Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PhotoPlus del fabbricante Epson
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A ® phpf m.fm5 Page 1 Monday, July 8, 1996 3:59 PM.
A B FCC C OMPLIANCE STA TEMENT FCC C OMPLIANCE STA TEMENT FOR AMERICA N USERS FOR AMERICA N USERS This equ ipme n t h as bee n test ed and found to compl y with the limits for a c lass B digit al device, purs uant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
IMPORTANT NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE DISCLA IM ER O F WA RRA NTY DISCLA IM ER O F WA RRA NTY Epson Ame r ica makes no representations or warranti es , either express or implied, b y or with respect to an.
i A B Introd uctio n Introd uctio n PhotoPl us Features 2 System Requirements 2 Abou t This Gui de 3 Where to G et Help 4 Software Sup port 4 Electronic Sup p o rt Service s 4 Registration 6 Safety Instru ctions 6 1.
ii Resizi ng 3 -9 Resizi ng a Selection 3-9 Resizi ng an Image 3-10 Rotating 3-11 Rotating a S el ection 3-11 Rotating an Entire I mage 3-12 Flippi ng an I mage or Selection 3-12 Converting Image Types 3-13 4.
iii A B 9. 9. Pro Scanning: More T hings Y ou Can Do Pro Scanning: More T hings Y ou Can Do Setting the So ftware for Hand Sca nning 9-1 Capturing th e Image b y H and Scanning 9-2 Stitching Two Images Together 9-4 10 .
Introduction 1 A B 3 In trod uction our new EPSO N ® Photo Plus TM lets you ad d the excitement of color ph oto s to anything you p rint. All you hav e to do is drop your pho t o in the s c an n er and pre ss the st art button. In less t h an a minute, your picture appears on the screen.
2 I n troduction PhotoPlu s Feature s PhotoPlu s Feature s Here’s what PhotoPlus can do for you: ❙ Automat i cally handles p hotographs, business c ards, or ot h er small images ❙ Automat ically switches between a printer and scanne r connected to the sam e po rt ❙ Scans a nd recognizes up to 16.
Intro duct io n 3 A B ❙ Sound card a nd speaker s (for the Magn e t Kit onl y ) ❙ Microsof t ® Windows 3. 1 or Windows 95 . About This Guid e About This Guid e Chapter 1 Chapter 1 identifie s the parts of you r Photo Plus scanner, a nd shows you how to s et it up and install the software.
4 I n troduction Wher e to Get Help Wher e to Get Help If you purcha sed your PhotoPlus color p hoto scanner in the United States or Ca nada, EPSON provides customer support an d service through a ne t work o f Au t horized EPSON Cu stomer Care Centers.
Introduction 5 A B World Wide W World Wide W e b eb If you ar e con nected to the Interne t and ha ve a Web br o wser, y ou ca n ac cess EPSON’s World W ide Web site at h ttp://w ww.
6 Intro duction To take adv antage of t his of fer, call (800 ) 848-8 1 9 9 (800) 84 8 - 8199 in the Unit ed Sta t es an d C an a da and ask for re p resentative #529. In o ther countries, call the following U. S. tele phone number: (614) 529 -1611 (61 4) 529 - 1 6 1 1 , or your local CompuServ e access numb er .
Introducti on 7 A B ❙ Unplug t he sca nner and refer se rv icing to qualified service pe r sonnel und er the following co nditions: If the power co rd or plug is dama g ed ; if li q ui d has entered.
Getting St a rted 1- 1 A B 1 1 Gett ing St arted scanner power adapter PhotoPl us C reate Cool Stuff Fun Pak his chapter helps you get r ea dy to use your PhotoPlus co l o r photo scanner.
1- 2 Get ting Started The v iew wind ow vie w window let s yo u wa tch your photo grap h being scanned. You ca n s ee the scan ner light turn on when you start s c ann ing. The st art butto n start b utton starts and p auses t h e scanning process. The ed ge guide edge gu ide help s yo u align your photo for scanning.
Getti ng Start ed 1- 3 A B 1 NOTE If you conn ect yo u r p r in ter and Phot oPlus scanner to t he same computer port , make su re t h e p rinter is t urned on wh e n you sc an . 1 If you have a printer connec te d to your com puter’s parallel port, unp lug it.
