a session, a program, or in Break. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
136 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CHDIR Related Information Commands CHGROUP , FINDDIR (UDC), LISTFILE , LISTDIR (UDC), NEWDIR , PURGEDIR Manuals P erforming System Management T asks.
Chapter 3 137 Command Definitions C-E CHGROUP CHGROUP Switches you from the current group to another group within the logon account to which you are allowed access . (Native Mode) Syntax CHGROUP [ [ gr oupname ][/ gr ouppass ]] NO TE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax.
138 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CHGROUP Examples T o switch the user from the current group to the group called GORODA , enter: CHGROUP GORODA T o switch the user from the current group to the .
Chapter 3 139 Command Definitions C-E COB74XL COB74XL Compiles an HP COBOL II/iX program using the 1974 ANSI standard entry point and creates an object file. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
140 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COB74XL The functionality of NMRLS closely maps to the MPE/V USLS . Refer to the HP COBOL/XL Programmer's Guide (31500-90002) for information on the RLINIT and RLFILE commands that cause creation of an NMRL by default or initialization.
Chapter 3 141 Command Definitions C-E COB74XL Once the file is created, XDB expects the fully qualified name of the file to be unchanged. A FILE equation could be used if the file is renamed. Operation Notes The COB74XL command compiles an HP COBOL II/iX program into an object file on disk.
142 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COB74XL Program development in native mode uses the MPE/iX LINK command, not the MPE V/E PREP command. This produces a significant change in the method of compiling code .
Chapter 3 143 Command Definitions C-E COB74XLG COB74XLG Compiles , links , and executes an HP COBOL II/iX program using the ANSI 1974 standard entry point. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
144 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COB74XLG line make an ampersand ( & ) the last character of one line and continue the quotedstring string onto the next physical line.
Chapter 3 145 Command Definitions C-E COB74XLG Examples T o compile, link, and execute an HP COBOL II/iX program entered from your standard input device and send the program listing to your standard .
146 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COB74XLK COB74XLK Compiles and links an HP COBOL II/iX program using the 1974 ANSI standard entry point. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 3 147 Command Definitions C-E COB74XLK commands . T o extend the quotedstring string over more than one physical line, make an ampersand ( & ) the last c haracter of one line and continue the quotedstring string onto the next physical line.
148 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COB74XLK Examples T o compile and link an HP COBOL II/iX program entered from your standard input device with the listing printed on the standard list device, en.
Chapter 3 149 Command Definitions C-E COB85XL COB85XL Compiles an HP COBOL II/iX program using the 1985 ANSI standard entry point and creates an object file. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
150 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COB85XL Refer to the HP COBOL/XL Programmer's Guide (31500-90002) for information on the RLINIT and RLFILE commands that cause creation of an NMRL by default or initialization.
Chapter 3 151 Command Definitions C-E COB85XL Operation Notes The COB85XL command compiles an HP COBOL II/iX program into an object file on disk. If you do not specify textfile , HP COBOL II/iX expects the source text to be entered from your standard input device.
Chapter 3 153 Command Definitions C-E COB85XLG COB85XLG Compiles , links , and executes an HP COBOL II/iX program using the ANSI 1985 standard entry point. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
154 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COB85XLG line, make an ampersand ( & ) the last c haracter of one line and continue the quotedstring string onto the next physical line.
Chapter 3 155 Command Definitions C-E COB85XLG Examples T o compile, link, and execute an HP COBOL II/iX program entered from your standard input device and send the program listing to your standard .
156 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COB85XLK COB85XLK Compiles and links an HP COBOL II/iX program using the 1985 ANSI standard entry point. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 3 157 Command Definitions C-E COB85XLK commands . T o extend the quotedstring string over more than one physical line, make an ampersand ( & ) the last c haracter of one line and continue the quotedstring string onto the next physical line.
158 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COB85XLK Examples T o compile and link an HP COBOL II/iX program entered from your standard input device , with the listing printed on the standard list device, .
Chapter 3 159 Command Definitions C-E COBOLII COBOLII Compiles a compatibility mode COBOLII program on the COBOL 74 compiler . COBOLII is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
160 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COBOLII listfile Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. F ormal file designator is COBLIST . Default is $STDLIST . masterfile Actual file designator of the master file with which textfile is merged to produce a composite source.
Chapter 3 161 Command Definitions C-E COBOLII Related Information Commands COBOLIIGO , COBOLIIPREP , LINK , RUN , XEQ , LINKEDIT Utility Manuals HP COBOL II/XL Reference Manual.
162 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COBOLIIGO COBOLIIGO Compiles , prepares, and executes a compatibility mode COBOLII program on the COBOL 74 compiler . COBOLII is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 3 163 Command Definitions C-E COBOLIIGO Operation Notes The COBOLIIGO command compiles , prepares , and executes a compatibility mode program using the COBOL 74 compiler . If you do not specify textfile , COBOLII expects the source program to be entered from your standard input device.
164 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COBOLIIPREP COBOLIIPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode COBOLII program on the COBOL 74 compiler . COBOLII is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 3 165 Command Definitions C-E COBOLIIPREP INFO= quotedstring is used in the COBOLII programming language to pass compiler options to a program. These options appear before the first line of source code in the text file. workspacename This parameter is the actual file designator of an HPT oolset workspace used with HPT oolset.
166 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COMMENT COMMENT Inserts a comment into a command stream or user command. (Native Mode) Syntax COMMENT [ text ] or # [ text ] P arameters text Information composed of the comment text. If the last nonblank character is an ampersand ( & ), comment text is continued onto the next line.
Chapter 3 167 Command Definitions C-E CONSOLE CONSOLE Changes the system console from its current device to another job-accepting terminal. Syntax CONSOLE [ ldev ] P arameters ldev The logical device number of the new console terminal. If omitted, the CONSOLE command displays the current logical device number of the console.
168 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CONSOLE Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Chapter 3 169 Command Definitions C-E CONTINUE CONTINUE Overrides a job error so that the job or user command (command file or UDC) continues executing .
170 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E CONTINUE Related Information Commands JOB Manuals Appendix A, "Predefined V ariables in MPE/iX".
Chapter 3 171 Command Definitions C-E COPY COPY Copies one file to another by creating a new file or by overwriting an existing file. The COPY command can be used to copy files to and from HFS directories . Y ou cannot use COPY to copy directories to or from other directories.
172 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E COPY N or NO Instructs COPY to terminate. ASK is the default, except in a job or in other cases when the user is not using interactive mode. In suc h cases, ASK has no meaning, and YES becomes the default. YES Instructs COPY to purge targ etfile if it already exists.
Chapter 3 173 Command Definitions C-E COPY In the next example the file MYFILE.PUB.SYS is copied to MyFile under the current working directory (CWD). Note that the target file name has to have the dot and slash (./) prefix. COPY, ./MyFile In the next example, the file File1 under the CWD is copied to MYFILE.
174 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E D ATA D ATA Enters data into the system from a device file. (Cannot be used to enter data from $STDIN .) (Native Mode) Syntax DATA [ jsname ,] username [/ userpass ]. acctname [/ acctpass ][; filename ] P arameters jsname Name of job or session that is to read data.
Chapter 3 175 Command Definitions C-E D ATA Operation Notes This command identifies data to be read from a device file other than your standard job/session input device. It can be used, for example , to input a data file from a spooled input device for later use by an interactive session or a batch job .
176 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E D ATA Examples A data file is created on disk, and the STREAM command is used to make the file available to your program. T o create the file DATAFL on disk, invoke a text editor (like EDITOR ) and enter the data beginning with the DATA command and ending with the EOD command.
Chapter 3 177 Command Definitions C-E DEALLOCA TE DEALLOCA TE Deallocates a program or procedure previously loaded into memory with the ALLOCATE command. Syntax DEALLOCATE [ PROGRAM | PROCEDURE ] ,name P arameters PROGRAM The program file indicated by name is deallocated.
178 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DEALLOCA TE Manuals Introduction to MPE XL for MPE V Programmers.
Chapter 3 179 Command Definitions C-E DEBUG DEBUG Instructs MPE/iX to enter the system debugger . (Native Mode) Syntax DEBUG [ commands ] P arameters commands A series of system debugger commands to be executed before the debugger prompt is displayed.
180 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DEBUG 6) SP=40221130 RP=7d.00000000 (end of NM stack) : Related Information Commands RESETDUMP , RUN , SETDUMP Manuals System Debug Reference Manual.
Chapter 3 181 Command Definitions C-E DELETESPOOLFILE DELETESPOOLFILE Deletes a spoolfile from disk. Syntax DELETESPOOLFILE {# O nnn #I nnn ldev } P arameters #O nnn The identification of a READY or ACTIVE output spoolfile . #I nnn The identification of a READY , input spooled data file.
182 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DELETESPOOLFILE When you put the device back online , the trailer page is printed, and the file deleted. If you have suppressed header/trailer output with the HEADOFF command, no trailer is printed before the spoolfile is deleted.
Chapter 3 183 Command Definitions C-E DELETEV AR DELETEV AR Deletes one or more MPE/iX variables . (Native Mode) Syntax DELETEVAR varname [, varname ] ... [ , varname ] NO TE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional F ormat for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter .
184 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DELETEV AR Use This command is available in a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Chapter 3 185 Command Definitions C-E DISALLO W DISALLOW Prohibits access to a specific operator command. Syntax DISALLOW FILE=formaldesignator[ ;SHOW] DISALLOW] [ @.
186 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DISALLO W NO TE Do NOT confuse operator commands with console commands. F or a description of the difference between console and operator commands refer to the ALLOW command. The commands which may be disallowed are the same as the commands which may be allowed.
Chapter 3 187 Command Definitions C-E DISALLO W Related Information Commands ALLOW , SHOWALLOW Manuals P erforming System Operation T asks.
188 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DISASSOCIA TE DISASSOCIA TE Removes control of a device class from the user . Syntax DISASSOCIATE devclass P arameters devclass The name of a device class configured during SYSGEN . Operation Notes This command negates a previously issued ASSOCIATE command by removing control of a device class from a user .
Chapter 3 189 Command Definitions C-E DISCRPS DISCRPS Enables or disables the rotational position sensing (RPS) feature on a specified logical device.
190 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DISCRPS Example T o enable the RPS feature on logical device 1 and display the status of the disk drive, enter: DISCRPS 1,ENABLE SHOWDEV 1 LDEV AVAIL OWNERSHIP V.
Chapter 3 191 Command Definitions C-E DISCUSE (UDC) DISCUSE (UDC) The DISCUSE UDC executes the DISKUSE command to display disk space usage, in sectors , for one or more directories or a directory tree. This UDC is provided for those who are used to spelling disk with a "c".
192 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DISCUSE (UDC) Refer to the DISKUSE command later in this chapter for additional examples. Related Information Commands DISKUSE , LISTFILE , REPORT.
Chapter 3 193 Command Definitions C-E DISKUSE DISKUSE Displays disk space usage , in sectors, for one or more directories or a directory tree . Syntax DISKUSE [ [ DIR=] dir_name ] [ ; TREE | NO TREE | USENAME ] P arameters dir_name Directory name for which information is being listed (optional).
194 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DISKUSE Use Y ou must have traverse directory entries (TD) and read directory entries (RD) permissions to each directory contributing to the reported totals . TD access is needed to each directory component named in dir_name .
Chapter 3 195 Command Definitions C-E DISKUSE Examples The illustration below shows a hierarchical directory structure , upon which all of the succeeding examples are based. Directory names are shown as the character d plus a number (for example, d0 ), and file names are shown as the character f plus a number (for example f1 ).
196 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DISKUSE directory . The sum of the number of sectors reported by the following command equals the number shown under the LEVEL BELOW column. The number in the LEVEL BELOW column is zero if the reported directory is empty .
Chapter 3 197 Command Definitions C-E DISKUSE NO TE The output is presented in HFS syntax, even if the directory name is supplied in MPE syntax. If wildcards were used to specify the directory name in MPE syntax, then the final line of output is the user -supplied directory name (upshifted) in MPE format.
198 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DISMOUNT DISMOUNT Releases a volume set that was explicitly reserved by the user with a MOUNT or VSRESERVE command. The equivalent native mode command is VSRELEASE . (Native Mode) Syntax DISMOUNT [{ * volumesetname }][.
Chapter 3 199 Command Definitions C-E DISMOUNT T able 3-3 Command Acceptance of Naming Conventions - DISMOUNT Command In MPE V/E, the name V.G.A indicates that V is the name of a volume set, that G is the name of a group, and that A is the name of an account.
200 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DISMOUNT Examples T o release the volume set MYSET.B.C , that was previously reserved with a MOUNT or VSRESERVE command, enter: DISMOUNT MYSET.
Chapter 3 201 Command Definitions C-E DO DO Allows the user to reexecute any command still retained in the command line history stack. It also permits the user to edit the command before reexecuting it, but without having to use the interactive mode of the REDO command.
202 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DO T able 3-5 Editing Directives for the DO Command Directive Effect i INSERT . If text follows the i , the text following i is inserted in the current line at the position after the i .
Chapter 3 203 Command Definitions C-E DO v delim DOWNSHIFT TO DELIMITER . Downshifts all characters starting at the position of the v and ending at, but not including , the specified delimiter . If delim is not found, no downshift occurs . Y ou may follow this directive with other edits .
204 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DO NO TE A word is defined as a grouping of characters delimited by a space, comma, semicolon, =, (, ), “ , ‘, tab. Operation Notes Reexecutes the command specified by cmdid . The user may specify an optional edit string to edit the command before it is reexecuted.
Chapter 3 205 Command Definitions C-E DO T able 3-6 Editing Samples for the DO Command Edit Action u First occurrence undoes the previous edits . The u must be in column one. u Second occurrence undoes all edits on the current line. The u must be in column one.
206 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DO Examples DO PAS Reexecutes the most recent command beginning with the string PAS . DO 10 Reexecutes command number 10 (absolute) on the command history stack. DO -2 Reexecutes the second-to-last command on the stack (one command before the most recent).
Chapter 3 207 Command Definitions C-E DOIONO W DOIONOW Executes the changes to the I/O configuration made with the SYSGEN utility , while the system remains online. Syntax DOIONOW P arameters None. Operation Notes Use the DOIONOW command to start the online reconfiguration of your I/O devices.
208 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DO WN DOWN Removes a device from normal system use. This command does not apply to the system console or to disk drives . Syntax DOWN ldev P arameters ldev The logical device number of the device being taken offline .
Chapter 3 209 Command Definitions C-E DO WN Related Information Commands SHOWDEV , UP , ABORTIO Manuals P erforming System Operation T asks.
210 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E DO WNLO AD DOWNLOAD Downloads format information to a line printer . Syntax DOWNLOAD ldev [, filename ,MARGIN= nn ] [ ,...] P arameters ldev The logical device number of the output device . This device must be an HP 2608 or HP 2563 Line Printer .
Chapter 3 211 Command Definitions C-E DO WNLO AD Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.
212 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E D S TAT D S TAT Displays the current status of the disk drives on the system. (Native Mode). Syntax DSTAT [ ldev ALL ] P arameters ldev An integer specifying the logical device number of the disk drive whose status is requested.
Chapter 3 213 Command Definitions C-E D S TAT If you have purchased Mirrored Disk/XL, you ma y see PENDING or DISABLED as well. PENDING indicates the partner disk failed to mount; DISABLED indicates the volume is not abailable to the system due to a disk failure.
214 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E ECHO ECHO Displays a message on the standard list device . (Native Mode) Syntax ECHO [ message ] P arameters message The message to be displa yed to the $STDLIST . Operation Notes Displays its argument, message , on the standard list device ( $STDLIST ).
Chapter 3 215 Command Definitions C-E ECHO ECHO !a !hi there If you entered the following command line in a user command, you would see a message when an error occurred: IF CIERROR <> 0 THEN ECHO ** A CIERROR OCCURRED!: (CIERR !CIERROR) ** The first instance of CIERROR has no dereferencing, and so ECHO treats it literally .
216 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E EDIT OR EDITOR Starts the EDIT/3000 subsystem, which is used to create and manipulate ASCII text or program files . Syntax EDITOR [ listfile ] P arameters listfile Actual file designator of file to receive any output resulting from EDIT/3000 LIST and XPLAIN commands when the OFFLINE option is specified.
Chapter 3 217 Command Definitions C-E ELSE ELSE Provides an alternate execution sequence within an IF statement. (Native Mode) Syntax ELSE P arameters None. Operation Notes The ELSE command is used only in conjunction with the IF and ELSEIF commands.
218 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E ELSEIF ELSEIF Provides an alternate execution sequence within an IF statement. Native Mode Syntax ELSEIF expr ession [ THEN] P arameters expr ession Logical expression, consisting of operands and relational operators.
