Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 2101 del fabbricante 3Com
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http://www.3com.c om/ Part Num ber: 900- 0095-0 1 Rev BA Publ is hed: May 2003 NBX ® T elephone Guide Telephones ■ NBX 1102 Busines s T eleph one ■ NBX 2102 Busines s T eleph one ■ NBX 2 102-IR.
3Com Co rporati on 5500 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, Californ ia 95052-8145 Copyri ght © 200 3, 3Com Cor poratio n. All r ights reserv ed. No p art of this doc ument ation m ay be reproduc ed i.
C ONTENTS A BOUT T HIS G UID E How to Use This G uide 7 Convent ions 8 Docume ntation 9 Comment s on th e Docum ent ation 9 1 G ETTING S TARTE D Setting U p Y our Passw ord and V oice Mail for the Fir.
Chan ging Y o ur Na me Anno unceme nt and Person al Greeting 27 Listening to NB X Message s 28 From Y our Com puter 2 9 From Y ou r NBX T e lephone 29 From Any Inter n al NBX T e lephone 29 From a Rem.
Direct Mail T ra nsfer 47 Estab lishing a Confe rence Call 48 Mor e About Conf er ence Call s 49 Disco nnect ing the L ast Per son That Y ou Calle d 49 Settin g the V olume 49 6 P ERSONALIZIN G Y OUR .
Hunt Groups an d Calli ng Groups 69 Hunt Groups 69 Callin g Groups 71 Group Membersh ip 7 1 Call P ark 72 Paging 7 3 Dialing a Call to a Remote Of fice 73 Using U nique Extens ions 73 Usin g Site Co d.
A BOUT T HIS G UIDE This g uide i s inte nded f or anyone usi ng NBX ® T elephones, t he NBX 110 5 Atte ndant Co nsole, or the NB X Compl ement Attend ant Soft war e. It includ es informat ion about usin g the NBX V oice Messaging system and the N BX Ne tSe t ™ adminis trat ion uti lit y for per sona l teleph one se tti ngs.
8 A BOUT T HIS G UIDE Conv entions Ta b l e 2 defines some co mmonly used wor ds and ph ras es in thi s guide . Ta b l e 3 lists conven tion s that are us ed thr o ughout t his gui de.
Documenta tion 9 Document ation The docume ntatio n set for 3Com NBX Net worked T elephony So luti ons is desig ned t o h elp NBX t elepho ne use rs, ins taller s, a nd ad minis trat ors maximize the full po tent ial of the syst em.
1 G ETTING S TARTED As soon as you ar e gi ven a te lephon e and exten sion nu mber , you need to set up a passwor d and r ecor d your name annou ncement and person al greetin g.
12 C HAPTER 1: G ETTING S TAR TED Ta b l e 4 Setting Y our NBX NetSet and Messaging Passwor d Feat ure N BX Bus ine ss P hon es NBX Basic Phones Analog Te lephones Passwor d — Set Initia lly If your.
NBX NetSet Uti lity 13 NBX NetSet Utility The NBX Net Set admini stratio n utili ty has two inte rfaces: ■ Administrator — Y our administrator logs on with a special passwor d and us es the NBX NetSet utili ty to manage a nd confi gur e system- wide teleph one se tting s and man y of the s ettin gs fo r your t elepho ne.
14 C HAPTER 1: G ETTING S TAR TED Naviga tion and Shortcut Icon s in the NBX NetSe t Utility The icon s at th e lower r ight of any Pers onal Sett ings wi ndow allo w you or your a dmin istrator to na.
2 NBX B USINESS T ELEPHO NES This chapt er describe s the button s, cont rol s, and feat ur es on the foll owing NB X tel ephone models : ■ NBX 1102 Busines s T eleph one ■ NBX 2102 Busines s T el.
16 C HAPTER 2: NBX B USINESS T ELEPHONES Busine ss T elep hone Buttons and Cont rols Figur e 1 s hows t he b utton s and contr ol s on the NBX B usiness T elephone.
