Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MS-AV700i del fabbricante Fusionbrands
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7 00 Series Manual MAR I N E E NT E R T AI NM E NT SYSTE M MS -IP700i True Mar ine En t er tainm ent Syst em for iPod MS -AV7 00i True Mar ine DVD En t er tainm ent Syst em.
1 WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS Do not attempt to open the unit’s chassis. There are no user-serviceable parts or adjus tments inside. USING iPod This unit has been tested wi th compatible authentic iPod models under normal expected operating conditions, free from any pre- existing de fects in either the uni t or the iPod.
2 REGISTER YOUR PRODUCT ONLINE: For your own peace of mind, register your product purchase online at W e’ll keep you up to date wi th any news related to your product, any software upgrades or new accessories to help you get the mos t from your product.
3 CO NTE N TS US ERI NTER F ACEAN DCO NTRO L S .......................................... 5 Control Panel L ayou t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Button Description .
4 EthernetSuppor t .................................................... 26 Infrared(I R)Remote .................................................. 27 IN ST ALLIN GTHE700Series .......................................... 29 CONNEC TIONS .
5 US E R I NT E RFACE A N D CO NTR OLS BUT TON D ES CR IPTIO N PR I MA RY SOU RCE MS- IP700 i MS-AV700i CO NTROL PAN E L LAYO UT Menu Power Tuner source Rewind Mute Auxiliary DVD Play/Pause Clock iPod.
6 R OT ARY E NCOD E R AN D M E NU K EY Although the controls of the 700 Series are designed to be intuitive to use, we recommendthatyoufamiliarizeyourselfwiththeoperationoftheEncoderand Menu key before using the uni t.
7 US I N G TH E R OT ARY ENCOD ER AN D M E NU KEY Y oucanusetheRotaryEncoderandMenukeytoadjustlevels,accessmenus and open control screens. Adjusting levels UsetheEncoderandMenukeytoadjustlevelsonthe700Series.
8 Opening Control Screens UsetheEncodertoopentheSubLevelandT onecontrolscreenstoadjust levels: Press and hold Encoder for at least 1 second Turn Encoder to adjust level.
9 BothmodelsarealsoSiriusXM- Ready(U SAonly).RequiresoptionalSiriusXM Connect V ehicle T uner . F or fur ther de tails of setting up SiriusXM options see “SiriusXMSatelliteRadio”onpage4 5.
10 Mute • PresstheMutekeytomutetheaudioou tput.TheMuteiconisdisplayed over the top of the current input source screen. • PresstheMutekeyagaintounmutetheaudioou tput.Thevolumecontinues at the previously set level.
11 ADJU S TI N G SUBWO O FE R LEVE L AN D TO N E Use the Sub level and T one screens to se t the sub-woofer levels and tone. Sub-woofer level can be adjus ted for each Zone individually, bu t tone adjustments affect all Zones. Menu key Encoder To set sub-woofer levels or tone: 1.
12 DI SPL AYI N G TH E CLOC K Use the Clock key to display the current time. If the time is incorrect, see “Clock Setting”onpage4 4. Note: The current time is also displayed in the title bar of each input source screen. Clock • PresstheClockkeytodisplaythecurrenttime 4.
13 SETT I N G AN D CLEAR I N G TH E AL ARM Use alarm mode to turn on the 7 00 Series at a pre-defined time. When the alarm is activated, your 7 00 Series will play the las t selected inpu t source at the volume level in use when the unit was turned off.
14 Brightness To adjust the brightness of the display screen: 1. Press the Brightness key . The Brightness screen is displayed. 2. T urntheRotaryEncodertoadjus tthebrightnesssetting.
15 Tuner • PresstheTunerkeytoselectinputfromeachofthefollowinginturn: AM, FM, VHF or SiriusXM (USA only) requires optional SiriusXM Con- nect Vehicle Tuner. The applicable input source screen is displayed for each band.
16 Figure 3 – Example SiriusXM input source screen Sir iusXM An example of the SiriusXM input source screen is shown in Figure 3 below . TU N I N G M ETHODS Y ou can use three methods to tune the 7 00 Series: manual, au tomatic and preset.
17 Tuning Method Applies to… When tuning with this method… Manual All bands • PresstheF orwardorBackwardkeytos tepthrough therangeoffrequenciesorchannelsoneatatime. • Pressandholddownthekeyforrapidscanningof frequenciesorchannels.
18 ADD I N G AN D R E MOVI N G PR E SETS The7 00Seriesallowsyoutose tupyourfavori teAM/ FMs tations,VH For SiriusXM channels as presets for easy recall. Note: Up to 15 presets can be stored for each radio band.
19 Bef ore y ou can use y our media devi ce as an input sour ce y ou must f ir st connec t the d ev ice t o the FUS ION st er eo as descr ibed in the ins talla tion s ect ion.
20 IPOD, MTP, BLUE TO OTH AN D U SB SOU RCE S CR EE N S Anexampleofatypicalinputsourcescreen; CO NTROLL I N G iPod PLAYBAC K Selecting tracks from a playlist There can be thousand.
