Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto M10-4 del fabbricante Fujitsu
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Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/ SP ARC M10-4/SP ARC M10-4S Ser vice Manual Manual Code: C120-E682 -06EN December 2013.
Copyright © 2007 , 2013, Fuji tsu Lim ited. All rig h ts reserved. Oracle and/ or its affiliates pr ovided technical inpu t and review on portions of this mate rial.
Contents Preface xxi Chapter 1 Before Starting Mai ntenance Wor k 1 1.1 Warning /Caut ion Indi cations 1 1.2 Warn ing Labels 2 1.3 Labels/ Tags 2 1.4 Safety Precau tions 5 1.5 Notes Regard ing Stati c Electricity 6 1.6 Other Precaut ions 7 1.7 Emergency Power Off 8 Chapter 2 Understa nding the Syste m Componen ts 11 2.
Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 33 3.1 Suspected Failure Cond itions 33 3.2 Determining t he Causes of In dividua l Failur es 33 3.3 Identifying a Failure 34 3.3.1 Checking t he LED in dications 35 3.3.2 Checking err or messag es 35 3.3.3 Checking the status of a compon ent 35 3.
6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System wi th the replac efru Command 69 6.2 Incorporating a Chassis into a Physica l Partition 71 6.3 Powering On the Phys ical Partiti on Requiring Mai ntenance 73 6.4 Starting the Entire Syst em 74 6.4.1 Starting the system wi th an XSCF command 75 6.
7.5.3 Installing t he CPU memory u nit lower 146 7.5.4 Restoring t he chassis 146 7.6 Restoring the System 147 7.6.1 Active/C old mainten ance 148 7.6.2 Inactive/Col d mainte nance 149 7.6.3 System-s topped maintenance 152 Chapter 8 Maintainin g the Memory 159 8.
Chapter 9 Maintaini ng the Cross bar Units 179 9.1 Configuration of the Crossbar Units 179 9.2 Before Maint aining a Cr ossbar U nit 180 9.2.1 Types of mainten ance 180 9.2.2 Maintenance f low 1 81 9.3 Enabling the Removal of a Crossbar Unit 181 9.3.1 Active/Cold m aintenance 182 9.
10.4 Removing a Power Supply Un it 198 10.4.1 Accessing a po wer supply uni t 199 10.4.2 Removing a power su pply unit 199 10.5 Installing a Powe r Supply Un it 20 0 10.5.1 Installing a powe r supply unit 200 10.5.2 Restoring the chass is 200 10.6 Restoring the System 200 10.
11.6.1 Ac tive/Hot maintenance 215 11.6.2 Ac tive/Cold maintenance 215 11.6.3 Inactive/ Hot maintenanc e 216 11.6.4 Inac tive/Cold maintenance 216 11.6.5 Syste m-stopped mai ntenance 21 7 Chapter 12 Maintaining the Inte rnal Disks 219 12.1 Configuration of the Internal Disks 219 12.
Chapter 13 Maintaini ng the PCI Exp ress Cards 239 13.1 Configuration of the PCI Express Cards 239 13.2 Before Maintaining a PCI Express Card 241 13.2.1 Types of maint enance 241 13.2.2 Maintenance flow 241 13.2.3 Precautions for re placement 242 13.2.
14.2.2 Maintenance f low 267 14.3 Enabling the Removal of the PSU Backplane Unit 267 14.3.1 Ac tive/Cold maintenance 268 14.3.2 Inac tive/Cold maintenance 269 14.3.3 Syste m-stopped mai ntenance 26 9 14.4 Removing the PSU Backplane Unit 270 14.4.1 Accessing the PS U backpla ne unit 271 14.
15.6 Restoring the System 292 15.6.1 Active/Cold maint enance 292 15.6.2 Inactive/Co ld maintenance 293 15.6.3 System -stopped mai ntenance 294 Chapter 16 Maintaini ng the Crossbar Un its of the Crossbar Box 297 16.1 Configuration of the Crossbar Units 297 16.
17.6.1 Ac tive/Hot maintenance 315 17.6.2 Inactive/ Hot maintenanc e 315 17.6.3 Syste m-stopped mai ntenance 31 6 Chapter 18 Maintaining the Power Supply Units of the Crossbar Bo x 317 18.1 Configuration of the Power Supply Units 317 18.2 Before Maintaining a Power Supply Unit 318 18.
19.4.2 Removing a fan unit 3 32 19.5 Installing a Fan Unit 33 3 19.5.1 Installing a fan unit 333 19.5.2 Restoring the chass is 333 19.6 Restoring the System 333 19.6.1 Active /Hot mainten ance 334 19.6.2 Inact ive/Hot maintenance 334 19.6.3 System -stopped mai ntenance 334 Chapter 20 Maintaini ng the XSCF Int erface Unit of the Crossbar Box 337 20.
22.2.2 Maintenance f low 359 22.3 Enabling the Removal of the Fan Backplane 359 22.4 Removing the Fan Backplane 360 22.4.1 Accessing t he fan back plane 360 22.4.2 Remo ving the fan backplane 361 22.5 Installing the Fan Backplane 365 22.5.1 Insta lling the fan backplane 365 22.
24.3.2 System -stopped mai ntenance 383 24.4 Removing a Cr ossbar Ca ble (Electrical ) 384 24.5 Installing a C rossbar C able (Elect rical) 385 24.6 Restoring the System 386 24.6.1 Inactive/Co ld maintenance 386 24.6.2 System -stopped mai ntenance 387 Chapter 25 Maintaini ng the Crossbar C ables (Optical) 389 25.
26.4 Removing an XSCF BB Control Cab le 407 26.5 Installing an XSCF BB Control Cable 409 26.6 Restoring the System 410 26.6.1 Ac tive/Hot maintenance 410 26.6.2 Ac tive/Cold maintenance 410 26.6.3 Inactive/ Hot maintenanc e 411 26.6.4 Inac tive/Cold maintenance 411 26.
28.1.2 Cables for the conne ction betwe en the termina l board and fan backplane 427 28.1.3 Locations for the cabl e kit 428 28.2 Before Maintaining the Cable K it 429 28.2.1 Types of maint enance 429 28.2.2 Maintenance flow 430 28.3 Enabling the Removal of the Cable Kit 430 28.
29.6.1 Ac tive/Cold maintenance 462 29.6.2 Syste m-stopped mai ntenance 46 2 Appendix A Component List 463 Append ix B C omponen t Specifications 467 B.1 CPU Memory Unit 467 B.2 Crossbar Unit 468 B.3 XSCF Unit 469 B.4 Power Supply Unit 470 B.5 Fan Unit 471 B.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual • December 2013 xx.
Preface This documen t descr ibes the main tenance proc edure for Oracle or Fuj itsu SPARC M10-4/M10-4S and t he crossbar box. Th e maintenanc e work should be perf ormed by service engineer s and/or field engineers. Fujitsu M10 is s old as SPARC M10 Sys tems by Fuji tsu in Japan.
Documenta tion Rel ated to S PARC M10 Syst ems (*1) Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Getting Started G uide (*2) Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Quick Guide Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Syste ms Important Leg al .
Font/Symbol Meaning Example A aBbCc123 What you type, wh en contrast ed with on-sc reen computer o utput. This font indica tes an examp le of command input. XSCF> adduser jsmith AaBbCc123 The names of c ommands, file s, and direc tories; on-screen c omputer o utput.
Syntax of the Command-Line Interface (CLI) The com mand synt ax is as fo llows: ■ A variable that r equires the input o f a value m ust be put in Italics. ■ An option al element m ust be enclo sed in []. ■ A group of options for an optional keyword must be enclos ed in [] and delimit ed by |.
Warning - "WARNING" i ndicat es a potent ial hazard that could result i n death or serious p ersonal injury if the user does no t perform the proc edure correc tly.
Cauti on - Never peel off the la bels. A A A A Note - The contents of the la bels and tags may diff er from those tha t are actual ly affixed. 1.2 Warning Labels Observe the warning lab els (A in the figure) aff ixed on the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S and the cros sbar box during the main tenance work .
A B B A ■ The syst em name plate lab el (A in the f igure) des cribes t he model number, s erial number, and vers ion required f or maintenance and manag ement. ■ The standard la bel (B in the figure) descri bes the following cer tification stand ards.
■ The RFID tag carr ies an Ass et ID. The RFI D tag of the SPARC M10-4/M10 -4S is affixe d on the front cover. Figure 1-5 RFID tag (SPARC M10-4/ M10-4S) Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPAR.
Figure 1-6 RFID ta g (crossbar box) 1.4 Safety Precautions Observe t he following pr ecautions to protect yourse lf when performing mai ntenance . ■ Observe al l the precau tions, warni ngs, and ins tructions d escribe d on the chass is. ■ Do not insert fo reign objects int o the openings in the ch assis.
Table 1-1 ESD precautio ns Item Preca ution Wrist strap Wear an antist atic wrist strap when h andling pr inted boar ds. ESD mat An approved E SD mat provid es protection fr om static dam age when used wit h a wrist strap. Th e mat also acts as a cush ion to protect the small parts t hat are attached to pr inted boards .
Caution - Do not conn ect the wrist str ap clip to the ESD mat. By c onnecting the w rist strap cl ip to the chas sis, the operator and compone nts have th e same level of potential, thus elimin ating the danger of static dam age.
Cauti on - In an emergency (s uch as smoke or flames c oming from the chass is), immediately stop using the unit an d turn o ff the power supply. Reg ardless of the operation you are pe rforming, give top priority to fi re preven tion.
Figure 1-8 Removing t he power cord (SPA RC M10-4/M10-4S) Figure 1-9 Removing the po wer cord (cr ossbar bo x) Chapter 1 Before Starting Maintenance Work 9.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 10.
Chapter 2 Understanding the System Components This chapt er desc ribes the c omponents mounted in the SPARC M10-4/M10-4 S and the crossbar box. It is ne cessary to conf irm and fully unde rstand the c onfigurations of the components mounted in the chassis as well as the LED indi cations before start ing any maintenan ce work.
(1) (2) (3) Location numbe r Component 1F a n u n i t 2 Internal d isk 3 Power sup ply unit (1) Figure 2-1 Locations o f compon ents that can be accessed fr om the fro nt (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S) Figure 2.
Location n umber Com ponent 1F a n u n i t (2) (1) Location n umber Com ponent 1 PCI-Express ( PCIe) card cassette 2 Crossbar uni t (Only for the SPARC M10-4 S.
(4) (1) (2) (3) Location numbe r Component 1 Power sup ply unit 2X S C F u n i t 3 XSCF inter face unit 4 Crossbar u nit Figure 2-4 Locations o f compon ents that can be accessed fr om the rear (cross.
(6) (4) (5) (3) (3) (2) (1) Location n umber Com ponent 1 CPU mem ory unit u pper 2 CPU mem ory unit l ower 3M e m o r y 4 PSU backp lane unit 5 HDD backplane 6 Operation p anel Figure 2-5 Locat ions .
(2) (1) (3) Location numbe r Component 1 Fan ba ckplane 2 Crossbar b ackplan e unit 3 Operatio n panel Figure 2-6 Locations o f internal co mponents (cr ossbar bo x) 2.2 Confirming the Functions of the Operation Panel This se ction des cribes t he functions of the operation pa nels of the SP ARC M10-4/ M10-4S and the crossbar box.
The operatio n panel pro vides the system's display and co ntrol fun ctions. A field engineer an d the system admini strator can speci fy the operatio n mode or c ontrol the starting/stoppin g of the system while chec king the system operatio n status by referring to the LED in dications.
㩿㪈㪀 㩿㪉㪀 㩿㪊㪀 㩿㪋㪀 㩿㪌㪀 㩿㪍㪀 Location numbe r Component 1P O W E R L E D 2 XSCF STANDBY LED Figure 2-8 Location of the oper ation panel (crossb ar box) Figure 2-9 Appear.
Location n umber Com ponent 3 CHECK LED 4 ID swi tch (SPARC M10-4S and cro ssbar box only) 5M o d e s w i t c h 6 Power switch Table 2-1 Display and oper ation status of oper ation panel LEDs /swi tc .
㩿㪈㪀 㩿㪉㪀 㩿㪊㪀 Location numbe r Component 1P O W E R L E D 2 XSCF STANDBY LED 3 CHECK LED 㩿㪈㪀 㩿㪉㪀 㩿㪊㪀 Location numbe r Component 1 ID switch (S PARC M10 -4S and cr ossbar box on ly) 2M o d e s w i t c h Figure 2-10 LEDs on op eration pan el (SPARC M10-4 /M10-4S and crossbar box) 2.
Location n umber Com ponent 3 Power switch Table 2-2 How to operate the ID swi tch Operati on Descri ption Pressing the + side. The I D numb er increases b y 1. Pressing the - side T he ID nu mber decreases b y 1. Table 2-3 Functions of the mod e switch Icon Name Description Locked m ode This mod e is used for no rmal operat ion.
Table 2-4 Functions of t he power swi tch Icon Operation Description Brief press (For 1 second or more an d less tha n 4 seconds) If the system has bee n started in Se rvice m ode (*): Operatio n is ignored. If the system is stopp ed in Service mode: Operatio n is ignored.
Table 2-5 Functions of the mod e switch (c o ntinu e d ) Functio n Mode swit ch Locked Serv ice Inhibition of break signal reception Enabled . Using t he setpparm ode comman d, it is poss ible to specify whether break signal r eceptio n is allowed or inh ibited for each ph ysical partition.
Table 2-6 System oper ation stat us indicated by L EDs (c o ntinu e d) Icon Nam e Color Des cription CHEC K Amber Indicates the sy stem oper ation status for e ach chassis. ● On: An error t hat prevents start up was detected. ● Off: Normal, or the pow er is disc onnected or not being suppl ied.
A Figure 2-12 Locat ion of system loca tor (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S ) Chapter 2 Understanding the System Components 25.
A Table 2-8 Status of the sy stem locat or Icon Name Co lor Description CHECK Amber Indicates the system o peration status f or each chassis. ● On: An error that preve nts startup was de tecte d. ● Off: Norm al, or the power is disconnected or not being supplied.