Chapter 3 219 Command Definitions C-E ELSEIF Example The following example illustrates using the ELSE command with the IF command: IF EXPN1 THEN ... ELSE IF EXPN2 THEN ... ELSE IF EXPN3 THEN ... ELSE ... ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF The same result can be accomplished more efficiently by using the ELSEIF command: IF EXPN1 THEN .
220 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E ENDIF ENDIF T erminates an IF block. (Native Mode) Syntax ENDIF P arameters None. Operation Notes The ENDIF command is used to terminate an IF block. The IF command, the optional ELSE and ELSEIF commands , and the ENDIF command constitute an IF block.
Chapter 3 221 Command Definitions C-E END WHILE ENDWHILE T erminates a WHILE block. (Native Mode) Syntax ENDWHILE P arameters None Operation Notes This command terminates a conditional block that begins with a WHILE command. The WHILE and ENDWHILE commands constitute a WHILE block.
222 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E EOD EOD Denotes end-of-data on input stream from a job file (from an input other than $STDIN ). It also terminates data initialized by the DATA command.
Chapter 3 223 Command Definitions C-E EOD Use EOD is available only in a job or a session that is submitted with the STREAM command. It cannot be used directly from $STDIN or from a program. Examples T o terminate a data file entered by using the STREAM command for a session identified as SESS1,BLACK.
224 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E EOJ EOJ Ends a batch job . (Native Mode) Syntax EOJ NO TE The "&" symbol has no meaning to the input spooler when it reads records because the CI is not involved at that point.
Chapter 3 225 Command Definitions C-E ERRCLEAR ERRCLEAR Zeros out all HP predefined error -related variables . (Native Mode) Syntax ERRCLEAR NO TE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional F ormat for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter .
226 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E ERRDUMP ERRDUMP Allows a user to dump either the process or system error stack to a specified depth. (Native Mode) Syntax ERRDUMP [ err orstackdepth ] [ ;SYS] NO TE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax.
Chapter 3 227 Command Definitions C-E ERRDUMP Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Examples T o obtain an error stack dump, enter: ERRDUMP A sample system response is: TYPE MANAGER; THE END-OF-FILE HAS BEEN DETECTED.
228 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E ESCAPE ESCAPE Allows the CI programmer to simulate all aspects of CI error handling . (Native Mode) Syntax ESCAPE [ [ CIERR=] errnum ] P arameters ERRNUM Sets the CIERROR variable to the absolute value of errnum and the HPCIERR variable is set to errnum .
Chapter 3 229 Command Definitions C-E ESCAPE Related Information Commands ERRCLEAR , RETURN Manuals MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual V olumes I and II Command Interpreter Access and V ariables Progra.
230 Chapter 3 Command Definitions C-E EXIT EXIT T erminates the command interpreter . (Native Mode) Syntax EXIT P arameters None Operation Notes When you are using MPE/iX you can start another Command Interpreter by running it as a program. T o do so, you enter CI.
Chapter 4 231 Command Definition F-K 4 Command Definition F-K.
232 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FCOPY FCOPY Invokes the FCOPY subsystem. Syntax FCOPY [ fcopycommand ] P arameters fcopycommand An FCOPY subsystem command. The FCOPY subsystem enables you to copy files or selected portions of files from any supported input device to any supported output device.
Chapter 4 233 Command Definition F-K FCOPY Related Information Commands COPY Manuals FCOPY Reference Manual.
234 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FILE FILE Declares the file attributes to be used when a file is opened. This declaration, informally known as a file equation, may be used to override programmatic or system default file specifications .
Chapter 4 235 Command Definition F-K FILE $NULL Actual file designator of a system-wide file that is alwa ys treated as an empty file. When $NULL is accessed by a program for input, that program receives only an end-of-file indication.
236 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FILE If the name begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/), the name is considered to follow the HFS file naming syntax rules: • File names are not upshifted. • File names can be up to 255 characters in length for absolute pathnames and 253 characters for relative pathnames .
Chapter 4 237 Command Definition F-K FILE nodespec parameter is optional; if you do not have NS3000/XL AdvanceNet, omitting the nodespec parameter makes no difference in the performance of the FILE command. However , specifying nodespec on a system that does not have NS3000/XL produces an error .
238 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FILE If you are opening a file that is to reside on a movable volume set, you must specify a device class that includes the drives upon which the home volume set is mounted. The file is then allocated to any of the volume set's volumes that fall within that device class .
Chapter 4 239 Command Definition F-K FILE P arameters for Option r ecsize Record size. A positive number indicates words; a negative number indicates bytes for new files only . F or fixed-length files, this is the logical record size. F or undefined length files , this is the maximum record size.
240 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FILE The density value from a file equation takes precedence over the density specified in FOPEN or HPFOPEN . The supported densities are 800, 1600, and 6250. F or details on the operation of density selection, refer to the FOPEN and HPFOPEN intrinsics in the MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90028).
Chapter 4 241 Command Definition F-K FILE KSAMXL specifies a native mode KSAM file (KSAM XL file). SPOOL specifies an output spool file. No spooling attributes are initialized.
242 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FILE ke ysize Length of the KSAM key , in bytes. This parameter is required for all key types . Different ke ytypes have different lengths , as described below: DUP or RDUP These two options apply only to KSAM files.
Chapter 4 243 Command Definition F-K FILE P arameters for Access NOCCTL or CCTL Indicates whether or not carriage-control characters are specified. NOCCTL indicates that carriage-control characters are not being specified in writes to the file. CCTL indicates that carriage-control characters are being supplied in writes to the file.
244 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FILE formsmsg A message to the operator requesting that certain forms be mounted. The message must be displayed and verified before the output data can be printed on a line printer . The message is a string of no more than 49 ASCII characters terminated by a period.
Chapter 4 245 Command Definition F-K FILE formid Applies only to output spoolfiles . A string of up to eight alphanumeric characters , beginning with a letter , which uniquely identifies a special form that is to be mounted.
246 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FILE T o use the FILE command for a file, you must have a valid, formal file designator (the name by which your program recognizes the file). The formal file designator provides a w ay for commands and code outside your program to reference the file.
Chapter 4 247 Command Definition F-K FILE The following is an example of using the *formaldesignator , in this case, specifying a file on magnetic tape used as a source file during FORTRAN compilat.
248 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FINDDIR (UDC) FINDDIR (UDC) The FINDDIR UDC executes the LISTFILE command to search for a directory . NO TE System-defined UDCs are not automatically available . Y our System Manager must use the SETCATALOG command to make these UDCs available for your use.
Chapter 4 249 Command Definition F-K FINDFILE (UDC) FINDFILE (UDC) The FINDFILE UDC executes the LISTFILE command to search for a file. NO TE System-defined UDCs are not automatically available . Y our System Manager must use the SETCATALOG command to make these UDCs available for your use.
250 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FORMSALIGN FORMSALIGN Configures one spooled printer or a group of spooled printers related by device class , to conditionally enter into a forms message dialog with its operator (s) when the current spoolfile includes a forms message .
Chapter 4 251 Command Definition F-K FORMSALIGN formids match, both the DIALOG option for the spooler process and any forms message in the current spoolfile are ignored, and the forms message dialog is not activated. Identical formids override all other considerations .
252 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FORMSALIGN NOFORMIDOVERRIDE This is a sub-parameter of the chosen EACHxxx keyvalue. With this feature selected, the Native Mode Spooler ignores any and all formids associated with the current spoolfile or the previous spoolfile.
Chapter 4 253 Command Definition F-K FORMSALIGN NO TE This command effects more than one device (if applied to all devices in a class). Y ou may get w arning messages for some devices and not others . A warning message on one or more devices affects only that device .
254 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FORTGO FORTGO Compiles , prepares, and executes a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program. FORTRAN 66/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 4 255 Command Definition F-K FORTGO The USL file created during the compilation is a system-defined temporary file $OLDPASS , which is passed directly to the MPE segmenter , and cannot be accessed. Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program.
256 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FORTPREP FORTPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program. FORTRAN 66/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
Chapter 4 257 Command Definition F-K FORTPREP NO TE The formal file designators used in this command ( FTNTEXT , FTNLIST , FTNMAST , and FTNNEW ) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list.
258 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FORTRAN FORTRAN Compiles a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program. FORTRAN 66/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
Chapter 4 259 Command Definition F-K FORTRAN quotedstring A sequence of characters between two single quotation marks (apostrophes) or between two double quotation marks . Y ou may use the delimiter as part of the string so long as the delimiter appears twice.
260 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FORTRAN T o compile a FORTRAN 66/V program and store the object code into a USL file you create with the BUILD command, enter: BUILD OBJECT;CODE=USL FORTRAN SOURCE,OBJECT,LISTFL T o create a USL file with the BUILD command, the code must be specified.
Chapter 4 261 Command Definition F-K FREERIN FREERIN Releases a global resource identification number (RIN). Syntax FREERIN rin P arameters rin The resource identification number (RIN) to be released. It must be a number from one to the configured maximum.
262 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FTN FTN Compiles a compatibility mode FORTRAN 77/V program. FORTRAN 77/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately . The native mode equivalent of this command is FTNXL .
Chapter 4 263 Command Definition F-K FTN If you create the USL prior to compilation, you must specify a file code of USL or 1024 . If you omit the uslfile parameter , the object code is saved in the temporary file domain as $OLDPASS . T o keep it as a permanent file, you must save $OLDPASS under another name.
264 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FTNGO FTNGO Compiles , prepares, and executes a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V program. HP FORTRAN 77/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 4 265 Command Definition F-K FTNGO Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
266 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FTNPREP FTNPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V program. HP FORTRAN 77/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 4 267 Command Definition F-K FTNPREP Operation Notes The FTNPREP command compiles and prepares a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V program into a program file on disk. If you do not specify textfile , MPE/iX expects input from the current input device.
268 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FTNXL FTNXL Compiles an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. HP FORTRAN 77/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately . This command is recognized only if HP FORTRAN 77/iX is installed on your system.
Chapter 4 269 Command Definition F-K FTNXL The info string used in the HP FORTRAN 77/iX programming language to pass initial compiler options to the HP FORTRAN 77/iX compiler . HP FORTRAN 77/iX places a single dollar sign ( $ ) before the info string and places the string before the first line of source code in the text file.
270 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FTNXL FTN MAIN, SOMEUSL FTN SUB, SOMEUSL : PREP SOMEUSL, SOMEPROG : RUN SOMEPROG The second command appends the code from SUB to SOMEUSL .
Chapter 4 271 Command Definition F-K FTNXLGO FTNXLGO Compiles , links, and executes an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. HP FORTRAN 77/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately . This command is recognized only if HP FORTRAN 77/iX is installed on your system.
272 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FTNXLGO Operation Notes The FTNXLGO command compiles , links, and executes an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. If textfile is omitted, MPE/iX expects input from your standard input device .
Chapter 4 273 Command Definition F-K FTNXLLK FTNXLLK Compiles and links an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. HP FORTRAN 77/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately . This command is recognized only if HP FORTRAN 77/iX is installed on your system.
274 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K FTNXLLK Operation Notes The FTNXLLK command compiles and links an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program into a disk file. If you do not specify textfile , HP FORTRAN 77/iX expects your input from your standard input device.
Chapter 4 275 Command Definition F-K GETLOG GETLOG Establishes a logging identifier on the system. Syntax GETLOG logid ;LOG= logfile { ,DISC ,TAPE ,SDISC ,CT APE } [ ;P ASS= passwor d ][{ ; A U T O ;NOA UTO } ] P arameters logid The logging identifier to be established.
276 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K GETLOG If a log file is restricted to a single volume or volume class when it is created with the BUILD command, then successive log files created by User Logging will have the same restriction. If a new log file name is specified with the ALTLOG command, the links with any previous log file are broken.
Chapter 4 277 Command Definition F-K GETRIN GETRIN Acquires a global resource identification number (RIN) and assigns a password to it. Syntax GETRIN rinpassword P arameters rinpasswor d P assword of the intrinsic that locks the RIN . The password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters , beginning with an alphabetic character .
278 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K GETRIN Related Information Commands FREERIN Manuals Resource Management Programmer's Guide.
Chapter 4 279 Command Definition F-K HEADOFF HEADOFF Stops header/trailer output to a device. (Native Mode) Syntax HEADOFF ldev P arameters ldev The logical device number of the printer affected by the command. Operation Notes Header and trailer information appears before and after a file when it is printed.
280 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K HEADON HEADON Resumes header/trailer output to a device. (Native Mode) Syntax HEADON ldev P arameters ldev The logical device number of the printer affected by the command. Operation Notes Header and trailer information appears before and after a file when it is printed.
Chapter 4 281 Command Definition F-K HELLO HELLO Initiates an interactive session. (Native Mode) Syntax HELLO [ sessionname ,] username [/ userpass ].
282 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K HELLO factors for carriage returns . It must be 10 or 18. The default value for termtype is assigned by the system supervisor during system configuration. This is a required parameter to ensure correct listings if your terminal is not the default termtype .
Chapter 4 283 Command Definition F-K HELLO MUST HAVE 'SM' OR 'OP' CAP. TO SPECIFY HIPRI, MAXIMUM INPRI OF 13 IS USED (CIWARN 1460) ciinfo An INFO string to be passed to the command interpreter . F or the MPE/iX CI, it is the first command to be executed by the command interpreter .
284 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K HELLO When you first access an MPE/iX system to log on, the MPE iX: prompt is displayed. When you log off using the BYE command, the following message is displayed: CPU=1. CONNECT=1. THU, DEC 8, 1994, 1:50 PM The RELEASE: V.
Chapter 4 285 Command Definition F-K HELLO home group as your logon group when you log on. But if you want to use some other group as your logon group, you must specify that group's name in your logon command in this way : MPE iX: HELLO USER.
286 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K HELLO Example When you initially log on to access MPE/iX, the system prompt appears as: MPE iX: When you subsequently log on to another account or group, the syst.
Chapter 4 287 Command Definition F-K HELP HELP Accesses the help subsystem (Native Mode) Syntax Direct access: HELP [{ udcname commandname [{ ke ywor d ,ALL } ] commandfilename err ormessage pr ogra.
288 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K HELP PARMS PARMS is short for parameter . Lists all parameters of the specified command. OPERATION Describes the use of the specified command. EXAMPLE Displays an example showing usage of the specified command.
Chapter 4 289 Command Definition F-K HELP Enter the HELP command without specifying any parameters to invoke HELP as a subsystem. Y ou will see the first screen of Help, called HELPMENU . It lists the choices available to you so that you can review the operation of Help and get a brief overview of the changes found in the MPE/iX operating system.
290 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K HELP Do not precede the command or item name with HELP , or you will get an error message. F or example: : HELP > HELP FINFO ^ Can't find this keyword. T o exit the Help Subsystem, enter E or EXIT ' or press Break .
Chapter 4 291 Command Definition F-K HELP At the Help facility prompt (>), simply type the variable name, for example, "HPCIDEPTH". Global Variable Types ================================================================= R READ ONLY variable (cannot be modified).
292 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K IF IF Used to control the execution sequence of a job, UDC , or command file. (Native Mode) Syntax IF expression [ THEN] P arameters expr ession Logical expression, consisting of operands and relational operators.
Chapter 4 293 Command Definition F-K IF Operation Notes This command begins an IF block consisting of all the commands after the IF command up to, but not inc luding, the next ELSE. ELSEIF , or ENDIF statement. The ELSE, ELSEIF , or ENDIF must have the same nesting level as the IF statement.
294 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K INPUT INPUT P ermits the user to assign a value interactively to any variable that could otherwise be set with the SETVAR command. The user may also create an optional prompt string and have it displayed on $STDLIST before the value is read.
Chapter 4 295 Command Definition F-K INPUT INPUT reads a value from the standard input device ( $STDIN ) and stores it as a string in the variable named varname . If varname does not exist, INPUT creates it. If pr ompt is omitted, nothing is displayed, and INPUT waits for an input value to store in varname .
296 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K INPUT The first command reads whatever value you enter and sets bleep to the string representation of that input. The second command assigns bleep the (evaluated) value that you entered. INPUT MYVAR <FILEONE The above example reads the first record in FILEONE into the CI variable named MYV AR.
Chapter 4 297 Command Definition F-K JOB JOB Defines a job to be activated with the STREAM command or an input spooled device to run in batch mode . (Native Mode) Syntax JOB[ jobname ,] username [ / userpass ] .
298 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K JOB • Neither $STDIN nor $STDLIST is redirected. • The JOB command is a first level JOB command (it is not nested within a second level STREAM command). If the password is supplied in the command syntax it must be preceded by a slash ( / ).
Chapter 4 299 Command Definition F-K JOB F or information on the guidelines for these priority queues, refer to the TUNE command in this chapter . inputpriority or HIPRI Determines the input priority of the job. The inputpriority parameter is the relative input priority used in checking against access restrictions imposed by the jobfence.
