Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 945 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Photosmart 945 Digital Camera with HP Instant Share user's manual User's Manual.
T rademark and Copyr ight Information © 2003 Cop yri ght Hew lett-P ac kar d Dev elopment C ompan y , LP Reproduc tion, a daptat ion, or tran sla tion wi thou t prior writ ten permis sion is pr ohibited, ex cept as allo wed under the cop yr ight law s.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Chapter 1: Getting St arted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Camer a Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HP Pho tos mart 9 4 5 User ’s Manua l Focus Search Pr iority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Hint s on Using Man ual Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Setting the Exposu re Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 2-sec ond release priority .
Chapter 4: Using HP Instant Share . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Setting Up the Sh are Menu o n the Came ra . . . . . . . . 70 Using th e Share Me nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Selecting I mages for HP Ins tant Share Destinations .
HP Pho tos mart 9 4 5 User ’s Manua l HP Acce ssibility Web site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114 HP Ph otosmart We bsite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114 Suppo rt Proce ss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114 Phone Support in th e United Sta tes .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 9 C hapter 1 : Get ting Sta r ted Con gratu lations on you r pur chas e of this di gital camer a! This camera has man y features to enhance your p icture-taking e xperi ence, including HP In stant Sh are TM , dir e ct printing capabilit y , manual and automatic controls, on-ca mera Help , and an opt ional cam era dock.
10 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Camer a P arts NO TE Refer to the page s in p arentheses af ter the part nam es fo r mor e infor mati on abou t tho se parts . # Name Des cr iptio n 1 Fla s h button (pag e 32) Allows you to select the di ffer ent flash settings (this bu tton only w orks wh en the fl ash assembly is up).
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 11 4 Zoom le ver w ith Zo om O u t and Zo o m I n (page 30) Zooms out the lens to the wi de angle position , and in to the tel ephoto position . 5P o w e r / M e m o r y li g ht ( page 17) z Solid green — camer a is on. z Solid amber —camer a is wr iting to the memory car d.
12 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l 13 Live V iew button (page 23) Tu r n s Li ve View on an d of f on the Ima ge Displa y . 14 Image Displa y (pag e 23) Allows y ou to frame pictur es and video clips using Live View and r ev ie w the m afterwar d in Pla yback , and to view al l the me nus.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 13 # Name Desc ripti on 1 Shu tte r button (pages 2 7, 28, 29) T a kes a pi cture and recor ds audio, or starts and stops recor ding a video clip 2 Mode selector (pag es 29.
14 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l # Name Descr iption 1M i c r o p h o n e (pag e 28) R e cor ds audio clips 2 Self-Timer / F ocus Assist light (pag es 34, 85) z Blink ing red — Se lf-T im er .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 15 Setup Atta chin g th e Lens Ca p T et her 1 With the fr ont of the camer a fac ing you , inser t the sm all lo op of the len s cap t ether thr ough t he neck str ap moun t on t he r ight si de of the camer a. 2 Insert the lon g loop of the tether thr ough the small l oop an d pull t o tigh ten the kno t .
16 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Atta c hing th e Nec k Strap Inse rt one end o f the nec k str ap thr ough a neck st rap moun t. Then thread the neck s trap through the plastic tab to secure it. Repeat to at tach the other end of the neck st ra p to the o ther ne ck strap mount .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 17 NO TE If you ha ve rechargeable bat ter ies, you can use the optional HP Photosmart 8881 cam er a dock or the optional HP A C power adapter to r ech arge the bat teries while the y ar e in the camer a. F or mor e infor matio n abou t these optional accessories, see Pur chasing Camera Ac ce ss orie s on page 12 6.
18 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Understanding the Status Screen When you turn on the camera , the HP log o scr een and then the status screen appea r briefl y on the Image Display .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 19 Settin g th e Da te and Time The camera has a clock that records th e date and t ime at which y ou take each p ictur e. Th is info rmatio n does not appear in the image .
20 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Installin g t he Sof tware NO TE A copy of t h is User’s Manual (in several differ ent languages) is locate d on the HP Photo & Imaging so ftwar e CD . Loo k in t he docsReadme f ile on t he CD t o see where the manual i s located.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 21 Maci ntosh 1 Clo se all pr ograms an d tempo ra ril y disable any v iru s pr otect ion softwar e running on your computer . 2 Inse rt the HP Pho to & Imagi ng sof t w are CD in to the CD dri ve of your comput er . 3 Double - click the C D ico n on th e compu ter des ktop.
2 2 HP Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 2 3 C hapter 2 : Ta k i n g Pi c t u r e s a n d Recordin g Vid eo C lips Usin g t he Dis p l ay s Y our camer a has two d ispla y s - the Micr o dis play and the Image D isplay .
