Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto S300M del fabbricante Fujitsu
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ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide i Introduction Thank you for purchasing our Colo r Image Scanner, ScanSnap S300 M (hereinafter referred to as "the ScanSnap"). The ScanSnap is a scanner that is capable of double-sided scanning in both monochrome and color.
ii ■ You can send off the scanned image by e- mail or output the scanned image to the printer immediately after scanning! Without starting applications, you can atta ch the scanned image to e-mail or make copies of the scanned image by outputting it to the printer.
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide iii Introduction ......................... .......................................................... i ■ Regulatory Information ....................................................... vii ■ Liability .........
iv 3.2 Paper Sizes of Document s to be Scanned ..................... 39 3.3 Loading Documents .... .............................. ....................... 41 How to load documents ........ .................................................. ............
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide v 5.4 Using the ScanSnap as a Copy Machine...................... 119 Quick Menu Mode operation .... ............................................... .......... 120 Profile Mode operation ........ ...................
vi Chapter 9 Replacing Cons umables ..................................... 179 9.1 Replacing Consumable s ........................... ..................... 180 Part Nos. and Replacement Cycles of Consumable s ............. .......... 180 9.2 Replacing the Pad A SSY .
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide vii ■ Regulatory Information FCC declaration This equipment has bee n tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Ru les. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfere nce in a residential installation.
viii Bescheinigung des Herstellers / Importeurs Für den S300M wid folgen des bescheinigt : • In Übereinsstimmu ng mit den Bestimmungen der EN45014(CE) funkentstört • Maschinenlärminformationsvero rdnung 3. G PSGV : Der höchste Schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 dB (A) oder weniger, gemäß EN ISO 7779.
x ■ T r ademarks Apple, Apple logo, Mac, Mac OS, iPhoto an d Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Inc. Adobe, Acrobat, Ad obe Reader , and Acrobat Re ader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United S tates an d/or oth er countries.
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide xi About Mouse Operations In this manual, mouse opera tions are defined as follows: Click: refers to clicking on the mouse button one time. Double-click: refers to clicking twice in rapid succes sion on the mouse button down.
xii ■ Safety Precautions This manual describes important deta ils for users to use this product safely and correctly . Read this manu al thoroughly before yo u start using this pr oduct. Be sure to read and fully understand the Safe ty Precautions in this manual, in particular .
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide xiii Screen Examples in This Manual The screen examples in this manu al are subjec t to change without notic e in the interest of product improvement. If actual screens differ from those used as exam ples in this manual, op erate by following the actual ones referring to the Us er's Manual of the scanner .
xiv WARNING The following describes important warn ings described in this manual. Do not touch the Power cables with wet hands. Do not damage the Power cables. Use only specified Powe r and interface cables. Use this scanner only at the in dicated power volt age.
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide xv Do not inst all in loc ations subject to oil sm oke, steam, humidity , and dust. Do not operate the scanner whil e touching it s heat-generating section for a long time. Do not cover the scanner or AC adapter with a cloth or blanket.
xvi Do not place heavy object s or climb on top of the scanner . Unplug the pow er cord from the pow er outlet when the scanner is not used for an exten ded period of time. Disconnect the Power cable if the scanner is damaged. Do not put foreign obj ect s inside the scanner .
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide xvii Do not use the scanner while driving a car . Do not expose the scanner to excessive heat. Before moving the scanner , un plug the power cord from the power outlet. A void any cont act when scanner is working. Do not use aerosol sp rays near the scanner .
xviii CAUTION The following illustrates important cau tions described in this manual. Do not inst all the scanne r on unstable surfaces. Protect the scanner from st atic electricity . Do not use the scanner immediatel y af ter moving it from a cold place into a warm room.
1 ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 1 Chapter 1 Before Y ou S t art Using the ScanSnap This chapter describes the necessary preparations for us ing the ScanSnap. 1.1 Checking the Contents of the Sca nSnap Package .................... ..............
2 1.1 Checking the Contents of the ScanSnap Package When you unpack the Scan Snap package, find the packaging list first, and then make sure that the ScanSnap and all items in th e packaging list are present. If anything is missing o r damaged, contact the store where you purchased the product.
1.2 Names and Functions of Components ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 3 Before Y ou S tart Using the ScanSnap 1 1.2 Names and Functions of Components This section describes the names of parts and their functions. ■ Front view Paper chute Open the cover to use the ScanS nap.
4 ■ Rear view Adhesive label Reminds you that the supplied software has to be instal led first. After install- ing ScanSnap Manager onto your computer , remove this labe l to connect the ScanSnap to your computer . Power connec tor Security ca ble slot You can plug a commer ciall y available security cable into this slot (ant i-theft).
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 5 2 Chapter 2 Connecting ScanSnap This chapter describes how to connec t the ScanSnap to your computer. Install ScanSnap Manager on your co mput er before connecting the ScanSnap scanner. 2.1 Installing ScanSnap ..
6 2.1 Installing ScanSnap "Installation" is the operation to copy the supplie d program fil e or ScanSnap Manager to the hard disk of your co mputer and create the enviro nment for using the ScanSnap on the computer. ■ Before installing th e supplied programs 1.
2.1 Installing ScanSnap ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 7 Connecting ScanSnap 2 ■ Free disk space • ScanSnap Manager 150 MB • Cardiris 100 MB 2. Make sure that the ScanSnap is not connected to your computer yet. 3. Start up your computer. Login as a user with Administrator rights.
8 ■ Installing ScanSnap Manager Follow the procedure below to install ScanSnap Manager. Operation 1. Insert the "ScanSnap Setup CD-ROM" into the CD-ROM drive. ⇒ The "ScanSnap" window appears. 2. Double-click the ScanSnap Manager icon .
2.1 Installing ScanSnap ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 9 Connecting ScanSnap 2 (2) With Mac OS X v10.3, v10.4, or v10.5 ⇒ The "This Installer package need s to run a program to determine if it can be installed. Do you want to continue?" window appears.
