Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto INE-NAV-40 del fabbricante Alpine
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User Manu al Alpine N avigation Navigation software for the Alpine INE - W940/INE - W940S /INE - NAV - 40 US English Januar y 201 3 , ver. 1.0.
Thank you for choos ing the A lpine unit as your navigator . St art using your dev ice ri ght a wa y. T h is docum ent is the d etail ed desc ription of the navigat ion sof tware.
Table of con ten ts 1 Warnings and Saf ety information ......................................................................................... 6 2 Gettin g start ed ....................................................................................
3.1.3 Using the free f orm search ..................................................................................................................... 46 3.1.4 Selecting a map location as the destination ..............................................
6 Glossary .................................................................................................................................. 78 7 Copyright note .........................................................................................
1 Warn ing s and S afe t y info rm ation The navigat ion s ystem helps you find your way to your desti nation with a con nec ted GPS r eceiver. T he software d oes not trans mit your G PS po s it io n ; ot hers c annot trac k you. It is im portant tha t you look at the d ispla y onl y when it is saf e to do so.
2 Gett ing st arte d W hen using the naviga tion s oftware f or the firs t time, an init ial s etup pr ocess starts autom atically. Do as follo ws: 1. Select th e written langu age of the applic ation inter face. Later you can ch ange it i n Regi onal settings ( page 76 ).
6. If neede d, m odify the def ault rout e plan ning opt ions. Later you can c hange them in Rou te sett ings ( page 70 ). 7. The init ial setu p is no w com plete. T he Configur at ion wi zard c an be res tarted later f rom the Settings menu ( page 67 ).
List W hen you need to select f rom several o ptions, th ey ap pear in a list. Grab the list an ywhere a nd slide your finger up or do wn. Depending on the s peed of the slid ing, t he l ist will sc rol l fas t or slow , on ly a b it o r ti l l the end.
Correcting your entr y on th e ke yboard T ap to remove the unneed ed charac ter(s ). Tap and hold the b utton to del ete several c haracters o r the entire input string. Entering a space , for ex ample between a firs t name and a fam ily name or i n m ulti - word street nam es Tap the button at the botto m center of the s creen.
Tapping and holding the screen T ap and k eep press ing the follo wing butt ons to r each e xtra f unctions: • Tap and h old an y of the , , , , , and buttons on the Ma p scr een: you can rot ate, tilt or sca le the m ap continuous ly. • Tap and h old on ke yboard s c reens : you can de lete s evera l character s quick ly.
There ar e scr een buttons and da ta fiel ds on the scr een to hel p you navigat e. D uring navig ation, th e screen s hows rout e inf ormation . Two data f ields ar e disp layed o n the l eft.
2.2.2 Position markers Vehima rker and Lock -on-Road W hen your GPS p osit ion i s avail able, the s oft ware mar ks your current positio n with t he Vehim arker . By default, t his m ark er is a blue ar row, but you can c hang e this ic on in Settings . Turn p revie w and Nex t street W hen navigatin g a route, t he to p sectio n of the Map s cr een sho ws inform ation a bout the n ext r oute e vent ( maneuver ) and the next s treet or the nex t cit y/town. There is a field i n the to p left c orner that displa ys the next m aneuver .
Approachi ng a waypoint. Approachi ng the d estinat ion. Thes e fields also act as b uttons : • Tap the T urn prev iew f ield and the vo ic e guidanc e wi ll repeat the lat es t ins truc tio n with update d distance inform ati on. • Tap the Nex t stre et field to open the Iti nerar y .
This f eature can be turn ed of f in Visual G uidanc e sett ings. Freew ay exit se rvices You ma y need a gas s tation or a r estaura nt during your jour ne y. This featur e displa ys a new butto n on the m ap when you are dri ving o n freew ay s.
Zoom ing in and out , Changes h ow m uch of the m ap is disp la yed on the screen. Your soft ware uses h igh - qualit y vector m aps that let you exam ine the m ap at various zoom levels, al ways with optim iz ed conte nt.
2.2.5 Checking the details of the curren t posi tion (Where A m I?) This s creen conta ins infor m ation about the cur rent posit ion (or about t he las t known posi tion if GPS reception is not avai lable) and a button t o search f or us eful P laces n earb y.
• : Police st ations • : Gas stati ons Tap an y of the b uttons, s elect a P lace fr om the list, an d navigat e to it. 2.3 Navigation menu You can reac h al l parts of the sof tware from the Nav igation m enu. W hen you open th e menu, the destinati on search bu ttons appear on the screen.
3 On- road nav igation W hen first s tarted, Alpi ne unit c alculates r outes usin g the road networ k of the high qu alit y vector m aps provided w ith the produc t.
4. Enter the s treet n am e: a. Start enter ing the s treet n am e on the k e yboard. b. Find the st reet you need: • The m ost likel y str eet name is a lwa ys sho wn in the input fie ld.
