Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 4200 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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hp officejet 4 200 series all-in-on e user guide.
hp officejet 4 200 ser ies all-in -one.
© 2004 Cop yr ight He wlett-P ac kar d Dev elopment Com pany , LP The info rmation her e in is subject to change w ithout notice . Repr oduction , adaptation or translati on w ithout pri or w ritten permissio n is prohib ited , ex cept as allow ed under the cop yr ight la ws .
i contents 1 hp officejet o verview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 the hp off ice jet at a glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 fr ont pane l o ve rvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . .
contents hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s ii 4 use the scan features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 scan an or i ginal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 stop scanning .
contents user guide iii set to ne or pulse di aling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 adju st the r ing v olume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 adju st the phone line monitor v olume . . .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s contents iv set the language and country/r egion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 self-maint enance sounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 9 hp officejet 4 200 series support .
user guide contents v hp off ice jet 4 210 seri es (w ith no handset) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 hp off ice jet 4 25 0 se r ies ( w ith handset) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 case F: shar ed v oi ce/fax line w ith answ er ing mac hine .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s contents vi.
1 get hel p This U ser Guide cont ains infor mation o n using y our HP Office jet and pr o vi des additional tr ouble shooting assist ance for the ins tallation pr oce ss. T he Us er Guide also contains inf ormati on on ho w to or der supplie s and accessor ies , tec hnical spec if ications , support , and war ran ty informati on.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s 2 Dialog-bo x help (W indo ws on ly ) For W indow s : Use one o f the fo llo w ing wa y s to f ind infor mation on a spec if ic f eatur e: • Ri ght-clic k on the featur e . • Select the f eatur e and pr ess F1 . • Selec t the ? in the upper -r ight corner , then clic k on the featur e .
1 3 hp officejet o vervie w hp officejet o ver v ie w Y our HP Officej et is r eady t o use w hene ver y ou ar e , as man y fe ature s and functi ons of y our HP Offi ceje t can be used w ithou t turning on y our compu ter .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 1 4 hp officejet ov erview the hp officejet at a glance 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 hp officejet 4210 ser ies 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 2 hp officejet 4 25 0 series 10 10 feature.
user guide hp off ice jet o ve rvie w 5 hp officejet o vervie w fr ont panel o vervie w 12 15 17 18 13 14 16 feature pur pose 12 P ow er connector 13 1-LINE port 14 2 -E XT port 15 USB port 16 Ha ndse.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 1 6 hp officejet ov erview feature pur pose 1 Answ er Mode : S w itc h betwee n four ans wer settings , F ax (F ax) mode , T elephone (T el) mode , F ax and T elephone (FaxT el) mode (only a vaila ble on the HP Off i cejet 4 2 5 0 Ser ie s) , and Ans w er ing Machine ( Ans w erMac hine) mode .
user guide hp off ice jet o ve rvie w 7 hp officejet o vervie w 20 Keyp ad : Enter fax n umbers, v alues , or te xt . 21 One - T ouch Speed Dial : Dial a f ax number qui ckl y b y pr essing a one -touch speed dial button .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 1 8 hp officejet ov erview menu o v erv ie w The f ollo w ing pr o v ides a q uic k r efe r ence to top-le v el menus that a ppear on the HP Off ice jet f ron t panel displa y .
user guide hp off ice jet o ve rvie w 9 hp officejet o vervie w open the hp director for Windo ws users 1 Do one of the f ollo w ing: – Double -c lic k the HP Dir ector ico n on the desktop. – In the Windo w s taskbar , click Start , poin t to Pr ograms or All Pr ograms (XP) , point to HP , then s elect HP Dir ector .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 1 10 hp officejet ov erview open the hp director for Macintosh users Use one of the f ollo w ing meth ods to launc h or access the HP Direc tor , depending on whi ch Mac intosh OS y ou ar e u sing.
user guide hp off ice jet o ve rvie w 11 hp officejet o vervie w Note: If y ou install mor e than one HP dev ice , an HP Dir ector icon for eac h dev i ce appears in the Doc k . F or e x ample , if y ou ha v e an HP scanner and an HP Officej et installed , tw o HP Director i cons ar e pr ese nt in the Dock , one for eac h de v ice .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 1 12 hp officejet ov erview open the hp photo and imaging director using Mac intosh OS 9 In Mac intosh O S 9 , the HP Dir ec tor is launc hed automati cally dur ing the HP Image Z one softwar e installati on , and the HP Dir ect or appears as an ali as on the desktop .
user guide hp off ice jet o ve rvie w 13 hp officejet o vervie w 7 Settings : use this pull-do wn lis t to pr o vi de access to dev i ce setti ngs. feature pur pose.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 1 14 hp officejet ov erview.