Business Tel ephone Buttons and Con trols 17 5 Soft buttons — Allo w you to select na mes from the in ter nal use r dir ector y , select and dial a pers onal sp eed di al or sy ste m-wide s peed d ial, and sel ect and r edi al a r ecent ca ll to o r fr om your t elep hone.
18 C HAPTER 2: NBX B USINESS T ELEPHONES 15 Redial button — Redials t he last tele phone nu mber or ext ens ion th at you calle d. See “Redi aling a C all” in Chapter 5 .
Prog ram mabl e Acc ess Butt ons on the Bus ine ss Te leph one 19 Programmabl e Access Butt ons on the Bu siness T elephon e Figur e 2 dis plays the 18 pr ogramma ble Acce ss buttons . The One-T ouch Speed Di als scr een in the NBX NetSet utilit y shows your tele phone’ s curr ent b utton map pings .
20 C HAPTER 2: NBX B USINESS T ELEPHONES Status Ligh ts for System App earance Buttons on the Busine ss T elep hon e The ligh t for each Access bu tton that i s set up as an incomi ng line (syste m appear ance) i ndicates the status of the b utton. Ta b l e 6 shows the light pattern that is associ ated with the sta tus of each line sta tus.
3 NBX B ASIC T ELEPHONE This chapte r descri bes the button s, contr ols, and featur es that are sp ecific to the NBX 2101 Basi c T elephone. It cove rs thes e topics : ■ Basic T elephone Butt ons a.
22 C HAPTER 3: NBX B ASIC T ELEPHONE Basi c T ele phone Buttons and Cont rols Figur e 3 s hows t he b uttons and contr ols on the N BX Bas ic T elephone.
Program mable Access Buttons on the Basic Telep hone 23 4 Scroll button s — Allow you to scr o ll thr ough user na mes in t he in ternal user d ir ectory , view y our personal speed d ials and sy stem-wide speed dials, and view r ecent cal ls to and fr om you r telephon e.
24 C HAPTER 3: NBX B ASIC T ELEPHONE Status I cons on the Basic T e lep hone Y our NBX Basic T elephone al lows you to use two te lepho ne line s at the same time.
4 NBX V OI CE M ESSAGING This chapter cove rs these topics: ■ NBX M essagi ng Com ponent s ■ Changi ng Y our Passwor d ■ Changi ng Y our Name Announc ement an d Personal Gr eeting ■ Listening .
26 C HAPTER 4: NBX V OICE M ESSAGING Important Consi derat ions ■ The steps ar e the same for in itiall y setting up the name announce ment, person al gr eeti ngs, an d passwo rds for per sonal , gr eeting -only , and phanto m voice mai lboxes. See “Setti ng U p Y o ur Passw ord and V oice Mail for the First Time” in Chapt er 1 for deta ils.
Changing Your Na me Announ cement and P ersonal Greeting 27 Security Tips ■ Change yo ur passwor d often. ■ Do not use pass wor ds that can eas ily identify you , such as your ph one exte nsion or birt h date. ■ Av oid si mple pas swor ds su ch as 1234 or 0000.
28 C HAPTER 4: NBX V OICE M ESSAGING T o change your na me announ cement or person al gr eeti ng: 1 Log in to your mailb ox at your tel ephone or r emotel y . 2 Pr ess 9 for Ma ilbox Optio ns and then pr ess 1 . 3 T o r eview or c hange you r n ame an nouncement , pr ess 1 an d follow t he prompts.
Listening to NBX Messages 29 From Y our Compute r T o listen to your mes sages fr om your compu ter , you must hav e a sound car d and a thir d-party appl icatio n such as W indows Medi a Player: 1 Log on to the NBX NetSe t util ity with your extens ion and passwor d.
30 C HAPTER 4: NBX V OICE M ESSAGING Informa tion Abou t Y our Messag es T o liste n to date, time , and sender informa tion for a message in your mailbox, pr ess 6 du ring or afte r the message, an d then pres s one of t hese butt ons: Ta b l e 9 Managing Y our NBX V oice Messages Play o r re peat a m essag e.
