Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto FS100 del fabbricante Focus
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FS100 DVCPROHDDVCPRO50DVCPRO/DV Port ableDTERecorder UserGuide Release1 .0 Part Number:MANL10 2306.
ii Conta cting FOC US ENHA NCE MEN TS: SerialNu mber The serialnumbe r for thisequ ipmen t islocat edon t hebackof the uni t.Pl easewr itet hiss erial num bero nthe enc los edw arran ty card andk eep itin asec u rearea.
iii Reg ulati ons and Safet y FCCCla ssA Th isprod uc tsati sfie sFCC regula ti onswh en shie lded cables andconnect orsare usedto c onne ctt heunit toother e quipm en t.
iv Com pliance FS10 0is adev ice mar keted for use inind ustrial orbusine ss enviro nmen ts.T heF S10 0co mplies w iththe reg ul ation.
v Safe ty Symbol s IntheFS100Unit Th issym bol indi cates thepr esen ce ofan uni nsulat ed Dange rous V ol tage withi ntheproduct ’s en cl osur ethat may cons titute a risk ofelec tric shock toper sons .
vi Electric alPrecau tions DoNotExposetoMoisture Do notus eth isprod uct near wa teror inan envi ronmen twhere it isexpo sedtodampn es s orthereist heposs ibility of itget tingwet.
vii PowerCordProtection • Routi ngP ow erC ords Rout ep owersup pl ycor ds sotha tthey ar enot likel ytobe walked on orp inche dby ite ms placed upon or again stt hem .
viii LightningandPowerSurges Durin gele ctric al stor msor whe nleft unatt ended and unus ed for long peri ods oft ime, unpl ug theFS 100 from the pow ersou rce and discon ne ctt hean te nnao rcable sy stem.
ix Servicing Unpl ug thede vice fro mt hepo werou tlet and refer ser vicing to qual ified servi ce person nel unde rthe follo wing c ondition s: • When the pow ers upply cor dor plug isdam age d.
x V entilation Do notbl ock theven ti lation open ing sint heF S10 0bo dy . Over hea tingc anoccur anddam agethe device.
FS10 0Por tableDT ERec order x i T ableofContent s Introduction 1 DTE Elim inat esPr eedit P rocessin g .... ... ... ... .... . 1 Unp a cki ng .
T ab leofCo ntents xii FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Recor d andPl ayba ck with theF S1 00 . .... .... .... .. 22 Pow erO nthe FS10 0 . ..
T ab leofCo ntents FS10 0Port ableDT ER ecorder x iii LCD CON TRAS T ... .... ... .... .... . .... .... .. 57 Funct ions Scree n .
T ab leofCo ntents xiv FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Mou ntingH ardw are .. ... ... .... ... .... .. ... ..... . 94 Mou nting FS 100 toaCam cor der .
FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 1 Introductio n Th ank youf orp urch asinga Foc usE nhan ce ments’ FireStore FS10 0 portab ledir ectt oedi t( DTE ) dis krecor der .
Introd uction 2 FS10 0 Por table DTE Re cord er Unpacking V erifythat theFS100 hasthefollowing items: 1. FS100unit 2. Beltclip 3. Usergui de 4. Firewire cables,four andonefoo tlong,4pinto6 pin 5.
Introd uction FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 3 Fea tures FS100Features TheFS100 off ersthe follo wingfeatures: • T ape less acqu i sition Esp.
Introd uction 4 FS10 0 Por table DTE Re cord er • Compac t,Lig htwei g ht,R ugge dD esig n TheFire StoreFS100 weighsap proximatelyonepound includingthe batteryandisonl y1 .5"thick.
FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 5 Quickst art Th issect ion prov ides thef ollowi n ginf orma tio nne cessary for using theF S 100a squick ly as poss ible. Phy sical Descr iption and Bas icCont rols .
Quick start 6 FS10 0Portabl eDT ERec order Phy sicalDe sc riptiona nd Basic Contro ls FrontPanelControls LCDDisplay Thisisabac klit,14character by7line dotmatrixdisplay .
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 7 PowerOnButton ThePowe rONbuttonpr ovidestwofu nctions. • Pow er ON T ur nontheFS100. • Reset FS 100 • FS1 00first m ustbe powe redon .
