Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Elite E100 del fabbricante Eton
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E1 00 AM/FM/Shortwa v e Radio OWNER’S MANU A L.
DO Y OU NEED HELP ? W e want y ou t o thoroughly enjo y the use of y our E100 r adio. If you need help while learning its oper ation, please c ontact us, using the me thods below. Monda y-Friday , 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., North American P acic Time. 1-800-872-2228 fr om the U.
T ABL E OF C ON TEN TS 2 E100 OWNER’S MANU AL IN TR ODUCTION................................................................................................................................ FEA TURES...................................................
3 E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL 1 IN TR ODUCTION Thank y ou for pur chasing the E100 AM/FM/Shortwav e Radio. This r adio has been designed and manufactur ed to high quality standar ds, and will pr ovide r eliable oper ation f or man y years.
2 FEA TUR ES 4 MAJOR FEA TURES OF THE E100 • SHOR TW A VE: 1711 - 29.995 KHz • FM 87.0 - 108.0MHz; MW 520 - 1710 • Manual and A uto-Scan T uning • Dir ect K eypad Fr equency Entry • Manual/A.
5 3 DIA GRAMS T elescopic An tenna L CD Display POWER/SL EEP Fine T uning Con trol Up/Hour Down/Min. Memory Scan/Page Butt on FM ST . Alarm Button Light Snoo ze Button FM-MW-SW Band Butt on SW Me ter Band Butt on Ent er/Sys.
6 3 DIA GRAMS con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL RADIO OFF DISPLA Y RADIO ON DISPLA Y MEMOR Y DISPLA Y SHOR TW A V E METER BAND DISPLA Y 2 6 2 7 2 8 3 3 3 2 3 4 3 1 3 0 2 9 3 3 3 7 2 6 2 7 2 8 3 6 3 4 3 1 3 5 3 8 3 9 4 2 4 1 4 0 Re fers only t o the display’s upper righ t corner .
7 4 GETTING ST AR T ED E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL WHA T THE E100 INCL UDES • Earbud style earphones • Ba tteries • Carrying pouch No te: In the instructions belo w, numbers in paren thesis ( ), r ef er to the diagr ams.
8 5 B ASIC RADIO OPERA TION E100 OWNER’S MANU AL IMPOR T ANT INITIA L SET -UP 1. Assur e that the r adio is unlocked, using the L OCK switch (24) on righ t side of the r adio by pushing it down, t o the OFF position. This swit ch can be used to lock the r adio when it is no t in use or when tr av eling.
9 5 B ASIC RADIO OPERA TION con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL V OL UME AND TONE C ON TROL S • The v olume con tr ol (23), labeled VOL UME, is locat ed on the right side o f the radio. T o change the v olume, ro tat e the volume c ontr ol knob.
5 B ASIC RADIO OPERA TION con tinued 10 TUNING IN ST A TIONS F our Wa ys to T une in S tations Belo w, four wa ys to tune s tations ar e described. The y are R egular T uning, Aut o-scan T uning, Dir ect Fr equency Entry and Fine T uning. 1. R EGULAR TUNING (also called manual tuning) Quick, short pr esses of the Up/Hour-Do wn/Min.
11 5 B ASIC RADIO OPERA TION con tinued 5.975 MHz), use the me thod described pre viously. 1. Pr ess/r elease the ‘Ent er’ (13) button. 2. En ter the fr equency using the numeric k eypad. 3. Pr ess/r elease the ‘Ent er’ button again. 4. FINE TUNING The FINE TUNING c ontr ol (4) is loca ted on the righ t side of the r adio.
12 6 CL OCK AND ALARM FEA TUR ES con tinued twice or just wait un til the clock digits st op ashing. SETTING THE A LARM Se t the alarm with the instructions belo w. Not e that the alarm mus t be activ at ed to function. A fter se tting the alarm time, be sur e to r ead the ne xt section titled A CTIV A TING AND DEA CTIV A TING THE A LARM.