Table 2-9 LEDs on the X SCF or XSC F unit an d their statuses (SPA RC M10 -4/M10- 4S and crossbar bo x) Name Color Status Description READY Green On Indica tes that the c omponent is ope rating. The com ponent cann ot be released and removed from t he system.
Table 2-12 LED on th e power supply u nit and its status (S PARC M 10-4/M1 0-4S and cross bar b ox ) Name Color Status Descri ption CHECK Green On Indicates that the input power is turned on and power is being supp lied norma lly. Blinkin g (*) Indicates th at the i nput power is bein g disconnec ted.
2.4 Confirming the Types of Cable This section describes the ty pes of the cables that are co nnected to the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S and t he crossbar box, as well as the l ocations of t he cable ports . The type s and number of the cabl es to be used va ry depend ing on the configura tion.
(2) (1) (3) Figure 2-14 Locations of cab le connec tion ports (SPA RC M10-4S) Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 30.
(1) (2) (3) Location n umber Con nection p ort 1 XSCF DUA L control po rt 2 XSCF BB control p ort 3 Crossbar cable c onnection port Figure 2-15 Locat ions of cable connect ion ports (crossbar box) Cha.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 32.
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting This chapt er desc ribes how to de termine and c onfirm the cause if a n error occurs. ■ Suspected Failur e Conditio ns ■ Determining the Cau ses of Individu al Failur es ■ Identifying a Fail ure ■ Downloading E rror Log Information 3.
Start End Is the LED on the power supply unit off? Check the connection of the power supply unit and power cords. YES NO NO YES W as e-mail sent by the XSCF mail function? Check /var/adm/messages on Oracle Solaris. Write down the displayed failure information.
3.3.1 Checking the LED indications Check the LEDs on the operation panel, rear p anel, and on each c ompone nt to ident ify which componen t requires main tenance . Check the s tatus of a component from its LED befo re starting a ny maintena nce work o n that compo nent.
XSCF> showhardconf SPARC M10-4 S; + Serial:20812 29003; Operato r_Panel_Swit ch:Service; + System_Power :On; System_Ph ase:Cabinet Po wer On; Partition#0 PP AR_Status:Ru nning; BB#00 Status:N ormal.
Table 3-1 Status of com ponents (c o ntinu e d ) Displa y Descri ption Deconfigur ed Due to the failure or degrada tion of another unit, the target unit and compon ents of its under lying la yer has been deg raded, tho ugh the re is no problem in th em.
XSCF> showlogs error Date: Oct 20 12:45 :31 JST 2012 Code: 00112233 -44556677889 9aabbcc-8899 aabbcceeff00 11223344 Status: Alarm Occurred: Oct 20 12 :45:31.
Table 3-3 Predictive self-repairi ng messages Output Displayed Description Nov 1 16 : 30 : 20 dt88- 292 EVENT-TIME : Tue Nov 1 16 : 30 : 20 PST 2005 EVENT-TIME: Time stamp fo r the diagnosis.
Table 3-3 Predictive self-re pairing messages (c o nt inu e d ) Output Displayed Description Nov 1 16 : 30 : 20 dt88-292 REC- ACTION : Schedule a repair proc edure to repl ace the aff ected device.Use Nov 1 16 : 30 : 20 dt88-292 fm dump -v – u EVENT _ID to identify th e device or contact Su n for support.
Table 4-1 Maintenanc e tools Item Us e 1 Phillips screwdr iver (No. 2) Removin g or repl acing screws 2 Flathead s crewdriver (sm all) Removin g or r eplacing screws 3 Wrist s trap F or grounding sta .
XSCF> showhardconf Table 4-2 Comm ands fo r checking th e software c onfigur ation Command Descri ptio n pkg(1) (Oracle Sola ris 11) showrev( 1M) (Or acle Solaris 1 0) Displays Oracle So laris correction in format ion and version. ldm(1 M) Displays logical do main config uration inform ation.
# pkg info entire Name: entire Summary: entir e incorporatio n including Suppo rt Repository Upd ate (Oracle Solari s . # showrev -p # ldm -V Logical Domai ns Manager (v 3.
XSCF> version -c xcp Table 4-4 System conf igurat ion Configuration Descr iption Single-ch assis config uration Conf iguratio n in which a sin gle SPAR C M10-4 is used Building blo ck config uration Config uration in w hich 2 or more S PARC M 10-4S's are combined an d used 1.
Physical partition (active) BB#0 Hot XBBOX Hot BB#1 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#3 Hot BB#4 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#2 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#5 Hot Physical partition (acti.
Physical partition (active) BB#0 Cold XBBOX Hot BB#1 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#3 Hot BB#4 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#2 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#5 Hot Physical partition (act.
Physical partition (stopped) BB#0 Hot XBBOX Hot BB#1 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#3 Hot BB#4 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#2 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#5 Hot Physical partition (sto.
Physical partition (stopped) BB#0 Cold XBBOX Hot BB#1 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#3 Hot BB#4 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#2 Hot Physical partition (active) BB#5 Hot Physical partition (st.
Physical partition (stopped) BB#0 Hot XBBOX Cold BB#1 Hot Physical partition (stopped) BB#3 Hot BB#4 Hot Physical partition (stopped) BB#2 Hot Physical partition (stopped) BB#5 Hot Physical partition .
Table 4-5 Types of mai ntenance for SPARC M10-4 (c o ntinu e d ) Supported : Maintena nce can be perfor med / Unsupporte d: Mainten ance cann ot be performed FRU Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot In.
Table 4-6 Types of m ainten ance for SPAR C M10-4S (c o nti nu e d) Supported: Main tenance can be per formed / Un supported: Main tenance cann ot be perform ed FRU Acti ve/ hot A ctiv e/col d Inact i.
Table 4-8 Types of maint enance for cabl es and dedi cated pow er distri bution unit (c o ntin u e d ) Supported : Maintena nce can be perfor med / Unsupporte d: Mainten ance cann ot be performed FRU .
Caution - Do n ot operate a tar get Field Replaceable Unit (F RU) while OpenBo ot PROM is runnin g (the ok prompt i s displayed). After p owering off the phy sical partit ion or starting Oracle Solari s, operate th e target FRU.
XSCF> replacefru ---------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------- Maintenanc e/Replacemen t Menu Please select a ty pe of model which has FR U to be replaced.
1. BB itself 2. FAN (Fa n Unit) 3. PSU (Po wer Supply U nit) ----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------- Select [1-3|c: cancel] : 1 ----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------- Maintenance /Replacement Me nu Please select a FR U to be replaced.
Note - W hen there is no free space on a physical partition or when all the resources are assigned to the co ntrol dom ain, DR can not be applied t o the physical part ition. XSCF> switchscf -t Standby The XSCF uni t switch bet ween the Mas ter and Stan dby states.
# ldm list-domain NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIME primary active -n-cv- UART 14 8G 64% 2h 54m guest0 active -n---- 50 00 16 8G 42% 2h 54m guest1 active -n---- 50 01 16 8G 11% 2h 54m domain01 a ctive -n---- 5002 16 8G 7.
# ldm list-io NAME TYPE BUS DOMAIN STATUS ---- ---- --- ------ ------ PCIE0 BUS PCIE0 primary IOV PCIE1 BUS PCIE1 primary IOV PCIE2 BUS PCIE2 primary IOV PCIE3 BUS PCIE3 primary IOV PCIE8 BUS PCIE8 do.
XSCF> showboards -a PSB PPAR-ID(L SB) Assi gnment Pwr Con n Conf Test Fault ---- --------- --- ----------- - --- ---- ---- ----- -- -------- 0 0 - 0 0 0 ( 0 0 ) A s s i g n e dyyyP a s s e d N o r .
XSCF> showdomainstatus -p 0 Logical Domai n Name Status primary Solaris running 4S-159-D0- G0 Solaris running 4S-159-D0- G1 Solaris running 4S-159-D0- G2 Solaris running XSCF> showboards -a PSB .
Note - Bef ore stoppi ng the sy stem, in form the users th at the syste m will be st opped. Note - W hen a physical partition is stopped by o perating the XSC F comm and or the operation panel, all the log ical dom ains on t he physical partiti on are stopped .
Note - Fo r a building bl ock config uration , switch the mode sw itches of the master ch assis and those cha ssis whos e XSCFs are in the standby state.
Note - F or a build ing block c onfigur ation, press the po wer switch on the m aster chassis. The power switches of th e other chassis are disab led. Note - F or a b uilding block con figurati on, check t he POW ER LE Ds on all t he chassis th at make up the system.
Figure 5-1 Locations of screws holdin g the cable support 2. Lower the cable sup port. 5.5.2 Removing the power cord When removing th e power cord of the SP ARC M10-4S or the crossba r box to perform maintenanc e work on a component, do so only af ter removing t he cable clamp f rom the power cord .
A A Figure 5-2 Releas ing the cable clamp (SPARC M10-4/M10-4 S) Figure 5-3 Releas ing the cable clamp (cross bar box) 2. Remove the power cord of the SPARC M10-4S from the PSU ba ckplane unit, or remo ve the power co rd of the cr ossbar box f rom the power supply u nit.
Figure 5-4 Removing t he power cord (SPA RC M10-4/M10-4S) Figure 5-5 Removing the po wer cord (cr ossbar bo x) 5.5.3 Removing the front cover When performing main tenance on a componen t from the front of a SPARC M10-4S or crossbar box chass is, remove t he front cover bef ore start ing the work.
Figure 5-6 Releas ing the sl ide locks of t he front cover (S PARC M10-4/M10-4S) Figure 5-7 Releas ing the sl ide locks of t he front cover ( crossbar box) 2.
Please execute t he following step s: 1) Confirm the XSC F STANDBY LED of BB#0 is no t lit. 2) Turn off t he breaker o f BB#0. 3) Remove BB#0. 4) Execute eithe r the following: 4-1) After the exch anged device is con nected with the sys tem, turn on the breaker o f BB#0, and please sel ect 'finish'.
Waiting for BB# 0 to enter install sta te. [This operati on may take up to 20 minut e(s)] (progress sca le reported in seco nds) 0..... 30.. done Waiting for BB# 0 to enter ready state . [This operati on may take up to 45 minut e(s)] (progress sca le reported in seco nds) 0.
----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------- Maintenance /Replacement Me nu Please select a ty pe of model which has FR U to be replaced.
XSCF> showresult 0 XSCF> showboards -a PSB PPAR-ID(L SB) Assi gnment Pwr Con n Conf Test Fault ---- --------- --- ----------- - --- ---- ---- ----- -- -------- 0 0 - 0 0 0 ( 0 0 ) A s s i g n e .
XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardcon f SPARC M10-4S; + Serial:20812 35006; Operator _Panel_Switc h:Locked; + System_Power :Off; System_Ph ase:Cabinet Po wer Off; Partition#0 PP AR_Status:Po wered .
XSCF> poweron -p 0 Note - F or a build ing block c onfigur ation, check t he XSCF ST ANDBY L EDs of all the chassis constitut ing the system. Note - F or a build ing block c onfigur ation, switch t he mode switches of the m aster chassis and those chassis wh ose XSCFs are in t he standby st ate.
----------- ------------ - Ommitted ------- ------------ ----- PCI#0 Status: Normal; Name_P roperty:pci; + Vendor-ID:10 8e; Device-ID: 9020; + Subsystem_Ve ndor-ID:0000 ; Subsystem-ID :0000; + Model:;.
Note - F or a build ing block c onfigur ation, press the po wer switch on the m aster chassis. The power switches of th e other chassis are disab led. than 4 seconds). For details, see " 2.2.2 C ontrol function o f the oper ation panel ." 6.
A Figure 6-2 Installing the power cord (cro ssbar box) 2. Clip the cable clamp aroun d the pow er cord and then fix th e cable clamp. The cable clam p is firmly fixed by lo cking the latch (A in th e figure) and then pushing the cab le clamp towa rds the front of the chassis .
A Figure 6-4 Locking th e cable cla mp (cro ssbar bo x) 6.5.2 Fixing the cable support After perfor ming mainte nance on a co mponen t at the rear of the SP ARC M10- 4/M10- 4S, lift the cable support a nd fix it in place.
Note - Check that the cabl e support i s firmly attac hed and fixed. Figure 6-5 Lockin g the cable s upport 2. Tighten the right and left screw s to fix the cable supp ort.
the bottom front of the chassis. Figure 6-6 Instal ling the front cover (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S) Figure 6-7 Installing the fr ont cover (cr ossbar b ox) Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-.
Note - Check that the front co ver is firmly a ttached and fix ed. Chapter 6 Understanding the Preparations for Restoring the System 81.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 82.
Chapter 7 Maintaining the CPU Memory Units This chapt er desc ribes the p rocedure for mainta ining the CPU memory uni t mounted on the SPARC M10-4/M10-4 S. The CPU memory unit lo wer can only be repla ced. The CPU memory unit up per can be replaced, expanded , and red uced.
(1) (2) Location numbe r Component 1 CPU me mory un it lower (CMU U) 2 CPU me mory un it upper (CMU L) Figure 7-1 Location of CPU memory unit There are t wo types of CPU memory unit s: FRAME-A and FRAME-B. The type of a CPU memory unit can be det ermined from th e indicat ion on the label ( A in the figure).
A Note - Read an d underst and the instr uctions in this ch apter before startin g the main tenance work. Also se e the content s of " Chapter 1 Before St arting M aintenance W ork .
Table 7-1 Type of main tenance fo r CPU memory unit Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold (*1) S ystem stoppe d Single-chassis configu ration Unsuppor ted Unsupported U nsupp.
7.2.3 Precautions for replacement Note the fo llowing point s when you replac e a CPU memory unit: ■ Do not replac e a CPU memory unit at the same t ime as the PSU ba ckplane unit . If you replace bot h a CPU memory unit and the PSU backp lane unit at the same time, th e system w ill fail t o operate normally .
Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration . Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur.
Note - Use the DR of th e system b oard on a ph ysical partit ion for active/cold ma intenance. For the XC P and Ora cle VM Server for SPA RC/SRU vers ions that corres pond to the DR , see the latest Product Notes . Note - Active/cold m aintenan ce can be performed on ly for a build ing block con figur ation.
