Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PhotoPC L-400 del fabbricante Epson
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1 English Table of Content s INS TRU CT ION BO OK SY MB OLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 IM POR TA NT S AF ETY INS TRU CT ION S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 WH EN USIN G T HIS P RO DUC T . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Chapter 3 ADVANCED FUNCT IONS DISPLAY & MENU BUTTON SETTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 DIS PLA Y B UTT ON FUN CT ION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 ME NU BU TTO N F UN CTIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 English Chapter 5 ADD ITIONAL SETTING S DIG ITAL PR INT O RD ER F ORM AT (DP OF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 SAV ING PH OT OS IN DP OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 SOU ND AN D S HUT TER SET TIN GS . . . . . . . . . . .
4 INS TRUCT ION BOOK S YMBOLS The sy mbols used in this b ook are explained below. Sym bols Required Readi ng w WARNING Mus t be followe d carefully to av oid bodily inju ry. c CAUTI ON Necessar y to avoid da maging the came ra and/or othe r devices. ALERT Necess ary to ensu re correct cam era function.
5 English ❏ Do not u se this product outdoors d uring a thunderstorm. ❏ To prev ent possib le injury, d o not take flash pictu res in close pr oximity to anyone's eyes.
6 Handli ng t he batte ri es Keep the batter y ends clean by wiping them with a dry cloth. w WARNING ❏ Do not apply he at or force to batt eries, and do not di sassemble, drop, short-circuit, or put batt eries into fire or wa ter. ❏ Do not keep batteries lo ose in your pockets.
7 English 8) Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifier s) that produce heat. 9) Protect th e power co rd from b eing wa lked on or pinc hed partic ularly at plugs, convenience recectables, and the point wh ere they exit from the apparatus.
8 EPSON FEATURES Thank you for purchansing an EPSON L-400. It's not only a high qual ity digital c amera, but has many useful featur es as w ell. Please read the Instruction Booklet thoro ughly to pr e pare for m any ye ars of enjoy able photography.
CAMERA SETUP 9 English Chapter 1 CA MERA SETUP How to s et up yo ur came ra for optima l perf ormance ITEMS CHECKING THE PACKIN G CONTENTS Ma k e s u re t ha t yo ur c am er a bo x co n t ains all of the items shown below and that they are undama ged.
10 CAMERA SETUP TOP V IEW Lens/ lens Cover Li ght Sensor Microphone Eyel et For Att aching Str ap Illum inat ion Lig ht Bu ilt-in Flas h Tripod M oun t Ba ttery / M em ory C ard C ove r Set up Mod e V.
CAMERA SETUP 11 English BATTERIES AND MEMO RY CARD INS TALL ATION ACCESSING THE BATTERIES AND MEMORY CARD ALERT Be sure the camera is turned O FF before opening and c losing the battery / m emory card cover. HOW TO INSERT AND RE MOVE THE MEMORY CARD The m emo ry card is installed in the cam e ra at the factory .
12 CAMERA SETUP BATTERY LIFE INDICATOR As the batteries lose power, the icon on the LCD mo nitor will change from to . w WARNING ❏ When changing the batteries, change al l 4 at the same time and use the same brand. ❏ The life of a battery wil l vary depending on the brand and gr ade.
CAMERA SETUP 13 English INITIAL SETTINGS The first time you use the camera, you mus t set the following three items. Y ou will on ly need to do this once. 1. Selecting a Langua ge The first tim e you turn o n the POW ER, the 'Languag e' screen appears.
14 STANDARD OPE RATION Cha pte r 2 STAN DARD O PERATION How to use in the automatic m ode. HOLDING THE CAMERA / RELEASING THE SHUTTER There is no spec ial picture-tak ing stance for this particular camera, b ut it is useful to know these basic techniques for taking good pictures in general.
ST ANDARD OPERATI ON 15 English CAMERA RANGE Whe n taking a photogra ph, you w ill wan t your su bject to stand at least 50cm(19.6 in ches) away. When you w ant to photograph som ething that is 50cm u se the MA CRO mod e for be tter resu lts. (See pa ge 30.
16 STANDARD OPE RATION TURNING THE QUICK VIEW O N/OFF This system sends the recorded photo to the LC D monitor 3 second s after the image is captured. This fu nc tion m ay be turned O N or O FF. USING THE VIEWFIN DER-ONLY METHOD How to take photos using the view find er only with the LC D monitor turned off.
