Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Accord xl 2007 Fit del fabbricante Honda
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2007 Fit Owner’s Manual (Unlinked) This document does not contain hype rlinks and may be formatte d for prin ting instead of web us. This is due to changes in content and specifications of the vehicle that happen throughout the model year. This manual will be replaced with a hyperlinked version at the en d of the model year.
T his owner ’s manual should be consider ed a permane nt part of th e vehicle and should remain w ith t he vehicle when it is sold. T he inf orma tion and specif icat ions included in this publica tion wer e in ef f e ct at the t ime of approv al f or printing.
One of the best w ays to enhance the enjoyment of your new vehicle is to rea d this ma nual. In it , you will le arn how to oper at e its driving cont rols a nd convenie nce items. A f t erwa rds, keep t his owner ’s manua l in your vehicle so y o u c a nr e f e rt oi ta ta n y t i m e .
− − − − − − You r sa f ety , an d the sa f ety o f oth ers, is ver y import ant . A nd opera ting t his vehi cle s af ely i s an impo rt ant respons ibility. T o help you m ake inf ormed decisions about saf et y, we ha ve provide d opera ting proc edures a nd othe r inf or mat ion on labels a nd in this ma nual.
(seat belts, SRS, a nd chi ld protection) (ma in contr ols) (f luid capa cit ies and t ire pr essur es) (indica tor s, gauges, dashboa rd, and st eer ing column) (hea ting a nd cooling, audio, sec uri.
A conveni ent ref erence to t he sect ions in this ma nual. A quick ref ere nce to t he main cont rols in your v ehicle. Explains t he purpose of ea ch instr ument pa nel indicat or a nd gauge, and how to use t he cont rols on t he dashboar d and st eering column.
* * * * * * * * * T o use the ho rn, press the center pad of the steering wheel. If equipped. 1: 2: Y our V ehicle a t a Glance 4 REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER WINDSHIELD WIPERS/WA SHERS HAZA.
− T his sec tion giv es you import ant inf or mat ion about how t o prote ct yourself and your pa ssengers. It shows you how t o use seat belts. It expla ins how your air bags wor k. A nd it t ells y ou how t o properly rest ra in inf a nts a nd children in y our vehic le.
− Y ou’ll f ind ma ny saf e ty recomme ndations t hroughout t his sect ion, and t hroughout this ma nual. T h er e c o m m e n d a t i o n so nt h i sp a g e are t he on es we consider to be the most import ant . A seat belt is yo ur b est protection i n all t ypes of collisions.
Y our ve hicle is equipped w ith ma ny f ea tur es th at wor k tog ethe r to prot ect you and your passe ngers during a c rash. Howev er, you a nd your passenge rs can’t t ake f ull adva nta ge of t hese f ea tur es unless y ou remain sit t ing in a prope r posit ion and .
Y our ve hicle is equipped w ith se at belt s in all sea ting posit ions. Seat belt s are t he single most e f f e c t i v es a f e t yd e v i c ef o ra d u l t sa n d large r childre n. (Inf ant s and sma ller chil dren must be pro perl y restrained in child sea ts.
CONT INUED Y our vehicl e has a supplemen tal restraint system (SR S) wi th f ront airbag s t o hel p protect t he he ads and ch ests o f the d rive r and a f ro nt seat passenger during a mode rat e to sev ere f r onta l collision (se e page f or more inf ormat ion on how your f ront a irbags w ork).
T he most import ant t hings you nee d to k now about your airba gs are : T hey are designed to supplement the seat belts. Always wear your seat be lt properly , and sit upright and as f ar back f rom t he steering wheel as possible while allowing f ull cont rol of the vehicle .
− T he f ollowing page s provide inst ruct ions on how t o proper ly prot ect t he driver, adult passenge rs, and teenag e child ren who are large enough and ma tur e enough t o drive or rid e in the f ron t.
If you s it too cl ose to th e stee rin g wheel or dashboar d, you can be seriously injur ed by an inf lat ing f r ont airba g, or by str iking the s teer ing wheel or dashboa rd.
Adjust the d river’s head restrain t so the back of your head re sts again st the c ente r of the re str ai nt. R eclining a s eat -back s o tha t t he shoulder par t of t he belt no longer rests a gainst the occupant ’s chest reduce s the pr otect ive c apabilit y of the belt.
T hi s spreads the forces of a crash over the s tronge st bones in y our upper body. If the seat belt touches or crosses your neck, or if it crosses your arm instead of your should er, you need to adjust the seat belt ancho r heig ht.
CONT INUED Af t er all oc cup ants have adjusted the ir seat s and put on sea t belts, it is ver y imp ortan t that the y con tinu e to sit upr ight, w ell back in t heir sea ts, wi th the ir f eet on th e f lo or , un ti l the vehicle is pa rked a nd the engine is of f .
If you a re pregna nt, t he best wa y to prot ect yourself a nd your unborn child whe n driving or riding in a vehi cle i s t o alway s wear a seat belt, and keep the lap part of the belt as low as pos sible acr oss the hips.
If they do, they could be ve ry ser iously injur ed in a crash. If they do, they could be ve ry ser iously injur ed in a crash. Devic es int ended to impr ove occupant c omf ort or re position the sho.
Y our seat belt syst em includes la p/ shoulder be lts in a ll f iv e seat ing posit ions. The f r ont seat belt s are also e qu ipp ed with automatic se at belt t ensioners.
T he lap/s houlder belt goes over your shoulder , across your che st, and a cross your hips. T o unlock the be lt, press t he red P R E S Sb u t t o no nt h eb u c k l e .
For a dded prot ect ion, the f ront seat belt s are equipped wit h aut omat ic seat belt t ensioner s. When activ ate d, the tensioners immed iately tighten the b elts to h el p hol d the dr iv er an d a f ront passenger in position.
If a seat belt is worn during a crash, it must be repla ced by your deale r. A belt tha t ha s been wor n during a crash m ay not provid e t he sam e level of pr otec tion in a s ubsequent cra sh. T he dea ler should a lso inspect t he anchor s f or damage a nd repla ce them if needed.
A irba g Sy st em Component s A ddit io nal Inf ormat io n A bo ut Y our A irbags 22 (8) (1) (2) (3) (5) (4) (13) (7) (5) (4) (6) (10) (12) (9) (11) (6) Driver’s Seat Position Sen sor (7) Front Pas .
Y our airbag syst em includes: T wo SRS ( suppl emental rest raint system) f ron t airbags. The driver’s airbag is stored in the center of the steering wheel; the f ront p a s s e n g e r ’ sa i r b a gi ss t o r e di nt h e dashboar d. Both a re ma rked ‘‘SR S AI RB AG ’ ’ (s ee p ag e ).
Auto ma ti c fron t seat b elt te nsioners (s ee page ). Sensors tha t can detec t a mo der ate to s ever e f ro nt im pa ct o r side impact. Sensors tha t can detec t whet her a child is in t he pass enger’s side airbag p at h and si gnal the con trol unit t o t urn the airbag of f ( see page ).
During a f ront al cr ash, your se at belt rest ra ins your lower body an d torso, and t he f r ont a irbag he lps prot ect you r head and c hes t. T his ca n happen if t he seve rit y of a collision is a t t he mar gin, or thr es hol d, th at dete rmi nes wh ethe r or not the airba gs will deploy.
Y our f r ont a irbags a re a lso dual- thr eshold airba gs. A irbags with this f eat ure have two deployment thr esholds t hat depend on whet her sensor s det ect t he occupant is wearin g a seat bel t or no t.
CONT INUED Y our f r ont a irbags a re a lso adva nced airbag s. T he mai n purpo se of this f eature is to help p revent airbag- caused i njuri es t o sho rt drivers and children w ho ride in f ront . For both a dvanc ed airba gs to w ork proper ly: Occupa nts must sit upright and wear their seat belts properly.
Moving the f ront sea t f orc ibly back again st carg o o n the se at or f loor behind it. Whe n the a irbag is t urne d of f , a ‘‘passenge r airba g of f ’’ indica tor in the c ente r of the d ash bo ard co mes on (se e page ).
T here will b e some del ay between the mome nt t he passenge r moves into or out of t he air bag deployment p a t h a n dw h e nt h e i n d i c a t o r c o m e s on or goes of f . A f ront seat pa ssenger should not use a cushion or other object as a backrest.
If t he impact is on the pa ssenger’s side, the pa ssenger’s side c urta in airbag wil l in f late even i f there are no occupant s on that side of t he vehicle . T o get the best prot ect ion f rom the side curt ain a irbags, occ upants should wear their seat belts and sit upright and we ll back in t heir se at s.
