Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 17C305 del fabbricante Graco
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334659A EN Operation, Parts 210 ES Electric Airless Sprayers For professional use only. Not approved for use in explosive atmosphere s or hazardous locations. For portable airless spray ing of architectural paints and coat ings. Models: 17D16 3, 17C305 3000 psi (207 bar, 20.
Contents 2 334659A Contents Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Component Ident ification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Warnings 334659A 3 Warnings The following warnings are for the setup, us e, groundin g, maintenance, an d repair of this equipment. The exclamation point symbol alerts you to a general warning a nd the hazard symbols refer to procedure-specifi c risks.
Warnings 4 334659A FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD Flammable fumes, such as solvent and paint fume s, in work area can ignite or explode. To help prevent fire and explosion: • Do not spray flammable or combustib le materi als near an open flame or sour ces of ignition such as cigarettes, motors, and electrical equipmen t.
Warnings 334659A 5 SKIN INJECTION HAZARD High-pressure spray is able to inject toxins in to the b ody and cause seri ous bodily injury. In the event that injection occurs, get immediate surgi cal treatment. • Do not aim the gun at, or spray any pe rson or animal.
Warnings 6 334659A ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD This equipment must be grounded . Improper grounding, setup, or usage of the system can cause electric shock. • Turn off and disconnect power cord before servicing equipment. • Connect only to grounded electrical outlets.
Component Identification 334659A 7 Component Identification Stand Model U K S M N V P R A B D ti25254a J G F L H A ON/OFF Switch B Pressure Control D Prime Va lve F Tip Guard G Spray Tip HG u n J Airl.
Component Identification 8 334659A Hi-Boy Models ti25465a J U K M N V P R T A B D S G F L H A ON/OFF Switch B Pressure Control D Prime Va lve F Tip Guard G Spray Tip HG u n J Airless Hose K Power Cord.
Grounding 334659A 9 Grounding This sprayer includes a ground wi re with an appropriate ground contact. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
Pressure Relief Procedure 10 334659A Pressure Relief Procedure Follow the Pressure Relief Procedure when ever you see this symbol. 1. Turn ON/OFF switch to OFF position. Wait 7 seconds for power to dissipate. 2. Engage trigger lock. 3. Turn pressure control to lowest setti ng.
Pressure Relief Procedure 334659A 11 6. Put drain tube in pail. Turn pri me valve down. Leave prime valve in down (drain) position until you are ready to spray again. 7. If you suspect the spray tip or hose is clogged or that pressure has not been fully relieved: a.
Setup 12 334659A Setup When unpacking sprayer for th e first time or after long term storage p erform setup procedure. When first setup is perfo rmed remove shipping plug from fluid outlet. 1. Connect Graco airle ss hose to fluid outlet. Use wrenches to tighten se curely.
Setup 334659A 13 6. When unpacking sprayer for the first time remove p ackaging materials from inlet strainer. After long term sto rage check inlet strainer for clogs and debris. 7. Fill th roat packing nut with TSL to prevent premature packing wear. Do this daily or each time you spray.
Setup 14 334659A 10. Turn prime valve dow n. 11. Place fluid intake with drain tube in grounded metal pail partially filled with flushing fluid. See Grou nding , page 9. 12. Turn pressure control to lowest setting. 13. Turn ON/OFF switch to ON position.
Startup 334659A 15 Startup 1. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure , page 10. 2. Turn pressure control to lowest pressure. 3. Turn ON/OFF switch to ON position. 4. Place fluid intake in paint pail. Place drain tube in waste pail. 5. Increase pressure 1/2 turn to start motor.
Startup 16 334659A 7. Hold gu n against grounded metal waste pail. Trigger gun until paint appears. 8. Move gun to paint pail and trigger for 20 seconds.
Operation 334659A 17 Operation Spray Tip Installation 1. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure , page 10. 2. U se spray ti p (A) to insert OneSeal ™ (B) into tip guard (C). 2. Insert Spray Tip. 3. Screw assemb ly onto gun. Tighten. Spray 1. Spray test pattern.
Operation 18 334659A 2. Use smaller tip size if pressure adjustment cannot e liminate heavy edges. 3. Hold gun perpe ndicular, 10-12 in. (25-30 cm) from surface. Spray back and forth; overlap by 50%. 4. Trigger gun after moving . Release trigger before stopping.
Operation 334659A 19 Cleanup 1. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure , page 10. 2. Remove tip guard and Spray Tip. For additional information, se e separate gun manual. 3. Remove fluid intake and drain tube from paint, wipe excess paint off outside. 4. Place fluid intake in flushing fluid .
Operation 20 334659A 6. Increase p ressure 1/2 turn to start motor. Hold gun against p aint pail. Disenga ge trigger lock. Trigger gun and increase pressure until the pump runs steady an d flushing fluid appears. 7. Stop triggering gun. Move gun to waste pail, hold gun against pail, trigge r gun to thoroughly flush system.
Operation 334659A 21 10. Turn prime valve horizontal. Trigger gun into flushing pail to purge fluid from hose. 11. Engage trigger lock. 12. Turn pressure control knob to the lowest pressure setting and turn ON/OFF switch to OFF position. Disconnect power to sprayer.
Maintenance 22 334659A Maintenance Routine maintenance is important to ensure prop er operat ion of your sprayer. Maintenance includes performing ro utine actions wh ich keep your sprayer in operati on and prevents troubl e in the future. Activity Interval Inspect/clean sprayer filter, fluid inlet straine r, and gun filter.
