Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 60-960-95 del fabbricante GE
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) *(6HFXULW S t a t u s F e a t u r e s p r e s s b o t h L i g h t s S y s t e m A w a y Q u i c k E x i t O f f N o D e l a y p r e s s b o t h p r e s s b o t h T e s t S y s t e m W e e k l y S.
Notices FCC Part 15 Information to the User Changes or m odificati ons not expre ssly appr oved by GE S ecurity can void the user ’ s authority to opera te the eq uipmen t. FCC Part 15 Class B This equi pment h as been test ed and fou nd to c omply wi th the lim its for a C lass B digi tal dev ice, pursua nt to par t 15 of the FCC Rules.
i Contents About This Manu al 1 Specia l Instal lation Re quireme nts ............ ....... ........ .......... ........ ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ........... .. ..... ....... .... 1 UL Listed Insta llation s........ ....... ....... ....
ii SuperBus 2000 8Z Input Module (60-774 )...... ....... ....... ........... ........ ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ........... ..... 18 SuperBus 2000 4-Re lay O utput Mo dule (60- 770)......... ........ ....... ....... ....... ........ ...
iii Changing Fixe d Displ ay LCD T ouchpad Chime and T ro uble Bee p T ones ........... ........ ....... ....... ........... . 67 Adjusti ng T ouchpa d Disp lay Cont rast ............. ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ........... .....
Concord Ultra 1 About This Manual This manual p rovides information fo r planning, installing, p rogrammi ng, and tes ting this security system. When necess ary , this manual refers yo u to other d ocumentation included with compati- ble peripherals.
Concord Ultra 2 • Immediate Beeps s et to on • UL 98 Options set to on • Receiver Failure set to on ( if wireless devices are used) • Siren V erify set to on • RF TX T imeout s et to 4 hours.
Concord Ultra 3 UL 163 5 Digital A larm Co mmunica tor Sys tem Note For UL 1635 i nstallation s, Entry Delay plu s Dialer Abort Delay must n ot exceed 60 second s.
Concord Ultra 4 • Up to 96 wireless or har dwired zones S tandard Panel The following describe the basic panel (out-of-box) hardware capabilities . • Power: Input f or an AC s tep-down, plug -in styl e transf ormer . • Auxiliary Power Output: Output that supplies 8.
Concord Ultra 5 • 4 Output Sna pCard: Provides four form C relay outputs that can be set up to activate other signalling devices, based on system events, schedules, or direct control.
Concord Ultra 6 Note (A) Clas s 2, Class 3 , and powe r -li mit ed fi re al ar m cir- cuits must be installed using FPL, FPLR, FPLP , or substi- tute cabl e permitted by the National Electrical Code ANSI/NFP A 70.
Concord Ultra 7 T able 2 d escribes the total system wir e lengths allowed wh en inst alling syst ems usi ng unshielde d or shielded cable. T able 3 describ es the minimum cur rent draw of each device when the panel is oper ating only from th e backup bat tery .
Concord Ultra 8 After determining panel lo cation, run all necessary wires to that location usi ng the guidelines in Ta b l e 4 . Mounting the Panel Use the f ollowing procedure to mo unt the panel to the wa ll or wall stud s. Make sure you are free of stati c electrici ty wheneve r you work on the pan el with the cove r open.
Concord Ultra 9 Figure 2. M ounti ng the Panel Iden tify P ane l Components Before installin g devices and making wiring connectio ns, familiarize yourself with th e main panel components. Figur e 3 shows the three main panel components: the circ uit board, trans- ceiver and ph one interface/voice module.
Concord Ultra 10 Figure 4. Installing the Antennas Note For best resu lt s, it is recom- mended that you crimp a spade lug on the wir e end a t the panel and sec ure the lug under th e circuit boar d scr ew as shown i n Fig ure 5.
Concord Ultra 11 Note The panel come s wi th fac - tory progr amme d onboa rd hardw ire zone s. Install 2k-ohm , end of line (E OL) resistor s on all unus ed fac - tory progr amme d onboa rd hardw ire zo nes. If you don’t want to in st all EO L re sist or s, delete a ny u nused zone s from memo ry .