If you see any of these indications, the airbags and seat belt tensioners may not work pr operly w hen you need them. T his ind icator alerts you that the passenger ’s side air bag has bee n au tom atic all y s hu t off . It d oes mean t here is a proble m wit h your sid e airb ags.
Your airbag sy stems are virtual ly maint enance f ree , and ther e are no parts you can saf ely service. Howeve r, you m ust have you r vehi cle s ervic ed if: Do no t t ry to remove or replace a n ya i r b a gb yy o u r s e l f .T h i sm u s t be done by an aut horized dea ler or a know ledgeable body shop.
Improper ly replac ing or covering f ront sea t-back cover s can pr event your side a irbags f rom inf la ting dur ing a side impa ct. Th is c o ul d m ak e th e drive r’s sea t posit ion sensor or the f ront pa ssenger’s weight sensor s inef f ect ive .
− − − If you have children, or ever need to drive wit h a child in your vehicle , be sure t o rea d this se ction. It begins wit h import ant genera l guidelines, then presents special inf ormat ion f or infants, small chi ldren, an d larg er children.
− CONT INUED If t he veh icle seat is too f ar f orward , or the chi ld’ s he ad is thr own f orwa rd during a collision, an inflating f ron t airbag can strik e the child wit h enough f orce t o kill or very serio usly in jure a smal l child .
− T o remind you of t he passenger ’s f r ont air bag haz ards, a nd tha t chil dren must be pro perl y restrained in a back se at, your veh icl e has w a r n i n gl a b e l so nt h e d a s h b o a r d (U.S. models) and on t he f ront visors. Ple ase read and follo w the inst ruct ions on the se labels .
− Many parents say t hey pref er to put an inf ant or a s mall child in t he f r ont passenger seat so the y can w atc h the child, or beca use the c hild requires at te ntion. Your vehi cle h as a back seat where children c an be prope rly re str ained.
− If you are not wearing a seat belt in a c rash, y ou could be thrown f orward an d crus h the child aga inst t he dashboa rd or a seat-bac k. If you are weari ng a seat belt , t he child can be tor n f rom yo ur arms and b e seriou sly hurt or k illed.
Only a rear -f a cing child se at pr ovides proper suppor t f or a baby’ s head, neck, a nd back. A n inf ant must be properly rest ra ined in a re ar- f ac ing, reclining child sea t unt il the child rea ches t he seat ma ker’ s weight or height limit f or the se at , and t he child is at lea st one year old.
Of the diff erent seats availabl e, we recommend t hose tha t ha ve a f ive- poin t harness system as shown. In any of t hese situat ions, we str ongly recommend t hat you inst all the child seat direct ly behind t he f ront passenger’s seat, move t he seat as f ar f orward as neede d, and l eave it unoccupied.
In seat ing posit ions and v ehicles not equipped wit h L A T CH, a L A T CH- compat ible child se at can be inst alle d using a sea t belt . What ever t ype of seat you choose, to provide proper pr otec tion, a child seat should meet t hree require ments: L ook f or F MV SS 213 or CMVSS 213 on the box.
A f ter select ing a prop er child seat an d a go o d pl ace to i ns tall th e se at, the re are th re e ma in s tep s in inst alling the seat : A f t er inst alling a child seat , push and pull t he sea t f or ward a nd f r om side-to- side to verify that it is secure .
Place t he child s eat on the vehicle se at, th en atta ch th e sea t to the lower anch ors accordin g t o the child seat make r’s inst ructions. Y our ve hicle is equipped w ith L A T CH ( lower a nchors and t et hers f or chi ldren) at the outer rear se ats.
What ever type you have, f ollow the c hi ld s eat ma ke r’ s in stru cti on s f or adjust ing or t ightening t he f it. Ot her L A T CH-c ompatible s eat s hav e a f lex ible-t ype connect or as shown abov e. Rou te the te ther s trap o ver the seat -back and thr ough the he ad restraint leg s.
When not using the L A T CH system, all child seats must be secured t o the vehicle w ith t he lap par t of a lap/ shoulder belt . Wit h t he child sea t in t he desir ed seat ing posit ion, route t he belt thr ough the child seat ac cording to t he seat maker’s instruct ions , the n in se rt the l atch p late i nto th e buckle.
A f t er conf ir ming t hat t he belt is locked, gr ab t he shoulder part of the belt near t he bu ckle, and pu ll up to remo ve any slac k f rom the lap par t of t he belt. R e member, if the la p par t of the b el t is n ot tig ht, the c hild seat will not be se cure.
A ch il d seat with a tether can be inst alled in any seat ing posit ion in the b ack se at. Each r ear out side se at ing position has a n anchora ge point on the s eat - ba ck , an d the c ente r sea tin g po si tio n has a n anchora ge point in the c eiling near the tail gate.
Rou te the te ther s trap o ver the se at- ba ck , the n attach th e teth er str ap h oo k to the anc hor , mak i ng sure the tet her strap is not tw isted. T ig hten the strap accord ing to the seat maker ’s instruc tions. A f t er prope rly secur ing the child seat ( see page ), open t he anchor cover.
When a child rea ches t he recomme nded weight or height limit fo r a fo r w ar d - fa c i n g c h i l d s ea t , th e child should sit in a back sea t on a booste r seat a nd wear a la p/shoulder belt .
Does t he shoulder belt cross be tween th e ch il d’s n eck an d arm? Is the la p part of the belt a s low as possible, t ouching the c hild’s thi gh s? Will t he child be able t o sta y seat ed like t his f or t he whole t rip? If you answer yes t o all these quest ions, the ch ild is ready t o wear the lap/shoulder be lt cor rect ly.
If a child who uses a boost er sea t must r ide in f ront , move t he vehicle seat as f ar back as po ssi ble and b e sure t he child is wea ring the se at belt proper ly. A child may c ontinue using a booster seat unt il the t ops of t heir ear s are eve n with th e top o f the ve hi cle ’s or bo oste r’s se at-ba ck .
If you decide that a child can saf ely ride up f r ont, be sure t o: Car ef ully r ead the ow ner’s ma nual, and ma ke sure you underst and a ll seat be lt instr uctions and all saf ety inf or mat ion. Hav e the c hil d si t u p s trai gh t, ba ck agai nst the seat, and f eet on o r near t he f loor.
Y our vehicle’s exhaust syst em conta ins car bon monoxide gas. Carbon monox ide should not ent er the vehicle in normal dr iving if you maint ain your v ehicle proper ly and f ollow the inf orma tion on t his page .
T hese label s are in the location s shown. They w arn you of potential hazar ds tha t could ca use serious inj ury o r death. Read thes e labe ls car ef ully . If a la bel co mes of f or becomes hard to rea d (ex ce pt f o r the U. S. dash bo ard labe l whi ch may be removed b y the owner), contact your dealer f or a replacemen t.
Canadian models U.S. models U.S. models Canadian models Saf et y L a bels Driver and Passeng er Saf et y 55 HOOD RADIATOR CAP DOORJAMBS 05/12/21 16:43:45 31S.
56 05/12/21 16:43:47 31SAA600 0059 .
T his sec tion giv es inf or mat ion about the c ontr ol s and d isp lay s that cont ribute t o the da ily opera tion of your vehicle. All t he essential cont rols are w ithin ea sy rea ch. ........................... Contr ol L ocat ions . 58 .......
T he U.S. Spo rt instrument panel is shown. Dif f erences f or other models are noted in the t ext. Inst r ument Panel Inst rument s and Cont rol s 59 IMMOBI LIZER SYSTEM INDICATOR SEAT BELT REMINDE R.
T he instrument panel has many indicat ors t hat give y ou import ant inf or mat ion about y our vehic le. See page . If thi s in dic ator co mes o n when th e engine is running, t he bat ter y is not bein g charged. For more in f ormatio n, see page .
T his indicat or come s on brief ly w hen yo u turn th e ig ni tio n swi tch to th e ON ( II) position. If it comes on a t an y oth er tim e, i t ind ica tes a pote ntia l problem wit h your f ront airbag s.
T his indicat or nor mally comes on f or a f ew seconds when you turn the ig ni tio n swi tch to the ON (I I) posit ion. If it come s on at any other tim e, the re is a pro bl em wi th the A BS. If t his happens, ha ve your vehicle c hecked at a dea ler.
T his indicat or monit ors t he te mperat ure of t he engine coolant . It n o r m a l l yc o m e so nw h e ny o ut u r n the i gn iti on s wi tch to the O N (II) position and g oes of f af ter a f ew seconds. In norma l driving condit ions, this indica tor should not blink or st ay on.
This i nd ic ator co mes o n with th e high beam hea dlights. F or more inf or mat ion, see page . On Cana dian models, t his indicat or comes on wit h reduc ed bright ness when t he day time r unning lights (DRL) are on (s ee p age ). T his indicat or re minds you tha t t he ext erior light s ar e on.