10 3. In the "Welcome to the ScanSn ap Manager Installer" window, click the [Co ntinue] but- ton. ⇒ The "Important Information" window appears. When you have finished reading, click the [Continu e] button. ⇒ The "Software License Agreement" window appears .
2.1 Installing ScanSnap ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 11 Connecting ScanSnap 2 4. Check the contents of the "Softwar e Li cense Agreement," and click the [Continue] button. When you have finished reading, click the [Continu e] button.
12 5. In the "Select a Destination" window, specify th e installation directory, and click the [Continue] button. Select the volume to install the so ftware, and click the [Continue] button. ⇒ The "Easy Install on <selected destination name> " window appears.
2.1 Installing ScanSnap ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 13 Connecting ScanSnap 2 ⇒ The "Startup item regi stration" window appe ars before the installation is complete. ⇒ Clicking the [OK] button in the "Startup it em registration" window closes the win dow.
14 7. In the "The software was successfully in stalled" window, click the [Close] butt on. ⇒ ScanSnap Manager starts and the ScanSnap Manager icon appears in the Dock menu. HINT The statu s of the Scan Snap Mana ger icon change fro m to after connecting the ScanSnap to your co mputer.
2.2 Connecting the ScanS nap to Your Computer ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 15 Connecting ScanSnap 2 2.2 Connecting the ScanSnap to Your Computer When the installation of the above programs is co mplete, connect the Sc anSn ap to yo ur computer.
16 When connecting with the power cable: Use the power cable and USB cable . Operation 1. Connect the power cable. Remove the adhesi ve label covering the USB and powe r connectors. Connect to the ScanSnap’s po wer connector and an outlet. 2. Connect the USB cable.
2.2 Connecting the ScanS nap to Your Computer ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 17 Connecting ScanSnap 2 When connecting with the USB bus power cable: Use the USB bus power cable and USB cable . Operation 1. Connect the USB bus power cable. Remove the adhesi ve label covering the USB and powe r connectors.
18 ■ Turning the ScanSn ap ON Follow the procedure below to turn the ScanSnap ON. Operation 1. Open the paper chute of the ScanSnap. ATTE N TIO N • Be sure to use the supplied USB bus power cable. • Be sure to use the supplied USB cable. The operation with any commercia lly available USB cable is not guaranteed.
2.2 Connecting the ScanS nap to Your Computer ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 19 Connecting ScanSnap 2 2. The ScanSnap is turned ON. ⇒ The power indicator starts blinking, and be comes solid. Then, the ScanSnap is recog- nized as new hardwa re by your computer .
3 ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 21 Chapter 3 Using the ScanSnap This chapter describes the basi c operations of the ScanSnap. 3.1 Flow of Operations ....................................... ........................................... ...........
22 3.1 Flow of Operations This section describes the flow of o perations from scanning documents with the ScanSnap to sav- ing scanned images to PDF files.
3.1 Flow of Operations ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 23 Using the ScanSnap 3 Use either way according to your preferences. HINT You can switch between the above two mode s by marking and unmarking [Use Quick Menu] in the ScanSnap Man ager Menu, which pops up when clicking and holding the ScanSnap Ma nager icon on the Dock menu.
24 1. Select an action you want to perform in the ScanSnap Quick Menu after scanning. (Quick Menu Mo de) (1) Press the [SCAN] button to scan the document. (2) The ScanSnap Quick Menu a ppears after scanning. (3) Select a desi rable actio n in the Scan Snap Quick Menu.
3.1 Flow of Operations ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 25 Using the ScanSnap 3 2. Select an application or a profile before scanni ng. (Profile Mode) The following gives you detailed descriptions of a series of operations.
26 ■ Preparation Operation 1. Make sure that the powe r cable or U SB bus power cable is connected to the ScanSnap. 2. Make sure that the ScanSnap is correctly connected to your compu ter. 3. Turn on your computer. ⇒ The ScanSnap Manager ic on appears in th e Dock menu when Mac OS starts running.
3.1 Flow of Operations ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 27 Using the ScanSnap 3 HINT Depending on the performa nce of the co mputer a nd the load on it, it may take time fo r the ScanSn ap Manage r icon on the Dock menu to be come the ready status.
28 ■ Scanning documents in Quick Menu Mode Operation 1. Make sure that the ScanSnap Manager icon is displayed in th e Dock menu. Click and hold the ScanSnap Manager icon, and check the scanning metho d.
3.1 Flow of Operations ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 29 Using the ScanSnap 3 Operation 2. Load the document onto the ScanSnap. 3. Press the [SCAN] button on the ScanSnap. ⇒ This starts the scanning. ⇒ The power indicator on the ScanSn ap blinks white dur ing scanning.
30 Operation 4. Select an action you want to perform in t he Action List on the left side of the ScanSnap Quick Menu. Action List Action Description Scan to Folder PDF files are created from the scanned images and saved in a specified folder (shared folder).
3.1 Flow of Operations ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 31 Using the ScanSnap 3 ⇒ An application co rresponding to th e selected action starts up to perform the selected action. For details about information such as the scanning settings, file name and destination folder to save data, refer to "4.
32 HINT • By default, document s are scanned using the settings below . Image quality: Normal Color mode: Auto Color Detection • Before scanning document s of printed or handwritten text, mark the "Settin g for text only document" checkbox.
3.1 Flow of Operations ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 33 Using the ScanSnap 3 ■ Scanning document s in Profile Mode Operation 1. Check for the ScanSnap Manager icon on the Dock menu as shown below. 2. Unmark [Use Quick Menu] in th e menu th at pops up when clicking and holding the ScanSnap Manager icon.
34 3. Select [Select a Profile] in the me nu which pops up when clicking and holding t he ScanSnap Manager icon or click the ScanSnap Manager icon , and specify a profile to use for scanning. Operation 4. Load the document onto the ScanSnap. 5. Press the [SCAN] button on the ScanSnap.
3.1 Flow of Operations ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 35 Using the ScanSnap 3 ⇒ The power indicator on the ScanSnap b links white dur ing the scanning operation. The following window appear s to indicate the scanning status. ⇒ The supplied application (such as Preview) becomes active, and you can view the scanned images.
