Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 654853-001 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Pr oL iant DL3 8 5 G7 Ser ver Maintenance an d Serv ice Gui de Abstract This gu ide descr ibes id entificat ion an d mainten ance pro cedures, diagn ostic tools , specif ication s and req uirement s for har dwar e com ponent s and softw are. This gui de is for an exper ienced ser vice tech nician .
© Copyright 20 10, 2011 Hewlet t - Packar d Devel opment C ompany , L.P. The informa tion contained herei n is subject to change wit hout notice. The only warrantie s for HP products and services are se t forth in the express warran ty statem ents ac company ing such product s and se rvices.
Contents 3 C ontents Customer self repair ...................................................................................................................... 6 Parts o nly warranty service ...........................................................
Contents 4 Proces sor ................................................................................................................................................... 57 Memory co nfigurations .......................................................
Contents 5 SAS and S ATA hard drive specificat ions .................................................................................................... 100 Acrony ms a nd abbreviations .................................................................
Customer self repair 6 C u stomer self r e pair HP products are designed wi th many Customer Self Repa ir (CSR) parts to minimize repair time and allow for greater flex ibility in performing defec tive parts r eplacem ent.
Customer self repair 7 Obligatoire - Pièces pou r lesquelles la réparation par le client est obligatoire. Si vous demandez à H P de remplacer c es pièces, l es coûts de déplac ement et main d 'œuvre du servic e vous sero nt factu rés. Facultatif - Pièce s pour lesquelles la réparati on par le c lient est facul tative.
Customer self repair 8 In base alla disponibilità e alla località geografica, le parti CSR vengono sp edite con c onsegna entr o il giorno lavorativo seguente. La c onsegna nel giorno stes so o entro quattro ore è offe rta con un supplemento di costo so lo in alcune zone.
Customer self repair 9 defekte Teil nicht zurückschicken, kann HP Ihnen das Ersatzteil in Rechnung stellen. Im Falle von Customer Self Repair k ommt HP für alle Kost en für die Liefer ung und Rück sendung auf und bestimmt den Kurier - /Frachtdi enst.
Customer self repair 10 enviara el com ponente defec tuoso req uerido, HP podrá co brarle por el de sustitución. En el caso de todas sustituc iones que l leve a cabo el client e, HP se hará c argo de todos los gasto s de envío y devoluc ión de compon entes y escogerá la em presa de transpor te que se uti lice para di cho servicio .
Customer self repair 11 Neem contac t op met een Servic e Partner voor m eer inform atie over het C ustomer Self Rep air program ma van HP. Informatie over Service Partners vindt u op de HP website ( h ttp://www.
Customer self repair 12 No caso desse serviç o, a subst ituição de peças CSR é obrigat ória. Se desejar que a HP substi tua essas peças, serão cobradas as despesas de transporte e mão - de - obra do serviço.
Customer self repair 13.
Customer self repair 14.
Customer self repair 15.
Customer s el f repair 16.
Illustrated parts catalog 17 I llus tr ated par ts catalog M echanical c omponents Item Description Assembly part numbe r Spare part numbe r C ustom er self repair (on page 6 ) 1 Access panel 463177 -.
Illustrated parts catalog 18 Item Description Assembly part numbe r Spare part numbe r Custom e r self repair (on page 6 ) l) T - 10/T - 15 Torx screwdrive r* 377511 - 001 — — 4 Front rig ht bezel.
Illustrated parts catalog 19 sustitución, puede o no co nllevar coste s adici onales , dependi endo del t ipo de ser vici o de garan tía cor respondi ente al producto. 3 No: No — Alg unos c ompone ntes no es tán dis eñados para que puedan s er repar ados por el usuari o.
Illustrated parts catalog 20 S ystem compon ents Item Description Assembly part number Spare part numbe r Custom e r self repair (on page 6 ) System component s 11 Full - len gth expansio n board ship.