1- 4 Gett ing S tarted 4 If you want to conn e c t your printer and PhotoPl us scanner t o the same por t , plug the printer cable i nto the Photo Plus para llel connec tor as shown and tighten the s crews . : 5 Plug t he Pho to Plus powe r adapter i n to a grounded electrical ou t let.
Getting Started 1-5 A B 1 5 Make sure PhotoPlus is checked, along with the other app li c ation s you want to install. 6 Click I nsta ll. 7 F o ll ow the instru ct ions on the s creen to complete the installation. Make su re yo u wai t while each program is inst a lled an d res po nd to the prom p ts as they appear.
Scanning and Other Basic Stuff 2- 1 A B 2 2 Scann ing and Oth er Basic Stuf f efore you can s c an with Pho toPlus, you ne e d t o start your s oftware a nd choose a project.
2-2 Scanning a n d Other Basic Stuff Starti ng Your Scan S tarting Yo ur Scan If your printer a nd PhotoPlus scanner are plugged into the same computer port, make sure your p ri n t er is turned on. F o llow these st eps to get s tarted: 1 From the Windows 3.
Scann i n g a nd Other Basic Stuf f 2- 3 A B 2 The Photo Plus Sc an window appears: NOTE When the scan window appears, a me ssage tells you the s canner is warm ing up. If you’re in a hurry, you can click Cancel and st art scanning without waitin g , but yo u may not ge t t he best image quality .
2-4 Scanning a n d Other Basic Stuff 3 Place your picture o n the sc anne r as shown below and on the screen, either “head fir st” (for por trait pictures) or with t h e top facing lef t (for lan dscape pictures): 4 Make sure the scanner has warmed up; then click Start o r press the pink start b utto n.
Sc a nning and Ot h er Basic Stuff 2-5 A B 2 For information about using all the Pho t o Plus features a v a ilable from the main work area, see Chapters 3, 4 , and 5. 7 When you’re finished work ing wi th Pho toPlus, choose Ex it Ex it from the File men u.
2-6 S can ning and Other Ba sic Stuff Adjusting Settings Adjusting Settings Click Cu s to m on the Pho toPlus Scan screen to display the Scanner Setting dialog box: 1 Choose the scanning mo de as follow s : ❙ Choose 24- b it Tr u e C o lor for sca nning mo st snap sho ts and c olor p hoto s.
Sc anning an d Other Basic S tuff 2-7 A B 2 ❙ If you plan to enlar g e or cro p an image, select a higher resolution; if you p lan to reduce it , yo u can select a lower resolution. ❙ For images t ha t will be displayed only on the screen (in e-mail messages, fo r ex ample, or o n the World Wide W eb), cho ose 100 to 200 DPI.
2-8 Scanning and Other B a s i c S tuff 2 If you want to p r i n t a t itle or capt i on belo w the picture, type it i n t he Descrip t ion bo x . 3 Enter the number of copies you want to print. (This option is availa b l e only if yo ur printer supports i t.
Scanning and Other Ba sic Stuff 2-9 A B 2 2 Choose the drive and directory where you want to save the file, or leave it in the default locatio n (C:PH OTO PLSPHO TOS).
2-10 Scanning and Other Basic S tuff 2 Select New Album a nd click OK. The Sav e Ne w Album dialog box appears: 3 Type a name fo r the album and click OK. Workin g with Y ou r Album Workin g with Y ou r Album After you start an al b um, you ca n use it an y time yo u want to op en one of yo ur pictures or add more pictures.
Sc a nning and Ot h er Basic Stuff 2-1 1 A B 2 ❙ Click an i m age to select it. The Inf ormation bo x displays image file informa tion. ❙ Double-click a thumbn ail to open t he image. ❙ To add pic t ures, click the Add button and choose the image or imag e s you want.
Editing: Transformin g Your Images 3-1 A B 3 3 Edit ing: Tran sformin g Your Im ages nce you’ve scanned in your p i cture, the fun begi n s with PhotoP lus. You can u se cro p ping to chan ge a group p hoto into a n individual p ortrait, cut and paste from one image to a no ther, or r o tate your picture at any angle you wan t.
3- 2 Ed iting: T r an sfor ming You r Images Open i n g Image F i le s Openin g Im age File s In PhotoP lu s, yo u c an ha ve several imag e s open at the same time (depen ding on your comp uter’s memo ry), each in its own windo w.