21 CO NTROLL I N G BLUET O OTH AN D MTP PLAYBAC K Initial Song Title Loading From MTP Devices Following connection to the USB connector, the F U SI ON s tereo will download the full list of song names from the device to create a song ti tle index. This process must be comple ted be fore music playback can begin.
22 Y ou can control playback with the Play / Pause, Next and Previous keys. The selected track starts playing au tomatically . If you want to: Use: Notes: Play / Pause a track Play / Pause • Pressthekeytopausethecurrenttrack.
23 To change a setting in the iPod settings menu: T urnandthenpresstheRotaryEncodertoselectoneofthefollowing setting s to change. Then: • T urnandthenpresstheRotaryEncodertoselecttherequiredse tting Repeat • Off.
24 LI STEN I N G TO AUXILIARY I NPUT The 7 00 Series can accept audio inpu t from a TV, games console, por table player, computer, DVD player or any compatible device. To listen to input from an auxiliary device: C HANGI N G MTP S E T TI N GS T o change a se tting in the MTP setting s menu: 1 .
25 FU SIO N -Link FU S IO N- Linkhastheabilitytofullycontrolon- boardF US IO NEnter tainment systems( Suppor tedmodels),byutilizingF US I ON - Linkcapab.
26 TOT AL AUDIO CO NTR OL VIA NM EA 2000 NM EA2000isthemos tpopularmarinestandardfordatacommunication within vessels. It has become the s tandard for sending navigation and engine management data within vessels.
27 The following keys work the same way as the matching Head unit keys in all sources. Power On / Off Mute all sound Play / Pause Display clock Skip back Skip forward The following keys work the same way in all sources.
28 When the DVD source is selected, use the following keys to control specific features. Open a menu in the TV display . Display on the TV display which CD track, DVD chapter and title you are currently watching or listening to. Zoom in on the picture for the currently playing DVD.
29 I N ST ALLI N G TH E 7 00 Series Dimensionsareinmillimetres( mm )andinches(”).Nottoscale. CO NTE NT O F BOX Figure 7 – Dimensions - top view Note:TheC AB0008 5 1DropCableisrequiredforconnectiontoaF US IO NRemote ControlNetwork( FR CN).
30 Figure 8 – Dimensions - side view Figure 9 – Dimensions - front view.
31 DE S CR IPTIO N COLO U R Battery +1 2VDC Y ellow Accessory+1 2Vswitched Red Negative Ground Black RemoteAmplierEnableouput Blue/White Dim input [1 2VD C active] Orange T elemu te input [G ND active] Brown Note : All +1 2V wiring M UST be fused at the power source end of your cable, with a1 5Afuse.
32 E T H E RN ET CON N ECT IO N TO PAR TN E R ED MFD ForconnectiontoaDHCPEtherne tRouterorF US I ON - L inkpar tnered Multi Function Displays.
34 I N S T ALLA TION ELECTRICAL WIRING Cauti on: T he MS-IP7 00i and MS-A V7 00i ar e de sign ed f or ve ss els w i th a 1 2C DC Nega ti v e gro und elec tr ical sy st em.
36 S ETTI N G UP TH E 700 Series ZO N E S Zone1and2arepoweredbytheonboardClass-Damplier .External ampliersarerequiredtoutilizethe4lineou tpu tsand4subwooferoutpu ts.
37 Important: If a Zone is disabled, you cannot change any of the following settings for that Zone. Disable Internal Amplifiers Disable the internal amplifiers for Zones 1 and 2. For example, if external amplifiers are used for Zones 1 and 2 the internal amplifiers can be disabled to reduce power consumption.
38 Balance To specify the balance for the selected Zone: a . Select the Balance menu item. b. T urntheEncodertothele ftorrighttoadjusttheBalancefortheselectedZone.
39 To enter the name for the selected Zone: a . Select the Name menu i tem. T he current Zone name is displayed wi th the first character highlighted. b. Ifrequired,presstheForward(orBackward)keytohighlightthe character you wish to change.
40 MS- IP700i MODE L Note: If you select iPod, MTP or USB input without first connecting the device, the message “Not connected” is displayed on the screen. Important Note: Connecting Supported iPods and iPhones to a MS-IP700i Stereo The MS- IP700i provides two connection options for iP od and iPhone users.
41 2. InsertyouriPodinitssleeve( seeiPodcompatibilityshee tsuppliedseparately). Make sure that the device is firmly pushed onto the connector socket. 3. Close the control panel door firmly . 4. Selecttheaudiosource,asrequired.
42 To connect your iPod, MTP device or USB FLASH drive to the 700 Series via a UNI-Dock: 1. Slide the door catch and open the door of the UNI-Dock. 2. To connect your Apple or MTP device, first select the appropriate adaptor cable, provided with the UNI-Dock.