Illustrated parts catalog 21 Item Description Assembly part number Spare part numbe r Custom e r self repair (on page 6 ) b) 2.0 - GHz, 8C AMD Opteron ™ Mode l 6128HE* ** 578023 - 001 583751 - 001 Option al 2 c) 2.2 - GHz 8C AMD Opteron ™ Model 6132HE* ** 578023 - 005 633546 - 001 O ption al 2 d) 2.
Illustrated parts catalog 22 Item Description Assembly part number Spare part numbe r Custom e r self repair (on page 6 ) b) LFF S AS backplane * 457174 - 003 602510 - 001 Opti onal 2 c) 6 - bay hard .
Illustrated parts catalog 23 Item Description Assembly part number Spare part numbe r Custom e r self repair (on page 6 ) c) 60 - GB SF F SATA hard drive, 5,400 - rpm , 1 - yr warranty 379306 - B21 38.
Illustrated parts catalog 24 3 No: Non CSR — Alcun i compon enti HP non sono pr ogettat i per la ri parazion e da parte del clie nte. P er rispe ttare la garanzi a, HP r ichiede ch e queste parti siano s ostitui te da un c entro di assi sten za autorizz ato.
Illustrated parts catalog 25.
R emoval and replace ment procedures 26 R emo v al and r eplacement pr ocedur es R equired tool s You need the fo llowing it ems for some p rocedur es: • T- 10/T - 15 Torx sc rewdri ver (provided in.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 27 CAUTION: Do no t operate the server for long periods wi th the acc ess panel open o r removed. Operating the s erver in this manner results in improper airflow and improper cooling that can lead to thermal damage.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 28 E xtend the server from the rack 1. Pull down the quick r elease levers on each side of the server. 2. Extend the server from the rack. WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal in jury or equipment damage, be sure that the rack is adequately stabilized before extending a component from the rac k.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 29 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ). 2. Extend the server from the rack (on page 28 ). 3. Disconnect the cabling and remove the s erver from the rack. For more information, re fer to the documentation that ships with the rack mounti ng option.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 30 C able m anagement arm with right - h an d sw ing NOT E: To access some c omponents, you may need to rem ove the cable ma nagement arm. To access the product rear panel components, open the cable management arm: 1.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 31 H ot - plug SAS har d d rive To remove the c omponent: CAUTION: For proper cooling do not operate the server withou t the access panel, baffles, expansion slot covers, or blanks insta lled. If the server supports hot - plug components, minimiz e the amoun t of time the acc ess panel is open.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 32 To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. H ot - plug power supply WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury from hot surfaces, allow the power supply or power supply blank to cool before touching it.
Remov al and replacem ent proce dures 33 4. Remove the ho t - plug power supply. WARNING: To redu ce the risk of electric shock or damage to the equipment, do not connect the power cord to the power supply until the power supply is installed. To replace the component: 1.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 34 2. Remove the thr ee T - 10 Torx sc rews, and then detach the fr ont bezel. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. A ccess panel WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury from hot surfaces, allow the drives and the internal system c omponen ts to cool befo re touching th em.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 35 2. Extend or remove the se rver from the rack (" Rem ove the server from the rack " on page 28 , " Extend the server from the rack " on page 28 ). 3. Remove the ac cess panel (" Access pa nel " on page 34 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 36 2. Extend or remove the se rver from the rack (" Rem ove the server from the rack " on page 28 , " Extend the server from the rack " on page 28 ). 3. Remove the ac cess panel (" Access pa nel " on page 34 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 37 Config ura ti on Fan bay 1 Fan bay 2 Fan bay 3 Fan bay 4 Fan bay 5 Fan bay 6 1 processor F an Fan Fan Fan Fan blan k Fan blan k 2 processors Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan For a single - processor configuration, four fans and two blanks are required in specific fan bays for redundancy.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 38 3. Remove the fa n. CAUTION: Do no t operate the server for long periods wi th the acc ess panel open o r removed. Operating the serve r in this manner results in improper airflow and improper cooling tha t c an lead to thermal damage.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 39 5. Remove the po wer supply b ackplane. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. S FF hard drive back plane To remove the co mponent: 1.
