Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto R800 del fabbricante Epson
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User’s Guide.
2 Copyright Notice All rights reser ved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any mean s, electr onic, me c hanica l, photoc op ying, re cordi ng, or other w ise, wit hout th e prior written permission of SEI KO EPSON CO RPORATION.
3 Contents Welcome! 7 PRINT Image Mat ching and Exi f Print 8 About PRINT Imag e Matching 8 About E xif Prin t 9 About Your Software 9 About Your Documentation 10 View ing the On-s cree n Refe rence G.
4 Contents Printing Special Photos 35 Printing on Ro ll Paper 35 Selectin g Roll Pap er Print Setti ngs 36 Removing Yo ur Printed Photos 41 Removi ng and Storing Roll Pap er 41 Usin g PRIN T Imag e Mat ching 42 Usin g Film Fac tor y 42 Usin g the P. I.
Contents 5 Adjust ing th e Print Dens ity 74 Windows 74 Macintosh O S X 75 Macintosh 8.6 to 9.x 76 Maintaining Yo ur Pri nter 77 Clean ing the Prin t Head 77 Automat ically Ch ecking and C leaning th .
6 Contents Solving Probl ems 89 Printer Parts 90 Diagno sing Printer Problems 91 Runnin g a Prin ter C heck 92 Problems and Sol utions 93 Setup and Software Insta llation Problems 93 Printer Proble ms.
7 Welcome! Your Epson St ylus ® Photo R800 gives you fast, photo- quali ty, archival prints on a wide var iet y of gl ossy an d matt e pa pers. Your ou tstan ding pri ntouts resul t from th ese adv anced feat ures : ■ Eight indi vidually-re placeable Epson i nk cartridge s let you pri nt at up to 5760 × 1440 dpi (dots per inch).
8 Welc om e! PRINT Image Matching and Exif Print Your EPSON Stylus Photo R800 printer su p ports these innova tive dig ital image format s to g ive you the bes t photo prints poss ible: ■ PRINT Image Mat ching ™ (both P.I.M. and P.I.M. II ) ■ Exif Print Abou t PRIN T Imag e Match ing Epson’s revolution ary PRINT Image Matching (P.
Welcome! 9 Abou t Exif Print The Exif (E xcha ngeable I mage F ile) Prin t format includes informatio n about your digital camera se tting s in JPEG /TIFF file s so your prin ter and ap plicat ion can us e them to create accurate print set tings.
10 Welcome! About Your Docu mentation To set up y our printer and insta ll its software, s ee the Start Here sheet. This book contains system requirements, im portan t safety i nformat ion, your warra.
Welcome! 11 Viewing the On-screen Reference Guide Follow th e instructio ns on the Start Here sheet to instal l the o n-screen Reference Guid e , if you h ave n’t a lrea dy. Note: You ne ed a b rowser —such a s Micr osoft ® Inter ne t Ex plor er 4.
12 Welcome! Printer Bu ttons and Lig hts The tables below summarize the functions of th e print er buttons and l ights. See the instructions in your do cumentation fo r deta ils on using the butto ns. To diagnose problems ind icated by the printe r lights, see page 91.
13 Loading Paper You can load a variety of pa per types in yo ur printer, as de scribed in th ese section s: ■ “Loadin g Pape r in the S heet F eeder” be low ■ “Loading Envelopes” on page 15 ■ “Loading Roll Paper” on page 16 For inst ructions on loadin g CDs o r DVDs using the CD /DVD tray, se e page 63.
14 Loading Paper Check the f ollo win g as you load pap er: ■ Always load the short edge first, even for prin ting lan dscape-orie nted documen ts. ■ Load the printable side face up. It’s usually whit er or brighter th an the o ther si de. ■ Load lett erhead o r prepri nted pa per into t he print er top edge first.
