Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 450 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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hp deskjet 450 mobile p rinter user’ s guide.
ENWW Copy right In formation © 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptations, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited ex cept as all owed under copyright laws. 1, 8/2002 Notice The information contained i n this doc ument is subject to change without notice.
ENWW iii Contents Setting Up For more information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Understan ding printer p arts and fu nctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Understan ding printer b uttons and LEDs .
iv ENWW Using the Toolbox Printer Stat us tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Informati on tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 myPrintMil eage .
ENWW 1-1 1 Setting Up This pri nter provides quick, professional mobile prin ting. You c an print fro m note books, deskto ps, wir eless de vices s uch as perso nal di gital as sistan ts (PDAs) runnin.
1-2 ENWW Understand ing printer parts an d functions Front v iew 1 Inpu t tray ext ensio n – Sl ides up to s upport larger p rint me dia. This prev ents possib le media feed p roblems. Pull this up for all media ex cept A5 paper an d cards. 2 Input tray – H ol ds th e me dia .
ENWW 1-3 Back view 1 Battery contacts – Provid es contact for power from the optional battery (part num ber C8222A, s ee HP Supplies and Acce ssories ). 2 Batt ery co ntact cover – Covers the batte ry contacts when the optional battery is not ins tal le d.
1-4 ENWW Understand ing printer butt ons and LEDs For a list o f LED (li ght-em itting diode) com binati ons an d what they indic ate, se e LED Referenc e . 1 Battery charge LED – L ights u p in gre en whe n battery is char ging, an d red when t here is a batt ery fault.
ENWW 1-5 Setting up t he printer Step 1: Check the box contents 1 HP De skjet 450 pri nter 2 2 print c artridges – 1 black (HP No . 56) and 1 tri-c olor (HP No.
1-6 ENWW Step 4: T urn on the printer 1 Lift the input t ray to its open pos ition. 2 Pres s the P OWER BUTTON to turn on the printer. Step 5: In stall the print cartri dges 1 Remove ea ch print cartridge fro m its package, and then pull the colored tab to remov e the prote ctive fi lm from each cartridge.
ENWW 1-7 3 Lift the print cartri dge latches . 4 Insert ea ch print c artridge into the correc t socket (HP No. 57 in the l eft socket; HP No . 56 or 58 in the ri ght sock et). Make sure you i nsert the p rint cartridge s at a sl ightly ti lted back angle.
1-8 ENWW 6 Close the front acces s cover. Wai t for the carria ge to com plete the prin t cartridge initiali zation routin e and retu rn to the ho me posit ion at the right side of the printer before usi ng the pri nter.
ENWW 1-9 For more informatio n and tips on selecti ng and lo ading me dia, see Selecti ng and Usin g Print Media . For informatio n on sup ported media, see Printe r Specific ations . Step 9: A lign the print cartridges After you ins tall new print cartridge s, they must be al igned for goo d print quali ty.
1-10 ENWW Understanding the b attery 1 Battery – Sup plies powe r to the printe r. 2 Battery release slider – Slides to rele ase the b atter y. Installing the b attery 1 Slide the battery i nto the bat tery slot at a n angle as shown in the following illustra tion, until th e battery is flus hed with the contac ts.
ENWW 1-1 1 Impo rtan t n otes Take no te of the fo llowing whe n charging or using the battery: Remov ing the battery 1 Slid e the bat t ery rel ease sli der in t he direct ion of t he arrow . 2 Remove the bat tery . It takes approximate ly 1 hou r and 30 m inutes to cha rge.
1-12 ENWW Trav el tips The foll owing ti ps will he lp you pr epare for tra veling wit h your printer: If yo u are bring ing along an extra bla ck or phot o print ca rtridge, sto re it in the travel ho lder (part num ber C8233 A, see HP Supplie s and Access ories ) to preve nt ink leaka ge.
ENWW 2-1 2 Installing Software This chap ter explains how to in stall your printer softw are for printing via diffe rent connec tions and device s, includin g personal digital assistan ts (PDAs). Installing the printe r driver (Windows a nd Macintosh) Prin ter dri ver so ftware lets a c omput er commun icate with th e prin ter.