2 4 HP Pho tos mart 9 45 Us er’ s Manua l The follow in g table describes the information th at is displayed in the Live V iew screen of the active display when the camera settin gs are at their default v a lues. If yo u cha nge ot her ca mera settings, ico ns for those settings will also be displayed .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 2 5 Using th e Focus Brac k ets The two brackets in the m iddle of the act ive display scr een sho w th e fo cus r egion for the p ic tur e yo u ar e ta king or the vid e o c l ip you a re re c o rdi n g.
2 6 HP Pho tos mart 9 45 Us er’ s Manua l z If the fo cus b rac ke ts turn r ed and the MA CRO icon b lin ks on th e acti ve disp lay , one o f the fo llow ing is true: • The c amera is set to th e NORMAL focus range but dete cts the focus i s close r t han the norma l rang e.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 2 7 T akin g Sti ll P ic tures You can ta ke a picture a lmost any time the camera is o n, rega rdles s of w hat is being s hown on the act ive di spl ay. 1 Rotate the Mo de selector to AU TO or anoth er of th e expos ure mode s (see Set ting the Expo sure Mode on page 3 8 ).
28 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al NO TE If you r elease the Shutter button only ha lfway after tak ing a p ictur e, the f oc us and e xposur e measur ements fr om the pre vious picture ar e retained.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 2 9 Recordin g Vid eo C lips 1 Rotate t he Mode se lector to Vid e o mode. 2 F rame the s ubj ect f or you r v ideo i n the activ e display . 3 Pres s the Shutter bu tton halfw ay down to measure and lock focus (e xposure is continuall y measur ed and ad jus ted duri ng r ecordin g).
30 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Usin g Zoom NO TE The more y ou zoom in on t he subj ect of your p icture , the more that even smal l movements of th e cam era are magn ifie d (this is called “ camer a shak e”).
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 31 Digital Zoom Unlike optica l z oom, digita l z o om uses no mov in g lens part s. Th e came ra e ssen tial ly c r ops t he ima ge to gi v e an appe ar ance of the subject of the picture being an addi tional 1.
3 2 HP Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al Usin g th e P op-u p Fla sh NO TE Th e flas h wil l not wo rk wh i le re cord i ng vid eo cl ip s. Th e fl ash is turn ed off and w ill no t f ire until y ou man ually pop it u p b y sliding the pop-u p fla sh rel e as e o n t op of the ca mer a.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 3 3 T o turn the flash off, press the pop- up flash assembly down until it snap s shut . When the fla sh is off , the FLASH OFF ico n appea rs at the top of the Live Vi ew scr een .
34 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Using Sel f- Timer M ode 1 Secure the camera to a tripod or set it on a stable surf ace. 2 Pres s the Tim er/ Bu rst ( ) button until SELF -T IMER or SELF- TIMER — 2 SHO T S appears in the active di splay. 3 Frame the subje ct in the active display.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 3 5 Usin g B urst Mode Burst allows you to take multiple st ill pictures in a ro w as quickly as th e ca mera possibly c an. This feature is not available for video clips. 1 Pr ess the Ti me r/B u rst button until BURST appears i n the ac tiv e displ ay .
36 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al Us ing the Fo cus Settings The Fo cu s button lets y ou tog gle betwee n four foc us setting s on the camer a. The follow in g table describes each of the fo cu s ran g e s e t t i n gs o n t h e ca m e ra. Icon Setting Descr iption None NO RMAL Use when taking pictures of subj ects greate r than 0.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 3 7 F ocus Sea rch Pr i ori ty When th e cam era is se t to NORMA L or MA CRO fo cus, it b eg in s se arch in g fo r fo cus from t he las t fo cus pos it io n. H owever , you can use the bu ttons to chang e this beh avi or .
38 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al Set ting t he Exposure Mod e The Mode selector lets you c hoose betw een six e x po sure modes f or still pict u res.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 3 9 2-s econd r elease priori t y Whe n the expos ure mode is set to ACT I O N , you can ta ke multip le pictur es in ra pid succession w ithout h aving to w ait for the camera to m easu re focus and exposu re for each pict ure .
40 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Using t he C apture Me nu The Captu r e menu a llows you to adjust various camera sett ings tha t affec t the qualiti es of t he image s and v ide o clips y ou captu re with y our camer a, suc h as t heir e xposur e, color , an d res o l ut i on .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 41 Help for the Men u Options Help ... is the last option in eac h of the Capture sub-me nus . Th e Hel p ... option pro vides information about that Capture menu op tion and its settin gs. Fo r e xample, if you pr ess OK when Help.