43 PR EPAR I N G FO R AUXILIARY I NPUT Connecting auxiliary device Connect the auxiliary device to the AUX INcable(WhiteandRedR CAsockets ) at the rear of the 7 00 Series. Auxiliary Rewind Fast Forward BLUE TO OTH M ED IA D EVI CE.
44 Adjusting Auxiliary input level Many different types of auxiliary device (TV, DVD, Game Console, Media player)canbeconnectedtothe700Series,andthesedeviceswillhaveeither a line outpu t or headphone ou tput jack.
45 5. Ifrequired,presstheEncodertomovetotheAM/ P Meld(displayedin1 2 hour clockmodeonly .SeeStep7below ).
46 SiriusXM menu options Press the Menu key to display the SiriusXM menu that provides access to variouscontroloptions.Readontolearn more about using the Channels, Category and Parental options. 4. T urnandpresstheEncoderagaintoselectthechannelyouwishtoplay .
47 Category Y ou can use the Category menu item to control which categories of channelsareavailable(Rock,forexample)whenyouareusingtheCategory tuningmethod( see“T uningMe thods”onpage1 6. To select a Category: 1 .
48 • T odisabletheCategorytuningme thod,presstheEncodertoselect All channels. The SiriusXM Source Screen is displayed with the T uning mode indicated set to ‘Manual’. 4 . Press the Menu key to exit the current menu or press and hold the Menu key to close the menu completely .
49 3. Entertheold(current )accesscodebyturningtheEncodertochangethe highlighteddigit,thenpresstheEncodertoselectthenex tdigi t.W henyou have entered all four digits correctly, you will be prompted to enter the new access code.
50 To lock or unlock a channel: 1. Press the Menu key . 2. (ifrequired )turnandthenpresstheEncodertoselect Parental > Unlock .
51 To change the sub filter setting: 1. Press the Menu key . 2 . T urnandthenpresstheRotaryEncodertoselect Settings > Sub filter. 3. T urntheRotaryEncodertoselecttherequiredlterfrequency .
52 Tel mute Use this option to control which action is taken when the 7 00 Series is connected to a cellphone hands-free ki t. To change the Tel mute setting: 1. Press the Menu key . 2. T urnandthenpresstheEncodertoselect Settings > Tel mute.
53 To enable or disable the AM of VHF tuner sources: 1. Press the Menu key . 2. T urnandthenpresstheEncodertoselectthe Settings > Sources. 3. Ifrequired,presstheEncodertoenabletheAMsource( )ordisable the AM source ( ).
54 Internet Protocol (IP) Setting (700 Series Only) FU S IO NhasprovidedadditionalEtherne tne tworkcongurationoptions.A Static IP address function has been added allowing ins tallers to configure the 7 00Seriesei therfordynamic(D HCP)orStaticI Paddressallocation.
55 Problem Solution SiriusXM When I press the tuner source button the SiriusXM screen is not displayed. EnsureyouhavetheMS700iT unerregionse tto‘USA ’.PressMenu> Setting s>T unerregion>andselect‘USA ’.
56 SiriusXM message: ‘Subscription Updated’ A SiriusXM message informing you that you have either been granted access to or unsubscribed from various channels. For more information about your subscription: • Online:Gotowww .siriusxm.
57 My iPod/iPhone will not connect to the Head unit while in the dock. IfyourHeadunitdisplays“NotConnected”whileusingiPodas input source: • Checkthatyouareusingthecorrectsleevecombination.
58 Problem Solution WirelessRemoteAppforiP adandiPhone My FUSION- Link Wireless application displays “No stereo available” The first thing to check is that you are connected to the correct wireless network for the 700 Series.
59 Tuning range Europe and Australasia FMradiofrequencyrange8 7 .5– 1 08MHz. Frequencystep1 00kHz AMradiofrequencyrange52 2– 1 620MHz. Frequencystep9kHz FCC compliance statement This device complies with part 1 5 of the FCC rules.
60 Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM RadioInc.Allrights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPod and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U S and other countries. NM EA2000-- isaRegistered T rademark of the National Marine Electronics Association, Inc.
61 INDE X 7 00 Series control panel, layout. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 etherne t support ................................
62 etherne t support on 700 Series ........................................................................................................................... 26 F AS T menu search feature on iPod ......................................................
63 scan mode, tuning on....................................................................................................................................................... 19 setting s AM/VH Fsources,enabling/disabling ..............
64 US B flash drive controlling playback ..................................................................................................................................................... 22 format information .....................................
65 N OTE S ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...............................
66 ©Copyright20 1 3byFUS IO NElectronicsLimited.Allrightsreserved.Productspecications,designand prices are subject to change withou t notice.
67 Specifications and design are subject to change without notice P/N MAN000001G.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Fusionbrands MS-AV700i è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Fusionbrands MS-AV700i - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Fusionbrands MS-AV700i imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Fusionbrands MS-AV700i ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Fusionbrands MS-AV700i, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Fusionbrands MS-AV700i.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Fusionbrands MS-AV700i. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Fusionbrands MS-AV700i insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.