36 HINT • By default, document s are scanned using the settings below . Image quality: Normal Color mode: Auto Color Detection • Before scanning document s of printed or handwritten text, mark the "Settin g for text only document" checkbox.
3.1 Flow of Operations ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 37 Using the ScanSnap 3 ■ Turning the ScanSn ap ON/OFF You can turn on/off the Scan Snap by doing either of the following: • Turn on/off your computer. • Open/close the paper ch ute of the ScanSnap.
38 ■ Finishing ScanSn ap operation Exiting "S canSnap Manager " Operation Click and hold the mouse button on the ScanSnap Manager icon in the Dock menu, and select "Quit" from the menu. Disconnecting the ScanSnap Operation 1. Close the paper chute to turn off the ScanSnap.
3.2 Paper Sizes of Do cuments to be Scanned ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 39 Using the ScanSnap 3 3.2 Paper Sizes of Documents to be Scanned The table below shows the types of documents that you ca n scan with the ScanSnap.
40 HINT Do not scan the following types of docu ments: • Document s with paper clip s and/or stapler s (Remove clips and st aplers to scan these document s .) • Document s before ink dries ( Scan docu ment s afte r the ink dr ies) • Document s larger than Leg al (wid th: 8.
3.3 Loading Documents ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 41 Using the ScanSnap 3 3.3 Loading Documents This section describes how to load documents onto the ScanSnap. ■ How to load documents 1. Align the edges of the document. Align the edges of the document as follows: 1) Straighten the edges of the docu ment.
42 3. Adjust the side guides to the document width. Move the side guides so that there is no gap between the document edge and side guide on both sides.Doing so can eliminate ske wing of the documen t during scanning. Whe n moving the side guides, hold the part with raise d dots on each side.
4 ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 43 Chapter 4 Setting the ScanSnap This chapter describes the basic settings of the ScanSnap. 4.1 About the ScanSnap Icon ....................................... .......................................... ... 44 4.
44 4.1 About the ScanSnap Icon All functional properties on the ScanSn ap are managed by ScanSnap Manager. Ordinarily, the ScanSnap M anager icon is added to the Dock menu. Clicking and holding down this icon shows the following menu. Yo u can start scanning, change settings, and check the status of consumables from this menu.
4.1 About the ScanSnap Icon ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 45 Setting the ScanSnap 4 ■ ScanSnap Manager Menu This menu appears when clickin g and holding down the ScanSnap Manager icon . In this menu, you can perform the following: Item Function Duplex scan Both the front and ba ck sides of the document are scanned at the same time.
46 ■ "Select a Profile" window This window appears when [Select a Profile] is selected in the ScanSnap Manager Menu, or when clicking the ScanSnap Manag er icon .
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 47 Setting the ScanSnap 4 4.2 Changing Scanning Settings All the settings on ScanSnap are co nfigured with "ScanS nap Manager." The ScanSnap Manager icon is added to the Dock menu.
48 2. Change the scan settings in each ta b in the "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save Settings" window. The following settings can be changed: • The application that starts automatic ally a.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 49 Setting the ScanSnap 4 <Setting Items> Each setting item is described below.
50 The [Select a Profile] pop-up menu has the following items. • Add Profile New profiles can be added to suit your needs or preferences by selecting this ite m. For details on how to add a profile, refer to "Adding profiles" (page. 71) . • Profile Management Selecting this item displays the "Profile Management" window.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 51 Setting the ScanSnap 4 [Application] tab ■ Application Specify the application to interact wit h th e ScanSnap. The specified application starts running after the document is scanned with the ScanSnap.
52 ■ [Application Settings] button This button on ly appears when an available application such as [S can to E-mail] or [Scan to Print] is selected in the [Application] pop-up menu . With this button, you can change the settings of th e selected application.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 53 Setting the ScanSnap 4 2) Configure each item in this window. • Click the [Browse] button, and select the alia s file or the executable file (.app) of the application you want to add.
54 <To remove an application> 1) Select the application you want to remo v e in the "Add or remove appl ication" window, and then click the [Remove] bu tton. ⇒ The confirmation window app ears. 2) Click the [Yes] button. ⇒ The "Add or remo ve application" window appears.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 55 Setting the ScanSnap 4 [Save] tab ■ Image saving folder: Specify the folder to save the scanned images. When you click the [Browse] bu tton, the "Browse for Folder" wind ow is displayed.
56 ■ [File name format] button Set the filename format used fo r files to save the scanned images. When you click the [File name format] button, the following window appears. One of three settings can be specified. • "yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss" The date and time are used as the file name when saving a scanned image to a file.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 57 Setting the ScanSnap 4 Clicking the [OK] button enables the settings. (An example of the file name that you set is displayed under the [File name format] button.
58 [Scanning] tab ■ Image quality: Specify whether to scan document s quickly or at higher quality. Select one of the following modes: • Normal (Fastest) Select this mode when you wish to scan documents quickly. • Better (Faster) Select this mode when you wish to scan documents at a high quality.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 59 Setting the ScanSnap 4 ■ Color mode: Specify whether to scan docu ments in color mode or in black-and-white mode.
60 ■ Scanning side: Specify whether to scan in "Duplex Scan" or "Simplex Scan" mode when the [SCAN] button on the ScanSnap is pressed. By clicking , select either of the above modes. ■ Continue scanning after current scan is fin ished: If the checkbox is marked, the follo wing message appears after scanning.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 61 Setting the ScanSnap 4 • "Setting for text only document" checkb ox Mark or unmark the ch eckbox according to the type of y our document as d escribed below. • Mark this checkbox when scanning document s containing on ly printed or hand - written text.
62 • "Allow automatic image rotation" checkbox When this checkbox is mark ed, pages scanned upsid e down or in the wrong orientation are rotated and output in the right orientation. This function is available for documents in English, French , German, Italian, or Span- ish.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 63 Setting the ScanSnap 4 [File option] tab ■ File format: Specify the file format of the scanned image. Click to select the file format. You can select either of the following file formats: • PDF (*.