Loading Paper 15 Loading Envelopes You can load up to 10 envelopes at a tim e, as described belo w. Tip: For bes t result s, press each env elope f lat befor e loadi ng it, or l oad on e envelope at a tim e. 1. Open the p aper support and pull up th e suppo rt extensio n 2.
16 Loading Paper Loading Roll Paper You can load 4-inch and 8.3-inch wide roll paper for printing mu l tiple p hotos or panoramics, with or without borders. Tip: It’s a go od idea to check an d make sure your in k ca rtrid ges are no t low before loa ding and prin ting on ro ll paper .
Loading Paper 17 6. Insert the left roll p aper holde r (marked with an orange triangle) into the fa r left sl ot (also marke d with an orange triang le).
18 Loading Paper.
19 Printing From Start to Finish Follow th e steps in these s ections t o print us ing your prin ter’s bas ic feature s: ■ “Basic Prin ting in Wi ndows” o n page 20 ■ “Customiz ing Yo ur Windows Prin t Settings ” on pa ge 23 ■ “Basic Prin ting With Macinto sh OS X” on page 25 ■ “Basic Printing With Macint osh OS 8.
20 Printing From Start to Finish Basic Print ing in Windows Follow th ese ste ps to prin t a document or imag e using the basi c printe r settin gs: 1. From the F ile menu, click Pr int . You se e a Print win dow like t his one : 2. Make sure EPSON Stylus Photo R800 is sele cted.
Printing From Start to Finish 21 5. Select on e of th ese docum ent ty pes as the Quality Op tion s etting: ■ Draft : For rough drafts with reduced prin t quality ■ Text : For t ext-only docum ent.
22 Printing From Start to Finish 11. Click OK . You re turn to th e Pr int wi ndow . 12. Click OK or Print to start prin tin g. During prin ting, th is wi ndow app ears. Use it to ca ncel, pa use, o r resume printi ng and see how much ink you have left.
Printing From Start to Finish 23 Customizing Your Windows Print Settings 1. On the Main tab, click the Advanced button in the bo ttom r ight corn er. 2.
24 Printing From Start to Finish ■ Color Controls : Le ts you adj ust the Bright ness, C ontrast, Satura tion, and indi vidual co lors in your printo ut. ■ ICM : Uses standa rd color p rofil es for your p rinter to help mat ch colors in your image .
Printing From Start to Finish 25 Basic Printi ng With Macintosh OS X If you’re usi ng an OS X compatibl e applica tion, follo w the ste ps below to prin t a document or image using t he basic setting s. (If you’re using a Macintosh Classic mode ap plicati on, follow t he st eps on pa ge 29 instea d.
26 Printing From Start to Finish 6. Select Pri nt from the F ile men u. You se e a scre en like this: 7. Op en the Printer menu and select t he same printer an d feature setting you cho se in the Pag e Setup window.
Printing From Start to Finish 27 10. For the ink setti ng, se lect Colo r (for color documents and black and whi te phot ograph s) or Black (for black text do cuments). 11. Select Automatic as the Mode setting for the bes t results prin ting bas ic documents or images.
28 Printing From Start to Finish 15. To monitor the progress of your print j ob, click th e Print Center icon when it appears in the dock. Then double-click Styl us Photo R800 .
Printing From Start to Finish 29 Basic Printi ng With Macintosh OS 8.6 to 9.x Follow th e steps bel ow to prin t a document or image us ing the ba sic print set tings. Before you print, make sure you selected yo ur printe r in th e Cho oser as d escri bed on the Start Here sheet .
30 Printing From Start to Finish 4. Select th e directi on you want your imag e or docume nt to print as the Orient ation setting. Se lect Portrai t for ve rtical orie ntat ion or Landscape for horizont al. 5. Click OK to close the Page Setup windo w.
Printing From Start to Finish 31 Caution: Don’t open E pso n Status Monitor , pause p rintin g, or re spond to any on-scr een, low ink messa ges whe n yo ur pr inter is in the middle of a print j ob. T his may caus e your pri nter to pa use and leave a n uneven surfac e on your printout .