Concord Ultra 12 Note The T wo-Wir e Sm oke set - ting ( in prog ram mode) must be off whe n using 4- wire smoke de tectors. See ONBOARD OPTIONS — INP UTS in the se ction “Pro grammi ng the Panel ” for c omplete details.
Concord Ultra 13 Hardwire I nterior Speaker (60- 528) For interior siren applications . Connect the speaker to the panel as shown in Fi gure 9. Connect only th e large speaker to th e panel termin als 7 and 8 as shown . The smaller speaker canno t hand le to ou tput of termi nals 7 an d 8.
Concord Ultra 14 (01710) activates the output fo r status and a larm tones, allowing for a p iezo siren c onnection without changing the output config uration num ber . It is typ ically used f or inter ior siren applica- tion. For more informati on on o utput conf iguratio n number s, see “On board Opti ons Menu”.
Concord Ultra 15 Note Rega rdl ess of su perv is ed or unsupervised s iren inst alla- tion, you must follow the order of in stallation as desc rib ed t o avo id le arni ng the wrong (or undes ired) House Co de and SWS Supervision Code into siren memory .
Concord Ultra 16 Connecting Alphanumeric a nd Fixed Display Touchpads Alphanum eric and Fixed Di splay touchp ads use the same col or-co ded wire sc heme. Connect the touchpad s to the p anel powe r output a nd bus terminals as show n in Fig ure 14. Figure 14.
Concord Ultra 17 Figure 16. Connect ing a Phone Line Wirin g—Speaker T o connect a speaker to the panel, wire the sp eaker to the Phone Interface/V oice Module termi- nals 6 and 7, as s hown in F igure 17 .
Concord Ultra 18 SuperBus 2000 8Z Input Module (60 -774) Conne ct th e Supe rB us 200 0 8Z Input Modu le to the p anel as sh own in Figur e 19. Connect all necessar y input wiring using th e Installation In structions in cluded with module.
Concord Ultra 19 Figure 21 . Connecti ng the SuperBu s to the Pane l SuperBus 2000 Wireless Gateway M odule (60-861) Connect the SuperBu s 2000 W i reless Gat eway Mo dule to t he panel as shown i n Fig ure 22.
Concord Ultra 20 Note Connec ting the panel to an analog li ne off the pho ne swi tch pl aces the p ane l ahead o f the phon e sy stem, preventi ng panel acce ss from phon es on th e pre- mises. Ho wever, the panel can still be ac cesse d from off-site ph ones.
Concord Ultra 21 Powering Up the Panel After conn ecting and wi ring all devices to the pa nel, yo u are ready to ap ply AC and backu p bat- tery power to the panel. The panel comes with the backup battery lead s already connected to th e lugs on t he panel.
Concord Ultra 22 T ouchpad B utton Pr ogramming Functions In progr am mode, t ouchpad bu ttons let yo u naviga te to all installer programming menus for con- figuring the syst em. T able 6 d escribes the touch pad button functi ons in pro gram mode. Moving Through Program Mode T iers and Menus There are two bas ic tiers of prog ramming menus.
Concord Ultra 23 Again, arr ows point ing righ t represen t press ing B to ad vance for ward throug h the menu s. Pr ess- ing A m ove s thr oug h the menu s in r ever se. Arrows below each menu represent pressing # to advance to tho se settings that pertain to that menu.
Concord Ultra 24 Clear Memory (Sy stem Programmi ng) Clearing memory d eletes all existing program ming information (ex cept the Dealer Code). Note Clearing th e memory wil l erase onb oard har dwire zone fa ctor y pr og rammi ng . ¾ T o Clear Panel Me mory: 1.
Concord Ultra 25 The following sections describe the s ecurity settings that ap pear under P ARTITION 1 and 2 . Dealer Code (0 002) Security-Gl obal (Defa ult = none) The 4-digit dealer cod e is used to prevent unau thorized person s from changing the programmed central station ph one numbers.
Concord Ultra 26 Quick Exit (partit ion 1: 0012, partit ion 2: 0022) Secu rity-Parti tion 1- 2 (Defau lt = o n) This setting determin es whether or not users can open an d close a standard en try/exit door without cau sing an alarm (whi le the system is armed) .
