Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto GD-1720C del fabbricante Furuno
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Installation Manual MARINE RADAR MODEL1724C/1734C COLOR VIDEO PLOTTER GD-1720C SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ i EQUIPMENT LISTS .....................................
The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. ・FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662-8580, JAPAN Telephone : +81-(0)798-65-2111 Fax : +81-(0)798-65-4200 A : APR 2005 . Printed in Japan All rights reserved.
i WARNING Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard The radar antenna emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which can be harmful, particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the antenna aperture from a close distance while the radar is in operation or expose yourself to the trans- mitting antenna at a close distance.
ii EQUIPMENT LISTS St andard supply Name T ype Code No. Qty Remar ks Display unit RDP-148 - 1 RSB-1 10-070- A - 1 For MODEL172 4C Antenna un it RSB-0071- 058 - 1 For MODEL 1734C Rem ote controller set.
iii Optional suppl y Name T ype Code No. Qty Remarks 000-013-484 For 100 V AC 000-013-485 For 1 10 V AC 000-013-486 For 220 V AC Rectif ier PR-62 000-013-487 1 For 230 V AC Externa l bu zzer OP03-136 .
iv SYSTEM CONFIGURA TIONS All NavNet products incorporate a “network circ uit board” to integrate each NavNet product on board through an optional LAN cable (Ether net 10BASE-T). Each NavNet product is assigned an IP address to enable transfer of images between other NavNet product s.
v Network Sounder ETR-6/10N ETR-30N 12 - 24 VDC Remote Controller RMC-100 Rectifier PR-62 : Standard : Option : Local supply Displa y unit RDP-148 Other NavNet Unit (Model 1724C , etc.) AIS Interf ace IF-1500AIS* AIS transponder * Not required f or AIS T ransponder F A-150.
vi Antenna Unit GP-320B/330B, WS-200 HUB Radar data Plotter data Network Sounder ETR-6/10N ETR-30N (option) Sounder data Note: The picture disappears 10 seconds after the NavNet cable is disconnected from a "sub" NavNet displa y unit.
1 1. MOUNTING NOTICE Do not apply paint, anti-corrosive sealant or contact spray to coating or plastic parts of the equipment. Those items contain organic solvents that can damage coating and plastic parts, especially plastic connectors.
2 1.1.1 Mounting procedure T ablet op, ov erhead mount ing Follow the proced ure b elow to m ount the display un it on a tabletop or the over head. 1. Fix the hanger by f our tapping screw . 2. Screw knob bolts in displa y unit, set it t o hanger , and tight en knob bolts.
3 Flush m ount ing Note: Use s up pli ed pan hea d s c r ew s w hen the thi ckn ess of t he bulkhea d is fr om 1 1 to 14 mm. F or bulkhead w hi c h ex c eeds 14 m m i n thickness t he length of the pan h ead screw s should be bul khead thi c k ness ( A ) pl us 7.
4 1.2 Mounting of A ntenna Unit s 1.2.1 Mounting considerations W hen selecting a mounting location f or the ant enna unit keep in m ind the f ollowing points. • Install the antenna unit on the hardtop, radar arch or on a m ast on an appropriat e platform .
5 1.2.2 Mounting antenna unit of MODEL 1724C 1. Remove m ounting hardwar e at the bott om of the antenna unit ; four each of hex bolts (M10X20), spring washers and f lat washers. Save the spring washers and f lat washers to use them t o f ix the radom e base t o the platform, at step 3.
6 4. Unfast en f our screws to rem ove the cover . Discard t he packing mat erial in the radome. Remov e and discard the packing material. Snap holder Antenna unit, insid e view The m ounting base is fitt ed with a snap holder , which m ay be used to hang t he cover after removal.
7 5. Unfast en the cable of t he rotation det ect or from the cable clam ps. 6. Unfast en 1 1 screws to dis m ount the shield plate . Discard screw marked with in the figure sho wn below .
8 Rubber gasket Gasket Cable Gland Sectional view Mounting base Rubber gasket Antenna unit, insid e view 8. Ref erring to the f igure shown below , f asten t he shield cable with scre w (M4x10) on t he chassis to ground the unit . Connect 10 pin connector here (J811).