32 Printing From Start to Finish You see the adv anced set tings: 3. In additi on to the basic se ttings, you can select these advanced options: ■ Print Qual ity : Lets you specify a print quality for your sel ected pape r type, incl uding Photo RPM for the highest print quality (5760 × 1440 dpi) on certa in pa per ty pes.
Printing From Start to Finish 33 4. To select Co lor Manageme nt o ption s, do on e of the fo llowin g: ■ OS X : Select Color Manage ment from t he pull-down menu. ■ OS 8.6 to 9.x : Selec t a Col or Man agemen t optio n on t he righ t of the screen .
34 Printing From Start to Finish Selecting t he Correct Med ia Type Select th e correct Type or Media Type settin g so you r pr inte r knows what kind of paper you’re using and adju sts the ink cov erage according ly.
35 Printing Special Photos When you need to pr int photo s using the special Styl us Photo R800 printing features, follow th e instructio ns in thes e section s: ■ “Printing o n Roll Pa per” bel.
36 Printing Special Photos Selecting Roll Paper Print Settings Follow th e steps in one of t hese section s to select y our roll pap er print set tings: ■ “Windows” below ■ “Macintosh OS X ” on page 37 ■ “Macintosh 8.6 to 9.x” on page 39 Windows 1.
Printing Special Pho tos 37 7. Select th e roll pape r setti ngs bas ed on the type of printi ng you’ re doing, th en click OK : 8. Click OK . 9. Click OK or Print . Fo llow th e ste ps on pa ge 41 t o remove your printe d phot os. Macintosh OS X 1.
38 Printing Special Photos 4. Sel ect t he pho to size as th e Pape r Size setti ng. If you’re prin ting a pa noramic ph oto, cli ck the Sett ings pull-d own menu , select Custom Paper Si ze , and enter the size of your pho to. Make sure the width of your photo is 4 or 8.
Printing Special Pho tos 39 10. Move the slider to t he Quality settin g. 11. Select Roll Paper Option from the pull-d own menu. Yo u see th ese opt ions : 12. Select the set tings base d on the ty pe of prin ting y ou’re doing: 13. When you’re finished, click Pr int .
40 Printing Special Photos 4. Choo se Roll Paper as the Paper S ource settin g. 5. If you’ll be printing ph otos wit hout any borders, click the Bor derless check box. 6. Select th e Roll Pap er Opti on setti ngs ba sed on the t ype of p rinting you’re doing : 7.
Printing Special Pho tos 41 Removing Your Printed Photos 1. Press the z roll paper button once to feed th e pa per forw ard. 2. Cut the pa per on the printe d cutting lin e. 3. If you wan t to pr int anothe r job on roll paper, press the z roll pa per button once a gain; the pa per re turns to the correct pri nt positi on.
42 Printing Special Photos Using PRINT Image Matching With P RINT Imag e Matching , speci al print in struct ions are saved in yo ur digi tal photo fi les. For exam ple, macro mo de pictures mi ght include print comma nds for sharpnes s and clarity, whil e portrait mode p ictures mig ht em phasize soft focusin g and subtl e flesh to nes.
Printing Special Pho tos 43 Photos hop does n’t retai n the PRIN T Image Ma tching or Exif Prin t informati on separately in the header fil e when you im port your P.I.M. o r Exif Print i mage. Instead, i t converts that in formation i n the file and embeds a color space cal led EPSON RGB 2001.
44 Printing Special Photos Follow th e steps for yo ur ope rating syst em in th ese se ctions to print BorderFree photo s on c ut shee t pa per. ■ “Windows” below ■ “Macintosh OS X ” on page 45 ■ “Macintosh 8.6 to 9.x” on page 47 Windows 1.