Concord Ultra 27 Phones Menu The PHONES menu lets you set up central station reporting for the system. The follo wing desc ribe s ho w to prog ram the se tti ngs that a ppea r u nder CS PHONE 1-3 .
Concord Ultra 28 Phone Number (cs phon e 1: 0100, cs phone 2: 01 10, cs phone 3: 0120) Phones- CS Phone 1-3 (Defa ult = none) This setting is us ed for pro gramming the centr al station receiver phone number . Phone number s can be 1 to 24 d igits long, includin g pauses or * a nd # charac- ters.
Concord Ultra 29 Exception Rpts (cs phone 1: 0103, cs phone 2: 01 13, cs phone 3: 0123) Phones -CS Phon e 1-3 (Default = off) When this setting is o n, the panel reports to the central stati on if the system is not armed or disarmed at the specified sc hedule times.
Concord Ultra 30 The follo wing describ es how t o program th e phone s ettings that appear under P AGER PHONE 1-5 . Cellular Backup (cs phone 1: 0107, cs phone 2: 01 17, cs phone 3: 0127) Phones- CS .
Concord Ultra 31 The follo wing describ es how t o program th e phone s ettings that appear under DOWNLOADER PHONE . Exception Rpts (pager 1: 0133, pager 2: 0143, pager 3: 0153, pager 4: 0163, pager 5.
Concord Ultra 32 Phone Options Menu The PHONE OP TIO NS menu lets you set up system pho ne access and communications that af fect the whole system (gl obal) or a specific partition. The follo wing describ e how to program t he phone op tion settin gs that app ear under GLOBAL .
Concord Ultra 33 Comm Failure (02003) Phone O ptions- Global (Default = on) This setti ng determines wh ether the p anel activates trouble beeps to alert users on the premises that communicatio n to the central station failed. Failu re notification occurs after the third unsuccessful rep or ting attempt to the central station/pager .
Concord Ultra 34 The following sections describe the phone option settings that appear under P ARTITION 1-2 . A Phone Interface/V oice module must be installe d for the system to us e the settings under PHONE OPTIO NS— P ARTITION 1-2 . Pager Delay (02008) Phone Opti ons-G lobal ( Default = 15 s ec.
Concord Ultra 35 Ring/Hang/Ring (p artition 1: 0212, partition 2: 0222) Phone Op tions -Parti tion 1-2 (Defau lt = o n) This setting determines h ow the panel picks up (seizes) the ph one line. Select “on” if an answ ering mach ine shares the ph one line with the panel.
Concord Ultra 36 Timer s Menu The TIME RS men u lets you set up the various system feature times that af fect the whole sy stem (global) or a specific p artition.
Concord Ultra 37 The following sections describe the timer settings that appear under P ARTITION 1-2 . Next Phone T est (0303) Timers-G lobal (Defa ult = 7 days ) This setting is used by the Auto Phon e T est feature (see PHONE OP TIONS—GLOBA L ) to determine when the next automatic phone test sh ould occur .
Concord Ultra 38 Light Control Menu Note For light c ontrol t o work, X10 Powerhous e Lamp Mo dules must be in stalled at desi red lam ps. The LI GHT CO NTRO L menu lets you set up light activation for a specific partition. The following describes how to program the light contro l settings that appear under P ARTITION 1 and P ARTITION 2.
Concord Ultra 39 T ouchpad O ptions Menu The TOUCHP AD OPTIONS menu lets you set up touchp ad panic an d arming operat ion. The follow- ing section describes the tou chpad option settings that appear under GLOBAL . The follo wing sections describe the touchpad option set tings that app ear under P ARTITION 1-2 .
Concord Ultra 40 Reporting Menu The REPOR TING menu lets you set up which system events are r eported to the central monitoring station. The following describe s how to program the reporting settings that appear under GLOBAL.
Concord Ultra 41 Low CPU Battery (06004) Reportin g-Glob al (Defau lt = o n) When this setting is on , the panel reports a low panel battery to the central station before shutting d own. Note For UL 1635 listed ins tallations, this feature m ust be set to on.
Concord Ultra 42 TP Panic RP T FMT (0 6009) Reporting-G lobal (D efault = o ff) This setting deter mines how the panel formats to uchpad panic alarm reports to the central station .