Quick start 8 FS10 0Portabl eDT ERec order T ransportControlButtons Usethesebut tonstocon trolFS 100playbackandr ecord functions .Y ouusuallyoperateth esetransport buttons whileon theHO MEScreen.
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 9 Back Ind ex | Thisbut tonret urnstheFS10 0tothebeginn ingofthecur rentclip when inp layb ackmo de.
Quick start 10 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r T opPanel Thetoppanel containsthefoll owing connectorsand LEDs: T a ble1: Char ge LED Stat.
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 1 1 ComputerFireWireCon nector • In/Ou t:6p inI EEE1 394a por tx1 • Asyn chro nous Data I/O RemoteControl,SerialConnector • GPI/ RS23 2C;3.
Quick start 12 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r RearPanel Therearpa nelcontainsth efollowing important items: SidePanel Thesidepane lcontainscooli ngventsasil lustratedbelow .
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 1 3 BottomPanel TheFS 100bottom panelfeaturesasi ngle2pinDC power connector .Conne ctthesuppli edACpowerada pterhere. Intern al Speake r Aninternal speakerprovid es alarmsand audiblefeedbac k.
Quick start 14 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r TheF S10 0Me nuSy stem TheFS 100menusystemprovid esac cesstoallthe functions availablei ntheunit.
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 1 5 OutlineofMenuandOptionScr eens Thefuncti onsofea choftheselectionsonthese screensisexplain e d inmoredetailin FS100Fun ctions onpage 33.
Quick start 16 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r • Utili ties Containsthefoll owingdisk andclipfunction s: OrganizeRe el Organize OMF.
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 1 7 TCSET UBSET TCDROP NT SCon ly T CNON DROP NTSC on ly LCD.
Quick start 18 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Pow ering theFS 100 • The FS 100 operat ion w ithout a battery instal led. T o o perate theFS 100 without a battery installed ,c onnect the unittoan ACpower source.
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 1 9 Installing/RemovingtheBatteryPack Inst al lingaBattery Step1 : Plac ethe unit ,sotha tt hebatt eryc omp artme ntis up.
Quick start 20 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r ChargingtheBattery The batter ybegi nscha rginga nyti mei tiscon nec tedto AC pow erusin g theAC adapter su pplied wit hthe FS10 0.
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 2 1 Conn ecting aFS 100to aDV /HD Camc orde r Beforeperform ingthispr ocedure,make sureyouhavei nstalledand char gedthebatter y ,seeInstalling/Removi ngtheBatt eryPack o n page 19.
Quick start 22 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Rec orda ndPlay bac kwit htheF S10 0 Beforeusingthe FS100, setuptheun itasoutlin edinthefollowing sections : Pow erO nthe FS1 00.
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 2 3 S tep2: The Welcome s creena pp ear sanddi spl aysw hile the The home scr eena ppears when the FS10 0init ialize s. S tep3: The Ho me scree nappear s whe ntheFS100first pow ersup.
Quick start 24 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r SelectaDVFileFormat Theform atsdisplaye ddependonthe recorderm odeselectedin the previo.
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 2 5 SetTimeandDate S tep1: Press th e Righ t nav igati onb utton seve raltime sunt ilth eSet.
Quick start 26 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r S tep5: Use the Down n aviga tion but tontosele ctthetime andpressthe Right navi gat ionbu tton .
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 2 7 RecordWiththeFS100 Therearefour modesof recordingwi ththeFS100.
Quick start 28 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r DoNot Disco nne ctPowe rorF ireWir eCable Neverdi sconnectthe power ortheF ireWireca bleduring a recordi ng.Thiswi llcausefi lecorrupt ion.
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 2 9 ManualRecording Step1 : Set thevid eoca mera to Ca mera or Ca m m ode. Step2 : Veri fytha tanima g eapp earsi nth evie wfind er.
Quick start 30 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r SyncroSlave Thismodeis forcamcor dersth atdonothaveex ternalcontrolor thetapel esscontrolfunc tionality compatibl ewiththe FS100.
Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 3 1 T a peless UsetheT a pelesscont rolmode withcam cordersthatare compati blewithFS100e xternalcont rolortapel essoperation capabilities.
32 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r PlaybackontheFS100 V erify that both thevi deo camera and theF S100 arepowe red ona nd that.
FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 3 3 FS100Fun ctions Th issecti on contains inf ormat ion onthe fol lowin gLC Dsc reens : General S creenI nfor mation .... ....... ...... ....... ..... .......
FS10 0Fun ctions 34 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Gen eralS cree nInf ormati on TheFS 100LCD screensareor ganized byfunctionwi theachscre en displayinga listofitem s.Anitemc anbe: • Avaluethat canbeset,such asthedate.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 3 5 HomeScreen TheHo mescreenisreado nlyandh asnonavigable items.T o leave theHome screenuseeit herthe Left o r Right Navi gationbutton.
FS10 0Fun ctions 36 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r 10. Re elDis play In Record or P layba ck mode s, thi s it em d isplays the particular REELt hataclipislo catedinor , hasbeenm arkedto.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 3 7 FS100SystemInformation Screens TheFS100 automatical lycreatesinformationsc reenstoindi cate conditions suchashi ghtemperature,p owerremaining,or drive capacityrem aining.
FS10 0Fun ctions 38 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Rec ordScre ens TheRe cordscreenpermit ssetting theFS 100tovarious recording modes,dependi ngont hemodel,see T a ble 1‚R ecordMod eswith HomeScr eenIndicators.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 3 9 NormalRecord Thisisthe standardreco rdingmode. • Allcontrolis fromthe FS100frontpan el. Initially ,the Home screendisplays ST OP .
FS10 0Fun ctions 40 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r PRERECDiskRecordMode ThePRER ECDiskmodere cordsvide oinacon tinuouslooptoa user defined portionofd iskspace.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 4 1 LoopRecord LoopRec ordissimilar toPRERECDisk. LoopR ecordco ntinuously recordsa serieso fvideo clipstoa vailable diskspace.
FS10 0Fun ctions 42 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r TimeLap seRec ord DVmodesonly T im elapsepr ovidestheabili tytorecordasingl eframe atspecific timeintervals, forexam pleoneframep erminute ,00:01:00:00.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 4 3 For matScr een DVFormats Thenumber ofoptio nsavailableinthi smenudepen dsonthe recordedb itrate.
FS10 0Fun ctions 44 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r • A VI TYP E22 4P NTSCon ly • PINN A CLE • P2 • MXF 0P1a Thelatest DTEsupported applicationsand file formatsar elistedon theFocusEnha ncement swebsite:www .
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 4 5 HDD Mode Scre en Thisscreen displaysthefol lowingitems: • DVC PR OHD Supports 100 Mb/s streams from theP anasonic AG HVX200 companio n camcorde r (1080i a nd 720p).
FS10 0Fun ctions 46 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r • USE EX TFS 100 Useth isopt ionwhe n longerr ecor ding times arenee ded.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 4 7 SettingUpMasterandSlav eFS100 S tep1: Co nnectt he camc orde rto the mast erFS 100, DV I/O co nnecto r usi ngthe supp lied FireWi rec able.
FS10 0Fun ctions 48 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Setup Scr eens Theitems ontheSetupScre enaregroupe dbyfu nction.W ithinthe functionthe itemsactli keradiobuttons,i .
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 4 9 • EX TCTL FIL E • TCE XT Grou pDefault • TCR ECRU N • TCFR EE RU N • TCR.
FS10 0Fun ctions 50 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Date Time SETDA TE 0 9 / 1 8 / 0 5 MM/DD /YY BACK SETTI ME 1 0 : .
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 5 1 V ersion Thisscreen displays: • FS100Fi rmwareversion • SDvideoof theunit. • FS100model LCDLightOn,Off,Auto Theseitem senableor disabletheFS 100'sLCD's backlight.
FS10 0Fun ctions 52 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r • WhenAlarmis setto Off ,theaudiofeedba ckforthebutt ons is disabled, however the alarm willst ill sound for low power , highhea t,orlowdiskspace conditions .
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 5 3 • EX TCTL FILE Createsan ewfileduri ngarecords essionwithou tlosing frames . TIMECODEEXT ,REC RUN,FREERUN,REGEN Thefol lowingaretim ecode( TC )functions.
FS10 0Fun ctions 54 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r TCSET TheT imecodeSetparamete rstoresauser definedtimec odeinthe FS100’ snonvolatilememor y .This valueis availableforuse bythe FS100imm ediatelyafter exiting TCSET .
