Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto dc5700 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Troubleshooting Guid e - dc5700 Models HP Compaq Business PCs.
© Copyright 200 6, 2007 Hewlet t-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject t o change without notice. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either trademarks or registered tradem arks of Microsoft Co rporation in the United States and/or other countries.
About This B ook WARNING! Text s et off i n this m anner indi cates tha t failu re to fol low di rections could res ult i n bodily harm or los s of li fe. CAUTION: Text s et off in this man ner indi cates that failure to follo w direction s could res ult in damage to equi pment or loss of inform ation.
iv About This Book ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Computer Diag nostic Feature s HP Insight Dia gnostics ...... ........... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ........ .......... ....... ....... ....... ..... ...... ........... 1 Accessing HP Insight Di agnostics ...
Interpreti ng POST Diagnosti c Front Panel LEDs and Aud ible Codes ..... ....... ....... ........ ........ ....... ...... 56 Appendix B P assword Sec urity and Resetting CMOS Resetting the Pa ssword Jumper ....... ..... ...... ......... ..... ...... .
1 Com puter Diagnos tic Fea tur es HP Insigh t Diagno stics NOT E: HP Insight Diagnos tics is inclu ded on CD with some computer models only. The HP Insight Diagno stics u tility allows you to view i nformatio n abou t the hardw are con figura tion o f the com puter and perf orm hardwar e diagno stic tests on the subsystems of the c omputer.
4. Select th e appr opriate langua ge and click Continue . NOTE: It is recommend ed that you accep t the assigned defa ult keyboar d for your language u nless you want to test your s pecif ic key board. 5. In the End User License A greement pag e, click Agree if you agr ee with the terms .
Test Tab The Test tab al lows yo u to choose vari ous parts of the system to test. Yo u can also choos e the type of test and te sting mo de. There ar e three types of tests to ch oose fro m: ● Quic.
After test ing has completed, th e Cancel Tes ting button is replac ed wit h a Re test button. The Retest button wil l retest the las t set of tests exe cuted. This e nables you t o re-run the set of tests without havin g to re-e nter the data i n the Test tab.
Saving and Printing Information in HP Insight Diagno stics You c an save the inf ormati on dis played i n the HP Insi ght Diag nostics Survey and Log tabs to a dis kette or a US B 2.0 H P Driv e Key ( 64MB or highe r). Y ou ca n not sav e to t he har d drive .
HP Backup and Reco very Man ager NOTE: The featu res describ ed below ar e only avail able on syst ems shi pped with Microso ft Windows XP. The HP Backup and R ecove ry M anager i nclud ed wit h Micro soft Win dows Vista is a mo re limi ted ve rsio n.
2 Troubleshooting Without Diagnostics This chapte r provide s info rmati on on h ow to id entify and co rrect m inor p roble ms, such as di skette dr ive, hard drive , optical drive, graphic s, audio, me mory, and so ftware probl ems.
● If you re centl y instal led ne w softwar e, uninst all th e softw are and see i f the compu ter func tions proper ly. ● Boot the computer to the Safe Mod e to s ee if it will b oot wi thout all of the drivers load ed. When booting the operating sy stem, use “L ast Know n Configu ration.
● Check the Power LE D on the f ront o f the com puter to see i f it i s flashing red. T he flas hing ligh ts are error code s that will hel p you diagn ose the p roble m. Refe r to App endix A, POST Error Message s on p age 49 for more informatio n.
Solving Ge neral Problems You may be able to ea sily re solve the ge neral problems describe d in this sec tion. If a pro blem per sists and you are unable to reso lve it yourself or i f you feel unc omfort able about performing the o perati on, contact an a uthori zed deal er o r rese ller.
Cursor will not move using the arrow keys on th e keypad. Cause Soluti on The Num Lock key may be on. Pres s the Num Lock key. The Num Lock light should not be on if you want to use t he arrow ke ys. The Num Lock key can be disabled (or enabled) in Computer Setup.
Poor performance is experienced. Cause Soluti on Too many applications running. 1. Close unnecessary applications to free up memory. Some applications run in the background and can be closed by right-click ing on thei r corr esponding icons in the task tray.
System does not power on and the LEDs on the front of the computer are not flashing. Cause Soluti on System unab le to power o n. Press and hold the power but ton for less than 4 seconds.
Solving Power Problems Comm on cause s and solu tions for power proble ms are liste d in t he fol lowing table . Table 2-2 Solv ing Power Problems Power supp ly shuts down inte rmittent ly. Cause Soluti on Voltage selector switch on rear of computer chassis (some models) not switched to correct line voltage (115V or 230V).