Printing Special Pho tos 45 Macint osh OS X 1. Start your prin ting app lication a nd open your ph oto file. 2. Click File > Page Setup . 3. Select Styl us Photo R800(Sheet Feeder - Bor derless) as the Format for settin g. 4. Select th e size of t he paper yo u loaded as the Pape r Size setting .
46 Printing Special Photos Note: Al wa ys s elec t th e same se tt ing as th e Form at for o ption in the Page Setup w indow an d the Printer opti on in the P rint w indow. If the setti ngs are differen t, you ma y get unex pected results. 9. Select Print S ettin gs from the pull -dow n men u.
Printing Special Pho tos 47 Macintosh 8.6 to 9.x 1. Start your prin ting app lication a nd open your ph oto file. 2. Click File > Page Setup . 3. Select th e size of t he paper you loaded as the Paper Si ze settin g. 4. Select Auto Sheet Feeder as the Pape r Source settin g.
48 Printing Special Photos Managing Color wit h Profiles Follow th e steps in this se ction to us e color profile s for printin g with Ado be Photoshop (the i nstructions cover Photo shop 7.0). You may want to use profile-buildi ng software to create cust om profile s, such as Monaco Systems MonacoEZcolor ™ or GretagMacbet h ® ProfileM aker.
Printing Special Pho tos 49 4. Open the photo you want to pri nt. 5. If you see the message shown below, se lect Use the embedded profile (ins tead of the working space) o ption and click OK . It is gene rally best t o use the embe dde d pr ofil e. 6.
50 Printing Special Photos Selecting Your Print Settings 1. Select File > P rint with Preview . You see this window: 2. Click the Pa ge Setup button to change the page s ize and o rienta tion setti ngs as ne cessary, then click OK . 3. Click Show More Opti ons , then sel ect Color Management .
Printing Special Pho tos 51 Printing Your Color-Managed Photo 1. Click the Pr int button. 2. Select your pri nter from the Print er menu. 3. Select Pri nt Settings from the pull -down menu. 4. Select th e Media Ty pe setti ng for the pa per you’ll us e for the printer.
52 Printing Special Photos Windows Opening Your Image 1. Open Ado be Phot osho p. 2. Select Edi t > Color Settings . 3. Select U.S. Prepress Defaults from the S ettin gs pu ll- down m enu. This sets Adobe RGB (1998) as t he RGB working space and activates warning messages for profile mis matches an d missing profiles.
Printing Special Pho tos 53 7. When yo ur ima ge appe ars, e val uate th e colo r balance and contrast as di splayed on your monito r. If they need im provement, s elect Image > Mode > Assi gn Profile . S elect one of the fo llowing as the Profil e setting: ■ A different RGB working space, such as ColorMatch RGB or sRGB IEC61966-2.
54 Printing Special Photos 4. Select th e size of y our paper as the Size sett ing. 5. Select th e orien tation o f your image. 6. Click OK . 7. Select File > Pri nt wit h Preview . 8. Click Show More Opti ons , then select Color Mana gement from the pull-down menu.
Printing Special Pho tos 55 Printing Your Color-Managed Photo 1. Click the Pr int button. 2. Make sure your printe r is selected, a nd click the P roperties butto n. 3. Select the Phot o or Best P hoto settin g as the Qualit y Option. 4. Select th e Type set ting for t he paper yo u’ll use for th e print .
56 Printing Special Photos Solving Color Manag ement Problems If you selecte d the wrong co mbinatio n of so urce profile, p rinter prof ile, and col or managem ent sett ings, you’ ll get unexpe cted re sults.
Printing Special Pho tos 57 5. Select Same as Source as the Pri nt Spa ce: Profile s etting. 6. Click the Pa ge Setup button. 7. Select your pri nter from th e Format for pull-d own menu. 8. Select th e appropria te Paper Siz e and Orien tation s ettings , then cli ck OK .
58 Printing Special Photos 11. Select the Media T ype se tting for th e profile you’re printi ng. 12. Click the Advanced button. 13. Select Photo as the Print Qu al ity set tin g, thoug h you ca n sel ect a lowe r o r hig her qual ity se tting . 14.