T his indicat or come s on f or a f ew seconds wh en you tur n the ignit ion swit ch t o the ON (II) position. T h is indicat or rem inds you that it is time to t ake your v ehicle in f or sc heduled maint enance . T he maint enance ma in ite ms and sub it ems will be displayed in the inf orma tion displa y.
This m eter s ho ws the n u mb er of miles (U .S.) or kilomet ers ( Cana da) drive n since you last reset it . T here are tw o trip meters: T rip A and T rip B. Switch between these displays by p ressing the Select/ R eset knob repeatedly. Each t rip met er w orks inde pendent ly, so you can keep tra ck of tw o dif f erent distances.
The od om ete r sh ows th e total di stance yo ur vehic le has been drive n. It mea sures miles in U.S. models and k ilomete rs in Ca nadian models. It is illega l under U.
T he inf ormat ion display in the instr ument pa nel shows y ou the engine oil lif e a nd mainte nance se rvi ce i tem s when th e ig ni tio n swit ch is in t he ON ( II) posit ion. T his inf ormation h elps to keep you aware of the periodic m aintenance your vehicle needs f or cont inued t rouble- f r ee driv ing.
* * * * * * * * * T o use the ho rn, press the center pad of the steering wheel. If equipped. 1: 2: Cont r ols Near t he St eer ing W heel Inst rument s and Cont rol s 69 HAZA RD WAR.
− − − − − − − − − Push the right lev er up or down to select a posit ion. T he wipe rs run a t high speed until you release the lever. T he wipers are n ot act ivated. T he wip ers operate every f ew se conds. T he wipers run at low speed.
− Ho ld pa st ON to tu rn th e rear window w iper on a nd to spr ay t he rear win do w washer. Rotate th e swi tch counterclockwise to spray the window wa sher. Push down on t he lef t lev er t o signal a lef t t urn and up to signa l a right t urn.
− − T urning t he swit ch t o the ‘‘ ’’ pos ition t urns on t he park ing lights, t aillight s, inst rument panel light s, side-ma rker lights, a nd rea r license pla te light s. T urning t he swit ch to t he ‘‘ ’’ posit ion turns on the he adlight s.
CONT INUED P u s h t h eb u t t o nt ot u r no nt h e haza rd wa rning lights (f our-wa y f lash ers). This cau ses all f ou r outs ide tur n signals a nd both t urn in di cato rs in th e in strum ent pa ne l to f la sh.
Make sure t he rear window is clear and you ha ve good v isibility bef or e sta rti ng to d riv e. T h ed e f o g g e rw i r e so nt h ei n s i d eo f the r ear w indow can be a ccident ally damage d. When cle aning th e glass, always wi pe si de-to-si de.
Y o us h o u l dh a v e r e c e i v e da k e y number t ag w ith your keys. Y ou w ill need this key number if you ever hav e to get a lost k ey repla ced. Use only Honda- approv ed key blank s. T hese keys contain electronic circ uits that are activated by the immobilizer s yste m.
If the syst em repeatedly does no t recogniz e the coding of your ke y, contact your dealer. Do n ot attemp t to alte r thi s sy ste m or a dd o ther d evic es to i t.
− − − − T he ignit ion swit ch has f our positions: L O CK (0), A CCESSOR Y (I), ON ( II), and ST A R T ( III). Yo u can i n s e rt o r remov e the k ey only in this posit ion. T o tur n the key, push it in slight ly. If you r vehi cle has an au tomati c tra nsmission, the shif t lever must also b e in park.
T o lock the passenger ’s door when ge tting o ut of th e veh icl e, pu sh in th e lock t ab and c lose t he door. T o lock the driver’s do or, pull and h ol d the outs ide door handle , then pus h in the lock t ab. R elea se the handle, t hen close t he door.
T he lock ta b on each pa ssenger ’s door locks a nd unlocks only t hat door. Pulling up t he driv er’s lock t ab only unlocks t he driv er’s door . T o unlock only t he driver ’s door f r om the out side, t urn the ke y and relea se it. If you tu rn it again , the remain ing doors and t he ta ilgat e unlock.
T he t ailgat e will lock or unloc k when you lock or unlock t he drive r’s door by using t he key, t he lock t ab on t he drive r’s door, t he mast er door lock sw itc h or the r emo te tran smi tter (i f equipped). T o open the t ailga te, pull t he handle, the n lif t up.
T o close t he ta ilgate , hold the ta ilgat e handle, low er the t ailga te , then press down on the back edge. K eep t he ta ilgat e closed at all t imes while dr iving t o avoid da maging t he tailgat e and to prevent exhaust gas f r om gett ing int o the int er ior.
−− − Press t his but ton once to unloc k the driver ’s door. Push it tw ice to unlock t he re maining doors and t he ta ilgate . Some exte rior light s will f lash tw ice each time you press the b utto n.
A void dropping or thr owing t he tran smi tter. Pr ote ct the tran smi tter f ro m extreme temperat ure. Do n ot im mers e the tran smi tter in any liquid.
+ Remo ve the o ld b attery , and i nse rt a ne w ba ttery i nto th e back o f the cover wit h the side f acing dow n. Install the parts in reverse order.
− See pages f or import ant sa f ety inf ormat ion and w arnings about how to properl y position t he seat s and seat - backs. 11 13 Make a ll seat adjust ments bef ore you st art driv ing. T he s eat can als o be ad jus ted f orw ard a nd backw ard using t he le ver on th e si de o f the s eat-b ack.
See page f or import ant saf et y inf ormat ion and a w arning about how t o properl y position t he head re stra ints. 13 Y our ve hicle is equipped w ith he ad rest ra ints in a ll seat ing posit ions to help prot ect you and y our passengers f rom whiplash and other injuri es.
T he head restra ints in the rear outer seat ing positions do not a djust f or height . T o remove one f or clea ning or repa ir, push the r elease but t on, and lif t t he restr aint up. T he f ront head restraints adjust for height . Y ou need both ha nds t o adju st a re strain t.
You can recl ine the se at-backs o n the f ront seat s so they are level with t he rear seat cushi ons, maki ng a large cushioned ar ea. T o do t his: Reclin e the rear seat-bac ks as f ar backwa rd as possible (see page ). Using the s lide lever , move the f r o n ts e a tc u s h i o n sa sf a rf o r w a r d as possible.
T he l ef t and ri ght rear seat cush ion s can be li f ted up se parately to make room f or ca rgo. Remove any i t em s f rom the s eat b e f o r ey o uf o l du pt h es e a t c u s h i o n . Pull up the rear seat cushion, a nd f old the seat leg down.
T he rear seat -backs can be f old ed down f or more cargo r oom. Each side f olds down separat ely, so you can still car ry a passenger in the rea r outer s eat ing position. Move t he f ront sea t cushions as f a r f or war d as poss ible. Make sure t he rear outer head restraint is locked i n place.
Move the f ront sea t backw ard to the de sired posit ion. Mak e sure t h e s e a ti sl o c k e di np l a c e . Do n ot put any h eavy item s on the seat-b ack when i t is f old ed. Make sure t hat t he f olded down rear seat does not int erf ere w ith t he f ront passenger ’s seat -ba ck.
T ug o n t he seat bel t t o veri f y that the deta chable anch or is securely latched. Make sure the seat belt is not twisted. T he seat belt in the rear cent er seat is equipped w ith a deta chable anchor . T his allo ws the center seat belt t o be unlatched when the driver’s side rear seat is f olded.
− T o open t he driv er’s window f ully, push t he window swit ch f ir mly down t o the second det ent, a nd relea se it. T he window will aut omat ica lly go down all t he way . T o stop t he w indow, pull bac k on th e win do w switc h bri ef ly .
Turn th e ig ni tio n sw itc h to the ON (II) posit ion. Mo ve the s el ecto r sw itc h to L (driver’s si de) or R (passenger’s side). K e e pt h ei n s i d ea n do u t s i d em i r r o r s clea n and adjus ted f or bes t v isibility. Be sure to ad jus t t he m irrors bef ore you st art driv ing.
T o apply t he park ing brake, pull t he leve r up f ully . T o relea se it , pull up slightly , push the but ton, a nd lower the lever. T he parki ng brake indicat or on t he instr ument pa nel should go out when t he park ing brak e is f ully rele ased ( see page ).
Be care f ul when you are using the beve rage holde rs. A spilled liquid that is very hot can scal d you o r your passengers. L iquid can a lso spill f r om the door pocket bev era ge holders w hen you open or close t he doors. Use only re seala ble cont ainers in the door pocket s.
