Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 16W884 del fabbricante Graco
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332919C Operation GMAX ™ 3400, GMAX ™ II 3900/5900/7900, and TexSpray 5900HD/7900HD Airless Sprayers For professional use only. Not approved for use in Eu ropean explosive atmosphere loca tions. For the application of architectural paints and coatin gs.
Table of Contents 2 332919C Table of Contents Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Component I dentifica tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Warning 332919C 3 Warning The following warnings are for th e setup, use, grounding, mainte nance, and rep air of this equipment. The exclamation point symbol alert s you to a general war ning and the hazard symbol s refer to procedure-specific risks.
Warning 4 332919C EQUIPMENT MISUSE HAZARD Misuse can cause death or serious injury . • Do not operate the unit when fatigued or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. • Do not exceed the maximum working pressure or temper ature rating of the lowest rate d system component.
Component Identi fication 332919C 5 Component Identification Standard Models (3400, 390 0, 5900, 5900HD, 7900, 7900HD) OFF ON ON OFF ti22694a A B C D E F G H J L K M A Engine ON/OFF Switch B Grounding.
Component Identification 6 332919C ProContractor Models (3900, 5900, 7900, 5900HD, 7900HD) OFF ON ON OFF ti22742a A B C D E F G HJ K P R N M L S T ti22742a A Grounding Coil B Smart Control 3.
Component Identi fication 332919C 7 Ironman Models (5900, 7900, 7900HD) OFF ON ON OFF ti22741a A B C D E F G HJ K L M N P R S A Grounding Coil B Smart Control 3.
Component Identification 8 332919C Lo-Boy Models (3900, 5900, 7900) OFF ON ON OFF ti22737a A B C D K G L J E F N O M H A Engine ON/OFF Switch B Grounding Coil C Pump ON/OFF Switch D Pressure Control E.
Component Identi fication 332919C 9 Convertible Models (5900) OFF ON ON OFF ti22696a A B C D E G J K H N F L M A Engine ON/OFF Switch B Grounding Coil C Pump On/Off Switch D Pressure Control E Prime V.
Pressure Relief Procedure 10 332919C Pressure Relief Procedure Follow the Pressur e Relief Procedure whenever you see this symbol. 1. Engage trig ger lock. 2. T urn engine ON /OFF switch to OFF . 3. Move pump switch to OFF and turn pressure control knob fully counterclockwise.
Setup 332919C 11 Setup 1. All sprayers except ProContractor: Connect appropri ate Graco high -pressure ho se to sprayer . 2. Select Units: Install whip hose to fluid inlet of spray gun and tighten secu rely . 3. Engage gun t rigger lock. 4. When spray ing texture, re move inlet s trainer and fil- ter bowl screen wh en spraying materials.
Setup 12 332919C Convertible Models Only: Change Engine to Motor 1. Disconnect engin e power cord. 2. Release tension bar . 3. Remove engine; t ilt and slide back. 4. Install mo tor; drop in and push forward. 5. Look thro ugh side vent holes and ensu re drive belt is in motor pulley .
Startup 332919C 13 Startup 1. Place suction tube a nd drain tube in grounded met al pail p artially filled with flushi ng fluid. Attach ground wire to pail and to ear th ground. 2. T urn prime valve down to DRAIN position. Tu rn pressure control counterc lockwise to lowest pres- sure.
Startup 14 332919C 8. Hold gun against grounded met al flushing pail. T rig- ger gun a nd increase fluid pressure slo wly until pump runs smo othly . Inspect fittings for leaks. Do not stop leaks with your hand or a rag! If leaks occur , turn sprayer OFF immediately .
WatchDog ™ Protection System (ProContractor and Ironman units only) 332919C 15 Clearing Tip Clogs 1. Release trigger , engage tr igger lock. Rot ate Switch T ip. Disengage trigger lock. T rigger gun to clear clog. 2. Engage trigger loc k. Return Switch T ip to original position.
Hose Reel (ProContractor units only) 16 332919C Hose Reel (ProContractor units only) 1. Make sure hose is routed through ho se guide. 2. Lift and turn pivot lock 90 to unlock hose reel. Pull on hose to remove it from hose reel. 3. Pull reel handle down and turn clockwise to reel in hose.
Digital Tracking System (ProC ontractor and Ironman uni ts) 332919C 17 Digital Tracking System (ProContractor and Ironman units) Operation Main Menu Short press to move to next display . Press and hold (5 seconds) to change uni ts or rese t data. 1. T u rn pressure to lowest setting.
Digital Tracking System (ProC ontractor and Ironman units) 18 332919C Secondary Menu - Stored Data and WatchDog Pump Protection Modes 1. Perform Pressure Relief, step s 1 - 4 if they have not already been done. 2. T urn power switch on while holding DTS button down.
Cleanup 332919C 19 Cleanup 1. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure (page 10), steps 1 - 4. Remove sip hon tube set from p aint and place in flushing fluid. Remove tip guard from gun. NOTE : Use water for water-base paint, mineral spir- its for oil- base paint, or other solvent s recom- mended by manufacturer .
Cleanup 20 332919C 9. Raise siphon tube above flushing fluid and run sprayer for 15 to 30 seconds to drai n fluid. T urn pump switch and en gine OFF 10. Turn prime valve do wn DRAIN positio n. 1 1. Remove filters from gun and spra yer , if installed .