Solving Dis kette Prob lems Comm on causes and solutio ns for diske tte proble ms are liste d in the followin g table. NOT E: You may ne ed to r econfigu re the c ompute r when y ou add or remov e hardwar e, suc h as an additio nal dis kette dri ve. See Solvin g Hardwa re Insta llatio n Problems on page 32 for instruct ions.
Cannot format diskette. Cause Soluti on Invalid media reported. When formatting a dis k in MS-DOS, you may n eed to specif y diskette capacity. For exa mple, to form at a 1.44-MB diskette, type the following comman d at the MS-DOS prompt: FORMAT A: /F:1440 Disk may be write-protected.
Cannot Boot to Diskette. Cause Soluti on Diskette boot has been disabled in Computer Setup. 1. Run Computer Setup and enable diskette boot in Storage > Boot Order . 2. Run Computer Setup and enable diskette boot in Storage > Storage Options > Remo vable Media Boot .
Solving Ha rd Drive Problems Table 2-4 Solv ing Hard Drive Pr oblems Hard drive error occurs. Cause Soluti on Hard disk has bad sectors or has failed. 1. In Microsoft Windows XP, right-click Start , click Explore , and select a drive. Select File > Properties > Tools .
Nonsystem disk/NTLDR missing messag e. Cause Soluti on The system is try ing to start from a dis kette that is not bootable. Remove the diskette from the diskette drive. The system is trying to start from the hard drive but the hard drive may have bee n damaged.
Computer seems to be locked up. Cause Soluti on Program in use has stopped responding to commands. Attempt the normal Windows “Shut Down” procedure. If this fails, press the p ower button f or four or more seconds to turn off the power. To res tart the comput er, press the power button again.
Solving Med ia Card Reader Problems Table 2-5 Solvi ng Media Card Re ader Problems Media card wil l not wo rk in a digital camer a after fo rmatting it in Microsof t Wind ows XP or Micros oft Windo ws Vist a.
After installing the media card reader and booting to Windows, the reader and the inserted cards are not recognized by the computer. Cause Soluti on The operating system needs time to recognize the device if t he reader was just inst alled into the computer and you are tur ning the PC on for the first time.
Solving Displ ay Problems If you en counter di splay pro blems, see the docume ntation that came wi th the monit or and to the comm on causes a nd so lutions listed in t he fol lowing ta ble. Table 2-6 Solvi ng Display Problems Blank screen (no video).
Blank screen and the power LED flashes Red five times, once every second, followed by a two second pause, and the computer beeps five times. (Beeps stop after fifth iteration but LEDs con tinue flashing.) Cause Soluti on Pre-video memory error. 1. Reseat DIMMs.
Blurry video or requested resolution cannot be set. Cause Soluti on If the graphics c ontroller was u pgraded, the correct graphic s drivers may not be loaded. Install the video drivers included in t he upgrade kit. Monitor is not cap able of displaying requested resoluti on.
Vibrat ing or rattling noise coming from i nside a C RT moni tor when powered on. Cause Soluti on Monitor degaussing coil h as been activated. None. It is normal for the degaussing coil to be activated when the monitor is pow ered on. Clicking noise coming from inside a CRT monitor.
Solving Au dio Problems If th e compute r has au dio fe atures a nd you encounte r aud io probl ems, see th e common causes and soluti ons listed in th e following tab le. Table 2-7 Solvi ng Audio Problems Sound cuts in and out. Cause Soluti on Processor resource s are being used by other open applications.
Sound does not c ome out of the speaker or h eadphones. Cause Soluti on Headphones or devic es connected to the line-out c onnector mute the internal speaker. Turn on and use headphones or external speakers, if connected, or disconnect headph ones or ext ernal speakers.
Solving Prin te r Proble ms If you encounter printer pr oblems, se e the docum entatio n that came w ith the printe r and to the co mmon causes a nd so lutions listed in t he fol lowing ta ble. Table 2-8 Solvi ng Printer Problems Prin ter wil l not p rint.
Solving Keyboa rd and Mouse Problems If you encoun ter key board or mouse p roblems , see the docum entatio n that came with th e equ ipment and to t he com mon c auses a nd soluti ons l isted in the fo llowin g table. Table 2-9 Solv ing Keyboard Problems Keyboard commands and typing are not recognized by the computer.
Table 2-10 Solv ing Mouse Problems Mouse does not respond to movement or is too slow. Cause Soluti on Mouse connector is not properly plugg ed into the back of t he computer. Shut down the c omputer using the keyboard. 1. Press the Ctrl and Esc keys at the same time (o r press the Windows logo key) to display th e Start me nu .