XSCF> showlogs error Note - When you add or remove CPU memory units, confirm that no error has occur red. XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly .
XSCF> dumpconfig XSCF> showlogs error Note - When y ou add or remo ve CPU memor y units, confirm th at no error has occurred. XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly.
Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity. If you per form this pr ocedure witho ut a wrist strap, individu al components or th e overall sys tem may be damaged. For d etails , see " 1.5 Notes Regarding Static Electricity .
A c. Remove the screw s ecuring the cable holder (A in the figure) that is fixed to the supporting column on the rear of the rack, and then install the cable holder by rotating it 180 degrees. Figure 7-4 Cable hold er screw d. Use the hook-and-loop fastener to fix the crossbar cables to the cable holder.
Note - Re cord the positio ns of the cables be fore remov ing the m to ens ure that the y are reinstalled corre ctly. A b. Remove the hook-and-loop fastener of the cable support (A in the fi gure) to which the crossbar cables are fixed. Figure 7-6 Hook-and-loop fast ener of the cable support c.
Note - Record t he positions o f the cables before rem oving the m to ensure th at they are reinstalled corre ctly. Note - Mak e a note of t he positions of t he PCIe card cassettes bef ore remov ing them to e nsure that they are reinst alled correctly.
Note - T o expand or redu ce a CPU mem ory unit u pper, it is first necessary to rem ove the CPU mem ory un it lower. 7.4.2 Removing the CP U memory unit lower This se ction des cribes t he procedure f or removing a CPU memory unit lower.
Note - Place the remov ed CPU memory unit lower on a grounded an tistati c ESD mat. Note - Be careful n ot to dam age the righ t and left levers when placin g the CPU me mory u nit on the ESD mat. Figure 7-10 Pulling out CPU memory unit lower 3. Remov e the CPU m emory un it l ower while suppo rti ng it f rom bel ow with one hand.
Note - M ount the mem ory in th e same position as it was m ounted in the re moved CPU memory unit lower. Note - This work should all be perfo rmed from the rear of th e rack. Note - P lace the removed C PU memo ry unit lower o n a groun ded antistatic ES D mat.
Figure 7-13 Removing ri ght-side guide 4. Unlock (push) the left-side guide ( when viewed from the re ar) and remove it by slidin g it in the dire ction of th e arro w.
A the CPU me mory units upper and lo wer, from the CPU m emory unit upper. In the case of a filler u nit, you can o mit this step because PC Ie cables are no t present.
A Figure 7-16 Removing th e left-side cables 7. Of the two P CIe cables on the left side, also remove the rear one from th e CPU memory unit lower, as it is short. In the case of a filler unit, you ca n omit this step beca use PCIe cables ar e not present .
Figure 7-17 Removin g the PCIe cable fr om the left side rear Perform the fol lowing work from the rear s ide of the chassis. Figure 7-18 shows t he standing po sition (A in the figure ) of a field engineer.
A Figure 7-18 Standing position o f a field engineer 8. Raise the levers (A in the figure) on the right and left sides to release the CP U memory unit upper.
A A Note - P lace the removed C PU mem ory unit upper on a gr ounded an tistatic ESD m at. Figure 7-19 Positions o f right and left levers 9. While holding the lev ers, slightly l ift the CPU memory unit upper. 10. Lift the CPU memory unit upw ards and then remove it carefully.
Note - Mount the memory in the same posi tion as it was mount ed in the remove d CPU memor y unit upper. Note - A part of the proc edure vari es dependi ng on the CPU memory unit type. To determin e the CPU memory unit type, c heck the labe l in Figure 7-2 .
A 2. Loosen the tw o screws holding the upper rear side of the CPU memory unit lower. Then, remove the rear cov er (A in the figure) by pulling it in the direction of the arrow.
A B C Figure 7-23 Releasing a co nnected XSCF boar d (for SP ARC M1 0-4 with a FRAME-A CPU memory unit) - For the SPARC M10-4S w ith a FRAME-A CPU me mory unit Remove the fo ur screws fixin g the XSCF bo ard (A in the figu re). Then, lift the right sid e of the XSCF board t o release the connector .
A Note - P lace the removed XS CF board on a gr ounded an tistatic ESD m at. Figure 7-24 Releas ing a connec ted XSCF b oard (for th e SPARC M10-4S with a FRAME-A CPU memory unit) 4.
Figure 7-26 Pulling out an XS CF board (for the SPARC M10-4S with a FRAME-A CPU memory unit) 5. Remove the screw fixing the X SCF mount. - For the SPARC M10-4/M1 0-4S with a FRAME-A CP U memory unit Remove the one s crew fix ing the XSCF mount (A in the figure) .
A Figure 7-27 Screw for the XS CF mou nt (for the SPAR C M10-4 with a FRAM E-A CPU memory unit) Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 110.
A Figure 7-28 Screw f or the XSCF mount (for the S PARC M10-4S with a FRAME -A CPU memory unit) - For the SPARC M10-4S w ith a FRAME-B CPU me mory unit Remove the two scre ws fixing the XSCF mount (A in the figure) .
A Figure 7-29 Screw for the X SCF mount (for the SPARC M10-4S with a FRAME-B CPU memory unit) 6. Remove the XSCF mount. - For the SPARC M10-4/M 10-4S with a FRAME- A CPU memory unit Raise th e protruding l eft lev er (B in the f igure) of the XSCF mount (A in the figure) by about 2 mm (0.
A B C D D Figure 7-30 Removing t he XSCF mount (for the SPA RC M10-4 with a FRAME-A CPU memory unit) Chapter 7 Maintaining the CPU Memory Units 113.
A B B C D Figure 7-31 Removin g the XSCF mo unt (for the S PARC M1 0-4S with a FRA ME-A CPU memory unit) - For the SPARC M10-4S with a FRAME-B CPU memory un it Remove the XSCF mount (A in the figure) upward (B in t he figure).
AB Figure 7-32 Removing t he XSCF mount (for the SPA RC M10-4S with a FRAME- B CPU memory unit) 7. Remove the screw fixing the CPU memory unit board. - For the SPARC M10-4/M1 0-4S with a FRAME-A CP U .
B A Figure 7-33 Screws on th e CPU memory unit board (for the SPA RC M10-4/M10- 4S wit h a FRAME-A CPU m emory unit) - For SPARC M10-4S with a FRAME-B CPU memory unit Remove the o ne black screw ( A in the figure) fixing th e center part of the radiator on the fron t and the si x screws f ixing the CPU memory uni t board (B in the figure).
A B Note - Be careful not to tou ch or catch your clothes or wrist strap on a conne ctor pin located o nt h eb a c ks i d eo ft h eC P Um e m o r yu n i tb o a r d . Note - Ha rd objects such as a mach ine tools sho uld not co me in contact wit h the connect or located on the b ack side of the C PU memor y unit b oard.
A A Right Left B B Right Left Figure 7-35 Finger position when releas ing the connection of the connector (surface) Figure 7-36 Finger po sition when releasin g the connectio n of the connecto r (rear surface) 9.
A B A B Note - Place the remov ed CPU memory unit board on a grounded anti static ESD ma t. same time wit h the fi ngers tha t are inse rted unde r the CPU memor y unit boa rd (B in the figure). Figure 7-37 How to dis connect th e connecti on of the connec tor 10.
Right Left A A B B Right Left Figure 7-38 Finger po sition when hol ding the boar d (surface) Figure 7-39 Finger po sition when hol ding the boar d (rear surf ace) 11. Lift the CPU m emory unit board in the horizontal position and remove i t from the frame.
Figure 7-40 Removing t he CPU memory unit board 12. Remove the sheet (A in the figure). You can expand t he CPU memory unit upper by pe rforming the above procedure .
A Note - D o not attem pt to remove a PC Ie cable in the wron g direction. If excessive f orce is used to remove a PCIe cab le, it may be da maged. Figure 7-41 Removin g the sheet 13. Remove the three PCIe cables. The direction in wh ich the PCIe c ables are remo ved varies depending on the type of the CPU memory unit .
Figure 7-42 Removing the P CIe cables (with the co nnectors for t he three PCIe cables fa cing the outside of the CPU memory unit ) - The connector for one PCIe cable facing the outside of the CPU mem.
Note - When mounting a CPU memory unit , check the connect ors on both of the chassis and CPU memory unit beforehand to conf irm that no pin is bent and all the p i n sa r en e a t l y a r r a n g e di nl i n e s .I ft h e r ei sab e n tp i ni nac o n n e c t o r , m o u n t i n g a CPU memory unit may damage the chas sis or CPU memory unit.
Note - When e xpandin g a CPU me mory u nit upper, first con nect the PCIe cable to th e CPU m e m o r y u n i tl o w e r .T h eP C I ec a b l e sa r ea t t a c h e da sa na c c e s s o r yo ft h eC P Um e m o r yu n i t upper. Note - Do n ot attempt to in stall a PCIe cable in the wr ong direct ion.
A unit and the other two facing the front of the CPU memory unit Figure 7-45 Installing the PC Ie cables (with the con nector for one PCIe c able facing the out side and the two facing t he front of the CPU memory unit) 2. Install the sheet (A in the figure).
A Note - Do n ot tilt the CPU m emory un it board when insta lling it. The b oard m ay be dam aged by hitting the bac k side of the board aga inst a protru ding part or the fram e guide. Figure 7-46 Installing sheet 3. Hold the connector unit at the center of the CPU memory unit board and install it on the frame in the horizontal position.
OK NO Figure 7-47 Correct posi tion of the CPU memory unit board Figure 7-48 Wrong posit ion of the CPU m emory unit board - For the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S w ith a FRAME-A CPU memory unit Install the fram.
D E C B FG A threaded hole o f the frame can be seen (E in the figure ). c. Attach the connect or by pressin g down the con nector units (F a nd G in the figure) loca ted at t he cent er of the right and left sid es of the board at the same time.
A B C D E Figure 7-50 Instal ling the CPU memory unit board ( for the SPARC M10-4S wi th a FRAME-B CPU memory unit) 4. Fix the CPU memory unit board with screw s.
- For the SPARC M10-4S w ith a FRAME-B CPU me mory unit Fix the CPU memory unit board with six sc rews. 5. Install the XSCF mount and fix it with screws.
B A Figure 7-52 Installing the XSC F mou nt (for the SPAR C M10-4 S with a FRAME-B CPU memory unit) 6. Install the XSCF board. - For the SPARC M10- 4 with FRAME-A C PU memory unit Insert the XSCF bo ard into gu ides at the two location s (A in the figure) on th e mount (B in the f igure), and p ush the righ t lever of th e mount about 5 mm (0.
A F B C E D Figure 7-53 Installing the XSCF board (fo r the SPARC M10-4 with a FRAME- A CPU memory unit) - For the SPARC M10-4S w ith FRAME-A CPU m emory unit Insert the XSCF b oard into the left gui de (A in the figure), and pr ess down the right con nector un it (B in the fig ure) to attach the co nnector.
B A Figure 7-54 Instal ling the XSCF board (f or the SPARC M10-4S wi th a FRAME-A CPU memory unit) 7. Attach the rear cov er with two scre ws from the upper part of the rear side of the CPU memory unit lower.
A Figure 7-55 Screws for rear c over 8. Install the eight screws at both ends of the XSCF cable connection port on the rear of the CPU memory unit lower. For the SPARC M10-4 wit h a FRAME-A CPU memory unit and th e SPARC M10-4S with a FRAME-B CPU memory unit, this s tep is not neces sary.
Note - A part o f the procedure varies depen ding on t he CPU me mory un it type. To determine th e CPU mem ory un it type, check the labe l in Figur e 7-2 . Note - Confirm th at the lev ers on the left and right sides of the CPU memory unit upper are closed.
A A A A B B B B Figure 7-57 Guid e positions of the CPU memory unit upper - When insta lli ng the fi lle r unit f or the CPU memory u nit uppe r Carefully install the filler unit for th e CPU memory unit upper by setting the two guides (A in the figure) of the filler unit in the groove (B in the figure) of the CPU memory unit lower.
A A B B Figure 7-58 Guide positions of the filler unit for the CPU memory unit upper 2. Install the CPU memory unit upper by holding it down from the center where the label "PUSH" is applied, and th en push it into place.
Figure 7-59 Posit ion where the CPU memory unit upper is pushed 3. Connect, to the CPU memory unit upper, the four right and left PCIe cables connecting the CPU memory units upp er and lower. While pressing the pi n that locks the PC Ie cable, insert it vertically.
Note - Of the two PCIe cable s on the right side, also instal l the one (short) cable on the rear of the CPU me mory u nit lower. Note - Be care ful not to d amage the PCIe cab le when installin g the left- and r ight-side g uides. 4. Install the ri ght- and left-side guides.
Figure 7-61 Positions of the clips o n the left- and right-side g uides (for the SPARC M10-4S with a FRAME-B CPU memory unit) Chapter 7 Maintaining the CPU Memory Units 141.
Figure 7-62 CPU memory unit upper and pos itions of t he clips on t he side guid e (for the S PARC M10-4/M10-4S with a FRAME-A CPU memory unit) Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Se.
Figure 7-63 CPU memory unit uppe r and positi ons of the clip s on the sid e guide (for the SPAR C M10-4S with a FRAME-B CPU memory unit) Chapter 7 Maintaining the CPU Memory Units 143.
Figure 7-64 Filler unit of the CPU memory unit up per and positions of the clips on the sid e guide (for th e SPARC M10-4/M10-4S w ith a FRAME-A CPU memory unit) Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10.
Figure 7-65 Filler unit of the CPU memory unit up per and positions of the clips on the side guide (for the S PARC M1 0-4S with a FRA ME-B CPU memory unit) 5. Install the top-side cover of the CPU memory unit. 6. Install the CPU memory unit lower in the chassis.
Note - If t he CPU mem ory un it lower is inserted as far as it will g o, it may n ot be possible to lift the lever. Lift the lever j ust before the CP U memor y unit low er hits the rear and th en push it fully ho me.
Note - Reinst all the cables in the cor rect positions by re ferring to th e notes you mad e before starting main tenance. Note - Con nect the crossb ar cables in their orig inal positio ns by referrin g to the no tes that you m ade before the start o f mainten ance.
Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration . Note - Use the DR of the system board on a phys ical par tition for ac tive/col d maintenance . For the XC P and Oracle VM Serve r for SPAR C/SRU versio ns that correspon d to the DR, see the latest Prod uct Note s .
Note - See the pro cedure for system -stopped m aintenan ce for inactive/cold ma intenance in a single-cha ssis confi guration. Note - In the case of a dual powe r feed, conn ect the pow er cords in th eir original po sitions by referring to t he record tha t you made before the s tart of maintena nce.
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. For details, see " 3.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> setpparparam -p 0 -s bootscript "set env auto-boot? false" XSCF> setpparmode -p 0 -m guestboot=off XSCF> setpparparam -.
XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. Switch the mode switche s of BB-ID#00 an d #01 to Locked mo de.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 Note - If y ou cann ot log in wit h an XSCF user acco unt and passwo rd, use the defau lt user account o f the XS CF to l og in t o the XSC F. For details, see "6.3 Lo ggin g In to t he XSCF " in the Fujitsu M10/SPAR C M10 Systems I nstallatio n Guide .
XSCF> testsb -v -y -s 00 -0 XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf XSCF> showdate XSCF> setdate -s 102016592013.00 Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 Note - If y ou cann ot log in wit h an XSCF user acco unt and passwo rd, use the defau lt user account o f the XS CF to l og in t o the XSC F. For details, see "6.3 Resett ing th e System" in th e Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Syste ms Installati on Guide .
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> testsb -v -y -s 00 -0 XSCF> setpparparam -p 0 -s bootscript "setenv auto-boot? fals e" XSCF> setpparmode -p 0 - m guestboot=off XSCF> setpparmode -p 0 - m guestboot=on normally. For details, see " 3.
XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf XSCF> showdate XSCF> setdate -s 102016592013.00 If there is n o pro blem, nothin g is displayed. 14. Execute the sh owhard conf command to confirm the hardware configuration and the status of each CPU memory unit.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 158.
Chapter 8 Maintaining the Memory This chapt er desc ribes the p rocedure for mainta ining the memory mount ed on the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S. Memory can be r eplaced, expanded, a nd reduced.
CPU#0 CMUL Front CPU#1 (2) (1) (4) (3) (10) (9) (12) (1 1) (22) (21) (24) (23) (30) (29) (32) (31) (15) (16) (13) (14) (7) (8) (5) (6) (27) (28) (25) (26) (19) (20) (17) (18) Location numbe r Componen.
Location n umber Com ponent Group 7 Memory (CMUL/MEM#03A) A 8 Memory (CMUL/MEM#03B) B 9 Memory (CMUL/MEM#04A) A 10 Memory (CMUL/MEM#04B) B 11 Memory (CMUL/MEM#05A) A 12 Memory (CMUL/MEM#05B) B 13 Memo.
CPU#0 CMUU CPU#1 (34) (33) (36) (35) (42) (41) (44) (43) (54) (53) (56) (55) (62) (61) (64) (63) (47) (48) (45) (46) (39) (40) (37) (38) (59) (60) (57) (58) (51) (52) (49) (50) Front Location numbe r .
Location n umber Componen t Group 40 Memory ( CMUU/MEM#03B) B 41 Memory ( CMUU/MEM#04A) A 42 Memory ( CMUU/MEM#04B) B 43 Memory ( CMUU/MEM#05A) A 44 Memory ( CMUU/MEM#05B) B 45 Memory ( CMUU/MEM#06A) .
8.2.1 Memory mounting rules Install the memory in accordanc e with the fo llowing rules : ■ Mount memory in un its of e ight modul es. ■ Within a unit of e ight modules , all the memory modules must be of t he same capacity and rank.
g c h d e a f b CPU#0 MEM#00B MEM#00A MEM#01B MEM#01A MEM#04B MEM#04A MEM#05B MEM#05A MEM#07A MEM#07B MEM#06A MEM#06B MEM#03A MEM#03B MEM#02A MEM#02B CPU#1 MEM#12A MEM#13A MEM#16A MEM#17A MEM#12B MEM#.
Table 8-1 Memory mounting configura tions (CMUL only) Number of memo ry modules Mounted memor y 8a i n Figure 8-3 --- 16 a in Figure 8-3 bi n Figure 8-3 -- 24 a in Figure 8-3 bi n Figure 8-3 ei n Figu.
Table 8-3 Memory mounting configura tions (CMUL and expanded CMUU) Number of memory modules Mounted memor y 8a i n Figur e 8-3 - 16 a in Figur e 8-3 bi n Figur e 8-3 ------ 24 a in Figur e 8-3 bi n Fi.
+ Code:ce8002 M393B5270DH0 -YH9 0000-85A8EF57; + Type:01; Size :4 GB; MEM#02A Status :Normal; + Code:ce8002 M393B5270DH0 -YH9 0000-85A8EF65; + Type:01; Size :4 GB; MEM#03A Status :Normal; + Code:ce800.
Table 8-4 Types of m aintenan ce for mem ory (c o ntinu e d ) Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold (*1) S ystem stopped Build ing bloc k config uration Unsupported S upporte.
Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration . Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur.
Note - When y ou add or remo ve CPU memor y units, confirm th at no error has occurred. XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly.
XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . XSCF> showlogs error Note - When you add or remove CPU memory units, confirm that no error has occur red.
Caution - Before you handle any compone nts, wea r a wrist strap to ground any static electricity. If you per form this pr ocedure witho ut a wrist strap, individ ual components or the ov erall sys tem may be damaged. For d etails , see " 1.5 Notes Regardin g Static Electricity .
Note - C onfirm th at the clip o f the mem ory slo t has retur ned to its origin al positio n. Figure 8-5 Removin g memory 8.6 Installi ng Memory This section describes the procedure f or installing a memory module. Perform expansion using the sa me procedure.
Note - See the pro cedure for system -stopped m aintenan ce for inactive/cold ma intenance in a single-cha ssis confi guration. Note - Use the DR of th e system b oard on a ph ysical partit ion for active/cold ma intenance. For the XC P and Ora cle VM Server for SPA RC/SRU vers ions that corres pond to the DR , see the latest Product Notes .
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 - p 02 XSCF> showlogs error Note - In active/cold m aintenance can b e performed o nly for a b uilding b lock config urati on. See the procedure f or system -stopped main tenance for in active/cold m aintenance in a single-ch assis config uration .
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf For details, see " 6.1 Inc orpor ating an FR U into the System with the repl acefru Comman d ." 3. Execute the di agxbu comma nd to dia gnose the c rossba r cables .
Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. XSCF> testsb -a 8.7.3 System-stopped maintenance 1. Connect all the power co rds to the PSU bac kplane u nit of the cha ssis requiring maintenance.
Chapter 9 Maintaining the Crossbar Units This chapter descri bes the procedure fo r maint aining the cro ssbar units m ounted on a SPARC M10-4S. ■ Configuration of the Crossbar Uni ts ■ Before Ma .
㩿㪈㪀 㩿㪉㪀 Location numbe r Component 1 Crossbar u nit (XBU#0) 2 Crossbar u nit (XBU#1) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work .
Table 9-1 Types of m ainten ance for the crossb ar unit Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped Build ing bloc k config uration Unsupported S upported (*) Uns up.
Note - Use the DR of the system board on a phys ical par tition for ac tive/col d maintenance . For the XC P and Oracle VM Serve r for SPAR C/SRU versio ns that correspon d to the DR, see the latest Prod uct Note s .
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly. XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru For details, see " 3.
Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity.
Figure 9-2 Locat ion of scre ws secur ing crossbar un its 2. Open th e ej ect le v er s (A i n th e fi gu re) upwa rds a nd do wnwar ds, re spe ct iv e ly, and then pu ll t he crossba r uni t out o f the CPU memo ry uni t.
A Note - P lace the removed crossb ar unit o n a groun ded antistatic ES D mat. Note - When mounting a crossbar un it, ch eck the connectors on bot h of the chas sis and crossb ar unit befor ehand to con firm that no pin is bent and all the pin s are neatly arrange d in lines.
Note - Con nect the crossb ar cables in their orig inal positio ns by referrin g to the no tes that you m ade before the start o f mainten ance. Note - Use the DR of th e system b oard on a ph ysical partit ion for active/cold ma intenance.
Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf For details, see " 6.1 Inc orpor ating an FR U into the System with the repl acefru Comman d ." 3. Execute the di agxbu comma nd to dia gnose the c rossba r cables .
Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 - t 01 XSCF> showlogs error 9.6.3 System-stopped maintenance 1.
Chapter 10 Maintaining the Power Supply Units This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the power suppl y units mounted in the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S .
(1) (2) Location numbe r Component 1 Power sup ply unit (PSU #0) 2 Power sup ply unit (PSU #1) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work .
Table 10-1 Types of ma intenan ce for the power supply un it Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold (*1) S ystem stopped Sing le-c hass is co nfig ura tio n Supporte d Unsuppo.
Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration . Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur.
Note - Use the DR of th e system b oard on a ph ysical partit ion for active/cold ma intenance. For the XC P and Ora cle VM Server for SPA RC/SRU vers ions that corres pond to the DR , see the latest Product Notes . Note - Active/cold m aintenan ce can be performed on ly for a build ing block con figur ation.
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> showpparstatus -a XSCF> replacefru XSCF> showlogs error 10.3.3 Inactive /Hot maintenance For a single-chassis configurati on 1. Open the rack do or. 2. Log in to the XSCF s hell . 3. Execute the sho wlogs command to identify the co mponent requiring maintenance.
XSCF> replacefru Note - In active/cold maint enance can be perform ed only for a buildin g block conf iguratio n. The inactive/c old main tenance proced ure for a single -chassis config uration is the s ame as that fo r stopping the system .
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . 10.3.5 System-stopped maintenance 1.
Caution - Before you handle any compone nts, wea r a wrist strap to ground any static electricity. If you per form this pr ocedure witho ut a wrist strap, individ ual components or the ov erall sys tem may be damaged. For d etails , see " 1.5 Notes Regardin g Static Electricity .
Note - P lace the removed power supply un it on a grounded ant istatic ESD mat. Note - D o not for cibly push the p ower supply un it into its slot. Usin g excessive force may damage the component or the chassi s. Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration .
XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf Note - Use the DR of th e system b oard on a ph ysical partit ion for active/cold ma intenance. For the XC P and Ora cle VM Server for SPA RC/SRU vers ions that corres pond to the DR , see the latest Product Notes .
Note - In active/cold m aintenance can b e performed o nly for a b uilding b lock config urati on. The inacti ve/cold main tenance pro cedure for a s ingle-chas sis configura tion is the same as that for sto pping the s ystem. For details, see " 6.
Note - In the case of a dual powe r feed, conn ect the pow er cords in th eir original po sitions by referring to t he record tha t you made before the s tart of maintena nce.
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Chapter 11 Maintaining the Fan Units This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the fa n units mounted in the SPARC M10-4/M10-4 S. ■ Configu ration o f the Fan Units ■ Before Ma intaining a Fan Unit ■ Enabling the Remova l of a Fan Unit ■ R e m o v i n gaF a nU n i t ■ Installing a Fan Unit ■ Restoring t he Syst em 11.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Location numbe r Component 1F a n u n i t ( F A N U # 0 ) 2F a n u n i t ( F A N U # 1 ) 3F a n u n i t ( F A N U # 2 ) 4F a n u n i t ( F A N U # 3 ) 5F a n u n i t ( F A N U # 4 ) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work.
Table 11-1 Types of mainte nance for fan unit Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold (*1) S ystem stopped Sing le-c hass is co nfig ura tio n Supporte d Unsupport ed Supporte .
Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration . Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur.
Note - Use the DR of th e system b oard on a ph ysical partit ion for active/cold ma intenance. For the XC P and Ora cle VM Server for SPA RC/SRU vers ions that corres pond to the DR , see the latest Product Notes . Note - Active/cold m aintenan ce can be performed on ly for a build ing block con figur ation.
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> showpparstatus -a XSCF> replacefru XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru 2. Log in to the XSCF s hell . 3. Execute the sho wlogs command to identify the co mponent requiring maintenance. For details, see " 3.
Note - In active/cold maint enance can be perform ed only for a buildin g block conf iguratio n. The inactive/c old main tenance proced ure for a single -chassis config uration is the s ame as that fo r stopping the system .
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity.
Note - Place the removed f an unit on a groun ded antistatic ESD mat. 11.4.1 Accessing a fan unit 1. Remove the front cov er. For details, see " 5.5.3 Re moving the front c over ." 11.4.2 Removing a fan unit 1. Pull out the fan unit w hile raising its lev er.
Note - D o not force th e fan un it into t he slot. Usin g excessive for ce may d amag e the component or the chassi s. Note - C heck that th e fan unit is fu lly inserted and sec ured. Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration .
XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf Note - Use the DR of th e system b oard on a ph ysical partit ion for active/cold ma intenance. For the XC P and Ora cle VM Server for SPA RC/SRU vers ions that corres pond to the DR , see the latest Product Notes .
Note - In active/cold m aintenance can b e performed o nly for a b uilding b lock config urati on. The inacti ve/cold main tenance pro cedure for a s ingle-chas sis configura tion is the same as that for sto pping the s ystem.
Note - In the case of a dual powe r feed, conn ect the pow er cords in th eir original po sitions by referring to t he record tha t you made before the s tart of maintena nce. 3. Power o n the physical partition requiring maintenance. For details, see " 6.
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Chapter 12 Maintaining the Internal Disks This chapter descri bes the procedure fo r maint aining the intern al disks mounte d in the SPARC M10-4/M10-4 S.
(1) (6) (2) (5) (3) (4) (7) (8) Location numbe r Component 1I n t e r n a l d i s k ( H D D # 0 ) 2I n t e r n a l d i s k ( H D D # 1 ) 3I n t e r n a l d i s k ( H D D # 2 ) 4I n t e r n a l d i s k.
XSCF> showhardcon f SPARC M10-4S; + Serial:20812 38017; Operator _Panel_Switc h:Service; + System_Power :Off; System_Ph ase:Cabinet Po wer Off; Partition#0 PP AR_Status:Po wered Off; Partition#1 PP.