Concord Ultra 43 The following sections describe the s ettings that appear un der REPOR TING—P ARTITION 1-2 . Swinger Limit (06014) Reporti ng-Global (Defa ult = 1) This setti ng determi nes the max.
Concord Ultra 44 No Activity (par tition 1: 06103, partition 2: 06203) Reporting -Parti tion 1-2 (Defau lt = o ff) When this setting is on, the panel sen ds a no activity report to the central station when the activity timeout expires ( see TIMERS—ACTIVITY TIMEOUT ).
Concord Ultra 45 Siren Options Menu The SIREN OPT IONS men u lets you set up siren operati on and sup ervisi on. The follo wing descri bes h ow to prog ram the sir en opt ion sett ings that appear und er GLOBAL.
Concord Ultra 46 The following sections describe the s ettings that appear un der SIREN OP TIONS—P ARTITION 1 . Sensors Menu The SENSORS men u gives you access to the follo wing settings: • LEARN SENSORS le ts you add (learn) har dwire zones , wireless sensors , and wirel ess touch- pads into panel memory .
Concord Ultra 47 • EDIT SENSORS lets you view and, if desired, change a sensor group or partition assignment. Y ou can also identify whether a zone is wirele ss or hard wire, whether it is confi gured as Normally Closed (N/C) or Norm ally Open (N/O), or if the zone is a touchpad.
Concord Ultra 48 6 13–Inst ant Perim eter 7 13–Inst ant Perim eter 8 13–Inst ant Perim eter Note If the panel memo ry is cle ared, all onbo ard ha rdwire zo ne facto ry program ming will be eras ed. T able 8: Onboard Hardwire Zone Factory Progr amming Zone Input Group No.
Concord Ultra 49 Audio V erification Menu The AUDIO VERIFICA TION menu lets you set up the aud io verifi cation modu le (A VM) operation in partition 1. If you want audio verification for partition 2, you must install a “stan d-alone” audio verification module and a 4-Relay Output Module ( HOM) (60-770) output for that partition.
Concord Ultra 50 Accessory Modules Menu The ACCESSOR Y MODULES men u gives you access to the fo llowing menus : • BUS DEVICES —thi s menu l ets you read bus dev ice unit n umbers, assign bus de vices to a par - tition, and configure other features ass ociated with a specific bus device.
Concord Ultra 51 Device ID Acc . Modu les-Bu s Dev ices- Unit ID-C hange ID (Defaul t = non e) This menu lets you change the bus device ID number when replacing a defective bus device. ¾ T o ch ange a Dev ice ID: 1. W ith th e displ ay showin g the des ired bus dev ice, press # + # .
Concord Ultra 52 The following describes how to program the se ttings that appear under SNAPCARDS . Key Beeps Acc. Module s--Bu s Devic e-Unit ID- Keypad Op tions (D efault = on) This setting determines wheth er or not selected touchpads beep when their buttons are p ressed.
Concord Ultra 53 Onboard Options Menu The ONBOARD OP TIONS menu lets you set up the following built-in options: • INPUTS —This menu lets you turn the Smoke V eri fication and the T wo W ire Smoke f eatures off or on.
Concord Ultra 54 The following sections describe the s ettings that appear un der ONBOARD OP TIONS— OUTPUT PRO- GRAMMING . Smoke V erify (1 100) Onboard O ptions- Inputs (Defau lt = o ff) Thi s set tin g cont rol s the num ber of s ensor gro up 2 6 (f ire) z one trips needed to report a fire alarm.
Concord Ultra 55 Exiting Programming Mode After all ins taller/dealer programmin g is complete d, use the following procedu re to exi t progr am- ming mode. ¾ T o exit program ming mod e: 1. Press * u ntil the display sh ows SYSTEM PROGRAM MING . 2.
Concord Ultra 56 User Codes Menu The US ER CO DES menu lets you program/change regular user access codes, partition master codes, and the s ystem master cod e. Y ou can enter up to 23 0 separate user cod es, allo wing up to 230 dif ferent “users” access to the security sy stem .