Ed i tin g: Transfo rming Yo ur Images 3- 3 A B 3 2 If the picture you want to open is in a diff e ren t album, click the do wn arrow at the to p of the screen and choose a differen t album.
3- 4 Editing : Tran sfor ming Yo ur Images The image is magnified 2 × . 3 Continue click ing to inc re a se the ma gnification. You can increase it up to 16 × . 4 To d e c rease the magnification, c lick the right m ouse button on the image. Co ntinue click ing the right button to zoom out even more.
Editi ng: Tran sform ing Your Images 3-5 A B 3 Viewing Y our View ing Your Im Im age at Full Scr e en age at Full Screen Cho ose F ull Sc reen Full Sc reen from the View menu to hide the desktop and disp lay your image in the center of the screen against a bla c k backgro u n d.
3- 6 Editing: Transform ing Your Images NOTE When y ou e nhan ce an image , change it s size, or con vert it to anothe r f i le t yp e , PhotoPl us shows your changes in the Image Information box. The hist ogram refle cts change s in brightn ess and contrast, h ue and saturation , tone , an d sharpening o r blurring.
Editi ng: Transformin g Y our Imag es 3-7 A B 3 When you release the mous e butt on, an “animated” rectangle surrounds the selected area: NOT E Afte r y ou s el ec t an area, you can use man y of th e P hotoPlus men u comma nds and tool s to work on the are a.
3- 8 Editi ng: Tran sform i n g Your Images ❙ To cancel a ll changes made to the selected area and remo v e the selection mask, choo s e Discard Discard from the Edit menu.
Editing : Transfor ming Y our Images 3-9 A B 3 3 Click ou t side the selected area if yo u c hange your mind or want to start o ver. When yo u m o v e the mouse pointer insi d e t he selection , i t turns i n to a pair of scissors. Click inside the selection to “cut away” the rest of the picture.
3- 10 E diting : Tra nsfor m ing Y ou r Images Resizing an I mage Resizing an I mage When you chan ge the size of an image, you have se v eral choices to m a k e: ❙ You can keep the aspect ratio (height-to-width proportion ) o f the o riginal or change it.
Editi ng: Tran sform ing Your Images 3-11 A B 3 NOTE To maintain image quality when printing , you shoul d always increase t h e resolut io n when you e nlarge an image. For exampl e, if you scale a pictu r e by 600 perce nt (make it six time s larger), you should increase the resoluti o n f r om 2 00 to 1200.
3- 12 Editing: Tran sform ing Y our Ima ges Rotating an E ntire Image Rotating an E ntire Image Y o u c an u se the Ro tate Rotate command o n the Ed i t m e n u to rotate eit her a s elected area o r an entire image. W it h this command, yo u can even set the e xac t degree of rotation.
Editi ng: Transformin g Y our Imag es 3-13 A B 3 F ollow these st eps: 1 Select the ar e a you wan t to flip, or ma ke sure no area is s elec t ed i f you want to flip the entir e ima ge. 2 Cho ose Flip Flip f r om the E dit menu, and then select Horizo ntall y Horizo ntall y or Verti c a ll y Verti c a ll y .
3- 14 E d i t i n g: Tra nsform ing Your Images ❙ 8-bit gray s c ale 8-bit gray scale This ty p e o f image conta i n s 256 shades of gray, like a black-a nd-white photograph. Y o u can use most PhotoPlus too ls and com ma nds wi th graysca le images.
Enha ncing: Pl aying with Your Images 4- 1 A B 4 4 Enha ncin g: Playin g with Y ou r Images ave you eve r looked at a da rk p icture and wished you could “turn the lights up” a bit? Or fix the off- color skin to nes you sometimes get when you take pictures indoors? Wi t h PhotoPl u s software you can! And that’s j ust a start.
4-2 Enha ncing: Pla ying w ith Your Images NOTE All the e nhance ment tools and menu op tions work in a similar way. After you choose t he tool or option you want to use, you see a dialog b ox th at shows you small sampl es of your image before an d after t h e enhan cemen t.
Enha ncing : Playin g with Your Images 4- 3 A B 4 4 Sli d e the Br i ghtness control right to lighte n the image, or lef t to darken it. 5 Sli de the C o ntrast c ontr ol right to i ncrease contrast, or left to decrease it. 6 Click O K when you’re finished.
