Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 6980 series del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Deskjet 6980 series User's guide.
Hewlett-Packar d Company notices The information contain ed in this document is su bject to change without notice. All rights reserved. Reproduction , adaptation, or translatio n of this material is prohibited without prior written permission of Hewlett-Packard, except as allowed under copyright laws.
Contents 1W e l c o m e .................. ................ ................ ..................... ................ ................ .........4 2 Special featur es ........................ .......................... .......................... ........
General everyday printing .............................................. ......................................83 Presentation printing ................................... ............................................. ............83 Select a print quality .
12 Accessori es ......................................................................................................128 Autom atic T wo-Si ded Prin ting Acc esso ry (dup lexer) ........... ............. ............ .....1 28 250-Sheet Plain Paper Tray .
1 Welcome To find an a nswer to a qu estion, select o ne of the fo llowing topics: ● Special features ● Get started ● Connect to the printe r ● Print photos ● Print photos from a di gital ca.
2 Special features Congratulations! You have purchased an HP Deskjet prin ter that is equipped w ith several exciting features: ● Built-in networ ki ng capabiliti es : Connect to either a wired or a wireless network without using an exte rnal print server.
3 Get started ● Printer features ● Buttons and lights ● Paper trays ● Photo/enve lope feeder ● Print cartridges ● Ink-backup mode ● Automatic pape r-type sensor For a description of t he optional accessori es, see the o ptional accessories page .
1 Print cartridges 2 Automatic paper-type se nsor (not illustrated) 3 Ink-backup mode (not illustrated) 1 Rear USB port 2 Wired Ethernet port Optional accessor ies Automatic Two-Sided Printing Accesso.
Buttons and lights Use the printer buttons to turn the printer on and o ff, cancel a print job, restart a jo b, operate in Quiet mod e, and set up a wireless conn ection with SecureEasySet up. The printer lights give you visual cues about th e status of th e printer.
for three seconds. Whe n the printer is m anually turned off, the p rinter uses less than one watt of power. Note Energy consumption can be prevented by turning the printer power off, and then disconnectin g the end of the printe r power cord from the electrical source.
1. The left stat us light repres ents the tri-colo r print cartridg e, which is in stalled i n the left side of t he print ca rtridge cradl e. – The light is on an d solid when the t ri-color print cartridge i s low on in k. – The light flashe s when the tri-color print cartridge needs t o be serviced.
1 In tray Slide the paper guide s firmly again st the edges of t he media on wh ich you are printi ng. 1 Paper-width guide 2 Paper-length guide Out tray Printed pages are dep osited in the Out tray. 1 Out tray 2 Photo/envelope feed er Use the photo/envelope feede r to print single envelopes, small p hotos, and ca rds.
To prevent paper from fal ling out of the O ut tray, fully pul l out the Out-tr ay extension. If you are printing in the Fast Draft mode , unfold the Out-t ray extension stop.
1 Photo/envelope feed er Envelopes Follow these ste ps to use the phot o/envelope feeder for single en velopes: 1. Insert the envelop e into the photo/ envelope f eeder with the sid e to be printe d on facing down and the flap to the left. 2. Push the envelope into the printer as fa r as it will go witho ut bending.
3. Slide the photo/ envelope f eeder forward as f ar as it will go . 4. Print the photo . Postcards Follow these ste ps to use the photo/ envelope feeder to print a single postcard: 1. Insert the postcard into the photo/envelop e feeder with the side to be printed on facing down.
Print cartridges Four print cartridges can be used with the print er. 1 Black print cartridge 2 Tri-color print cartridge 3 Photo pr int cartri dge 4 Gray photo print cartridge Note The availabili ty of print cartrid ges varies by count ry/region.
1 Selection number label ● Printer documentation : For a list of print cart ridge selectio n numbers, see the reference guide th at came with the printer. ● HP Printer Utility: Op en the HP Printer Utility and then select the Supplies p ane. If a print cartridge runs out of ink, the printer can opera te in ink-backup m ode .
Automatic paper-type sensor The HP automati c paper-type sensor detects the pape r in the printer, an d then selects optimal print settings for that media. The result is fewer mouse clicks to start printing, and automatic op timal print qualit y on plain, p hoto, brochure and other high-qua lity papers.
4 Connect to the printer ● Wireless networking ● Wired Ethernet networking ● Connecting a di gital camera ● USB ● Bluetooth wire less printing USB The printer connects t o the computer wit h a universal serial bu s (USB) cable.
To change a USB conn ection to an Etherne t connection 1. Unplug th e USB connecti on from the back of the p rinter. 2. Connect an Ethernet cable from the Ethernet port on the back of the printer to an available Ethernet port on the router, switch, or access point.