# format Searching for d isks...done AVAILABLE DIS K SELECTIONS: 0. c2t50000394 281B5312d0 <TO SHIBA-MBF260 0RC-3706 cyl 6498 6 alt 2 hd 27 sec 668> <-- (1) /pci@8800/p ci@4/pci@0/p ci@0/scsi@0/ iport@f/disk @w5000039428 1b5312,0 /dev/chassi s/FUJITSU-BB EXP.
* BB#00 CMUL seria l + FRU-Part-Num ber:CA07361- D941 C3 /7060911 ; + Memory_Size: 128 GB; CPU#0 Status:N ormal; Ver:414 2h; Serial:003 21144; + Freq:3.000 GHz; T ype:0x10; + Core:16; Strand :2; CPU#1 Status:N ormal; Ver:414 2h; Serial:003 22957; + Freq:3.
/dev/chass is/SYS/BB1/C MUL/HDD0 - /dev/chass is/SYS/BB1/C MUL/HDD1 - /dev/chass is/SYS/BB1/C MUL/HDD2 - /dev/chass is/SYS/BB1/C MUL/HDD3 - /dev/chass is/SYS/BB1/C MUL/HDD4 - /dev/chass is/SYS/BB1/C MUL/HDD5 - /dev/chass is/SYS/BB1/C MUL/HDD6 - /dev/chass is/SYS/BB1/C MUL/HDD7 - /dev/chass is/FUJITSU-B BEXP.
Label Disk name Vendor Product Vers -------- ----- ------------ ----- -------- -------- ------ ---- HDD_0 c0t50000393D 8289180d0 TOSHI BA MBF2600RC 3706 <-- (1) Physical path ------------ ---------.
XSCF> showboards -a PSB PPAR-ID(L SB) Assignment Pwr Conn Conf Test Fault ---- ------- ----- ------- ---- ---- ---- - --- ------- --- ----- 00 -0 00(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal *B B # 0 *L S B # 0 01-0 00(01) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work.
Table 12-3 Maintenanc e flow Detail s of update pro cess Replacement Expa nsion Reducti on 1 Preparation 12.3 12 .3 12.3 2 Removin g an intern al disk 12.
Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur. Note - Un less the system h as a redundan t config uration, d ata on the hard d isk drive will be lost.
# cfgadm -c unconfigure Ap_ID # cfgadm -x led=fault,mode =blink Ap_ID # cfgadm -a Note - Use the DR of th e system b oard on a ph ysical partit ion for active/cold ma intenance. For the XC P and Ora cle VM Server for SPA RC/SRU vers ions that corres pond to the DR , see the latest Product Notes .
Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . Note - In active/cold m aintenance can b e performed o nly for a b uilding b lock config urati on.
Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly.
Note - When performing active/ hot maintenance, a t this point wait until the m otor sto ps rotating (about 1 minut e). 12.4.1 Accessing an internal disk 1. Remove the front cove r. For details, see " 5.5.3 Removing the front cover ." 12.4.2 Removing an internal disk 1.
Note - Place the removed inte rnal disk on the grounded antistati c ESD mat. Figure 12-3 Removing an in ternal dis k 3. Care fully re move the in tern al disk fr om its s lot. 4. When redu cing an internal disk, install the the internal disk filler unit in the slot from which the disk wa s removed.
Note - D o not force th e internal d isk into the sl ot. Using e xcessive force m ay dam age the component or the chassi s. Note - Ensure that the inte rnal disks ar e firmly inser ted and secu red. Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration .
# cfgadm -a # cfgadm -c configure Ap_I D # cfgadm -a Note - Use the DR of th e system b oard on a ph ysical partit ion for active/cold ma intenance. For the XC P and Ora cle VM Server for SPA RC/SRU vers ions that corres pond to the DR , see the latest Product Notes .
XSCF> testsb -y -p 00-0 Note - In active/cold m aintenance can b e performed o nly for a b uilding b lock config urati on. The inacti ve/cold main tenance pro cedure for a s ingle-chas sis configura tion is the same as that for sto pping the s ystem.
Note - In the case of a dual powe r feed, conn ect the pow er cords in th eir original po sitions by referring to t he record tha t you made before the s tart of maintena nce.
XSCF> testsb -y -p 00-0 During the d iagnosis proce ssing, the probe-scs i-all command of the OpenBoot PROM is exec uted, and the re sult is displayed. 4. Start the entire system. For details, see " 6.4 Starti ng the Entire System ." 5. Close the rack door.
Chapter 13 Maintaining the PCI Express Cards This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining a PCI Expre ss (PCIe) car d mounted in a SPARC M10-4/ M10-4S.
(1) (2) (3) (9) (10) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1 1) Location number Componen t 1 PCIe card (PCI# 0) 2 PCIe card (PCI# 1) 3 PCIe card (PCI# 2) 4 PCIe card (PCI# 3) 5 PCIe card (PCI# 4) 6 PCIe card (PCI# 5) .
Note - Read an d underst and the instr uctions in this ch apter before startin g the main tenance work. Also se e the content s of " Chapter 1 Before St arting M aintenance W ork .
Table 13-2 Maintena nce flow Detail s of updat e process Repl acement Expansi on Reduction 1P r e - c h e c k 13.3 13 .3 13.3 2 Prepa ration 13.4 13.4 13 .4 3 Remov ing a PCIe card o r the filler for a PCIe car d 13.5 13.5 13 .5 4 Installing a PCIe card or the f iller for a PCIe car d 13.
XSCF> showlogs error # ldm list-io -l NAME TYPE BUS DOMAIN STATUS ---- ---- --- ------ ------ PCIE0 BUS PCIE0 primar y [pci@8000] PCIE1 BUS PCIE1 primar y < --(*1 ) [pci@8100] PCIE2 BUS PCIE2 pr.
[pci@8700] /BB0/CMUL/ NET0 PCIE PCIE0 primary OCC [pci@8000/ pci@4/pci@0/ pci@9] network@0 network@0, 1 /BB0/CMUL/ SASHBA PCIE PCIE0 primary OCC [pci@8000/ pci@4/pci@0/ pci@0] scsi@0/ipo rt@f/disk@w5 .
*6 *8 *5 *7 *5 to *8 in the figure correspond to the above ldm list-io -l command execution example. Assign a PCIe endpoint device to I/O domain Table 13-3 Whether PH P can be used Root Complex PCIe s.
Table 13-3 Whether PH P can be used (c o ntinu e d ) Root Complex PCIe slot Can PHP be used? Remarks Refer ence Control domain I/O domain No See *6 in th e example of executing t he ldm list- io -l comma nd and *6 in Figure 13-2 .
# ldm list-bindings rootdom ----------- ------------ - Ommitted ------- ------------ ----- VSW NAME MAC NET-DEV ID DEVICE LINKPROP DEFAULT-VLA N-ID PVID .
# grep " 0 "ixgbe"" /e tc/path_to_inst "/pci@8100/p ci@4/pci@0/p ci@0/network @0" 0 "ixgbe" # ldm list-bindings rootdom ---------- ------------ -- Ommitte d ------------------- ----- VDS NAME VOLUME OPTIO NS MPGROUP DEVICE vds0 vol0 /export/ vdisks/vdi sk.
# ldm remove-vnet < virtual network >< guest domain > # ldm remove-vswitch < virtual networ k switch > # ldm remove-vdisk < virtual disk >< guest domain > # ldm remove-vd.
# cfgadm -a Ap_Id Type Receptacl e Occupant Condition BB#0-PCI#0 pci-pci/hp connected configured ok # cfgadm -c unconfigure Ap_Id # cfgadm -c disconnect Ap_Id # cfgadm -a Ap_Id Type Receptacl e Occupa.
# ldm list-bindings rootdom ----------- ------------ - Ommitted ------- ------------ ----- VSW NAME MAC NET-DEV ID DEVICE LINKPROP DEFAULT-VLA N-ID PVID .
# ldm stop iodomain # ldm remove-io /BB1/PCI 0 iodomain XSCF> replacefru Note - In active/hot m aintenan ce can be performed on ly for a build ing block co nfigur ation. For a sin gle-chassis co nfigur ation, s ystem-sto pped maint enance sho uld be perf ormed.
Caution - Before you handle any compone nts, wea r a wrist strap to ground any static electricity. If you per form this pr ocedure witho ut a wrist strap, individ ual components or the ov erall sys tem may be damaged. For d etails , see " 1.5 Notes Regardin g Static Electricity .
B A B A Ty p e - 1 Ty p e - 2 B A Figure 13-3 Types of PCIe car d cassettes 1. Low er the lever (B in the figure) of the PCIe card cassette while pu shing the l a t c h( Ai nt h ef i g u r e ) . Figure 13-4 Lever of PCIe card c assette 2. Hold the lever and carefully pull the PCIe card cassette out of the P CI slot to remove it.
Note - Place the rem oved PCIe card cassette o n a groun ded antist atic ESD mat. Figure 13-5 Removing the PCIe card cas set te 13.5.3 Removing a PCI Express card 1.
A Figure 13-6 Clip at rear of cover 2. Remove the screw securing the PCIe card cassette. Figure 13-7 Removin g the screw Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ Decemb.
A Note - Do n ot forcibly rem ove the PCIe card fr om the PCIe card cassette . If excessive force is used to remove th e PCIe card, it m ay be dam aged. Note - Place the remov ed PCIe card on a grounde d antistat ic ESD mat. 3. Remove the bracket (A in the figure) from the PCIe card.
Note - C onfirm that t he tab o f the PC Ie card or th e tab of the fi ller for the PCIe car d is inserted in the n otch of the PC Ie card cassette. Figure 13-9 Removin g the PCIe ca rd 13.6 Installing a PCI Express Card This section describes the pr ocedure for i nstalling a PC Ie card.
Figure 13-10 Installing a PC Ie card 2. Install the bracket for the PCIe card, and secure it with the screw. Figure 13-11 Installing the brac ket Chapter 13 Maintaining the PCI Express Cards 259.
Note - When mounting a PCIe card cassett e, ch eck the connectors on both of the chassis and PCI e card cassette b eforehand to conf irm that no pin is be nt and all th e pins are neatly arran ged in lines. If a PCIe car d cassette is mounted with a bent pin in a connecto r, the chassis or PC Ie card cassette may be damaged.
Note - See the pro cedure for system -stopped m aintenan ce for inactive/cold ma intenance in a single-cha ssis confi guration. # cfgadm -c connect A p_Id # cfgadm -c configure Ap_I d # cfgadm -a Ap_I.
XSCF> testsb -v -y -s 00 -0 XSCF> testsb -v -y -s 00 -0 7. Close the rack door. 13.7.2 Active/Hot maintenance (with DR) 1. Return to the operation of the XSCF firmware replacefru command to confirm that the chassis ha s been incorporated into the system.
XSCF> testsb -v -y -s 00-0 13.7.4 System-stopped maintenance 1. L o gi nt ot h eX S C Fs h e l l . 2. Execute the testsb co mmand to confirm that the P CIe card requiring maintenance is recognized. When yo u input option al "-y" for the testsb co mmand, the syste m autom atically answers "y" (yes) in re sponse to an inq uiry.
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Caution - Do not replace a PSU backpla ne unit at th e same time as a CPU memory unit. If you re place a PSU backp lane unit at t he same time as a CPU memory uni t, the system may fai l to operate normal ly.
(1) Location number Componen t 1 PSU backpla ne unit (PSUB P) Figure 14-1 Location of PSU bac kplane unit 14.2 Before Maintaining the PSU Backplane Unit This section describes the types and the flow of m aintenance o f the PSU back plane unit.
Note - Read an d underst and the instr uctions in this ch apter before startin g the main tenance work. Also se e the content s of " Chapter 1 Before St arting M aintenance W ork .
Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration . Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur.
Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly. Note - In active/cold maint enance can be perform ed only for a buildin g block conf iguratio n.
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity.
Note - Mak e a note of the p ositions of the cab les connected to the e xternal interf ace before disconnectin g them to ens ure that they are rein stalled correctly . Note - Mak e a note of t he positions of t he PCIe card cassettes bef ore remov ing them to e nsure that they are reinst alled correctly.
Note - M ake a note o f the positions of the p ower supply un its before remov ing them t o ensure that the y are reinstalled cor rectly. Note - Make a n ote of the l ocations of th e fan units befor e removing them to ensu re that they are reinstalled c orrectly.
Note - Place the removed PS U backplane unit on a gr ounded antist atic ESD mat. Figure 14-4 Screws in the f an slot 14.4.2 Removing the PSU backplane unit 1. Loosen the two screws securing the PSU b ackplane unit and then partially pull out the PSU ba ckplane unit.
Figure 14-6 Handle of PSU backp lane unit 3. Remov e the ope rati on panel. For details, see step 2 and later i n " 15.4.2 Removing the op eration panel ." 14.5 Installing the PSU Backplane Unit This section describes the pr ocedure for i nstalling the PSU b ackplane u nit.
Note - Inst all the power sup ply units in the ir origin al position s by referr ing to t he notes th at you m ade prior to the star t of mainte nance. Note - Rein stall the fan un its in their orig inal locatio ns by referrin g to the notes y ou m ade prior to the start o f mainten ance.
Note - Re connect the cab les of the external in terface in their ori ginal positi ons by referrin g to the notes tha t you made prior to the s tart of maintenanc e. Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration .
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -p 02 XSCF> showlogs error Note - In active/cold maint enance can be perform ed only for a buildin g block conf iguratio n. The inactive/c old main tenance proced ure for a single -chassis config uration is the s ame as that fo r stopping the system .
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 - t 01 XSCF> showlogs error Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. 3. Execute the diagxb u command to diagnose the crossbar cab les.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 XSCF> showlogs error The example belo w specifies the following: 00: BB-ID of t he chassis to start the diag nosis 01: BB-ID of the destination w here the chassis to start the di agnosis is con nected (You can specify on e or more of these.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 280.
Chapter 15 Maintaining the Operation Panel This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the op eration pane l mounted on the SPARC M10-4/M10-4 S.