2 15 load originals & paper load paper and load originals The HP Offi cej et 4 200 Seri es allo w s y ou to load diffe r ent type s and si z es o f paper in y our HP Offi ceje t, including letter , photo paper , and env elopes .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 2 16 load originals & paper 1 Open the paper tr ay door . 2 Unfo ld the paper tr a y . 3 Only unf old the paper tr a y ext ender if y ou ar e using Dr aft or F ast mode and paper is o ver shooting the paper tr a y .
user guide load paper and load or iginals 17 load originals & paper 2 Lo w er the doc ument catc her and unfo ld the document cat cher e xtender . Note: The doc ument catcher and doc umen t catcher e xtender must be clos ed bef or e the doc ument feeder tr ay can be c los ed.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 2 18 load originals & paper HP Pr emium P lu s Photo P aper , Gloss y and Matte ar e a vailable in 4 b y 6 inch (10 b y 15 cm) photo pa per si z e ( w ith tabs) f or pr inting photos f r om y our HP Office jet.
user guide load paper and load or iginals 19 load originals & paper load paper Thes e pr ocedur es desc r ibe ho w to load differ ent si z es and types of paper s into the paper tr ay f or pr inting and cop y ing .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 2 20 load originals & paper 6 Slide the paper gui de in until it st ops at the edge of the pape r . Make sur e that the stac k of paper li es flat in the paper tr a y and fits under the ta b of the paper guide .
user guide load paper and load or iginals 21 load originals & paper Note: F or the bes t re sults, u se a r ecommended type of 4 b y 6 inch (10 b y 15 cm) photo paper w ith tear off ta bs. F or more inf ormati on , see recommended papers on page 17.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 2 22 load originals & paper load postcards, inde x , or Hagaki cards The f ollo w ing des cr ibes the pr ocedur e f or loading post cards , inde x car ds, or Hagaki cards in to y our HP Offi cej et fo r prin ting .
user guide load paper and load or iginals 23 load originals & paper set the paper t y pe Whene v er y ou change pa per types , be sur e to se t the paper type f or y our HP Off ice jet. paper type settings for copy ing Select the P aper T ype s etting that matche s the paper or tr anspar enc y film y ou ar e using .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 2 24 load originals & paper set the paper type for cop ying The f ollo w ing pr ocedur e desc r ibes ho w to set the pa per type fo r the Cop y option on yo ur HP Off i cej et. Selec t the P aper T ype setting that matc hes the paper or tr anspar ency f ilm y ou ar e u sing.
user guide load paper and load or iginals 25 load originals & paper av oid jams T o help avo id pa per jams , follo w the se guideline s: • Pr ev ent c urled or w r inkled paper b y stor ing all unu sed media f lat in a re sealable bag . • Remo v e pr inted paper s fr om the output tr a y fr equentl y .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 2 26 load originals & paper 3 Press Copy , Scan , or Fax on the fr ont panel. Note: If yo u w ant to ch ange a Cop y or F ax se tting, or c hange a Scan dest.
3 27 cop y use the cop y featur es The HP Off ice jet enables y ou t o pr oduce high-quality color and black -and-white copie s on plain paper , photo paper , and transpar enc ie s.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 3 28 copy increase cop y speed or quality The HP Offi ceje t pr ov ides three opti ons that affec t copy s peed and quality . • Normal deli v ers hi gh-quality output and is the r ecommended setting for most o f yo ur copy ing .
user guide use th e copy feat ures 29 cop y 3 Press Copy un til Set New Defaults appears in the top line of the displa y . 4 Press until Ye s appears. 5 Press Start Blac k or Star t Col or to mak e a copy w ith the ne w de fault setti ngs or press OK to sav e the se ttings w ithout making a cop y .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 3 30 copy mak e multiple copies of the sam e original 1 Load y our or i ginal face do w n and top f irst in the doc umen t feeder tr a y . F or more inf or mation , see load originals on page 2 5. 2 Press Copy until Number o f Copies appears in the to p line of the displa y .
user guide use th e copy feat ures 31 cop y 1 Load y our or i ginal photo face do w n and top f irs t in the document f eeder tra y . For mor e inf ormati on , see load or iginals on page 2 5. P osition the photo in the ce nter of the doc ument f eeder tr a y and mov e the paper guides ne xt to it .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 3 32 copy cop y a legal-siz e document onto letter paper 1 Load the legal doc umen t face do w n and top f irs t in the docume nt feede r tra y . For mor e inf ormati on , see load or iginals on page 2 5. 2 Press Copy until R educe/Enlarge appears in the t op line of the displa y .
user guide use th e copy feat ures 33 cop y 5 Press to mak e the image mor e v i vi d . Note: Y ou can also pr es s to mak e the image mor e pale .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 3 34 copy enhance light areas o f y our cop y Use Photo enhancemen ts to enhance light colors that mi ght otherwis e appear white .
4 35 scan use th e scan featur es Scanning is the pr oces s of con v erting pic tur es and te xt int o an electr oni c fo rmat for y our co mputer . Y ou can scan photos and te xt doc uments.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 4 36 scan scan an original 1 Load y our or iginal f ace do w n and top fir st in the doc ument feeder tr a y . See load originals . 2 Press Scan . A Scan menu ap pears , listing y our e x isting scanning de stinations .