802.11a is an emerg ing wireless networking t echnology that op erates in th e 5 GHz frequency band and of fers communication sp eeds similar to t hose of 802.11g. The printer cannot communicate with 802.11a devices over a w ireless connection. If you have an 802.
Communication mo des There are two types o f communication mod es for wireless devices: ● Infrastructure mode ● Ad hoc Infrastructure mode For optimal performance and securi ty in a wireless network, HP recommends you use a Wireless Access Point (WAP) (802.
Note An ad hoc network is availabl e if you do not have an access p oint. However, it provides l ittle flexibility, a low level of net work security, and slower network performance than with an access point. For a wireless ad hoc setup, you need to manual ly turn on the wireless rad io.
● Keep the wireless devices awa y from large metal obj ects, such as filin g cabinets, and other electroma gnetic devices, such as micro waves and cordless t elephones, as these objects can disrupt radio signals.
Mixed wired and wir eless networks Wireless devices often exist on a largely wired network. In this case, a WAP is connecte d to the main netwo rk by an Ethe rnet cable plugge d into the WAP's WAN port. The WAP acts as th e go-between for the wired devices a nd the wireless devices.
Wireless network location Profile Office at_work ● Network name: office ● Communication mod e: infrastructure ● Security: WPA ● Authentication: WPA/PSK Home at_home ● Network name: home ● .
1 Network name equals "network_1" 2 Network name equals "network_2" The network name for one wireless network is network_1 . The network name for the other wireless network is network_2 . The printer is co nfigured for networ k_1 The printer's network na me (SSID) setting has been con figured for network_1 .
1 Network name equals "network_1" 2 Network name equals "network_2" Wireless se curity The printer can be configu red for several wi reless security o ptions dependi ng on the type of wireless netw ork of which the prin ter is part.
Authentication and encryption Wireless security is a com plex and developing topic. This pag e gives a b rief overview of the basics involved in maki ng a wireless network secure. In the simplest terms, wireless security involves two strat egies: authent ication and encryption.
Encryption i nvolves using a password to encod e data sent over a wireless network in order to ma ke the data u nintelligi ble to eavesdr oppers. Only d evices that know th e password can decode the data. Types of encryp tion The printer supports four t ypes of encryptio n .
Encryption type Description Benefits Limitations changes the encryption keys after a certain time interval, thus making the wire less network less vulnerable to eavesdropping.
6. Select one of the fol lowing options from the Encrypti on drop-down lis t: – TKIP – AES – AES/TKIP – WEP 7. Enter the passphrase in the Passphrase box, and then re-ent er the passphrase i n the Confirm Pa ssphrase box. 8. Review the config uration summary, click Apply , and then clos e the EWS.
1. Open the printer's embedded Web se rver (EWS) . 2. Click the Networking tab. 3. Under Connection , click Wireless (802.11) . 4. Click the Advanced tab. 5. Under Network Settings , select Infrastructure or Ad Hoc , and then click WEP encryption .
1 SecureEasySetup button See the setup guide that came with the prin ter for instructio ns on how to use SecureEasySetup. Wireless St atus light The Wireless Status li ght indicates the status of the printer's interna l wireless communicatio ns radio.
Report Page button Use the Report Page button to do t he followi ng: ● Print an HP Report page ● Reset the pri nter to the factory default settings 1 Report Page button Network li ght The Network .
How the wireless ra dio works The wireless radio broadcas ts on the 2.4 GHz frequency wh enever the wireless radio is powered on an d enabled. The wireless ra dio automatic ally turns off whe n the printer is po wered off or unplug ged from a power sour ce.
3. Press the SES button twice (two presse s within 3 secon ds). The wireless radio (and the Wireless Stat us light ) will tu rn on and stay on. 4. Close the top cover. Note Ad hoc conne ctions are now possible if the pr inter's wireless radi o is in ad hoc mode.
Select th e language The default la nguage for the HP R eport page is English. Follow these ste p s to print t he page in another lang uage: 1. Press the Report Page button to print the En glish version o f the page. 2. On the lower portion o f the page, find the language tha t you want.
Item Meaning DNS Server The IP addre ss of the printer's domain name server. Not Specified means that no IP address has been set . This setting does not apply to the printer. mDNS The printer's mDNS service name on the network. This name is used b y Apple Rendezvous to id entify the printer on Mac OS X v10.
Item Meaning The number of chann els available varies by country/region. Not applicable means that the w ireless networ k is disabled. Authenticati on Type The printer's aut henticat ion sett ing: ● Open System : No aut hentication is being used.
Use the print e r's EWS to do the f ollowing: ● Check the pri nter's status. ● Adjust the printer's network configu ration. ● Check estimated in k levels in the print cartridges. ● View network statistics. ● Configure the p rinter's wireless security settings .