Troubleshooting 334659A 23 Troubleshooting Mechanical/Fluid Flow 1. Follow Pressure Relief Procedure , page 10, before checkin g or repairing. 2. Check a ll possible problems and causes before disassembling the unit.
Troubleshooting 24 334659A Pump output is low Pump rod damag e. R epair pump. See pu mp manual. Low stall pressure. Turn pressu re knob fully clockwise. Make sure pr essure control knob is properly install ed to allow full clockwise position. If problem persists, re place pressur e control.
Troubleshooting 334659A 25 Fluid is spitting fr om gun Air in pump or hose. Check an d tighten all flu id connections. Cycle pump as slowly as possible during primin g. Spray tip is partial ly clogged. Clear tip. See Clear Tip Clog , page 18. Fluid supply is low or empty.
Troubleshooting 26 334659A Electrical Symptom: Sprayer does not run, stops running, or will not shut off. Perform Pr essure Relief Proce dure , page 10. 1. Plug spraye r into correct voltage , grounded outlet. 2. Turn the ON/OFF switch OFF wait 30 seconds and then turn power back ON again (this ensures sprayer is in normal run mode).
Troubleshooting 334659A 27 Check motor rotati on. Perform a sp in test by conne cting a 9 –12 Volt battery to the mo tor leads. Motor leads may va ry in style and size. Locate the two wires going to th e carbon brushe s normally Red and Black. Motor should spin when battery is connected to the mo tor leads.
Troubleshooting 28 334659A Check motor armature resistance. Connect the Red and Black leads from the moto r to an Ohm mete r. Rotate the m otor while checking for opens. If an op en is found replace the motor. Check for motor short. Use an Ohm mete r to check motor for shorts.
Troubleshooting 334659A 29 Sprayer will n ot shut off after reaching or exceeding m aximum pre ssure. Check pressure control. Disconn ect pressure control, if sprayer still runs, repl ace control board. If the spr ayer stops, replace pressure contr ol.
Stand Model Sprayer Parts 30 334659A Stand Model Sprayer Parts 59 67 54 36 47 47 23 12 165 56 71 63 54a 54c 54b 53 68 65 ti25303a 7 1 1 See page 36. 2 4 Ref. Torque 140-160 in-lb (1 5.8 - 18.1 N•m) 30-35 in-lb (3.4 - 4.0 N•m) 23-27 in-lb (2.6 - 3.
Stand Model Sprayer Parts 334659A 31 40 44 25 45 43 41 69 47 42 66 132 22 52 12 70 91 14 37 20 39 60 62 55 145 ti25255a 28 27 89 93 1 4 3 Ref. Torque 140-160 in-lb (15.
Stand Model Sprayer Parts 32 334659A Stand Model Parts List Ref. Part Description Qty. 7 115498 SCREW, mch, slot/he x, wash hd 1 12 117501 SCREW, mach, slot hex wash hd 4 14 117559 O-RING 2 20 249051 .
Hi-Boy Sprayers Parts 334659A 33 Hi-Boy Sprayers Parts 59 47 23 12 56 46 36 63 53 69 74 68 67 ti25461a 65 54 54a 54c 54b 7 1 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 Ref. Torque 140-160 in-lb (15.
Hi-Boy Sprayers Parts 34 334659A 43 41 132 62 39 55 45 60 37 14 87 95 70 136 40 22 12 47 42 25 137 44 52 ti25462a 145 28 27 89 93 48 91 1 4 3 Ref. Torque 140-160 in-lb (15.
Hi-Boy Sprayers Parts 334659A 35 Hi-Boy Sprayers Parts List Ref. Part Description Qty. 7 115498 SCREW, mch, slot/hex, was h hd 1 12 117501 SCREW, mach, slot hex wash hd 4 14 103413 PACKING, O-ring 1 22 17C540 COVER, front 1 23 255165 SHIELD, motor includes 48, 62, 65 1 25 180131 BEARING, thrust 1 27 247340 HOSE, cpld, 1/4 in.
Control Box and Filter 36 334659A Control Box and Filter 146 150 15 24 24 36 35 27 17 18 16 2 49 56 12 12 97 21 38 153 51 4 5 26 ti25463a 154 155 8 7 1 1 2 Ref. Torque 140-160 in-lb (15.8 - 18.1 N•m) 30-35 in-lb (3.4 - 4.0 N•m) 130-150 in-lb (14.7 - 16.
Control Box and Filter 334659A 37 Control and Filter Parts List Ref. Part Description Qty. 2 104361 PACKING, o-ring 1 4 111600 PIN, grooved 1 5 277364 GASKET, seat, valve 1 12 117501 SCREW, mach, hex .
Wiring Diagram 38 334659A Wiring Diagram Red (+) Black (-) Pressure Control Assembly Power Plug White Green Black from Motor 2 x Yellow ON/OFF Switch ti5643a Capacitor Replaceable Fuse ti5643a.
Technical Specifications 334659A 39 Technical Specifications 17D163, 17C305 US Metric Sprayer Maximum fluid working pressure 3000 psi 207 bar, 20.7 MPa Maximum Delivery 0.
Graco Standard Warranty 40 334659A Graco Standard Warranty Graco warrants all equipment referenced in this docu men t which is manufactured by Graco and bearing its name to be free from defects in mater ial and work manship on the date of sale to the original pur chaser for use.
All written and visual data containe d in this document reflects the latest p roduc t information available at the time of publication. Graco reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. Original instructions. This manual contains English.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Graco 17C305 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Graco 17C305 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Graco 17C305 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Graco 17C305 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Graco 17C305, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Graco 17C305.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Graco 17C305. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Graco 17C305 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.