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 5 5 UBSET TheUserBit Setfunction providestheabili tytochange theuserbits inthetim ecoderecorded inthevideofiles.
FS10 0Fun ctions 56 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r TCDROP ,NONDROP NTSConly Theseparam etersareonlyava ilableforNT SCandonlyone maybe enabledata time.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 5 7 LCDCONTRAST Usethisf unctiontoad justthecon trastoftheLCDdi splayforeasier viewing. S tep1: Use the Righ t nav igatio nbu tton togo toth e SET CONTRA ST subme nu.
FS10 0Fun ctions 58 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Fun ctions Screen TheFuncti onsbutto nsF A,FB,andFCprovi deconvenientHom e screenshortc utsbyactin gastoggleswit chesforspec ificsystem settings.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 5 9 FunctionsList A list of theFu nction bu tton menuis be low .
FS10 0Fun ctions 60 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r MENU Appear sonLCDas… FBR22 R2MarksCurr entCliptoReel2, FBR33 R3MarksC.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 6 1 AssigningClips toReels Thefuncti onbuttonsare aquickwaytoma rkvideocli psduring recording .
FS10 0Fun ctions 62 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Util itiesS creen TheUtili tiesavailableare: • ORG ANIZ ERE EL • ORG ANIZ EO M F DVCPRO/ .
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 6 3 OrganizeReel Thisselec tionplacesallf iles identified asaREELcl ipduring recordin gor playbacki ntoth e appropriate re elf older .
FS10 0Fun ctions 64 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r FileNamingConventions Thevideofil esarethen renamedto XXXXZ B.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 6 5 DeleteClip Usethisitemto delete aselectedclip. S tep1: Fro mthe Util ities scr een,go to the DEL ETE CLIP s creen.
FS10 0Fun ctions 66 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r FormatDisk Preventlostf ramesduet ofilefragmentation byformattingthe FS100be foreeachrecordingses sion.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 6 7 RepairDisk Usethisfu nctionifarec ordingsessiondoesnotc ompletepr operly andthe reisaquesti onthatthefilemaybedam aged.
FS10 0Fun ctions 68 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r RepairClip Usethisf unctiontorepairas pecif icfileth atmaybedamagedor incomplete .
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 6 9 FileName Thisfuncti on Display s afilenamebu tdoesnotpermit changingit. S tep1: Fro mthe Util ities screen ,go to F ILE NAME .
FS10 0Fun ctions 70 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Upgrade CheckFo cusEnhanc ementswebs iteforupgrad esandlatestso ftware updates,gotow ww .
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 7 1 S tep9: Up o n successfu l c omple tion o f the u pgrad e, the FS 10 0 di spla ys them ess age: S tep10: Ho ldd ownth e STOP /POWE RO FF but tonun til theFS 100 shuts dow n.
72 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r V erify thatthe upgradefil en ameis f s100.bina ndthat itis in the FS100hard drive’ srootdirectory . SystemReset TheSyst emResetfeat urerestores the factorydefaultse ttingsforthe FS100unit.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 7 3 St atus TheFS 100S tatusscreenp rovidesdetail softhesystems powerst ate aswellas internaltem perature.
FS10 0Fun ctions 74 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Ree lsScre en Whenad iskisformatted,the FS1 00creates10 folders,num bered0 9,on the dis k.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 7 5 UsingaWiredRemoteCo ntrol When usin gth eop tiona lwi redrem ote contr ol,us ethe but tonpa d numb ere d09 tomark th eclips.
FS10 0Fun ctions 76 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Play Screen • Play Cli p Inthismod e,theFS100 playstheselec tedclipfrom startto finishwhen youpressthePLA Ybutto n.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 7 7 Play From Scree n Thisscreen permitsth eselectionoffromwhe reclipspla yback. Therearet wochoices: • T rac k list Clipsplayba ckintheor derinwhicht heywererecord ed.
FS10 0Fun ctions 78 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Con trolSc reen TheCont rolscreenpr ovidesthecapabilityofe nablin gtheFS100to operateinfi vediff erentcontrol mod esdurin grecorda ndplayback.
FS10 0Fun ctions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 7 9 • T ran spo rt keysha vethe sa mefu nction sas on theFS 100 . • Use the Keeper k ey to cyclethrough the av ailab leR eel s.