4 2 HP Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al EV Com pensa tion In difficult lig hting conditions, you can u se EV (Ex pos ure Value) Com pensation to override the automatic ex posure setting that the camera makes.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 43 White Balance Different k inds of lighting condit ions cast dif fer ent colors. F or e xam ple, sunlight is m ore blue, w hile indoor tungs ten ligh t is mor e ye llo w .
44 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Man ual If the s etting is an ything othe r than the d efau lt setting of Au to , the icon for th e sett ing ( in the table above) will appea r in the Live Vi ew sc re en.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 4 5 To c h a n g e t h e Manu al White Balance setting : 1 P oint th e cam er a at a white or gra y target (s uch as a piece of p aper ) , makin g sur e that the r egion inside the f ocu s brack ets enc ompasses the white or gray tar get.
46 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l The follow ing tabl e helps explai n the set tings in more detail: If the ne w setting is an ything othe r than th e defau lt setting o f Center -W eighted , the icon for th e set ti ng (i n the table ab ove) will appear i n the Live View screen.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 47 ISO Speed This setting adj usts th e sensiti vity of the camer a to ligh t. W hen ISO S pee d is se t to Auto , the camera select s the best ISO speed for the scene.
48 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al Digital Fla sh This s etting balan ces the r ela tionship be tween br ight an d dark areas in a picture , preserving gentle c ontrasts but compressing har sh con tra sts . Some area s in the p ictur e are li gh tened , whi le oth ers are left al one .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 49 1 In the Capture men u (page 40), select Digital F lash . 2 In the Digital F lash me nu, use the butt ons to hi ghlight a setting . 3 Pr ess OK to s av e the settin g and return to the Capture menu.
50 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al Colo r This setting allow s you t o contr ol the col or in which your image s w ill be ca ptur ed . F or e x ample , when you set Color to Sepia , your images will be captured in bro wn colors to ma k e them lo ok aged or old- fashioned.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 51 Reso lu ti on This setting all ow s you t o set the reso lution (number o f pi xels) a t which your images will b e captured. 1 In the Capture men u (page 40), select Res ol u ti on . 2 In the Resolution menu, use the butt ons to hi ghlight a setting .
52 H P P h o t o s m a r t 94 5 U s er ’ s M a nu a l Compr essi on This setting de termine s how much JP EG com pr essio n your images will ha ve . 1 In the Capture men u (page 40), select Compression . 2 In the Compressi o n me nu, use the butt ons to hi ghlight a setting .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 5 3 Saturatio n This setting allo ws y ou to de termine ho w saturat ed the colo rs will be in y our pictures. 1 In the Capture men u (page 40), selec t Saturati on . 2 In the Saturation me nu, use the butt ons to hi ghlight a setting .
54 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Sharpn ess This set ting a llows y ou to set h ow sharp the edg es will be i n your pictur es. 1 In the Capture men u (page 40), selec t Sharpness . 2 In the Sha rpn ess menu, use the butt ons to hi ghlight a setting .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi cture s and Recor ding Vi deo Clips 5 5 Cont rast This sett ing allows you to control how mu ch con tra st ther e will be b etween the da rk and light co lors in your captu red images, including the amou nt of de tail ther e w ill be in the highlight s and s hadows withi n the images.
56 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al Setup If you pre ss OK when the Setu p option is hig hlighted in the Capture me nu, the Se tup menu displa ys.
Chap ter 3: Reviewing I mag es 57 C hapter 3 : R e vie w ing Imag es Yo u c a n u s e t h e Pl ayb a ck feature to re view the images and vi d eo clips in your camera .
58 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al Dur ing Pl ay ba c k , some in formation about each ima ge or video clip is also disp lay ed . The follo wing ta ble de scr ibes th e infor mation . # Icon Descr iption 1 or z Battery level (actual icon shown depends on the state of your camera batteries).
Chap ter 3: Reviewing I mag es 59 T otal Im ages Summ ary Sc reen When you pr ess the button while v iew ing the l ast image , a scr een appears s how ing the number of images c aptured , number of imag es r emaining, and count ers indicat ing the total number of images sel ected for HP Instan t Sha re an d printing.
60 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Selec tin g Imag es for Printin g The Prin t b u t to n o n t h e ba ck o f t h e ca m e ra al l ow s yo u t o s e t how many copies of a stil l image you w ant to have printed automat ically th e next ti me you conne ct the came ra to your compu ter or dir ectly to ce rtain HP prin ter s.