Parameter Description Device Address The hardware address o f the Bluetoot h device. Note You cannot change this addres s. If the Bluet ooth device is not pl ugged into the print er, the message There is n o Bluetooth D evice present is displayed.
Also, resetting the p rinter to its factory defau lt settings erase s the emb edded Web server (EWS) administrator password . Resetting the print e r to its factory defaul t settings might require you to reinstall t he printer software. Addition ally, you will also have to reconf igure the print er's security settin gs.
encode data. AES automatically changes the encrypti on keys after a certai n time interval, thus making the wireless network less vulnerable to eavesdropping.
g Gateway : A dedicated device (router or compute r) that connects two different net works. For example, a computer o n an Ethernet network can a c t as a gatew ay between the network and the Int ernet. h Host Name : The name by which the print er identifies itself on the n etwork.
on the network receiv es the notificati on and stores the informat ion in a personal DNS server. n Network name : A netw o rk name is an al phanumeric, case-sensi tive character string that provides basic access co ntrol to a wire less network. A network name is also known as a "Service Set Identifier (SSID).
w WEP : Wired Equiva lent Privacy (WEP) provi des security by encrypti ng data sent over radio waves from one wireless devic e to another wireless devi ce. WEP encodes the data sent across the networ k making the d ata unintelligibl e to eavesdroppers.
● Network light ● Reports page ● Embedded Web server (EWS) Other informatio n: ● Resetting the printer to th e factory defa ult settings ● Trouble shooting ● Glossary Ethernet basics The p.
Devices on a network communicate w ith one another us ing a "language " called a protocol . The pri nter is designed to operate o n networks t hat use a popular protocol called TCP/IP . IP address Each device on a network ident ifies itself with a unique IP address.
connector) is wider and thicker and alw ays has eight contacts on the en d. A phone connector has between two an d six contacts. ● A desktop computer or lap top with eithe r a wired or wireless conn ection to the ro uter or access point. ● Shared In ternet a ccess (recommended) such as cabl e or DSL.
Caution HP do es not recommend this config uration. If possible , use a gateway to manage the net w ork's Internet access in order to limit exposu re to viruses and guard against u nwanted entry. Ethernet networ k without an Internet connection In this example , the network d e vices are connect ed to a hub .
Note The printer's wire less radio is disa bled when a Ethernet cab le is connected to the printer. 5. Do one of the fo llowing: State of the Link light Task On Go to step 6. Off Repeat steps 2 through 4. If the lights are still off , verify the following it ems: – The printer is pow e red on.
Software installation Follow these steps to install the print er software on the compute r : 1. Close all applica tions running on the comput er. 2. Insert the printer software CD in the computer's CD-ROM drive. 3. Follow the onscre en instructions.
State of the Activity light State of the p rinter Off Not receiving or transm itting data over t he Ethernet connection. Bluetooth wire less printing Use an optional HP Bluetooth Wireless Pri n ter Adapter to pr int images from mo st Bluetooth devices to the printer without a cable connection.
Connect th e HP Bluetooth Wireless Printer Adapter to the printer 1. Insert the HP Bluetooth Wireless Pri nter Adapter into the f ront USB port of the printer. 1 Front USB port 2. Some Bluetooth device s exchange devi ce addresses when they communicate with each other and estab lish a connection.
If your printer is co nnected to a network 1. Open the printer's embedded Web server (EWS) . 2. Click the Bluetooth tab. 3. Configu re the settin gs you want, and then click Apply . The following t able describes the Bluetoo th settings: Option Description Device Address The MAC address of your Bluetooth wireless printe r adapter.
Option Description range before it can send a print job to the printer. Desele ct the check box for the print er not to require a passkey. ● EWS : Se lect one of the following options: – Low : The printer does not require a passkey. Any Bluetooth devi ce within range can print to it.
5 Print photos The printer software o ffers several features that ma ke printing dig ital photos ea sier and improve phot o quality. Learn how to perfor m the following tasks: ● Print a borderless photo . ● Print a photo with a border . ● Use HP Real Life technologies to to uch up photos.
3. Slide the paper-w idth guide all the way to the l eft, and the n pull out the paper-len gth guide. 4. Verify that the phot o paper is flat. 5. Place the photo paper i n the In tray, with the side to b e printed on facing down. If you are using photo pa per with a tear-off tab, verify that the tab is pointing away from the printer.
Print photos with a border Follow these in structions to print ph otos with a white border. Guidelines ● For high-quality results, use a photo print cartridge in com bination wit h the tri-color print cartridge. ● For maximum fade resistance , use HP Premium Plus Pho to Paper.
1 Small photos 2 Large photos Note Some panoramic paper si zes might extend beyond the edge of the I n tray. 7. For small photos, repl ace the Out tray.