T he ceiling light has a t hree-pos ition switch; ON, Door A ctivat ed, and OFF. I n the Do or Acti vated (ce nter) posit ion, the light comes on w hen you: Open a ny door. Unlock t he doors and t he t ailgat e wi th th e ke y or th e rem ote tran smi tter (if equ ip pe d).
T he hea ting a nd air condit ioning system in your v ehicle provides a comf or ta ble driving e nvironment in all weat her conditions. T he st anda rd audio sy stem h as many f eat ures . T his sect ion describes t hose f e atur es and how t o use them.
* * V ents, Heat ing, and A /C 100 REAR WINDOW D EFOGGER BUTTON TEMP ERATURE CONT ROL DIAL AIR CONDITIONING BUT TON If equippe d U.S. mode l is shown.
T he outside a ir inta kes f or the heat ing and cooling s yste m are a t the ba se of t he windshield. K eep t his area clear of leaves and other debris.
T he heat er uses e ngine coolant t o war m the a ir. If t he engine is cold, it will be sev era l minutes be f ore you f eel warm air comi ng f rom the system. T he f low-t hrough vent ilat ion syst em draw s in outside a ir, circula tes it thr ough the int erior , then disc harges it t hrough v ents ne ar t he t ailgat e.
T his set ting is s uitab le f or a ll driving condit ions whenev er the outside temperat ure is above 32°F (0°C). T o remo ve f og from the insi de o f the wind ows: Set the f an t o the desired spee d or high f or f a ste r def rost ing. Select by sliding t he leve r.
T o clear the w indo ws f a ster, you can close the da shboard cor ner vent s by ro tatin g the wh eel b elo w each v en t. T hi s sen ds mo re warm air to the windshi eld def roster vent s. Once the windshi eld is clear, select f resh a ir mode t o avoid f ogging the windows .
− − − − − − If you do nothing, the system will then scan f or t he next st rong sta tion and play it f or 10 seconds. When it plays a st at ion you wa nt t o liste n to, press t he SCA N but ton a gain. T he seek f unction search es up an d down from the curre nt f requenc y to f ind a st at ion wi th a stro ng si gna l .
− − − − − T o turn of f aut o select ,p r e s st h e A . SEL butt on. T his rest ores t he prese ts y ou originally s et. If you a re traveli ng f ar f rom ho me and can no longer recei ve your preset stat ions, you can u se the auto s ele ct f eature to f ind s tations i n the loc al area.
− − − − − − − A djust s the volume le vel b a s e do nt h e v e h i c l es p e e d . Select s t he sound equalizer se tti ng s. The sy stem wi ll r etu rn to the a ud io display a bout 5 seconds a f t er you stop adjust ing a mode. T he SV C mode contr ols the v olume based on vehicle speed.
Y ou can use t he inst rument panel bright ness cont rol knob t o adjust the illuminat ion of t he a udio syst em (se e page ). T he a udio syst em illuminat es whe n the pa rking light s are on, e ven if t he ra dio is of f .
T he radio can receive the complete AM and FM band s. T hose bands cov er these f reque n- cies: A M band: 530 to 1,710 kHz FM band: 87.7 to 107.9 MHz How well the radio receives st ations is dependent on many f ac tors, suc h as th e di stan ce f ro m th e sta tio n’s tran smi tter, n earb y larg e obj ects , and a tmospher ic condit ions.
R adio signals , especially on t he FM band, ar e def le cted by la rge object s such as buildings a nd hills. Y our radio then receives both the direct signal f rom t he sta tion’s t ra nsmitt er, and t he def lect ed signal. T his c auses the s ou nd to d is tort or f l utte r.
− − T o pl ay t he radi o when a CD is playing, pr ess the A M or FM but ton. Pr es s the CD b utton a ga i n to sw itc h ba ck to th e CD p la ye r. T o load or play C Ds, the ignit ion swit ch must be in the A CCESSOR Y (I) or the ON (II) posit ion.
− − − If you turn t he system of f while a di sc is p layi ng , ei ther wi th the P WR / V OL knob or by t urning of f t he ignition sw itch, t he disc will st ay in the d rive . Whe n yo u turn th e sy ste m back on, the disc will begin play ing where it l ef t of f .
T he specif ications of t he compatible MP3 f ile a re: Sampli ng f requency: 32/44.1/ 48 kHz (MPEG1), 24, 22.05, 16 kHz (MP EG 2) Bit rat e: 32/40/48/56/ 64/80/96/ 112/128/160/192/ 224/256/320 kbp s (MPEG1), 8/16/24/32/40/ 48/56/ 64/80/96/112/ 128/160 kbps (MP EG 2) Compat ible wit h var iable bit rat e and multi-session.
When you insert a disc, and the syste m begins t o play. Ea ch ti me a new tra ck , f il e, o r f older plays, ot her tha n in normal display mode. Ea ch ti me yo u pre ss the D ISP b utto n while pla ying a CD- T EXT , t he display mode cha nges f r om album name, t o t rack na me, t o art ist na me, a n dt h e nt on o r m a ld i s p l a y .
− − CONT INUED In MP3/WMA mode To select a dif f e rent f olde r, press the lef t or right side of the F OL DER ba r. Pr es s the sid e to ski p to the next f older , and t he side t o move t o the beginning of t he curre nt f o l d e r .P r e s si ta g a i nt os k i pt ot h e previous folder.
− − − T his f e at ure play s the trac ks with in a di sc in ra nd om o rd er. In MP3/W MA mode, A ll f ile s in all f olders are played i n rando m order. T o activate rand om m od e, pres s the R DM button repeatedly until you see R DM in the displ ay.
− −− In MP3/WMA mode In MP3/W MA mode T he sca n f unct ion samples all t he tr acks /f iles on t he disc in t he order they are record ed on the disc. T o acti vate the scan feat ur e, pre ss the S CAN bu tto n. Yo u wil l see S CAN in the display.
Pr es s the AM/F M bu tton to s wi tch to t he r adio while a disc is pla ying. Press t he CD butt on to play t he disc. Press the eject button ( ) to remove the disc. If you eject t he disc, but do not remove it f rom the slot, the s yste m wi ll au toma tic all y relo ad it af te r 10 seconds and put it in pa use mode.
Indicat ion If you see an error message in the display w hile playing a disc, f ind the cause in the cha rt t o the right. If you cannot clear t he err or message, ta ke your vehicl e to your d ealer. Solution Cause Press the EJECT butt on, and pull out the disc.
Whe n a disc is not being pla yed, st ore it in it s case to prot ect it f rom dust a nd other cont aminat ion. T o prevent warpage, keep discs out o f direct sunlight a nd ext reme heat . T o clean a disc, use a clean sof t cloth. Wipe acro ss the di sc f rom the cen ter to t he outside edge .
T he aux iliary input jac k is undernea th t he acce ssory power so cke t in the c en ter po ck et. The syst em will a ccept aux iliary input f rom standa rd audio a ccessories. Whe n a compat ible a udio unit is connected to the jack, press the A UX bu tton to se lec t i t.
Y our ve hicle’s a udio syst em will disable it self if it i s disconnect ed f r om electr ical powe r f or any r eason. T o make i t work again, yo u must ent er a s pecif ic f ive -digit c ode in the preset butt ons .
Pr es s and h ol d the C LOCK bu tton until you hear a beep. T he displayed time be gins to blink. Change t he hours by pressing the H ( preset 4) butt on until t he numbers a dvance t o the d esi red ti me. C ha nge th e minute s by pressing the M (prese t 5) butt on until t he numbers a dvance t o the desired time.
Once the security syst em is set, opening any door , the t ailga te , or the hood wit hout us ing the k ey or t he re mo te trans mitte r, wi ll c au se i t to alarm. I t also alarm s if the radio i s removed from the dashboard o r the wirin g is cut.
Pu sh the C RUI SE b utton o n the steering wheel. T he CR UISE MA IN indicat or on t he instr ument panel come s on. Acce ler ate to th e des ir ed cru is in g s p e e da b o v e2 5m p h( 4 0k m / h ) . Press a nd release t he DECEL / SET button on the steering wheel.
Y ou can increase the set cruising speed in any of these w ays: Press and hold t he R ES/A CCEL button. When you reach t he desired crui sing sp eed, release the butt on. T o increase your speed in very small amount s, t ap the R ES/ ACCE L bu tton . Eac h time y o u do this , the ve hicle will speed up about 1 mph (1.
Y ou can ca ncel cruise cont rol in any of t hese w ays: T ap the b rake or c lu tch ped al. Pu sh the C ANCE L bu tton o n the steering wheel. Pu sh the C RUI SE b utton o n the steering wheel. When y ou push the CA NCEL but ton, or ta p th e brak e or cl utch p ed al, th e system w ill remember the prev iously set cruising speed .