Solvin g Har dware In stallati on Prob lems You ma y need to r econfigur e the compu ter when you ad d or remove hardwa re, suc h as an additi onal drive or expa nsion c ard. If you ins tall a plug and play dev ice, Windows autom aticall y re cogni zes the device and con figure s the co mputer.
Power LED flashes Red five times, once every second , followed by a two second pause, and th e computer beeps fi ve times. (Beeps stop after fifth iteration but LEDs continue fla shing.
Solving Ne twork Proble ms Some c ommon c auses an d sol utions for network pro blems ar e liste d in the fol lowin g table. These guideli nes d o not dis cuss th e process of de buggin g the network cabling . Table 2-12 Sol ving Network Problems Wake-on-LAN feature is not fu nctioning.
Network status link light never flashes. NOTE: The network status light is supposed to flash when there is network activity. Cause Soluti on No active net work is det ected. Check cabling and network e quipment for proper connect ion. Network controller is not set up properly.
Network controller stopped working when an expansion bo ard was added to the computer. Cause Soluti on Network controller inte rrupt is shared wit h an expansion board. Under the Computer Setup Advance d menu, change the resource settings for the board.
Solving Memory Problems If yo u encou nter memo ry probl ems, s ome co mmon caus es and solut ions are l isted in the fol lowing table. CAUTION: Power m ay still be supplied to the D IMMs w hen the co mputer is tu rned off.
Power LED flashes Red five times, once every second , followed by a two second pause, and the co mputer beeps five times. (Beeps stop after fifth iteration but LEDs continue flashing.) Cause Soluti on Memory is installed incorrectly or is bad. 1. Reseat D IMMs.
Solving Processor Problems If y ou encoun ter p rocessor probl ems, com mon c auses a nd so lutions a re l isted i n the follow ing ta ble. Table 2-14 Solving Processor Problem s Poor performance is experienced. Cause Soluti on Processor is hot. 1. Make sure the airf low to the computer is not blocked.
Solving CD-ROM and DVD Pro blems If you encoun ter CD-RO M or D VD probl ems, see th e common causes and sol utions list ed in the followi ng table or to the docum entatio n that came with the optional devi ce. Table 2-15 Sol ving CD-ROM and DVD Problems Syst em will not bo ot from CD-ROM or DVD drive.
Movie will not play in the DVD drive. Cause Soluti on Movie may be regionalized for a different count ry. See the documentation that came with the DVD drive. Decoder software is not in stalled. Install decoder sof tware. Damaged media. Replace media. Movie rating lock ed out by parental lock.
USDT com puter boots t oo slow after removing a CD-ROM or DVD drive. Cause Soluti on The system is searching for the driv e during boot because the drive cable is still attached to the system board.
Solvin g Drive Key Pr oblems If you encoun ter Dri ve Key probl ems, com mon c auses an d soluti ons are liste d in the foll owing table. Table 2-16 Solv ing Drive Key Problems USB Drive Key is not seen as a d rive letter in Windows. Cause Soluti on The drive letter a fter the last physical drive is not avail able.
Solving Front Panel Compo nent Problems If you encoun ter prob lems wit h devi ces connec ted to the fron t panel , refer to the commo n causes and solutio ns list ed in the followi ng table. Table 2-17 Sol ving Front Panel Component Problems A USB device, headphone, or microphone is not recognized by the computer.
Solvin g Intern et Access Pr oblems If you encoun ter Inter net acce ss prob lems, consult your In ternet Service Provider (ISP) or r efer to the common causes and sol utions l isted in the f ollowi ng tab le. Table 2-18 Sol ving Internet Access Pr oblems Unable to connect to the Internet.
Internet takes too long to download Web sites. Cause Soluti on Modem is not set up properly. Verify that the modem is connected and communicating properly. Windows XP 1. Select Start > Control Pa nel . 2. Double-click System . 3. Click the Hardware tab.
Solving Softw are Problems Most s oftwar e proble ms oc cur as a re sult o f the follow ing: ● The applic ation was not in stall ed or configu red co rrectly . ● There is insuf ficien t memo ry avail able to ru n the appli cation . ● There is a confli ct betwe en appli cation s.
Contactin g Customer Support For help and s ervice , contac t an au thorized resell er or d ealer. T o lo cate a resel ler or d ealer near you, visit http://ww w.
A POST Error Messages This appendix list s the erro r codes , error mes sages, and the vario us indi cato r ligh t and audib le sequenc es that you may enc ounter dur ing Po wer-On Self -Test ( POST) or compu ter res tart, the prob able sourc e of th e proble m, and steps you ca n take to r esolv e the error condi tion.