300 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K JOB This parameter applies only to output destined for spooled output devices , and is ignored for other output. Default is 8. numcopies Number of copies of job listing to be produced. This parameter applies only when listing is directed to a spooled device, and is ignored in other cases .
Chapter 4 301 Command Definition F-K JOB rather than the originating diskfile (in the case of the STREAM command) or device (in the case of the input spooled device). If the standard listing file is a line printer , MPE/iX prints a header page prior to listing the JOB command.
302 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K JOB RUN EDITOR.PUB.SYS / ADD 1 !JOB WXYZ,WRITER.TEC 2 !EDITOR 3 TEXT ABC 4 LIST ALL,OFFLINE 5 EXIT 6 !EOJ // / KEEP MYJOB / EXIT : STREAM MYJOB The following example shows using the JOB command in interactive mode with the STREAM command: STREAM > !JOB USER.
Chapter 4 303 Command Definition F-K JOBFENCE JOBFENCE Defines the minimum input priority that a job or session must have in order to execute . (Native Mode) Syntax JOBFENCE priorityfence P arameters priorityfence A number between 0 and 14, inclusive .
304 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K JOBFENCE JOBFENCE 6 16:21/#J7/34/LOGON FOR: JOB1,FIELD.SUPT ON LDEV #10 16:21/#J8/35/LOGON FOR: JOB2,FIELD.SUPT ON LDEV #10 Related Information Commands ABORTJOB .
Chapter 4 305 Command Definition F-K JOBPRI JOBPRI Sets or changes the default execution priority for batch jobs and sets a maximum execution priority for batch jobs . (Native Mode) Syntax JOBPRI [ maxsubqueue ][, defaultsubqueue ] P arameters maxsubqueue The maximum priority at which batch jobs are allowed to run.
306 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K JOBSECURITY JOBSECURITY Designates what level of user may request resources and control the execution of jobs . (Native Mode) Syntax JOBSECURITY [ { HIGH LOW } { .
Chapter 4 307 Command Definition F-K JOBSECURITY it is set to LOW , any user may issue these commands for their own jobs (i.e., those where the job's user name and account matches the user's) and Account Managers may control the execution of any job in their account.
308 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K JOBSECURITY If the HP Security Monitor is installed with both stream privilege and authorization turned on, the JOBSECURITY command will display a warning when the output produces a different result. : JOBSECURITY ;PASSEXEMPT=USER Security Monitor is installed.
Chapter 4 309 Command Definition F-K LDISMOUNT LDISMOUNT Cancels a previously issued LMOUNT or VSRESERVE command. This informs the system that the volume set is no longer reserved system-wide. The equivalent native mode command is VSRELEASESYS . (Native Mode) Syntax LDISMOUNT [ { * | | volumesetname }][, gr oupname [.
310 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K LDISMOUNT In MPE V/E, the name V.G.A indicates that V is the name of a volume set, that G is the name of a group, and that A is the name of an account. MPE/iX accepts that name in that form, but no interpretation is made as to the referencing of G and A .
Chapter 4 311 Command Definition F-K LDISMOUNT Related Information Commands MOUNT , , LMOUNT , DISMOUNT , DSTAT , VSRESERVE , VSRELEASE Manuals V olume Management Reference Manual.
312 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K LIMIT LIMIT Limits the number of concurrently running jobs/sessions . (Native Mode) Syntax LIMIT[ { [+ | - ] numberjobs [+ | - ] , numbersessions | numberjobs,numbersessions ] [;JOBQ=queuename] P arameters + Increment the limit value - Decrement the limit value numberjobs The number of jobs .
Chapter 4 313 Command Definition F-K LIMIT Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command.
314 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K LINK LINK Creates an executable program file by merging the relocatable object modules from all the files in its FROM= parameter . Those files may correspond to object files, relocatable files , or a combination of them.
Chapter 4 315 Command Definition F-K LINK If a module from one library calls a routine in another library and then that routine in turn refers to a module in the first library , you may need to include the first library twice so that LINK can resolve this “circular“ reference.
316 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K LINK T able 4-4 Checklevel V alues entryname The name (label) of the point within a program where execution begins . When you omit this parameter , the loader begins execution from the primary program entry point (which corresponds to a program's main procedure or outer block).
Chapter 4 317 Command Definition F-K LINK SHARE Specifies that data symbols should be exportable and importable (shared) in the resulting executable library . Operation Notes The Link Editor uses $STDINX , $STDIN , and $STDLIST as standard files. The Link Editor reads its commands from $STDINX .
318 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K LINK Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program, but not in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution. Examples This command merges the object modules from the OBJCODE and places them into the program EXECPROG .
Chapter 4 319 Command Definition F-K LIST A CCT LIST ACCT Displays information about one or more accounts . Syntax LISTACCT [ acctset ][, listfile ] [ ;P ASS] [ ;FORMAT={ SUMMARY|BRIEF|DET AIL} ] P arameters acctset The accounts to be listed. The default is all accounts for system managers (SM).
320 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K LIST A CCT Examples The presence of the password in the following display implies that the user has account manager (AM) capability and this is the user's account, or that the user has system manager (SM) capability and this is not the user's account.
Chapter 4 321 Command Definition F-K LISTDIR (UDC) LISTDIR (UDC) The LISTDIR UDC executes the LISTFILE command to list all files that are directories. System-defined UDCs are not automatically available . Y our System Manager must use the SETCATALOG command to make these UDCs available for your use .
322 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K LISTDIR (UDC) Related Information Commands LISTFILE , FINDDIR (UDC) Manuals None.
Chapter 4 323 Command Definition F-K LISTEQ LISTEQ Displays all active file equations for a job or session. Syntax LISTEQ [ listfile ] P arameters listfile The name of the output file. The default is $STDLIST , a temporary file that cannot be overwritten by a BUILD command.
324 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K LISTF LISTF Displays information about one or more permanent files . (CM) Syntax LISTF [ fileset] [ ,listlevel] [ ;listfile] P arameters fileset Specifies the set of files to be listed. The default is @ , which lists all files in your logon group.
Chapter 4 325 Command Definition F-K LISTF 2 Displays the file name , file code, record size, file type , current end-of-file location, and the maximum number of records allowed in the file. It also displa ys the blocking factor , number of sectors in use, number of extents currently allocated, and the maximum number of extents allowed.
326 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K LISTF listfile The name of the output file to which the file information will be written. If you omit this parameter , the output appears on $STDLIST . If you specify listfile , the output is sent to a temporary file created for this purpose.
Chapter 4 327 Command Definition F-K LISTF Y ou may have the information displa yed on a device other than the standard listing device. T o do that, you will need to name the device with a FILE command and then backreference the file in the LISTF command.
Chapter 4 329 Command Definition F-K LISTF ACCESS: R-excl REC#: 336 FNUM: 15 LOCKSOwner Waiter OPEN FLOCK Level -2 File Display FILENAME ACD ENTRIES DOCMNTS NO ACDS Level -3 File Display : LISTF DOCMNTS,-3 ******************** FILE DOCMNTS.
330 Chapter 4 Command Definition F-K LISTF 00010405 00000000 00000300 00020CEE 0EA78B32 00020CEE .......H........ 0EA78B32 00020CEE 12F61E2D 00020CEE 0EA78B32 00000000 ................ 000000A0 000001F5 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...........
Chapter 5 331 Command Definitions L-O 5 Command Definitions L-O.
332 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTFILE LISTFILE This command lists file and directory attributes through the use of options . The LISTFILE information is a superset of the LISTF command information. Syntax LISTFILE [[ fileset =] { fileset ( fileset [, fileset ] .
Chapter 5 333 Command Definitions L-O LISTFILE F or example, "[a-c]" means one of ‘a', ‘b', or ‘c', whereas "[-a-c]" or "[a-c-]" means one of ‘a', ‘b', ‘c', or ‘-'.
334 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTFILE If fileset ends in a slash, it is treated as a directory name, and pattern is used to determine the file names that match. All the directories and files that match fileset are found, and searched recursively to display the files and directories that match pattern .
Chapter 5 335 Command Definitions L-O LISTFILE 1 SUMMARY Displays the file name, file code , record size, record format, and other file characteristics such as ASCII or binary records , carriage-control option, file type, current end-of-file location, and the maximum number of records allowed in the file.
336 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTFILE select_eq A selection equation. Use the selection equation as a filter on fileset . From the set of files matching the fileset, only files that match the select_eq requirements are listed.
Chapter 5 337 Command Definitions L-O LISTFILE MNEMONIC List only files matching the specified file code mnemonic PRIV List only files with negative file code. INUSE Lists only files that are currently in use by users or by MPE. OPEN Lists only files that are opened by progams .
338 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTFILE the files at the specified level are displayed. F or example, /@/@/@ indicates that all objects at the third level are to be displayed. USENAME is the default. TREE If the TREE option is specified, objects at all lower directory levels are displayed.
Chapter 5 339 Command Definitions L-O LISTFILE FILENAME CODE LOGICAL RECORD- SPACE SIZE TYP EOF LIMIT R/B SECTORS #X MX F4 80B AF 411 411 16 144 2 * F5 80B AF 199 199 16 64 1 * HFS Examples The following figure illustrates a hierarchical directory structure .
340 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTFILE In the next example, specifying the absolute pathname produces a listing of all entries one level below the group.
Chapter 5 341 Command Definitions L-O LISTFILE The next example illustrates the use of the OBJECT=DIR parameter to show all directories on the system.
344 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTFTEMP LISTFTEMP Displays information about one or more temporary files . Syntax LISTFTEMP [ fileset ][, listlevel ][; listfile ] P arameters fileset Specifies the set of temporary files to be listed. The default is @ , producing a listing of all temporary files .
Chapter 5 345 Command Definitions L-O LISTFTEMP SECTORS The number of sectors allocated for the file on disk. This number is alw ays a multiple of 16 (the page size in MPE/iX). This value is an indication of the size of the file. #X Number of extents .
346 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTFTEMP listfile The name of the output file. The default is $STDLIST . If you specify listfile , it is automatically created as a new ASCII file with vari.
348 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTGROUP LISTGROUP Displays information for one or more groups . Syntax LISTGROUP [ gr oupset ][, listfile ] [ ;P ASS] [ ;FORMAT={ SUMMARY|BRIEF|} ] P arameters gr oupset Specifies the set of groups to be listed.
Chapter 5 349 Command Definitions L-O LISTGROUP Example In the following example, since the user does not ha ve AM or SM capability , the password does not appear in the display . LISTGROUP DEVELOP;PASS;FORMAT=SUMMARY ******************* GROUP: DEVELOP.
350 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTJOBQ LISTJOBQ LISTJOBQ lists all available job queues in the system. Syntax LISTJOBQ P arameters none Operation Notes The LISTJOBQ command allows the user to list all the existing job queues in the system.
Chapter 5 351 Command Definitions L-O LISTLOG LISTLOG Lists currently active logging identifiers on the system and whether automatic log file changing has been enabled. Syntax LISTLOG [ logid [ ;P ASS] ] P arameters logid The specific logging identifier to be verified.
352 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTLOG Related Information Commands ALTLOG , CHANGELOG , GETLOG , LOG , OPENLOG , SHOWLOGSTATUS , RELLOG Manuals User Logging Programmer's Guide (32650-600.
Chapter 5 353 Command Definitions L-O LISTREDO LISTREDO Displays the contents of the command line history stack. Y ou may specify the format in which the listing appears , and whether it appears on $STDLIST or in a file.
354 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTREDO UNN Suppresses numbering of the commands during display . outfile Sends the listing to a disk file named outfile instead of to the default, $STDLIST . New disk files are created TEMP . File equations are ignored, unless outfile is preceded by an asterisk ( * ).
Chapter 5 355 Command Definitions L-O LISTSPF LISTSPF Produces a listing of input and output spooled files . (Native Mode) Syntax LISTSPF [ [ IDNAME=] { spoolid ( spoolid [, spoolid ]. . . )}][[ ;SELEQ=] { select-eq ^ indir ect_file } ] [ ;DETAIL ;ST ATUS ] NO TE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax.
356 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTSPF If you are not an SM, OP , AM, or console user , the following command displays all the output files in your default group with a priority greater than 2 that were created before September 30, 1994. LISTSPF O@;SELEQ=[(PRI>2)AND(DATE<09/30/94)] Selection equations have the following format.
Chapter 5 357 Command Definitions L-O LISTSPF • parm ::= PAGES : Number of pages in the spool file (if known). A positive integer number is expected. This attribute does not apply to input spool files; therefore, any logical condition involving the attribute alwa ys returns F ALSE when tested against an input spool file.
358 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTSPF Y ou may use some wildcards; J@ accepts all jobs , S@ accepts all sessions . J'@ and S'@ are also allowed, The apostrophe (') indicates an imported spool file or a spool file recovered during START NORECOVERY .
Chapter 5 359 Command Definitions L-O LISTSPF • This process repeats until either 509 characters have been counted or the end-of-file is detected. Records terminating with or without ampersands may be mixed as desired in the indirect file . • If the resulting string is ≤ 509 characters, it is parsed.
360 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTSPF Display F ield and Description Below is an example of the first line of the display for LISTSPF . F ollowing the example is a description of each field in the display . SPOOLID JOBNUM FILEDES PRI COPIES DEV STATE RSPFN OWNER #01 J12345 $STDLIST 6 1 EPOC CREATE RSPFN THISUSER.
Chapter 5 361 Command Definitions L-O LISTSPF before printing the trailer of its current one. (This is required to manage headers and trailers properly). Also note that you see only one file in the PRINT state during a trailer if the next file is another copy of the current file.
362 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTSPF OWNER This is the fully qualified name of the creator of the spool file. Below is an example of the optional second line of the display , followed by an explantion of each display field.
Chapter 5 363 Command Definitions L-O LISTSPF • The itemized count of spool files in each of the various states . They are shown in two groups , input spool files to the left of the display and output spool files to the right. Of these, only SELECTED is not a state.
364 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LISTSPF #O1233 S1234 OUTLIST 0 1 FASTLP DEFER DEV.HPE TESTJOB 1 250 500 ~9 12/20/88 8:39 #I564 J164 $STDIN 00000010 READY DEV.
Chapter 5 365 Command Definitions L-O LISTUSER LISTUSER Displays information for one or more users . Syntax LISTUSER [ userset ][, listfile ] [ ;P ASS] [ ;FORMAT={ SUMMARY|BRIEF|DET AIL} ] P arameters userset Specifies the set of users to be listed.
Chapter 5 367 Command Definitions L-O LMOUNT LMOUNT Requests a logical reservation of a volume set. This informs the system that the volume set is to be reserved system-wide. The equivalent native mode command is VSRESERVESYS . (Native Mode) Syntax LMOUNT [{ * volumesetname }][.
368 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LMOUNT If the mountable volumes facility was enabled with VMOUNT ON,AUTO , MPE/iX automatically attempts to satisfy the mount request; the LMOUNT succeeds if the specified volume set is physically connected to the system.
Chapter 5 369 Command Definitions L-O LMOUNT However , VSRESERVE V succeeds only if there is a volume set V in existence. The MPE/iX commands does not call up any default specifications for group and account. VSRESERVE V.G.A succeeds only if a volumeset V.
370 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O LOG LOG Starts , restarts, or stops user logging . Syntax LOG logid { ,RESTART ,ST ART ,STOP } P arameters logid Logging identifier previously established with a user GETLOG command. START Initiates a logging process .
Chapter 5 371 Command Definitions L-O =LOGOFF =LOGOFF Aborts all executing jobs/sessions and prevents any further logons . Y ou may optionally specify one job or one session that is to remain logged on.
372 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O =LOGOFF CTRL A = LOGOFF #S1 = LOGON LIMIT 0,0 JOBFENCE 0 This logs off all users except #S1 and allows only users with system manager (SM) and system supervisor (OP) capability to log on. It is assumed here that the console operator controls #S1 .
Chapter 5 373 Command Definitions L-O =LOGON =LOGON Enables job/session processing following a =LOGOFF command. Syntax =LOGON P arameters None. Operation Notes This command enables the processing of jobs/sessions following the execution of the =LOGOFF command.
374 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O MOUNT MOUNT Sends a request to the system to reserve a volume set (keep it online). The set must be online in order to have the command take effect. (Native Mode) Syntax MOUNT [{ * volumesetname }][. gr oupname [.
Chapter 5 375 Command Definitions L-O MOUNT T able 5-5 Command Acceptance of Naming Conventions - MOUNT Command In MPE V/E, the name V.G.A indicates that V is the name of a volume set, that G is the name of a group, and that A is the name of an account.
376 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O MOUNT It is recommended that you not use the MPE V/E naming convention and xxxMOUNT commands . Instead use the MPE/iX naming convention and VSxxxxxx commands. Alternating between MPE V/E and MPE/iX commands may lead to errors .