130 05/12/21 16:53:18 31SAA600 0133 .
Bef ore you be gin driving your vehicle, you should know w hat gasoline to use a nd how to check the leve ls of import ant f luids. Y ou also need t o know how to pr operly s tore luggage or pa cka ges. T he inf or mat ion in this se ction w ill help you.
Help assur e your v ehicle’s f ut ure relia bility a nd perf or mance by pa ying ex tra atten tio n to ho w you d rive during the f irst 600 miles (1,000 km).
Park with the dri ver’s si de cl oses t to th e se rvi ce sta tio n pu mp. R emove t he f uel f ill cap slow ly. You may hear a his sin g sound as pressure inside the t ank escapes. The f ue l f il l cap i s attach ed to the f uel f iller wit h a t ethe r.
If t he hood la tch ha ndle moves st if f ly , or if you ca n open the hood wi tho ut li f ti ng th e han dl e, the mec hani sm shou ld b e clean ed and lubrica ted.
Wa it a f ew minutes af t er turning t he engine of f bef ore y ou check t he oil. R emove t he dipst ick aga in, and check t he lev el. It should be be tween th e up per an d l ow er marks. If it is near or below the low er mar k, see o n page . R emove t he dipst ick (or ange loop).
L ook at t he coolant leve l in th e radiator rese rve tank. Make sure i t is between t he MAX and MIN lines. If it is be low the MIN line, see on page f or inf or mat ion on adding t he proper coolant . Re fer to on page f or inf or mat ion about c hecking ot her ite ms on your v ehicle.
T he air condit ioning puts a n ext ra load on t he engine w hich mak es it u s em o r ef u e l .U s et h ef r e s h - a i r vent ilat ion whe n possible. Combi ne several short t rips into one. T ry t o maint ain a c onstant speed. E v e r yt i m ey o us l o wd o w na n d speed up, you r vehicle uses extra f uel.
Modif y ing your vehicle, or inst alling some non-Honda a ccessorie s, can make it unsaf e. Bef or e you make any modif ications or add any accessories, be su re to read the f oll owi ng inf or mat ion.
L arger or small er wheels and tires can int erf er e wit h the opera tion of your vehicle’s anti-lock brakes and other systems. If y ou plan to modif y your vehicle , consult your de aler. Modif ying yo ur steering wheel or any other part of your vehicle’s s a fe ty fe a tu re s c a n m ak e t h e systems inef f ect ive.
Your vehi cle has s everal co nven ient storage are as: Glove box Seat-b ack po cket Cent er pocket Cargo area side po cket Cargo a rea, including the r ear s e a t sw h e nf o l d e du po rd o w n .
−× Ste ps f or de ter mining corr ect loa d limit: Loca te the s tatem en t, ‘‘th e combined weight of occupants and cargo shoul d never exceed 850 lbs’’ on your vehic le’s plac ard. [The placard i s on the dri ver’s doorja mb.] Det ermine t he combined weight of t he driv er and pa ssengers t hat will be r iding in your ve hicle.
Stor e or secur e all ite ms that could be t hrown a round and hur t someone during a cra sh. I f y o uf o l dt h er e a r s e a t su po r down, t ie down it ems t hat could be thrown ab out the vehi cle du ring a cra sh or sudden st op. A lso, keep all ca rgo below t he bot tom of t he windows .
T h e s e p a r a t i o nn e t c a nb eu s e dt o hold back sof t , lightw eight it ems stored i n the cargo area. H eavy items shoul d be prop erly secured on the f loor of t he cargo a rea. T he ne t may not prevent heavy items f rom being t hrown f orw ard in a cras h or a sudden st op.
144 05/12/21 16:54:55 31SAA600 0147 .
T his sect ion give s you tips on sta rt ing the engine under v arious co ndi tio ns , and h ow to o p era te the manual a nd aut omatic tra nsmissions. It a lso includes import ant information o n parking yo ur vehicl e and the brak in g system . ...
Curbs and steep incli nes coul d damage t he f ront a nd rear bumpers. L ow cur bs tha t do not af f ect the average veh icl e may be high enough t o hit t he bumper on your vehicl e. T he f ront or rear bumper ma y scra pe when t rying t o drive onto a n incline, such a s a steep driveway or tr ailer ramps.
Make sure al l win do ws, mi rrors, and out side lights are c lean and unobstr ucte d. Re move f r ost, snow , or ice. Check t hat t he hood is f ully closed. Che ck the seat adj ustm ent (se e page ). Check the adjustment of the inside and outside mir rors ( see page ).
A pply the pa rking bra ke. In co ld weather, turn off all electrical accessories to reduce the d rain o n the ba ttery . Wit hout touching the accelerat or pe dal , tur n the ig n iti on ke y to the ST A R T (III) posit ion. Do not hold the k ey in the ST A R T ( III) posit ion f or mor e tha n 15 sec onds at a t ime.
Co me to a f ul l sto p before y ou s hift into reverse. You can damage the tr ansmission by trying t o shif t into reverse with the vehicl e moving. Pu sh do wn the c lu tch pe dal , an d pause f or a f ew seconds be f ore shif t ing int o rev erse, or shif t int o one of t he f orwa rd gea rs f or a mome nt.
If you exceed the maximum speed f or t he gear you are in, t he engine speed will enter into t he tachometer’s red zone . If t his occurs , you may f eel the engine cut in and out . T his is caused by a limit er in t he engine’s compute r contr ols.
T hese indica tors on t he instr ument panel show which posit ion the shif t leve r is in. T he ‘‘D’’ in dicator comes on f or a f ew seconds when you turn t he ig ni tio n swi tch to the ON (I I) posit ion. If it f la shes while driving ( in any shif t posit ion), it indicate s a possible problem in the t ra nsmission.
− T his posit ion mecha ni- cally locks the tr ansmission. Use Park whenever you are t urn ing off or sta rt ing t he engine. To shif t out of Park , you must press on t he bra ke pedal a nd have your f oot of f t he accelerator pedal. Press the release b u t t o no nt h ef r o n t o f t h es h i f tl e v e r to mo ve it.
− − − − − CONT INUED Press the brak e pedal and pr ess the r eleas e butt on on the f ront of t he shif t lev er t o shif t f rom Park to reverse. T o shif t f rom reverse to neutral, come to a c o m p l e t e s t o p ,a n dt h e ns h i f t .
− − To s hi ft i nt o th e S posit ion, press t he relea se butt on on the fron t of th e sh if t le ver , and m ove the lever to S. T his pos ition is similar to D, except only gear s f rom f irst t o f ourth ar e selected. S position keep the tr ansmission f rom cy cling be tween fou rth an d f ifth gear s in stop- and-go driv ing.
T his allow s you to mov e the sh if t leve r out of Park if the nor mal met hod of pushing on t he bra ke pedal a nd pressing t he relea se butt on does not wor k.
+ − + − CONT INUED Each t ime you pull the (r ight), t he tra nsmission shift s t o a higher gear. Pull the ( lef t ) t o downshif t. Y ou will see t he select ed gear number on the inst rument pane l.
T he t ransmission dow nshif t s to f irst gear a nd ret urns t o drive mode ( D) when the v ehicl e comes to a com plete stop an d t he ve hic le sp eed is about 6 mph (1 0 km/h). Y ou cannot dow nshif t wit h the paddle shif te r bef or e the e ngine speed r eaches the uppe r limit of t he lower gear.
+ − When you move the shif t lever f r om ‘‘D’’ to ‘‘S’’ position and pull either paddle shif te r, the ge ar posit ion indicator displays on ‘‘M’’ along with the selected gear number. T o upshif t , pull t he (right ) paddle shif t er .
→ → → → → → → + Hear are the sp eed ran ges for upshif t ing and downshif t ing. Downsh if t ing gives you mor e power when climbing, and prov ides engine brak ing when going dow n a st eep hill. T he tr ansmission also shif t s aut omat ically a s the ve hicle comes t o a comple te st op.
Always use the parking brake when you park your vehicle. Make sure the pa rking bra ke is set f ir mly, or your ve hicle may roll if it is park ed on an incline . If yo ur vehi cle h as an autom atic transmi ssion , set t he p arkin g brake bef or e you put t he t ransmission in Park .
Check your b rakes af t er driving thr ough deep wa te r. A pply t he brakes moderately to see if they f eel normal. I f not , apply t hem gent ly and f r equent ly until t hey do. Be ext ra caut ious and a lert in your dr iving. T he hydraul ic system t hat operates the brakes h as t wo sep arat e circ ui ts.