Open HP Real Li fe technolog ies Follow these ste ps to open HP Digital Photog raphy Real Life technol ogies: 1. Open the Print dialo g box. 2. Select the Real Life Di gital Photography pane. Use HP Real Life technologies Choose from the fo llowing items: ● Adaptive Lighting : Adjust the exposure in dark areas of photos to bring out detail.
Use the photo print cartrid ge 1. Open the Print dialo g box. 2. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane. 3. Choose the appropria te photo paper type in the Paper Type menu. 4. In the Quali ty menu, select Normal , Best , or Maximum dpi . 5. Select any other print set tings that you want, and then cli ck Print .
5. Adjust the Saturation , Brightness , and Color Tone to affect how overall colors are printed. 6. Adjust the Cyan , Magenta , Yellow , and Black sliders to specify the level of each color that is used in p rinting. 7. Select any other print set tings that you want, and then cli ck Print .
Install the gray ph oto print cartridge To install t he gray photo print cartridge, rem ove the black print cartridge from t he printer, and then install the gray ph oto print cartridge in the compartment on the righ t of the print cartridge cradle. For more informatio n, see the print cartridge installati on page .
Handling ● Always hold phot o paper by its e dges. Fingerprints on photo paper can reduce prin t quality. ● If the corner s of the photo paper curl more than 10 mm (0.4 inch), f latten the paper by putting it in t he storage bag, and then gent ly bending it in t he opposite di rection of the curl until t he paper lies flat.
6 Print photos from a digital camera Learn how to print ph otos directly from a digital camera. ● Use a PictBridge camera ● Use a Bluetoot h camera phone Use a PictBridge camera With a PictBridge-ena bled camera, you do no t need a comput er to print dig ital photographs.
Check the document ation that came with the camera to ensure that the camera supports PictBridge. Follow these steps to print photos from a PictBridge-compa tible camera: 1. Verify t hat the prin ter is turned on. 2. For small photos, remove the Out tray.
Use a Bluetooth camera phone If you have a camera phone w ith Bluetooth wireless techn ology, you can purchase an optional HP Bluetoo th Wireless Printer Adapter and print from the camera u sing a Bluetooth wireless conne ction. Print photos from a Bl uetooth camera 1.
7 Print other documents E-mail Letters Documents Envel opes Brochures Greeting card s Postcards Transparencies Labels Index cards Banners Iron-o n transfers CD/DVD tattoos Printing tips : Minimize the cost and effo rt while maximizin g the quality of the printouts with printi ng tips .
6. Lower the Out tray. Print 1. If necessary, op en the Page Setup dialog box and set the paper size, scaling, and orientatio n options. 2. Open the Print dialo g box. 3. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane. 4. In the Paper Typ e pu ll-down menu, c lick Automatic or Plain Paper .
3. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane. 4. In the Paper Typ e pu ll-down menu, c lick Automatic or Plain Paper . 5. Select th e following prin t settings as appr opriate: – Print qualit y – Paper source 6. Select any other print set tings that you want, and then cli ck Print .
Print 1. If necessary, op en the Page Setup dialog box and set the paper size, scaling, and orientatio n options. 2. Open the Print dialo g box. 3. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane. 4. In the Paper Typ e pu ll-down menu, c lick Automatic or Plain Paper .
Print 1. If necessary, op en the Page Setup dialog box and set the paper size, scaling, and orientatio n options. 2. Open the Print dialo g box. 3. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane. 4. In the Paper Typ e pu ll-down menu, c lick Automatic or Plain Paper .
Print brochures with borders 1. If necessary, op en the Page Setup dialog box and set the paper size, scaling, and orientatio n options. 2. Open the Print dialo g box.
4. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane, and th en specify the follow ing settings: – Source : Upper tray – Paper Ty pe : The approp riate card type – Quality : Normal or Best 5. Select any other print set tings that you want, and then cli ck Print .
Print 1. Open the Page Setup dialog b o x, and then sel e ct the f ollowing sett ings: – Paper Size : The appropriat e card size – Orientation : Th e appropriate orientation Note To print a borderl ess card, click the borderless photo size that matches the card size.
Print 1. If necessary, op en the Page Setup dialog box and set the paper size, scaling, and orientatio n options. 2. Open the Print dialo g box. 3. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane, and th en specify the follow ing settings: – Source : Upper tray – Paper Ty pe : Automatic or the appr opriate transpa rency type – Quality : Normal or Best 4.
2. Click OK . 3. Open the Print dialo g box. 4. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane, and th en specify the follow ing settings: – Source : Upper tray – Paper Ty pe : Automatic or Plain paper 5. Select any other print set tings that you want, and then cli ck Print .