Chapter 5 377 Command Definitions L-O NEW A CCT NEW ACCT Creates a new account with an associated account manager and PUB group. Syntax NEWACCT acctname , mgrname [ ;P ASS=[ passwor d ] ] [ ;FILES=[ .
378 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NEW A CCT cpu Limit on total CPU-time, in seconds , for this account. This limit is c hecked only when a job or session is initiated, and so the limit never causes the job or session to abort. The maximum value you may define with NEWACCT is 2,147,483,647 seconds .
Chapter 5 379 Command Definitions L-O NEW A CCT The default is no security restrictions at the account level. Two or more user types may be specified if they are separated by commas . subqueuename The name of the subqueue of highest priority that can be requested by any process of any job/session in the account.
380 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NEW A CCT OPT Specifies that users of the account may or may not ha ve passwords . This is the default. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. Operation Notes The NEWACCT command may be executed only by the System Manager .
Chapter 5 381 Command Definitions L-O NEW A CCT The second command connects the accounting structures established on the system volume and on the volume set.
382 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NEWDIR NEWDIR Creates a directory . (Native Mode) Syntax NEWDIR [ DIR=] dir_name [ ;SHOW | NOSHOW] P arameters dir_name The name of the directory that you are creating (required). The dir_name is assumed to be an MPE name unless it begins with a a dot (.
Chapter 5 383 Command Definitions L-O NEWDIR Examples In the following two examples , a user creates a directory called DIR1 . In the first example, the full pathname of the directory is specified in all uppercase since HFS syntax is case-sensitive.
384 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NEWGROUP NEWGROUP Creates a new group within an account. Syntax NEWGROUP gr oupname [. acctname ] [ ;P ASS=[ password ] ] [ ;FILES=[ filespace ] ] [ ;CPU= [ cpu.
Chapter 5 385 Command Definitions L-O NEWGROUP connect The limit on the total cumulative session connect-time, in minutes , that the group is allowed. This limit is checked at logon and whenever the session initiates a new process . The maximum value you ma y specify with this command is 2,147,483,647 minutes .
386 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NEWGROUP ONVS Specifies a particular volume set on which the group is to be built. The volume set must be already defined and recognized by the system. The NEWGROUP command must be specified twice before files can be created in this group on a mountable volume set.
Chapter 5 387 Command Definitions L-O NEWGROUP NEWGROUP GROUP1 T o create a new group named G2 in the account GRIMSBY (on the system volume set) and give it process handling (PH) and multiple RINs (MR) capabilities , enter: NEWGROUP G2.
388 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NEWJOBQ NEWJOBQ The NEWJOBQ command creates a new job queue. Syntax NEWJOBQ qname [;limit=n] P arameters qname Name of the queue to be created. If a queue of this name already exists , an error is indicated. limit Maximum number of jobs that can be allowed in this queue.
Chapter 5 389 Command Definitions L-O NEWLINK NEWLINK Creates a link to a file, group , account, or directory . (Native Mode) Syntax NEWLINK [ LINK=] linkname [ ;TO=] sour ceobject [ { ;SYMBOLIC} ] P arameters linkname The pathname that points to the file, that when created, will contain the link.
390 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NEWLINK T able 5-7 CI Commands Affected by Symbolic Links Y ou can issue the NEWLINK command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. NEWLINK requires Save Files (SF) capability , Create Directory entry (CD) and Traverse Directory (TD) permissions .
Chapter 5 391 Command Definitions L-O NEWLINK Examples The following tree structure will be used to construct the examples that follow it. Assume that the CWD is /ACCT1/PUB .
392 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NEWLINK The following command creates FILE3 as a symbolic link to the nonexistent file SOURCE1.CODE.SOFTW ARE. : NEWLINK LINK=FILE3.PUB.ACCT1; TO=SOURCE1.CODE.SOFTWARE The following command creates a symbolic link FILE4 as a link to an existing file.
Chapter 5 393 Command Definitions L-O NEWUSER NEWUSER Creates a new user . Syntax NEWUSER username [. acctname ] [ ;P ASS=[ passwor d ] ] [ ;CAP=[ capabilitylist ] ] [ ;MAXPRI=[ subque uename ] ] [ ;.
394 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NEWUSER subqueuename The name of the highest-priority subqueue that any job or session in the account can request for executing processes . The subqueuename may be either AS , BS , CS , DS , or ES . The priority specified for the user in NEWUSER cannot be greater than that specified for the account.
Chapter 5 395 Command Definitions L-O NEWUSER T able 5-8 User Capabilities Use This command may be issued from a session, a job , a program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Account manager (AM) or system manager (SM) capability is required to execute this command.
396 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NEWUSER T o define a new user named LHSMITH , assign a passwor d of SMITTY , a home group of HOMEGPX , and assign a UID of 120, enter: NEWUSER LHSMITH;UID=120;P.
Chapter 5 397 Command Definitions L-O NSCONTROL NSCONTROL Controls the Network Service subsystem. Syntax NSCONTROL function [ ;function] ... function may be START= [ service [, service ] .
398 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NSCONTROL RFAL Enables local users to access files and data bases on remote nodes . RPM Enables remote users to create and kill processes on the local node using the Remote Process Management (RPM) service.
Chapter 5 399 Command Definitions L-O NSCONTROL ENV LOW Logs environment information from DSLINE and REMOTE HELLO commands . ENV HIGH Same as LOW , plus environment table locking and use counts. DSDAD LOW Logs creation and deletion of sockets , ports, and server processes .
400 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O NSCONTROL NO TE The total number of all active servers may not exceed 1250. The sum of all minservers must alwa ys be 1250 or less. Y ou may specify a number greater than 1250 as one or more maxservers values , but there will never be more than a total of 1250 servers of all kinds at any one time.
Chapter 5 401 Command Definitions L-O NSCONTROL NSCONTROL SERVER Alters the characteristics of the Network Service processes . NSCONTROL STATUS Displays information about the Network Services . NSCONTROL VERSION Displays the overall version of the Network Services subsystem, and optionally the version of each of its modules .
402 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O OCTCOMP OCTCOMP Converts a compiled MPE V/E program into native mode (NM) code for the HP 3000 Series 900. (Native Mode) CA UTION Before using this command be sure your logon group and account does not contain files of the form Yn, Ynn or Ynnn where n is any alphanumeric character .
Chapter 5 403 Command Definitions L-O OCTCOMP add=se glist [;] Add translated segments to the file named in the command string . Note that the named file may already contain translated code. When you specify this option, OCTCOMP replaces already translated segments .
404 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O OCTCOMP or 0 .. 7 - Octal or $0 .. F - Hexadecimal or A[..] .. Z[..] - Alpha (SL only) * or ^ filename (an indirect file) ** * In this form, a segnum identifier may consist of as many as 16 characters , beginning with an alphabetic character .
Chapter 5 405 Command Definitions L-O OCTCOMP Examples The following set of examples illustrates the use of the add= , ignore= , and trans= parameters and the effect each of them has on the content of the translated code output file with each succeeding invocation of OCTCOMP .
406 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O OPENQ OPENQ Opens the spool queue(s) for a specified logical device, or device name or all device members of a device class . (Native Mode) Syntax OPENQ { ldev [ ;SHOW] devclass [ ;SHOW] devname [ ;SHOW] @ } P arameters ldev The logical device number of the device .
Chapter 5 407 Command Definitions L-O OPENQ Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be executed only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.
408 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O OPTION OPTION Modifies the runtime environment of user -defined commands and command files . It is used within the body of a user command to set up and change the environment dynamically . (Native Mode) NO TE Be sure to distinguish between the OPTION command and OPTION used in the header of a user command.
Chapter 5 409 Command Definitions L-O OPTION The LIST/NOLIST option specifies whether command lines in a UDC are printed before execution of each command. RECURSION/ NORECURSION determines the search order for commands cataloged. RECURSION starts the UDC search at the beginning of the cataloged commands .
410 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O OUTFENCE OUTFENCE Defines the minimum priority that an output spoolfile needs in order to be printed. (Native Mode) Syntax OUTFENCE outputpriority [ ;LDEV= ldev ] [ ;DEV= { ldev de vclass devname }] P arameter outputpriority A number between 1 and 14, inclusive .
Chapter 5 411 Command Definitions L-O OUTFENCE Examples T o defer all output spoolfiles except those waiting to be printed by LDEV 6, which is usually configured as the system line printer , set th.
412 Chapter 5 Command Definitions L-O OUTFENCE.
Chapter 6 413 Command Definitions P-R 6 Command Definitions P-R.
414 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R P ASCAL P ASCAL Compiles a compatibility mode P ascal/V program. P ascal/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately . The native mode equivalent of this command is PASXL .
Chapter 6 415 Command Definitions P-R P ASCAL Operation Notes The PASCAL command compiles a compatibility mode P ascal/V program and stores the object code in a user subprogram library (USL) file on disk. If textfile is not specified, MPE/iX expects the source program to be entered from your standard input device.
416 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R P ASCALGO P ASCALGO Compiles , prepares, and executes a compatibility mode P ascal/V program. Pascal/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
Chapter 6 417 Command Definitions P-R P ASCALGO The USL file created during the compilation is the system-defined temporary file $OLDPASS , which is passed directly to the MPE segmenter . It can only be accessed if you do not use the default for pro gfile .
418 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R P ASCALPREP P ASCALPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode P ascal/V program. P ascal/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
Chapter 6 419 Command Definitions P-R P ASCALPREP initial compiler options to a program. P ascal/V brackets the quotedstring with dollar signs and places it before the first line of source code in the text file. Operation Notes The PASCALPREP command compiles and prepares a compatibility mode P ascal/V program into a program file on disk.
420 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R P ASSWORD P ASSWORD Creates or changes a user password. (Native Mode) Syntax PASSWORD P arameters None. Use This command may be issued from a session or in BREAK. It is breakable (aborts execution). It cannot be used if $STDIN or $STDLIST are redirected.
Chapter 6 421 Command Definitions P-R P ASXL P ASXL Compiles an HP P ascal/iX program. HP P ascal/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
422 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R P ASXL If listfile is $NULL or a file other than $STDLIST , the compiler displays on $STDLIST those lines that contain errors . libfile The name of the HP P ascal/iX library file that the compiler searches if a search path is not specified with the compiler option SEARCH .
Chapter 6 423 Command Definitions P-R P ASXL NO TE Program development in native mode uses the MPE/iX LINK command not the MPE V/E PREP command. This produces a significant change in the method of linking code.
424 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R P ASXLGO P ASXLGO Compiles , links, and executes an HP P ascal/iX program. HP P ascal/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
Chapter 6 425 Command Definitions P-R P ASXLGO NO TE The formal file designators used in this command ( PASTEXT , PASLIB , and PASLIST ) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. F or further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
426 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R P ASXLLK P ASXLLK Compiles and links an HP P ascal/iX program. HP P ascal/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 6 427 Command Definitions P-R P ASXLLK NO TE The formal file designators used in this command ( PASTEXT , PASLIB , and PASLIST ) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. F or further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
428 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R P A USE P A USE The P AUSE command allows the current task to be suspended or “sleep” for a specifiec number of seconds .) NO TE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional F ormat for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter .
Chapter 6 429 Command Definitions P-R P A USE sessions without a job name. When more than one job or session matc hes jobid PAUSE sleeps while all matching jobs are in their "while_state". If the job executing PAUSE matches jobid it will not be selected.
430 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R P A USE Examples If a job must read data from a file called LOGDAT.GXK.PROCCTRL , which is to be created by a session, then the job may suspend activity pending a test for the existence of the vital file.
Chapter 6 431 Command Definitions P-R P A USE The next example sleeps while the backup job ("JB ACKUP ,OP .SYS") has not been streamed. PAUSE reports CIW ARN 9032 if the job is not streamed within 30 minutes. :PAUSE 1800, job="jbackup,op.
432 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PLISTF (UDC) PLISTF (UDC) The PLISTF UDC executes the LISTFILE command to list descriptions of one or more disk files . System-defined UDCs are not automatically available . Y our System Manager must use the SETCATALOG command to make these UDCs available for your use .
Chapter 6 433 Command Definitions P-R PLISTF (UDC) Related Information Commands LISTF, LISTFILE , LISTDIR (UDC), FINDFILE (UDC), FINDDIR (UDC) Manuals None.
434 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PREP PREP Prepares a compatibility mode program from a user subprogram library (USL) file onto a program file.
Chapter 6 435 Command Definitions P-R PREP stacksize Size of initial local data area (Z-Q initial) stac k, in words. This value , if specified, must be between 511 and 32767 words . This parameter overrides the default stacksize estimated by the MPE segmenter .
436 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PREP A compiled program is prepared by searching a relocatable library (RL) to satisfy references to external procedures required by the program. When the program is prepared, such procedures are linked to the program in the resulting program file .
Chapter 6 437 Command Definitions P-R PREPRUN PREPRUN Prepares and executes a compiled compatibility mode program. Syntax PREPRUN uslfile [, entrypoint ] [;NOPRIV] [;PMAP] [;NOCB] [;DEBUG] [;INFO= q.
438 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PREPRUN LMAP Request to produce a descriptive listing of the allocated (loaded) program to a file whose formal file designator is LOADLIST . If no FILE command referencing LOADLIST is found, the listing is produced on $STDLIST .
Chapter 6 439 Command Definitions P-R PREPRUN filename Actual file designator of the relocatable library (RL) file to be searched to satisfy external references during preparation of the program. This can be any permanent file of type RL, to which you must have READ and LOCK access .
440 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PREPRUN STDLIST This parameter allows the user to specify the file to be used as $STDLIST by the program being executed. If $STDLIST is omitted, or if nothing is specified after the equal sign, such as $STDLIST= , then $STDLIST defaults to the job or session's standard list device.
Chapter 6 441 Command Definitions P-R PREPRUN T o prepare and execute a program from the USL file UBASE that begins execution at the entry point RESTART , that has a stacksize of 800 words , and sea.
442 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PRINT PRINT Prints the contents of a file. Syntax PRINT filename [OUT= outfile ] [START= m ] [END= n ] [PAGE= p ] [;UNN | NUM] [;NONUM] P arameters filename Actual file name of the file to be printed to $STDLIST , unless outfile is specified as a destination.
Chapter 6 443 Command Definitions P-R PRINT n Specifies the last record of the file to be displayed. An n is relative to 1. If n is a negative number , it specifies a location relative to the end-of-file, that is , -5 indicates the fifth record from the end-of-file.
444 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PRINT NUM Specifies numbering of the lines as they are displayed. The numbers appear in front of the line (record) being displayed. The number displayed is the actual line number for numbered files; for unnumbered files , relative numbering begins with 1.
Chapter 6 445 Command Definitions P-R PRINT TAIL MYFILE T o print the last 45 records of MYFILE , because entering the value 45 overrides the default value of 10, enter: TAIL MYFILE, 45 NO TE The PRI.
446 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PRINT NO TE The above file was considered by PRINT to be a numbered file and thus the trailing 8 bytes are truncated PRINT UFILEYES;NONUM aaaaaaaaaaaa00010001 .
Chapter 6 447 Command Definitions P-R PURGE PURGE This command deletes one or more files from the system. Syntax PURGE filereference [ ;TEMP] [ [ ;ONERROR=] { CONTINUE QUIT } ] [ { ;AUTOLOCKWORD ;N.
448 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PURGE • "N", "NO", or Return to retain the file • "Q", "QUIT", or Break to stop the PURGE command The CONFIRMALL option is ignored in jobs and when you are purging a single file.
Chapter 6 449 Command Definitions P-R PURGE : PURGE /users/jeff/bin/FILES/file@ 3 FILES matched Continue PURGE? (YES/NO) yes 3 selected. 3 succeeded. 0 failed.
450 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PURGEA CCT PURGEACCT Removes an account and its groups and users from the system directory or from the specified volume set's directory . Syntax PURGEACCT acctname [ ;ONVS= volumesetname ] P arameters acctname Name of the account to be deleted.
Chapter 6 451 Command Definitions P-R PURGEA CCT CA UTION Do not attempt to purge the SYS account. The SYS account cannot be completely purged, but you can destroy critical files by attempting to do so.
452 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PURGEDIR PURGEDIR Purges (unlinks) one or more directories . Syntax PURGEDIR [ dir=] dir_name [ { ;TREE ;NOTREE ;USENAME } ] [ { ;CONFIRM ;NOCONFIRM ;CONFIRMALL } ] [ { ;NOSHOW ;SHO W}][{ ;SHOWERROR ;NOSHOWERROR } ] P arameters dir_name The name of the directory that is being purged (required).
Chapter 6 453 Command Definitions P-R PURGEDIR • "N", "NO", or Return to retain the directory • "Q", "QUIT", or Break to stop the PURGE command The CONFIRMALL option is ignored in jobs and when you are purging a single directory .
454 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PURGEDIR 2. If dir_name is an HFS name, ends in a slash (/), and the ;NOTREE option is not requested, then a TREE purge occurs. The dir_name parameter cannot reference root (/) because purging root is undesirable, and most likely is not what is intended.