Removal a nd r eplacem ent procedures 40 6. Remove the hard drive backplane. To replace the component, reverse th e removal proc edure. S FF hard drive cag e To remove the c omponent: 1.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 41 7. Remove the hard drive cage. To replace the compo nen t, reverse the remo val procedu re. L FF hard dr i ve backplane To remove the c omponent: 1.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 42 6. Remove the hard drive backplane. To replace the compon ent , reverse the removal procedur e. L FF hard dr i ve cage To remove the c omponent: 1.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 43 7. Remove the hard drive cage. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. F ull - length e xpansion board shipping bracket CAUTION: To prevent damage to the server or expansion boards, power down the server and remove all AC p ower cords before removing or installing the PC I riser cage.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 44 o If full - length expansion boards are installed, remove the full - length expansion board shipping bracket as indicated.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 45 5. Remove the PC I riser ca ge. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. E xpansion slot cov ers CAUTION: To p revent damage to the ser ver or expansion boards, po wer down the server and remove all AC power cords be fore removing or installing the PCI riser cage.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 46 o To remove slot c over 1 or 4, push in on the retainer to release it , and then sli de out the cover. o To remove slot covers 2 and 3, lift up on the latch, remove the latch, and then remo ve the cover.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 47 o To remove slot covers 5 and 6, push down on the latch, r otate the latch do wn, and then remove the cover . E xpansion boar ds Half- length e xpan sion board To remove the c omponent: 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 48 7. Remove the expansion board. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. Full- length e xpansion b oard To remove the c omponent: 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ). 2. Extend the server from the rack (on page 28 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 49 To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. A ir baffle To remove the c omponent: CAUTION: For proper cooling do not operate the server without the access panel, baffles, expansion slot covers, or blanks insta lled.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 50 CAUTION: Do not detach the cable that con nects the battery pack to the cache module. Detaching the cable causes any unsaved data in the cache module to be lost. R emoving the c ache module To remove the c omponent: 1.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 51 5. Disconnect the cable, an d then remove the battery pack. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. R ecovering d ata from the ba ttery - backe d w rite cache If the server fail s, use the fo llowing procedu re to rec over data temporaril y stored in the BBWC.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 52 5. Power u p the recovery server. A 1759 POST message is displayed, stating that valid data was flushed from the cache. This data is now stored on the drives in the recovery s erver. You can now transfer the drives (and controller, if one was u sed) to another serve r.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 53 8. Open the ej ector lat ches on each side of th e cache module co nnector. Norm ally, the cache m odule is ejected from the cache mod ule connecto r. If the module is not ejected automatic ally, remove the cache module.
Remo val and replac ement procedures 54 CAUTION: In systems that use externa l data storage, be sure that the server is the first unit to be powere d down and th e last to be powered back up. Taki ng this precaution ensures th at the system does not erro neously mar k the drives as failed when the ser ver is powered up.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 55 2. Extend or remove the se rver from the rack (" Rem ove the server from the rack " on page 28 , " E xtend the server from the rack " on page 28 ). 3. Remove the ac cess panel (" Access pa nel " on page 34 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 56 6. Open the heatsink retaining bracket, and then remove the heatsink. To replace th e heatsink: 1. Clean the old thermal g rease from the processor with the alcohol swab. Allow the alcohol to evaporate before continuing.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 57 3. Install the heatsink. 4. Close and lock the heatsink retaining latches. 5. Install the air baffle (" Air baffle " on page 49 ). 6. Install the PCI riser cage (" PCI riser cage " on page 44 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 58 CAUTION: To prevent possible server malfunction and damage to the equi pment, multiprocessor configurations mu st contain processors with the same part number. To remove a pro cessor: 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 59 CAUTION: To avoid damage to the processor, do not touch the bottom of the processor, especially the contact area. To replace a processo r: IMPO RTANT: Be sure the pro cessor remai ns inside the pr ocessor in stallation tool.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 60 CAUTION: TH E PINS ON THE S YST EM B OA RD AR E VE RY F RAG ILE A ND EASI LY D AMA GED. To avoid damage to the system board: • Never install or remove a processor w ithou t using the processor installa tion to ol.