5 37 fax use the fax features Using y our HP Off ice jet, y ou can send and r ece i ve f ax es, inc luding color f axe s. Y ou can set u p speed dials to se nd fax es qui ckl y and easil y to f r equentl y used numbers . F r om the fr ont panel , y ou can se t a number of fax opti ons, suc h as resolution .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 38 fax send a fax Using the fr ont panel , y ou can se nd a black -and-white or color fax f r om y our HP Offi cejet.
user guide use the f ax featur es 39 fax The HP Office jet w ill pr int a conf ir mation r eport e very time y ou send a f ax infor ming y ou w hether the fax w as sent succes sfull y or not . F or mor e inf ormati on on prin ting r eports, see pr int reports on page 5 3.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 40 fax Note: If the re c ipient ’s fax mac hine only supports black -and-white f axe s, the HP Officejet automatically sends the fax in black and white. A messag e appears once the f ax has been sent indi cating that the fax w as se nt in black and whi te .
user guide use the f ax featur es 41 fax send a fax using redial Y ou can send a f ax to the last f ax number di aled b y using the R edial/P ause button. 1 Load y our or i ginal face do w n and top f irst in the doc ument f eeder tr a y . F or mor e inf ormation , see load or iginals on page 2 5.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 42 fax cancel a schedul ed fax Y ou can cancel a sc heduled fax or one that is c ur r ently in pr ogr e ss. Once y o u schedule a f ax , the sc heduled time appears on the fr ont panel display . ` When the sc heduled time appear s on the displa y , pr ess Cancel , and then pr ess 1 .
user guide use the f ax featur es 43 fax send a fax using monitor dialing Monitor dialing allo w s y ou to dial a n umber fr om the f r ont panel as y ou w ould dial a r egular telephone . T his featur e is u sef ul when y ou w ant to use a calling card t o char ge the call .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 44 fax 2 Dial the number b y using the k e y pad on the phone that is connected t o y our HP Office jet. Note: Y ou mus t use the k e y pad on the phone to dial the number . Do not use the k ey pad on the f r ont panel of the HP Offi cej et.
user guide use the f ax featur es 45 fax Re fer to the f ollo w ing table t o determine w hi ch A ns wer Mode s etting yo u should use . F r om the f irst co lumn in the table , c hoose the type o f equipment and serv ices applicable to y our o ffi ce setu p .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 46 fax V oice ma il s ervice prov ided by yo ur telephone compan y . T el The HP Office jet w ill QRW aut omaticall y ans wer calls . Y ou will need to r ece iv e f axe s manuall y by pr e ssing S tart Black or S tart Color .
user guide use the f ax featur es 47 fax rec eive a f ax By defa ult , y our HP Office jet a utomati cally r ece i ve s and prin ts incoming fax es . Depending on y our Ans w er Mode s etting, the HP Offi ceje t can r ecei v e fax es automati cally or man ually .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 48 fax 3 Enter the appr opriate numbe r of r ings to ans w er b y using the k e y pad. 4 Press OK to accept the setting.
user guide use the f ax featur es 49 fax recei ve a fax manuall y using the attach ed handset (hp officejet 4 2 50 series onl y) Y ou can r ecei v e f axe s manuall y by u sing the attached handse t . Note: This sec tion a pplies onl y to the HP Officej et 4 25 0 Ser ie s models w ith attached handset .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 50 fax use the at tached handset (hp officejet 4 2 50 ser ies onl y) Y ou can us e the attached handset t o ans w er incoming calls, mak e phone calls , re cei v e fax es , and send fax es .
user guide use the f ax featur es 51 fax recei ve fax es using the handset ` F or inf ormati on on r ecei v ing fax es b y using the attac hed handset , see receiv e a fax manuall y using the attac hed handset (hp officejet 4 250 series only) on page 4 9.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 52 fax enter te xt The f ollo w ing list pr o v ides tip s for en ter ing te xt by u sing the fr ont panel k e y pad . Use thes e instruc tions t o enter speed di al names and the fax header name . • Pr ess the k e y pad numbers that cor r espond to the letters o f a name .
user guide use the f ax featur es 53 fax • T o enter a sy mbol , such as *, pr es s S ymbols (*) r epeatedl y to sc r oll thr ough the list of s y mbols. T he fo llo w ing table r epr esents the a vaila ble s ymbols . • If y ou mak e a mistak e , pr e ss to c lear it , and then mak e the cor rec t entry .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 54 fax 3 Press to sc r oll thr ough the f ollo w ing r eport types: –E v e r y E r r o r : pr ints w hene ver ther e is an y kind o f fax err or (default). –S e n d E r r o r : pr ints w henev er ther e is a tr ansmission er r or .