64 ■ [Option] button This function is used for configuring deta iled settings of PDF files. This button is enabled when "PDF(*.pdf)" is selected from the [File format] pop-up menu.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 65 Setting the ScanSnap 4 [Paper size] tab ■ Paper size: Specify the paper size of the do cume nt to be loaded ont o the ScanSnap. Click to select the size. The following paper sizes (Width x Length) can be selected.
66 ■ [Custom] button Clicking this button displays the "Add or Remove Cu stom sizes" window. In this win- dow, you can add, remove, or change custom document size settings selectable from the [Paper size] pop- up menu. <When adding a custom document size> 1) Click the [Add] bu tton.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 67 Setting the ScanSnap 4 <When deleting a custom document size> 1) In the "Add or Remov e Custom sizes" window, select the document size you want to delete and click the [Remove] button.
68 [Compression] tab ■ Compression rate: Change the compression rate and adjust the file size of the scanned image. The compression rate is ch anged by moving the slider. The higher the compression rate is , the smaller the file size is. ATTE N TIO N As the compression rat e increases, the quality of scanne d images decreases.
4.2 Changing Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 69 Setting the ScanSnap 4 HINT Image data size The following table shows rough estimates of generated image sizes when a single-sided color document is scanned, in respec tive modes by the ScanSnap.
70 4.3 Saving Scanning Settings You can define up to 12 sets of preferences called "profiles" for scanning in Profile Mode. You can retrieve and use saved profiles by selec ting [Select a Profile] in the ScanSnap Mana ger Menu.
4.3 Saving Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 71 Setting the ScanSnap 4 ■ Adding profiles Operation 1. Click and hold the ScanSnap Manager icon , and make sure that [Use Quick Menu] is unchecked. ⇒ When you uncheck [Use Quick Menu], the ScanSnap Manager Menu above disappears once.
72 3. Select "Add Profile" in the [Select a Profile] pop-up menu. ⇒ The "Add new profile" wi ndow appears. 4. Type in a profile name, and then click the [ OK] button. ⇒ The new profile appears in the [Select a Profile] pop-up menu.
4.3 Saving Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 73 Setting the ScanSnap 4 6. Click the [Apply] button. ⇒ Now, you have fin ished adding a new profile. HINT • Y ou can add up to 12 profiles, including the [S tandar d] profile. (The [S tandard] profile ca nnot be deleted.
74 ■ Scanning with an added profile Operation 1. Select [Select a Profile] in the Scan Snap Manager Menu, or click t he ScanSnap Manager icon . ⇒ The "Select a Profile" window appears. (Icons of applications that start up after scanning appear on the left of each profile.
4.3 Saving Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 75 Setting the ScanSnap 4 ■ Changing settings for profiles Operation 1. Click and hold the ScanSnap Manager icon , and then select [Settings]. ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save Settings" window appears.
76 3. Change settings for the selected profile. 4. When you finish changing the settings for the selected profile, click th e [Apply] button. For detailed information on how to configure scanning settings for profiles, refer to "4.2 Changing Scann ing Settings" (page 47) .
4.3 Saving Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 77 Setting the ScanSnap 4 ■ Renaming profiles Operation 1. Click and hold the ScanSnap Manager icon , and then select [Settings]. ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save Settings" window appears.
78 3. Select a profile name which is to be renamed, and click the [Rename] button. HINT You can also invoke th e "Profile Manag ement" window by selecti ng [Profile Management] in the menu which pops up when clicking and holding the ScanSnap Manager icon .
4.3 Saving Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 79 Setting the ScanSnap 4 4. In the "Rename" window, type in a n ew name. 5. Click the [OK] button. ⇒ The selected profile is renamed. 6. Click the close button in the u pper left corner of the window.
80 ■ Deleting profiles Operation 1. Click and hold the ScanSnap Manager icon , and then select [Settings]. ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Sav e Settings" window appears. 2. Select "Profile Management" in the [Select a Profile] pop-up menu.
4.3 Saving Scanning Settings ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 81 Setting the ScanSnap 4 3. Select a profile name from the list, and then click the [Delete] button. 4. Click the close button in the u pper left corner of the window. ⇒ The "Profile Management" window is closed.
82 4.4 Using the ScanSnap Quick Menu When the ScanSnap is in Quic k Menu Mode, the ScanSnap Quick Menu pops u p upon scanning with a [SCAN] button press. In this menu, you can select an action as follows: Action List You can select an action you want to perform with scanned images.
4.4 Using the Sc anSnap Quick Menu ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 83 Setting the ScanSnap 4 Description of the selected action An illustrated description of each action. The [Settings] button is displayed when there ar e required settings to be configured f or the selected action.
84 [ ] button in the upper left corner of the window The action is canc eled. When this button is clicked, the following window appears. [Yes] button: Scanned images are de leted and the ac tion is canceled.
5 ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 85 Chapter 5 About Actions This chapter describes about actions in the Action List. 5.1 About Actions in the Action List ................................................. ........................ 86 5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder .
86 5.1 About Actions in the Action List The ScanSnap has frequen tly-used functions at the ready in the Action List to help you make efficient use of your time at your office. Actions in the Action List are helpful when: • you want to share document files scanne d with the ScanSnap with other members.
5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 87 About Actions 5 5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder This section describes how to save image files scan ned with the ScanSnap in a shared folder.
88 ■ Quick Menu Mode operation Operation 1. Load the document onto the ScanSnap. 2. Press the [SCAN] button . ⇒ Scanning is started. ⇒ When scanning is complete, the ScanSnap Quick Menu appears. For details, refer to "3.2 Paper Size s of Documents to be Scanned" (page 39) and "3.
5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 89 About Actions 5 Operation 3. Place the mouse cursor on [Scan to Folder]. ⇒ A description of the [Scan to Folder] action is displayed. 4. Click [Scan to Folder ] in the Action List.
90 Preview Window The image of the selected file is displayed. You can use the following navigation controls for paging through d ocuments: : To go to th e first page/file , click th is First Page button . : To go to the previous page/file, click this Previous Page button.