Removal an d replace ment procedures 61 6. Apply all the grease to the top of the pro cessor in the following pattern to ensure even distribution. 7. Install the heatsink.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 62 8. Close and lock the heatsink retaining latches. 9. Install the air baffle (" Air baffle " on page 49 ). 10. Install the PCI riser cage (" PCI riser cage " on page 44 ). 11. Install t he access pan el (" Access pan el " on page 34 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 63 • QR memory mo dules mu st be installed only in m emory socket s 2, 5, 8, and 11, while following the populati on order for th ose memory sockets.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 64 performance, and installing equal amounts of m emory for both processors provides for best performance. • Install all m emory modu les of the same speed on t he same proc essor for best p erform anc e. • Install all m emory modu les of the same voltage on the same proc essor for best power.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 65 NOT E: There may be mo re than one mem ory bus speed men u optio n. D IMMs To remove the c omponent: 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ). 2. Extend or remove the se rver from the rack (" Rem ove the server from the rack " on page 28 , " Extend the server from the rack " on page 28 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 66 To remove the c omponent: 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ). 2. Extend or remove the se rver from the rack (" Rem ove the server from the rack " on page 28 , " Extend the server from the rack " on page 28 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 67 7. Remove the S ystems Insi ght Display. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. F ront left be zel To remove the c omponent : 1.
Remov al and replacement procedures 68 8. Remove the thr ee T - 10 Torx sc rews, and then detach the fr ont bezel. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval procedu re. P ower supply c age assembly To remove the c omponent : 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 69 10. Remove the po wer supply c age assembl y. To replace th e compon ent, reverse the rem oval pr oc edure. S ystem boar d To remove the c omponent: 1. Power do wn the server (on page 27 ). 2. Remove all po wer supplies (" Hot - plu g power supply " on page 32 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 70 12. Open the heatsink retaining bracket, and then remove the heatsink. 13. Open the p rocessor so cket retaining bra cket and the pr ocessor locking lever.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 71 14. Using the pr ocessor to ol, remove the pro cessor fro m the system board . CAUTION: To avoid damage to the processor, do not touch the bottom of the processor, especially the contact area. 15. Disconnect all cabl es connected to the system board.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 72 2. Prepare th e processor socket on th e spare system board : a. Remove the pro cessor soc ket pro tective cover. b. Open the processor retaining latch and the processor socket retaining bracket. 3. Install the processor socket cover onto the processor socket of t he failed system bo ard.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 73 5. If the processor has separated from the installation to ol, carefully re - insert the processor in the tool. Handle the processor by the edges only, and do not touch the bottom of the processor, especially the contact area.
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 74 7. Press the tab s on the proc essor tool to release the proc essor, and then remove the proc essor tool . 8. Close t he processor socket retaining b racket and th e processor l ocking lever. CAUTION: Be sure t o close the processor soc ket retaining brack et before closin g the processor locking lever.
Remov al and repl acem ent procedures 75 10. Apply all the grease to the top of the processor in the following pattern to ensure even distribution. 11. Install the heatsink. 12. Install all components removed from the failed system board. 13. Install t he access pan el (" Access pan el " on page 34 ).
Remov al and replac emen t procedures 76 WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! The serial number is loaded into the system during the manufacturing process and should NOT be modified. This opti on should only be used by qualified service personnel. This value should al ways match the serial number sticker located on the chassis.