user guide use the f ax featur es 55 fax 2 Press to sc r oll thr ough the f ollo w ing r eport types: – Automatic Reports Setup : pr ints aut omatic r eports as des cr ibed in generate reports automatically o n page 5 3. – Last T r ansaction : prints details o f the last f ax tr ansacti on.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 56 fax create indiv idual speed-dial entries Y ou can cr eate s peed-dial entr ies f or f ax numbers that y ou u se fr equentl y . 1 Press Setup . 2 Press 2 , the n pre ss 1 . This s elects S peed Dial Setu p and then selec ts Indi v idual Speed Di al .
user guide use the f ax featur es 57 fax The f irs t unassi gned speed-dial en try appears on the displa y . 3 Press OK to select the dis play ed speed-di al entry . Tip: T o select another empty entry , pr ess or , and then pr es s OK . 4 Press or to select an indi v i dual speed-dial en try to add the to the gr oup .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 58 fax Tip: Y ou can also cancel fax f orwar ding b y pr es sing Cancel and then 2 , w hen “F ax F or w ar ding” a ppears on the f r ont panel displa y .
user guide use the f ax featur es 59 fax change lighter/darker setting Use this se tting to change the contr as t of a f ax to be dark er o r lighter than the ori ginal. T his f eatur e is usef ul if y ou ar e f ax ing a doc ument that is faded , w ashed out , or hand wr itten .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 60 fax set fax options Ther e ar e numer ous f ax options that y ou can s et, suc h as contr olling w hether the HP Off ice jet r edi als a bus y number au tomaticall y . When you mak e c hanges to the follo wing options , the new s etting becomes the def ault .
user guide use the f ax featur es 61 fax set the paper size for r eceiv ed fax es Y ou can selec t the paper si z e for r ecei v ed fax e s. T he paper si z e selected should match w hat is loaded in y our paper tr a y . F ax es can be pr inted on letter , A4, o r legal paper only ( var i es b y country/regi on).
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 62 fax adjust the phone lin e monitor v olume The Phone L ine Monitor V olume setting allo w s y ou to contr ol the v olume of the dial tone s and fax tone s. Y ou can select L o w , Medium, or High . T he def ault setting is Medium .
user guide use the f ax featur es 63 fax change t he answ er ring pattern (distinctive r inging) Many phone com panies o ffer a distinc ti ve r inging f eatur e that allo ws y ou t o hav e sev er al phone number s on one phone line .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 64 fax 3 Press to select Redial or No Redial . 4 Press OK . set automatic reduction for incoming fax es This se tting determines w hat y our HP Office jet doe s if it re cei v es a fax that is too large f or the de fault pa per si z e.
user guide use the f ax featur es 65 fax use err or correction mode Err or C orr ecti on Mode (E CM) eliminates data lo st due to poor phone line s by detecting er r ors that occur dur ing tr ansmissi on and auto maticall y r eques ting re transmis sion of the e rr oneou s portion.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 66 fax use caller ID Caller ID Mode allo w s y ou to v i e w the phone number or name s of caller s on the fr ont panel dis play , if you sub scr ibe to C aller ID serv ice thr ough y our phone compan y .
user guide use the f ax featur es 67 fax to add junk fax numbers 1 Press Setup . 2 Press 4 , then press 8 . This se lects Ad v anced F ax Setup and then J unk F ax Numbers . 3 Press to select Add , and then pr ess OK . The mo st r ecentl y r ecei v ed Caller ID number a ppears on the displa y .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 68 fax 3 Press to selec t one of the f ollo w ing optio ns: –O n : select this option to ac tiv ate Bac k up F ax R eception . –O f f : select this optio n to turn o ff Back up F ax Reception . 4 Press OK .
user guide use the f ax featur es 69 fax.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 5 70 fax.
6 71 print print fr om your computer Most pr int se ttings are a utomati cally handled b y the softw ar e applicati on y ou ar e printing f r om or by HP Color Smart techno logy . Y ou only need to c hange the settings manuall y w hen y ou ch ange print q uality , print on spec ific type s of paper or film , or us e spec ial f eatur es.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 6 72 print Macintosh users T o specify a doc ument's paper si z e, scaling , and or ien tation , use the P age Setup dialog bo x . T o specify other prin t settings f or a doc ument , and to send the docume nt to the pr inter , use the Prin t dialog bo x .
user guide print f r om y our computer 73 print to change t he print settings for the current print job 1 F r om y our softwar e applicati on ’s File menu , s elect Pr int, Print Setup , or Pa g e S e t u p . Make sur e that the selec ted pr inter is the HP Office jet.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 6 74 print output options panel (OS X) Use the Output Opti ons panel in the Pr int dialog bo x to s av e y our f ile as an Ado be Acro bat PDF ® (portable doc ument fo rmat) f ile . The HP Offi cejet doe s not support P ostS cr ipt pr inting .
7 75 order supplies or der supplies Y ou can or der print cartr idges , r ecommended types o f HP paper , and HP Off ice jet acces sor ies online fr om the HP website .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 7 76 order supplies T o order HP Officej et softwar e in other countr i es/r egions , call the phone number for y our countri es/r egions . T he number s listed belo w ar e c ur re nt as of the publicati on date of this gui de .