T he ant i-lock br ake sys tem ( A BS) help s prevent the brakes f rom lockin g up, and help s you retain st eering cont rol by pumping t he brakes rapidly, much fa ster t han a person c an do it . T he A BS also balance s the f ront- to- rea r bra king dist ribution a ccording to v ehicle loa ding.
If the ABS i nd ica tor an d the br ake system indicat or come on together , and t he par king bra ke is f ully re le ased , the f ro nt-to -rea r bra kin g distr ibution syst em may also be shut down. It only helps wit h the ste ering cont rol during br aking.
Y our ve hicle is not designed t o tow a trai ler ; Attemp tin g to do s o can vo id your wa rrant ies. To wi n g a Tr a i l e r 164 05/12/21 16:57:15 31SA.
T his sect ion expla ins why it is impo rta nt to keep your v ehicl e well maint ained a nd how t o f ollow ba sic maint enance sa f et y prec aut ions. If you h ave t he sk ills and t ools to perf orm mor e complex ma intena nce ta sks on your vehicle , you may w ant to purc hase the s ervice ma nual.
T o el imi nate potential h azards, read the inst ruct ions bef ore you begin, and m ake su re you have the too ls and sk ills require d. Make sure your vehicle is parked on leve l ground, the park ing brake is set , and the e ngine is of f . T o clea n part s, use a commerc ially availab le degre aser o r parts cleane r, not gasoline.
− − − − − − − − − − − − CONT INUED Calculat ed Engine Oil L if e (%) 100 % 91 % 90 % 81 % 80 % 71 % 70 % 61 % 60 % 51 % 50 % 41 % 40 % 31 % 30 % 21 % 20 % 16 % 15 % 11 % 10 % 6.
If t he rema ining engine oil lif e is 15 to 6 per cent, y ou will see the engine oil lif e indica tor ev ery t ime you tur n the i gn iti on s wi tch to the O N (II) position.
If you d o not per f orm t he indica te d maint enance , negat ive milea ge is displaye d and begins t o blink a f t er the vehicle has been driven over 10 miles (1 0 km). Imm ediately h ave the in di cated maint enance done by y our dealer . Negat ive mile age st art s mea ns your vehi cle h as passed th e main t enan ce requir ed point.
Y our dealer w ill reset t he display af te r complet ing the required maint enance serv ice. Y ou will se e ‘‘OIL L IF E 100 %’’ on t he inf orma tion display t he next t ime you t urn the ig ni tio n swi tch to the ON (I I) posit ion.
CONT INUED If you have the r equi red service done but do not r eset t he display, or reset t he display wit hout doing t he serv ice, t he syst em w ill not show the pro per mai ntenance i ntervals . T his c a nl e a dt os e r i o u sm e c h a n i c a l problems be cause y ou will no longer have an accu rate record of when maintenance is needed .
− − − − − − # Engine o il level Check every tim e you fil l the fuel ta nk . Se e page . Engine co olant level Check the radiator res erve tank every time you f ill t he f uel t ank. Se e page . Auto ma ti c tran smi ssi on Ch eck the f luid leve l monthly.
* * # # * # * * Maint enance Minder 173 : See information on maint enance and emissions warr anty on page . Inspect i dle speed every 160,000 miles (256,000 km). Adjust the valves during s ervices A, B, 1, 2, or 3 only if they are noisy.
Maint enance R ecor d 174 mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi You or the servicing dealer can rec ord all completed maintenance here. When maintenance is performed, record the mileage, c ircle the coded item(s) completed, and write i n any other non-coded items (suc h as brake flui d replacement) below the codes .
Maint enance R ecor d Maint enance 175 mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi Mileage km km km km km km km Signature Date Mileage km km km km km km km Signature Date Maintenance Performed AB12345 A.
Hond a Motor Oil is the pref erred 5W-20 lubricant f or your vehicle. It is highly rec ommended tha t y ou use Honda Mot or Oil in your vehicle f or optimum e ngine prot ect ion. Make sure t he A PI Cert if ica tion Sea l says ‘‘F or Gasoline Engine s.
Y our vehic le does not re quire any oil addi t ive s. Additi ves may adve rsel y af f ect t he engine or t ransmission perf orma nce and dur ability . R un the engine unt il it rea ches normal ope rat ing t empera ture , the n sh ut it o f f . Op en the h oo d, an d remo ve the engine oil f ill ca p.
Ref i ll th e eng ine w ith th e re co m- mended oil. Engine oil change ca pacit y (including f ilt er): R eplace t he engine oil f ill ca p. Sta rt t he engine. T he oil pressur e indicat or should go out wit hin 5 seconds. If it does not , t urn of f t he engine, a nd check your work .
If Honda antif reeze/coolant is not ava ilable, you ma y use anot her major -brand non- silicat e coola nt a s a t e m p o r a r yr e p l a c e m e n t .
T he coolant lev el should be up to the ba se of t he f ille r neck. A dd coolant if it is low. P o u rt h ec o o l a n ts l o w l ya n d car ef ully so you do not spill any. Clean up any spill imm ediately; it could dama ge component s in t he engine compar tme nt.
Check the f luid level in the win dsh iel d washer res ervoi r at le ast monthly during normal use . Check the f luid level by rem oving the cap and l oo kin g at the level gauge. Th e lo w w as h er level indicator comes on when the level is low (s ee page ).
Check t he f luid leve l with t he engine at normal o peratin g t em perature . Park t he ve hicle on level gr ound. Shut of f t he engine. R emove t he dipst ick (y ellow loop) f r om the t ransmis sion, and wipe it with a clean cl oth. Insert t he dipstic k all the w ay int o the t ransmission securely as shown in t he illust rat ion.
Check the f luid level with the transmi ssion at norm al op erating te mperat ure a nd the v ehicle on level ground. R emove t he t ransmission f iller bolt, and car ef ully f ee l inside the bolt hole w ith your f inger. T he f luid lev el should be up t o the edge of t he bolt hole.
Manual T ra nsmission only A low f luid level can ind icate a leak in th e cl utch s yste m. Ha ve thi s system inspected a s soon as possible. T he f luid level s hould be bet ween t h e M I N a n dM A Xm a r k so nt h es i d e of the reserv oir. I f it is not, add brak e f luid t o bring it up to t hat lev el.
Y our vehicle has haloge n headlight bulbs. Whe n replacing a bulb, handle it by it s base, a nd prote ct t he glass f r om contac t wit h your skin or har d objects.
R emove the electrical connector f r om the bulb by pulling the connector stra ight back. R emove t he rubber w eat her seal by pulling on t he ta b. Make sure t hat t he hold-down wire is ins ta lled properly a nd securely. Y ou can check its inst allat ion f r om the inspect ion window on t he hea dlight asse mbly.
T o change t he bulb on the driv er’s side, st art the engine, t urn the steering wheel all the w ay to t he right , the n turn of f t he engine . T o change t he bulb on the passenge r’s side, turn the st eering wheel to the lef t .
T he f og lights use halogen bulbs. Whe n replac ing a bulb, handle it c a r e fu l l y . S e e p ag e fo r m o re inf or mat ion. T o remov e the f og light ass embly, slide it inw ard, t hen car ef ully pull it out of t he bumper.
Ope n the tail gate. Pl ace a cloth on the e dge of t he light a ssembly cove r. Remove the co ver by car ef ully prying in t he not ch on its middle edge wit h a f la t- tip screwdri ver. Det ermine w hich of t he f our bulbs is burned out : st op/ta illight, bac k- up light, t urn signa l light, or ta illight.
Ope n the tail gate. Remove th e light a ssembly cove r by pushing in the ta bs on both s ides and pulling the c over of f . R emove t he socket f r om the light assembly by t urning it one- quart er turn counterclockwise. Put t he socket back into t he light asse mbly, and t urn it clockw ise t o lock it in place .
If your sea t belts get dirt y, use a sof t brush wit h a mixt ure of mild soap and warm water to clean them . Do not use ble ach, dye, or cleaning solvents. L et the belts air-dry bef ore you use the vehicle. Dirt build-up in the loops of t he seat belt a nchors ca n cause t he belt s to retr act slo wly .
If you r emove a f loor mat , make sur e t or e - a n c h o ri tw h e ny o up u ti tb a c k in your vehicle. A non-Honda f loor mat may not f it your vehicle p roperly. This coul d prev ent t he pr oper oper at ion of t he f olding rear seats a nd the passenger’s seat weight sensors.
Check t he condit ion of t he wiper blad es at leas t every six m on ths. R eplace them if you f ind signs of cra cking in th e rubber, area s tha t a re getting hard, or if they l eave streaks and unwipe d area s when used.
Disconnect the bla de assembly fr o m th e w i p e r ar m : Press and hold the lock ta b. Slide the bla de asse mbly towa rd the lock t ab unt il it r elease s fr o m th e w i p e r ar m . Remo ve the b lad e f ro m the b l ad e assem bly: F i n dt h es i d eo f t h eb l a d e labele d ‘‘L OCK .
