Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VISTA-40 del fabbricante Honeywell
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N7001PR V5 5/04 Re v A $ $ ' ' ( ( 0 0 & & 2 2 9 9 , , 6 6 7 7 $ $ 3DUWLWLRQHG6HFXULW6VWHP 3URJUDPPLQJ*XLGH.
– 2 – Table of Contents Recommend ed Progra mming Pr ocedure ................. 3 Program Fie ld Ind ex ................................................. 4 VISTA-40 Pr ogramm ing Form .................................. 5 Partitio n-Spec ific F ields .
– 3 – Recommended Programming Procedure The foll owing is a step- by- step pro cedur e reco mmend ed for pr ogrammi ng yo ur VI STA-4 0 syste m. 1. Set the k eypad s (and ot her pe ripheral d evices) to th e appropri ate add resses . 2. Set factor y defau lts by p ressing ✱ 97.
– 4 – Program Field Index On the follow ing pages , the pr ogramming fields have be en arranged in numerical order. Us e this index to cross -reference the fields on th e programming f orm.
– 5 – VISTA-40 Programming Form Some fields are pr ogrammed for each partitio n (shown as s haded fields). If y ou are progr amming a multip le-partition system, see the Partiti on-Specific Fields s ection for program ming thes e fields. Standa rd default (*9 7) values are s hown in brack ets.
– 6 – *39 ENABLE OPEN/CLOSE REPORT FOR [0] INSTALLER CODE 1=enable; 0=disable *40 OPEN/CLOSE REPORT FOR KEYSWITCH [0] 1=enable; 0=disable * 41 NORMALLY CLOSED or EO LR (Zones 2-8) [0] 1=N.C.loops; 0=EOLR supervision. Must be "0" for UL i nstall ations.
– 7 – *80 *8 1 SYSTEM NON-ALARM CODES E nter 00-09; B-F (11-15). Default = 00 for all reports *80 1st Digit *81 2nd Digit Close | | Open | | Low Batte ry | | Low Batte ry Rest ore | | AC Loss | | .
– 8 – 1*58 5800 RF BUTTO N FORCE ARM [0] Enter "1" to enable. If a zone is faulted after press ing button, keypad will beep once. Pressing t he button again within 4 sec. bypasses the zone. Ent er "0" to disable. Must be "0" for UL i nstall ations.
– 9 – Partition-Specifi c Fields (Duplicate this p age for each partition in the inst allat ion.) To program these fields, 1. Press *91 to se lect a partiti on. 2. Enter a part ition- spec ific fie ld number (ex. * 09). 3. Make th e requir ed en try.
– 10 – Programming With #93 Menu Mode NOTE: The following field should be preset before beginning: 2*00 N umber of Partiti ons. In addition, rec eivers s hould be programmed via De vice pr ogramming.
– 11 – Zone Programming If using 580 0 Series trans mitters, do not the instal l batteries until you are ready to enroll the m. After enrolling the transm itter, the battery need not be removed. This is to pr event enroll ing the wro ng seria l number.
– 12 – PROM PT EXPLANATION 10 IN PUT TY PE RF Xmit ter 3 Input types 4 & 5 are valid for certain 5800 Series transmitters only (e.g., 5801, 5802, 5802CP & 5803).
– 13 – 5800 Series Transmitters Loop Designations LOOP 1 5802MN ENROLL AS "UR" OR "RF" Y OU MUST ENROLL THIS BUTT ON LOOP 3 LOOP 1 LOOP 2 LOOP 4 LOOP 1 5808 ENROLL AS "RF" 5804 ENROLL AS "BR" 5817 ENROLL AS "RF" LOOP 1 (PRIMAR Y) LOOP 2 (A UX.
– 14 – PROM PT EXPLANATION ENTER ZONE N O. 00 = QUIT 11 The s ystem n ow re turn s to th e “ E NTER ZON E NO. ” prompt for the next zone. When all zones have been programmed, enter 00 to quit .
– 15 – PROM PT EXPLANATION 10 IN PUT S /N: L A X XX-XX XX - If you entered RF, BR, UR or SL for the Input Type, this screen displays. Otherwis e the summary screen for the next zone displays. Enter the 7-digit serial num ber, using one of the following methods: a.
– 16 – PROM PT EXPLANATION PARTITI ON 1 Enter part ition number for wireless key. Pres s [ ✱ ] to continue. ENTER ZONE NO 00 = QUIT 24 ▲ Example of zone number suggested by t he system. This indicates t hat zones 24, 25, 26, and 27 are available.
– 17 – Alpha Descript ors Programming You can program a user-frie ndly Englis h languag e descript ion/locati on for all pr otection z ones, relay s, keypad pa nics, pol ling loop short, a nd RF rece iver supervis ion troubles .
– 18 – 4. Accept th e word. To accept th e word, press 6 , which s witches bac k to the alph abet list for t he next w ord, or pres s 8 to store the c omplete descriptor an d then exit . 5. Select the ne xt word. For selectio n of the nex t word (DOO R), repeat step 3a (w ord #057) or 3 b, but select ing the word "DOOR.