(1) Location numbe r Component 1 Operatio n panel (OP NL) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work ." Figure 15-1 Location of the operat ion panel 15.
Table 15-1 Types of mainte nance for ope ration pane l Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold (*1) S ystem stopped Sing le-c hass is co nfig ura tio n Unsupported U nsupported.
Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur. Note - Use the DR of the system board on a phys ical par tition for ac tive/col d maintenance .
Note - In active/cold maint enance can be perform ed only for a buildin g block conf iguratio n. The inactive/c old main tenance proced ure for a single -chassis config uration is the s ame as that fo r stopping the system .
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity.
Note - Mak e a note of the p ositions of the cab les connected to the e xternal interf ace before disconnectin g them to ens ure that they are rein stalled correctly . Note - Mak e a note of t he positions of t he PCIe card cassettes bef ore remov ing them to e nsure that they are reinst alled correctly.
Figure 15-2 Screws secu ring the mounting frame 7. Loosen the screw securing the CPU memory unit and low er the ri ght and left levers to the horizontal position. Figure 15-3 Screw se curing CPU memory unit 8. Pull out the CPU memory unit by about 10 cm (3.
Note - Mak e a note of the locat ions of the fa n units before re moving t hem to ensure t hat they are reinstalled correctl y. 12. Loosen the tw o screws in the fan slot and then remove the fan shelf. Figure 15-4 Screws in the f an slot 15.4.2 Removing the operation panel 1.
A Note - Place the removed op eration pa nel on a grounded antis tatic ESD mat. Figure 15-6 Cables a nd screws o f the operatio n panel 3. Pull the operation panel forward to remove i t. 15.5 Installing the Operation Panel This section describes the pr ocedure for i nstalling the oper ation panel.
Note - Reinst all the fan un its in their orig inal positio ns by referrin g to the notes y ou made prior to the start o f mainten ance. Note - Check that the front co ver is firmly a ttached and s ecured. Note - If n o crossbar un it is mounte d, proceed to step 11.
Note - Re connect the cab les of the external in terface in their ori ginal positi ons by referrin g to the notes tha t you made prior to the s tart of maintenanc e. Note - See the procedur e for system-s topped maint enance for inac tive/col d maintenance i n a single-ch assis config uration .
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -p 02 XSCF> showlogs error Note - In active/cold maint enance can be perform ed only for a buildin g block conf iguratio n. The inactive/c old main tenance proced ure for a single -chassis config uration is the s ame as that fo r stopping the system .
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 - t 01 XSCF> showlogs error Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. physical p artition into which the ch assis is inco rporated is powered of f.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 XSCF> showlogs error 00: BB-ID of t he chassis to start the diag nosis 01: BB-ID of the destination w here the chassis to start the di agnosis is con nected (You can specify on e or more of these.) To specify multiple connectio n destination BB-IDs, enter a comm and like "diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 -t 0 2".
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 296.
Chapter 16 Maintaining the Crossbar Units of the Crossbar Box This chapter descri bes the procedure fo r maint aining the cro ssbar units m ounted on the crossbar box.
(3) (2) (1) Location number Componen t 1 Crossbar unit (XB UX#0) 2 Crossbar unit (XB UX#1) 3 Crossbar unit (XB UX#2) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work .
Table 16-1 Types of ma intenan ce for the crossbar un it Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped Build ing bloc k config uration Unsupported S upported (*1) Unsu.
XSCF> showlogs error Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly .
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly. 16.3.3 System-stopped maintenance 1.
Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity. If you per form this pr ocedure witho ut a wrist strap, individu al components or th e overall sys tem may be damaged. For d etails , see " 1.5 Notes Regarding Static Electricity .
Note - Place the remov ed crossba r unit on a grounded antis tatic ESD mat. Note - When mo unting a crossb ar unit, check the connector s on both of the chassis and crossb ar unit befo rehand to con firm that no pin is bent and all the pi ns are neatly arranged in l ines.
Note - Re install the crossb ar cables (optical) in their orig inal positio ns by referrin g to the notes that y ou ma de prior to the start o f mainten ance. Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce.
Note - In the case of a dual powe r feed, conn ect the pow er cords in th eir original po sitions by referring to t he record tha t you made before the s tart of maintena nce.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 - t 01 XSCF> showlogs error Diagno sis is perfor med when the system bo ard of the chassis con nected with the crossbar cables is n ot incor porated into the physical partition, o r when th e physical p artition into which the ch assis is inco rporated is powered of f.
Chapter 17 Maintaining the XSCF Unit of the Crossbar Box This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the XS CF unit mounted in the crossbar box.
(1) Location number Componen t 1 XSCF unit (XSCFU) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work ." Figure 17-1 Location of XSCF unit 17.
Table 17-1 Type of maintenanc e for XSCF unit Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped Build ing bloc k config uration Supporte d (*1) Unsupported (*2) Supporte d Unsupport ed (*2) Supporte d (*3) *1: The XS CF must be config ured as a sla ve before mai ntenance is s tarted.
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> switchscf -t Standby XSCF> replacefru XSCF> showlogs error 17.3.1 Active/Hot maintenance 1. Open the rack do or. 2. Log in to the XSCF s hell . 3. Execute the sho wlogs command to identify the co mponent requiring maintenance.
XSCF> replacefru XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly.
Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity. If you per form this pr ocedure witho ut a wrist strap, individu al components or th e overall sys tem may be damaged. For d etails , see " 1.5 Notes Regarding Static Electricity .
A Figure 17-2 Posit ions of screws and leve rs 3. Hold the levers and parti ally pull out the XSCF unit. Chapter 17 Maintaining the XSCF Unit of t he Crossbar Box 313.
Note - P lace the removed XS CF unit o n a groun ded antistat ic ESD mat. Note - When mounting a XSCF unit , chec k the conn ectors on both of the chass is and XSCF unit befo rehand to co nfirm th at no pin is bent and all the pin s are neatly arrange d in lines.
Note - Reinst all the cables in their orig inal positio ns by referrin g to the notes th at you m ade prior to the start o f mainten ance. Note - After co nnecting t he cables, use the ho ok-and -loop fastener t o bundle an d fix the cables to the cable suppor t at the rear.
Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. that the XSCF unit has been incorporated into the system. For details, see " 6.
Chapter 18 Maintaining the Power Supply Units of the Crossbar Box This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the power suppl y units mounted in a crossb ar box.
(1) (2) Location number Componen t 1 Power suppl y unit (PSU#0 ) 2 Power suppl y unit (PSU#1 ) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work .
Table 18-1 Types of ma intenan ce for the power supply un it Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped Build ing bloc k config uration Supporte d (*1) Unsupported (*2) Supporte d Unsupport ed (*2) Supporte d (*3) *1: Active/hot repla cement can b e performed onl y with a redundant co nfiguration .
Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur. Note - Active/hot maintena nce is sup ported only for a re dundant configurati on. XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru of a power s upply unit.
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru maintenance. For details, see " 3.3.5 C hecking log i nform ation ." 4. Confirm the hardware and softw are confi gurations. For details, see " 4.2 Confirming the S ystem Configura tion .
Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity.
A B Note - Place the remov ed power supp ly unit on the grounded ESD mat to groun d any static elect ricity. Note - Do n ot forcibly push t he power supply unit in to its slot. Using e xcessive force may damage th e compone nt or the chassis . Figure 18-2 R e m o v i n gap o w e rs u p p l yu n i t 2.
Note - C heck that th e power supply u nit is fully inserte d and that the lever is fi xed. XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf 18.6 Restoring the System This section describes the pr ocedure for restoring th e system after installin g a power supply unit.
Note - In the case of a dual powe r feed, conn ect the pow er cords in th eir original po sitions by referring to t he record tha t you made before the s tart of maintena nce. 3. Return to the operation of the XSCF firmware replacefru command to confirm that the power supp ly unit has been incorporated into the system.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 326.
Chapter 19 Maintaining the Fan Units of the Crossbar Box This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the fa n units mounted in a crossbar box.
(1) (2) (3) (4) Location number Componen t 1 Fan unit ( FANU# 0) 2 Fan unit ( FANU# 1) 3 Fan unit ( FANU# 2) 4 Fan unit ( FANU# 3) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work .
Table 19-1 Types of mainte nance for fan unit Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped Build ing bloc k config uration Supporte d Unsupport ed (*1) Supporte d Unsupport ed (*1) Supporte d (*2) *1: If any physical partiti on is currently oper ating, the cros sbar box ca nnot be powered o ff.
Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur.
XSCF> replacefru XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly.
Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity. If you per form this pr ocedure witho ut a wrist strap, individu al components or th e overall sys tem may be damaged. For d etails , see " 1.5 Notes Regarding Static Electricity .
Note - Place the removed f an unit on a groun ded antistatic ESD mat. Note - Do n ot force the fan un it into the slot. Usin g excessive force ma y damag e the compone nt or the chassis . Note - Check that the fan unit i s fully inser ted and secu red.
XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. 19.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance 1.
For details, see " 6.1 Inc orpor ating an FR U into the System with the repl acefru Comman d ." 3. Power on all the physical partitions. For details, see " 6.3 Powering On the Physical Pa rtition Requiring Maintenance ." 4. Close the rack door.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 336.
Chapter 20 Maintaining the XSCF Interface U nit of the Crossbar Box This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the XS CF interfac e unit mounted in a crossb ar box.
(1) Location number Componen t 1 XSCF inter face unit (XS CFIFU) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work .
Table 20-1 Type of maintenanc e for XSCF interface unit Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped Build ing bloc k config uration Unsupported U nsupported (*1) Unsupported U nsupported (*1) Supporte d (*2) *1: If any physical partiti on is currently oper ating, the cros sbar box ca nnot be powered o ff.
Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity.
A Figure 20-2 Posit ions of screws and leve rs 3. Hold the levers and parti ally pull out the XSCF interface unit. Figure 20-3 Pulling o ut the XSCF interface unit 4. Support the XSCF interface unit from below w ith one hand and then carefully remove it from the chassis.
Note - P lace the removed XS CF interface u nit on a gr ounded ant istatic ESD m at. Note - Wh en mountin g an XSCF interface unit, check the conne ctors on both of the chassis and XSC F interface un it beforehan d to confirm th at no pin is bent a nd all the pins are neatly arran ged in lines.
Chapter 21 Maintaining the Crossbar Backplane Unit of the Crossbar Box This chapter descri bes the procedure fo r maint aining the cro ssbar back plane unit mounted in a crossb ar box.
(1) Location number Componen t 1 Crossbar bac kplane un it (XBBPU ) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work .
Table 21-1 Types of mainte nance for cro ssbar backpl ane unit Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped Build ing bloc k config uration Unsupported U nsupported (*1) Unsupported U nsupported (*1) Supporte d (*2) *1: If any physical partiti on is currently oper ating, the cros sbar box ca nnot be powered o ff.
XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity.
A A BC B 2. Remove the front cov er. For details, see " 5.5.3 Re moving the front c over ." 3. Remove all the fan uni ts. For details, see " 19.4 Removing a Fan Unit ." 4. Loosen the t wo screw s (A in the figure) securing the u pper cover and slide the right and left stoppers (B in the figure) inw a rds.
A Figure 21-3 Removin g the lower co ver 6. Disconnect the tw o cables from the fan shelf. Arrange the remov ed cables in the cent er. Figure 21-4 Removin g the cables 7. Loosen the three screws securing the fan shelf and partially pull out the fan shelf.
Note - Rem ove the fan shelf w hile paying caref ul attention t o the two cables arran ged in the cente r. Note - Place t he removed fan shelf on a gr ounded a ntistatic ESD mat . Figure 21-5 Removing the fa n shelf 8. Place a hand u nder the fan shelf to sup port it and then carefully remove it from t he chassis .
A B Figure 21-6 Removin g the bracket 10. Slide the guide plate (A in the figure) to the front to remove it . Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 350.
A Note - Move t he clamps back t o their orig inal positions s o that they do not fou l the removal of the crossb ar back plane un it. Figure 21-7 Removing g uide plate 11.
Note - Remove the unit careful ly so as to not damage any cabl es. Note - P lace the removed crossb ar backp lane unit on a gr ounde d antistatic ESD m at.
A Figure 21-9 Removing the cros sbar backplane unit 21.5 Installing the Crossbar Backplane Unit This section describes the pr ocedure fo r installing the cro ssbar bac kplane unit. 1. Insert the crossbar backplane unit into the chassis and then tighten the fiv e screws.
Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. Check the guide pl ate latch to ensure that the pl ate is securely installed.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -p 02 XSCF> showlogs error 3. Execute the di agxbu comma nd to dia gnose the c rossba r cables .
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 356.
Chapter 22 Maintaining the Fan Backplane of the Crossbar Box This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the fa n backplane mounted in the crossbar box.
(1) Location number Componen t 1 Fan backplan e (FANBP) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work ." Figure 22-1 Location of fan backplane 22.
Table 22-1 Types of mainte nance for fan backp lane Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped Build ing bloc k config uration Unsupported U nsupported (*1) Unsupported U nsupported (*1) Supporte d (*2) *1: If any physical partiti on is currently oper ating, the cros sbar box ca nnot be powered o ff.
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity.
A A BC B 2. Remove all the fan uni ts. For details, see " 19.4 Removing a Fan Unit ." 22.4.2 Removing the fan backplane 1. Loosen the t wo screw s (A in the figure) securing the u pper cover and then slide the right and left stoppers (B in the figure) inw ards.
A Figure 22-3 Removin g the lower co ver 3. Disconnect the tw o cables from the fan shelf. Arrange the remov ed cables in the cent er. Figure 22-4 Removin g the cables 4. Loosen the three screws securing the fan shelf and partially pull out the fan shelf.
Note - Rem ove the fan shelf w hile paying caref ul attention t o the two cables arran ged in the cente r. Note - Place t he removed fan shelf on a gr ounded a ntistatic ESD mat . Figure 22-5 Removing the fa n shelf 5. Place a hand u nder the fan shelf to sup port it and then carefully remove it from t he chassis .
Figure 22-6 Removin g the cables 7. Remove the two screw s securing the fan backplane to remove the bracket (A in the figure). Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ .
A Note - Place th e removed fan back plane on a gr ounded antistat ic ESD m at. Figure 22-7 Removing t he screws and b racket 8. Remove the fan backplane. 22.5 Installing the F an Backplane This section describes the pr ocedure fo r installing the fan backpla ne.
Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. 6. Connect the two cable s to the fan shel f. 7. Install the lower cover and then secure it with the one scre w.
Chapter 23 Maintaining the Operation Panel of the Crossbar Box This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the op eration pane l mounted on the crossbar box .
(1) Location number Componen t 1 Operation panel ( OPNL) Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work ." Figure 23-1 Location of the operat ion panel 23.
Table 23-1 Types of mainte nance for ope ration pane l Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped Build ing bloc k config uration Unsupported U nsupported (*1) Unsupported U nsupported (*1) Supporte d (*2) *1: If any physical partiti on is currently oper ating, the cros sbar box ca nnot be powered o ff.
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity.
A A BC B crossbar box requiring maintenance. 2. Remove the front cover of the crossbar box. For details, see " 5.5.3 Re moving the front c over ." 3.
A Figure 23-3 Removin g the lower co ver 6. Disconnect the tw o cables from the fan shelf. Arrange the remov ed cables in the cent er. Figure 23-4 Removin g the cables 7. Loosen the three screws securing the fan shelf and partially pull out the fan shelf.
Note - Rem ove the fan shelf w hile paying caref ul attention t o the two cables arran ged in the cente r. Note - Place t he removed fan shelf on a gr ounded a ntistatic ESD mat . Figure 23-5 Removing the fa n shelf 8. Place a hand u nder the fan shelf to sup port it and then carefully remove it from t he chassis .
Front Figure 23-6 Operation panel cable 2. Loosen the one scre w securing the operation panel and then remove it. Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013.
Front Note - Place th e removed oper ation pane l on a g rounded antist atic ESD m at. Figure 23-7 Removing the o peration pa nel 23.5 Installing the Operation Panel This section describes the pr ocedure fo r installing the oper ation panel.
Front 23.5.1 Installing the operation panel 1. Set the BB- ID of the ope rati on panel to t he va lue pri or to the st art of maintenance. 2. Inser t the ope rati on panel int o the fan s helf a nd then sec ure i t with the sc rew. Figure 23-8 Installing the o peration panel 3.
Front Figure 23-9 Operat ion panel cable 23.5.2 Restoring the chassis 1. Suppor t the fa n shelf from below with one ha nd and inse rt i t int o the chass is. Then, tighten the three screws. 2. Connect t he two cables to t he fan shel f. 3. Install the lower cove r and then secure it with the one screw .
Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. For details, see " 19.5.1 Installing a fan unit ." 6. Install the front cove r of the crossbar b ox.
Chapter 24 Maintaining the Crossbar Cables (Electrical) This chapter descri bes the procedure fo r maint aining the cro ssbar cables (electric al). ■ Configuration of t he Ports for the Crossbar Cab.
1R 2L 2R 0R 0L 1L 1R 2L 2R 0R 0L 1L 1R 2L 2R 0R 0L 1L 1R 2L 2R 0R 0L 1L XBU#0 XBU#1 Figure 24-1 Connectio n ports for c rossbar c ables (electrical) Figure 24-2 Crossbar cables ( elec trical) Fujitsu .
Location number Component 1 Crossbar cab les (electrical) (CBL ) Note - Read an d underst and the instr uctions in this ch apter before startin g the main tenance work.
Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur.
Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly.
Cauti on - Before yo u handle any c ompone nts, wear a wrist strap to grou nd any static electricity. If you per form this pr ocedure witho ut a wrist strap, individu al components or th e overall sys tem may be damaged. For d etails , see " 1.5 Notes Regarding Static Electricity .
A Figure 24-3 Removing the cr ossbar ca bles (electrical) 2. Remove the two crossb ar cables (electrical) from the other chassis. Remove th e crossb ar cable (electrical) by holding the t ab of the cable an d pulling it strai ght out in the d irect ion of the arrow.
Note - If you insert a connecto r with the tab pul led, the co nnector may be damaged. Note - C heck that th e crossbar cables (electrical ) are correctly con nected and secure.
XSCF> showlogs error Note - In the case of a dual powe r feed, conn ect the pow er cords in th eir original po sitions by referring to t he record tha t you made before the s tart of maintena nce. XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 XSCF> showlogs error 4.
For details, see " 3.3.5 C hecking lo g infor mation ." 5. Pow er on all the physical partitions. For detai ls, see " 6.3 Pow erin g On th e Physi cal Par tition R equi ring M ainte nan ce .
Chapter 25 Maintaining the Crossbar Cables (Optical) This chapter descri bes the procedure fo r maint aining the cro ssbar cables (o ptical). ■ Configuration of t he Ports for the Crossbar Cables (O.
1R 2L 2R 0R 0L 1L 1R 2L 2R 0R 0L 1L 1R 2L 2R 0R 0L 1L 1R 2L 2R 0R 0L 1L XBU#0 XBU#1 L0 L2 L3 L1 L0 L2 L3 L1 L4 L6 L7 L5 L4 L6 L7 L5 R0 R2 R3 R1 R0 R2 R3 R1 R4 R6 R7 R5 R4 R6 R7 R5 #2 #1 #0 L0 L2 L3 L1.
Location number Component 1 Crossbar cab les (optical) (CB L) Figure 25-3 Crossbar cables (op tical) (SPARC M10-4S) Figure 25-4 Crossbar cables (op tical) (crossbar box) Chapter 25 Maintaining the Cro.
Note - Re ad and un derstand the in structions in t his chapter before st arting the m aintenan ce work. A lso see the con tents of " Chapter 1 Before Star ting M aintenan ce Work .
Caution - To co mpletely shut dow n the system, all the power c ords must be removed. If the powe r cords are n ot removed, an electr ical failure may occu r. XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru ■ Do not bend the cr ossbar ca bles (optical) un duly.
Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly .
Caution - Before you handle any compone nts, wea r a wrist strap to ground any static electricity. If you per form this pr ocedure witho ut a wrist strap, individ ual components or the ov erall sys tem may be damaged. For d etails , see " 1.5 Notes Regardin g Static Electricity .
Note - There is no problem if you remove t he crossba r cables a t the cros sbar box while electricity is su pplied. Note - T he cables at the rear o f the crossbar bo x are bundled to gether and f astened to the right-h and cable supp ort with a hoo k-and -loop fastener .
(1) (1) Number in figure Description 1T a b Note - Confirm that the cros sbar cable s (optical ) are corr ectly connec ted and se cure. Note - After inst alling the cr ossbar cables (optic al), use the hoo k-and -loop fastener t o bundle the cables toge ther and secure them to the rea r cable suppor t.
Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 XSCF> showlogs error For details, see " 6.1 Inc orpor ating an FR U into the System with the repl acefru Comman d .
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 400.
Chapter 26 Maintaining the XSCF BB Control Cables This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the XS CF BB control cab les. ■ Configuration of t he Ports for the XS CF BB Control Cable s.
(1) (1) Location number Componen t 1 XSCF BB co ntrol cables (S CF_CBL ) Figure 26-1 Locations of XSCF BB contro l cables (SPARC M10-4S) Figure 26-2 Locations of XSCF BB contro l cables (crossbar box).
Note - Read an d underst and the instr uctions in this ch apter before startin g the main tenance work. Also se e the content s of " Chapter 1 Before St arting M aintenance W ork .
Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur.
XSCF> replacefru XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly.
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . For details, see " 3.3.5 C hecking lo g infor mation .
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly. Caution - Before you handle any compone nts, wea r a wrist strap to ground any static electricity.
Note - T he cables on the rear of th e crossbar box are b undled tog ether and faste ned to the right-h and cable supp ort with a hoo k-and -loop fastener . When rem oving the XS CF BB control cab les, remove the ho ok-a nd-loo p fastener from t he cable support.
Figure 26-4 Removing t he XSCF BB cont rol cables (c rossbar box) 2. Remove the XSCF BB co ntrol cables from the other chas sis. Pull out an XSCF BB contr ol cable while pu shing the lock rele ase buttons (A in the figure) on the both sid es of the cable.
Note - C heck that th e XSCF BB co ntrol cables are correct ly connected an d secure. Note - Afte r connecting th e XSCF BB cont rol cable, use the h ook- and-loo p fastener to bun dle the cables to gether an d secure the m to the rear cab le support.
Note - In the case of a dual powe r feed, conn ect the pow er cords in th eir original po sitions by referring to t he record tha t you made before the s tart of maintena nce. 2. Return to the operation of the XSCF firmware replacefru command to confirm that the chassis has been incorporated into the system.
Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. 2. Return to the operation of the XSCF firmware replacefru command to confirm that the chassis ha s been incorporated into the system.
Chapter 27 Maintaining the X SCF DUAL Cont rol Cables This chapter descri bes the procedure fo r maint aining the XSCF D UAL contro l cables. ■ Configuration of the XSCF DUAL Control Ports ■ Befor.
(1) (1) Location numbe r Component 1 XSCF DUAL control cable s (SCF_DUAL) Figure 27-1 Location of XSCF DUA L control port ( SPARC M10-4S) Figure 27-2 Location of XSCF DUA L control port ( crossbar box.
Note - Read an d underst and the instr uctions in this ch apter before startin g the main tenance work. Also se e the content s of " Chapter 1 Before St arting M aintenance W ork .
Cauti on - To co mpletely shut down the sy stem, all the power cor ds must be removed. If the po wer cords are n ot remo ved, an electrical failur e may occ ur.
XSCF> replacefru XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly.
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - In the c ase of a dual power feed, m ake a note o f the locations o f the power cords before discon necting the m to ensure th at they are reinsta lled correctly . For details, see " 3.3.5 C hecking lo g infor mation .
XSCF> showlogs error XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly. Caution - Before you handle any compone nts, wea r a wrist strap to ground any static electricity.
Note - T he cables on the rear of th e crossbar box are b undled tog ether and faste ned to the right-h and cable supp ort with a hoo k-and -loop fastener . To remove th e XSCF DUA L contro l cables, therefore , remove the h ook-an d-loo p fastener from t he cable support.
Note - Check that XSCF DUAL control c able is c orrectl y connected a nd secure. Note - After c onnecting the X SCF DUAL control cabl e, use the hook-a nd-loop faste ner to bundle the cabl es together and fast en them to rear cable suppor t. 2. Remove the XSCF DUAL control cables from the other chassis.
XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf Note - In t he case of a dual power feed, co nnect the power cord s in their orig inal positions b y referring t o the record that y ou made be fore the start of m aintenan ce. XSCF> showstatus XSCF> showhardconf normally after the completion of maintenance.
Note - In the case of a dual powe r feed, conn ect the pow er cords in th eir original po sitions by referring to t he record tha t you made before the s tart of maintena nce.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 424.
Chapter 28 Maintaining the Cable Kit of the Crossbar Box This chapter descri bes the procedure fo r maint aining the cable kit mounted o n the crossbar box.
(1) (2) Location numbe r Component 1 Conn ector (term inal bo ard (SIG) side ) 2 Conn ector (crossb ar backplane unit side ) (1) (2) Location numbe r Component 1 Connector (termi nal board (PWR) side).
(1) (2) Location n umber Com ponent 1 Conne ctor (termin al board side) 2 Conne ctor (fan back plane (PW R) side) 28.1.2 Cables for the connec tion between the terminal board and fan backplane ■ Cab.
(1) (2) (3) Location numbe r Component 1 Connector (termi nal board side) 2 Conn ector (fan back plane (SIG) s ide) 3 Conn ector (oper ation pa nel side) Figure 28-4 Cable (SIG) (fo r the terminal board a nd fan back plane to the operation pa nel) 28.
(1) (2) (3) (5) (4) Location number Component C onnecti on 1 Cable (SIG) Cross bar backpla ne unit and ter minal boar d (SIG) 2 Cable (PWR ) Crossb ar backplane u nit and term inal board ( PWR) 3T e r.
Table 28-1 Types of main tenance f or cable kit Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped Building block c onfiguration Unsuppor ted Unsupported (*1) Unsuppor ted Unsupported (*1) Supported (*2 ) *1: If any physical partiti on is currently opera ting, the crossb ar box can not be powered o ff.
XSCF> replacefru Note - I nt h ec a s eo fad u a lp o w e rf e e d ,m a k ean o t eo ft h el o c a t i o n so ft h ep o w e rc o r d s before discon necting the m to ensure that t hey are reinstalled c orrectly. Caution - Before you handle any compone nts, wea r a wrist strap to ground any static electricity.
A A BC B A 3. Loosen the t wo screw s (A in the figure) securing the upper cover and then slide the right and left stoppers (B in the figure) inw ards.
Note - Rem ove the fan shelf w hile paying caref ul attention t o the two cables arran ged in the cente r. Note - Place t he removed fan shelf on a gr ounded a ntistatic ESD mat . Figure 28-8 Removing the cab les 6. Loosen the three screw s securing the fan shelf and partially pull out the fan shelf.
Figure 28-10 Removin g the cable (cable (S IG)) Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 434.
Figure 28-11 Removing the cab le (cable (PWR)) 9. Remove the cable from the clamps. Chapter 28 Maintaining the Cable Kit of t he Crossbar Box 435.
Figure 28-12 Removin g the cables 28.4.2 Removing the cables for the connection between the terminal board and fan backplane Remove th e cable (SIG) or ca ble (PWR) c onnecting th e terminal board and fan backplane. 1. Remove the front cove r. For details, see " 5.
A A BC B A Figure 28-13 Removing t he upper cover 4. Loosen the one scre w (A in the figure) securing the lower cove r and then slide the lower cover to the left to remov e it. Figure 28-14 R e m o v i n gt h el o w e rc o v e r 5. Disconne ct the two cable s from the f an shelf .
Note - Re move the fan sh elf while payi ng careful atten tion to the tw o cables arran ged in the center. Note - P lace the removed fan sh elf on a gro unded ant istatic ESD mat. Figure 28-15 Removin g the cables 6. Loosen the three screws securing the fan shelf and partially pull out the fan shelf.