2-2 ENWW For Wi ndow s The pr inter driv er software ru ns on Window s NT 4.0, Windows 98 and abov e and lets you prin t via the US B or parallel c able. The setu p software d etects th e version of the operati ng syst em that yo u are using. If you ins tal l a new ve rsi on of Wind ow s late r, you mu st rein sta ll the print er driver.
ENWW 2-3 8 Select I agree to do auto upload to let myPrintMil eage Agen t send pri nter usage in formation to th e myPrintMi leage websi te, where yo u can view your custom iz ed prin ter usa ge analysis. If you do not sele ct thi s option , y ou c an en abl e i t l ate r th roug h the To olb ox.
2-4 ENWW 2 Click St art > Programs > hp de skjet 450 p rinter > hp deskjet 450 printer Uninst aller . 3 Follow th e instruct ions on t he screen to remove th e printer s oftware. For Macintosh You can c onn ec t y ou r p rint er t o Apple ® com puters that use Ma c OS 8.
ENWW 2-5 To uninstall the softw are The Un install opti on of the s etup progra m lets you remove the p rinter softwa re from your comput er. 1 Restar t the compute r. 2 Insert th e Star ter CD into y our CD- ROM dr ive an d doub le-cli ck th e CD ico n on the d esktop.
2-6 ENWW To install the HP Deskjet 450 PDA Guide This gu ide provi des PDA print ing instru ctions, tr oubleshooti ng tips, a nd technic al sup port inform at ion . Y ou ca n tran sfe r this gui de to your PDA from the Starter CD or download from the Internet.
ENWW 3-1 3 Printing This ch apter exp lains how to print from Window s and Ma cintosh co mputers. I t also de scribes pri nter driver features, p rinter setti ngs, and how to perfo rm print er tasks. The print er provide s the flex ibility of f our diff erent connec tivity optio ns: USB, parallel , infrared a nd Bluetoo th.
3-2 ENWW Create and u se wa termarks. Specify text to be plac ed in the bac kg rou nd of an ex isting do cument. For example, you might wan t to have “draft” or “confide ntial” pla ced diagona lly acro ss the first p age or all pages of a docume nt.
ENWW 3-3 3 Click the Setup tab a nd selec t the print settings you wa nt. 4 Once y ou have made the necessa ry change s, clic k OK to activate the change and clos e the Propertie s dialog b ox. To print from a W indow s application 1 Click File > Print .
3-4 ENWW Bluetooth prin t ing If yo u use a noteb ook comput er equippe d with Bl uetooth te chnology, y ou can establi sh a wirele ss conn ection wit h the printe r to send a print job . You mus t have a Bl uetooth Com pactFlas h (CF) ca rd in the p rinter’s CF card slot for Bluetooth p rinting.
ENWW 3-5 Drag the do cu me nt you want to print to the desk jet 450 printer icon on the des ktop. Click the de skjet 450 ic on on th e desk top, then clic k Printing on the me nu bar.
3-6 ENWW View ing the HP Inkjet Util ity panels The f ollowing o ptions are available o n the HP Inkjet Util ity Panel menu. WOW! : Prints a sample page to v iew the prin t output qu ality. Te s t : Prints a test page or a d iagnosti c page. Clean: Cleans the prin t cartridge s.
ENWW 3-7 6 Chang e any othe r print set tings, if necessa ry, and then c lick OK to close the dial og box. 7 Click OK to print. 8 After the firs t side of the page(s) is prin ted, turn the p aper over an d reload it into the printer. 9 Follow the inst ructions o n the scr een to compl ete the two-s ided prin ting.
4-1 ENWW 4 Selecting and Using Print Media This ch ap ter explai ns ho w to l oad m edi a a nd p rint on va rio us me dia types s uc h as card s and tran sparenci es. It als o describes how to p rint digita l camera photogra phs via a C ompactFlash c ard.