Cablin g 77 C abling SAS hard drive c abling Connect the SAS power cable from the primary drive cage (drive cage containing drive s 1 - 8) to the primary SAS power connector on the system board.
Cablin g 78 B BWC battery cabling F BWC capacit or pack cabling.
Dia gn ostic tools 79 D iagno sti c tools T roubleshooting resou rces The HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide provides procedures for resolv ing common problems and comprehen sive courses o f ac.
Dia gn ostic tools 80 Survey functionality is installed with every S mart Start - assi sted HP Insight Diagnostics installation, or it can be installed through the HP PSP. NOT E: The curre nt version of SmartStart provides the memory spare part numbers fo r the server.
Dia gn ostic tools 81 U SB support HP provides both standard USB 2.0 su pport and legacy U SB 2.0 support. Standard suppor t is provided by the OS through the appropriate USB device drivers. Before the OS loads, HP provides support for USB devices through legacy USB support, which is enabled by default in the system ROM.
Compone nt identifica tion 82 C omponent i dentif icati on F ront pane l components Item Description 1 Quick release levers (2) 2 Serial n umber labe l 3 Systems Insight Display 4 Hard driv e bays 5 S.
Compone nt identifica tion 83 Item Description Status 2 Health LED Green = Norm al Flashi ng amber = S ystem de graded. To iden tify a c ompone nt in a degraded state, see " S ystems Insight Display LEDs (on page 88 ) ." Flashin g red = Syst em critical.
Compone nt identifica tion 84 R ear panel LEDs and buttons Item D escription Status 1 Power s upply 2 power LED Green = Normal Off = System is off or power supp ly has failed. 2 Power s upply 1 power LED Green = Normal Off = System is off or power supp ly has failed.
Compone nt identifica tion 85 S ystem bo a rd components Item Description 1 Processor 2 me mory sockets 2 Front I/O connector 3 USB tape conn ector* 4 SATA o ptical d rive connector 5 USB con nector 6.
Compone nt identifica tion 86 Item Description 24 Fan 4 co nnector 25 Processor 1 soc ket 26 Fan 5 co nnector 27 Processor 2 soc ket 28 Fan 6 co nnector *Connect t he USB tape power con nector to th e secondary SAS power c onnector.
Compone nt identifica tion 87 To force the OS to invoke th e NMI handler and generate a crash dump log , the administrator can do either of the following: • Short the NMI jumper pins • Use the iLO Virtual NMI feature For more i nformation , see the whitepaper on th e HP website ( http://h20000.
Compone nt identifica tion 88 S ystems Insight Displ ay LEDs Item Description Status 1 NIC LEDs Off = No li nk to networ k Flashing green = Network link and activity Green = Network li nk 2 Power Cap .
Compone nt identifica tion 89 Systems Insight D isplay LED an d c olor Health LED color Status DIMM (am ber) Red DI MM in slot X h as fail ed. Amber D IMM in slo t X is in a pre - failure con dition. DIMM (am ber) Red One or more DIMMs have faile d. Test each bank of DIMMs by removing all other DIMM s.
Compone nt identifica tion 90 • LFF device bay nu mbering S AS and SATA hard drive LEDs Item Description 1 Fault/UID LED (am ber/blue) 2 Online LED (green) S AS and SATA hard drive LED combinations .
Compone nt identifica tion 91 Online/activity LED (gr een) Fault/UID L ED (amber/blue) Inte rpret ati on Flashing regularly (1 Hz) Ambe r, flashing regular ly (1 H z) Do not r emove the d rive. R emoving a d rive may terminate the curren t operatio n and cau se d ata los s.
Compone nt identifica tion 92 N on - hot - plug PCI rise r board sl ot definitio ns Sec ondary (sl ot - form f actor) Primary (slot - form f actor) PCIe2 riser slot description PCIe2 riser slot descri.