Maintenance 332919C 21 Maintenance Pressure Relief Procedure 1. Lock gun trigger safety . 2. T urn engine ON /OFF switch to OFF . 3. Move pump switch to OFF and turn pressure control knob fully counterclockwise. 4. Unlock trigger safety . Hold metal part of gun firmly to side of grounded met a l pail, and trigger gun to relieve pressu re.
Troubleshooting 22 332919C Troubleshooting Problem Cause Solution E=XX is displayed Fault condition exists. Dete rmine fault correction from table, page 31. Engine will not start Engine switch is OFF . T urn engine switch ON. Engine is out of gaso line.
Troubleshooti ng 332919C 23 Pump output is low S trainer is clogged. Clean strainer . Piston ball is not seating. Service piston ba ll (see pump manual). Piston packings are worn or damage d. Replace packings (see pump manua l). O-ring in pump is worn or damaged.
Troubleshooting 24 332919C Fluid Pump Runs Constantly 1. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure (page 21), turn prime valve forward to SPRA Y position, and turn power switch OFF . 2. Remove contro l box co ver . Troubleshooting Procedure: With a pressure gauge plumbe d into the paint hose, start the engine.
Troubleshooti ng 332919C 25 Control Board Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedure (see following page for actual steps): Go to step 5. Does the clutch engage? Go to step 2. Do you have proper engine voltag e? Go to step 4. Is 1-3 Ohms reading pres- ent? Mechanical problem.
Troubleshooting 26 332919C Control Board Malfunction (Steps) - BEEP + - J1 J2 12 -20 AC V - + - 10-12 DC V - - + + J1 0 J 5 J 9 J 4 J 3 J1 J2 LED D 12 J 5 - 1-3 ohms - + STEP 1. T urn engine OFF and set meter to continuity . T o Ground STEP 3 . Leave eng ine running and turn switch ON.
Troubleshooti ng 332919C 27 Convertible Electric Motor Will Not Run Troubleshooting Procedure (see following page for actual steps): See Step 1. Is th ere over 100 AC volts? See step 2. Is there over 100 AC volts? Replace the power switch. See Step 3.
Troubleshooting 28 332919C Convertible Electric Motor Will Not Run (Steps) V - - L 2 L 1 + V - - L 2 L 1 + TS TS +M -M L 2 L 1 TS TS +M -M - BEEP - TS TS +M -M 100 + DC V - - + STEP 1. Plug in cord and turn switch ON. Connect wires to control board and turn meter to AC volts.
Troubleshooti ng 332919C 29 Convertible Electric Motor Runs - No AC Output to Sprayer Control Board Troubleshooting Procedure (see following page for actual steps): See step 1. Is there over 10-20 AC volts? YES NO YES YES YES NO NO NO YES See step 2. Is there continuity? Repair or replace the power cord.
Troubleshooting 30 332919C Convertible Electric Motor R uns - No AC Output to Sp rayer Control Board (Steps) 10-20 AC V - - + - BEEP - TS TS +M -M L 2 L 1 10-20 AC V - - + L 2 L 1 V - - + - BEEP - STEP 1. Plug in cord and turn switch ON. Connect wires to transfor mer and power cord.
Digital Display Messages 332919C 31 Digital Display Messages • Digital messages ar e not available on all sprayers • Blinking LED tota l count equals digit al error code i.e., two blinks is the same as E=02 * Error codes also appear on control board as a blinking red LED.
Pinion Assembly/Clutch Armature/Clamp 32 332919C Pinion Assembly/Clutch Armature/Clamp Pinion Assembly/Clut ch Armature Removal Pinion Assembly If pinion assembly (29) is not removed from clutch hous- ing (19), do 1. through 3. Othe rwise, start at 4.
Pinion Assembly/Clutch Armature /Clamp 332919C 33 Installation Clutch Armature 1. Lay two stacks of two dimes on smooth bench sur- face. 2. Lay armature (25) on two st acks of dimes. 3. Press center of hub (26) down to bench surface. 4. Install ar mature (25) on engine dr ive shaft.
Technica l Data 34 332919C Technical Data 3400 Models U.S. Metric Engine Honda GX120 Engine ANSI Power Rating @ 3600 rpm 4.0 Horsepower 3.0 kW Sprayer Maximum Working Pressure 3300 psi 228 bar , 22.
Technical Data 332919C 35 3900 Models U.S. Metric Engine Honda GX120 Engine ANSI Power Rating @ 3600 rpm 4.0 Horsepower 3.0 kW Sprayer Maximum Working Pressure 3300 psi 228 bar , 22.
Technica l Data 36 332919C 5900 Models U.S. Metric Engine Honda GX160 Engine ANSI Power Rating @ 3600 rpm 5.5 Horsepower 4.1 kW Sprayer Maximum Working Pressure 3300 psi 228 bar , 22.
Technical Data 332919C 37 7900 Models U.S. Metric Engine Honda GX200 Engine ANSI Power Rating @ 3600 rpm 6.5 Horsepower 6.5 kW Sprayer Maximum Working Pressure 3300 psi 228 bar , 22.
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the latest product info r mation available at the time of publica tion. Graco reserves the right to make changes a t any time without notice. Original instructions. T his manual contains English.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Graco 16W884 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Graco 16W884 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Graco 16W884 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Graco 16W884 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Graco 16W884, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Graco 16W884.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Graco 16W884. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Graco 16W884 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.