ENWW 4-2 Do not load more tha n 45 shee ts of plain p aper or a s tack of pape r more than 0.1 8 in (4.5 m m) thick int o the input tra y. Insert m edia vertica lly (portra it orientat ion). If yo u want to pri nt horizontal ly (landsc ape orien tation), ma ke the se lection through yo ur print er driver.
4-3 ENWW -or- Insert th e medi a print (gloss y for ph otos) s ide up into th e inpu t tray, mak ing sure tha t the right edge of the media is s quarely agai nst the a lignment guide. Ad just the p aper guid e until it fits snugly against the left ed ge of the media .
ENWW 4-4 For Macintosh 1 Select th e paper s ize, then click OK . 2 Open th e Paper T y pe/Quality panel. 3 Select th e paper t ype yo u are us ing. For exa mple, if you a re printi ng on H P Glossy Gr eeting Card Pa per, selec t this from t he menu. 4 Chang e any othe r print set tings if n ecessary , then cl ick OK to print t he card(s).
4-5 ENWW 4 Select th e paper s ize from the Pa per Size menu. 5 Chang e any othe r print set tings if n ecessary , then cl ick OK to print t he photo( s). For Macintosh 1 Select th e paper s ize, then click OK . 2 Open th e Paper T y pe/Quality panel.
ENWW 4-6 To print from a CompactFlas h card DPOF fi les ar e files you c reat e usin g your digita l came ra. DPOF file s are s tored on the CF card and conta in inform ation su ch as w hich image s are sele cted and how many of each image are to be prin ted or sav ed.
4-7 ENWW Pres s the C ANCEL BUT TO N if you do not want to print directl y from the CF card. If y our comp uter is conn ected to t he printer v ia USB or para llel, the CF car d appears as a driv e in Windo ws Explorer . You can th en open and print your photo graphs wit h the softwa re applic ation of your choice.
ENWW 4-8 For Windows 1 Open t he prin ter drive r. 2 Under Print Quality , click Best . 3 Under Paper T y pe , selec t T ra nsp arency Films . Select th e type of transparen cy film yo u are usin g. For exampl e, if you are print ing on HP Premiu m Plus Inkje t Transpare ncy film, s elect this o ption from the menu.
5-1 ENWW 5 Using the Toolbox The Too lbo x provides s tatu s and m ai nte nan ce in formation ab out y our printer. It als o gives yo u step-b y-step guidance for b asic prin ting ta sks and provid es help for solv ing printer pro blems. Yo u can also configure Bluetooth s ettings a nd access online re sources f or your pr i nter.
ENWW 5-2 Information tab The Infor matio n tab let s you reg ister the pr inter, check for update d printer drivers , display printer hardw are and pr int cartrid ge health inf ormation, and create y our own printer usa ge informatio n webs ite.
5-3 ENWW my PrintMil eage myPrintMil eage kee ps track of your printer usage in formation to help yo u plan the purc hase of c onsumables . It cons ists of two parts: myPrintMil eage we bsite myPrintMil eage Agent , which is a utility installe d with the T oolbox o n your comput er.
ENWW 5-4 Printer Serv ices tab The Printer Se rvices tab provides ut ilities t hat help you mai ntain and test your print er. You can cl ean and ali gn your pri nt cartrid ges, and calibrat e the color for your pri ntouts. You can p rint a dem o or diagno stic pag e, test yo ur printer commu nication , and conf igure wirele ss setti ngs.
6-1 ENWW 6 Maintaining the Printer This c hapter e xplains b asic p rinter ma intenanc e. You c an find informa tion abo ut the stat e of the pri nter and th e print ca rtridges fro m the Tool box if you h ave it install ed. You ca n also pe rform mai ntenance func tions fro m the Tool box.
ENWW 6-2 There are three clea ning levels availa ble: Level 1 cleanin g is the q uickest and uses the least am ount of i nk. Level 2 cleanin g should be perf ormed only i f level 1 cleaning was insuffi cient. Level 3 cl eaning is the mos t thorough and c onsumes the mos t i nk and time.