Concord Ultra 57 Direct Bypassin g (030nnn1 where nnn= user number 00-229) User Codes -Reg. User Codes- User NNN (Default = off) This setting d etermines wheth er or not a specific us er code pr ovides access to the “bypas s sensors” fea- ture. Set this feature to “on” f or all users who n eed to be able to bypas s sens ors.
Concord Ultra 58 Options Menu The OP TIONS me nu lets you set up the s ystem for downloadin g and s ilent arming . Y ou can also adjust al phanumeri c touchpa d displ ay brigh tness f rom thi s menu. Latchkey Report (030nnn5 where nnn=user number 00-229) User Codes -Reg.
Concord Ultra 59 Set Up Schedul es Menu The SET UP SCHE DULES menu lets you set up time frames for light con trol an d exception openi ng/ closing reports .
Concord Ultra 60 Attach Schedules to Events Menu The A TT ACH SCHEDULES TO EVENTS menu lets you link the following system events to time schedu les: • Latchkey Op ening —sends a report if system is disarm ed within the attached time schedule. • Latchke y Closing —sends a repo rt if system is arme d within the attached time schedule.
Concord Ultra 61 Exception Rep orts ( 062nn-Open- ing, 063 nn-Closing, where nn=Schedule number [0 to 15]) Attach Sc hedule s T o Events (Defau lt = o ff) This setting l ets y ou attach t he Exception Opening repo rt feat ure and the Exception Closi ng repor t featur e to time sc hedules.
Concord Ultra 62 Energy S aver Me nu The ENERGY SA VER menu lets you set the ener gy saver modu le low- and h igh-setpoints. Thes e setpoints determine wh en the module relay closes, thereby completing the circuit through the thermostat to the f urnace/air- conditioner .
Concord Ultra 63 System V er sion Menu The SYSTEM VERSION menu lets you view an d identify pan el hardw are and softwa re. This infor- mation i s primarily used f or troub leshooting purpos es. Downloader Programm ing The p anel can be p rogr amm ed re mo tely us ing T o olBox.
Concord Ultra 64 T esting Zon es/S ensor s T est sensors/zones after all programmin g is completed, whenever there is a chan ge in environ- ment, equ ipment, or p rogrammin g, and whe never a zon e- or se nsor -rela ted pro blem occ urs.
Concord Ultra 65 For wir eless sen sors t hat don’ t res pond, use an RF Sn iffer (60-40 1) test tool to verify that the sen - sor is transmitting. C onstant beeps from the RF Sniffer indicate a runaway (faulty) sen sor . Remove the s ensor battery(s ) and r eplace the sensor .
Concord Ultra 66 T esting Outputs and Sirens All ou tputs (on board an d SnapCard ) shoul d be test ed to ver ify confi guration programm ing. Be sure to contact the central monitori ng station before activating outputs that trigger fro m an alar m con dition.
Concord Ultra 67 Note The syst em mus t have hi gh- and low-tem perat ure limits set t o te st the Ene rg y Sa ve r Module. ¾ T o test t he En ergy Sa ver Modul e: 1. Press * (status) + * (status) to disp lay the sys tem status , ENERGY SAVER OFF , and the present TEMPERATURE nn ° .
Concord Ultra 68 T e sting Cellular Backup Commu nication Perform this tes t to check t he cellular com muni cation between the panel and the central monitor- ing station. ¾ T o test Cellular Communication: 1. Contact the central mo nitoring station to in form them that yo u are testing the system.
Concord Ultra 69 1. Chec k that the bac kup bat tery is inst alle d correctly an d the AC power tra nsformer is pl ugged in . 2. Measu re the i ncoming AC volt age at p anel t erminals 1 and 2. It sh ould read about 2 4 V AC. 3. Check for 1 1.75 to 13.
Concord Ultra 70 System c ancels s enso r byp ass w hen you tr y to arm to le vel 2 or 3. Sensor i s being b yp assed be fore armin g to 2—ST A Y or 3—A W A Y . Arm t o the d esired le vel be fore byp assi ng a sens or . Wireless Senso r and T ouchp ad Batteries System in dicat es Sensor/T ouchpad nn low batte ry .
Concord Ultra 71 1. Chec k for correc t wiring at sp eaker and pan el termin als; c orrect w here neces sary . 2. S peaker output h as sh ut down b ecause p a nel dete cted t erminal 7 or 8 is shorted t o gr ound. Disconn ect p ane l AC and battery backup p ower .