13 6 CL OCK AND ALARM FEA TUR ES con tinued s ymbol (31) appears ashing in the display. While it is ashing, pr ess/ r elease the SNOO ZE/LIGHT button (10). The r adio will turn off and then turn on again in 10 minut es. This process can be r epeat ed 3 times.
14 7 WORKING WITH MEMOR Y con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL 2. T une to the desir ed sta tion. 3. Pr ess/r elease the Mem.&Edit button (15). No t e that the memory number digits (38) ash in the upper righ t corner o f the displa y. The memory page number, P#, also appears, but does no t ash.
15 7 WORKING WITH MEMOR Y con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL Do wn/Min. buttons (5,6). Y ou will see the memory page change with each pr ess. When the page of y our choice is r eached, st op pr essing. 3. When nished, either pr ess/r elease the M.
16 7 WORKING WITH MEMOR Y con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL Memory Auto-Scan Memory A uto-scan enables scanning thr ough the memories within the select ed memory page. Each lled memory is accessed for about 5 sec onds, aft er which the scan mo ve on t o the ne xt used memory aut omatically , sta ying on it for about 5 sec onds.
17 7 WORKING WITH MEMOR Y con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL 5. Pr ess/r elease the Mem.&Edit button (15). 6. Within 5 sec onds use the numeric k eypad t o ent er the memory number tha t you wish t o st ore the s tation in t o.
18 7 WORKING WITH MEMOR Y con tinued C ODE NO. DESCRIPTION 8 SY ST EM SET C ODES AND THE SY STEM SET C ODE T ABL E E100 OWNER’S MANU AL page having 25 memories, f or a t otal o f 200 memories. Y ou can change this se t-up. The number of memory pages can be se t to y our choice of 4, 5, 8 or 20.
19 8 SY ST EM SET C ODES AND THE SY STEM SET C ODE T ABL E con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL CHANGING SY STEM SET C ODES T o ent er a sys tem c ode o f your choice, use the pr ocedur e below. 1. T urn off the r adio. 2. Pr ess/r elease the ‘Sys.
20 E100 OWNER’S MANU AL 3. Within 5 sec onds, ent er 12 with the numeric k eypad, then immedia tely pr ess/r elease the button labeled EN T ER. ‘12H’ briey appears in the displa y. DEF AUL T F ACT ORY S YST EM SET C ODES When shipped fr om the factory , the r adio’s Sys tem Se t Code T able is se t up as follo ws.
21 9 O THER E100 INFORMA TION E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL USING THE LIGHT A quick, short pr ess/r elease of the SNOO ZE/LIGHT button (10), loca ted a t the top o f the r adio, will turn on the display ligh t, shining fr om the right side o f the display , for about 10 sec onds.
22 9 O THER E100 INFORMA TION con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL PR EV EN TING BA TT ER Y ACID L EAKAGE T o av oid batt ery acid leakage, only use high quality alk aline or r echar geable nickel-me tal-h ydride batt eries. Nev er in termix old with new, or diff eren t br ands or types of ba tt eries.
23 10 TR OUBLESHOO TING con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL CL OCK SHOWS IN DISPLA Y , BUT RADIO WIL L NOT TURN ON Ther e ar e two possibilities: dead ba tteries or the L OCK switch is ON. SHUTS OFF ABRUPTL Y WHILE PLA YING DURING BA TTER Y USE This is caused by deple ted ba tteries.
24 10 TR OUBLESHOO TING con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL A ST A TION CAUSES SEV ERE A UDIO DIST ORTION, BUT SEEMS T O BE V ER Y STRONG IN SIGNA L STR ENGTH This is pr obably a str ong, local sta tion, very close t o your loca tion. Be - cause o f its close pro ximity t o you, its signal is t oo str ong.
25 11 LIST ENING T O SHOR TW A V E ST A TIONS c ontinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL • Ar ound sunset and sunrise, bo th the day and nigh t bands ma y be good, some times ex ceptionally good. Lis t ening at these times can o ften be quit e r ewar ding.
26 E100 OWNER’S MANU AL righ t corner . A UTO-SCAN TUNING WHIL E IN SHOR TWA V E In shortwav e, aut o-scan tuning only auto-scans in the shortwav e fr equency r anges not ed in the Band Chart belo w. T o tune shortwav e fr equencies that ar e in-between these r anges, or outside of these r anges, use one of the o ther tuning me thods, e.