Chap ter 3: Reviewing I mag es 61 Usin g th e Playbac k Menu The Pl ayb a ck menu al low s yo u to pla y or r ecor d audi o clips , play video clips, delete images, aud io clips, or video cl ips or for mat the memory ca rd , magnif y an image on the Image Displ ay , or v iew all of the se ttings th at we r e used when captur ing an ima ge.
62 H P P h o t o s m a r t 94 5 U s er ’ s M a nu a l The follow ing table s ummariz es each of the Pl ay ba c k menu options an d describes the information in the bottom right corner of each image while the Playback men u is displ ay ed . # Icon Desc ripti on 1 Exits the Pla yb a ck men u .
Chap ter 3: Reviewing I mag es 63 7 5 MP Sho ws the Resol ut ion (such a s 5MP ) and Compr essio n (such as the 2 stars f or Better ) for this image , or blank if it is a video c lip (s ee Reso l utio n on pag e 51 and Comp r ess ion on page 5 2).
64 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Man ual P lay /Re cord A udio In the Pl ayb a ck menu (pag e 6 1), the f irst men u optio n is either Play or Rec ord Aud io depe nding on t he still imag e or v ideo clip t hat is c urr entl y displa yed .
Chap ter 3: Reviewing I mag es 65 Delete 1 In the Playback menu (pag e 61), highligh t Delete an d then pr ess OK . 2 In the Delet e sub-menu, use the butt ons to highli ght the option you w ant, and then press OK. These options include: • Cancel —Ret urns to the Play b ac k men u witho ut deleting an ything.
66 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Magnify NO TE If the im age th at is cur ren tly displa yed is a vi deo c lip , the Mag nif y menu option is gray ed out.
Chap ter 3: Reviewing I mag es 67 Ima ge Info This option a llows y ou to see all of th e set tin gs that were used when captu ring the curr ently di splayed image. 1 In the Play b ac k menu (page 61) , select Image Info , a nd then press OK . 2 Use the button s to scroll to other im ages and view their infor mation .
68 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al Setup If you pre ss OK when the Setu p option is hig hlighted in the Play bac k menu, th e Setup menu di splays. See Chapter 6: Using the Se tup Menu on page 8 3. 3 ISO Speed setting that was u sed ( 100 , 200 , or 400 ), o r blank if it is a video clip .
Chapte r 4: Usi ng HP Instant Sha re 69 C hapter 4 : Usin g HP Ins tant Sh are This camera has an exc iti ng feature calle d HP I nstant Share . This featur e allo ws y ou to easily select im ages in y our camer a to be automat ically sent to a vari et y of dest ination s the next time yo u connect the camer a t o your comput er .
7 0 HP Pho tos mart 9 45 Us er’ s Manua l Set ting U p th e Share Menu on the Camer a Befo re y ou can use HP Ins tant Shar e , yo u mu st fir st set up the Share men u on y our ca mer a. T he f ollo wing p ro cedur e expl ains how to do th is. NO TE Y ou will need an Internet connectio n to complete this pr oc edure on a Windows computer .
Chapte r 4: Usi ng HP Instant Sha re 71 NO TE If y our computer is running Window s XP , when y ou connect the ca mera t o your computer in the ne xt st ep , a di alog bo x ma y disp lay th at r equ ests y ou to Select the program to lau nch for th is action .
7 2 HP Pho tos mart 9 45 Us er’ s Manua l 7 Once you are succe ssfully registered, sign in to HP P ass port, and then the HP Instan t Shar e E -mail Se tup screen will appea r . Here you can eith er enter individual e- mail addresses or create group dist ribution list s, a nd spe cify how you want them to appe ar in the cam era ’s Shar e menu .
Chapte r 4: Usi ng HP Instant Sha re 7 3 Using t he Share M enu Once you hav e set up the Shar e menu on the c amera (see page 7 0 ), you can no w use the Shar e menu. When y ou press the Shar e button on the c amera , the most recently tak en or vi ewed image appea rs on the I mage D isplay .
7 4 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al Sel ect ing Im ag es for HP Instan t Share D estin ations NO TE Y ou can select each still image f or any number of HP Inst ant Shar e destinat ions. Howev er , you cann ot select v ideo c lips fo r any HP Insta nt Share dest ination s.
Chapte r 4: Usi ng HP Instant Sha re 7 5 Ho w HP In stant Shar e E-m ai ls Imag es The wa y images are e-ma iled via HP In stant Sh are work s differen tly on Window s and M ac intosh computers . Wind ows Images are not e-ma iled as attachments. Rathe r , a message is sent to each e-ma il address that y ou selected in the Share me nu .
7 6 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al.