ST ANDARD OPERATI ON 17 English 6. Be sure to turn OFF the camera when you are finished by pressing the POWER button. The le ns will re tract and the au tomatic co ver w ill close. The ex planation for tu rning O FF the P O WE R will be omitted from now on.
18 STANDARD OPE RATION OPTICAL ZOOM & DI GITAL ZOOM This camera has a 3X OPTICAL ZOOM and a 2X DIGITAL ZOOM (2 frames) installed. A s DIGITA L ZOO M is ava ilable whe n to photo w ith LCD m onitor, max imum 9X ZO OM photo is p ossible.
ST ANDARD OPERATI ON 19 English 4. Use the ud butt ons to select Normal or Fine Compression. Not e : Photograph Qual ity Settings The number of pictures yo u can fit on a me mory card is det ermined by photogr aph quality. (See page 19.) The cam era ke eps your last choice w hen it is tur ned off.
20 STANDARD OPE RATION FYI Slow Synchro Shut ter Shooting This techni que allows you to sy nc the Flash with t he Slow Shutter Shoo ting. In most cases, if the f lash is used in a very dark sett ing t.
ST ANDARD OPERATI ON 21 English PLAYBACK SYSTEM You can play back im ages and v ideo clips in sever al ways. ONE BY ONE PLAYBACK Press t he l button to display the pr evious image. Press t he r button to display the next. You m ay delete this image by pressing the MACR O button.
22 STANDARD OPE RATION SLIDE SHOW You can play back photos in a series. You can al so rotate photos. QUICK PHOTO RE VIEW How to revie w ph otos wh ile still in P HOT O M ODE . Press t he REVIEW button. The LCD Monitor will change to REVIEW mode. Turn the DIAL SWITCH to PLAYBACK MODE and then turn the PO W ER O N.
ST ANDARD OPERATI ON 23 English DELETING FILES How to delete p hotos you don't want to k eep. DELETI NG A SINGLE PHOTO Deleting one image at a time. 3. If there is still data left on the mem ory card , the mon itor w ill return to the PLAYBAC K mode screen.
24 STANDARD OPE RATION USING YOUR IM AGES DISPLAYING ON A T V Use your AV cable to connect the camera to video display de vices. c CAUTI ON Mak e sure the po wer is turn ed off befor e you begin. Open the connec tor cover ca refully, to avo id damag ing it.
ST ANDARD OPERATI ON 25 English USING THE AC ADAPTER How to connect the AC adapter. Whe n using the DIR ECT PRIN TING process , or when you have connected the camera to a computer or TV, the AC ad apter can be used so that you do not have to w orry about the life o f the batteries in the cam era.
26 ADVANCED FUNCTI ONS Cha pte r 3 ADVANCED F UNCTI ONS DISPLAY & MENU BUTTO N SETTING S Functions of the D ISPLAY button and the MEN U button. DISPLAY BUTTON FUNCTION Press the DISPLAY but ton to turn the operatio n icons ON or OFF.
ADVANCED FUNCT IONS 27 English 2. In PHOTO mode, when you press the MENU button you may use the lr buttons to scroll through the menu. In PLAYBACK mode the Menu items will become active each ti m e you press the lr buttons. Print Im age Fra mer (P.I.F .
28 ADVANCED FUNCTI ONS ALERT Images taken in P .I.F. mode and set in DP OF format and saved on a memory card when printed with the Stylus Phot o 935 will print with the fir st frame that i s stored in the printer.
ADVANCED FUNCT IONS 29 English REPLACING FRAM ES In order to add or change the frames loaded in the camera’s memory you must read y a mem ory card that alrea dy has replacem ent frames in mem ory. Frames can be found in the incl uded CD -ROM or on the EPSON website.
30 ADVANCED FUNCTI ONS DELETING FRAMES How to delete frames that are stored in the camera's m emory or the memory card. You m ust do th is in order to a dd new frames w hen either memory is already ful l. 1. Using the ud buttons, se lect "P.
ADVANCED FUNCT IONS 31 English ALERT Remembe r the par allax problem wh en you take photos i n the MACRO mode using the VI EWFINDER with t he LCD monito r turned off. (See page 16.) If the flas h is used during very close shoot s, the picture may come out overexposed.
32 ADVANCED FUNCTI ONS SCENE MO DES When using a progra mmed SCEN E mode , the camera is automatically configured to the best image capture settings for the situation. SELECTING A SCENE MODE Not e : FLASH control in SCENE mode Any flash se ttings (See page 19.