Printing Special Pho tos 59 Windows 1. Open Ado be Ph otosho p and open t he pr ofil e targe t fil e. 2. If you see a missin g profi le screen, se lect Leave as is (don’t color manage) .
60 Printing Special Photos 12. Click the ICM button under Color Management. 13. Click the Off (No Color Adjustm ent ) button. 14. Click OK . 15. Click OK to print. 16. Repeat these s teps to print a tes t target fo r each pape r type yo u plan to print on.
61 Printing on CDs and DVDs Your printer i nclud es a specia l tray tha t lets you p rint customiz ed text, g raphics, and photos dire ctly on any ink-je t printa ble CD or DVD. The Epson Print CD software makes it ea sy to imp ort your o wn photos , add text, and modify your de signs with a variety of special effects.
62 Printing on CDs and DVDs Cleaning the Roller Before you print on CDs or DVDs, you ma y need to clean t he roller ins ide the printer. Yo u can do t his by feed ing and e jectin g several s heets of plai n paper. 1. Make sure the output tra y is in the lo wer position.
Printing on CDs and DVDs 63 Inserting a CD or DVD Make sure the data, mu sic, or video is burn ed on your ink-jet pri ntable CDs or DVDs before you print.
64 Printing on CDs and DVDs 5. Place the CD or DVD on the CD tray wit h the white o r printable side face -up. To print on a smal l CD (8 cm), pl ace the s mall CD ri ng on the tray first, th en plac e the CD inside th e ring.
Printing on CDs and DVDs 65 Designing CDs and DVDs You can use Epson Print CD to cre ate and pr int a di sc design with images and te xt. 1. Start Eps on Print C D. Windows : Click Sta rt > Programs or All Programs > EPSON Print CD > EPSON Print CD .
66 Printing on CDs and DVDs 4. To mod ify the tem plate or en hanc e your background image , click the or background icon, if necessary. You ca n adjust the brightness, contrast, and gamma, or apply mosaic, blur, o r special color effects, as follows: ■ Windows : Click th e Image Adjustment button, then clic k the Image Adjustment tab.
Printing on CDs and DVDs 67 Printing Y our Design After you have lo aded a CD or DVD and cr eated your design, you’ re ready to prin t. Follow the steps for yo ur operating system below.
68 Printing on CDs and DVDs If you nee d to a djust the print position or color, see “Adjust ing th e Print Positio n” on page 70 or “Adjus ting th e Print Dens ity” on pag e 74. Macint osh OS X 1. Open th e File men u and s elect Page Setup .
Printing on CDs and DVDs 69 Macintosh 8.6 to 9.x 1. Open th e File men u and s elect Page Setup . 2. Make sure SP R800 ap pears at the t op of th e screen and thes e se tting s are selected: ■ Letter as the Pa per Si ze ■ Manual Feed as the Pape r Sou rce 3.
70 Printing on CDs and DVDs Adjusting the Pr int Position If your printe d images and text are not position ed the way you want, you ma y need to adjust the print po sition . Use the bl ank cardboard ch eck disk include d with yo ur printer or an extra CD.
Printing on CDs and DVDs 71 9. Open th e File men u and s elect Adjust Print Pos ition . You see a screen like thi s: 10. Make sure Enter Values is checked. 11. Enter the Top distance in the Height (Top) box. Enter the Right distance in the Width (Right) box.
72 Printing on CDs and DVDs 8. Select EPSON Print CD from the pull -dow n men u. 9. Select Pri nt Position Check Patt ern . 10. Click Print , then click OK on the next screen. The c onfir mati on p att ern is prin ted on the check disc or CD and the prin ter ejects it.