2. Click OK . 3. Open the Print dialo g box. 4. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane, and th en specify the follow ing settings: – Source : Upper tray – Paper Ty pe : Automatic or the appropriate pap er type – Quality : Normal or Best 5. Select any other print set tings that you want, and then cli ck Print .
Print 1. If necessary, op en the Page Setup dialog box and set the paper size, scaling, or orientatio n options. 2. Click OK . 3. Open the Print dialo g box.
Print 1. Open the Page Setup dialog box. 2. In the Paper Size drop-down list, click A4 Banner or US Letter Banner . 3. Click OK . 4. Open the Print dialo g box. 5. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane, and th en specify the follow ing settings: – Source : Upper tray – Paper Ty pe : Automatic or Plain paper 6.
3. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane, and th en specify the follow ing settings: – Paper Ty pe : HP CD/DVD Tattoo Note Selecting this pa per type automatically re sults in a mi rrored image. – Source : Upper tray 4. Select any other print set tings that you want, and then cli ck Print .
8 Printing tips Save time ● Use the 250-She et Plain Paper Tray Accessory to reload the p rinter less often. ● Set the order that the pages print. ● Print collated co pies . Save money ● Print multiple pa ges on a single sheet of paper . ● Print a two-sided docume nt .
– Best : Provides high-quality printing . – Maximum dpi : Provides the highest qua lity printing, but re quires longer to print than Best and requires a large amount of disk space. 4. Select any other print set tings that you want, and then cli ck Print .
3. In the Pages per Sheet menu, select the nu mber of pages that you want to a ppear on each sheet of paper. 4. In the Layou t Direction m enu, select the relevant option for arranging the pages on a single sheet . 5. If you want a bo rder to appear arou nd each page ima ge, select the border type fro m the Border menu.
In tray 250-Sheet Plai n Paper Tray Accessory Auto Two-Sided Print Accessory with Small Paper Tray Follow these ste p s to select a p aper source: 1. Open the Print dialo g box. 2. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane. 3. In the Source drop-down list, click one of the follo wing options: – Upper tray : Prints f rom the In tray.
Book binding Tablet binding 3. Select any other print set tings that you want, and then cli ck Print . After the first side of the page is pri nted, the print e r pauses whil e the ink dries. After the ink is dry, the pape r is pulled back int o the duplexer and the reverse side of the page is printed.
9 Printer software ● Print settings ● Manage the printer (Mac O S X 10.3 and later) ● Manage the printer (M ac OS X 10.2) ● View and change the status of a print job (Mac OS X 10.3 and later) ● View and change the status of a print job (Mac OS X 10.
8. Cancel : Close the Print dialog box without printing the documen t. 9. Print : Print the document . Note The Fax option is available only in Mac OS X 10. 3 and later. Manage the printer (Mac OS X 10.3 and later) Use Printer Setup Ut ility to manage th e printer.
Add a printer Follow these steps to add a printer to your comput er: 1. In Finder, click Applications , th en click Utilities , and then double-click Print Center . 2. Click Add Pr inter . The Add Printer dial og box appears. 3. Select the connection t ype for the printer (for example, U SB).
1. In Finder, click Applications , th en click Utilities , and then double-click Print Center . 2. Double-click the print er name to display the print queu e. 3. Click a print job to select it. Use the follow ing buttons t o manage the print job: – Delete : Cancel the selected print job.
10 Maintenance ● Install print ca rtridges ● Set the auto-of f feature ● Align the prin t cartridges ● Calibrate colo r ● Automatically clea n print cartridges ● Print a test page ● View.
1 Selection number label ● Printer documentation : For a list of print cartridge selectio n numbers, see the reference guide th at came with the printer. ● HP Printer Utility: Op en the HP Printer Utility and then select the Supplies p ane. Ink-backup mode The printer can operat e with only one print cartridge inst alled.
6. Remove the replacement pri n t cartridge from it s packaging and carefully remove the plastic tape. Hol d the print cartri dge so that the copper strips a re on the bo ttom and facing tow ard the printer. 1 Remove plastic tape Caution Do not touch the print cartri dge ink nozzles or copper contacts.
8. Push down on the print ca rtridge latch until it snaps closed. 9. Close the printer cover. The printer aut omatically prints a calibration page. For information a bout storing print cartri dges, see Maintain prin t cartridges . For information about recycling empty print cartridges, see Print cartridge recovery .
1. Load Letter or A4 plai n, white paper in th e In tray. 2. Open the HP Printer Utility . 3. Click Align the Print Cartridges . 4. Click Align , and then follow the onscre en instructions. Calibrate color Perform a color calibration if the colors in photos that are printed wit h the photo print cartridge consistently lo ok incorrect.