Insta ll the new bla de onto t he blade assembly: Pull back either end of the blade assembly. Place t he side of t he blade not l a b e l e d‘ ‘ L O C K ’ ’o nt h ee n do f the bla de asse mbly, and slide the b lad e onto th e as se mb ly until it is f ully inst alled.
T o saf ely operate your vehicle, yo ur tir es must be t he proper ty pe and size, in good condit ion wit h adequat e tread, and correctly inf lat ed. T he f ollow ing pages giv e more det ailed inf ormat ion on how t o ta ke car e of your tir es and w hat to do when they need to be replaced.
If you check air pressur es when t he tires are hot ( driven f or several miles), you will se e readings 4 t o 6 psi (30 to 40 kPa, 0.3 to 0.4 kgf /cm ) higher t han t he cold re adings. T his is normal. Do not let air out t o mat ch the recommende d cold air pr essure .
Ever y time y ou check inf la tion, you should also examine the tires f or damage , f ore ign object s, and wea r. Y o us h o u l dl o o k f o r : Bumps or bulges in t he t rea d or side of t he t ire. R epla ce the t ire if y o uf i n de i t h e ro f t h e s ec o n d i t i o n s .
It is bes t t o replace all f our tir es at t h es a m et i m e .I f t h a ti sn o t p o s s i b l e or necessary, replace t he tw o f ront tires or two rear tires as a pair. R eplacing just one t ire ca n seriously af f ec t your v ehicle’s ha ndling.
+ Wheels: Ti re s: T ires marked ‘‘M S’’ or ‘‘All Seas on ’’ on the si dewal l have an all- weather tread des ign s ui table f or most w inter driving condit ions. For t he best perf orma nce in snowy or icy c onditions, y ou should insta ll snow t ires or t ire cha ins.
Whe n insta lling cables, f ollow t he manuf act urer’s inst ruct ions, and mount t hem as t ight a s you can. Make sure t hey are not cont acting the brake lines or suspension. Drive slowly w ith t hem inst alled. If you he ar the m co min g in to co ntact wi th the body or chassis, stop and in vestig ate.
− If your vehicle’s battery is disconnect ed, or goes dea d, the audio sys tem w ill disable it self . T he n e x t t i m ey o ut u r no nt h er a d i o ,y o u will see ‘‘ENT ER CODE’’ in the f re quency display. Use t he preset butt ons to ent er t he code ( see page ).
Fill t he f uel t ank. Change t he engine oil and f ilt er. Wash and dry the exterior complet ely. C l e a nt h ei n t e r i o r .M a k es u r et h e car peti ng, flo or mats , etc.
T his sect ion cove rs the more common problems tha t mot orist s experience with their vehicles. It gives y ou inf orma tion a bout how to saf ely e valuate the p robl em and what to do to c orre ct it. I f th e pro bl em h as st randed y ou on the side of t he roa d, you may be ab le to get goi ng again .
Check t he inf la tion pre ssure of t he com pact spare tire every time y ou check t he ot her t ires. It should be inf lated t o: Follow t hese pr ecaut ions: Never exceed 50 mph (80 km/h). T hi s tire gives a harsh er ride and le ss trac tio n on s om e road surf a ces.
If you ha ve a f lat tir e while driv ing, st op in a saf e pla ce to cha nge it. Driv e slowly along t he shoulder unt il you get to a n exit or an a rea to st op t h a t i s fa r aw a y fr o m t h e t r a ffi c l a n e s . T urn o n the hazard warn ing l ights, an d tur n the ig niti on sw itc h to the L OC K (0) po sition .
Take the j ack o ut o f the c argo area. T urn t he jac k’s end br acket count erclock wise t o loosen it , the n remov e the ja ck by lif t ing it st ra ight up. Unscrew the wing bolt a nd ta ke the s pare ti re ou t of its we l l. L oosen each wheel nut 1/2 turn with t he wheel nut wrench.
△ CONT INUED Use the ext ensio n and the wheel nut wrenc h as shown to rai se the vehicle unt il th e f lat t ire is of f t he ground. R emove the wheel nuts, then remov e the f lat tir e. Handle t he whee l nuts car ef ully; t hey may be hot f rom d rivi ng.
Put on t he spare t ire. Put t he whee l nuts ba ck on f inge r-t ight, the n tigh ten the m in a cr is scro ss pa tter n wi th the wh eel n ut wren ch until t he w heel is f irmly a gainst the h ub. D o no t try to tig hte n the whee l nuts f ully. L ower t he ve hicle to t he ground, and remove the jack.
CONT INUED Stor e the ja ck. Pla ce the t ool kit in the c ente r of the f l at tir e. Store the wheel cover or center cap in the cargo area. Make su re it will not get scratched or damaged. Remo ve the str ap l oop from th e leg of t he hea d rest raint , then lower t he f loor lid, and dose t he ta ilgat e.
When y ou turn t he ignit ion swit ch to the ST A R T (III) posit ion, you do not hear t he norma l noise of t he engine try in g to start. Yo u ma y he ar a clicking sound or serie s of clic ks, or nothing a t a ll. Check t hese things: Check the tra nsmissio n interlock.
Turn th e ig ni tio n sw itc h to the ST A R T (III) posit ion. If t he headlight s do not dim, check t he condition of t he f uses. If t he f uses a r eO K ,t h e r ei sp r o b a b l y so meth ing w ro ng wi th the el ectri cal c ir cu it f or the i gni tio n swit ch or st art er mot or.
A lthough t his seems lik e a simple procedu re, you shoul d take sev eral preca utions . Y ou cannot st ar t your vehicle wit h an aut omatic t ransmission by pushing or pulling it . T he number s in the illustr at ion show you the or der t o connect t he jumper cables.
+ + − If the bo oste r batte ry i s in a no ther vehi cle , have an assi stant start that vehi cle and run i t at a f ast id le. Sta rt your ve hicle. If the sta rt er mo tor sti ll op erate s sl ow l y, c he ck that the jump er cables h ave good me tal-to -me tal co nta ct.
If you see stea m and/o r spray coming f r om under t he hood, t urn of f t he engine. W ait until y ou see no more signs of st eam or spray, the n open the hood. T he hi gh temp erature ind icator should be of f under most condit ions. If t he engine coola nt t empera tur e get s higher t han norma l, the indicat or will blink .
L ook f or any obv ious coolant leak s, suc h as a spli t radiator ho se. Everything is still extr emely ho t, so use ca ution. If you f ind a le ak, it must be repaired b ef ore you continue driving ( see on page ). Using glov es or a la rge he avy cl oth, tu rn the ra di ator ca p counte rclockw ise, wit hout pushing down, t o the f irst st op.
L et t he ve hicle sit f or a minut e. Open t he hood, and c heck t he oil level ( see pa ge ). A n engine very low on oi l can lose pressu re during cor nering and ot her dr iving maneuv ers. If nec essary, a dd oil to br ing the level b ack t o the f ull m ark on the dipstic k (see pa ge ).
If yo ur vehi cle h as an autom atic tr ansmission, the malf unction in dic ator lamp m ay also com e on wi th the ‘ ‘D’’ i ndi cato r. If you have recently ref ueled you r vehicle, the indicat or coming o n could be due to a loose or missing f ue l f ill ca p.
Howe ver, if t he brak e pedal does not f ee l normal, y ou should ta ke immediat e ac tion. A pr oblem in one part of t he syst em’s dua l circuit design will st ill give y ou braking a t two wheels.
T he ve hicle’s f uses ar e conta ined in t h r e ef u s eb o x e s . T he primar y under-hood f use box is in the engine compar tme nt on t he drive r’s side. T o open it, push t he ta bs as shown. T he int erior f use box is behind the drive r’s coin t ray .
If some thing ele ctr ical in your vehic le stops w orking, che ck f or a blown f use f irst . Det ermine f rom the chart on pag es and , o r the diagra m on the f use box lid, w hich f use or f us es cont rol t hat device . Check those f uses f irst, but check all the f uses bef ore deciding t hat a blown f use is t he cause .
If the re pl ace me nt f us e of the same r ating blow s in a short t ime, the re is probably a se rious elect rica l problem in y our vehic le. L eave the b lo wn f use i n that circuit and ha ve your vehicle check ed by a qua lif ied mec hanic. If t he ra dio f use is remov ed, the audio sys tem w ill disable it self .
* * * * − − − − − − * * No. No. Circuits Pr otecte d Am ps . A mps. Circuits Pr otect ed 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Back Up L ight Not Used IG METER Tu rn L i g h t Not Used Front Wipers SRS Daytime R unning Light Rear Def ogger 10 A 10 A 10 A 30 A 10 A (7.