8 77 maintain your hp o fficejet maintain y our hp o fficejet The HP Offi cej et r equir es little maintenance . So metimes y ou migh t wan t to clean the glass and w hite str ip on bac k of the li d to r emo v e surface dus t and ensur e that yo ur copie s and scans r emain c lear .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 8 78 maintain your hp o fficejet 2 Clean the glas s w ith a soft c loth or sponge sligh tly mo istened w ith a nonabrasiv e glass cleaner . Caution! Do not use abr asi v es , acetone , benz ene , or carbon tetr achlor i de on the glass; these can damage it .
user guide maintain y our hp off icej et 79 maintain your hp o fficejet 2 Clean the w hite str ip w ith a so ft cloth or sponge sli ghtl y moistened w ith a mild soap and w arm w ater . 3 W ash the strip gentl y to loos en debris; do not s cr ub the str ip .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 8 80 maintain your hp o fficejet Macintosh users 1 Fro m t h e HP Director , choo se Settings , and then c hoo se Maintain Printer . 2 If the Selec t Printer di alog bo x opens, s elect y our HP Offi cej et, and then click Utilities .
user guide maintain y our hp off icej et 81 maintain your hp o fficejet T ri-color and photo cartridge installed 4 Chec k the Self- T est Report for s tr eaking or whit e lines in the color bar s. Mak e sure that the co lor bars ha ve e v en consistenc y and the lines of color ext end acr oss the page.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 8 82 maintain your hp o fficejet handle the print car tridges Befo r e y ou r eplace or clean a pr int cartri dge , y ou should kno w the part names and ho w to handle the print cartr idge .
user guide maintain y our hp off icej et 83 maintain your hp o fficejet 2 After the car ri age stop s mov ing , push do wn on the top of the pr int cartridge to r eleas e it, and then pull it to w ar d y ou out of its slot . Note: It is normal to s ee ink buildup in the pr int cartri dge slots.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 8 84 maintain your hp o fficejet 5 Hold the black or phot o prin t cartridge w ith the HP label on top . Slide the print cartr idge at a sli ght angle up into the ULJK W side of the print car r iage . Pr ess f irml y until the pr int cartr idge snaps in to place .
user guide maintain y our hp off icej et 85 maintain your hp o fficejet use a photo print cartridge Y ou can optimi z e the q uality of the photos y ou pr in t w ith y our HP Officej et b y pur chasing a phot o print cartr idge . R emo v e the black pr int cartr idge and insert the photo pr int cartri dge in its place .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 8 86 maintain your hp o fficejet align the print cartridges The HP Offi cejet pr om pts y ou to align pr int cartr idges e very time y ou install or r eplace a prin t cartridge . Y ou can also align the prin t cartridge s at an y time fr om the fr ont panel or the HP Direc tor.
user guide maintain y our hp off icej et 87 maintain your hp o fficejet to align the print cartridges from the hp director 1 Access t he HP Director . F or inf ormati on on accessing the HP Directo r, see use the hp director software t o do more with y our hp o fficejet on page 8.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 8 88 maintain your hp o fficejet clean t he print cartridges Use this f eatur e whe n the Self- T est Report sho w s str eaking or w hite lines thr ough an y of the color ed bars . Do not clean pr int cartridge s unnecessar ily .
user guide maintain y our hp off icej et 89 maintain your hp o fficejet 5 Dip a clean f oam ru bber sw ab or lin t-fr ee cloth into dis tilled wat er , and squeeze any ex cess water from it. 6 Hold the print cartr idge b y its si des. 7 Clean onl y the contacts .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 8 90 maintain your hp o fficejet rest ore f actory defaults Y ou can r estor e the or iginal f actory settings to what the y w er e w hen y ou pur chas ed y our HP Office jet.
user guide maintain y our hp off icej et 91 maintain your hp o fficejet set the prompt dela y time The Pr ompt Dela y T ime option allo w s y ou to contr ol the amount o f time that passes before a message is displayed prompting y ou to take fur ther action.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 8 92 maintain your hp o fficejet self-maintenance sounds During the lif e of y our pr oduc t y ou might hear v ari ous mec hani cal sounds .
9 93 hp officejet support hp officejet 4 200 series support Hew lett-P ac k ard pr ovi des Inter net and phone su pport for y our HP Office jet. This sec tion contains the f ollo w ing topi cs: • ge.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 9 94 hp officejet support 4 If yo u ar e still e xperienc ing problems and need to speak w ith an HP Customer Support Repr es entati ve , do the f ollo w ing: a. Hav e the spec ifi c name of y our HP Officej et, as it appears o n the fr ont panel , av ailable .