5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 91 About Actions 5 Specify file name The name of a selected file, and the number and combined size of files are displayed under "Specify file name." You can change file names an d select a file to display.
92 [OK] button Clicking this confirms your prefer ences selected in this window . [Cancel] button Clicking this button cancels your preferences and returns you to the preview window. [Name history] button File names you have specified before are displayed in the "Name history" list.
5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 93 About Actions 5 [Browse] button Clicking this button displays the "Sel ect folder to Save" window. Specify a destination folder in the window. [History] button When this button is clicked, a list of folder names are displayed.
94 name folders using up to 1 50 alphanumer ic characters. Note that the full path name, including a file name, mu st be 220 alphanumeric characters or less and characters prohibited in the operating system cannot be used. [Browse] button Clicking this button displays the "Sel ect folder to Save" window.
5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 95 About Actions 5 Remember the password in the keychain The password specified above is saved.
96 ■ Profile Mode operation Operation 1. Select [Settings] in the ScanSnap Manager Menu, which pops up when clicking and holding the ScanSnap Manager icon . ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save Settings" window appears. 2. In the [Application] pop-up menu on the [A p plication] tab, select [Scan to Folder].
5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 97 About Actions 5 4. Click the close button in the upper left corn er of the window. ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan an d Save Settings" window closes. Operation 5.
98 Preview Window The image of the selected file is displayed. You can use the following navigation controls for paging through d ocuments: : To go to th e first page/file , click th is First Page button . : To go to the previous page/file, click this Previous Page button.
5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 99 About Actions 5 Specify file name The name of a selected file, and the number and combined size of files are displayed under "Specify file name." You can change file names an d select a file to display.
100 [OK] button Clicking this confirms your prefer ences selected in this window . [Cancel] button Clicking this button cancels your preferences and returns you to the preview window. [Name history] button File names you have specified before are displayed in the "Name history" list.
5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 101 About Actions 5 [Browse] button Clicking this button displays the "Sel ect folder to Save" window. Specify a destination folder in the window. [History] button When this button is clicked, a list of folder names are displayed.
102 name folders using up to 1 50 alphanumer ic characters. Note that the full path name, including a file name, mu st be 220 alphanumeric characters or less and characters prohibited in the operating system cannot be used. [Browse] button Clicking this button displays the "Sel ect folder to Save" window.
5.2 Saving Data in the Specified Folder ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 103 About Actions 5 Remember the password in the keychain The password specified above is saved.
104 5.3 Sending Files by E-mail This section describes how to send documen ts scanned with the ScanSnap by e-mail. When you scan do cuments w ith the ScanSnap, image files are creat ed and attached to a e-mail with e-mail software starting. ATTE N TIO N The e-mail software used are the ap plications specified in the following; • For Mac OS X v10.
5.3 Sending Files by E-mail ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 105 About Actions 5 ■ Quick Menu Mode operation Operation 1. Load the document onto the ScanSnap. 2. Press the [SCAN] button . ⇒ Scanning is started. ⇒ When scanning is complete, the ScanSnap Quick Menu appears.
106 Operation 3. Place the mouse cursor on [Scan to E-mail]. ⇒ A description of the [Scan to E-mail] action is displayed. 4. When you want to change settings for the [Scan to E-mail] a ction, place the mouse cursor on the ( ) mark, and then click the [Settings] button .
5.3 Sending Files by E-mail ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 107 About Actions 5 5. Click the [OK] button to close the "Sca n to E-mail - Options" window. 6. Click [Scan to E-mail ] in the Action List. ⇒ A preview window appears. (You can change settings not to display a preview window.
108 Preview Window The image of the selected file is displayed. You can use the following navigation controls for paging through d ocuments: : To go to th e first page/file , click th is First Page button . : To go to the previous page/file, click this Previous Page button.
5.3 Sending Files by E-mail ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 109 About Actions 5 Specify file name The name of a selected file, and the number and combined size of files are displayed under "Specify file name." You can change file names an d select a file to display.
110 "Serial number" pop-up menu You can specify the number of digits from one to six in the "Serial number" pop-up men u. Up to 100 characters (alphanu meric), includ- ing a serial number, can be used for a file name. Example An example file name accordin g to the configured setti ngs is shown.
5.3 Sending Files by E-mail ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 111 About Actions 5 [Cancel] button In Quick Menu Mode, clicking this button cancels all changes made in this win- dow and returns you to the previous window (the ScanSnap Quick Menu). [ ] button Thumbnail view is extracted or retracted each time this button is pressed.
112 ■ Profile Mode operation Operation 1. Select [Settings] in the ScanSnap Manager Menu, which pops up when clicking and holding the ScanSnap Manager icon . ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save Settings" window appears. 2. In the [Application] pop-up menu on the [A p plication] tab, select [Scan to E-mail].
5.3 Sending Files by E-mail ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 113 About Actions 5 3. When you want to change settings for th e [Scan to E-mail] a ction, click the [Application Settings] button, and then change settings. (If you want to use de fault settings, go to Step 5 .
114 4. Click the [OK] button. ⇒ The "Scan to E-mail - Options" window is closed. 5. Click the [Apply] button. 6. Click the close button in the u pper left corner of the window. ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan an d Save Settings" window closes.
5.3 Sending Files by E-mail ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 115 About Actions 5 Preview Window The image of the selected file is displayed. You can use the following navigation controls for paging through d ocuments: : To go to th e first page/file , click th is First Page button .
116 Specify file name The name of a selected file, and the number and combined size of files are displayed under "Specify file name." You can change file names an d select a file to display. File List The currently selected file name is displayed.
5.3 Sending Files by E-mail ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 117 About Actions 5 Example An example file name accordin g to the configured setti ngs is shown. The file name is a name specified in the "File name" field, which is followed by "_" and a serial number.
118 [Cancel] button In Profile Mode, clicking this button displays a message that confirms whether or not to delete the image da ta of scanned documents. [ ] button Thumbnail view is extracted or retracted each time this button is pressed. [ ] button You can view Help topics related to the preview window.