Note If the print cartridges were used before being install ed in the print er, the estimated ink levels w ill not appear on the Est imated Ink Levels tab. The Estimated Ink Le vel tab also contains p rint cartridge ordering information. To view this information, cl ick the Pr int Cartridge Infor mation button.
Prepare to clean 1. Open the printer cove r. 2. Wait until the print cartridge cradl e moves to the right sid e of the printer and is i d le and quiet. 3. Remove the print ca rtridges and place them on a piece of paper, w ith the copper strips facing up.
If you store the p rint cartridge in an ai rtight plastic co ntainer, make sure that the ink nozzles are face down but are not in contact wi th the container. Insert the print cartri dge into the print cartridge p rotector Slide the print cart ridge at a slight angle into the pro tector, and snap it securely in place.
● Open the HP Printer U tility ● HP Printer Utili ty panes Open the HP Printer Utility To open the HP Printer Utilit y, follow the instructions for your operating system. Mac OS X 10.3 and later 1. In Finder, click Applications , th en click Utilities , and then double-click Printer Setup Utility .
11 Troubleshooting ● Ethernet problems ● Wireless communicati on problems ● Printer does not p rint ● Paper jam ● Paper proble ms ● Paper mismatch ● Printer is stalled ● Print cartridg.
State of the Link light Task Off Verify the follow ing: ● The Ethernet cable is securely connected to the print e r. ● The network hub , switch , or router is on and working properly. ● The printer is connected t o the network. Activity light Follow the se steps if the Li nk light is on , but the printer do es not print: 1.
If you still cannot access the printer's EWS, then follow these steps: 1. Print an HP Report page . 2. Find the printer's IP address . 3. Launch the Internet browser. Note Use Microsoft Int ernet Explorer 5.0 or higher, Netscape 4.7 5 or higher, or Safari 1.
State of the Wireless Status li ght Task Off Verify the following: ● An Ethernet cab le is not connected to the printe r. Connecting an Ethernet cable to the printer autom atically turns off the w ireless radio. Unpl ug the cable. ● The printer is plugged in.
Printer has the wron g network settings 1. Do one of the following t o find the settings fo r the network: Printer communication mode T ask Infrastru cture netwo rk Open the Wireless Access Point's (WAP) configuratio n utility. Ad hoc network Open the config uration utility for the network ca rd installe d in the computer.
Reduce interferenc e in a wirele ss network The following ti ps will help reduce th e chances for interference in a wireless netw ork: ● Keep the wireless devices awa y from large metal obj ects, such as filing cabinets, and other electroma gnetic devices, such as micro w aves and cordl ess telephones, as these objects can disrupt radio signals.
1. Connect the printe r to the network or compu ter with an Ethernet cable. 2. Open the printer's embedded Web server (EWS) . 3. Click the Networking ta b, and then click Wi reless (802.
Check the print qu eue The printer will no t print if a print job is stalled in t he print queue. To resolve a print job that is stalled in the qu eue, check the status of the print queue for eith er Mac OS X 10.3 or Mac OS X 10.2 . If the printer still does not print 1.
6. If the paper jam canno t be removed fro m the back of the pr inter, raise the pr inter cover, remove the paper ja m from the front of the printe r, and then lower the cover. Caution Remove the paper jam carefully as it is p ossible to damage the printer when re moving paper fro m the front .
Out-of-paper m essage If an out-of-pa per message is displayed, fol low these guidelines . Paper jam For information abou t clearing a paper jam, see the paper jam page. Printer prints on multip le sheets at once If the pri nter prints on multiple sheets at o nce, follow these guid elines .
numbers are listed in the reference guide that came with the printe r or at . If there are no loo se or broken parts, follo w these st eps: 1. Check for and remove any obst acle s, such as packing tape or material s, that prevent the print cartrid ges from moving back a nd forth.
If the Print Cartri dge Status light contin ues to flash, visit HP Technical Support at . Print cartridge p roblem message If you receive a messag e about a problem w ith one of the pri nt cartridges, fo llow these steps: 1. Raise the printer cover an d remove the print cartridge that was name d in the error message.
Note To easily identify the correct side o f the cradle in which to install the p rint cartridge, match th e symbol on the print cartridge with t he symbol above the print cartridge cradle. Photos do not print correctly Reload th e paper tray 1. Place the photo paper i n the In tray with t he side to be printed on facing down.
If light or dark h orizontal lines appear on photos, follow this pr ocedure: 1. Clean the print cartridges. 2. Reprint the photo. 3. If horizontal li nes still occur, align the print cartridges . 4. Reprint the photo. Part of the photo is faded If part of the photo is faded, follow these gu idelines .
If fading occurs approximate ly 25 to 63 mm (1.0 to 2.5 inch es) from the edge of a photo, try the following so lutions: If fading occurs approximate ly 25 to 63 mm (1.0 to 2.5 inch es) from the edge of a photo, install a photo print cartridge and a tri-color print cartridge in the prin ter.