user guide hp offi cej et 4 2 00 ser ie s support 95 hp officejet support Bahrain (Du bai) +9 7 3 800 7 28 Mex i co (Mex i co C ity) 5 25 8-99 2 2 Belgium (Dutch) +3 2 (0) 7 0 300 005 Mor occo 1 +212 2 2 4 04 7 4 7 Belgium (F re nch) +3 2 (0) 7 0 300 004 Netherlands (0.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 9 96 hp officejet support call in Australia post-w arr anty If yo ur produc t is not under w arr anty , you can call 0 3 88 77 8000. A per -inc ident , ou t-of- war r anty support fee of $2 7 . 5 0 (inc GS T) w ill be c har ged to y our cr edit car d .
user guide hp offi cej et 4 2 00 ser ie s support 97 hp officejet support 7 Retain the f r ont panel co ve r . Do not re turn the fr ont panel co v er w ith the HP Offi cejet. 8 F old the doc ument catc her up , ov er the fr on t panel area , and then f old the automati c documen t feeder tr ay do w n, o v er the doc ument catcher .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 9 98 hp officejet support If yo u do not hav e the or iginal pac kaging mater i als, please u se other adequate pack aging mater ials . Shipping damage cau sed by im pr oper pack aging and/or impr oper trans portation is not co v er ed under the w arr anty .
10 99 warrant y i nforma tion w arr anty infor mation Y our HP Off ice jet comes w ith a limited w arr anty that is desc r ibed in this secti on. Infor mation abou t ho w to obtain war r anty service and ho w y ou can upgr ade y our standar d fact ory warr anty is also pr o v ided .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 10 100 warr anty information Outside the U . S ., please call y our local HP Cus tomer Support off ice . See call elsewher e in the wor ld on page 9 4 for a list o f internati onal Cu stomer Suppo rt numbers.
user guide war ranty infor mation 101 warrant y i nforma tion limitations of war ranty T O THE EXTENT ALL OWED B Y L OCAL LA W , NEITHER HP NOR I T S THIRD P ARTY SUP P LIERS MAKE ANY O THER W ARRANTY.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 10 10 2 warr anty information.
11 103 technical information tec hnical inf ormation The techn ica l spe cificat ions and inte rnat iona l regu lat ory info rmat ion for your H P Of ficejet are provided in this section.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 11 104 technical information automatic document feeder paper capac ity paper siz es typ e 1 1 A utomati c documen t feeder accepts plain paper onl y . It does not accept trans parenc y film , en ve lopes, or labels .
user guide techni cal infor mation 105 technical information print margin specifications fax specifications • W alk -up black and whit e and color fa x capability • Conf irmati on and acti v ity r eports • CCI TT/ITU Gr oup 3 fax w ith Er ro r Corr ection Mode • 3 3 .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 11 106 technical information ph y sical specifications po wer specifications • P ow er consumpti on: 50 W max im um • Input v oltage: A C 100 to 2 40 V , 0.
user guide techni cal infor mation 10 7 technical information energy consumption Energ y usage dr op s signifi cantl y while in ENER G Y ST AR ® m od e, wh ich save s n at ura l re sour ces, and sa ve s money w ithout aff ecting the hi gh performance o f this produc t.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 11 108 technical information recy cling progr am HP offer s an incr easing n umber of pr oduct r etur n and rec yc ling pr ogr ams in many countr ies , as we ll as partnering w ith some of the lar ges t electr onic r ecy c ling centers thro ughout the w orld .
user guide techni cal infor mation 109 technical information regulatory notices The HP Officej et meets pr oduct r equir ements fr om r egulatory agencies in y our country/ re gi on. This sec tion contains the f ollo w ing topi cs: • regulatory model identification number on page 109 • notice to users of the U.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 11 110 technical information This equipment inc ludes auto matic dialing capa bility . When progr amming and/or making test calls to emergency numbers: • Remain o n the line and explain to the dis patch er the rea son f or the call.
user guide techni cal infor mation 111 technical information effec tué dans le cadr e d’une Déclar ation de conf ormité s tipulant que les s pécif i cations techni ques d’Indus tri e Canada ont été r es pectées . Néanmoins , cette abrév iatio n ne signif ie en auc un ca s que l’appar eil a été v alidé par Indu str ie Ca nada.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 11 112 technical information notice to users in the European Economic Area This pr oduct is desi gned to interwo rk w ith the analogue teleph one networ ks in th.
user guide techni cal infor mation 113 technical information notice to users in K orea (Officejet 4 2 5 5 only).
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 11 114 technical information declaration of conf ormity Accor ding to IS O/IE C Guide 2 2 and EN 45 014 Manufac ture r’s name and addr ess: Hew lett-P ack ar d.
user guide techni cal infor mation 115 technical information declaration of conf or mity Accor ding to IS O/IE C Guide 2 2 and EN 45 014 Manufac ture r’s name and addr ess: Hew lett-P ack ar d Com p.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 11 116 technical information.