Chapter 6 455 Command Definitions P-R PURGEDIR The next example shows the command to purge MYDIR . PURGEDIR mydir The next example shows the command to purge MYDIR and all objects below . PURGEDIR mydir;TREE The next example illustrates the SHOW and TREE options.
456 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PURGEDIR T o delete all directories under the CWD with names beginning with TMP all objects below these directories: : purgedir TMP@; TREE T o delete all directories under the CWD with names ending with TMP all objects below these directories: : purgedir .
Chapter 6 457 Command Definitions P-R PURGEGROUP PURGEGROUP Removes a group (and all files belonging to it) from the system or from the specified volume set directory . Syntax PURGEGROUP groupname [. acctname ] [ ;ONVS= volumesetname ] P arameters gr oupname Name of the group in the logon account to be removed.
458 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PURGEGROUP If you specify volume-related commands or parameters for a volume set that is not currently mounted, or for an account that does not exist, MPE/iX returns an error message. CA UTION Do not attempt to purge the PUB group of the SYS account.
Chapter 6 459 Command Definitions P-R PURGEJOBQ PURGEJOBQ Removes a job queue Syntax PURGEJOBQ qname P arameters qname is the name of the queue to be deleted Operation Notes The PURGEJOBQ command deletes a job queue. The queue will be deleted only if it is empty , that is , if no jobs are waiting or executing in the queue .
460 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PURGELINK PURGELINK Removes a link. (Native Mode) Syntax PURGELINK [ LINK=] linkname P arameters linkname The name of a symbolic link file. All rules regarding file name specification apply to this parameter .
Chapter 6 461 Command Definitions P-R PURGEUSER PURGEUSER Removes a user from an account. Syntax PURGEUSER user [. acctname ] P arameters user Name of the user to be deleted. acctname Specifies the name of the account in which the user is found. Default is the logon account of the account manager .
462 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R PURGEUSER Related Information Commands PURGEACCT , PURGEGROUP , NEWUSER , ALTUSER Manuals P erforming System Management T asks.
Chapter 6 463 Command Definitions P-R RECALL/=RECALL RECALL/=RECALL Displays all pending console REPLY messages. Syntax RECALL=RECALL P arameters None. Operation Notes A user , the system operator , a job or a program issues the RECALL command to determine if any pending resource requests are currently aw aiting a response.
464 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RECALL/=RECALL P erforming System Operation T asks.
Chapter 6 465 Command Definitions P-R REDO REDO Allows the user to edit and reexecute any command still retained in the command line history stack. (Native Mode) Syntax REDO [ [ CMD=] cmdid ] [ [ ;EDIT=] editstring ] NO TE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax.
466 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REDO The edit string must be surrounded by quotation marks ( " " ) if it contains any scanner/parser delimiters such as: , ; " ' [ ] or = or spaces. Operation Notes REDO executes the command specified as cmdid .
Chapter 6 467 Command Definitions P-R REDO ^w UPSHIFT WORD . Upshifts the word starting at the position specified by ^ . A word is defined as all characters except a space , comma, or semicolon. If you place the ^ directly beneath a word delimiter , the delimiter is skipped and only the word is upshifted.
468 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REDO Editing Samples The T able 6-4 shows examples of using the REDO command. >^ UPSHIFT FROM EOL . Upshifts the character at the current EOL. Y ou may specify multiple ^ 's to upshift a series of characters (read right-to-left) from the EOL.
Chapter 6 469 Command Definitions P-R REDO T able 6-4 REDO Editing Samples Edit Action u F irst occurrence undoes the previous edits. The u must be in column one. u Second occurrence undoes all edits on the current line . The u must be in column one.
470 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REDO Use This command is available in a session or in BREAK. It is not available in a job or from a program. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command. Examples The following are examples of editing options for the REDO command: REDO PAS Edits the most recent command beginning with the string PAS .
Chapter 6 471 Command Definitions P-R REFUSE REFUSE Disables jobs/sessions and/or data on a designated device. Syntax REFUSE [ JOBS ,] [ DAT A,] ldev P arameters JOBS Disables the JOB (or HELLO ) command from the designated device. DATA Disables the DATA command from the designated device.
472 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RELEASE RELEASE Removes security provisions from a file. Security does not resume for a released file until you enter the SECURE command for the file.
Chapter 6 473 Command Definitions P-R RELEASE Privileged files Y ou cannot release privileged files . Lockwords Y ou cannot override lockwords. ACDs This command does not affect the security on files with access control definitions . However , if you remove the ACD , the file is released.
474 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RELLOG RELLOG Removes a user logging identifier from the system. Syntax RELLOG logid P arameters logid The logging identifier to be removed from the system. Operation Notes The RELLOG command removes a user logging identifier from the system by deleting it from the directory of logging identifiers .
Chapter 6 475 Command Definitions P-R RENAME RENAME Changes the file name, loc kword, and/or group name of a disk file. Syntax RENAME oldfilereference,newfilereference [ ;TEMP] P arameters oldfiler efer ence Current name of file, written in the format: [*] filename [ /lockwor d ][.
476 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RENAME Files in HFS directories can be renamed to files in the MPE account group structure, and they can be renamed to files in other HFS directories . Y ou cannot rename a directory . If either oldfiler efer ence or newfiler eference is actually a directory , you will get an error .
Chapter 6 477 Command Definitions P-R REPL Y/=REPL Y REPL Y/=REPL Y Replies to pending resource requests at the console. Syntax REPLY pin,reply =REPLY pin,reply P arameters pin The process identification number (PIN) of the message sender . As part of the message requesting the REPLY , the PIN always appears after the second slash mark ( / ).
478 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REPL Y/=REPL Y Examples Use the REPLY command to respond to a message from the MPE/iX system, as follows: 10:05/#J19/15/LDEV# FOR "NAS" OF TAPE1600 (NU.
Chapter 6 479 Command Definitions P-R REPORT REPORT Displays accounting information for the logon account and group . Any user may obtain REPORT information about the user's logon group.
480 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REPORT ? Specifies one alphanumeric character ( A?# = all the three-character names that begin with A , followed by an alphanumeric, followed by a digit.) The characters may be used as follows: n@ Report on all groups starting with the character "n".
Chapter 6 481 Command Definitions P-R REPORT If you specify the ONVS= parameter , REPORT displays file space counts for the specified volume set(s) only . If you specify a non-system volume, all other volume names are also displayed, but their file space counts are displayed as zero even though they may not be zero.
482 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RESET RESET Cancels file equations . Syntax RESET { formaldesignator @} P arameters formal- designator A formal file designator name in the form file [. group [. account ]] [ :nodespec ] , for which a FILE command has been issued.
Chapter 6 483 Command Definitions P-R RESET Manuals None.
484 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RESET A CCT RESET ACCT Resets the running counts of CPU-time or connect-time accumulated by an account and by all groups within that account to zero.
Chapter 6 485 Command Definitions P-R RESETDUMP RESETDUMP Disarms the debug facility call that is made during abnormal process termination. (Native Mode) Syntax RESETDUMP P arameters None Operation Notes This command disarms the debug facility (armed by using the SETDUMP command) after a process abort.
486 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE RESTORE Returns files that have been stored on backup media to the system. Syntax RESTORE [ r estor efile ][; filesetlist ][; option [ ;.
Chapter 6 487 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE If r estor efile is not supplied and the RESTORESET option is not used, then RESTORE creates a default file name. The default file name is the user's logon username. No file equation is used. Sequential and parallel devices are specified with the RESTORESET option.
488 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE The system restores any file that matches filestorestor e unless the file also matches filestoe xclude , which specifies files to be excluded from the RESTORE operation. Y ou may specify an unlimited number of filestoexclude .
Chapter 6 489 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE @n Restore all files ending with the character n . n##...# Restore all files starting with character n followed by up to seven digits (useful for storing all EDIT/3000 temporary files). n@x Restore all files starting with the character n and ending with the character x .
490 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE Database corruption may result if not all database files are restored from a backup . Be sure that you only w ant to restore certain database files before overriding the default behavior with ;PARTIALDB .
Chapter 6 491 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE @.@ All (MPE and HFS) files in the logon account. @.@.@ All the files and directories (MPE and HFS) on the system. ?@.@.@ All MPE named files on the system. SHOW Request to list names of restored files .
492 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE SECURITY F or MPE format listing , causes SHOW to display the creator and the file access matrix for all the files which do not have an active ACD . F or files with active ACDs only , the phrase *ACD EXISTS* is displayed.
Chapter 6 493 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE If no suboptions are specified, then CREATE defaults to ACCOUNT,GROUP,CREATOR,PATH for SM or OP , to GROUP,CREATOR,PATH for AM, and to PATH for everything else. If CREATE is specified, the necessary directory structures are created, provided the user has the appropriate capabilities .
494 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE file gr oupname The file sharing group name which will be the new gid for all files being restored. If this parameter is not specified then the gid on the media is preserved.
Chapter 6 495 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE FILES= maxfiles If you are restoring a large number of files from an MPE V/E (transport) tape, specify a number at least as large as the number of files to be restored. The default is 4000. This parameter is ignored when you are restoring MPE XL format store tapes .
496 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE volumesetname A volume set name. If you specify the VOL or VOLCLASS options , the corresponding volume/volume class name must reside within this volume set. V olume Set Notes VOLSET , VOLCLASS and VOL may not be used with the DEV option.
Chapter 6 497 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE Database corruption may result if not all database files are restored from a backup . Be sure that you only w ant to restore certain database files before overriding the default behavior with ;PARTIALDB .
498 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE NAME This parameter must be specified with the MOSET option, and cannot be specified without it. If specifies the logical name to be used for the backup . F or example: RESTORE @.@.@;;MOSET=(12);NAME=DAILY.
Chapter 6 499 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE The system manager and system supervisor may restore lockword-protected files without specifying the lockword only when RESTORE is executed during a session. Users without SM or OP capability must alwa ys supply the lockword.
500 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R REST ORE T o restore a file ABC without specifying a r estor efile , no file equation need be used. F or example: : RESTORE ;ABC.PUB.SYS;SHOW TURBO-STORE/RESTORE VERSION A.50.11 HP36398A (C) 1986 HEWLETT-PACKARD CO.
Chapter 6 501 Command Definitions P-R RESUME RESUME Resumes execution of a suspended operation. (Native Mode) Syntax RESUME P arameters None. Operation Notes After a program or MPE/iX command operati.
502 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RESUME Manuals None.
Chapter 6 503 Command Definitions P-R RESUMEJOB RESUMEJOB Resumes a suspended job. (Native Mode) Syntax RESUMEJOB #J nnn P arameters #J nnn A job number . Operation Notes The system operator uses the RESUMEJOB command to resume processing a job suspended with the BREAKJOB command.
504 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RESUMELOG RESUMELOG Resumes system logging following suspension caused by an error . (Native Mode) Syntax RESUMELOG P arameters None.
Chapter 6 505 Command Definitions P-R RESUMESPOOL RESUMESPOOL Resumes suspended spooler output to a spooled device. Syntax RESUMESPOOL ldev ;BACK [ nnn FILES nnn P AGES ] RESUMESPOOL ldev ;FORWARD [ nnn FILES nnn P AGES ] RESUMESPOOL ldev ;BEGINNING P arameters ldev The logical device number of a spooled device.
506 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RESUMESPOOL By using the SPOOK utility with mode control ON , you can determine where each FOPEN intrinsic occurs within a spoolfile. This is useful, for example , when you are compiling , preparing , and running large programs, and printing the entire output is unnecessary .
Chapter 6 507 Command Definitions P-R RETURN RETURN Causes execution to return from the current user command (UDC or command file) to the calling environment. (Native Mode) Syntax RETURN P arameters None Operation Notes This command terminates the execution of the currently executing user command.
508 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RPG RPG Compiles an RPG/V program in compatibility mode. RPG/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 6 509 Command Definitions P-R RPG NO TE The formal file designators used in this command ( RPGTEXT , RPGUSL , RPGLIST , RPGMAST , and RPGNEW ) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list.
510 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RPGGO RPGGO Compiles , prepares, and executes an RPG/V program in compatibility mode . RPG/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
Chapter 6 511 Command Definitions P-R RPGGO Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program. It may not be issued in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
512 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RPGPREP RPGPREP Compiles and prepares an RPG/V program in compatibility mode. RPG/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
Chapter 6 513 Command Definitions P-R RPGPREP Operation Notes This command compiles and prepares an RPG program to a program file on disk. If you do not specify textfile , MPE/iX expects the source program to be entered from your standard input device.
514 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RPGPREP Related Information Commands RPG , RPGGO , PREP , RUN Manuals MPE Segmenter Reference Manual RPG/3000 Compiler Reference Manual.
Chapter 6 515 Command Definitions P-R RPGXL RPGXL Compiles an RPG/XL program. RPG/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately . This command is recognized only if RPG/XL is installed on your system.
516 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RPGXL Operation Notes The RPGXL command compiles an RPG/XL program and stores the object code in a file on disk. If textfile is not specified, RPG/XL expects the source program to be entered from your standard input ( $STDIN ).
Chapter 6 517 Command Definitions P-R RPGXL RPGXL MAIN, OBJMAIN FTNXL SUB, OBJSUB : LINK FROM=OBJMAIN,OBJSUB;TO=SOMEPROG : RUN SOMEPROG However , if an NMRL is used instead of an NMOBJ , the above ca.
518 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RPGXLGO RPGXLGO Compiles , links, and executes an RPG/XL program. RPG/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately . This command is recognized only if RPG/XL is installed on your system.
Chapter 6 519 Command Definitions P-R RPGXLGO Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
520 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RPGXLLK RPGXLLK Compiles and links an RPG/XL program. RPG/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately . This command is recognized only if RPG/XL is installed on your system.
Chapter 6 521 Command Definitions P-R RPGXLLK NO TE This command is implemented as a command file. If you set the HPPATH variable to null ( SETVAR HPPATH "" ), the command file is not executed, and the command fails . Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program.
522 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RUN RUN Executes a prepared or linked program. (Native Mode) Syntax The only required parameter is progfile . If you specify any other parameters, they will override the default parameters that the creator of the program established, but only for that particular execution of the program.
Chapter 6 523 Command Definitions P-R RUN The load map for a native mode program or library is a listing that describes the spaces loaded for a process and the linkages used to connect the external references of the process.
524 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RUN The sid (space ID) is the 32-bit virtual space number that was assigned for that space when it was loaded. The offset is the byte offset within the space relative to its beginning . The next grouping shows the condition of the shared global flag for this module.
Chapter 6 525 Command Definitions P-R RUN Stub This symbol marks an import (outbound). The Link Editor creates an import stub for the unsatisfied code symbols , and the Loader satisfies the reference by filling in the XRT entry allocated for this stub.
526 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RUN A DXRT entry is indexed negatively from the DP of the SOM. The DXRT column gives this offset, which is in bytes . The value is in hexadecimal format. The DXRT Addr column gives the indirect address for the import symbol.
Chapter 6 527 Command Definitions P-R RUN Continuing with the PDD area, the remaining columns starting with Type through R/W are interpreted in the same manner as explained in the Export Data Section. Compatibility Mode A compatibility mode loader map shows information on the origin and destination of the reference.
528 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RUN DEBUG Instructs the process to enter the system debugger just before executing the first instruction of the program. Once the debugger has been invoked, the commands available to the user depend upon the user's assigned capability .
Chapter 6 529 Command Definitions P-R RUN The default is -1, which currently instructs MPE/iX to assign a system-defined constant as the value of nmstacksize . nmheapsize The maximum size, in bytes , to which the NM heap ma y grow . This must be a decimal number .
530 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RUN In a list of libraries , each library must have a privilege level equal to or greater than the privilege level of the library that precedes it in the list. The privilege level of any file is governed by the privilege level of the group in which it resides .
Chapter 6 531 Command Definitions P-R RUN appear as can t'', " and " must appear as ""and"" , 'but ' must appear as but''''. The maximum length of the string , including delimiters, is 255 characters .
532 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RUN $NULL The actual file designator of a system-defined file that is alwa ys treated as an empty file. When referenced by another program, a program receives only an end-of-file indication when accessed.
Chapter 6 533 Command Definitions P-R RUN NO TE NM and CM loader error messages are reported differently , allowing you to determine the system in which the error occurred.
534 Chapter 6 Command Definitions P-R RUN The next example runs a program using the STDIN parameter , setting $STDIN to an existing disk file named INPUT , this time referenced through a file equation.
Chapter 7 535 Command Definitions S-SO 7 Command Definitions S-SO.
536 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SA VE SA VE Saves a file in the permanent system file domain. Syntax SAVE { $OLDP ASS , newfiler efer ence tempfiler efer ence } P arameters $OLDPASS A system-defined temporary file. After this file is sa ved, it can no longer be referenced by the name $OLDPASS .