FS10 0Fun ctions 80 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r.
FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 8 1 LCDDisplaySymb olsandT ext Thetab lebelowshows thedif ferentsym bols andstat esdisplayedon thetop.
LCDDi splay Symbo lsand Text 82 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r PLA Y/RECMODE FS100LCD A V/C*(Stop) A ST OP A V/C*(RecPause) ll A.
FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 8 3 FS100: UsingwithaCo mputer On cevide oc lipsare recor ded tot heFS 100 iti spos sible touse thos ecl ipsinmos t compu terbas ed DV/ HDNLE system s.
FS10 0:Usi ngwith aCo mputer 84 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r T omovevideofilesfr omtheFS 100toacomp uter: • Connectthe FS.
FS10 0:Usi ngwit haCo mputer FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 8 5 Moun ting theFS 100 inWindow s Usethisproce dureforW indowsXP , 2000, 98SEandME.
FS10 0:Usi ngwith aCo mputer 86 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Thisfol derma yconta inseve raldiffer entfil es.Thevide oclips. cana ppe aras: • RawD V(.dv) • A VI T yp e1(YY YYMM DDHH MM SSa0 1.
FS10 0:Usi ngwit haCo mputer FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 8 7 HDRes olut ionand Fram es • P2:YYYY M MDDHHM MS S X 01. mxfwhe reth e X is aletter indica tingt herecord ingfor matoft he capture dvideof ile.
FS10 0:Usi ngwith aCo mputer 88 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r W ithm ost D V a nd many P2 c ompa tible NLE systems onW indows or Macintos hcomputers,it ispossibletousecli pswithi nthetimeline.
FS10 0:Usi ngwit haCo mputer FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 8 9 T o use a F S100 recorded A vid OM F file on a n A vid NLE system, use thefollowin gprocedur e. Step 1: Loc ateand op enthe FS1 00d rive folde r.
FS10 0:Usi ngwith aCo mputer 90 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Step9 : Loc ateand s elect theFS 100 unde rMedi aD rive (s). Step 10: Ve rify that Maste rCl ipsisc heck edan dpr ess OK .
FS10 0:Usi ngwit haCo mputer FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 9 1 Dism ountin gthe FS1 00(Wind ows) Whenfini shedworki ngwiththeFS100.
FS10 0:Usi ngwith aCo mputer 92 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Moun ting theFS1 00 (Maci ntos h) S tep1: St artth eMac comp uter and.
FS10 0:Usi ngwit haCo mputer FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 9 3 Dism ountin gthe FS1 00(Ma cin tosh) Whenfini shedworki ngwiththeFS100 andthe Macintoshitis necessaryto dismountthe unitfr omthesystem.
94 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Moun tingH ardwa re MountingFS100toaCamcorde r Mountthe FS10 0toyourcamcorderusing theoptio nalCamcorder MountK it (P/N ASYF0849 01).
FS10 0Portable DT ERec order 9 5 T echnicalSpecif ications S pecif ication sare sub ject to change. PhysicalDescription • Dime nsions:1.59" x5.6" x3.74"(40mm x14 2mmx95mm ) (withnormal 90min uteBattery) • W e ight:1 lb.
Tec hnicalS pecificat ions 96 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r • GPI&RS 232CControl (1x3.5mm minijack) Power • 15VDC,7.
Techn icalS pecificat ions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 9 7 DTEFileFormats • DVCPRO/ DVmode : RawDV , A VI T ype1, A VI T ype2, Matrox.
98 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r LogFiles W itheachrecordingof aparticu larcliponadisk ,theFS100 creates atextl ogfiletoidenti fyinformati onaboutther ecordedclipandt he recordin gsession.
Techn icalS pecificat ions FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 9 9 MiscellaneousFiles fwxdc.dat Thefwxdc. datfileisacac hefileusedt oimprovefile read performancedur ingplayback ofrecordedvideo andaudio.
Tec hnicalS pecificat ions 100 F S100 Portabl eDTE Reco rder.
Relea se1 .0 PartNu mbe r:MANL 10230 6.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Focus FS100 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Focus FS100 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Focus FS100 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Focus FS100 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Focus FS100, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Focus FS100.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Focus FS100. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Focus FS100 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.