27 E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL PUBLICA TIONS THA T PRO VIDE MOR E DET AILED SHOR TWA V E INFORMA TION Ther e ar e two e x cellent publica tion that pr ovide v ery de tailed short - wav e in forma tion, including a listing o f all world-wide shortwa ve sta tions, their specic fr equencies, br oadcast times and tar get ar eas.
28 12 SHOR TW A V E LIST ENING GUIDE E100 OWNER’S MANU AL UNDERST ANDING SHORTW A VE B ANDS: THE K EY TO ENJO YING Y OUR SHOR TWA V E RADIO Intr oduction No w that y ou hav e a shortwav e radio, no doub t y ou’ll want t o hear w orldwide sta tions right awa y.
29 12 SHOR TW A V E LIST ENING GUIDE con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL sho wn here. L ook at y our r adio’s tuning scale or digital display (or o wner’s manual) to de termine which fr equency designation it uses in shortwav e.
30 12 SHOR TW A V E LIST ENING GUIDE con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL BAND MEGAHER TZ (MHz) KIL OHER TZ (KHz) 120 m 2.300-2.500 MHz 2300-2500 KHz 90 m 3.20-3.40 MHz 3200-3400 KHz 75 m 3.90-4.00 MHz 3900-4000 KHz 60 m 4.750-5.060 MHz 4750-5060 KHz 49 m 5.
31 12 SHOR TW A V E LIST ENING GUIDE con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL C onsult your o wner’s manual for ins truction on how t o access the bands on y our radio or call Etón C orpor ation if it’s no t clear t o you.
12 SHOR TW A V E LIST ENING GUIDE con tinued 32 E100 OWNER’S MANU AL D A Y B ANDS CHARACT ERISTICS 13m R esults vary. W orth trying. Some times e xtr emely good around sunrise and sunse t. 16m Similar t o 19m. 19m 22m Similar t o 19m. 25m Best ar ound sunrise and sunset.
33 12 SHOR TW A V E LIST ENING GUIDE con tinued E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL EV ENING/NIGHT LIST ENING This is the best time t o list en, because the broadcas ters ar e deliber - a tely tr ansmitting t o North America. These bands may be e xtr emely good ar ound sunset and sunrise t oo.
34 13 W arr anty R egistr a tion E100 OWNER’S MANU AL T o ensur e full warr anty c ov er age or pr oduct updat es, r egistr ation o f y our Etón or Grundig product should be c omple te as soon as possible a fter pur chase or receip t.
35 14 LIMIT ED W ARRAN TY T O THE ORIGINA L CUST OMER E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL This Etón or Grundig br and pr oduct, as supplied and distribut ed by Etón C orpora tion (Etón) i.
14 LIMIT ED W ARRAN TY T O THE ORIGINA L CUST OMER 36 E100 OWNER’S MANU AL supplied by Etón; acciden ts, misuse, abuse, neglect, misapplication, r e, wat er , lightning, or o ther acts of na tur.
37 15 SER VICE INFORMA TION E100 OWNER’S MANU AL E100 OWNER’S MANU AL SER VICE Y OUR ETÓN OR GRUNDIG PRODUCT T o obtain service f or y our Etón or Grundig product we r ec ommend rst c ontacting an Etón service r epr esenta tiv e at 800-872-2228 US, 800-637-1648 Canada or (650) 903-3866 f or problem de termina - tion and tr ouble-shooting.
E100 OWNER’S MANU AL Etón Corpor a tion C orpora te Headquart ers 1015 C orpora tion Wa y P alo Alto, Calif ornia 94303 USA t el +1 650-903-3866 t el +1 800-872-2228 fax +1 650-903-3867 Etón Eur o.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Eton Elite E100 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Eton Elite E100 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Eton Elite E100 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Eton Elite E100 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Eton Elite E100, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Eton Elite E100.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Eton Elite E100. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Eton Elite E100 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.