4-4 Enha ncing: Pla ying w i th Y our Images 3 Slide the Hue control right or left to modify co lors. Sli d i ng it all the way to either si de shifts t h e colors 18 0 degrees around the color wheel. 4 Slide the Saturation c o ntrol right to incre a se intensity, or left to decrease it.
Enhancing: Pla y ing with Yo ur Images 4-5 A B 4 3 If you want to see a small area o f your image enlarged in the Before an d After windows, c lick the Pan Mod e box. 4 Click Auto to have Pho toPlu s mak e t he to ne adjust m ent automatically. You s ee the map ping curve change to r ef lect t he m od i f ied image.
4-6 Enhancing: P la ying with Your Images 3 If you want to see a small a rea o f your image enlarged in the Before an d After window s , click the Pan Mod e box. 4 Sli d e the co ntrol to inc reas e or decrea s e the sharpen i ng ef fect. 5 Click O K when you’re finished.
Enhan c in g: Playing with You r Images 4-7 A B 4 Using Special Effe c ts U sing Spe cial Effects PhotoPlus special effects let you transfo rm your images. You can create abstract o r s urrealistic art, design wild and colorful p atterns, or turn portraits into zany caricat ures.
4-8 Enhan cing : P laying w ith Your Im ages Here’s what some of the spec i a l effects look like: Fisheye E m boss Sketch Whirlpool Ribbon Mosaic Rippl e Wrin kle php_ 4.
Projects: F un T hings You C a n Do 5-1 A B 5 August 1996 My Baseball Players 5 Projects : Fun T hings You Can Do hotoPlus pro jects giv e you lots of ways to en joy your scanned ima ges. Y o u c an turn them into a slide show on yo u r screen , with anim ated fa des a nd dissolves between the picture s.
5-2 Projects: Fun Things You Ca n Do Ma k i ng a Slide Show Ma k ing a Slide Show You can turn any album into a slide s how that you c an share with friends and family. For in s tructions on how to create an album, see p age 2-9. Follow these steps to turn your album into a slide show: 1 Click the Slide Show button.
Projects: Fun Things You Can Do 5- 3 A B 5 NOTE If you nee d help creat ing a scree n saver, see your Windows documentation. F ollow these st eps: 1 Open the Windows C ontrol Pan el. 2 If you’r e using Windows 3 .1, double-click Desktop. You see the Screen Saver bo x .
5-4 Proj e cts: Fun T hin gs Y ou Can Do The Temp late dialog box appears: If you have an image o pen, it ap p ears in the di a lo g box w indow. 2 Click the do wn arrow t o select Ma t te, if it’s n ot already selected. 3 If your screen d oesn’t display the imag e you wan t to use, double- c li ck the gray rectangle or existing picture.
Project s : Fun Thi ngs You Can Do 5- 5 A B 5 NOTE Your pict ure takes longer to p rint with a colored or p atterne d background. You’l l p rint fast er and use l ess ink without a background. Follow these st eps t o ad d a background: 1 Double-click the back gro und.
5-6 Projects: Fun Thing s Yo u Can Do 4 Click o ne of t he ba sic or custom colors, o r click Define Custom Colo r s . (Se e your Windo ws documentation fo r information a bout defining a cust om color.) 5 Click O K twice. The c o lo r you ch ose app ears in the Templat e window, behind yo ur picture.
Projects: Fun T hings Y ou Can Do 5-7 A B 5 The Select Fon t d i a l o g bo x appears: 4 Choose your font, style, size, color, and an y ef fects you want. The Samp le box s hows you ho w yo ur printed text will look. Remember that the text prints over the background you select.
5-8 P rojects: Fun Thing s You Ca n Do Printing Y our Mat ted Pictur e Printing Y our Mat ted Pictur e When you finish designing your matted picture, you can print it . Follow these ste ps: 1 Enter the number of copies you want to print. (This option is availa b l e only if your printer supports i t.
Projects: Fu n Things You Can D o 5-9 A B 5 3 If the screen doesn’t display the image you want, double-click the gray rect a ngle or exi st ing picture. A file selection dialog box appears. 4 Select your pic t ure file an d click OK. The ima ge appears in the center of the pa g e .
5-10 Pro j ects: F un Thing s You Can Do 3 Click the do wn arrow s and select the mo nth and year you want. 4 Click F ont. The Selec t Font dialo g box appear s , a s shown on page 5-7 . Choose your font, style, size, color, and an y ef fects you want.