5.4 Using the ScanSnap as a Copy Machine ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 119 About Actions 5 5.4 Using the ScanSnap as a Copy Machine This section describes how to print scanned image files with a printer. By printing scanned images dire ctly from the ScanSnap, you can use the ScanSnap as a copy machine.
120 ■ Quick Menu Mode operation Operation 1. Load the document onto the ScanSnap. 2. Press the [SCAN] button . ⇒ Scanning is started. ⇒ When scanning is complete, the ScanSnap Quick Menu appears. For details, refer to "3.2 Paper Sizes of Documents to be Scanned" (page 39) and "3.
5.4 Using the ScanSnap as a Copy Machine ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 121 About Actions 5 Operation 3. Place the mouse cursor on [Scan to Print].
122 6. Click [Scan to Print] in the Action List. ⇒ The "Scan to Print" window appears. 7. Change settings for printing. [Printer] pop-up menu The currently selected printer is di splayed. Select a printer to use. [Presets] pop-up menu You can specify the printing options set.
5.4 Using the ScanSnap as a Copy Machine ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 123 About Actions 5 The following items can be sp ecified for "Copies & Pages." Copies You can specify the nu mber of copies you want to p rint. Select a number between 1 and 99.
124 [ ] button You can view Help topics related to the "Scan to Print" window. 8. Click the [Print] button. ⇒ Printing is executed . ATTE N TIO N • When the "Scan to Print" window is di splayed, the ScanSnap does not work even if you press the [SCAN] butt on.
5.4 Using the ScanSnap as a Copy Machine ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 125 About Actions 5 ■ Profile Mode operation Operation 1. Select [Settings] in the ScanSnap Manager Menu, which pops up when clicking and holding the ScanSnap Manager icon .
126 3. When you want to change settings for the [S can to Print] action, click the [Application Settings] button, and then change settings. (When you do not want to change settings, go to Step 5 .
5.4 Using the ScanSnap as a Copy Machine ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 127 About Actions 5 Operation 7. Load the document onto the ScanSnap. 8. Press the [SCAN] button . ⇒ Scanning is started. ⇒ When scanning is complete, the "Scan to Print" window appears.
128 The following items can be sp ecified for "Copies & Pages." Copies You can specify the nu mber of copies you want to p rint. Select a number between 1 and 99. "Collated" checkbox Check when the docume nt will be collated. "All/From" radio button Specify where to print all or part of the scanned document.
5.4 Using the ScanSnap as a Copy Machine ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 129 About Actions 5 [ ] button You can view Help topics related to the "Scan to Print" window.
130 5.5 Sending Data to iPhoto This section describes how to stor e the scanned data in iPhoto. ABCDEFG ABCDEFG 1234567890 1234567890 ABCDEFG ABCDEFG 1234567890 1234567890.
5.5 Sending Data to iPhoto ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 131 About Actions 5 ■ Quick Menu Mode operation Operation 1. Load the document onto the ScanSnap. 2. Press the [SCAN] button . ⇒ Scanning is started. ⇒ When scanning is complete, the ScanSnap Quick Menu appears.
132 4. Click [iPhoto] in the Action List. ⇒ The "iPhoto" window appears. 5. Verify a scanned image in the window. ATTE N TIO N • If the ScanSnap Quick Menu is displaye d, the ScanSnap w ill not work. Close the ScanSnap Quick Menu be fore scanning another document.
5.5 Sending Data to iPhoto ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 133 About Actions 5 ■ Profile Mode operation Operation 1. Select [Settings] in the ScanSnap Manager Menu, which pops up when clicking and holding the ScanSnap Manager icon . ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save Settings" window appears.
134 4. Click the close button in the upper left corn er of the window. ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save Settings" window is closed. Operation 5. Load the document onto the ScanSnap and press the [SCAN] butto n . ⇒ Scanning is started.
6 ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 135 Chapter 6 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays This chapter describes a va riety of ways you ca n use the ScanSnap. 6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager .................................................................
136 6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager In order for you to use the ScanSnap immediatel y after opening the package, factory default set- tings are optimized. All you need to do is press the [SCAN] button to scan documents. In addition, you can manually config ure the settings for specific scanning.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 137 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 Default Settings of ScanSnap Ma nager <Profile Mode> Scan and Save Se ttings Default Ap.
138 ■ Scanning only one side of a document Pressing th e [SCAN] butto n on the Scan Snap star ts scanning documents in "Duplex Scan" mode by default. If you want to change the [SCAN] button setting to "Simplex Scan" mode, follow the procedure below.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 139 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 4. Click the close button in the upper left corner of th e window to close the wind ow. ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save S ettings" window is closed.
140 ■ Scanning color document in black and white By default, the ScanSnap auto matically recognizes whether a document is black-a nd-white or color. Color documents are output as color image data, and black-a nd-white documents are output as monochrome image data.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 141 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 Operation 5. Load the document onto the ScanSnap.
142 ■ Skipping blank pages The ScanSnap is able to remo ve blank pages automatically. Wh en documents in which double- sided and single-sided pages are mixed are scanned in "Duplex Scan" mode, the backside of single- sided (blank) pages are automatically re moved, an d the image data of only necessary pages is gen- erated.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 143 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 3. Mark the "Allow automatic b lank page removal" checkbox. 4. Click the [OK] button. 5. Click the [Apply] button in the "ScanSnap Manager -Scan a nd Save Settings" window.
144 ■ Correcting skewed documents The ScanSnap is able to automatically correct document skew . To change the setting, follow the procedure below. Operation 1. Click and hold the mouse button on the Sca nSnap Manager icon , and select "Settings" from the displayed menu.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 145 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 3. Mark the "Correct skewed character strings automatically" checkbox. 4. Click the [OK] button. 5. Click the [Apply] button in the "ScanSnap Manager -Scan a nd Save Settings" window.
146 ■ Correcting the orientat ion of scanned image When there are page s of different orientatio ns in a scanned document, the ScanSnap is able to automatically rotate the orienta tion (view direction) of the scan ned images. For example, it often happens that some pages are portrait (text) and some are landscape (tables) in a document.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 147 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 3. Mark the "Allow automatic image rotation" checkbox. 4. Click the [OK] button. 5. Click the [Apply] button in the "ScanSnap Manager -Scan a nd Save Settings" window.