Concord Ultra 72 T ou chpad ind ica tes [s ensor #] su perv isor y and/or Sens or [sensor #] sup ervisory is heard. 1. Use an RF Snif fer (60- 401) to verify that sens or is trans mitting. If sen sor is no t transm itting, check ba ttery fo r low or n o volt age an d replace .
Concord Ultra 73 1. Chec k that the mo dule is w ired cor rect ly to t he p anel term inals . 2. V erify the mod ule LED i s flas hing con tinuou sly .
Concord Ultra 74 Module is not communic ating on Bus and indicate s a “Bus Fai lure Unit nn”. Where nn repr esent s the Wirele ss Gate- way unit numb er . 1. Chec k that the mo dule is w ired cor rect ly to t he p anel term inals . 2. V erify that t he mo dule’ s red Bu s LED is flas hing.
Concord Ultra 75 Appendix A : System Planning Wo rksheets Cust omer Name ____________ ______ ______ _____ ____ Addr ess __________ ______ _____ ______ _________ ___ City ____________ _____ County _ ______ ____ St a t e ___ Zip _______ ___ Phone ( ____) _ _____ _____ * These d evices not listed, investig ated, o r verified by UL.
Concord Ultra 76 * The se devi ces not list ed, investig ated, or verifi ed by UL. † Listed, b ut not test ed for comp atibility by UL. T able A2: Hardw ire Devi ces Part No.
Concord Ultra 77 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 T able A3: Zone and Sensor Assignment s (Cont inued) No.
Concord Ultra 78 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 T able A3: Zone and Sensor Assignment s (Cont inued) No.
Concord Ultra 79 T able A4: System Settings Inde x and Record Setting (refere nce) default Shortcut No. Setting Ins taller P ro gra mm in g— 8 + In stal ler/ Dea le r CO DE + 00 24 Hour T amper Off 06 000 AC Fail ure Of f 06010 Acce ss Cod e Lock (On) 0003 Acces s Timeout 90 sec 0904 Account No.
Concord Ultra 80 Excepti on Report s (phones ) Off 0103, 01 13, 0123 1_____ ______ __2_____ ______ __3___ _____ ___ Excepti on Report s (pag ers) Off 0133, 0143, 0153 , 0163, 0173 1_____ ______ __2___.
Concord Ultra 81 Phone T est On 02000 Phone T est Freq . 7 days 0302 Police P anic O n 0512, 052 2 1 _____ ______ __2___ _____ _____ Program Re port Of f 06015 Quick Arm Of f 001 1, 0021 1_____ ______ __2___ _____ _____ Quick Exit On 0012.
Concord Ultra 82 Appendix B : Reference T ables T a ble B1: Sensor Group Characteristics No. Name Applicat ion Alarm Delay Restoral Supervisory CS Report Chime (Lev el 1) Active Leve ls 00 Fixed Pani c 24-h our aud ible fi xed e mergency button s. Police Instant √ √ 1, 2, 3 01 Portab le Pani c 24-h our aud ible p ortable emerg ency buttons.
Concord Ultra 83 Cross-Zoning Note Cross-Z oning is not recom - mended for ex it/entry zones . Each zone h as the a bility to individu ally protec t the intended area.
Concord Ultra 84 T able B2: Item Numbers and Sensor T ext Item # Sensor Te x t Item # Sens or T ext Item # Sensor Te x t Item # Sensor Te x t Item # Sensor T ext It em # Sensor T ext 001 Aborted 041 D.
Concord Ultra 85 T able B3 : Syst em E vent T rig ger N umb ers System Ev ent Descrip tion Tr i g g e r No. Nul l Trigger (u sed for di rec t cont ro l) Act iva ted on ly by sche dul e or di rec t co mmand. 000 Fire Alarm When Fire siren s are st arted .
Concord Ultra 86 Group 08 in ala rm 072 G roup 25 in ala rm 089 Group 09 in ala rm 073 G roup 26 in ala rm 090 Group 10 in ala rm 074 G roup 27 in ala rm 091 Group 1 1 in alarm 075 Group 28 in ala rm .