Project s : Fun Thi ngs You Can Do 5-1 1 A B 5 You’re ready to print. 2 Enter the number of copies you want to print. (This option is availa b l e only if yo ur printer supports i t.
Print Artist: Desig ning wi th S tyle 6-1 A B 6 6 Pr i n t A rtist : Designin g wi th S t y l e rint A rt ist lets yo u combine pictures and text to create any t hing from a bann e r to a bus in e ss ca rd.
6-2 Print Artist: Designing with Style Gett i n g S t arted with Print Artist Gett i n g S t arted with Print Artist Print Artist i s easy and fun to use. With a little practice, you may even disco ver some new talent s in graphic des ign. Follow these st eps to get start ed: 1 From the Windows 3.
Print Artist: Design ing with Style 6-3 A B 6 You see a screen like the following: (If you choos e g reeting ca rd or calendar, you first see a prelimina ry d i a log box. For mo re inform ation about creatin g a card, see pa g e 6-4.) 3 Choose your category fro m the list.
6-4 Print Artist: Designing with Style the text and graphics to c reate your own personalized document. If y ou need mo re information while wo rking with Print Artis t, you can use the Help menu or press the F1 key. The rest of this chapter shows you ho w to create a greeting card with your scanned photos.
Print Ar tist: D esig nin g with S tyle 6- 5 A B 6 5 Click O K. The front of the c ard appears on the main screen, as shown to t h e right. 6 Click eac h graphic element to select it (the heart, triangle, and two s quares). As yo u s elec t ea ch one, p r ess De l to delete it.
6-6 Print Artist: D esign ing with Style Adding a Pho to Adding a Pho to Pri n t A rtist offers sev eral ways to add photos. If yo u want to use an image t hat y ou’ve edited or enha nced, you can imp ort it . To ad d a p hoto without modifying it, you can scan i t directly into P ri n t A r t ist.
Print Artist: Designin g with Style 6-7 A B 6 Sc annin g Pictur es in P ri nt Artist Sc annin g Pictur es in P ri nt Artist You can add a picture by s cann ing i t directly into Pr i nt Arti st.
6-8 Pr int Artist: Design ing with Styl e Adding Text Adding Text After you add your p i c t u re a nd are satisfied with the front of yo ur c ard, you can add tex t o n the insi d e. F ollow these st eps: 1 Click the gray shado w to “open” the card or cho os e Insi de Righ t Insi de R ight from the View menu.
Print Artist: Designing with Styl e 6- 9 A B 6 The Font pa l et te ap p ears: 5 Click the fon t you want t o u se. You r text chang es as you browse through the font s. You can mo ve the Font palett e if yo u can’t see your text. 6 Choose the st yle, size, an d width of the font.
6-10 Pr int Artist: Designing with Style The Co lor palette ap pear s : 5 Click the color you want t o use. Then c lick the Co lor palet te button again an d se lec t Li ghtened. Click Customize i f y ou wan t to ex p eriment with color. 6 Click the Insert gr ap hi c b utton.
Print Ar tist: D esig nin g with S tyle 6- 1 1 A B 6 S Savi ng Yo ur Card avi ng Yo ur Card When you’re finished designing the card, follow these steps to sav e it: 1 Click the Sav e bu t ton. T he first time you sav e yo ur card, the Save As dia log box appears: 2 Type a descript i ve na me (up to 32 c haracters) for your project.
6-12 Pr int Artist: Designing with Styl e 2 Adjus t p rinti ng opt i ons if you want and c lick OK to print your card. 3 Fold the printed greeti n g card, and it’s ready to deliver. 4 When you’re finis hed using Print Artist, choose Exi t Exi t from the File menu.
PrintPaks M agnet Kit: Family Stu f f 7- 1 A B 7 7 Pr intPak s Magnet Kit : Family Stuff he PrintPaks Magn et Kit lets you create 8 personaliz ed magnets using yo ur own pi c t ures. The kit comes with spec i al EPSON paper for inkjet p rinters and ad hesi v e-backed m agnet sheet s.
7- 2 PrintPa ks Mag net Kit: Family S tuff The CD-RO M software includes a cute anim ated guide dog named M ax, who tells you exactly what to do. NOTE You nee d to have a so un d card installed in your computer an d a mouse an d speake rs conn ec t ed in orde r t o use the magn et kit.