State of the lights Task Connection ligh t is on and the Error light flashes twi ce The camera has requeste d an unsupported comma nd. Bluetooth printing problems Bluetooth device ca nnot find the pri.
resolution cameras, such as t hose found in wireless phones, might not have high enough resolution to produce a high-quali ty print. The image printed with borders The printing applicat ion installed on the device with Bluetooth w ireless technology might not support borderless prin ting.
Print is faded ● Verify that neither of t he print cartridges is low o n ink . If a print cartridge i s low on ink, consi der replacing the pri nt cartridge. For the correct part numbers, see th e reference gu ide that came with th e printer. ● Verify that a black print ca rtridge is instal led.
Too much or to o little ink appears on the page Follow these steps to adjust the ink density: 1. Open the Print dialo g box. 2. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane. 3. Click the In k tab. 4. Move the Ink Density slider toward Light or Heavy . 5. Move the Dry Time slider toward More .
Streaks appear in a ligh t portion of a photo If streaks appear in a ligh t portion of a photo, approximate ly 63 mm (2.5 inches) from on e of the long edge s of the photo, try the following so lutions: If streaks appear in a ligh t portion of a photo, approximate ly 63 mm (2.
Verify that no problem exists w ith the sour ce image. For example, if you are printing a scanned image, verif y that the image was not crooked w hen it was scann ed. If the problem is not caused by the source im age, follow these steps: 1. Remove all paper from the In tray.
Verify that photo pa per is not curled. I f the photo pape r is curled, plac e the paper in a plastic bag and gently be nd it in the opposite direction of the curl u n til the pa per lies flat. If the problem pe rsists, then use photo p aper that is not curled.
For photo paper with a tear-off tab If the bord er appears bel ow the tear-off tab, re move the tab. If the border ap pears above the tear-of f tab: ● Align the prin t cartridges .
Print cartridge car riage is stalled messag e Follow these st eps if the printer stalls while you are printing a document. Paper dete cted does no t match pape r size or type selected mess age If you .
● The printer might be o ut of paper. Place paper in the In tray, and then press the Resume button. ● There might be a pa per jam. Follow these in structions to clear a p aper jam . ● The print cartridges are th e correct print c artridges for the printer and are properly installed .
If the light continues to flash, replace the pri nt cartridge . All lights a r e flashin g The printer might nee d to be restarted. 1. Press the Power button to turn off the printer, and then press th e Power button to restart the printer. Proceed to step 2 if th e lights continue t o flash.
If you continue to have problems If you continue to have problems after investigatin g the troubleshooting topics, shut down the computer and th en restart it . If you still have questions after restar ting the computer, visit HP Technical Support at www.
12 Accessories The followin g optional accesso ries are available to be use d with the HP printer. Automatic Two-Sided Printing Accessory 250-Sheet Plai n Paper Tray Auto Two-Sided Print Accessory with Small Paper Tray If an accessory is not included with the printer, it can be purchased sepa rately from an authorized HP dealer.
The duplexer only supports certa i n paper types. For a list of supported pape r types, see the duplexer sp ecifications . Learn how to instal l the duplexer. Use the duple xer to print a tw o-sided document automatica lly. Follow these ti ps to solve automati c two-sided printing problems .
Automatic Two-Sided Printing Accessory Auto Two-Sided Print Accessory with Small Paper Tray The two-sided pri nting accessories only support certain paper ty pes. For a list o f supported paper types, see the documentat ion that came with the accessory.
3. Remove any paper inside the printer. 4. Open the duplexer. 5. Remove any paper from inside the duplexer. 6. Close the duplex er, and then re-atta ch the duplexer to the print er. Option for tw o-sided prin ting cannot be selected The printer driver ca nnot sense the duplexer u n t il a print j ob is sent to the printer.
Only one side of the page prints when the two-sided printi ng option is enabled Verify that the fo llowing conditi ons exist: ● The correct pri nt options are set in both the printer softwa re and the software program that you are using. ● The photo paper i s not curled, i f you are printing on t wo-sided photo paper.
● A5: 148 x 210 mm ● B5: 182 x 257 mm Cards: ● 127 x 203 mm (5 x 8 in) ● 102 x 152 mm (4 x 6 in) ● A6: 105 x 148.5 mm ● Hagaki: 100 x 148 mm ● L size: 89 x 127 mm 250-Sheet Plain Paper Tray The 250-Sheet Plain Pa per Tray Accessory expands the paper capacity of the printer to 400 sheets.