12 117 fax setup fax setup After comple ting all steps in the S etup P ost er , use the instr ucti ons in this secti on to compl ete your fax setup. P lease keep your Setup P oster for later use.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 12 118 fax setup fax ing fr om a DS L line If yo u hav e a di gital subs cr iber line (D SL) servi ce thr ough y our phone com pany , use the instr ucti ons in this secti on to connec t a DSL f ilter between the te lephone wall j ack and y our HP Offi cejet.
user guide fax s etup 119 fax setup fax ing with a PBX phone s y stem or an ISDN line If y our telephone line ha s a PBX sy s tem, mak e sure y ou dial the number f or an outside line be for e di aling the fax number . Caution! Man y digital PBX s y st ems include a call-w aiting tone that is fact ory-set to “ on.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 12 120 fax setup ho w to choose the right fax setup f or y our office Caution! Pl ea s e re fe r to how to tell if the follow ing instructions apply to y ou on page 119 bef or e fo llo w ing an y of thes e instru cti ons.
user guide fax s etup 121 fax setup Y es, I ha v e a PC modem . No . Her e is how to det ermine if y ou ha v e a PC modem. If y ou ans w er “ Y es ” to an y of the f ollo w ing questi ons,.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 12 12 2 fax setup V oice calls and P C modem (Y ou answ er ed “ Y es ” to q uesti ons 2 and 3 only .) Case E: Shar ed v o ice/f ax line w ith PC modem V oice calls and ans w er ing machine (Y ou answ er ed “ Y es ” to q uesti ons 2 and 4 only .
user guide fax s etup 12 3 fax setup case A: separate f ax line (no v oice calls recei v ed) If yo u hav e a separ ate f ax line on w hic h y ou r ecei v e no v oi ce calls, and y ou ha ve no other equipment connected o n this phone line , connect y our HP Off i cejet as desc r ibed in this secti on .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 12 12 4 fax setup case B: fax ing with a distinctive r ing service on the sam e line If y ou subsc r ibe to a distincti v e r ing servi ce thr ough y our phone c.
user guide fax s etup 12 5 fax setup case C: shared v oice/f ax line If yo u r ecei v e both vo ice calls and f ax calls at the same phone number , and you hav e no other off i ce equipment (or v oice mail) on this phone line , connect your HP Off ice jet a s desc ribed in this s ectio n.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 12 12 6 fax setup Note: If y ou pi ck u p the phone bef or e the 6th r ing and hear fax to nes fr om a sending fa x machine , y ou w ill need to manually ans w er the f ax call.
user guide fax s etup 12 7 fax setup 1 Remo ve the white plug f r om the port labeled “2 -EXT” on the bac k of y our HP Offi cejet. 2 F ind the phone cor d that connects fr om the bac k of yo ur computer (y our PC modem) to a telephone wall j ack .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 12 12 8 fax setup case E: shared v oice/f ax line with PC modem If yo u r ecei v e both vo ice calls and f ax calls at the same ph one number , and you also hav e a P C modem connected on this phone line , connect your HP Off icej et as described in t his section.
user guide fax s etup 12 9 fax setup hp officejet 4 210 series (with no handset) No w yo u need to dec ide ho w y ou w ant to ans w er f ax calls: automati cally or manually . how to ans wer fax calls automaticall y 1 Press the Answer Mode button on the fr ont panel un til Fax appears on the displa y .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 12 130 fax setup case F: shared v oice/f ax line with ans wer ing machine If yo u r ecei v e both vo ice calls and f ax calls at the same ph one number , and you also ha ve an ans w er ing mac hine that ans w ers v oi ce calls at this phone numbe r , conn ect your HP Officejet as described in thi s section.
user guide fax s etup 131 fax setup HP Off ice jet w ill emit f ax r eception tone s and r ecei v e the fax; if ther e ar e no fax tone s, the HP Offi cejet s tops monitor ing the line and y our ans w ering machine can r ecor d a v oi ce message .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 12 13 2 fax setup Caution! If y ou do not use the su pplied cor d to connect f r om the telephone w all jac k to y our HP Office jet, y ou pr obabl y w ill not be able to f ax succes sfull y .
user guide fax s etup 13 3 fax setup case H: shared v oice/f ax line with v oice mail Note: The HP Office jet cannot r ece iv e f axe s automati cally if y ou ha v e a vo ice mail s ervi ce , so y ou m ust be a vaila ble to r espond in pe rson (man ually) to incoming fax calls .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 12 134 fax setup case I: shared v oice/f ax line with PC modem and v oice mail Note: The HP Office jet cannot r ece iv e f axe s automati cally if y ou ha v e a vo ice mail s ervi ce , so y ou m ust be a vaila ble to r espond in pe rson (man ually) to incoming fax calls .
user guide fax s etup 13 5 fax setup 5 Press the Answer Mode button on the fr ont panel un til TEL appear s on the displa y . 6 If y our PC modem ’s softwar e is set to aut omaticall y r ecei v e fax e s to y our computer , turn off that setting .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 12 13 6 fax setup.