6-3 ENWW To perform a level 3 c leaning 1 Press an d hold down the P OWER BUTTON . 2 Whil e ho ldi ng d ow n t he P OWER BU TTON , press the C ANCE L BU TTO N twice and then press the R ESUM E BUT TO N twice. 3 Rele ase th e P OWER BUTTON . The printer begins th e print ca rtridge cl eaning proc ess.
ENWW 6-4 T o align in Macintosh (USB only ) 1 Open th e HP Inkj et Utili ty and clic k the Calibrate De vice button . You ar e prompted to speci fy the co mbinatio n of print c artridges you are usi ng. 2 Specify the comb ination o f print cart ridges you a re using.
6-5 ENWW 3 Lift the print c artridg e latc h open and ge ntly remove the p rint ca rtridge from its soc ket at the angle s hown below . Check th e number o n the latch a gainst th e number on t he new p rint cartridge to make sure y ou are remov ing the correc t print cartrid ge.
ENWW 6-6 Single-cartridg e printing mod e If one of your pr int cartrid ges runs out of ink be fore you c an replace i t, you can still p rint with a single pri nt cartridg e. If yo u do not have a repl acement bla ck print cart ridge ava ilable, y ou can remove the black print ca rtridge and print with o nly the tri-co lor print cartridge .
6-7 ENWW 3 Click Calibrate to calibra t e t he c ol or, o r cl ic k Us e Default s to restore col or values to factory de faults. 4 Follow the inst ructions o n the sc reen. For Macintosh 1 Open th e HP Inkj et Utili ty and clic k the Calibrate Col or button .
ENWW 7-1 7 Troubleshooting This ch apter prov ides sol utions to co mmon pro blems, suc h as pape r jams an d poor prin t qual ity. If your p rint er is n ot ope rating p roperly and t hese sugge stio.
7-2 ENWW Step 3: Chec k the printer connec tion Parallel or USB Make sure your print er is connec ted directly to the para llel or USB port. Do not share th e port wi th other devic es, such a s a Zip dri ve. Make s ure the ca ble is connec ted firmly to the printe r and compute r.
ENWW 7-3 CompactFlash If the Res ume LED doe s not bli nk after inse rting the Co mpactFla sh (CF) card, this me ans there are no DPOF fil es created on the CF card . To print f rom the CF car d, you need t o specif y your pri nt setting s in a DPOF fi le so tha t the printe r can prin t out ima ges specifi ed in the DPOF fil e.
7-4 ENWW Get ting print er i nfor mat ion If yo u need to cal l the Cu stomer Care Center, you should p rint a dia gnostic page and a configu ration p age to obta in print er inf ormation. Su ch infor mat ion is useful to our Custo mer Care Center in he lping yo u troubleshoo t printe r probl ems.
ENWW 7-5 If your p rinter does not turn o n, make sure tha t the power cord and power adapter a re firmly connecte d to the pri nter and that t he powe r cord is connec ted from your printer to a working ou tlet. Try tu rning the printer off and then on ag ain.
7-6 ENWW For Windo ws 2000 an d Windows XP, make sure the Use Printer Offline opti on is not ch ecked. Cl ick Start > Settings > Printers . In the Pr i nter s folder , right-cl ick the print er icon, a nd then ma ke sure Us e Printer Offline is unc hecked in th e pop-up m enu.
ENWW 7-7 Check the status of the print car tridges If you a re printi ng with a s ingle print c artridge, th e print sp eed may be slower th an normal . See Single-ca rtridge printin g mode . Check available system resources If less than 80 pe rcent of th e computer re sources are avail able, prin ting can be signific antly sl ower.
7-8 ENWW Solv ing printin g problems This se ction pro vides so lutions to commo n printing problems . If non e of the fo llowing solu tions work, the proble m is lik ely cau sed by the inabili ty of the s oftware prog ram to prop erly interpret print sett ings.
ENWW 7-9 Check the document file Occasio nally, a document fil e becom es corrupt ed. If you ca n print othe r docume nts from t he same software app lication , try to pri nt using a backup copy o f your doc ument, if available.