4. Gently place the pri nter on top of the pap er tray. Load the 250-Sheet Pla in Paper Tray Accessory Follow these instruct ions to load the 250-Sheet Plain Pape r Tray Accessory. Two parts The 250-Sheet Plain Paper Tray Accessory h as two parts. 1 Base 2 Lower tr ay The lower tray has three size adjusters.
Follow these ste p s to set the p aper size: 1. Remove the lo wer tray from the base. 2. Slide the paper-widt h guide unti l the arrow is even wi th the correct setting. 1 Align the arrows Note To print on legal-size d paper, set the paper-w idth guide to LTR .
Note To print on legal-size d paper, set the paper-w idth guide to LTR . 4. Set the paper-leng th guide by pulling it until the arrow lines up with th e paper size. 1 Align the arrows Note To print on lega l-sized paper, pull the paper-length guide al l the way out.
Note The 250-Sheet Pla in Paper Tray Accesso ry is not available in al l countries/ regions. Follow these steps to use the 250-Sheet Plain Paper Tray Accessory: 1. Open the Print dialo g box. 2. Select the Paper Type/Quali ty pane. 3. In the Source dro p-down list, clic k Lower tray .
● Postcards and other small med ia can be printed on two sides autom atically when they are fed from the rear tray. ● Photo paper an d envelopes can be prin ted on one si de by using th e small paper tray. ● Print two-sided do cuments automa tically .
2. Insert the accessory in to the back of the printer until both side s snap into pl ace. Note Do not press the butt ons on either side of the accessory when installing it int o the printer. Use the buttons only whe n removing the accessory from the printer.
Print 1. Open the Page Setup dialog b o x, and then sel e ct the f ollowing sett ings: – Paper Size : The appropria te paper size Note To print a borderl ess card, click the borderless photo size that matches the card size. – Orientation : Th e appropriate orientation 2.
Configure the printer to fe ed paper from the ac cessory Follow these ste ps to configur e the printer to fee d paper from the accessory: 1. Press and hold down the Report Page butto n. 2. While holding down the Report Page button, press the Cancel button twice.
3. Release the pap er lever. 4. Slide the paper-widt h guide against the edge of t he photo paper. Print 1. Open the Page Setup dialog b o x, and then sel e ct the f ollowing sett ings: – Paper Size : The appropria te paper size Note To print a borderle ss photo, select a borderless photo p aper size.
Guidelines ● Avoid using envel opes that have the followin g qualities: – Have clasps or window s – Have thick, i rregular, or curled edges – Are shiny or embossed – Are wrinkled , torn, or otherw ise damaged ● Align the envelope edge s before inserting th em in the rear tray.
2. Click OK . 3. Open the Print dialo g box. 4. Select the Paper Type/Q uality pane, and then select the followin g settings: – Source : Rear tray – Paper Ty pe : Plain paper 5. Select any other print set tings that you want, and then cli ck Print .
5. Tilt the Smal l Paper Tray forward and open the lower door of t he accessory. 1 Tilt the Small Paper Tray 2 Open the lower door 6. Remove any paper that is inside the accessory. 7. Close the accessory, and th en secure the back leve r to close the accessory.
Binding margin is in the wrong place 1. Open the Print dialo g box. 2. Select the Two-Sided Printing pa ne. 3. Verify that the correct binding has bee n selected: –T h e Book button is selected for bi nding along the side. –T h e Tablet button is se lected for bindin g along the top .
– A6, 105x148 mm – L, 89x1 27 mm, L, 89x127 mm wi th tab – Panoramic 4x10 in, 4x11 in, 4x12 in ● Envelopes: – No. 10 Envelop e, 4.12x9.5 in – Japanese envelo pe No.
13 Supplies ● Paper ● USB cables ● Accessories ● Print cartridges Note The availabili ty of supplies and a ccessories varies by country/ region. Paper To order media such as HP Premium Paper, H P Premium Inkjet Transparency Film, HP Iron-On Paper, o r HP Greeting Cards , go to www.
14 Specifications ● Printer specificati ons Printer specifications See the refere nce guide th at came with the printer for co mplete printer speci fications, including this in formation : ● Types.
15 Environmental information ● Environmental stat ement ● Print cartridge recovery Environmental statement Hewlett-Packard con tinuously improves the design pro cesses of its deskjet printers to minimize the n egative impact o n the office en vironment and on the communities wh ere printers are manufact ured, shipped, and used.
Recycling information fo r the European Union Important recycling information for our customers in the Eur opean Union: To preserve the environment, this product must be recycled afte r its useful life as required by law. The symbol below indicates th at this product may not be disposed in t h e general trash.
To parti cipate, simply f ollow the directions p rovided on H P's Web site at this address: . This service is not availabl e in all count ries/regions.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6980 series è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6980 series - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6980 series imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6980 series ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6980 series, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6980 series.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6980 series. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6980 series insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.