Concord Ultra 87 Sensor 31 in alarm 159 open 28 7 Sensor 32 in alarm 160 open 28 8 Sensor 33 in alarm 161 open 28 9 Sensor 34 in alarm 162 open 29 0 Sensor 35 in alarm 163 open 29 1 Sensor 36 in alarm.
Concord Ultra 88 Sensor 73 in alarm 201 open 32 9 Sensor 74 in alarm 202 open 33 0 Sensor 75 in alarm 203 open 33 1 Sensor 76 in alarm 204 open 33 2 Sensor 77 in alarm 205 open 333 Sensor 78 in alarm .
Concord Ultra 89 Openin g Report occurre d 242 Closing R epor t occurre d 243 Latchke y Openi ng or C losing o ccurre d 244 Dur ess al arm 24 5 Force Arme d Report occurred 246 Fire in P art it ion al.
Concord Ultra 90 Notes for T a ble B8: Response Numb ers Note The m echan ica l li feti me of the relay m ay be exce eded if an output is set up for a siren tra cki ng re spon se an d a pulsing si ren (aux iliary or fire) is acti ve for long time period s.
Concord Ultra 91 Appendix C : Settings # * # * * # * ) * ) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 # * ) * * # * ) * ) * ) * ) ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * * ) * ) * ) 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 * ) * ) 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 6 0.
Concord Ultra 92 B A B A B A B A B A B A B A # * A B # * B A # * B A B A B A 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 8 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 1 B A 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 6 B A 0 2 0 0 7 B A B A 0 2 0 0 4 B.
Concord Ultra 93 ) * ) * ) * # * # * 0 4 1 0 0 4 1 1 # * 0 4 0 0 * ) 0 4 0 1 * ) ) * # * ) * ) * ) * * ) # * # * * ) * ) * ) 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 3 1 3 0 3 0 0 # * * ) * ) * ) 0 3 2 2 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 0 0 3 2 3 * ) 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 3 * ) * ) 0 3 0 4 * ) 0 3 0 5 * ) 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 6 6 0 7 3 4 G 3 1 3 D .
Concord Ultra 94 * ) 0 6 1 0 7 0 6 2 0 7 * ) * ) 0 6 0 0 7 ) * # * # * # * * ) * ) 0 7 0 1 0 7 0 2 0 7 1 0 0 7 0 0 ) * * ) * ) # * # * * ) * ) * ) 0 6 1 0 2 0 6 1 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 3 0 6 0 0 0 0 6.
Concord Ultra 95 # * # * # * # * ) * 0 9 0 0 * ) 0 9 0 1 * ) 0 9 0 2 * ) 0 9 0 3 * ) 0 9 0 4 * ) 0 9 0 5 * ) 0 9 0 6 # * 1 0 0 n n ( n n = 0 0 - 1 5 ) ) * 6 0 7 3 4 G 3 1 5 D .
Concord Ultra 96 Appendix C : Software Release Notes Softwar e V e rsion 3.1 The follo wing features were chan ged/added for so ftware versio n 3.1. Downloader Code • If the Dealer Code (000 2) is s.
Concord Ultra 97 Exit Delay • The low li mit on Exi t Delay ( 031 1/0321) has been changed from 48 t o 45 second s, with the default setting chang ing from 64 to 60 secon ds. Existing vers ions of T oolbox will sti ll show a low limit of 48 seconds and a defau lt setting of 64 seconds.
Concord Ultra 98 System W iring Notes Note 1 Class II power tr ansformer mu st be pl ugged i nto an un switched AC power re ceptacle. Do not short the transf ormer terminals tog ether . The transformer con tains an internal fus e that permanently disa bles the output if the terminals are shorted.
L P - + L N 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 4 VAC 2 4 VAC + 1 2 B U S B U S A B U S B O U T P U T 2 G N D M I C . I N Z O N E 1 Z O N E 2 Z O N E 4 G N D Z O N E 3 G N D .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il GE 60-960-95 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del GE 60-960-95 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso GE 60-960-95 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul GE 60-960-95 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il GE 60-960-95, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del GE 60-960-95.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il GE 60-960-95. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo GE 60-960-95 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.