148 ■ Scanning documents of differen t widths or sizes at a time By marking the "Scan mixed paper size" checkbox , you can scan documents of different widths or sizes in one batch. To scan documents of various sizes, do the following. Operation 1.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 149 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 5. Click the close button in the u pper left corner of the window to close the window. ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save S ettings" window is closed.
150 7. Load the documents onto the paper chu te. ATTE N TIO N • Place all documents cente ring them under the pick roller . (Document s that are not under the pick roller cann ot be fed.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 151 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 8. Press the [SCAN] button . ⇒ The size of all images output conf orms to the respective documents. ATTE N TIO N If the document was skewed during sca nning, the output imag e size may be different from the original document size.
152 ■ Rotating the page view of a PDF file Even after scanning a document and saving it as a PDF file, you can change the view direction of this PDF file with Preview. When you want chan ge the orientation of any othe r pages, follow the proced ure below.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 153 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 3. You see the view direction is changed. HINT For details on this functi on, refer to Preview Help. ATTE N TIO N A page view can be r otated per p age with Ma c OS X v10.
154 ■ Saving scanned images in multiple files The ScanSnap can save scanned images to multip le PDF files, each of which contains a preset number of pages. For example, you can scan a batch of filled forms and create a sepa rate file for each. To change the setting, follow the procedure below.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 155 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 3. In the "PDF file format option" window, select "Generate one PDF file per x page(s)" and a number. Every PDF file created contains the specified number of pages.
156 ■ Continuing/stopping scanning after an error If an error such as the paper jam occurs while you scan a document containin g more than one pages, you will see the following message. You can continue or stop scanning using the following procedure.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 157 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 2. Click the [Yes] button to delete the data of pages scanned before the error occur- rence, or click the [No] button to save the data. (*Click the [Cancel] button to return to the previous window.
158 ■ Scanning business cards using Cardiris This section describes how to scan business cards using Cardiris. <Preparation> Operation 1. Unmark [Use Quick Menu] in th e menu that pops up while clicking and holding the ScanSnap Manager icon . 2.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 159 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 4. Click the [Apply] button. 5. Click the close button in the u pper left corner of the window to close the window. ⇒ The "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save S ettings" window is closed.
160 2. Check the image data of the sca nned business cards in the Ca rdiris window. The images of each business card are displayed on the righ t. A list of already scanned business cards is displayed on the left. Under the image, the recogni zed characters are displayed.
6.1 Using ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 161 Using the ScanSnap in V arious W ays 6 5. On the "Format:" pop-up menu, select "Address Book." 6. Click the [OK] button. 7. Click the [Send] button or select [Process] - [Send] on the menu bar.
7 ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 163 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting This chapter describes how to remove ja mmed documents and resolve other problems. 7.1 Clearing Document Jams .......................................................................
164 7.1 Clearing Document Jams Cautions in clearing a paper jam are as follows: CAUTION • Do not pull out the jammed paper by force. Be sure to open the ADF befor e removing the jammed document . • Do not touch sharp objects inside the ScanSnap when removi ng jammed paper or you might be injured.
7.1 Clearing Document Jams ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 165 T roubleshooting 7 3. Remove the jammed paper. 4. Close the ADF. ⇒ You should hear the ADF click when it returns to its or iginal position. ATTE N TIO N Make sure that the ADF is firm ly closed.
166 7.2 Troubleshooting Checklist This section describes common pro blems that may occur during the use of the ScanSnap and how to solve them. Check the items as described in the following table before requesting repair service.
7.2 Troubleshooting Checklist ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 167 T roubleshooting 7 Scanning does not start. Is ScanSnap Mana ger for the ScanSnap S300M installed in your computer? Install ScanSnap Manager fo r the ScanSnap S300M. (Ref er to "2.
168 Moire (striped pattern) stands out in the scanned image. Did you change (improve) the image quality (explained on page 58 ) ? If moire (striped patte rn, etc.) is noticeable, improve the image quality and re try scanning (For image quality selection, refer to pa ge 58 ).
7.2 Troubleshooting Checklist ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 169 T roubleshooting 7 Multi-feeds (*2) occur frequently. Is the Pad ASSY dirty? Clean the pa d following the instructions in "8.2 Cleaning the Inside of t he ScanSnap" ( page 175) .
170 Scanned images are skewed (when "Cor- rect skewed character strings automatically" is enabled). Are the document skewed +/-5 degrees or more while it is fed into the ADF? This deskew function can correct a skew of less than +/-5 degrees.
7.2 Troubleshooting Checklist ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 171 T roubleshooting 7 The scanned image is chipped/Slant lines are produced on the scanned image/The output image is wider than the origina l.
172 (*1): To confirm whether th e ScanSnap is connec ted with USB1.1 o r USB2.0, click and hold the mouse button on the ScanSnap Mana ger icon , select [Help ] - [About Sc anSnap M an- ager], then click [D etail] butto n on "ScanSn a p Manager - Version Infor mation" window.
8 ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 173 Chapter 8 Daily Care This chapter describes ho w to clean the ScanSnap. WARNING • Before you clean the ScanSnap, un plug the power cable from the power outle t, or the USB bus power cable from the comp uter to prevent from fire or electric shock.
174 8.1 Cleaning the ScanSnap Exterior Note 1: To purchase cleaning materials, contac t the FUJITSU scanner dealer where you purchased the ScanSnap. Note 2: Pre-moistened with Cleaner F1, Cleanin g Wipes are used instead of moistened cloths. Note 3: Any lint-free cloth can be used.
8.2 Cleaning the Insi de of the ScanSnap ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 175 Daily Care 8 8.2 Cleaning the Inside of the ScanSnap Clean the inside of the ScanSnap with a cloth moistened with Cleaner F1. After the ScanSnap has been in use for a period of time, its inside will be contaminated with paper debris and dust.