Reply ing to a M essage 31 Replyin g to a Message Y ou can send a r eply to th e origin ator of a voice mai l message. If you receive a message that i s marked Pr ivate, you can send a reply only to the orig inator . T o r eply to a mes sage aft er yo u list en to it: 1 Pr ess 4 .
32 C HAPTER 4: NBX V OICE M ESSAGING 4 Option ally , press one of t hese buttons, OR pro ceed to step 5. 5 When yo u ar e r eady to for ward the m essage, pr ess 1 .
Creati ng a nd Send ing a Message 33 Creating and Sending a Message T o creat e and send a message d ir ectly without ac tually mak ing a call: 1 Log in to your mailb ox at your te lephone or r emotel y . 2 Dial 2 to sele ct Create and Send a Me ssage .
34 C HAPTER 4: NBX V OICE M ESSAGING Creating Personal V oice M ail G rou p Lists A Personal V oice Mail List, also cal led a mail gr oup, is a coll ection of extensi ons to which you assign a special “gr oup numb er .” Use it to send a message t o everyone on the list at the same time .
Creating Pers onal Voi ce Mai l Grou p Lists 35 Modif ying or Deleting Groups Y ou can review you r voic e mail gr oup s, add membe rs, or dele te a gr oup. T o m odif y a voi ce mai l group: 1 Log in to your mailb ox at your te lephone or r emotel y .
36 C HAPTER 4: NBX V OICE M ESSAGING Marking a Me ssage as Private or Ur gent When you le ave a message in anot her user ’ s mailbox, you can mark it as Private or Urgent . If you do not select a deliv ery option, your mes sage is sent as a Normal messag e.
Othe r Way s to M anag e Yo ur Vo ice Ma il Me ssa ge s 37 Other Ways to Manage Y our V oice Mail Messag es Y ou can listen to and, in s ome config urati ons, del ete your voice mess ages fr om withi n an e-mail appli cation or a messag ing appli cati on using your Inter net browser .
38 C HAPTER 4: NBX V OICE M ESSAGING Phan tom Ma ilbox A phantom mailb ox does not hav e an actua l telep hone associat ed with it . The admini str ator set s up a phant om mailbox .
5 S TANDAR D F EATUR ES This ch apter desc ribe s stan dar d featur es of the NBX Bu siness and Basic T e lepho nes. It co vers the se topi cs: ■ Answering a Call ■ Using t he NBX T elep hone Disp.
40 C HAPTER 5: S TANDARD F EATUR ES Answering a Call T o answer an incoming call, pick up the han dset or , if you ar e using an NBX Busi ness T elephone, pr ess the Speaker butt on. The dis play panel on an NBX T elephone sh ows the name an d ext ension of an in ter nal c aller .
Using the NB X Telephon e Display Pa nel 41 See also “St atus I cons on th e Basic T elephone” in Chapter 3 for the indicat ors in t he NBX Basic tel ephon e disp lay p anel during thes e cal ls.
42 C HAPTER 5: S TANDARD F EATUR ES Tips on Using the Lists ■ After you pr ess a sc rol l k ey , if you do n ot select an item i mmedia tely , the dis play alt er na tes bet wee n th e li st: and the menu cho ices: ■ In the use r dir ector y , names ap pear in al phabeti cal or der .
Setting Yo ur Call Co verag e Point 43 3 When you ar e finished , hang up the han dset, or if you ar e using the Speaker , pr ess the Spea ker butto n again to end the call . For detai ls about placing cal ls to r emote or branch of fices, see “Dialin g a Call to a Remote Office” in Chap ter 7 .
44 C HAPTER 5: S TANDARD F EATUR ES 3 Select a call coverag e point: ■ If you sele ct Forwar d Ca ll to Ph one Number , ty pe th at n umber in the Ph one Numb er fi eld. Do not use par enth eses, h yphens , or spac es. For exter nal calls, sta rt by en tering a 9 or 8 or whate ver r equir ed to access an out side li ne.