* * No. A mps. Circuits Pr otecte d No. Amps. Amps. C ircu its Pr otec ted Circ uits Pro tected 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 80 A Batte ry 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 30 A 30 A 30 A 20 A 20 A 10 A 30 A 15 A 80 A 60.
− − If your vehicle needs to be towed, call a prof essional towing serv ice or organiz at ion. Never t ow your ve hicle wit h just a rope or ch ain.
If your vehicle ge ts st uck in sa nd, mud, or snow, ca ll a t owing serv ice to pull it out (see page ). For v ery short distances, such as f reeing the v ehicle, yo u can use the det achable tow ing hook tha t mount s on the anchor in t he f ront bumper.
Sc rew the to wi ng h oo k in to the bolt hole behind t he bumper, t hen tig hten th e ho ok se cur el y with th e ext ension. 3. If Y our V ehicle Get s St uck 228 T o avoid d amage to your vehicl e, use the towing hook f or straight, f lat ground towing only.
T h ed i a g r a m si nt h i ss e c t i o ng i v e you t he dimensions and ca pacit ies of your ve hicle and t he locat ions of t he ident if icat ion numbers . It a lso includes inf ormat ion you should know a bout your v ehicle’ s tir es and emissions control systems.
T he veh icle identif ica tion number (V IN) is t he 17-digit number your dealer uses to regi ster your vehicle f or w arr ant y purposes. It is also necessa ry f or licensing and insuring you r vehi cle . The easie st plac e to f i nd th e V I N is o n a pla te f as ten ed to the t op of t he das hboard.
T he t ransmission number is on a label on t op of t he t ra nsmission. T he engine number is st ampe d into the f ront of the e ngine block. I d e n ti f i c a ti o n N u m b e rs T echnical Inf orma.
* * * * * Specif ica t ions 232 Dimensions Weights Engine Capacities Capacities 157.7 in (4,005 mm) 1.40 US gal (5.3 ) 1.43 US gal (5.4 ) Length Width Height Wheelba se Track 65.9 in (1,675 mm) 61.0 in (1,550 mm) 96.5 in (2,450 mm) 57.5 in (1,460 mm) 56.
−− − * * − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − * * * * Specif ica t ions T echnical Inf ormat ion 233 Air Conditioni ng Battery Lights Fuses Tires Alignment HFC-134a (R-134a) 14.
− T he tires on your vehicl e meet all U.S. F ederal Sa f et y R equire ments. A ll tir es ar e also gr aded f or tre ad wea r, tr acti on , an d tem per ature perf orma nce acc ording to Depa rtme nt of T r ansport at ion (DO T ) sta ndards. T he f ollowing explains t hese gr adings.
− Warning : The t emp erature grad e f or this t ire is e sta blished f or a tir e tha t is proper ly inf la te d and not overloaded. Excessi ve speed, underinf lat ion, or exce ssive loading, eit her sepa rat ely or in combinat ion, can ca use heat buildup and possible tire f ailure.
− − − − − − − − − − − − − T he tires that came on your vehicle have a number of mar kings. T hose you sho uld b e aware of are described below. L oad index (a nume rical c ode asso ciated wi t h the maxi mum load t he tir e can c arry ).
* * T he burning of ga soline in your vehicle ’s engine produce s severa l by- product s. Some of t hese a re car bon monoxide ( CO), oxides of nit rogen (NOx), and hydrocarbons ( HC). Gasoline e vapor at ing f rom t he ta nk also produc es hydroca rbons.
T he emissions cont rol syst ems ar e designed a nd cert if ied t o wor k to- get her in reduc ing emissions to leve ls tha t comply wit h th e Clean A ir A ct. T o make sure t he emissions rema in low, you should use only new Honda repl acement part s or their equiva lent f or r epair s.
T he three way cat alytic converter conta ins precious me tals t hat serv e as ca ta lyst s, promot ing chemica l reactio ns to con vert t he exh aust gasse s wit hout a f f e cting t he met als. T he catalyt ic con verter is ref erred to as a three-way c atalyst, si nce it acts on HC, CO, and NOx.
If you take your vehicle f or a st ate emissio ns test shortly af ter t he bat ter y has be en disconnect ed or gone dead, it may not pa ss the t est . T his is beca use of cer ta in ‘‘readine ss codes’’ tha t must be set in t he on- board dia gnostics f or t he emissions systems.
Customer Service ................................ Inf ormation . 242 .................... Warrant y Coverages . 243 R eport ing Saf et y Def ect s ....
Honda dea lership per sonnel ar e tra ined prof essionals. T hey should be able t o answer a ll your questions. If you e ncounte r a proble m tha t your dealer ship does not solve t o your sat isf act ion, p lease discuss it w ith the dealership’s managem ent.
− − − − − − − − − Y our new ve hicle is cover ed by the se warranties : provide s prora ted coverage for a replacement battery purc hased f rom yo ur dealer. covers your new vehicle, excep t f or the b attery , em iss ion s con trol systems, a nd accessories against def e cts in ma ter ials a nd workm ansh ip.
If NH T SA receiv es similar com- plaint s, it may open a n invest igat ion, and i f it f inds that a saf ety def ect exist s in a gr oup of v ehicles, it may order a rec all and r emedy c ampaign. However, NHT SA cannot become involv ed in individual pr oblems between you, your dealer, o r A merica n Honda Mot or Co.
* * * − * 2 0 0 7 H O N Va lid only f or sales wit hin the United St ates. Ca nadian owners should cont act t heir aut horized Honda dealer.
− − − S H I P T O P A Y M E N T T his manua l covers ma inte nance and r ecommended procedur es f or r epair t o engine and cha ssis component s. It is writ te n f or t he jour neyman me chanic, but is simple enough f or most mechanica lly-inclined ow ners t o under- sta nd.
CONT INUED .................................... A ccessories . 138 A CCESSOR Y (Ignit ion K ey ....................................... Position) . 77 ............... A ccessory Power Socket . 98 .................... A dditiv es, Engine Oil . 177 .....
* .................... Cargo, H ow to Carry . 140 .............. CAUT ION, E xplanati on o f . ii ......................................... CD Care . 122 ..................... CD Error Messages . 121 ....................................... CD Player .
* CONT INUED ........ DOT T ire Quality Grading . 234 Downshif ting, Ma nual ............................. T ransmission . 149 ........... Drive r and P asseng er Safet y . 5 ........................................... Driv ing . 145 ...............
................................................. Fuel . 132 .......... Check F uel Cap Indica tor . 67 ...................... Fil l Doo r and Cap . 133 ..................... L ow F uel Indicat or . 62 ........................................... Gauge .
CONT INUED ................. Jacking up t he V ehicle . 209 ....................................... Jack, T ire . 207 ................................ Jump Sta rt ing . 214 .................................................. K eys . 75 ................
......................... Meters, Gauges . 59, 66 ................... Met hanol in Ga soline . 132 .......................... Mirrors , Adj usting . 94 ............... Modif y ing Your V ehicle . 138 ................... Neutral Gear Position . 153 ...
* * * CONT INUED ....................... Remo te T ran smi tter . 82 R eplace ment Inf or mat ion .............. Dust and Pollen F ilt er . 194 ................ Engine Oil a nd Filt er . 178 .......................................... Fuses . 221 .
* * How Y our Side Curt ain A irba gs ......................................... Wor k . 30 ............................. SRS Indic at or . 30, 61 .... ST A R T (Ignit ion K ey Posit ion) . 77 ....................... Sta rt ing the Engine . 148 In Cold We athe r at High .
* * * ................. Vehicl e Capacity Load . 14 1 ...................... Vehicle Dimension s . 232 .... V ehicle Ident if ica tion N umber . 230 ............................. Vehicle Storage . 204 ..................................... V entila tion .
X 05/12/21 17:09:13 31SAA600 0259 .
XI 05/12/21 17:09:15 31SAA600 0260 .
Serv ice Inf orma t ion Summa ry Gasoline: Fuel Tank Capacity: Recommended Engine Oil: Automatic Transmission Fluid: Brake Fluid: Tire Pressure (measured cold): Manual Transmission Fluid: S p a r eT i r eP r e s s u r e : 10.8 US gal (41 ) 32 psi (220 kPa , 2.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Honda Accord xl 2007 Fit è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Honda Accord xl 2007 Fit - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Honda Accord xl 2007 Fit imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Honda Accord xl 2007 Fit ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Honda Accord xl 2007 Fit, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Honda Accord xl 2007 Fit.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Honda Accord xl 2007 Fit. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Honda Accord xl 2007 Fit insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.