Printing on CDs and DVDs 73 3. Open th e File men u and s elect Page Setup . 4. Make sure SP R800 ap pears at the t op of th e screen and thes e se tting s are selected: ■ Letter as the Pa per Si ze ■ Manual Feed as the Pape r Sou rce 5. Click OK .
74 Printing on CDs and DVDs Adjusting the Print Density If ink smears on yo ur printed CDs or DV Ds, you may need to adjust the color saturation or ink density. Discs from diffe rent manufacturers absorb ink differently, so you may n eed to a djust the density for each t ype of disc.
Printing on CDs and DVDs 75 Macint osh OS X 1. Insert a test CD or DVD for p rinting, as described o n page 63. 2. Start Eps on Print C D. 3. Open th e File men u and s elect Page Setu p . 4. Make sure Stylus Photo R800(Manual Feed) is selected as the Format for option and th e Paper S ize is set to US Letter .
76 Printing on CDs and DVDs Macintosh 8.6 to 9.x 1. Insert a test CD or DVD for print ing, as described on page 63. 2. Start Eps on Print C D. 3. Open th e File men u and s elect Page Setup .
77 Maintaining Your Printer Follow th e instructions in this ch apter to keep your printer workin g at its b est and to prepare it for moving , if necessary: ■ “Clean ing the Pri nt H ead” b elo.
78 Maintaining Your Printer Automatic ally Check ing and Cle aning the P rint Head The Auto Nozzl e Check and Cleanin g utility prin ts a noz zle che ck pattern that th e prin ter the n rea ds to see if y ou hav e any cl ogged noz zles. If cleaning is neede d, the printer aut omatical ly cleans th e print hea d.
Maintaining Your Printer 79 Running the H ead Cleaning Utility 1. Make sure the prin ter i s turned on but not pr inting, and t he red H ink light is off.
80 Maintaining Your Printer If the pattern has white lines or gaps (as shown below), click Clean to clean the prin t head again. If you don’t see any improveme nt after cl eaning three or four times, check the solutions beg inning on page 95.
Maintaining Your Printer 81 Checking the Ink Sup ply To check your ink supp ly, do one of the followin g: ■ Windows : Double-cli ck the icon on the Windows taskbar. You see a window like this: ■ Macintosh : OS X : Choo se Applications > EPSON Printer Uti li ty > SP R800 > EPSON StatusMonitor .
82 Maintaining Your Printer When you need new ink cartri dges, contact your dealer, or call the Epson Sto re at (800) 873-7766 or visit (U.S. sales only). In C anada, please call (800) 463-7766 for dealer referral. Ink Cartridge Precautions Warning: Keep ink ca rtridges out of the reac h of chi ldren.
Maintaining Your Printer 83 If the red H ink li ght is fla shing or on (indica ting a lo w or empty cartri dge), the prin t hea d mo ves to the _ po sitio n on the printe r. Th e cartridge directly beneath the _ mark needs to be replaced. Make a note of which cartridg e it is.
84 Maintaining Your Printer 6. Press in th e tab on the ba ck of the cartri dge, lift i t out of the p rinter, a nd dispose of it carefully. 7. Shake the new cartridge fo ur or five tim es before openin g its pa ckage. (Don ’t sh ake it afte r it’s unpacked.
Maintaining Your Printer 85 11. If you n eed to replace any other ink ca rtridges , repeat step s 6 thr ough 10 before continuing wi th step 12. 12. Clo se the c artrid ge cove r, the n close the pr inte r cove r. 13. Press the H ink button. The printe r begi ns chargin g the in k deli very sys tem.
86 Maintaining Your Printer You see a screen like this: 4. Click the Aut omatic button, i f necessary, then click OK . 5. On the next screen, click St art . The print er then prin ts and checks an a lignment pattern. It then prin ts an d ch ecks two more pat terns .
Maintaining Your Printer 87 If box #5 is not the best-aligned bo x in each pattern, cl ick Realignment to pr int anoth er test pa ge and repe at th is step. 6. When box #5 is the best-alig ned in all the pa tterns, cli ck Finish . Cleaning the Printer To keep your printe r working at its best, you s hould cl ean it se veral times a year.