• If the desired n am e does not sho w up, the nam es that match the s tring appe ar in a list after en tering a c oup le of c haracters (to open the lis t of res ults before it appe ars autom atically, ta p ). Sel ect t he cit y/town from the list.
• The m ost likely cit y/town nam e is alwa ys shown in th e input f ield. T o accept it, tap . • If the desired n am e does not sho w up, the nam es that match the s tring appe ar in a list after en tering a c oup le of c haracters (to open the list of results before it appe ars autom atically, ta p ).
3. Enter the s treet n am e: a. Tap . b. Start enter ing the s treet n am e on the k e yboard. c. Find the stre et you need: • The m ost lik el y stre et nam e is alwa ys s h o wn in th e in put f ie ld. Entering th e midpoint of a street as the dest ination You can n avigate t o the m idpo int of a s treet if th e hou se num ber is not avai lable: 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap t he fol lowing buttons: , . 2. Select th e countr y, state and c ity/town as des cribed ea rlier ( pa ge 22 ).
5. A full scr een m ap appear s with the s electe d poin t in th e middle. If necess ar y, tap the m ap somewher e else to m odif y the des tinati on. The C ursor ( ) appears at the new loc ation. T ap to confirm the des tinat ion, or tap to se lect a differ ent destinati on.
4. Instead of enter ing the ho us e num ber, tap . The m idpoint of the street is selected as the des tinati on. 5. A full scr een m ap appear s with the s electe d poin t in th e middle. If necess ar y, tap the m ap somewher e else to m odif y the des tinati on.
to confirm the des tinat ion, or tap to se lect a differ ent destinati on. 6. After a s hort sum m ary of the route param eters , the m ap appears showin g the en tire r oute. T he route is aut om aticall y calculated. T ap to m odify route p aram eters , or tap and star t your jour ne y.
4. Enter the s treet n am e: a. Tap . b. Start enter ing the s treet n am e on the k e yboard. c. Find the stre et you need: • The m ost lik el y stre et nam e is alwa ys sh o wn in th e in put f ie ld.
7. After a s hort sum m ary of the route param eters , the m ap appears showin g the en tire r oute. T he route is aut om aticall y calculated. T ap to m odify route p aram eters , or tap and star t your jour ne y.
3.1.2 Selecting the destin ation from the Places o f In terest You can s elect your desti nat ion from the Pl ac es of Int erest inc luded with your sof tware.
4. (optiona l) The Pl aces i n the list are order ed b y the leng t h of the nec essar y detour ( when navigat ing a route) or b y their distanc e f rom the c urrent posi tion ( when no desti nation is give n). If you need to reorder th e list, ta p .
2. The pres et searc h categor ies app ear: • : • If an acti ve route exists, gas stations are sear ched a long th e route. • If there is no ac tive rout e (destin ation is n ot selected) , they are searched ar ound the current pos ition .
4. (optiona l) The Pl aces i n the list are or dered by the ir distanc e from the c urrent or l ast k nown position , from the desti nation or by the l ength of the n eces sar y deto ur. If you need to reord er the list, t ap . 5. Bro ws e t he lis t if nec essar y and tap one of the list item s.
• Tap to sear ch for a place with in a sel ected ci ty/town . (T he res ult list will be ordered b y the distanc e f rom the center of the se lected c ity/to wn.) • Tap to sear ch for a place around t he des tinat ion of the acti ve route . (The r esult list w ill be ordered b y the d istance from the desti nation .
7. Sometim es the list of bran ds in the sel ected Plac e subc ategor y appears . Select o ne brand or tap to lis t all Places in the s ele cted subcat egor y around the selec ted location or along the r oute. 8. Finall y, the resu lts appe ar in a list.
13. Aft er a short s umm ar y of the route par am eters, the m ap ap pears s howin g the enti re route. The route is aut om aticall y calculated. T ap to m odify route p aram eters , or tap and star t your jour ne y. Searching for a Place o f Intere st by nam e You can s earch f or Places of Interes t by their nam es.
4. (optiona l) If you have se lected , select t he cit y/town to searc h in. 5. Select on e of the m ain Plac e categ ories (e. g. Ac commodat ion) to s earch in or tap to search am ong a ll Pla ce s . 6. Select on e of the Plac e su bcategor ies (e.g.
8. Using the k e yboard, star t enter ing the n am e of the Pl ac e . 9. After enter ing a f ew letter s, tap to open the list of Pla ces with nam es containi ng the e ntered c harac ter seque nce.