Chapter 7 537 Command Definitions S-SO SA VE This command applies only to temporary files on disk. It is similar to opening a file with the FOPEN intrinsic, and then c losing it with the FCLOSE intrinsic, using a permanent file disposition. Use the SAVE command to save KSAM XL files.
538 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SECURE SECURE Reinstates all file security provisions that you previously suspended with the RELEASE command. Syntax SECURE filereference P arameters filer efer ence Specifies the actual file designator for which you w ant to reinstate file access control.
Chapter 7 539 Command Definitions S-SO SECURE Example • T o reinstate file access control previously in effect for the file named FILE1 , enter: : SECURE FILE1 Related Information Commands ALTSEC.
540 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SEGMENTER SEGMENTER Starts the MPE segmenter . Syntax SEGMENTER [ listfile ] P arameters listfile Actual file designator of an ASCII output file that is to receive listed output from the MPE segmenter . F ormal file designator is SEGLIST .
Chapter 7 541 Command Definitions S-SO SEGMENTER Related Information Commands FILE Manuals MPE Segmenter Reference Manual.
542 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SET SET Defines elements of the command interpreter . It also allows a job using a spooled $STDLIST to mark its standard list device for deletion when the job terminates .
Chapter 7 543 Command Definitions S-SO SET Example The following example illustrates using the SET command from within a program: !JOB EXAMPLE, USER.TECHPUB,XGROUP !CONTINUE !RUN UPDATE.
544 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETCA T ALOG SETCA T ALOG Catalogs , or enables, the user -defined commands (UDCs) in a specified catalog file at the user , account, or system level. Y ou can also use this command to disable all UDCs on the system.
Chapter 7 545 Command Definitions S-SO SETCA T ALOG DELETE Deletes the file(s) from the existing UDC directory . This permits the user to delete individual files from the catalog directory . The original order of the catalog is maintained. It also finds and makes adjustments for logon UDCs .
546 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETCA T ALOG SETCATALOG UDCA, UDCB SETCATALOG UDCA SETCATALOG UDCB ;APPEND In the first example, the command has an implied RESET , and thus overwrites the previous file set in the directory .
Chapter 7 547 Command Definitions S-SO SETCLOCK SETCLOCK Alters the system time or system time zone. SYNT AX SETCLOCK{DATE= date spec ; TIME= time spec [ ;GRADUAL | ;NOW]} {CORRECTION= corr ection spec } {TIMEZONE= time zone spec } { ;CANCEL} P arameters date spec A specification of local date in the form mm/dd/yy[yy] .
548 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETCLOCK NOW This option is meaningful only when the date and time specifications are provided. NOW forces the change to be immediate . See the warning in the Operation Notes section about the dangers of changing the system time immediately .
Chapter 7 549 Command Definitions S-SO SETCLOCK On the HP3000 Universal Time (GMT) is calculated by starting with local time and adding or subtracting a time zone offset. When changing time zones (such as moving from Standard to Daylight Savings Time and bac k) the local time is altered, but this change must not affect Universal Time.
550 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETCLOCK Any time during an on-going correction, issuing this command with the ;CANCEL parameter will immediately set the correction to zero and cause the system clock to resume its normal pace. Any previous correction will remain.
Chapter 7 551 Command Definitions S-SO SETCLOCK This list is only meant to include a few of the dangers associated with an immediate time change; this list does not represent all of the problems likely to be encountered.
552 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETCLOCK Examples of the T ime Zone F orm: Moving from Standard Time to Daylight Savings T ime: The following example illustrates changing the system time zone .
Chapter 7 553 Command Definitions S-SO SETCOUNTER SETCOUNTER Sets the next value of a specified resource counter , and optionally enables automatic rollback when a specified limit is reached.
554 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETCOUNTER in force. Once MAX is reached, the next value tried is the BASE value. If you specify a non-zero value for MAX , it must be greater than the current .
Chapter 7 555 Command Definitions S-SO SETCOUNTER Manuals None.
556 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETDUMP SETDUMP Arms the system debug facility for a process abort. (Native Mode) Syntax SETDUMP [ DB [ ,ST [ ,QS ]]][ ;ASCII] [ ;DEBUG=" commands "] P arameters DB This parameter is ignored. ST This parameter is ignored.
Chapter 7 557 Command Definitions S-SO SETDUMP Example T o arm the stackdump/debug facility , enter: SETDUMP Related Information Commands DEBUG , RESETDUMP Manuals System Debug Reference Manual.
558 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETJCW SETJCW Creates or assigns a value to a job control word (JCW) variable. Syntax SETJCW jcwname delimiter value [ {+- } value ] P arameters jcwname The name of a new or existing user -defined or system-defined job control word (JCW).
Chapter 7 559 Command Definitions S-SO SETJCW SETJCW PROGCNTR 0 .... SETVAR PROGCNTR 65536 JCW VARIABLE RECLASSIFIED AS A STANDARD VARIABLE (CIWARN 8126) PROGCNTR is now a user -defined variable and does not function as a job control word. JCWs can be tested against specific values .
560 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETJCW The result of a mathematical operation must be in the range of 0 to 65,535, inclusive; if the number is out of range, an error message is generated, and the value of the JCW remains unchanged.
Chapter 7 561 Command Definitions S-SO SETJCW The following example shows the use of the CIERROR JCW : LISTF ^ UNKNOWN COMMAND NAME. (CIERR 975) SHOWJCW CIERROR CIERROR = 975 RUN ^ NO PROGRAM FILE SPECIFIED.
562 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETJCW In the following example the CONTINUE command prevents an abort in case of errors; the RUN CHEKPROG edits , verifies, and counts valid transactions; the.
Chapter 7 563 Command Definitions S-SO SETMSG SETMSG Enables or disables the receipt of user or operator messages at the standard list device. Syntax SETMSG { OFF ON } P arameters OFF Sets job or session to quiet mode and blocks the receipt of TELL command messages from other users .
564 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SETV AR SETV AR Assigns values to MPE/iX variables . (Native Mode) Syntax SETVAR varname { <space> , ; } expr ession P arameters varname The variable that is to be set to a value. expr ession The expression that is evaluated and assigned to varname .
Chapter 7 565 Command Definitions S-SO SETV AR Note that all variables are global, so the CI variable name should not be the same as the JCW name that is being used or the operation of the code that uses that JCW will be affected.
566 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO W ALLOCA TE SHOW ALLOCA TE Displays status information about the ALLOC ATE command. Syntax SHOWALLOCATE [ STA TUS[ , listfile ] ALLOCA TE [ ,[ fileset ][,.
Chapter 7 567 Command Definitions S-SO SHO W ALLOCA TE # specifies one numeric character . ? specifies one alphanumeric character . The characters can be used as follows: n@ All files starting with the character n . @n All files ending with the character n .
568 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO W ALLOCA TE SPOOK5.PUB.SYS . . . . . . . . 1 SLPATCH.PUB.SYS . . . . . . . . 0 NUMBER OF PROGRAMS FOUND = 2 T o display summary status information regarding allocation.
Chapter 7 569 Command Definitions S-SO SHO W ALLO W SHOW ALLOW Displays which operator commands ha ve been allowed. Syntax SHOWALLOW [ { @.@ user .@ @. acct user .acct }] P arameters @ All users , if used in place of user , or all accounts, if substituted for acct .
570 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WCA T ALOG SHOWCA T ALOG Displays information about user -defined commands (UDCs). (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWCATALOG [ listfile ] [ ;USER= username [. acctname ]] P arameters listfile An arbitrary file name that identifies the output from SHOWCATALOG that is sent to the line printer .
Chapter 7 571 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WCA T ALOG Examples T o display the account-level UDC files of all users in the GRIMSBY account, enter: SHOWCATALOG ;USER=@.GRIMSBY T o display the system-level UDC files of all users in all accounts , enter: SHOWCATALOG ;USER=@.
572 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WCLOCK SHOWCLOCK Displays information about the system date and time . SYNT AX SHOWCLOCK P arameters None. Operation Notes Prints the current time, date , the time correction in effect, and the time zone. See the command SETCLOCK for information about time correction and time zone.
Chapter 7 573 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WDEV SHOWDEV Reports the status of input/output devices . Syntax SHOWDEV [ ldev classname ] [ ;ACD] P arameters ldev Logical device number of device for which status information is to be displayed. This number is unique for each device .
574 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WDEV LDEV Includes the logical device number and may inc lude one of the following: J Accepts jobs . D Accepts data. A Accepts jobs and data. AVAIL Lists the availability of devices and disks as follows: AVAIL The device is available as a real, nonshareable device .
Chapter 7 575 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WDEV 1600 Density of 1600 BPI, or the density of the tape is unrecognizable. ASSOCIATION Indicates the logical devices by device class that have been established by the user with the ASSOCIATE command. ACD Access Control Definition.
576 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WIN SHOWIN Reports the status of input device files . Syntax SHOWIN [# I nnn STA TUS ] [ ;SP] [ ; item [; item [ ;...] ] ] P arameters #I nnn Identifies the particular input device file for which information is to be displayed.
Chapter 7 577 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WIN [#]J nnn Displays the status of all input device files for a specified job. [#]S nnn Displays the status of all input device files for a specified session. ACTIVE, OPENED, or READY Displays the status of all input files in a specified state .
578 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WIN PRI The outpriority of the device file, requested by the user or adjusted by the system operator . Specified for spooled output device files only . #C The number of copies needed, specified for spooled output device files only .
Chapter 7 579 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WJCW SHOWJCW Displays the current state of one or more job control word (JCW) variables . Syntax SHOWJCW [ jcwname ] P arameters jcwname The name of a valid job control word (JCW) variable. Default is that all user -defined and system-defined JCWs are displayed.
580 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WJCW Examples T o show the current state of all user -defined and system-defined JCWs, enter: SHOWJCW JCW = 0 CIERROR = 0 T o display the current state of.
Chapter 7 581 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WJOB SHOWJOB Displays status information about jobs/sessions . Syntax SHOWJOB [ [ #] S nnn [# ]J nnn STATUS SCHED item [; item [ ;...] ] ] [ ;* listfile ] [ ;JOBQ] P arameters # S nnn The session number (assigned by MPE/iX) of the session for which the status information is to be displayed.
582 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WJOB P arameters for Item JOB= A list of jobs/sessions for which status information is to be displayed. Use one of the following options: @J Displays status information for all jobs . @S Displays status information for all sessions .
Chapter 7 583 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WJOB 7 JOBS: 0 INTRO 0 WAIT; INCL 0 DEFERRED 7 EXEC; INCL 7 SESSIONS 0 SUSP JOBFENCE= 0; JLIMIT= 3; SLIMIT= 16 If the SHOWJOB SCHED command is used, the output is displayed as shown below . The STATE field shows that the job is scheduled.
Chapter 7 585 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WLOG SHOWLOG Displays the number of the system's current log file and the percentage of disk space used.
586 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WLOGST A TUS SHOWLOGST A TUS Displays status information about currently opened user logging files assigned to a logging identifier .
Chapter 7 587 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WLOGST A TUS CUR-F The current file number in the set. Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Example Refer to "Operation Notes .
588 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WME SHOWME Reports the status of a job or session. (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWME P arameters None. Operation Notes T o display the status of the current job/session enter: SHOWME USER: #S485,MGR.DSUSER,PUB (NOT IN BREAK) RELEASE: V.
Chapter 7 589 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WME CURRENT Shows the current time and date. LOGON Shows the logon time. CPU SECONDS Shows the central processor time (CPU) used by this job/session. NO TE SHOWME calculates CPU usage by adding the local CPU usage of the current process to the accumulated total of all terminated processes .
590 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WOUT SHOWOUT Displays the status of output device files . Syntax SHOWOUT [{ # O nnn STATUS SP item [; item [ ;...] ] } ] P arameters #O nnn Identifies a particular output device file for which you w ant information.
Chapter 7 591 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WOUT JOB= Displays the status of output device files using one of the following options: @J Displays the status of output device files for all jobs . @S Displays the status of output device files for all sessions .
592 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WOUT DFID Device file identification, which begins with the letter O (not zero) followed by a number . The numeric portion of the DFID is identical to the LDEV number of the device. JOBNUM The job/session number ( jsnum ) of job or session using the device file.
Chapter 7 593 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WOUT Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.
594 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WPROC SHOWPROC Displays information about the specified process(es). (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWPROC[ [ PIN=]{ pinspec | ( pinspec [ , pinspec ] .
Chapter 7 595 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WPROC An ordinary user can only see their own processes , even when jobspec is wildcarded. F or example, if the user name is JEFF .MFG and you enter the command as shown below , then only processes for jobs logged on as JEFF .
596 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WPROC ANYUSER This option defeats the filtering of the wildcarded jobspec and displays all matching processes . SM or OP capability is necessary to specify ANYUSER , and users with these capabilities get ANYUSER by default.
Chapter 7 597 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WPROC LOGON (v): The job/session, user , and account name associated with this process. PARENT (5): Process Identification Number for the process' parent (decimal). This field is unique to the DETAIL format.
598 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WPROC : SHOWPROC pin=(2,99,121,188);format=detail;system PIN PARENT PRI CPUTIME STATE JOBNUM (PROGRAM) STEP - - - 2 1 142 L 7:23.
Chapter 7 599 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WPROC C152 0:02.000 WAIT S12 38 (TDP.PUB.SYS) text myfile C152 0:01.030 READY S12 67 (FCOPY.PUB.SYS)from=foo.
600 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WQ SHOWQ Displays scheduling data for all processes and the sc heduling characteristics of the CS , DS and ES scheduling subqueue(s). (Native Mode) SYNT AX SHOWQ [ ;ACTIVE] [ ;STA TUS] P arameters ACTIVE Displays only the processes currently running or those about to run.
Chapter 7 601 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WQ Each entry in the three columns displays the following information for a single process; the meaning is explained below .
602 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WQ Example T o display the active processes and the current scheduling subqueue characteristics , enter: : SHOWQ;ACTIVE DORMANT RUNNING Q PIN JOBNUM Q PIN J.
Chapter 7 603 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WTIME SHOWTIME Prints current time and date. (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWTIME P arameters None. Operation Notes Prints current time and date, as indicated by system c lock. Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK.
604 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WV AR SHOWV AR Displays specific variable names and their current values . (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWVAR[ varid] [ ,varid] ... [ ,varid] [job= jobID] [;USER | HP | ANY] P arameters varid The name of the variable for which the current value is to be displayed.
Chapter 7 605 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WV AR T able 7-2 Specified V ariable-ID/Result Y ou may use the wildcard characters @ , # , ? , and [ ] to specify a set or range of variables or file names in many commands . @ Specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters , or the underbar character ( _ ).
606 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHO WV AR T o display all variables created by the user with the SETVAR , INPUT , or SETJCW command, or with the HPCIPUTVAR , PUTJCW , or SETJCW intrinsics, ent.
Chapter 7 607 Command Definitions S-SO =SHUTDO WN =SHUTDOWN Initiates a shutdown of MPE/iX. Syntax =SHUTDOWN [ system terminal dtc tape disc network other ] P arameters None. Operation Notes The =SHUTDOWN command performs an implicit =LOGOFF of all sessions, including the session logged at the system console.
608 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO =SHUTDO WN Use This command may be issued only at the physical console . Example T o shut the system down, first issue a warning to all users to allow them time to log off , and then execute =SHUTDOWN as shown below: WARN @;SYSTEM WILL SHUTDOWN IN FIVE MINUTES.
Chapter 7 609 Command Definitions S-SO SHUTQ SHUTQ Closes the spool queue(s) for the specified logical device, device name , or all members of a device class . (Native Mode) Syntax SHUTQ { ldev [ ;SHOW] devclass [ ;SHOW] devname [ ;SHOW] @ } P arameters ldev The logical device number of the device .
610 Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO SHUTQ Examples T o shut the queue for all devices in class LP , enter: SHUTQ LP T o shut the spool queue and show the state of the queue and other information a.
Chapter 8 611 Command Definitions SP-Z 8 Command Definitions SP-Z.
612 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPEED SPEED Sets the input and output speed for the user's terminal. Syntax SPEED newinspeed , ne woutspeed or SET SPEED = newspeed P arameters newinspeed The new input speed in characters-per -second (CPS).
Chapter 8 613 Command Definitions SP-Z SPEED Use This command may be issued from a session, program, or in BREAK. This command is not available from a job .
614 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPL SPL Compiles a compatibility mode SPL/V program. SPL/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purc hased separately .
Chapter 8 615 Command Definitions SP-Z SPL newfile Actual file designator of the file created by merging textfile and masterfile . This can be any ASCII output file.
616 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPL Related Information Commands SPLGO , SPLPREP , PREP , RUN Manuals Systems Programming Language Reference Manual.