POST Numeric Cod es and Te xt Messages This sec tion co vers those POS T errors that hav e numer ic codes associa ted w ith them . The secti on also includ es so me text m essa ges that m ay b e encoun tered during POST. NOTE: The com puter wi ll bee p onc e after a POST text mes sage is disp layed on the s creen.
Control panel message Description Recommen ded action or contact an authorized dealer or reseller for RTC battery replacement. 163-Time & D ate Not S et Invalid time or date in conf iguration memory. RTC (real-time clock) battery may need to be replaced.
Control panel message Description Recommended act ion 301-Keyboard Err or Keyboard failure. 1. Reconnect k eyboard with computer turned off. 2. Check connector for bent or missing pins. 3. Ensure th at none of the keys are depressed. 4. Replace keyboard.
Control panel message Description Recommen ded action 512-Chassi s, Rear Chassis, or Front Chassis Fan not Detected Chassis, r ear chassis, o r front c hassis fan is not connected or may have malfuncti oned. 1. Reseat chassis, rear chassis, or front chassis f an.
Control panel message Description Recommended act ion 1151-Serial Port A Addre ss Conflict Detected Both external and internal serial ports are assigned to COM1. 1. Remove any serial port ex pansion card s. 2. Clear CMOS. (S ee Append ix B, Password Secur ity and Resetting CMO S on page 59 .
Control panel message Description Recommen ded action change Stora ge > Storage Options > SA TA Emulati on bac k to RAID and selec t File > Save Changes and Exit . 1801-Microcode Patch Erro r Processor is not supported by ROM BIOS. 1. Upgrade BIOS to proper version.
Interp reting POST Dia gnost ic Front Panel LEDs an d Audibl e Codes This se ction cove rs th e front pa nel LE D co des as w ell as t he audible c odes that ma y occur befo re or during POST that do not n ecessar ily hav e an e rror cod e or text m essage associa ted wi th them .
Activity Beeps Possible Cause Recomm ended Ac tion Red Power LED flashes four times, once every secon d, followed by a two second pause. Beeps stop after fifth iteration but LEDs c ontinue until problem is solved. 4 Power failure (power supply is overloaded).
Activity Beeps P ossib le Cau se Recommen ded Action Red Power LED flashes nine times, once every second , followed by a two second pause. Beeps stop after fifth iteration but LEDs continue until problem is solved. 9 System powers on but is unable to boo t.
B Password Security and Resetting CMOS This comp uter supp orts secu rity pas sword featu res, which can be establi shed throu gh the Compu ter Setup U tiliti es m enu. This comp uter supp orts two secu rity pass word featu res that are establishe d through the Co mputer Setup Ut ilities me nu: setup pas sword and powe r-on pass word.
Resettin g the Password Jumper To disab le the power-o n or setup passw ord features , or to clear the pow er-on or setup pass words, comple te the follow ing s teps: 1. Shut d own the operat ing syst em pro perly, th en tur n off the compu ter an d any extern al de vices, and disc onnect th e power cord from t he powe r outle t.
Clearing and R esettin g the CMOS The com puter’s co nfigurati on memory (CMOS) stor es informa tion abou t the computer ’s con figuratio n. Using Computer Setup to Reset CMOS Using C omputer Setup to r eset CMOS also cl ears t he power- on and setup pass words.
CAUTION: Pushin g the C MOS butt on will r eset CM OS values to fact ory de faults. It is important to bac k up the comp uter CMO S settin gs befor e resetti ng the m in cas e they are needed lat er. B ack u p is eas ily don e thro ugh Co mputer Setup .
C Drive Protection System (DPS) The Drive Pr otecti on Syst em (DPS) is a diagnosti c tool buil t into the hard drives instal led in so me compute rs. DPS is des igned to hel p diagnos e proble ms th at might r esult in unw arra nted h ard dri ve replacem ent.
Accessing DPS Through Computer Setup When th e com puter doe s not power on prope rly you sho uld us e Comp uter Set up to a ccess the DP S prog ram. To acce ss DPS, perf orm th e followi ng ste ps: 1. Turn on or res tart t he co mputer. 2. When t he F10 Se tup mess age app ears in the lowe r-righ t corner of the scr een, pr ess the F10 key.
Index A audible c odes 56 audio proble ms 27 B beep co des 56 boot probl ems 42 booting op tions Full B oot 49 Quick Bo ot 49 C CD-ROM or DV D proble ms 40 CMOS backing up 59 clearin g and resetti ng .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) dc5700 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) dc5700 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) dc5700 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) dc5700 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) dc5700, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) dc5700.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) dc5700. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) dc5700 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.