Chapt er 5: Unloading , Prin ting, and Displa ying Images 77 C hapter 5: Unloadi ng , Printi ng , and Disp lay ing Imag es Unloa ding Im ag es to a Compu ter NO TE You c a n a l s o us e t h e o p t io n a l H P 8 8 8 1 c a m e ra d o ck t o do this t ask.
7 8 HP Pho tos mart 9 45 Us er’ s Manua l NO TE If y our computer is running Window s XP , when y ou turn on the camera in the next step , a dialog box will display th at request s you to Select the progr a m to launch for th is a cti on . Si mply click on Cancel to close th is dia log box.
Chapt er 5: Unloading , Prin ting, and Displa ying Images 79 Printin g Ima ges Direc tly fr o m the Camer a NO TE You c a n a l s o us e t h e o p t io n a l H P 8 8 8 1 c a m e ra d o ck t o do this t ask. See App endi x B: Cam era Do ck on pag e 12 9.
80 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l 4 When the camera is connected to the prin ter , a Print Se tup menu disp la ys o n the camer a. If yo u already selec ted imag es to print usi ng th e c am era Pr int button , the number of im ages selected is sho wn .
Chapt er 5: Unloading , Prin ting, and Displa ying Images 81 Display ing Imag es on a T V Imag es in y our camer a can easil y be displ ay ed as a s lidesh ow on almost any tele vision. NO TE You c a n a l s o us e t h e o p t io n a l H P 8 8 8 1 c a m e ra d o ck t o do this t ask.
8 2 HP Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al 4 T u rn on the camera , then connect th e A/V cable t o the A/V inputs on the T V a nd to the T V co nn ector on your camer a. T ypi cally , th e yello w connecto r on the cable should hook up to the Video inp ut on yo ur TV , and the r ed connector should hook up to the A udio input .
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 83 C hapter 6 : Using th e Setup Menu The Setup menu allo ws you to adj ust a n umber of came ra settin gs, suc h as the came ra so unds , date and time , and the con figuration of the USB or T V c onn ectio n.
84 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Camer a Sound s Came ra sound s ar e the s ounds that the camer a mak es when y ou turn it on , pr ess a bu tton , or tak e a pictu re . Camer a sounds are not th e audio sounds recorded with i mages or video clips.
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 85 F oc us Assist Ligh t Sometim es in lo w-ligh t situati ons, th e camera will u se the r ed fo cus a ssist light o n the fr ont of the camer a to aid in focu sing .
86 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al Instant Re vie w After a picture or video cli p is c aptured, the image appe ars for sev eral sec onds i n the act ive display . This settin g al lo ws you to sel ect ho w long a n image w ill be disp lay ed aft er a p ic tur e is tak en or v ideo clip r ecord ed.
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 87 Da te & T im e This s etting allo ws y ou to set the current date and time, as well as the date/time f ormat, for the c amera.
88 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l USB Configuration This setting determines how the cam era is recognized when connected to a computer. 1 In the Setu p men u (page 83), select US B Con figuratio n .
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 89 TV Conf igura tion This sett ing a llows you to set the format of th e video s igna l for displaying camera images on a television (T V) that is connect ed to the cam er a with a n optio nal Au dio/Vi deo ca ble or HP 8881 camer a dock.
90 HP Ph otosmart 9 45 User’s Manua l Lan gu a ge This setting allo ws y ou t o set the language used in the ca mera interface, such a s the text in menus. 1 In the Setu p men u (page 83), select Lan guage . 2 In the Lang uage sub-m enu , highlight the l anguage you w ant to use.
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 91 Res e t S et t in g s This op tion allo ws y ou to r eset th e camer a to the f actory def ault setti ngs. 1 In the Setu p men u (page 83), select Res et S ettings . 2 In the Re set S et t in gs sub-men u , hig hligh t one o f the foll ow ing: • Cancel - exit s the menu witho ut making any changes.
92 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 9 3 C hapter 7 : T roub lesh ootin g an d Support This chapter contain s information on th e following topics: z Re setting the camer a. z P ossib le problems, causes, and solu tions. z E rror m es s a g es o n t he c a m era.
94 H P P h o t o s m a r t 94 5 U s er ’ s M a nu a l Problems an d Solu tions Pro blem P ossible cause Solut ion The c am era does not turn on . The batter ies are f unctioning incorr ectly , are dead, ar e installed incorr ectly , or are missing .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 9 5 The mi cr odis pla y in the view fi nde r does not turn on when I put my eye u p to it. The Eye Start sensor canno t detect that you are l ooking throug h t he view find e r (sometimes occurs w hen we arin g glasses) Tu r n t h e Eye Sta rt sensor to Off in the Setup menu (pag e 84) .