Figure 28-17 Removing the cab le (cable (PWR)) Figure 28-18 Removing th e cable (ca ble (SIG)) 9. Remove the cable connecting the fan shelf and operation panel from the Chapter 28 Maintaining the Cabl.
Front connec tor on t he opera tion pane l. Perform this s tep only wh en removing the cab le (SIG). To remove the cabl e (PWR), proce ed to st ep 10. Figure 28-19 Operation panel cable 10.
A B Figure 28-20 Removing the cab le (cable (PWR)) ■ For the ca ble (SIG), remove the two c able connecto r screws with a Ph illips screwdriver ( bit No.
Figure 28-21 Removin g the cable (cable (S IG)) 11. Remove the cable from the clamps. Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 442.
Figure 28-22 Removing the cab le (cable (PWR)) Chapter 28 Maintaining the Cable Kit of t he Crossbar Box 443.
Figure 28-23 Removin g the cable (cable (S IG)) 28.5 Installing the Cable Kit This section describes the pr ocedure for i nstalling the cable k it at each cable connection destin ation. For the cable conn ection de stinat ions, se e " 28.1 Configuration of the Cabl e Kit .
Figure 28-24 Connector sh ape (cable (SIG)) 2. Secure the cable with a clamp. 3. Suppor t the fan shel f from be low with one hand and then inse rt it ca reful ly into the chassis. Arrangin g the cables in the center makes it easier to in stall the fan shelf.
C B A Figure 28-25 Installing the cable (cable (PWR)) - For the ca ble (SIG), install the connecto r that has a thre aded hole to the terminal b oard. U s et h e s c r e wt h a tw a sr e m o v e df r o mt h es a m el o c a t i o nb e f o r e .T i g h t e nt h e screw with a Philli ps screwdriver (bit N o.
A Figure 28-26 Installing the cable (ca ble (SIG)) 2. Connect the cable to the connector of the fan backplane. 3. Connect the cable conne cting the fan shelf and operation panel to the connect or on the opera tion pane l. Perfor m this step only when inst alling the cable (SIG).
Front Figure 28-27 Operation panel cable 4. Secure the cable with a clamp. Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 448.
Figure 28-28 Secur ing the cable ( cable (PWR)) Chapter 28 Maintaining the Cable Kit of t he Crossbar Box 449.
Figure 28-29 Securing the cable (cabl e (SIG)) 5. Suppor t the fa n shelf from be low with one hand a nd then i nsert i t care full y into the chassis. Arrang ing the cables in the center makes it easier to in stall the fan shelf. 6. Tighten the three screws securing the fan sh elf.
Note - In the case of a dual powe r feed, conn ect the pow er cords in th eir original po sitions by referring to t he record tha t you made before the s tart of maintena nce. XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -p 02 XSCF> showlogs error 28.
For details, see " 3.3.5 C hecking lo g infor mation ." 5. Pow er on all the physical partitions. For detai ls, see " 6.3 Pow erin g On th e Physi cal Par tition R equi ring M ainte nan ce .
Chapter 29 Maintaining the Dedicated Power Distribution Unit Mounted on the Rack for Expanded Connection This chapt er describes the p rocedure for mainta ining the d edica ted power dist ribution unit (P DU) mounted on the rac k for expanded connection.
(4) (3) (2) (1) Rear Location numbe r Component 1 Dedicated pow er distribut ion unit (P DU#0) 2 Dedicated pow er distribut ion unit (P DU#1) 3 Dedicat ed power di stribution uni t (PDU#2) (*) 4 Dedicat ed power di stribution uni t (PDU#3) (*) *: This is m ounted when the two exp anded conn ection ra cks have been i nstalled.
Note - Read an d underst and the instr uctions in this ch apter before startin g the main tenance work. Also se e the content s of " Chapter 1 Before St arting M aintenance W ork .
Caution - Act ive/cold m aintenance can be per formed o nly when th e power supply u nit has a redunda nt config uration. Note - M ake a note o f the locations of the p ower cords before d isconnecting the m, to ensure that they are re connected cor rectly.
Caution - Before you handle any compone nts, wea r a wrist strap to ground any static electricity. If you per form this pr ocedure witho ut a wrist strap, individ ual components or the ov erall sys tem may be damaged. For d etails , see " 1.5 Notes Regardin g Static Electricity .
Figure 29-2 PDU screws 2. Grasp the top and bottom of the PDU, and th en pull it out. Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 458.
Note - H old the plugs o f the power cables, and t hen pull them s traight o ut. Figure 29-3 Pulling out the PDU 3. Disconnect all the po wer cables from the re ar of the PDU.
A A Figure 29-4 PDU power c ables The number of power cabl es and the p lug type may vary dep ending on the power envir onment, as foll ows: - For a single-phase pow er feed: Four power cables are connected to the PDU. To pull t hem out, push th e upper and lower l atches (A in t he figure).
A Note - H old each power cable pl ug, and the n insert it straigh t into the socket . Note - Ensure t hat the power cab les are correctly con nected and secure. (A in the fig ure) co unterclockwi se. Figure 29-6 Power cabl e connector for thr ee-phas e power feed 29.
Note - Reconnect the powe r cords at the ir original loc ations by ref erring to the note s you made prior to t he start of maint enance. Note - Reconnect the powe r cords at the ir original loc ations by ref erring to the note s you made prior to t he start of maint enance.
(4) (13) (1) (2) (14) (3) (7) (8) (6) (9) (10) (5) (12) (1 1) (2) (15) Appendix A Component List This append ix describ es components tha t constitut e the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S, t he crossbar box, and the expand ed connection rack.
Location numbe r Component 1 CPU me mory un it upper 2 Side cover 3 Memory 4 PSU back plane unit 5F a n s h e l f 6F a n u n i t 7 Front cove r 8 Internal d isk 9 Power sup ply unit 10 Operation pa ne.
(4) (1) (2) (14) (3) (7) (6) (9) (5) (13) (12) (8) (1 1) (10) Location n umber Com ponent 1 XSCF inter face unit 2 Crossbar b ackplane u nit 3 Fan backpla ne 4F a n s h e l f 5F a n u n i t 6 Upper co.
Location numbe r Component 14 XSCF un it (2) (3) (1) Rear Location numbe r Component 1 Dedicated pow er distribut ion unit 2 Expande d connection rack 3 Crossbar b ox Figure A-3 Locations of com ponen.
Appendix B Component Specifications This appendix pro vides the specifications o f the compon ents. The com ponents that c onstitute the SP ARC M 10-4/M1 0-4S and the crossba r box are as follows.
Table B-1 Specif ications of CPU memory uni t (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S) Item Descr ipti on Maximum number of CPU memo ry unit s 2 Location Insid e of chassis Type of m ainten ance Active/cold, in active/co.
Table B-2 Specifications of cr ossbar un it (SPARC M10 -4/M10- 4S) (c o ntinu e d ) Item Descr iptio n Type of m aintenan ce Inactive/cold and sy stem-stop ped Maintenan ce category R eplacement Table.
Table B-4 Specifications o f XSCF un it (crossbar b ox) (c o ntinu e d ) Item Descr ipti on Maintenanc e category Replac ement Table B-5 Specifications of th e power suppl y un it (SPARC M 10-4/M10 -4.
Table B-7 Specifications of f an unit (SP ARC M1 0-4/M10- 4S) Item Descr iptio n Number of fan units 5 Location Fron t of chassis Type of m aintenan ce Active/hot , active/cold, inact ive/hot, inact i.
Table B-9 Specifications o f the internal dis k drive (SPA RC M10- 4/M10-4S ) (c o ntinu e d ) Item Descr ipti on Location Fro nt of chassi s Type o f mainten ance Active/h ot, active/co ld, inactive/.
Table B-11 Specifications of XS CF interf ace unit (crossbar b ox) (c o ntinu e d ) Item Descr iptio n Location Re ar of chassis Type of m ainten ance System st opped Maintenan ce category R eplacement For the maintena nce procedure, see " Chapter 20 Maintaini ng the XSCF Inter face Unit of the Cro ssbar Box .
A Table B-12 Specifications of PS U backplane u nit (SPAR C M10- 4/M10-4S ) Item Descr ipti on Number of PSU backplane u nits 1 Location Insid e of chassis Type of m ainten ance Active/cold, in active.
B A Table B-13 Specifications of cr ossbar backpla ne unit (cross bar box) Item Descr iptio n Number of cross bar backplane un its 1 Location Inside of cha ssis Type of m ainten ance System st opped M.
Table B-14 Specifications of fa n backplane (cr ossbar box) (c o ntinu e d ) Item Descr ipti on Location Insid e of chassis Type of m ainten ance System sto pped Maintenanc e category Replac ement Tab.
Table C-1 iostat(1M) co mman d options Optio n Des crip tion Applic ation No options Reports the sta tus of the local I/O device. Allows you to vie w the devic e status concisely in 3 lines. -c Reports the rates of period s during which the system has been in user mode, syst em mo de, I/O wait ing, and idling .
Table C-1 iostat(1M ) comma nd options (con t i nued) Option Description Application -e Displays a summ ary of stat istics on the device errors . Displayed items are the total number of error s, hardware err ors, softw are errors, and transfer err ors.
Table C-2 prtdiag(1M) c ommand option Optio n Des crip tion Applic ation No option s Disp lays a list of com ponents. Allows y ou to check t he CPU information, the memory config uration , the moun ted PCI Express (PC Ie) cards, the OpenBootPROM vers ion, the mode switch status, an d the CPU operation m ode.
11 30 00 MHz SPARC64-X on-line ---------- ------------ --Ommitted-- ------------ ---------- 59 30 00 MHz SPARC64-X on-line 60 30 00 MHz SPARC64-X on-line 61 30 00 MHz SPARC64-X on-line 62 30 00 MHz SP.
pci@0/pci@0 /QLGC,qlc@0, 2 /BB0/PCI0 PCIE QLGC,qlc- pciex1077,80 01 QLE8152 5.0GTx4 /pci@8100/p ci@4/pci@0/p ci@0/pci@0/p ci@0/pci@0/p ci@1/ pci@0/pci@0 /QLGC,qlc@0, 3 /BB0/PCI0 PCIE emlx-pcie x10df,f100 LPe12002-M8-FJ2.
Table C-3 prtconf( 1M) command options Option Description Application No options Disp lays a devic e tree fo r the devices recognize d by Oracle Solaris.
obp-tftp (dr iver not att ached) zfs-file-sys tem (driver not attached ) hsfs-file-sy stem (driver not at tached) chosen (driver n ot attached) openprom (driv er not attached) client-servi ces (driver.
network, insta nce #2 network, insta nce #3 pci, instan ce #1 pci, instance #7 pci, instance #8 pci, instan ce #9 pci, instan ce #10 pci, instan ce #11 pci, instan ce #2 pci, instance #1 2 pci, instan.
pci, instance #1 09 pci-perform ance-counter s, instance #0 pci-perform ance-counter s, instance #1 pci-perform ance-counter s, instance #2 pci-perform ance-counter s, instance #3 pci-perform ance-cou.
Table C-4 netsta t(1M) command options Option Description Application -i Displays the interfac e status. The displayed con tent includes information on i ncoming and outgoing packet s, incoming an d outgo ing errors, co llisions, and queues. Allows y ou to v iew a concise overview of t he netw ork status .
Table C-5 ping(1M) command opti ons Optio n Des crip tion Applic ation hostname Wh en you send a probe pac ket to hostname , a message is retur ned. A l l o w sy o ut oc o n f i r m t h a tah o s ti s activ e on the network. -g hostname F orces the prob e packet to go throug h the specif ied gateway .
Table C-6 ps(1M) command option s Option Description Application -e Displays inform ation on var ious processes. Allows y ou to v iew the process IDs and files th at can be e xecuted.
0.0 470 /usr/lib/ autofs/autom ountd 0.0 468 /usr/lib/ inet/inetd 0.0 458 hald-runn er 0.0 453 /usr/lib/ hal/hald 0.0 450 /usr/sbin /rpcbind 0.0 421 /usr/lib/ inet/proftpd 0.0 413 /usr/sbin /cron 0.0 382 /lib/svc/ method/iscsi d 0.0 369 /usr/lib/ efcode/sparc v9/efdaemon 0.
Table C-7 prstat(1M) co mman d option s Option Description Application No options Displays a list of pr ocesses sorted in descending order of C PU resource consum ption. T he list is restr icted by the height of the terminal window and the number of processes.
Appendix D External Interface Specifications This appendix descri bes the specifications of the exter nal interface co nnectors an d the switch for the XSCF provided on the SPAR C M10-4/ M10-4S and the cross bar box. The externa l interface conn ectors provided on the SPAR C M 10-4/M1 0-4S are as follo ws.
Table D-1 Serial port Pin arrangement Pin number Signal name Input/Output Description 1 RTS Out put Trans mission request 2 DTR Output Data terminal ready 3 TXD Output Tr ansmitted d ata 4 GND --- Ground 5 GND --- Ground 6 RXD Input Receiv ed data 7 DSR In put Data set ready 8 CTS Input Transmission poss ible D.
Table D-2 USB port Pin arrangement Pin number Signal name Input /Outpu t Descrip tion 1 VBUS Output Powe r supply 2 -DATA Input/ Output Data 3 +DATA In put/ Output Data 4 GND --- G round D.3 SAS Port The SAS po rt of the S PARC M 10-4/M1 0-4S is used to connect exter nal devices with an SAS interface, suc h as a tape drive.
A A Figure D-2 RESET s witch loca tion (SPARC M10-4) Figure D-3 RESET s witch loca tion (SPARC M10-4S) Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・ December 2013 494.
Index C cable kit , 425 cable, types of , 29 component list , 463 component specifications , 46 7 component s, names and loc ations o f , 11 CPU memory unit , 83 crossbar backplane unit , 343 crossbar.
X XSCF BB contro l cable , 401 XSCF DUAL con trol cable , 413 XSCF interf ace unit , 337 XSCF unit , 307 Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual • December 2013 496.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Fujitsu M10-4 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Fujitsu M10-4 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Fujitsu M10-4 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Fujitsu M10-4 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Fujitsu M10-4, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Fujitsu M10-4.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Fujitsu M10-4. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Fujitsu M10-4 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.