3.1.3 U sing the free f orm sea rch A quick wa y to sear ch f or an a ddres s, a P lace, an Addres s Book entr y or a Histor y item is to us e the fr ee form searc h. Do as f ollows: 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap . 2. Open the menu and t ap . 3. In the lef t field e nter the nam e you are looking f or.
to confirm the des tinat ion, or tap to se lect a differ ent destinati on. 8. After a s hort sum m ary of the route param eters , the m ap appears showin g the en tire r oute. T he route is aut om aticall y calculated. T ap to m odify route p aram eters , or tap and star t your jour ne y.
3.1.5 Selecting the destin ation from your Address Book You can sel ect a loc ation t hat you ha ve alrea dy saved as an Addres s Book entry to be y our des tination . Adding a location to the Addres s Book is descr ibed on page 57 . 1. Access the Addres s Book : in the N avigat ion menu, tap and then ta p .
3.1.6 Selecting a recent destin ation f rom the History The dest inations that you have set ear lier ap pear in t he His tor y . 1. Access th e Histor y : • If you are in t h e Navigation m enu , tap and t hen tap . 2. The list of recent desti nations appears .
3.1.7 Entering the coordinate of the destination You can a lso se lect a des tination by ent ering its c oordi nate. Do as f ollows: 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap .
3.1.8 Navigate to a location stored in a pictur e You can a lso set t he locat ion stor ed in a picture as your destin ation. Do as f ollows: 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap . 2. Open the menu and t ap . 3. The list of picutr es stor ed o n the USB memo ry a ppear s.
3.1.9 Building a route from the list of destinations (Create Route) You can a lso bui ld your route des tinatio n b y destinat ion fr om the Rout e m enu. 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap . 2. Tap . 3. There is only one line in the list of r oute points , the s tart po int of the route, n orm ally the cur rent GPS position .
3.2 Viewing the entire route on the map It is eas y to get a m ap ov ervie w of the active r oute . Do as fo llows: 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap . 2. Tap . The ac tive rout e is di spla yed in its f ull lengt h on the m ap together with ad di tion al inform ation and c ontrols .
• Tap to add th e newl y selec ted locat ion as an inter mediate d estinat ion to your ro ute. T he other des tinations of th e route r emain i ntact. Note: th e ne w waypoint is plac ed am ong desti nat ions to keep the route optim al. To dec ide where a waypoint to appear , us e the Edit Rou te feature.
4. The Des tination m enu ap pears and you can s elect the start po int of the route t he s ame wa y you select a destinat ion. 5. W hen the new star t point is set, t ap . 6. The m ap returns with a tr anspar ent Veh imark er (s howing that t here is no GPS r eception) .
• Tap to delete a desti nation. • Tap to m odif y the start po int of the route. • Tap to reor der the list. You can do it m anuall y or you can l et the applicat ion optim i z e the rou te for you. 3.3.4 Canceli ng th e acti ve route To canc el the na vigated ro ute, tap in t he Navigatio n m enu , and then tap .
4. Or if you cannot f ind a go od al ternati ve, tap and scr oll down f or routes with differ ent routing m ethods . 5. Select on e of the route a lternati ves then t ap to r eturn t o the Ma p scr een. The software r ecalcul ates th e route. T he ora nge l ine now s hows th e new rec omm ended route .
3.5 Saving a location as an alert point You can s ave an y map loc ation as a n alert point (f or e xample a s peed cam era or a rai lroad cross ing). 1. Bro wse t he m ap and s elect a l ocation. T he red Cursor appears there. 2. Tap . 3. Scroll do wn the l ist and t ap .
3. Scroll do wn the l ist and t ap . 4. On the ne wly op ened sc reen, m odif y the type of the al ert po int, the dir ection from which you expect the alert, or (if applica ble) t he speed limit f or this al ert poi nt. 5. Tap to sav e the c hanges t o the al ert poin t.
1. (optiona l) You h ave the f ollo wing contr ols durin g the s im ulation: • : Jum p to the nex t route e vent ( m aneuv er ). • : Pause th e sim ulation. • : Jum p to the p re vious ro ute e vent ( m aneuver ). • : Tap to i ncrease th e spe ed of the sim ulation to 4, 8 or 16 tim es fas ter.
4 Off- road navi gation W hen first s tarted, Alpi ne unit c alculates r outes usin g the road networ k of the high qu alit y vector m aps provided w ith the produc t. You can s witch th e appl icatio n to of f - road m ode from the N avigation menu. T ap , , and then .
5 Reference Gu ide On the follo wing pages you will f ind the desc ription of the dif ferent c oncepts and m enu sc reens of the software. 5.1 Concepts 5.
• Maneuver restrict ions a nd direct ional cons traints are t ak en into acc ount whe n planning a route. • Roads ar e used on ly if ac cess for c ars is allo wed. • Private r oads and r eside nt - onl y roads are used onl y if they are inevitable to re ac h the destinati on.
5.1.3 Green routing Route calc ulatio n is not onl y about f indin g the quic kes t or short est rou te. F or so me of the vehicl e t ypes, you can also c heck the fuel cons umpt ion and CO 2 em ission when planni ng a route, and you c an create cost e ffective routes with l ess effec t on the enviro nm ent.