9 6 HP Pho tos mart 9 45 Us er’ s Manua l I replace the camera batteries fre que n tly. Extended Image D isplay use for Live View or video re c o r d i n g, ex cessiv e flash use, a nd ex cessive zo o m i ng consume a lot of b at ter y pow er .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 97 The c am era batteries w ill not charge . Rechar geable batteri es are not i nser te d. Install NiMH batteri es. L ithium and alk ali ne batt er ies cann ot be r echar ged (page 121). Batter ies are alread y cha rged.
98 H P Phot osma rt 9 45 U ser ’s Manu al The c am era does not res p on d when I press a button. The cam era is turne d of f or has shut down . Tu r n o n t h e c a m er a . The cam era is connected to a compute r . Most of the camera buttons do not r espond when the ca mera is connected to a comput er .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 9 9 The c am era does not take a pi ctur e when I press the Shutter button. Yo u d i d n o t pr ess the Shutter button hard e nough. Pr ess the Shutter butt on all the way d own. The me mory card is not installed .
100 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual My image is blurry . The lig ht i s low and the fla sh is set t o FLASH OFF . In dim light , the camer a r equires a longer e xposure. U se a tripod to hold the camer a steady , impr ov e lighting con d itions , or set the pop up the flash and set the flas h to FL AS H O N (page 32) .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 101 My image is too bright. The flas h pr ov ided too much light. z T urn t he fl ash off ( pag e 32) . z Mov e back fr om the subjec t and use t he z oom to ge t the same frami n g. z Use Di git al F la sh (page 48) .
102 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual My image is too dark. There was not enough light. z Wait for natural lighting conditions to improve. z Add indirect lighting. z Use the pop-up flash (page 32). z Adjust the EV Compens ation (page 42). z Use Di git al F la sh (page 48) .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 103 The T V do es not display images when I conn ect my camera to it . A udi o and video cables are s witc he d T ry sw itching the audio and video cables on the back of the T V (the r ed and yello w connectors on the cable fr om the cam er a or dock to the T V) .
104 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual Error Messages on t he C amera Message P ossible cause Solution Batteries depleted. Camera is shutting down . Batte r y po wer is too lo w to continue operati on. Replace or r e charge batt er ie s, o r us e an optional HP A C powe r adapter .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 105 CARD IS UNF ORMA TTED Press OK to form a t c a rd The memory card needs to be fo rmatted. F ormat the me mory card (remo ve the ca r d from the camera if you do not wan t it to be f ormatted) .
106 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual PROC ESSIN G... The cam era is pr ocessing data, such as sav ing the last pi cture you t ook. W ait a fe w s econ ds f or the camera to f inish pr ocessing befor e taking another p icture o r pressing another button .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 10 7 UNABLE TO FO CUS The c ame ra cannot f ind focus in MA CR O mode , p ossibly due low contr ast . z Use Focus Lo ck (page 25). P oint at a part of t he scen e that is br ighter . z Ma ke su re th e c am era is with in the range of MA CRO fo cus (page 36 ) .
108 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual F -nu mber an d shutter speed turn red i n Li ve V iew The c ame ra is out of rang e for the selected ape rtu re o r shutter s peed. z Select a diff er ent ape rtur e when u sing t he Apert ure Prior it y Av expos ure mode .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 109 Unable t o communicate with prin ter There i s no connection between the camera and pr inter . z Check that th e print er is turned on. z Make su r e the cable is conn ected bet ween the pr inter and the camer a or the optional HP 8881 camer a dock.
110 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual Prin ter has a paper jam or The pr int carri age has stalled Ther e is a paper jam o r the pr inter carr iage has st alle d. T u rn off the pr inter . Clear the paper jam , and then turn on the prin ter . Prin ter is out of paper The pr inter is out of paper .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 111 Error Messag es on the Com pu ter Message P ossible cause Solution Connecti on betw een t he imaging devi ce and computer fa ile d The came ra might be connected to a computer through a USB hub. Try connecting the cam era directly to the computer, or disconnect other devices attached to the USB hu b.
112 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual Compute r c annot fin d t h e connected camera (conti nued) The came ra is set to the Digital Camera setting in the USB Con figurat ion sub-menu of the Setup menu , but the computer cannot rec ognize the camera as a digital camera .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 113 Cam era Self-diagnostic T ests If you think your camera may be defectiv e or ma lfunctioning in some wa y , there is a diagnostic progr am (a set of eleven diffe ren t tests ) that yo u can ru n on the came ra to try to det er mine t he pr oblem .