Putti ng a Call on Hol d 45 On an NBX Basi c T elephone: 1 Pr ess the Hold bu tton. 2 T o obtain di al ton e to make the second call : ■ If you DID NOT hang up the handset , pr ess and rel ease the hook switch. ■ If you DID hang up the ha ndse t, pick it up again.
46 C HAPTER 5: S TANDARD F EATUR ES ■ T o answer a call : ■ If you D ID NOT han g up t he handse t, pr ess the Call T o ggle button. ■ If you DID hang up the ha ndse t, pick it up again. 3 T o place th e second call on hol d, pr ess t he Hold butto n.
Direc t Mai l Tran sfer 47 ■ If you ar e on an NBX Ba sic T eleph one, and t he rec ipien t does not want to take th e call, pr es s and re leas e the hook switch to disconnec t the attem pted transfe r , and th en re trieve the orig inal call by pr essing Call To g g l e .
48 C HAPTER 5: S TANDARD F EATUR ES Esta blis hing a Conferenc e Call Y ou can establish a Conf ere nce Cal l with up to four parti es, incl uding yoursel f. Y ou must be us ing a telep hone on the NBX sys tem. The ot her thr ee par ties can be any combi nation of i nternal and external cal ls.
Setting the Volum e 49 More About Conference C alls ■ T o place yo ur part of a confer ence call on ho ld, p res s the Hold butt on. The othe r par ties can talk among t hemsel ves, but they can not hear you. Musi c on hold do es not play whe n a confe ren ce call is on hold.
50 C HAPTER 5: S TANDARD F EATUR ES ■ Handset V ol ume — T o ra ise or l ower the volum e of th e dia l tone or of the sound that you hear on the hands et, pi ck up the ha ndset and then pr ess the up or down V olum e Co ntrol but tons r epeat edly until the vol ume is at th e level that you pr efer .
6 P ERSONALIZING Y OUR T ELEPHONE Y our NBX Networ ked T elephony Syste m has many f eatur es tha t can ma ke it easie r to use your tele phone. This chap ter descr ibes: ■ Guideli nes Abou t Featur.
52 C HAPTER 6: P ERSONALIZING Y OUR T ELEPHONE Guidelines About Features on NBX T elephon es ■ If your t elepho ne does not have a butt on pr ogr ammed fo r Featur e, ask your admin istrator to p rogram one.
Speed D ials 53 Speed Dials This sec tion descri bes the types of speed di als — personal spee d dials a nd system-wide speed dials, plus the special case for NBX Business T elephon es, ca lled One-T ouch sp eed d ials.
54 C HAPTER 6: P ERSONALIZING Y OUR T ELEPHONE T o use a per sonal spe ed dial : 1 Pick up th e hands et or , if you ar e using an NBX Busi ness tel ephone , you can pr ess the Speake r button.
Speed D ials 55 Speci al Ca se: One-T ouch Speed D ials (NBX B usiness T e leph ones only) In most circumstances, your administra tor desi gnate s the bo ttom 3 of the 12 Access butto ns at th e right o f you r NBX Bus iness T elephon e (item 7 in Fi gur e 2 in Chapter 2 ) as exte nsion li nes to mana ge incomi ng and outgo ing tel ephone ca lls.
56 C HAPTER 6: P ERSONALIZING Y OUR T ELEPHONE Printi ng Speed Dial Li sts Y ou may find it useful to have a pa per li st o f per sonal or system spee d dials. T o print a list of speed dials: 1 Log in to NBX NetSe t > Speed Dials > Pe rsonal or System- wide .
Off-Site Notification 57 Off-Site Noti fi cati on When you enable of f-s ite no tifi cati on, the NBX M essagi ng s ystem n otifi es you that you have r ecei ved voice mail.