Compone nt identifica tion 93 B attery pac k LEDs Item ID C olor Description 1 Green System Power LED. Th is LED glows steadily when the system is powere d up and 12 V syste m power i s avai lable. Thi s power supply is used t o main tain t he batter y charg e and provide supplemen tary power to the c ache microc ontroller.
Compone nt identifica tion 94 LED3 p atte rn LED4 p att ern Int erpre tat ion — One blink pe r second The batte ry pack i s below the minimum charge level and is being charg ed.
Compone nt identifica tion 95 Green LED Am ber L ED Int erpre tat ion Flashin g (2 Hz) Alternating with amber LED Flashin g (2 Hz) Alternating with green LED One of the following conditions exists: • The ch arging pr ocess h as timed out. • The capac itor pack i s not c onne cted.
Specifica tions 96 S pec if i cat ions E nvironment al specifications Specification Val ue Tempera ture range* Operati ng 10 ° C t o 35 ° C (50 ° F to 95 ° F) Shippi ng - 30 ° C to 50 ° C ( - 22 ° F to 122 ° F) Storage - 30°C to 60°C ( - 22°F to 140°F) Maximum wet bulb temperat ure 28 ° C (82.
Specifica tions 97 Rate d peak p ower For more in formation , see “ P owe r supply spe cifi cati ons (on pag e 97 ).” *The system input requirements are b ased on m easurements using hardwa re available at the publication of this documen t. For update d in formati on, se e the H P website ( http://www.
Specifica tions 98 Rated peak p ower 750 W at 100V to 120V AC in put 750 W at 200V to 240V AC input • HP ProLia nt 1200 W Po wer Supp ly Specification Val ue Input requi rements Rated in put voltag e 100V to 12 0V AC 200V to 240V AC Rated in put freque ncy 50 Hz to 60 Hz Rated in put curren t 9.
Specifica tions 99 H ot - plug power supply calculations For hot - plug power supply specifications and calculators to determine electrical and heat loading for the server, refer to t he HP Enterpri se Co nfigurato r website ( http://h30099.www gurator/ ).
Specif ication s 100 D VD - ROM drive spec ifications Specification Val ue Disk form ats DVD ( single and doubl e layer ), DVD - 5, DVD - 9, D VD - 10, DVD - R, CD - RO M Mode 1 & 2, CD - DA, CD -.
Specif ication s 101 Item 36- GB SAS d rive 72- GB S AS dri ve 60- GB SATA drive Height 15 mm 15 mm 9 mm Interface SAS SAS Serial ATA Transfer rate 3 GB/sec 3 GB/sec 1.
Acronyms and abbr eviati ons 102 A c r on y m s and abbr e v i atio ns ABEND abnormal end ASR Automati c Server Recover y BBWC battery - backed write cache DDR double data rate FBWC flash - backed wri.
Acronyms and abbr eviati ons 103 POST Power - On Self Test RBSU ROM- Based Setup Utility RDP Rapid Deployment Pack SAS serial attached SCSI SATA serial ATA TPM trusted platform module UID unit identif.
Index 104 A AC power sup ply 33 access panel 35 air baffle 28, 50 B battery 67, 89 battery cabling for BBWC 80 battery pack LEDs 97 battery - backed write cache (BBWC) 50, 52, 97 battery - backed writ.
Index 105 internal health LED 92, 94 K keyboard connector 86 L LED, system power 85 LEDs 84, 94 LEDs, battery pack 97 LEDs, fron t panel 85 LEDs, hard drive 94 LEDs, NIC 86, 87 LEDs, power su pply 86,.
Index 106 T telco racks 28, 30 tool, processor 58, 71 tools 81 TPM (Trusted Platform Module) 78 troubleshooting 81 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 78 U UID LED 85, 87, 90 USB connectors 84, 86 USB suppo.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 654853-001 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 654853-001 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) 654853-001 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) 654853-001 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 654853-001, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 654853-001.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 654853-001. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 654853-001 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.