PrintPaks Ma gnet Ki t: Fam ily Stuff 7- 3 A B 7 4 Put the PhotoP l u s CD in your C D-ROM drive. (The Magnet Kit runs fr o m the CD.) Now yo u’re ready to run the m ultimedia Magnet Kit so ftware progra m. 5 From the Windows 3. 1 Program Ma nager, double- click the M agnet Kit icon in the PrintPa ks group.
7- 4 P r intPa ks Mag net Kit: Fa mily S tuff You see a screen li ke the on e belo w: You’ll make f our magne t s, o ne in each of the following shap es: You can customize eac h magne t by doing the following: ❙ Add yo ur o wn photo. (You ca n also add pictures from the treasure chest or your own clip art or scanned art.
PrintPaks Mag net Kit: Family S tuff 7-5 A B 7 9 When you finish designing all four magnet shapes, click the done button , then click the red button to continue. You see a screen telling you how to print. Getting Ready to Pri nt Getting Ready to Pri nt Your M Your Magnet s agnets When yo ur fo ur magnet designs are comp lete, you ca n print them.
7- 6 PrintPaks Ma gnet Kit: F amily Stuff 3 Check your printer to see whi c h way the paper is loaded. C lick Fro nt Load o r Top Lo ad and then clic k the red button. Y o u s ee printer set-up instructions. 4 Click the blue bu t ton t o check your s et tings.
PrintPa ks Mag net Kit: Family S tuff 7- 7 A B 7 F ollow these st eps: 1 T o tes t your magnet designs, make sure you have regular pa per in your p rinter’s tray. Don’t t ake o ut the pa p er or load the special coated p a per. Jus t click the red button to go on to the nex t s c reen: 2 Click the red but ton to print your tes t sheet.
7- 8 PrintPaks Magn et Kit: Family Stuff Here’s wher e yo u s ta rt : 1 Click the red but ton to see what to d o n ex t. 2 Trim the bottom of the sheet as shown on the screen, then click the red button. 3 Peel t he ba c k ing from t he m agnet shee t as shown, then click t he red button.
CardScan: In s ta n t Address Book 8-1 A B 8 hotoPlus do es more than j ust scan phot os. Y ou can sca n business cards too. The C ardScan SE software lets y ou ca pture the d ata o n the cards and organize i t into an elec tr o nic address book. You can sort the informat i on a nd use it as a handy reference fo r all your everyday c ommunica tion.
8-2 CardS can : Instan t A d d r ess Book F ollow these st eps: 1 From the Windows 3. 1 Program Ma nager, double- click the Ca rdSca n i c o n in the Card Scan gr o up . In Win dows 95, click Start, p oint to Program s, and then point t o C ardScan. Click the CardSca n icon.
CardSca n: Instan t Address Book 8-3 A B 8 Scanning Your Cards Scanning Your Cards Scanning busines s c ards is a lot li ke s canning photos, but the end result i s more than just an image.
8-4 C ardS can : Instan t Ad d r ess Book The Photo Plus Scan wind ow appears (wit h the warm-up message). 3 Cli ck the business car d icon. This sets the bes t PhotoPlus scan ning mode (200 dpi grayscale) for most busi ness cards. NOT E If you don ’t get the re sults you e xp e ct, you can experime nt with t he scann ing mo d e.
C ardS can : In stant Addres s B ook 8- 5 A B 8 6 Sli d e the Brightness contr o l left to darken the image, and click OK. 7 Click Tran sfer. CardSca n sav es the card image a nd asks if you want to sca n another ca r d . You can scan a series of cards, and then process them all together, o r sc an and p ro c ess each card individua lly.
8-6 CardScan: I nstant Address Book Edi t i ng t Edi ting t he Info rmati on he I nfo rmati on Most of the time, you need to “touch up” the inform ation after you s c an it. CardSca n may not be able to recognize all of the text o r so r t it into the correct fie l ds.
CardScan : Instant A ddress Book 8-7 A B 8 S aving and Exi ti n g Savi ng and Ex it ing You only need to save your ad dress list onc e. After that, any cards you sca n are added to the same list, and automatically sav ed. Follow these steps to save your address list and exit: 1 Cho ose Exit Exit f rom the File menu.