7-10 ENWW Check that the media is loa ded correctly Make s ure the medi a is squa rely agains t the alig nment gui de and that the paper gui de is snug , but not tight, against the media. Load no m ore than 45 sheets of media or a stack 0 .18 in (4.5 mm) thic k loaded in the inp ut tray.
ENWW 7-1 1 Alternativ ely, in Windows y ou can op en the prin ter driver a nd click HP ZoomSmart in t he Set up tab. T hen sel ect Scale to fit p aper in device to scal e the doc ument to f it the med ia size cur rently selected . Use the c ard slot f or media 4.
7-12 ENWW Check the media type Some typ es of me dia do not accept i nk well, w hich ca uses the in k to dry more sl owly and re sults in smearing. So me thick er cards may also ten d to smear . For guide lines ab out selec ting med ia, see Se lecting p rint media .
ENWW 7-13 If you h ave the tri -color and photo prin t cartridge s instal led, try cali brating the col or. For instruc tions, see Cal ibrating c olor . Colors are printing a s black and w hite Check the printer driv er settings For Window s, the Print In Gray scale che ck box is prob ably selecte d.
7-14 ENWW Bleeding colors in printout If the in k is spre ading on the page o r colors a re blendin g together, try the follow ing: Check the print settings Some pap er type s ettings (such a s Transparenc y Films an d Photo Papers ) and print qual ity settings (such as Be st ) require more ink than other s.
ENWW 7-15 Wirel ess printing probl ems Infrared printing does not w ork Check for obstacles Clear any ob stacl es betw een th e printe r and t he device f rom which you ar e sendin g the print job. Sunli ght, heat fr om nearby equipme nt, or other sources of infrare d radiatio n can als o cause tran smission errors.
7-16 ENWW Solv ing media feed p roblems This se ction pro vides so lutions to common m edia feed problems . Media is not picked up from the input tray Make sure to pull up the input tray extension .
ENWW 7-17 Print media is jammed If print m edia is jammed in t he printer, f ollow thes e instruc tions to c lear the jam . 1 Turn off th e printer. 2 Remove media tha t is not jam med from t he input tr ay and the output slot. 3 Loca te the me dia jam.
7-18 ENWW Tips for avoiding paper jams Make sure nothing i s blocking the paper path. Do not overload the input tray or the card slot. The input tray holds up to 45 shee ts of plain paper o r other print m edia m easur ing 0. 18 in (4 .5 mm ) in thickn ess.
ENWW A-1 A HP Supplies and Accessories This ch apter prov ides info rmation o n HP suppli es and ac cessori es, as wel l as ordering inf ormation. You can order HP s upplies and access ories from the HP web site. Visit hpshop ( http://www. hpshoppi ng.
A-2 ENWW HP Pri nting Paper HP Office P aper HP Office Recy cled P aper HP Bright Whi te Inkjet Paper HP Premium Inkjet Paper HP Premium Inkjet Heavy weight Paper HP Prem ium Plus P hoto Paper 500 sheets US Letter (8.5 x 11 in) P1122 500 s heets A4 (210 x 2 97 mm) CHP210 500 sheets US Letter (8.
ENWW A-3 HP Prem ium Photo P aper HP Photo Paper HP E very day P hoto Paper HP Premium Glossy Paper 60 sh eets , glossy 10 x 15 cm C7025A (Eu rope) 20 sheets, ma tte US Letter (8 .5 x 11 in) C6950A 20 sheet s , matte A4 (210 x 297 m m ) C69 51A (Europe) 50 sheet s , glossy US Let ter (8.
A-4 ENWW HP Pro fessional Brochure and Fl yer Paper HP Prem ium Plus T ransparency Film HP Premium Inkjet Transparency Film HP Greeting Card Paper 50 sheet s , glossy US Let ter (8.5 x 11 in ) C68 17A 50 sheet s , glossy A4 (210 x 297 m m ) C68 18A 100 sheets, tri-fold, glo s sy US Letter (8.
ENWW B-1 B Printer Specifications This ch apter prov ides info rmation a bout supp orted medi a types and sizes a nd print er specifica tions. Prin t Me thod Drop on -deman d th erma l ink jet prin ting Pri nt Sp eed* : (Letter) Fast Norma l Best Bla ck text 9 ppm 5 pp m 1.