5.1.4 Speed lim it warning Maps m ay contain i nform ation about the sp eed lim its of the road segm ents. The sof tware is able to warn you if you exc eed the c urrent limit. T his infor m ation m ay not be a vailab le for your reg ion (as k your local dealer), or ma y not be ful ly correc t for all roa ds in the m ap.
Button Descript ion Tap this but ton to g et inf orm ation about t he curr ent loc ation an d to find n earb y help. Tap this but ton to o pen th e GPS I nform ation screen with s atellite position and signal str ength inform ation.
5.3 Settings me n u You can c onfigur e the pro gram settings, and m odif y the beha vior of the soft ware. In the Na vigation m enu , tap . The Sett ings m enu has se veral o ptions. T ap or scroll with your finger t o see t he full list. Button Descript ion Adjust t he sound volum e, m ute your de vice or chang e the voic e guidanc e language.
The About section pro vide s you with product inform ation. Read the Software an d Database En d User Lic ense Ag reem ent , or check the map and other c ontents of the app lication. You ca n also acc ess pr ogram usage st atistics . 5.3.1 Sound and Warnings Adjust the so und volum e, mute your device or change the voic e guidance langu age.
Maps m ay contain inform ation about the sp eed l im its of the roa d segm ents. T he software is abl e to warn you if you excee d the cur rent lim it. T his inform ation m a y not be avai lable for your regio n (ask your local deal er), or m ay not be f ul ly correc t for all roads in the map.
5.3.2 Route settin gs Thes e settings d eterm ine ho w routes will be calcul ated. Button Descript ion You can s et the type of ve hicle you will use to na vigate the rout e . B ased upo n this setting, s om e of the road types can b e exclud ed from the route , or som e of the restric tions m ay not be t aken in to accou nt in ro ute ca lculation.
Vehicl e prof iles : W hen you first tap , you se e the list of def ault vehicle profiles. You hav e the f ollo wing option s: Button Descript ion You can e dit the param eters of the vehic le prof ile. Tap this but ton to r eveal t he be low opt ions.
• Maneuver restrict ions a nd direct ional cons tra ints are t ak en into acc ount whe n planni ng a route. • Roads ar e used on ly if ac cess for c ars is allowe d. • Private r oads and r eside nt - onl y roads are used onl y the y are ine vitable t o reach t he destinati on.
Gives a quick but f uel eff icient ro ute base d on t he f uel cons umption data g iven i n Route se tt ings ( page 70 ). Travel cos t and CO 2 emiss ion calculati ons ar e estim ations onl y. They cannot tak e elevations , curv es and traf fic conditions into account.
Replace th e def ault posi tion m arker to one of the 3D vehic le m odels. You ca n select separ ate icons for diff erent vehicl e types s elected f or route p lannin g. Separate icons can be us ed f or car and t he other vehi cles. Show or s uppress 3D la ndm arks , 3D art istic or block representati ons of prom inent or well - k nown objec ts.
W henever adequate inf orm a tion is available , lane inf ormation s imilar to t he real ones on ro ad si gns ab ov e t he r oad is dis p la yed at the top of t he m ap.
5.3.5 Regional settings Thes e settings all ow you to cus tom iz e the appl icatio n for your local la nguage , m easurem ent units, t ime and date settings and for mats , as well as to ch oose th e tim e zone. Button Descript ion This button disp lays th e current written language of the user int erfac e.
5.4 Trip monitor If you save your tr ip logs when you arriv e at som e of your dest inations or let t he a pplicati on aut om aticall y save the tri p logs f or you, those logs are all listed here. Tap one of the tri ps t o see the tr ip statist ics, speed and elevat ion pr of ile.
6 Glo ssar y 2D/3D G PS recept ion The GPS re ceiv er uses satell ite sign als to c alculat e its ( your) positio n and need s at least f our sign als to give a thre e - dim ensional p osition, incl uding elev ation .
Route A sequenc e of r oute eve nts, i. e. m aneuver s ( for exam ple, turns and tr aff ic c ircle s) to reac h the destinati on. T he rout e cont ains one start po int an d on e or m or e d estinati ons . T he s tar t p oi nt is th e cur re nt (or last k now n) positio n b y default.
7 Cop yrigh t note The produc t and t he inf ormatio n contai ned here in are subj ect to cha nge wit hout p rior notif ic ati on. This m anual m ay not, in whol e or in part, be re produc ed or tra n.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Alpine INE-NAV-40 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Alpine INE-NAV-40 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Alpine INE-NAV-40 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Alpine INE-NAV-40 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Alpine INE-NAV-40, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Alpine INE-NAV-40.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Alpine INE-NAV-40. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Alpine INE-NAV-40 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.