13 13 7 troubleshooting tr oubleshooting information This sec tion con tains tr oubleshooting inf or mation f or the HP Office jet 4 200 Serie s (HP Off ice jet). Spec if ic inf ormation is pr ovi ded fo r installation and conf igur ation to pic s. R ef er ences to our online tr ou bleshooting help ar e pr o v ided for oper ati onal topi cs.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 13 138 troubleshooting T o check th e installation on a Macintosh, verify the follo wing: • Double-click the HP Offi cej et and make sur e the e ssen tial icons (s can pi ctur e , scan doc umen t , send fa x, and hp galle ry appear in the HP Dir ec tor.
user guide trou bleshooting infor mation 13 9 troubleshooting The minim um sy stem che cks screen appears dur ing installation If the minimum s ystem c hecks screen appears, your sy stem does not meet the r ecommended r equir emen ts to inst all the softwar e .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 13 140 troubleshooting Some of the i cons are mis sing in the HP Dir ector If th e essential icons (sca n picture , scan d ocument, send fax, and hp image z one) do not appear , y our inst allation might no t be complete .
user guide trou bleshooting infor mation 141 troubleshooting Some of the i cons are mis sing in the hp direc tor (continued) to uninstall from a Macintosh computer 1 Disconnect the HP Office jet f r om y our Mac intosh . 2 Double-click the Applications:HP All-in -O ne Software f older .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 13 14 2 troubleshooting hardw are installation tr oubleshooting Use this sec tion t o sol ve an y pr oblems y ou mi ght encounter w hile inst alling the HP Off ice jet har d war e .
user guide trou bleshooting infor mation 143 troubleshooting The f r ont panel displa ys the w r ong language The HP Office jet ha s been set up w ith the incor r ect language or country/regio n. U sually , you set the language and coun try/region when y o u fir st set u p the HP Off i ceje t.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 13 144 troubleshooting My HP Office jet does not po wer on • The HP Offi cejet ma y not be pr oper ly connect ed to a po w er supply . – Mak e sure the connec tion f r om the po we r outlet to the HP Off i cejet is f irml y connect ed.
user guide trou bleshooting infor mation 14 5 troubleshooting additional installation troubleshooting help Y ou might w ant to r e fer to the Read Me f ile fo r more inf or mation on pos sible installation pr oblems.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 13 146 troubleshooting fax setup troubleshooting Use this s ectio n to sol v e an y pr oblems y ou mi ght encoun ter w hile setting up y our HP O fficej et fo r fa xing. F or inf ormati on about ho w to se t up y our HP Office jet fo r fax ing , see fa x setup on page 131.
user guide trou bleshooting infor mation 14 7 troubleshooting I hav e diff ic ultie s when s ending fax es and when r ece iv ing faxes FRQWLQXHG • Mak e sure y ou have cor r ectl y connected t.
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 13 148 troubleshooting I cannot r ece i ve f ax es , but I can send f axe s • The R ings t o Ans w er featur e mi ght not be set t o answ er after the appr opr iate n umber of r ings fo r y our off ice s etup .
user guide trou bleshooting infor mation 14 9 troubleshooting I cannot r ece i ve f ax es , but I can send f axe s (continued) • If y ou ar e not using a distinc tiv e r ing servi ce , c heck to mak e sur e that the Ans w er R ing P at ter n featur e on y our HP Office jet is se t to All R ings .
hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s chap ter 13 150 troubleshooting operational tr oubleshooting The hp officejet 4200 ser ies tr oubleshooting section in the hp image z one help contains tr ouble shooting tips f or some o f the most co mmon issues a ssoc i ated w ith y our HP Office jet.
151 inde x Numerics 4 by 6 inc h (10 b y 15 cm) border less photo s fit to pag e, 30 load paper , 20 A align ink cartri dge , 143 align pr int cartri dge , 86 , 143 answ er call w aiting calls, 50 ans.
index hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s 15 2 distincti v e r inging, 63 enter text , 52 err or corr ection mode (ECM), 65 fax s pecific atio ns, 105 fax speed , 65 for ward, 62 header , 51 lighten or dark.
index user guide 15 3 clean s canner lid w hite str ip , 78 replace pr int cartri dges, 82 res to re f ac to r y d ef au lt s, 90 self-mainte nance sounds , 92 self- test repo rt, 80 set scr oll spe ed, 90 manual fax r eports, 54 memory rep ri nt fa xes, 68 menu o verv ie w , 8 minimum s ys tem r equir ements, 13 9 modem.
index hp offi cej et 4 200 se rie s 154 fax speed , 65 setup fax, 117 setup, fax, 117 ship yo ur HP Offi cejet , 96 soft war e, 138 print f r om, 71 soun ds, adjust fax, 61 , 62 sounds , self-mainte n.
Visit the hp officejet information center It has e ve rything you need to ge t the most v alue fr o m y our HP Office jet. • T ec hnical Su pport • Supplies and Or der ing Infor mation • Project Tips • W ays to Enhance Y our Pr oduct www © 2004 He w lett-P ac k ar d Dev elopme nt Co mpan y , L .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4200 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4200 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4200 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4200 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4200, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4200.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4200. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4200 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.