8-8 C a rdS can: Instant Address B o ok ❙ Delete a c ard o r cards. Click and drag to select the cards you want to delete. Then c li c k the Delete bu tto n and click Yes. NOT E For more inf orma tion about any of the se feature s, click the He l p button or choose Conten t s Conten t s from the Help m en u.
CardScan: Insta nt Address Book 8-9 A B 8 Design ing the Layou t Design ing the Layou t Befor e you pr i n t , yo u need to choose t he f ormat and layout. Select a predesigned la yout or modify a layout to sui t your needs . Follow these st eps: 1 Click Al l t o display your add r es s list .
8-10 CardS ca n : Instan t A ddress Book 2 When you’re ready to p rint, click the Print button on the Preview screen or choose Prin t Prin t from the File menu. 3 Change print options if you want, and then c lick OK to st a rt printing. For Ca rdScan technica l support, c all (617) 49 2-4200.
Pr o Sc an ni ng : M ore Thi ng s Y ou C an Do 9-1 A B 9 o you have som e drawings or other image s that are too b ig to fit in the scanner? O r a lre ady pa sted into a scrapbook? You ca n st ill sca n them in with PhotoPlus, using the hand-scan ning feature.
9-2 Pr o Sc an ni ng : M ore T hi ng s Y ou C a n Do The Scann er Setting dialog box appea rs : 4 Set the mode and res olution, f ollo wing the instructions on pages 2-6 to 2-7. 5 Ch oose Custom Size and enter the width and hei ght of the image. For large images, enter the maximum width (4.
Pro S c a n ning: Mo re Things You C a n Do 9- 3 A B 9 2 Place the p icture or image yo u wa nt to scan on a flat sur f a c e . 3 Plac e the scanning hea d on t he pic t ure, aligning the front-left scanning guide with the left edge of the image, as shown b elow: 4 Click Start o r p ress the button o n the scanner.
9-4 P r o Scannin g: More Things Yo u Can Do 8 When you’re finished, replace the scanning head on the scanner. Align the tabs in the base wi th the holes in the s c anning head as shown be l ow, and then lock it into p osition.
Pro Scann ing: More Thing s Yo u Can D o 9-5 A B 9 3 Choose the secondary image from the drop-down list, if necessary. The image appears in the second image window. 4 Choose the position o f the s econdary image in relation to the primary ima ge: Right, Left, Top, or Bottom.
Mainten a n ce and Troublesho oting 10 - 1 B 10 ou r Photo Plus needs only rou ti n e c are to contin ue working a t its best, and any problem s yo u might run into are easy to so l v e. Th is chapter co vers the following: ❙ Cari ng f or PhotoPlus ❙ Solv ing Sc a nner Pro blems ❙ Solv ing I ma ge Problems.
10 -2 Mainten ance an d Troubleshooting ❙ Do n o t spray cleanin g f l u id or water on the scan window. Solving Scanner and Syste m Problem s Solving Scanner and Syste m Problem s Before you ca ll .
Maintena nce and Tro ubleshooting 10-3 A B 10 The scan ning light com es on, but your p ic tur e doesn ’t The scan ning light com es on, but your p ic tur e doesn ’t feed into the sca n n er. feed in to t he sc anner . ❙ The scanning head on your PhotoPlus ma y ha ve lo o sened during shi pping.
10 -4 Mainten an ce an d Tro ubleshooting You get an er ro r messa ge w hen you try to run the You get an er ro r messa ge w hen you try to run the Magn et K it . Ma gn et Ki t . ❙ Insert yo u r Pho toPlus CD and click OK. Then restart the Magent Ki t p rogra m.
Mainten an ce an d Troubles hooting 10 -5 A B 10 ❙ Use the Brightness and Contrast, Hue and Satur a t i on, or Tone Adjustment setti ng s in your PhotoPlus softwa re. Exac t repro duction o f colors is very difficult, b u t you c a n experiment t o get as c lose as possible.
10 -6 Maintena nce and Trou b l eshoot i ng Part o f your pictur e is miss ing . Pa r t of your pictur e is miss ing . ❙ If your picture has a dark bac kground, the Auto Crop f eature may no t work correctly. Scan the picture again, using the Custom option.