88 Maintaining Your Printer Transpor ting t he Printer If you move your p rinter some distance, yo u nee d to remo ve th e ink cartri dges an d prepare it for transpo rtation in its origin al box or a s imilar on e. Follow th ese steps : 1. Turn on the prin ter and press the H ink button to mo ve the ink ca rtridges into load ing posi tion.
89 Solving Problems See “Dia gnosin g Printer Pro blems ” on pag e 91 to help determin e what the caus e of your printer pro blem may be. Th en see the se section s for soluti ons: ■ “Setup an.
90 Solving Problems Printer Parts Paper support and extension Sheet feeder Left edge guide P rin ter cover Outpu t tray (in upper position) Output tra y extensions Output tray (in lower position) CD/D.
Solving Problems 91 Diagnosing Printer Problems First, check the printer’s lig hts (see be low) or run a printer che ck (see page 92). Lights Explanation Green P power light flashes The printer is receiving a print job, printing, replacing an ink cartridge, charging ink, or cleaning the print head.
92 Solving Problems Runnin g a Pri nter Check You can run a pri nter check t o determ ine wheth er a problem co mes from th e printer or some othe r source. 1. Turn off your printer and com puter, then disc onnect th e printer’s in terface cable . 2.
Solving Problems 93 Problems and Soluti ons Setup and Softwa re Ins tallation Problem s The printer ma kes noise af ter ink cartridge i nstallati on. ■ When you i nstall ink cartridg es, the prin ter m ust char ge its prin t head for about two and a half min utes.
94 Solving Problems Printer Proble ms Only the green P power light is on, but noth ing prints. ■ Make sure th e interfa ce cable is securely con nected at b oth en ds and me ets the system requirements on page 103. ■ Run a printer check as described on page 92.
Solving Problems 95 Quality Problems You see banding (light lines). ■ Clean the print hea d; see page 77 for instructions. ■ Select a h igher prin t quality an d turn off High Speed mo de; see page 23 (Windows) or page 31 (Macintosh). ■ Select the corre ct Type or Media Type setting fo r your paper; s ee page 34.
96 Solving Problems Your printo ut is faint or h as gaps. ■ Clean the print hea d; see page 77 for instructions. ■ The ink cartridges may be old or l ow on ink; see page 80. ■ Select the corre ct Type (Windows) or Media Type (Macintosh); see page 34.
Solving Problems 97 ■ Try turning off PhotoEnhance . Also check if you’ re using a special e ffect th at alters i mage colors, l ike Sepia. ■ Chan ge the Gamma setting. See page 23 (Wind o ws) or page 31 (Macintosh). ■ Your printed col ors can never e xactly ma tc h yo ur on-screen co lors.
98 Solving Problems 4. Remove any jamm ed paper from the shee t feed er or open t he pri nter c over a nd remove an y paper j ammed in side. 5. Place the output tray in the lo wer pos ition (see pag e 62) and print again. Roll paper doesn’t feed correctly or jams in the printer.
Solving Problems 99 CD/DVD Problem s You can’t insert the CD/DVD tray easily. Don’t fo rce the C D/DVD tray into the printer. Make s ure your p rinter is turne d on, the output tray is in the uppe r posit ion , an d you foll ow all the inse rtion s teps beginni ng on page 63.
100 Solving Problems You see in correct characte rs. ■ Make sure th e interfa ce cable is securely con nected at b oth en ds and me ets the system requirements on page 103. ■ Make sure your prin ter is selected in th e Print window, or in the Maci nt os h Print Cente r or Ch ooser.
Solving Problems 101 Uninstalling and Reinstalling Printer Software You may nee d to un instal l and the n reinstall your printe r driver an d utiliti es if, for exampl e, you up grade y our Wi ndows op erati n g system. Yo u don’t n eed to un instal l your oth er phot o softwar e or the E pson Reference Guide .