114 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual Get ting Assis tance This s ection con tains supp ort infor mati on for y our dig ital camer a , including suppo rt websit e info rmati on , an e xplana tion of the support process, and support phone numbers. HP Accessib ilit y W ebsite Cu stome rs w ith disab ilities can get help by v isiting ww w .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 115 Consumer Care is available in the follow ing languages: Dut ch , English , F r ench , Ge rman , Itali an, P ortugue se , Spanish, S wedi sh, T raditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Jap anese , Ko rean .
116 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual The applicable con dition s for HP phone support are subj e ct to chang e witho ut noti ce. T elephone supp ort is free fr om the date of purchase f or the period specified un less other wise noted.
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 117 Phone Su ppor t in Europe, the Middle East, and Afr ica HP Consum er Support ph one numbers and policies may cha nge. Visit t he fol low ing w ebsite to chec k the de tails an d conditions o f phone support in y our country/region: www .
118 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual Nethe rlands 0900 20 2 0 16 5 (Euro 0.10/minute) Norwa y +47 815 6 2 0 7 0 Po l a n d +48 2 2 86 5 98 00 Po r t u g a l 808 201 49 2 Ro m a n i a +40 1 315 44 .
Chapt er 7 : Tr oublesh ooting and Suppor t 119 Ot her Ph one Sup por t W orldwide HP Consum er Support ph one numbers and policies may cha nge. Visit t he fol low ing w ebsite to chec k the de tails an d conditions o f phone support in y our country/region: www .
120 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual Mex i co +5 2 58 99 22 (Mex ico City ) +5 2 01 800 4 7 2 6684 (outside Mex ico City) Ne w Zeal and +64 ( 9) 35 6 664 0 Pe r u +51 0 80 0 101 11 Philippines +6 .
Append ix A: Batter ies and Came ra Access ori es 121 Append ix A: Batterie s and Camera A cce ssories Managing B atterie s Y ou r c a m era us e s fo ur A A b at t e rie s . Fo r b e s t res u l t s, u se photo- lithi um or rechargeable NiMH batt eries.
122 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual NO TE If you do no t in tend to use your cam era for exten ded per iods of time (more t ha n a month), we str ongly rec o m m en d t h a t yo u re mov e th e b a t t eri e s. When replacing bat teries, alw ays r epl ace them toget her as a set .
Append ix A: Batter ies and Came ra Access ori es 123 NO TE The ba t te ry gaug e is mos t accur ate afte r a fe w minu tes of u se . When the cam era is turned off , the batt er ies r ecov er and the initi al gauge r eading m ay not be as accurate as that obta ine d during ac tual use.
12 4 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual z Do no t set Auto P ower O f f in the Se tu p menu to Never (page 8 6). z Mi n i m i ze p o we r c ycl i n g. If y ou e xp e ct to ave rag e m o re t h a n one pictur e every fi ve minutes, leave t he camera on r ather than tur ning it off af ter ea ch sho t.
Append ix A: Batter ies and Came ra Access ori es 125 z Al wa y s re char ge all fou r NiMH ba tter ies at the same time . One lo w- charged ba ttery will reduce th e bat tery life for the other batterie s in the camera. z NiMH bat teries discharge when not in use , whether they ar e insta lled i n a camera or not.
12 6 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual Pu rc h asin g C ame ra Accessories Y ou can pur chas e these access ori es for y our camer a fr om your local retailer or online at www .
Append ix A: Batter ies and Came ra Access ori es 1 2 7 z HP Photos mart 6.6V A C power adapter (C88 7 5A , option #001 for the United States and Canada, #00 2 fo r Eu ro pe, Aus tr alia , Ne w Ze aland , and Ko re a) HP support s only HP A C pow er adapt ers and other access or ies e xpr essly a ppr ov ed by HP .
128 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual.
Appen dix B: Camer a Dock 129 Append ix B : Ca me r a D ock Ge tti ng S ta rt ed wi th th e D ock Th e opti onal H P Pho tosmar t 888 1 camer a dock allo ws y ou to easily un load ima ges to your computer , print images directly to a printer , an d displ ay images and video clips on a television (TV).
130 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual The c amera do ck has four conn ectors on th e back: A slidi ng door over the printer and computer co nnectors pr e vents y ou fr om u sing both conne ctors at the sam e time (th e c ame ra do ck i s not a US B hu b) .
Appen dix B: Camer a Dock 131 Dock L ights a nd Buttons Th e camer a dock ha s a lig ht near the t op f ro nt that pr ov ides batte ry char ging sta tus. Wh en that ligh t is: • On - the camer a is in the dock , the dock has po wer , and the batter ies ar e full y char ged (or ar e not rech argeable ) .