9 9. Att ach EMI core (suppl ied) t o ant enna c able bet w een cabl e ti es. Set t he f ix i ng band to the EM I core. This bend should be f acing cable entry .
10 1.2. 3 Moun ti ng a nten na u nit o f M ODE L 17 34C 1. Open t he ant e nna uni t pac k i ng box caref ul ly . 2. Unbolt the four bol ts at the base of t he radome t o r em o v e the r adome c o ver .
11 Flat washer Spring washer Platform Antenna base plate M10 x 25 Hex bolt Radome 5 - 10 mm Apply silicone sealant. Effective thread length 25 mm Gasket How to fasten t he radome base to t he mounti ng platf orm Wiring and final preparation 4.
12 to one of the screws of the cable clamping plate 9-pin connector : to J801 on MD-9208 4-pin connector : to J802 on MD-9208 13-pin connector : to J611 on IF-9215 Signal cable, ant enn a unit side J8.
13 10. Attach the EMC core supplied as sho wn belo w . J806 J805 J803 J804 J802 J801 Motor J613 J611 J1 EMC core E04SS251512 (Abov e cable clamping plate) Cable entrance IF9215 PTU-9335 MD9208 Cable clamping plate How to attach EMC core 1 1. Fix the shiel d cover .
14 1.2.4 Mounting the optional mounting br acket A mounting bracket f or fastening the ante nna unit t o a mast on a sailboat is opt ionally available. Mounting bracket 1 (for MODEL 1734C) T ype: OP03-92 Code No.: 008-44 5-07 0 Part T ype Code No. Qty Hex.
15 Suppor t plate (A) Assembling the mounting brac ket (B) Fastening antenna to mounting bracket How to assemble and mount the optional mount ing bracket.
16 2. WIRING 2.1 S t andard Wiring Al l wi rings ar e t er m i nated at t he rear of the di splay unit . CAUTION The power cable is shipped with a 10A fuse (5A on GD-1720C) inserted in its fuse holder. This fuse is for use with a 12 VDC power supply. If you are using a 24 VDC power supply, replace the fuse with a 5A fuse (3A fuse on GD-1720C).
17 Signal cabl e connection 1. Remove the waterproofing cover f rom the DJ-1 at the back of t he display unit. 2. Connect the signa l cable t o DJ-1 on t he rear panel of the display unit . Rubber cover DJ Connector Boot-band Cable Display unit DJ-1 3.
18 DA T A 1 to DA T A 3 po rt s These ports connect to the equipm ent shown in the table below . DA T A1 (7P) DA T A2 (6P) DA T A3 (7P) GPS receiver GP-310B/320B, NMEA equipm ent Heading sensor (ex. SC-60/120) RS-232C OUT , NMEA 0183 IN, Extern al buzzer OUT Note: No sensor can be direct ly connected to the DA T A3 port.
19 2.2 Exter nal Buzzer (OP03-136, option) Connectio n T he optional external buzzer pro v ides a l ouder al ert w hen the guard al ar m i s viol at ed. Ext er nal buzzer T y pe: OP03-13 6 Code no.: 000- 086- 443 Furt her , y ou need the opt i onal cabl e assy M J-A7SPF 000 7-050C ( w /7P c onnec t or , 5 m , code n o.
20 2.3 H ow to Connect with a PC W he n connect ing w i th the per s onal computer , p repar e t he opti onal cabl e assy M J - A 7S P F 0007-050C a nd D-sub 9 pi ns plug (l ocal supply ), and conn ec t ed them as fol low s. T h is f unc t ion is not avai l able w it h the GD-1720 C.
21 3. SETTING UP T HE E QUIPM ENT 3.1 Setting up with the Inst allati on Wizard Af ter you hav e i nst all ed t he equi pment, s et up the equipm ent w i th the ins t all at ion wiz ar d. T he wi z ar d al lows y ou t o easily set up the NavN et netw ork (choose s our c e of r ad ar , sound er an d aux ilia ry) , GP S, p o r ts, e tc .