102 Solving Problems Where To Get Help If you need hel p with your printer, Fi lm Factory, Epson Print CD, or the P.I.M. II Plug-in for Adobe Pho toshop, see the i nformation below.
103 Requirements and Notices Windows System Requirements To use your printer a nd its softwar e, we recommend tha t your syste m has: ■ Micros oft W indows compa tible PC with a Penti um ® III 500 .
104 Requireme nts and Notic es Important Safety Instructions Befo re usin g your prin t er, re ad th ese sa fety in stru ctio ns to m ake s u re y ou use it saf el y and e ffec tiv el y: ■ Be sure to foll ow all wa r nings and ins t ructio ns mar ked on the pr in ter.
Requirements and Notices 10 5 Ink Cartridge Safety Instructions ■ Keep ink cartridges out of t he reach of children. ■ Be careful when you handle used in k cartridges; there may be ink remaining around the in k supply port. If ink gets on your skin , wash it o ff with soap and water.
106 Requireme nts and Notic es FCC Compliance Statement For United Sta tes Users This equipment has been tested and foun d to comply with t he limits for a Cl ass B digital devi ce, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Requirements and Notices 10 7 Declaration of Con formity According to 47CFR, Part 2 and 15 fo r Class B Per sonal Computers and Peripher als; and /or CPU Boards and Power Su pplies used with Class B Per sonal Computers : We: EPSON AMERICA, INC.
108 Requireme nts and Notic es packagin g the de fective u nit and return ing it to Epson withi n fi ve (5) workin g days of receipt of the replacement. Epson requires a debit or a credit card number to secure the cost of the repl acement printer in the event that you fai l to return t he defective one.
Ind ex 109 Index A Adobe P hotos hop managing colo r with, 48 to 60 P.I.M. p lug-in for, 9, 42 to 43 Advanced settings Macint osh, 31 to 33 Windows, 23 to 24 Aligning print head, 85 to 87 Automat ic p.
110 Index E Edge S mooth ing s etting color managem ent, 51, 55, 58, 59 Macintosh, 32 Windows, 23 Electroni c manual, 1 0 to 11 Energy St ar com pl iance, 10 5 Enhanced Mat te Paper, 14, 34 Envelopes,.
Ind ex 111 M Macint osh basic prin ting, OS 8. 6 to 9. x, 29 to 31 basic printin g, OS X, 25 to 28 Choo ser, 93 , 100 custom pri nting, 31 t o 33 system requirem ents, 103 uninstalli ng software, 1 01.
112 Index Print position chec k disc, 70 to 7 3 Print Qual ity probl ems, 95 to 96 sett in g, 32 , 58 Print S ettings m enu, Mac intosh OS X , 26 Pri nter cable , 103 check, 92 cleaning , 87 control p.
Ind ex 113 T Technical suppor t, 102 Test ing prin ter, 92 Text & Image setting, 21 Text setting, 21 Thick paper s ettin g , 15, 27 , 32, 95 Transporting pri nter, 88 Troublesho oting, 89 to 10 2 .
114 Index.
1 Epson Ink Jet Papers and Ink Cartridges Use Epson ® paper and inks to get the same photo q uality results that have earned Epson’s printers all of th eir awards! Epson papers ar e special ly coa ted to wo rk with EPSON Ultra Chrome ™ inks.
How To Order Epson Ink and Pap er To orde r Epso n ink c a rtridg es, paper , and o ther ac c essor ies, c ontact y ou r de aler or ca l l the Epson Stor e at (800) 873-7766 or vis it www.epsonstore .com (U.S. sales only) . In Canada, pl ease cal l (800) 4 63-7766 for deale r refer ral.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Epson R800 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Epson R800 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Epson R800 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Epson R800 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Epson R800, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Epson R800.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Epson R800. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Epson R800 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.