13 2 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual Unloa ding Im ag es to a Computer Using th e Dock 1 Conf irm t he follow ing : • The dock in sert that ca me in yo ur c am era box i s at tach ed to th e top of the camer a dock (see the camera dock Setup poster).
Appen dix B: Camer a Dock 133 Printing Ima ges Using t he Doc k 1 Conf irm t he follow ing : • The dock i ns ert that cam e in you r ca me ra box is atta che d to the top of the camer a dock (see the camera dock Setup poster).
134 H P Photosmar t 9 45 User’s M anual Dis pl ay ing Ima ges on a T V Usin g th e Doc k 1 Conf irm t he follow ing : • The dock in sert that ca me in yo ur c am era box i s at tach ed to th e top of the camer a dock (see the camera dock Setup poster).
App endix C : Sp ecificatio ns 135 Append ix C : Spec if ica tions Fe a t u re Desc ripti on Reso l utio n Still pictu res: • 5.2 6 MP (266 8 by 197 0) total pix el count • 5. 08 M P (2608 b y 195 2) effective pi xel count Video cli ps: • 2 88 by 208 total pix el count Sensor Diagonal 9 .
136 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual Zoom 8x opti cal, 7x di gital z oom Fo cu s z TTL a uto f ocu s z Wid e —0.1 m (3.9 in ) to infinity . z T eleph oto—0.
App endix C : Sp ecificatio ns 137 Storage z Sl ot for me mor y ca rd z One 32 MB SD m emory card included. z This camer a suppor ts both Secur e Digital (S D) and some MultiMediaCar d TM (M MC) mem ory cards. Only M MC card s that h ave b een veri fied compliant to the MultiMediaCar d TM specification as of January 2000 are supported.
138 H P Photosmar t 9 45 User’s M anual Audio captur e With sti ll pict u res: • EXIF 2 .2 at a minimum samplin g r ate of 22.0 5 K H z. • Ma ximum of 60 seco nds of aud io ca n be captur ed at the time a pictur e is tak en by holdi ng d own the Shutt er but ton af ter tak ing a pict ure (n ot avail able in Bur st or Self- Timer mode s) .
App endix C : Sp ecificatio ns 139 Compr ession settings — Best — Better (default) — Good Saturati on settings Lo w , Mediu m (default), High Shar pness settings Lo w , Mediu m (default), High C.
140 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual Standar ds z PTP transfer (157 4 0) z MSDC transfer z NT SC/P AL z JPE G z MPEG1 z DPOF 1.1 z EXIF 2 .2 z DCF 1.
App endix C : Sp ecificatio ns 141 Memo r y Card Capacity The following table l ists the approx imate numb er of st ill images tha t can be sto red on a 3 2 MB Sec ure Digit al (SD) me mory card when the camera is set to the different Res ol ut io n and Compression setting s ava ilable in the C apture menu (s ee page 51) .
14 2 HP Photos mart 9 45 U ser’s Manual.
Ind e x 143 Index A AA batteries 121 AC power adapter connector on camera 14 HP part number 140 purchasing 127 accessories for camera 126 Action setting 38 2-second release priority 39 active display,.
144 In dex using 40 Color of images, s etting 50 compr ession f ormat 139 Compression, set ting 5 2 computer connec t camera dock to 130 connec t camera to 77 connections as a USB Mass Storage Device .
145 Index Flash Off 33 F-number, set ting 39 Focu s brackets, using 25 Infinity setting 36 lock 26 Macro setting 36 Manu al Fo cus se tti ng 36, 37 Normal setting 36 search priority 37 sett ings 3 6 f.
146 Index Infinity focus setting 36 install batteries 16 lens cap tether 1 5 memory card 17 neck strap 16 softwa re 20, 2 1 Instant Review setting 86 ISO Speed, settin g 47 L Landsc ape setting 38 Lan.
14 7 Index number of images on memory card 51 , 5 2, 141 number of p ictures rema ining on memor y card 24, 5 9 O OK button, descripti on 11 online Help for Capture menu options 41 optical zoom 30 ori.
148 Index S Saturation, setting 53 sel ec tin g im ag es for direct pr int 60 for HP Instant Share destinations 74 Self-Timer button 10 light 14 using 34 settings Remem bered 90 Reset 91 Setup menu, u.
149 Index V vide o cli ps delete 65 play 64 record 29 Video setting 38 viewfinder microdisplay diop ter cont rol 19 using 23 viewfinder, description 12 viewing images 57 W web site s for HP 114 Whit e.
150 Index.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 945 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 945 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) 945 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) 945 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 945, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 945.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 945. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 945 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.