58 C HAPTER 6: P ERSONALIZING Y OUR T ELEPHONE ■ If you sele cted EM ail for Me thod in step 2 : ■ Enter the e-mai l addr ess at which you want t o be noti fied . Y o u can use dif fer ent e-mail addr e sses for dif fer ent Attempts. Y ou can listen to the mes sages using yo ur PC sound ca r d.
Off-Site Notification 59 Notice Beha viors These tables exp lain how the cycle of notice beh aviors depend s on the method that you select for the first attemp t. See the d efiniti ons as wel l as “Resetting th e Off-Site Notifica tion Cycle” on the next page.
60 C HAPTER 6: P ERSONALIZING Y OUR T ELEPHONE Resetting the Off-Site Notificatio n Cycle When yo u log i n to your v oice ma ilbo x and hang up or log of f ( reg ar dles s of whether you listen to or delete messages), you start the off-site notifi cation cyc le agai n.
Preven ting Una uthori ze d Use of Your Tele pho ne 61 T o enable an d disa ble Do Not Dist urb usi ng the fe atur e code: 1 Pick up the han dset and pr ess Featu re + 4 46 . 2 Hang up. Y our te lephon e is now in D o Not Dis turb mode. Th e displa y panel on an NBX T elephone show s DO NOT DISTURB.
62 C HAPTER 6: P ERSONALIZING Y OUR T ELEPHONE Call Perm ission s Y o ur a dministra tor esta blishes Ca ll Pe rmissions to cont rol the types o f calls th at can be dial ed fr om your tel ephon e. The admi nistrat or can confi gur e thes e permi ssions to ch ange d ependi ng on t he ti me of d ay .
Palm In tegrati on 63 Palm Integration (NBX 2102-IR T e lepho ne onl y) — The i nfrar ed por t on the fr ont edge of the NBX Model 21 02-IR Bu sine ss T elephon e r eceiv es infr ar ed signa ls fro m a hand- held device run ning th e Palm ope rating s ystem.
64 C HAPTER 6: P ERSONALIZING Y OUR T ELEPHONE Ending Call s Wh en Using a Headset T o end calls whe n using a hea dset with: ■ An NBX Bu sines s T elepho ne, pr es s the Relea se bu tton. ■ An NBX Ba sic T elephon e, pr ess t he Featur e but ton and 111 .
7 G ETTING M OR E FR OM Y OUR T ELEPHONE S YSTEM This chapter cove rs these topics: ■ Listeni ng to Y our Messages in Y our E-mail or Br owser ■ Accou nt (B ill ing) C odes ■ Calle r ID ■ Call.
66 C HAPTER 7: G ETTING M OR E FROM Y OUR T ELEPHONE S YSTEM Listen ing to Y o ur Mes sage s in Y o ur E-mail or Bro wser Y ou can listen to you r voice mail fr om any comp uter that all ows you to access your e-ma il. Y our e-mail softwar e applicat ion must be IMA P-4 compliant, for in stance, M icr osoft O utlook.
Caller ID 67 Callin g Line Iden tity Restrictio n (CLIR) On NBX sys tems tha t ar e c onfigur ed using T1 li nes conf igur ed as D1, you may need to or cho ose to prevent the N BX system from transm itting your Calle r ID informati on to out side part ies when you dia l a call.
68 C HAPTER 7: G ETTING M OR E FROM Y OUR T ELEPHONE S YSTEM Call Pic kup Use the C all Pic kup feat ure to answer a ca ll that is r ingi ng on anoth er telep hone. Th is f eatur e i s best arra nged in ad vance when you and anothe r user know t hat it wou ld be conveni ent or nec essar y to answer calls ringi ng on that user’ s telephon e.
Hunt Grou ps and Callin g Gro ups 69 Hunt Gr ou ps and Callin g Groups Y our administr ator can est abli sh info rmal “call center s” so that in coming calls can be d ir ected to several tel ephones. Call s that come in to your telep hone th ro ugh your ext ension go to the cal l coverag e point t hat you have set up.