Chapter 8 617 Command Definitions SP-Z SPLGO SPLGO Compiles , prepares, and executes a compatibility mode SPL/V program. SPL/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
618 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPLGO Operation Notes This command compiles , prepares, and executes an SPL program. If textfile is omitted, MPE/iX expects input from your standard input device.
Chapter 8 619 Command Definitions SP-Z SPLPREP SPLPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode SPL/V program. SPL/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately .
620 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPLPREP quotedstring A sequence of ASCII characters bounded by a pair of single quotation marks (apostrophes) or by double quotation marks . If you want a quotation to appear within quotedstring , the quotation and its quotation marks must also be bounded by quotation marks .
Chapter 8 621 Command Definitions SP-Z SPLPREP Related Information Commands SPL , SPLGO , PREP , RUN Manuals MPE Segmenter Reference Manual System Programming Language Reference Manual.
622 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLER SPOOLER Controls spooler processes . (Native Mode) Syntax SPOOLER[ DEV=] { ldev | devclass | devname } { ;SHOW } { ;OPENQ [;SHOW]} { ;SHUTQ [ ;SHOW]} { .
Chapter 8 623 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLER The STOP parameter terminates the spooling process associated with the specified device. If a c lass is specified, then spooling processes for all devices in the specified class are terminated.
624 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLER tape and placing it offline). When this is complete, the spooler displa ys the following message on the console (or the $STDLIST of an associated user) and terminates: Input spooler, LDEV # ldev : Stopped.
Chapter 8 625 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLER data has been printed before suspending . Depending on both the content of the data and the amount of buffering , this may require a significant part of a page or even several pages .
626 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLER Either a STOP or SUSPEND that includes the FINISH option may be accelerated to a higher -priority command without waiting for the present spool file to finish printing . F or example , SPOOLER...; SUSPEND; FINISH may be followed by: SPOOLER.
Chapter 8 627 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLER prints the file starts the first copy with the page following the page number saved in the FLABX and the file's header and trailer (if any) include (RESUMED) if printing starts anywhere but at the first page .
628 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLER number of lines that fit on a standard 11-inch page at 6 lines per inch, allowing three lines of margin at the top and the bottom of the page.
Chapter 8 629 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLER Spooler processes come in two varieties: input spoolers and output spoolers . • An input spooler reads data from its device and uses that to create an input spool file. The data may consist of one or more batch jobs , data files , or any combination of the two.
630 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLER 4. T o ensure that a file resumes at the beginning , enter: SPOOLER dev ;SUSPEND;NOKEEP;OFFSET=1 When you use the SHOW option, the display shows the current state of the selected spooler(s) at the time the command executor has completed processing the command .
Chapter 8 631 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLF SPOOLF Allows a qualified user to alter , print, or delete output spool file(s). (Native Mode) Syntax SPOOLF { [ [ IDNAME=] { spoolid ( spoolid [, spoolid ] .
632 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLF If the file name or set is not fully qualified, the default is the user's current logon group and account. In batch mode , if any file in the set has a lockword, it must be supplied with the command.
Chapter 8 633 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLF FILE EPOCLONG;DEV=EPOC;ENV=LPLONG.ENV.SYS PRINT MYFILE,*EPOCLONG Y ou may also select files based on a null string by entering FILEDES= "" or FILEDES= ''. Y ou must include such a construct if you specifically w ant to select on such an attribute.
634 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLF Y ou may use some wildcards; J@ accepts all jobs , S@ accepts all sessions . J'@ and S'@ are also allowed, The apostrophe (') indicates an imported spool file or a spool file recovered during START NORECOVERY .
Chapter 8 635 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLF • If the resulting string is ≤ 509 characters, it is parsed. • If the parser detects a syntax error , or if any non-blank character follows the closing bracket (]) of the select-eq , an error is returned and the select-eq is not processed.
636 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLF NO TE Because of the large amount of data buffered in the file system and the device, an output device ma y continue to print, making it appear as if the DELETE option has not had any effect.
Chapter 8 637 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLF The default is 1 for the PRINT option and no change for the ALTER option. SPSAVE The SPSAVE option specifies that the selected spool files are not to be deleted after their last copy has printed. Instead they are retained in the HPSPOOL account in the SPSAVE state until deleted manually .
638 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SPOOLF Use This command may be issued from a session, job , or program, or in BREAK. SPOOLF ...;SHOW is breakable. However , you cannot stop the actions by pressing BREAK . The files you can access with the SPOOLF command depend on your capabilities.
Chapter 8 639 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ARTSESS ST ARTSESS Creates a session on the specified device, if the user has programmatic sessions (PS) capability .
640 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ARTSESS acct Account name established by the system manager . The name may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters , beginning with an alphabetic character . A period ( . ) must precede the acct parameter .
Chapter 8 641 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ARTSESS termtype Determines terminal-type characteristics . The value of the termtype parameter determines the type of terminal used for input. MPE/iX uses this parameter to determine device-dependent characteristics such as delay factors for carriage returns .
642 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ARTSESS The HIPRI option is used for two different purposes when logging on. It can be used to override the system jobfence, or it can be used to override th.
Chapter 8 643 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ARTSESS ciparm The command interpreter parameter number you wish to use. If you are using the MPE/iX command interpreter , the numbers accepted are: 0, 2, 4 Logon UDCs are executed and the CI banner and the WELCOME message are displayed.
644 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ARTSESS Example T o start a session named CH5 , with the username ERNST , accountname UDET , gr oupname JASTA11 , and gr ouppass PASS on LDEV 21, enter: STARTSESS 21;CH5,ERNST.
Chapter 8 645 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ARTSPOOL ST ARTSPOOL Initiates the spooler process for a device. Syntax STARTSPOOL [{ ldev [ ;SHUTQ] devclass }] P arameters ldev The logical device number of a spooled device.
646 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ARTSPOOL T o start spooling on logical device 6, while preventing the creation of any new spool files, enter: STARTSPOOL 6;SHUTQ Related Information Command.
Chapter 8 647 Command Definitions SP-Z ST OPSPOOL STOPSPOOL T erminates spooling to a specified device or device class. Syntax STOPSPOOL [{ ldev [ ;OPENQ] devclass }] P arameters ldev The logical device number of a spooled device. The spooler process gives up ownership of the spooled device.
648 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST OPSPOOL STOPSPOOL LP T o terminate spooling on device 6 and leave the queue open, enter: STOPSPOOL 6;OPENQ Related Information Commands STARTSPOOL Manuals ST.
Chapter 8 649 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE STORE Copies disk files onto backup media so that they can be recovered with RESTORE. Syntax STORE [[ filesetlist ] [; [ storefile ] [; option [; option [ .
650 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE The following parameters are available with the TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 True-Online Backup product only: [ ;ONLINE[ ={ START} [ , time ] [ ,ASK] ] ] { END} [ ;LOGVOLSET= volumesetname ] P arameters filesetlist Specifies the set of files to be stored.
Chapter 8 651 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE filename/lockwor The HFS syntax is as follows: /dir_lev_1/dir_le v_2/.../dir_lev_i/.../filedesig or ./dir_lev_i/dir_le v_j/.../dir_lev_k/.../filedesig If the name begins with a dot (.), then it is fully qualified by replacing the dot with the current working directory (CWD).
652 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE [c-t] specifies any letter from range c to t . [e-g1] specifies any letter range e to g or digit 1 . Examples of using character sets are: [A-C]@ Store all files that begin with the letters A, B, or C .
Chapter 8 653 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE oup.acct/ACCT/ GR OUP/FILE ' One particular file in one particular group in one particular account. oup/LOGON- A CCT/GR OUP/ FILE One particular file in one particular group in the logon account.
654 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE @ indicates that the source value for that component should be used. An HFS pathname which ends in a / is considered an HFS directory and no wildcard characters are allowed in the filename . The RENAME option must be specified if the targ etname is used.
Chapter 8 655 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE example, if the bac kup disk file specified was /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY , and STORE ran out of room, it would create /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY.2 , /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY.3 , and so on. The additional files are HFS-named files .
656 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE SECURITY F or MPE format listings, causes SHOW to display the creator and the file access matrix for all the files which do not have an active ACD . F or files with active ACDs only , the phrase *ACD EXISTS* is displayed.
Chapter 8 657 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE This option cannot be used for files that are attached to a log set. PURGE Instructs STORE to purge all the files that were successfully stored, after the Store operation has ended.
658 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE MPEXL (optional) If MPEXL is specified, then STORE writes out MPE XL compatible media. If the TRANSPORT parameter is used and MPEXL is not specified, then MPE V compatible media is produced. This option is used to facilitate transport of files with a later version attribute to older systems .
Chapter 8 659 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE provides the ability to restrict, or enhance the creation of directory information on the store tape. If the DIRECTORY option is specified in conjunction with the ONVS option, only those accounting structures on the specified volume sets are stored.
660 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE STOREDIREC TORY Specifies that STORE should create a disc file that contains the backup media label and directory information. This file will be placed in the store_dirs directory of the HPSTORE.SYS group ( /SYS/HPSTORE/store_dirs/ ).
Chapter 8 661 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE STORESET Specifies parallel and sequential backup devices . This option cannot be used if the storefile parameter is specified, and it cannot be used in conjunction with the TRANSPORT option. Sequential tapes are specified in this wa y ;STORESET = (* tape1 ,* tape2 ,* tape3 ,.
662 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE compr essionparm list Informs STORE what type of compression is to be done. HIGH and LOW are the only valid parameters . HIGH and LOW cannot be used together . HIGH Specifies that the higher of the two available data compression algorithms is to be used.
Chapter 8 663 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE ONLINE Online backup . The store fileset is attached to a log handler and the users can concurrently read, write or purge files in the fileset after the files are attached to the log environment.
664 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE Operation Notes • Usage The STORE command stores one or more disk files onto magnetic tape DDS or MO disc.
Chapter 8 665 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE Use If you press [Break] during a STORE operation, the operation continues while you interact with the Command Interpreter . Both ABORT and RESUME can be used within BREAK . This command may be issued from session, job , or program, but not in BREAK .
666 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z ST ORE Note that the console operator receives a request to mount the tape identified as the user's user name. T o store files from a group and account and to purge them after the STORE , enter : FILE T;DEV=TAPE : STORE @.
Chapter 8 667 Command Definitions SP-Z STREAM STREAM Spools batch jobs or data from a session or job . The optional time-related parameters of the STREAM command may be used to schedule jobs . The time-related parameters are ignored when the STREAM command is applied to the DATA command, however .
668 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z STREAM WED[NESDAY] THU[RSDAY] FRI[DAY] SAT[URDAY] day-of-month Day-of-month. The integers 1 through 31. It indicates the calendar day of the month. If day-of-month is greater than or equal to the current day-of-month , the current month is indicated.
Chapter 8 669 Command Definitions SP-Z STREAM use for this input. As a result, the listing device that corresponds to the streaming device (not necessarily your terminal) displays the job number assigned by MPE/iX and the listing generated by the job.
670 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z STREAM Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command and any job currently being entered through the command. Incompletely spooled disk space is returned to the system. If you make an error while entering the MPE/iX JOB command, you receive an error message on your job listing device.
Chapter 8 671 Command Definitions SP-Z STREAM must alwa ys precede it with a delimiting comma, even when you omit the input file name (the first parameter). In the following example, an asterisk ( * ) is used as a substitute command identifier: STREAM ,* >*JOB USER.
672 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z STREAM STREAM JOBFILE; DAY=MONDAY; AT=20:00 Since the time specified (8:00 p.m.) is later than the current time , JOBFILE will be introduced at 8:00 p.
Chapter 8 673 Command Definitions SP-Z STREAMS STREAMS Enables or disables the STREAMS device. Allows or disallows users to submit job/data streams . Syntax STREAMS { ldev OFF } P arameters ldev The logical device number of the STREAMS device. This device must also have an output device number or class that references logical devices of type 32.
674 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z STREAMS STREAMS OFF Related Information Commands STREAM , SHOWDEV Manuals P erforming System Operation T asks.
Chapter 8 675 Command Definitions SP-Z SUSPENDSPOOL SUSPENDSPOOL Suspends output to a spooled device. Syntax SUSPENDSPOOL ldev [ ;FINISH] P arameters ldev The logical device number of a spooled device. FINISH Directs the device to complete the currently active spool file and then stop.
676 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SUSPENDSPOOL Manuals P erforming System Operation T asks.
Chapter 8 677 Command Definitions SP-Z SWITCHLOG SWITCHLOG Closes the current system log file, then creates and opens a new one . (Native Mode) Syntax SWITCHLOG P arameters None.
678 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SWITCHLOG System Startup , Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual.
Chapter 8 679 Command Definitions SP-Z SYSGEN SYSGEN Starts configuration dialog and/or installation tape creation. The equivalent compatibility mode command is SYSDUMP .
680 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z SYSGEN The base for configuration changes or tape creation can be specified on the SYSGEN command with the base group. The group name to whic h the configuration is to be kept with a SYSGEN KEEP command can be specified on the SYSGEN command line with the newgroup parameter .
Chapter 8 681 Command Definitions SP-Z TELL TELL Sends a message to another session. Syntax TELL { [ #] S nnn [ sessionname ,] username.acctname @@ . acctname @ S}[[; ] text ] P arameters [#]S nnn The session number as assigned by MPE/iX. This session number receives the TELL message.
682 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z TELL TARGET MUST BE INTERACTIVE, NO MESSAGE SENT. (CIWARN 1627). Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK.
Chapter 8 683 Command Definitions SP-Z TELLOP TELLOP Sends a message to the system console. (Native Mode) Syntax TELLOP [ text ] P arameters text Message text, preceded by a space and consisting of any string of ASCII characters .
684 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z TUNE TUNE Changes scheduling characteristics of the scheduling subqueues . These characteristics include base and limit priorities , quantum bounds (min and max), boost property and timeslice. (Native Mode) Syntax TUNE [ minclockcycle ] { ;CQ= qinfo ;DQ= qinfo ;EQ= qinfo } [ .
Chapter 8 685 Command Definitions SP-Z TUNE OSCILLATE Sets the subqueue to oscillate behavior . If set, a process returns to the base priority once its priority has decayed to the limit of the subqueue, even if it has not completed a Dispatcher transaction.
686 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z TUNE max: 2000 max: 2000 max: 2000 boost: DECAY boost: DECAY boost: DECAY tslice: 200 tslice: 200 tslice: 200 NO TE The MPE/iX Scheduler now supports the workgroup concept. However , backw ard compatibility is maintained through five default workgroups created by the system.
Chapter 8 687 Command Definitions SP-Z UP UP Returns a particular device to its normal function on the system; cancels any DOWN command issued for the device. This command does not apply to disk drives . Syntax UP ldev P arameters ldev The logical device number of the device being returned to service online.
688 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VMOUNT VMOUNT Enables or disables the MPE/iX movable volume facility . (Native Mode) Syntax VMOUNT { ON [ ,A UTO] OFF } [ ;ALL,] P arameters ON or ON,AUTO Enables the movable volume facility so that all valid user MOUNT/VSRESERVE and operator LMOUNT/VSRESERVESYS requests are allowed.
Chapter 8 689 Command Definitions SP-Z VMOUNT Examples T o disable the movable volume facility so that no messages are sent to the console when users attempt to reserve volume sets (the default condi.
690 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VSCLOSE VSCLOSE Informs the system to close the specified volume set and take it offline . (Native Mode) Syntax VSCLOSE volumesetname [ [ ;P ARTVS=] { USER BACKUP } ] [ ;NOW ;SPLIT ] P arameters volume- setname The volume set that is to be closed.
Chapter 8 691 Command Definitions SP-Z VSCLOSE F or each mirrored pair , the system assigns a backup volume and user volume. An attempt is made to place the bac kup volumes and user volumes on separate hardware c hannels. The volume with the greatest path number is selected as the backup volume .
692 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VSCLOSE Examples T o close the volume set ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL , enter: VSCLOSE ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL However , if a VSRESERVESYS command has been issued for ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL , then a message is displayed on the console .
Chapter 8 693 Command Definitions SP-Z VSOPEN VSOPEN Reopens a volume set that has been closed with VSCLOSE . The volume set becomes available for use again. (Native Mode) Syntax >VSOPEN volumesetname [ [ ;P ARTVS=] { USER BACKUP } ] P arameters volume- setname The volume set to be opened.
694 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VSOPEN Vcommand A.B.C Entering Vcommand A fails to access the volume set. Y ou cannot specify the first part of the volume set name alone and expect the group and account to default. Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK.
Chapter 8 695 Command Definitions SP-Z VSRELEASE VSRELEASE Releases a volume set that was explicitly reserved by the user with VSRESERVE . The equivalent compatibility mode command is DISMOUNT . (Native Mode) Syntax VSRELEASE [ volumesetname ] P arameters volume- setname The volume set to be released.