176 2. Clean the following locations with a cloth moistene d with Cleaner F1. Turn off the ScanSnap before cl eaning the following locations. • Pad ASSY (x 1) Remove the dirt on the rubber tabs by wi ping downward. When cleaning the Pad ASSY, take care to prevent the cloth fro m catching on to the metal parts.
8.2 Cleaning the Insi de of the ScanSnap ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 177 Daily Care 8 • Plastic rollers (x 4) Clean them lightly while rotating the rollers with your finger.
178 3. Close the ADF. ⇒ You should hear the ADF click when it returns to its original position. ATTE N TIO N When closing the ADF, make sure that it is complete ly closed.
9 ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 179 Chapter 9 Replacing Consumables This chapter describes how to replace consumables and non-durable components.
180 9.1 Replacing Consumables This section describes how to replace consumables. ■ Part Nos. and Replacemen t Cycles of Consumables The following tables list the part numbers of consumables a nd their suggested replacement cycles. The suggested replacement cycles are based on A4/Letter sized paper free of wo od fibers 64g/m 2 (17 lb).
9.1 Replacing Consumables ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 181 Replacing Consumables 9 HINT Use the following procedure to check the target valu es for replacement and usage information of consumables. 1. Click and hold the ScanSnap Man ager icon in the Dock menu.
182 9.2 Replacing the Pad ASSY Replace the Pad ASSY following the procedure below. Operation 1. Remove the document s on the paper chute. 2. Pull the cover open lever to open the ADF. 3. Remove the Pad ASSY. Pinch both ends o f the Pad ASSY and pull it ou t as shown below.
9.2 Replacing the Pad ASSY ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 183 Replacing Consumables 9 4. Attach the new Pad ASSY while pushing the pad plate down. 5. Make sure that the Pad ASSY is comp letely locked into the hooks on the ADF. 6. Close the ADF. ⇒ You should hear the ADF click when it returns to its original position.
184 7. Turn on the ScanSnap. Operation 8. Click and hold the ScanSnap Manager ic on o n the Dock menu, and select [Check consumable supplies] from the menu .
9.2 Replacing the Pad ASSY ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 185 Replacing Consumables 9 ⇒ When you click the [Yes] button, the counter is reset to "0.
186 9.3 Replacing the Pick Roller Replace the pick roller follo wing the procedure below. Operation 1. Remove the document s on the paper chute. 2. Open the ADF while pulling the cover open le ver. 3. Remove the sheet guide. Hold the pick-up tabs on the sheet guide between the thumb an d index fingers, and then pull up the sheet guide to remove.
9.3 Replacing the Pick Roller ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 187 Replacing Consumables 9 4. Rotate the pick roller bush ing (left). 5. Remove the pick roller with its shaft. Slightly pull up the left part of the pick ro ller shaft (about 5mm), move it towards the left side, and then raise it to remove from the ScanSnap.
188 6. Remove the pick roller from its shaft. Pull out the shaft from the pick r oller while lifting up its tab. 7. Attach a new pick roller to the shaft.
9.3 Replacing the Pick Roller ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 189 Replacing Consumables 9 8. Install the pick roller with its shaft to the ScanSnap. Insert the right end of the shaft to the roller bush ing (right), and set the shaft to the slot while lowering it.
190 10. Attach the sheet guide to the ScanSnap. Hold the pick-up tabs on the sheet guide be tween the thumb and inde x finger, and then attach the sheet guid e to the ScanSnap. ⇒ The sheet guide makes a clicking soun d when the knobs fix into position.
9.3 Replacing the Pick Roller ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 191 Replacing Consumables 9 12. Turn on the ScanSnap. Operation 13. Click a nd ho ld th e Sca nSnap Mana ger ico n on the Dock menu, and se lect [ Check consumable supplies] from the menu .
192 ⇒ When you click the [Yes] button, the counter is reset to "0.".
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 193 A Appendix A Uninstalling ScanSnap "Uninstallation" removes the ScanSn ap program files that were copi ed during the installation from the hard disk and restores the system environment to its original state.
194 11. Empty the Trash. ⇒ "ScanSnap Manager" is uninstalled. ■ To uninstall ScanSnap Manager in Mac OS X v 10.3/v10.4/v10.5 1. Start your computer.
B ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 195 Appendix B Quick Menu Mode / Profile Mode Setting items you can configure in the "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save Settings" window are different depending on which mode the ScanSnap is in. Switch between Quick Menu Mode ( page 28 ) an d Profile Mode ( page 33 ) as neces sary.
196 Scanning Color mode OK OK page 59 Auto Color Detection OK OK Color OK OK B&W OK OK Scanning side OK OK page 60 Continue scanning after curren t scan is finished OK OK Option OK OK page 60 Brig.
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 197 B Note 1: In Quick Menu Mode ( page 28 ), you can start associated app lications by selecting actions in the ScanSnap Quick Menu.
C ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 199 Appendix C Installation Specifications The following table summarizes the insta llation specifications of the ScanSnap. Item Specifications Dimensions (Note) Width Depth He ight Minimum (when paper chute is closed) 284 mm 11.
200 Note) Dimensions * The outer di mensions are reference valu es. 284 227 240.
ScanSnap S300M O perator's Guide 201 Contact the store where you purchased your Scan Snap or an authorized service provider for performing repairs on this prod uct.
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 203 Index A AC adapter connector ................ .................4 Action List ................ ............... 89, 107, 122 Actions in the Action List ............... ............86 ADF .........................
204 Flow of Operations ........................... ........22 I Image data size ............... .............. ..........69 Image saving folder ................... .......... .....55 Installation Specifications ........................199 Installing ScanSnap Manager .
ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide 205 Security cable slot .............. ............ ............4 Select a profile ............... ................ ..........49 Select application ........................... ..........51 Select color mode .......
z The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. z PFU LIMITED assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages arising from th e use of this manual, and any claims by a third party.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Fujitsu S300M è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Fujitsu S300M - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Fujitsu S300M imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Fujitsu S300M ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Fujitsu S300M, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Fujitsu S300M.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Fujitsu S300M. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Fujitsu S300M insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.