70 C HAPTER 7: G ETTING M OR E FROM Y OUR T ELEPHONE S YSTEM Hunt gr ou ps can be stat ic or dyna mic: ■ If yo u ar e i n a static hunt gr ou p, you ar e a lways p art o f tha t g rou p along with the o ther gr oup me mbers. ■ If you ar e in a dyna mic hunt group, you must lo g in to the group to be part of it.
Hunt Grou ps and Callin g Gro ups 71 T o log o ut of a dyna mic hu nt g rou p usin g th e NBX N etSet utili ty , log i n to NBX NetSet > User Information > Hunt Groups . Select the numb er of the hunt gr oup th at you wan t to log ou t of. In the Passwor d te xt box, type th e hunt gr oup passw or d.
72 C HAPTER 7: G ETTING M OR E FROM Y OUR T ELEPHONE S YSTEM Call Park Use Call Park to pl ace a call i n a “holdin g pattern” an d make it av ailable for another perso n to pick up from any telephone on the system. Use th e internal pagi ng fea tur e, the ex ternal pag ing featur e, or both, to announce th e call .
Paging 73 b Fr om an NBX B asic T elephone, pr es s the hook s witch. Whe n you hear the dia l tone, di al the user ’ s extensi on, or use t he pagin g featur e. See “Paging ” next for detail s. T o r etriev e a p arked call: 1 Pick up th e handse t of any tel ephone on the sys tem.
74 C HAPTER 7: G ETTING M OR E FROM Y OUR T ELEPHONE S YSTEM In this example, to call a user in Dallas , a user in Ch icago dial s a Dallas exte nsion (3000 thr ou gh 399 9). Th e dial pla n on th e Chi cago NBX syst em sets up the nece ssary c onnection t o the Dallas N BX system and then to the extens ion at that sit e.
Bridged E xtensi ons 75 Bridged Extensions With a bridged ext ensio n, but tons an d status lights on one tel ephone (the pri mary tel ephone ) ar e associ ated wit h buttons and status light s on anothe r tel ephon e (the se condary tele phone) .
76 C HAPTER 7: G ETTING M OR E FROM Y OUR T ELEPHONE S YSTEM Delayed Ringing (NBX Busi nes s T elep hone only) Th e Delaye d Ri nging fea ture keeps your NB X Busine ss T elep hone fr om audibl y ringin g unti l the ca ller has heard a specified nu mber of rings (typ ically , 4).
Puls e Dial ing 77 Pulse Dialing In some l ocation s, analo g telepho ne users mu st dial telephon e calls us ing puls e diali ng i nstead of tone dial ing (a lso call ed Dual T one Mult i Frequency , or DTMF , diali ng). Y our admini stra tor c onfi gure s Ana log Line Card p ort s fo r pu lse d iali ng.
78 C HAPTER 7: G ETTING M OR E FROM Y OUR T ELEPHONE S YSTEM Addit ion al Appli catio ns These softwar e applications ar e available on the NBX Resou rce Pack CD : ■ NBX Ca ll Rep orts * ■ NBX T A.
8 A TTENDANT C ONSOLES The NBX ® 1105 A ttenda nt Conso le and th e NBX C omple ment Attenda nt Softwa re ( CAS) app licati on enabl e a rec epti onist to hand le high call volumes effi cient ly .
80 C HAPTER 8: A TTENDANT C ONSO LES NBX 1105 Att endan t Cons ol e The NBX 11 05 At tenda nt Cons ole has 50 Access buttons an d five preprogramm ed butto ns. Each of t he Access bu ttons can handle t wo assig nments , for tota l funct ional ity of 100 butt ons .
NBX 1105 Attenda nt Console 81 Figure 8 A ttenda nt Console 1 Access buttons with LEDs — An indicator l ight next to each butt on shows whethe r the line i s availa ble or in use and whi ch assigned f eatur es ar e enabl ed. For det ails of button st atus, see Ta b l e 6 in Chapte r 2 .