– 19 – 2. Enter the c ustom word number (01-20) you want to create. For example, if you are c reating the f irst word (or w ord string) , enter 01 ; when c reating the second word, enter 02 , and so on. A cursor now appears at t he beginn ing of the s econd line .
– 20 – Alpha Descript or Vocabulary (For entering al pha desc riptors. To s elect a word, press [#] f ollowed by th e word ’ s 3-digit number.) NOTE: This vocabulary is not to be used for re lay voice des criptors. See the Relay Voice Des criptors section when programming r elay voice d escriptors .
– 21 – Device Programming This menu is used to pr ogram k eypads, receiv ers, and relay modules, etc . Device Addr ess 00 is always set as an alp ha keypad assigne d to Partition 1 with no soun der suppres sion options, and these sett ings ca nnot be chan ged.
– 22 – Relay Programming The system s upports up to 8 relay out puts. Re lays can be u sed to per form many diff erent f unctions and ac tions. Eac h relay must be progr ammed to b egin one of three types of AC TIONS at a d esignated S TART event, an d end that ACTIO N at a designated STO P event.
– 23 – Relay Output D evices Programming From Data Field Programming Mode, press #9 3 to display th e "ZONE PROG ?" prompt. Pr ess [0] (NO) to eac h menu opt ion until the "R ELAY PROG?" pro mpt appears . Press [1] (YES). While in this mode, pres s [ ✱ ] to adv ance to nex t screen.
– 24 – PROM PT EXPLANATION 02 ST ART: PARTN ANY PAR TITION 0 If the starting event will be limit ed to occurring on a specific partition, enter the partit ion number ( 1-2 ) in which the start event wil l occur. Enter 0 for any partition. Pres s [ ✱ ] to continue.
– 25 – PROM PT EXPLANATION 01 ADD ZONE # 00=QUIT 00 Using 2-digit ent ries, enter each zone to be included in this zone list. Press [ ✱ ] after you enter each zone number. When you have entered all zones, enter 00 . Pres s [ ✱ ] to continue. 01 Del Zn LIST ? 1=YES 0=NO 0 Enter 0 to sa ve this zo ne li st.
– 26 – Relay Voice Descript ors and Custom Word Substitutes Vocabulary Word Index Air ............................ 116 Alarm ....................... 255 And .......................... 067 Apartment ................ 117 Appliances ............... 161 Area .
– 27 – System Layout Worksheet s Before programmin g any security syst em, you should first define the inst allation. T o help you lay out a partitioned system, use the f ollowing w orksheets. Thi s will further s implify the progr amming process.
– 28 – DEVICES (keypads, 4204, rf rece ivers, vip module, lrr) Addr Type Part Sound Opt House ID 00. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12.
– 29 – Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / L oop Input Type Part 1-2 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 01-25 Zone No.
– 30 – Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / L oop Input Type Part 1-2 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 26-50 Zone No.
– 31 – Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / L oop Input Type Part 1-2 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 51-64 Zone No.
– 32 – ZONE DEFINITIONS FOR KEYPAD PANIC ZONES 95, 96, & 9 9 Enter yes/ no for each partition (field *22) Zone No. Zone Type 1 2 Report Code Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words m ax.) 95 96 99 ZONE DEFINITIONS FOR SYSTEM ZONE S; 70, 88; 89, 90, 9 1 & 97 Zone No.
– 33 – Relay Outputs Works heets Applicable onl y if relays ( 4204) or X-10 dev ices are used . Programmed in the #93 Me nu Mode in the Relay Progr amming Sec tion. Fill in the work sheet below and follow the procedure in t he install ation in structions as you enter the dat a during the d isplays and prompts that appear in s equence.
– 34 – ZONE LISTS FOR RELAY DEVICES – Programmed in the #93 M enu Mode in the Relay Pr ogramming Secti on. Fill in the required d ata on the work sheet bel ow and follow the proc edure shown ear lier in this Progra mming Guide as you enter the data during th e display s and prom pts that appear in sequenc e.
– 35 – VISTA-40 Summary of C onnections Diagram ADEMCO VIST A-40 SUMMAR Y OF CONNECTIONS VIST A-40-SOC-V1 ++ - N.C. N.C. N.O. 2k EOLR (note 1) 2k EOLR (note 1) +- + - + - BELL SIREN NO CONNECTION Connect to 24hr. 120VAC, 60 Hz Outlet Red Blk Grn Yel ++ - N.
¬1 359 l N7001PR V5 5/04 Re v A 165 Eileen W ay , Syosset, New Y ork 11791 Cop yright © 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Honeywell VISTA-40 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Honeywell VISTA-40 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Honeywell VISTA-40 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Honeywell VISTA-40 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Honeywell VISTA-40, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Honeywell VISTA-40.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Honeywell VISTA-40. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Honeywell VISTA-40 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.