696 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VSRELEASE Example T o request that volume set ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL be released, enter: VSRELEASE ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL Related Information Commands The VSxxxxxx comm.
Chapter 8 697 Command Definitions SP-Z VSRELEASESYS VSRELEASESYS Releases a specified volume set previously reserved with the VSRESERVESYS command. The equivalent compatibility mode command is LDISMOUNT .
698 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VSRESER VE VSRESERVE Notifies the system to keep a particular volume set online. The equivalent compatibility mode command is MOUNT . (Native Mode) Syntax >VSRESERVE [ volumesetname ] [ ;GEN= geninde x ] P arameters volume- setname The name of the MPE/iX volume set to be kept online.
Chapter 8 699 Command Definitions SP-Z VSRESER VE Use This command may be issued from a session, job , program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Use volumes (UV) or create volumes (CV) capability is required to use this command.
700 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VSRESER VESYS VSRESERVESYS Instructs the system to reserve a volume set online system-wide. The equivalent compatibility mode command is LMOUNT . (Native Mode) Syntax VSRESERVESYS volumesetname P arameters volume- setname The name of the MPE/iX volume set to be kept online.
Chapter 8 701 Command Definitions SP-Z VST ORE VSTORE V erifies that the data on a backup media are valid (for example , there are no media errors), and reports any errors incurred by STORE when creating the backup. Syntax VSTORE [ vstor efile ][; filesetlist ][ ; option [ ;.
702 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VST ORE If vstor efile is not supplied and the RESTORESET option is not used, then VSTORE creates a default file name. The default file name is the user's logon username. No file equation is used. Sequential and parallel devices are specified with the RESTORESET option.
Chapter 8 703 Command Definitions SP-Z VST ORE filestovstor e filestoexclude Both filesto vstor e and filestoexclude ma y be entered in MPE or HFS syntax. Wildcards are permitted for both MPE and HFS syntax. The MPE syntax is as follows: filename [.
704 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VST ORE ?n@ V erify all files whose second character is n . n? store all two-character files starting with the character n . ?n V erify all two-character files ending with the character n . Also, c haracter sets may be specified in the following syntax: [ct] specifies letter c or t .
Chapter 8 705 Command Definitions SP-Z VST ORE oup.acct/ACCT /GR OUP/FILE ' One particular file in one particular group in one particular account. oup/LOGON- A CCT/GR OUP/ FILE One particular file in one particular group in the logon account.
706 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VST ORE NO TE If an HFS-named file is specified in the filesetlist , or the expansion of a wildcard includes an HFS-named file , then an HFS-style output listing will be used.
Chapter 8 707 Command Definitions SP-Z VST ORE PROGRESS Instructs VSTORE to report its progress at regular intervals by displaying the message VSTORE OPERATION IS nnn% COMPLETE . F or interactive users , this message is displayed on $STDLIST . F or jobs , this message is sent to the system console.
708 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VST ORE Consecutive tapes are specified in the following wa y: < user ;RESTORESET = (* tape1 ,* tape2 ,* ta pe3 ,.
Chapter 8 709 Command Definitions SP-Z VST ORE backupname A three field name of a total maximum length of 26 c haracters . The format is fname.gname .aname . The name represents the "handle" to this particular backup and can is used to retrieve files from this backup .
710 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z VSUSER VSUSER Displays all users of a currently reserved, mountable volume set. (Native Mode) Syntax VSUSER [ volumesetname ] P arameter volume- setname A fully qualified volume set name. Default is that information for all currently reserved volume sets is displayed.
Chapter 8 711 Command Definitions SP-Z W ARN W ARN Sends an urgent message to jobs/sessions . Syntax WARN { @[# ] J nnn [# ] S nnn [ jsname ,] user .acct }[; message ] P arameters @ All users receive the message (including those running in QUIET mode).
712 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z W ARN Example T o send a WARN message to all sessions, followed by a WARN message to session #S51 , enter: WARN @;THE SYSTEM WILL SHUTDOWN IN 5 MINUTES.
Chapter 8 713 Command Definitions SP-Z WELCOME WELCOME Defines the welcome message. Syntax WELCOME [ welcfile ] P arameters welcfile An ASCII file containing the welcome message. Operation Notes The operator uses the WELCOME command to compose the message that is transmitted to users when they initiate jobs and sessions .
714 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z WELCOME Related Information Commands HELLO , SHOWME Manuals P erforming System Operation T asks.
Chapter 8 715 Command Definitions SP-Z WHILE WHILE Used to control the execution sequence of a job, session, UDC , or command file. (Native Mode) Syntax WHILE expr ession [ DO] P arameters expression Logical expression, consisting of operands and relational operators .
716 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z WHILE Nesting of IF and WHILE blocks is limited to a combined total of 30 levels. Each IF or WHILE block read by the Command Interpreter increments the nesting count by 1.
Chapter 8 717 Command Definitions SP-Z XEQ XEQ Executes any program or command file. Its value lies in preventing any possible confusion when the name of the program or command file you want to execute is identical to the name of a built-in MPE/iX command or UDC command name.
718 Chapter 8 Command Definitions SP-Z XEQ Because FCOPY references an existing , built-in MPE/iX command, failing to use XEQ results in running FCOPY . That happens because FCOPY is found in the command directory and is executed, and the command search terminates .
Appendix A 719 Predefined V ar iables in MPE/iX A Predefined V ariables in MPE/iX Many variables have been predefined for use by the command interpreter . They may be used anywhere you would use your own variables . T able A-1 lists all valid predefined variables .
720 Appendix A Predefined V ar iables in MPE/iX HPCPUMSECS R I from root CI = current session CPU-time in milliseconds; from other CI or process = current process CPU-time in milliseconds zero HPCPUS.
Appendix A 721 Predefined V ar iables in MPE/iX HPINTERACTIVE R B PL interactive (TRUE); noninteractive (F ALSE) as appropriate HPINTRODATE R S formatted job/session logon date date of logon HPINTROT.
722 Appendix A Predefined V ar iables in MPE/iX HPOUTFENCE R I output fence value logon output fence value HPPATH W S search path for command files and implied RUN "!HPGROUP,PUB,P UB.
Appendix A 723 Predefined V ar iables in MPE/iX HPSUSAN R I unique serial number assigned at the factory to each system for use by softw are unique serial number assigned to your system at manufactur.
724 Appendix A Predefined V ar iables in MPE/iX If a PL variable is changed by a process it returns to its original value when the process terminates .
Appendix B 725 Expression Evaluator Functions B Expression Evaluator Functions The expression evaluator is a system procedure used by the user interface to accept a string , number , or Boolean expression, evaluate it, and return the result. This procedure is used by the CALC , SETVAR , IF , ELSEIF , and WHILE commands and within a ![ ].
726 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions T able B-1 Expression Evaluator Functions Symbol Function Example Result +(numeric) addition 4 + 5 9 +(string) concatenate “abc‘ + “de‘ abcde -(nu.
Appendix B 727 Expression Evaluator Functions BASENAME ( string ) returns the filename component CALC basename (‘a.b.c’) CALC basename (‘/a/b/c’) CALC basename (’./a/b’) CALC basename (“./”, ”.sl”) CALC basename (‘/’) CALC basename (“*feq”) CALC basename (‘$null’) CALC basename (‘abc.
728 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions DELIMPOS ( str , [, delims ] [, nth ][, start ]) returns index in str of the nth delimiter beginning at start ; default delims are a space, a comma, a sem.
Appendix B 729 Expression Evaluator Functions FQU ALIFY( string ) returns a fully qualified filename CALC fqualify(‘a’) CALC fqualify(‘a.b’) CALC fqualify(‘a.b .c’) CALC fqualify(‘./a’) CALC fqualify(‘./A ’) CALC fqualify(‘/a/b/c’) CALC fqualify(‘*a’) CALC fqualify(‘$null’) CALC dirname (fqualify(‘.
730 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions NOT logical not not(2>1) F ALSE NUMERIC ( string ) chec k if a string is all digits numeric('12345') numeric('$a234ef') TRUE F ALSE.
Appendix B 731 Expression Evaluator Functions REPL( str ,oldstr ,newstr [, cnt ][, start ]) in a given string ( str ), replaces cnt occurrences of oldstr with newstr , beginning at start ; if cnt is p.
732 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions WORD( string, [, delims ] [, nth ][, end_var ][, start ]) performs general word extraction; default delims are a space, a comma, a semicolon, an equals si.
Appendix B 733 Expression Evaluator Functions References References The following references apply to the numbers that appear in parentheses in table B-1. 1. Special rules apply when you use the comparison operators with strings. The strings are compared, character by character , until an inequality is found.
734 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions References 6. The FINFO function returns a string, Boolean, or an integer value . The result depends upon the option specified. The first parameter , filename , is a string, the name of the file for which you w ant the information.
Appendix B 735 Expression Evaluator Functions References comment side of the AND is FALSE and so comment the right side is not executed. This comment means no INPUT() will be performed. F or L TRIM and RTRIM if trimstr is not given, then a space is used as the default POS ( findstr ,sour cestr [, N ]).
736 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions References 7 ACCESSED FMTACCESSED LAST ACCESS DATE String Last access date -7 LAST ACCESS DATE INTEGER INTACCESSED Integer Last access date 8 MODIFIED LAS.
Appendix B 737 Expression Evaluator Functions References 24 FMTMODTIME LAST MOD TIME String Last modification time -24 INTMODTIME LAST MOD TIME Integer Last modification time 25 FIRST USER LABEL Str.
738 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions References 43 FILE OWNER NAME OWNER String File owner 44 FILE OWNER ID UID Integer File owner identifier 45 FILE GROUP NAME FILEGROUP String File group 4.
Appendix B 739 Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features Expression Evaluator F eatures The two main types of expressions , which can be processed by the expression evaluator , are numeric and string .
740 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features Functions may be nested and mixed. String , numeric, and Boolean operations ma y not, however , be mixed.
Appendix B 741 Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features a+b*c/d calc !exp 2, $2, %2 setvar exp2 exp+'*e' calc !exp2 6,$6,%6 setvar a hptimef showvar a A = 8:26 AM ** the .
742 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features • Logical operations: AND , NOT • Logical operations: OR, XOR The evaluation of string expressions follows a similar hierarchy . However , bit manipulation, multiplication, division, and modulo operations do not apply to string expressions .
Appendix B 743 Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features If a string is expected and a valid quoted string is not found, variable management is called to determine if the token is a variable. If it is not a variable , an error is returned.
744 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features ABX SETVAR Z “foo‘ CALC “AB‘ + Z ABfoo CALC “AB‘ + “!Z‘ ABfoo CALC “AB‘ + !Z error variable foo not foun.
Appendix B 745 Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features CALC !A + 2 works . !A is really !B . That in turn yields a value of 2 . The result is 2 + 2 , which equals 4 . CALC “HPTIMEF‘ HPTIMEF But, CALC !HPTIMEF CALC 8:26 AM which produces an error .
746 Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features.
Appendix C 747 T er minal and Printer T ypes C T erminal and Printer Types The terminal types supported on the advanced terminal processor (ATP) and asynchronous data communications controller (ADCC) terminal/printer controllers for MPE V/E T -MIT or later (MPE V/E version G .
748 Appendix C T er minal and Printer T ypes T able C-3 MPE V/E T erminal and Similar MPE/iX T erminal Types T able C-4 MPE V/E T erminal and Similar MPE/iX Printer Types MPE V/ET erminal Description MPE/iX T erminal Comments 6,9 Non-HP hardcopy device needing delays after linefeed or formfeed.
Appendix C 749 T er minal and Printer T ypes 20 8-bit Serial spooled printer . 22 Status checking is done less frequently on MPE/iX. The Initialization string is the same as MPE V/E terminal type PCL22. 21 8-bit Serial spooled printer with no status checking after XOFF .
750 Appendix C T er minal and Printer T ypes.
Appendix D 751 Subsystem Formal File Designators D Subsystem F ormal F ile Designators T able D-1 lists the formal file designator associated with specific command parameters.
752 Appendix D Subsystem Formal File Designators CCXL textfile CCTEXT objectfile CCOBJ listfile CCLIST CCXLGO textfile CCTEXT CCXLLK listfile CCLIST COB74XL textfile COBTEXT COB85XL objectfile .
Appendix D 753 Subsystem Formal File Designators FORTRAN textfile FTNTEXT uslfile FTNUSL listfile FTNLIST masterfile FTNMAST newfile FTNNEW FORTGO textfile FTNTEXT FORTPREP listfile FTNLIST mas.
754 Appendix D Subsystem Formal File Designators listfile PASLIST libfile PASLIB PASXLGO textfile PASTEXT PASXLLK listfile PASLIST libfile PASLIB PREP PMAP SEGLIST PREPRUN LMAP LOADLIST RESTORE S.
Appendix D 755 Subsystem Formal File Designators masterfile SPLMAST newfile SPLNEW STORE SHOW SYSLIST RESTORE SYSGEN inputfile SYSGIN outputfile SYSGOUT Command P arameter F ormal File Designator.
756 Appendix D Subsystem Formal File Designators.
Appendix E 757 MPE/iX File Codes E MPE/iX F ile Codes File codes are recorded in the file label and are available to processes accessing the file through the FFILEINFO or FGETINFO intrinsic.
758 Appendix E MPE/iX File Codes 1059 TDPXQ TDP W ork File (COBOL) 1060 RJEPN RJE Punch File 1070 QPROC QUERY Procedure File 1080 KSAMK KSAM K ey File 1083 GRAPH GRAPH Specification File 1084 SD Self.
Appendix E 759 MPE/iX File Codes 1156 DSTOR RAPID/3000 DICTDBU Utility Store File 1157 TCODE Code File for Transact/3000 Compiler 1158 RCODE Code File for Report/3000 Compiler 1159 ICODE Code File for.
760 Appendix E MPE/iX File Codes 1228 LANGD Language Definition File 1229 CHARD Character Set Definition File 1230 MGC AT F ormatted Application Message Catalog 1236 BMAP Base Map Specification Fil.
Appendix E 761 MPE/iX File Codes NO TE Default is the unreserved file code of 0. 1435 PRINT BRW Print File 1436 RCONF BRW Configuration File 1437 RDICN BRW NM Dictionary File 1438 REXNUM BRW NM Exec.
762 Appendix E MPE/iX File Codes Using 1090 (LOG) as a designated file code may not yield the number of records you specify in the DISC= parameter . Most files use the number of records specified in the DISC= parameter as the maximum limit; user logging uses this specified number as a minimum.
Appendix F 763 Wildcard Characters F W ildcard Characters In some commands , you may substitute wildcard characters for certain parameters , or parts of parameters , in the list. The wildcard characters count toward the eight character limit for user , group, account, and file names .
764 Appendix F Wildcard Characters.
Index Index 765 Symbols $NEWP ASS , 234 $NULL , 234 $OLDP ASS , 234 $STDIN , 234 $STDLIST , 234 =LOGOFF command , 371 =LOGON command , 373 =SHUTDOWN command , 607 A ABORT command , 38 aborting jobs/se.
766 Index Index groups within an account , 137 job attributes , 62 log files , 677 log files automatically , 131 logging files , 131 user attributes , 79 user capabilities , 79 user logging identi�.
Index Index 767 directories , 382 files , 112 groups , 384 installation tape , 679 job control words , 558 job queues , 388 log identifiers , 275 new link , 389 program files , 216 prompt strings ,.
768 Index Index subsystem , 216 editing command lines , 201 , 465 files , 216 EDITOR command , 216 ELSE command , 217 ELSEIF command , 218 enabling echoing , 214 , 542 jobs/data , 673 jobs/sessions ,.
Index Index 769 getting information online , 287 global RINs releasing , 261 global RINs, acquiring , 277 granting access to operator commands , 47 group passwords , 384 switching to another , 137 gro.
770 Index Index logging identifiers creating , 275 displaying , 351 user , 275 logging off , 119 logging on , 281 jobs , 297 logical device numbers displaying , 588 logical shift operator , 733 logon.
Index Index 771 SPL/V programs , 617 , 619 PREPRUN command , 437 PRINT command , 442 print output redirecting , 442 printer types , 747 printers configuring , 250 printing changing priority , 77 fil.
772 Index Index RTRIM function , 735 RUN command , 522 implied , 533 S SA VE command , 536 saving permanent files , 536 temporary files , 536 scheduling jobs , 669 searching libraries , 532 SECURE c.
Index Index 773 suspended operation resuming , 501 suspending jobs , 111 output , 675 system activity , 428 SUSPENDSPOOL command , 675 switching from group to group , 137 SWITCHLOG command , 677 symbo.
774 Index Index system-wide , 700 taking offline , 690 volume-related commands , 21 VSCLOSE command , 690 VSOPEN command , 693 VSRELEASE command , 695 VSRELEASESYS command , 697 VSRESERVE command , 6.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 3000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 3000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 3000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 3000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 3000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 3000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 3000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 3000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.