82 C HAPTER 8: A TTENDANT C ONSO LES Atte nda nt Cons ol e Labels T o use th e Att endant Console LabelMak er: 1 Log in to NBX NetSe t > Speed Dials . 2 Right c lick Attendan t Consol e Labels and save the file t o your PC. 3 On your PC, ope n the fil e and edi t the lab el temp late by cli cking on the squar e that you want to ed it.
Complement Atten dant Software 83 Complement Attendant Software On your pers onal comput er , the Compleme nt Atten dant Sof twar e displ ays your telep hone dir ec tory in a s eries of tabs . Each tab sorts the dir ector y by a dif fer ent type of in formati on, fo r exampl e, by last name, b y depart ment , or by ex tensi on.
84 C HAPTER 8: A TTENDANT C ONSO LES Ta b l e 1 5 describes C omplem ent Atten dant Softwar e but tons an d the keybo ard shor tcuts to functi ons on the Ac tion menu.
A T ELEPHONE I NSTALLATION , M AINTENANCE , AND T R OUBLESHOOTING This chapter cove rs these topics: ■ Connecti ng the T elephone ■ Attachi ng and Adj usting t he Support Br acket ■ Moving Y our.
86 A PPENDIX A: T ELEPHONE I NSTALLATION , M AINTENANCE , AND T ROUBLESHOOTING The under side of t he NBX T elephon e inclu des: 1 Handse t cor d (connects to t he hand set) 2 Computer cable (opt iona.
Attachin g and A djusting the Su pport B racket 87 Wa ll-Moun t Position T o mount the N BX T elephone on a wal l, put the bracket on the opp osite end of t he teleph one in the l ow-pr ofile positi on.
88 A PPENDIX A: T ELEPHONE I NSTALLATION , M AINTENANCE , AND T ROUBLESHOOTING Moving Y o ur T elephon e All NB X T elephone s have the A utom atic T eleph one Rel ocation featur e .
Troubles hootin g Prob lems 89 T roubl eshooti ng Problems Ta b l e 1 6 lists possible pro blems that you may encounter and the most likely sol utions. Wher e possible, each so lution r efer s to the sect ion in thi s guide wher e you can find detai led inf ormati on.
90 A PPENDIX A: T ELEPHONE I NSTALLATION , M AINTENANCE , AND T ROUBLESHOOTING I am unab le to log in to th e NBX NetSet u tility. You must set up your vo ice ma il bef ore you c an u se the N BX NetS et utili ty. Pres s the MSG button. Th e prom pts guid e yo u throug h the setup.
I NDEX A Access buttons Attendan t Console 80, 81 Basi c T el eph one 2 3 Business T elephone 1 7 account c odes a nd bil ling code s 66 Acro bat Re ader 56, 81 administrator 8 Adobe softw ar e 56, 81.
92 I NDEX D delayed ri nging 76 dial tone 89 on analo g tele phone s 7 dial ing ca lls 42 re dial 43 release w ith he adse t 6 3 switchin g fr om pulse to to ne 77 dire ct mail transfe r 47 button on .
I NDEX 93 L LabelM aker s for NBX telephon es 56 for the Attendant Co nsole 81 pro blems wi th printi ng 90 length of v oice me ssages 26 lights, st atus 20 listeni ng to mes sages fro m an anal og te.
94 I NDEX phan tom mailb oxes 38 pickin g up call s 68 positio n, wall-mou nt bracke t 87 printing s peed di al lists 56 priv ate mess ages 36 pr oblems , sol ving 85 Pr ogram bu tton, Bus iness T ele.
I NDEX 95 V voice m ail acce ssi ng th rough e- mai l 37 changin g you r passw or d 26 compone nts 25 creati ng me ssa ges 33 forwar ding 31 gro up m ailbox es 38 indicators 28 initia lizi ng 11 liste.
96 I NDEX.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il 3Com 2101 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del 3Com 2101 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso 3Com 2101 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul 3Com 2101 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il 3Com 2101, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del 3Com 2101.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il 3Com 2101. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo 3Com 2101 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.