B-2 ENWW Sm art So ft ware Feat ures Ink Level Indicator , Battery Charge Indic ator, hp instant support , myPrintMile age*, Bluetoot h Con figuration*.
ENWW B-3 Power Supply Universal Power Supply Powe r Requ i reme nts Power a dapter Input vol t age : 100 - 240 AC , 50/60 H z Outp ut v olt age : 19 VDC , 3.16 A Batte ry Lit hi um- i o n ~1800 mAh (11. 1 VDC) Powe r Cons umption Less than 2 watts when off, 5 watts maximum n on-printing, 20 watts maximu m printing.
C-1 ENWW C LED Reference The pr inter LEDs i ndicate p rinter stat us and are useful for di agnosing printing problem s. This c hapter provid es a list of LED statu s light com bination s, what they in dicate an d how to so lve the pr oblem. For a des cription of the prin ter’s LED s, see Unde rstan ding pr inter b uttons and LEDs .
ENWW C-2 Power LED blinks. Printer is printing. No acti on req ui re d. Power, Resume, Left and Right prin t ca rtr id ge LE Ds cycle. Pri n ter i s ei t her po wer i n g on or of f. No acti on req ui re d. Resu me LED blinks. Printer is either stal led, waiting f or special me dia to dry, ou t of pape r, or pro ces sing DPOF pri nt in g.
C-3 ENWW Right prin t cartridge LED on. B lack or photo pr in t car tri dge is low o n in k. Replac e the print cartridg e. S ee Re placing the print cartri dges . Right and Lef t pri nt car tridge LEDs on. Tri-col or and black or photo pri nt car tridges are low o n in k.
ENWW C-4 Power LED, Resume LED, Le ft and Right prin t cartridge LEDs on . New fir m w ar e is bei n g flashed to the pr inte r. No acti on req ui re d. Pow e r LED o n , Re s ume LED bl in ks, Right prin t cartridge LED tu rn s on twice as long as off.
D-1 ENWW D Customer Support This ch apter prov ides informa tion on c ontacting HP Custom er Support. The info rmation in the Troubl eshootin g chap t er sugges ts soluti ons to co mmo n probl ems.
ENWW D-2 For customers i n North A merica For customers ou tside of North A merica During Warran ty US: 208 323 2551 Mon day throu gh Friday 6am to 6pm (MST) Canada : (905) 206 466 3 Monday through Fr iday 8am to 8 pm (EST) Post Wa rranty US: 900 555 1500 ($2.
D-3 ENWW A ustralia Calling from elsew here in the world Contac t your local dealer or nearest HP Sales and Su pport Offi ce for techni cal assistanc e or hardwa re repair se rvices.
ENWW Hew lett-Packard Lim ited Warranty Statement Extent of Limi ted Warranty 1 Hewlett-Packard warr ant s to the end-user cust omer that the HP produ ct s s pecif ied above will be free f rom defects in mate rials and workmanship for the duration specified above, which duration begins on t he date of purchase by the cust omer.
ENWW DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014 (1) The product herewith complies with the re quirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, and carries the CE Marking according ly. (2) The product was tested in a typical configuration with H ewlett- Packard personal computer systems.
I-1 ENWW Index Numerics 4800 x 1200 O pt imized dpi 4-5 A acc esso ries A -1 B battery charging 1-10 checking power level 7-1 installing 1-10 safety 1-9 using 1-9 Best mode 4-5, 7-11 Bluetooth BtPrint.
ENWW I-2 printing tips 7-2 troubleshooting 7-15 ink service m odul e, replacing 6-7, C-4 installing software 2-1 interf aces, I/ O B-2 L LEDs descriptions 1-4 reference C-1 limited warranty D-4 M Maci.
I-3 ENWW photographs 4-4 transparencies 4-7 two-sided (duplex) 3-6 using card slot 1-2, 4- 2 using DPOF files 4-5 via Bluetooth 3-4 via CompactFlash c ard 4-6 via infrared 3-3 R relative humidity spec.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.