S p ecific ations A-1 A B A P h y sical Physica l A Specific ations Wid th 6.13 i n. Height 4.75 in. Depth 5.5 in. W e ig ht (inc ludin g paral lel con nector) 1.5 lb (675 g) Power Power AC adapter 14 VDC 730 mA Scanner pow er con sumption 5.5 W maximum (feeder mode) 5 W m a ximum ( hand -hel d mode) php_ a.
A-2 Specificati o ns T echni cal Techn ica l En viro nmen t al Env i ronmental Scan mode s 24-bit True Color (16.7 M colors) 8-bit grayscale (256 gray s hades) 1-bit lin e art ( black and whi te ) Resolution settin gs 400 dpi (1-bi t lineart only) 200 dpi 150 dpi 100 dpi 50 dpi Maximum scan wi dth 4.
Glos s a ry 1 A B Active ima ge Active ima ge The imag e you are currently work ing on. The title bar o f the active image is highli ghted. As pec t r at io As pec t r at io The propo r ti on o f height to wi d t h in a n image. BMP (bitm ap) B MP (bi tmap) A standard Windows file f o rmat fo r color and grayscale images.
2 Glossa r y Float ing s election Float ing s election A se l e c ted area tha t c an be deleted or moved without affect i ng th e underlying imag e . Like a sticky note, it c an be mo v ed around without changing the image. GIF GIF Graphics Intercha nge Forma t.
Gloss ar y 3 A B Ma ppin g curv e Map pin g c urv e A line graph showing the b rightness of the original image on the horizontal a xis in rela t ion to the m odified image on t he vertical axis. Ma sk Ma sk The ar e a you crea t e using the select tool.
4 Glossa r y RG B Tr ue C ol or RG B Tr u e C ol or An image type t hat uses 24-bit col o r depth ( 16.7 million colors) and the RGB c ol o r model to rep rod uce as accurately a s po s s ible the co lor o f the original subject. Res i z e Res i z e To change the size of a selected ar e a or a n entire im age.
Glossa r y 5 A B Tr an sit io n ef fec t Tr an sit io n ef fec t Gradual change fro m one image to another, like the dis so lves and fades used in movie s . TW AI N TW AI N A st a nda rd fo r im age input fro m equip ment su ch as scanners, digital cameras, a nd v ideo frame grabbers.
Index 1 A B A A Accessories EPSON, Intro-4 PrintPaks, Intro- 4 Adapter, power, 1 - 3 Albums, ph oto, see Pho to alb u ms Aspect ratio , 3-10 Auto Crop feature, 2-7 Auto loops in slide sh o w , 5-2 B B.
2 I n dex Co l or o f image color wheel, 4-4 conv erting types, 3 -13–14 different from original, 10 - 3 enhancing, 4-3 s etting scan mod e , 2-6 Color o f templ ate background, chan g ing, 5-5 Comb.
Index 3 A B Hiding Status b ar, 3-6 Tools bar, 3-6 Histogram image informa t i on, 3-5 tone adjustment, 4-4 Hue and satu ratio n, adjusting, 4-3 I I Image data type, 3-13–14 Ima g e s adding to albu.
4 I n dex L L Land sc ape photos, 2-4 M M Magnet Kit, see PrintPak s Magnet Kit Magnification, 3 -3–5 Maintaining Pho toPlus, 10- 1 Manually contro l, 2-7, 9 - 2 Mapping cu rve, 4-4 Mask, selection,.
In dex 5 A B Print Artist ( co ntinued ) la yo ut f o r d ocuments, 6 -4–5 printing projects, 6 -11–12 quotes, adding, 6-8 saving p rojects, 6-11 template s for documents, 6- 3 te x t, adding , 6-.
6 Index SIze of image ( cont inue d ) incorrec t, 10-3 Slide show, 5 -2 Softening images, 4-6 Softwa re CardScan, Intro- 2, 8-1–10 ins ta l ling, 1-4–5 Pho toPlus, Intro-2 , 2-1– 12, 3 -1–14 4.
A B Technica l Support Options Type of Support Type o f Sup port EPSON PhotoPlus 2.0 EPSON Phot o Plu s 2.0 Sierra Print Arti s t 3.0 Sie rra Print A rti st 3.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Epson PhotoPlus è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Epson PhotoPlus - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Epson PhotoPlus imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Epson PhotoPlus ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Epson PhotoPlus, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Epson PhotoPlus.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Epson PhotoPlus. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Epson PhotoPlus insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.