22 CAUT ION: Ensure that the sett ings to be loaded are com patible with this NavN et unit. Im proper set tings will dam age the equipm ent. 7. The screen f or set up of units of measurem ent appears.
23 11. Choose DE V I CE NUM BER, RA DA R S O URCE or S O UNDER SO URCE as appr opri at e and the n press the E DI T sof t key . One of t he followi ng displ a ys appear s d ependi ng on y our s el ecti on. RADAR SOURCE { 1 (IP: ~ 2 (IP:172.
24 13. After choosing ALL sour ces, press the NEXT soft key , and the RADAR SETUP m enu appears. If you do not have a radar installed, press the NEXT soft key to show the NA V SETUP menu and go to step 25.
25 20. Choose T UNI NG and t hen press t he E DI T soft key . TUNING ▲ { ON ~ OFF ▼ 21. Choose O N and then pr es s the ENT ER sof t k ey . T hen, t he r adar’s v ideo a nd tuning ar e automat ical ly adj usted. 22. Af ter tuni ng has been com pl eted, c hoos e T IMI N G ADJUST and then press t he EDI T sof t key .
26 23. Choose HEADING ADJUST and then press the EDIT soft key . HEADING ADJUST ▲ { ON ~ OFF ▼ 24. Choose O N and t hen press t he ENT ER soft key .
27 NA V SETUP menu description Item Description Settings (Default in bold) Position Source Chooses source of position data. FURUNO BB GPS: GPS Receiver GP-320B/330B or Weather sensor WS-200 GP: GPS na.
28 28. After setting up navigation equipment, pre ss the NEXT soft key , and the GPS SETUP menu appears. This menu set s ups the FURUNO GPS receiver GP-320B/330B. If you do not have this equipment, press the NEXT sof t key and go to step 31. GEODETIC DATUM WGS-84 POSITION SMOOTHING 000 second (s) SPD/CSE SMOOTHING 005 second (s) LATITUDE OFFSET 0.
29 GPS SETUP menu des cription (con’t fr om previ ous page) Item Description Settin gs Default S etting S pd/Cs e Smo othi ng During posit ion fixing, ship ’ s velocity (speed and course) i s dire ctly measur ed by receiving GPS s at ellite signals.
30 GPS SETUP menu description (c on’t from previous page) Item Description Settings Default Setting Fix Mode Choose position fixing method: 2D (three satellites in view), 2D/3D (three or four satellites in view whichever is greater). 2D, 2D/3D 2D/3D Cold S tart Clears the Almanac to receive the latest Almanac.
31 32. Choose i tem and pres s t he EDI T soft k ey . Choo se appr opr i ate sett ing and the n press the ENT ER sof t k ey . Ref er to the t abl e and s ent ence descr i pti on on t he next p ag e for det ail s. 33. Press t he NEXT key , and the DA T A3 (PC/ NM E A/E X T BUZZ ) port set up menu appears .
32 $GPGLL,3415.2345,N,13520.5301,E,152500.00 ,A*E7<CR><LF>$GPGLL,3415.2345,N,135 20.5301,E,152500.00,A*E7<CR><LF>$GPGLL ,3415.2345,N,13520.5301,E,152500.00,A* E7<CR><LF>$GPGLL,3415.2345,N,13520.530 1,E,152500.00,A*E7<CR><LF>$GPGLL,3415.
33 3.2 Checking Magnetron Heater V o ltage Magnetron heat er voltage is f orm ed on the PTU or MD Board of t he antenna un it, and preadjusted at t he factory . Theref ore, no adjustm ent is required. Ho wever , check magnetron heater voltage f or conf irmation as f ollo ws.
34 3.3 Remote Controlle r Setting A remote controller can be set exclusi vely for use with a specif ic display unit, in t he case of multiple NavN et display units. Set t he remote controller ID m ode desire d on t he m enu and attach appropriate label (supplied wit h accessor ies) to the rem ote controller and display unit.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Furuno GD-1720C è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Furuno GD-1720C - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Furuno GD-1720C imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Furuno GD-1720C ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Furuno GD-1720C, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Furuno GD-1720C.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Furuno GD-1720C. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Furuno GD-1720C insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.