ADVANCED FUNCT IONS 33 English Not e : When using S CENE m ode Using SCENE modes to gether with Exi f 2.2 soft ware and PRINT Image Matching II will provide t he best po ssible p rinting results.
34 ADVANCED FUNCTI ONS CHANG ING TO AUTOM ATIC SENSITIVITY MO DE The camera is set in AUTO mode at the factor y, so there is no need to change anything to use this mo de when yo u firs t begin. This is the best se tting for most picture taki ng. The status is confir med on the LCD monitor displ ay.
ADVANCED FUNCT IONS 35 English HI NT Effectiv e Use of the E xposur e Adjustm ent Cont rols + Adjustment s ❏ To ma ke whit e objects w hiter, especia lly imag es of whit e paper in the MA CRO mode , elimin ating g ray tone s. ❏ To brigh ten the ima ge of subjects that hav e the sun in the bac kgroun d.
36 ADVANCED FUNCTI ONS Every time you pr ess the button, the funct ion to be assigned changes in order as listed be low. 4. At the step 2 screen, use ud directional buttons to turn the MENU SHORTCUT feature OFF or ON. In the ON position mo de, the assigned f unctions are enabled.
ADVANCED FUNCT IONS 37 English VIDEO CL IPS How to record a VIDE O CLIP w ith soun d, playback a nd delete vid eo clips. RECORDING A VIDEO CLIP ALERT Whe n recording a VIDEO CLIP , you mu st set the focus in the us ual manne r before recording. O nce you begin record ing, the focu s cannot be chang ed, and the zoom button s will not wor k.
38 ADVANCED FUNCTI ONS DELETING VIDEO CLI PS Deletin g VID EO C LIPS fro m the SD m emo ry card . (See p age 23 .) 1. Find the VI DEO CLIP using the lr buttons, t hen use the MACRO button to select it. The VIDEO CLIP informat ion will be di splayed on the LCD monito r.
DIRECT PRI NTING 39 English Chapter 4 DIRECT PRINTING DIRECT PRINTIN G Printing directly from the cam era to the p rinter is known as the DIR ECT PRIN TING proce ss. You can print dire ctly from this cam era to a prin ter without going thro ugh a computer.
40 DIRECT PRI NTING PRINTING THE IMAGE SEEN O N THE LCD MON ITOR Only the imag es visible on the LC D mo nitor will be printed. 1. Pressing t he PRINT button changes the dis play to DIRECT PRINTING mode and highlights "Displayed image.". 2. Press the PRINT button again to confirm select ion.
DIRECT PRI NTING 41 English PRIN T Ima ge Fram er (P.I.F.) PRINTIN G Images that have been taken in P.I.F. mode m ust be printed using DIRE CT PRINTIN G in ord er for the frame to show up o n the print. Any o ther printing method will break the link betw een the frame an d the im age and only the ima ge will b e printe d with no fram e.
42 DIRECT PRI NTING 2. Use the ud but tons to select the print option, then press the PRINT button. If you choose "Select Im ages" on ly those yo u mar k will be p rinted, together w ith their fram es. Imag es not taken in P .I.F. will be printe d norm ally.
DIRECT PRI NTING 43 English SETTING PAPER SIZE How to specify the size of the paper for your photo. 4. Use the ud buttons and select "Paper Size". Press the M ENU bu tton or the MAC RO button to return to step 2 . 5. Use the l r buttons to change t he settings.
44 DIRECT PRI NTING PR INTER UT ILITIES You m ay use a rang e of supp orted p rinter utilities. PRINTER UT ILITIES 1. Press the PRINT but ton to change the display to DIRECT PRINTING mode. Press the MACRO button to return to PLAY BACK m ode. 2. Use the ud but tons to select th e print option, th en p ress the PRINT button.
DIRECT PRI NTING 45 English PRINT HEAD ALIGNM ENT You can adjust the disp lacement of th e printer head . If the printed picture image has problems, try "Print Head Alignment". 5. Use the ud buttons and select "Print Head Alignment".
46 ADDI TI ONAL SE TTI NGS Cha pte r 5 ADDI TI ONAL SET TI NGS DIGITAL PRINT OR DER FORMAT (DPOF) DPO F is the abb reviation for Digital Pr int Order Format. T his forma t allows you to record informa tion on th e SD m emory card inc luding w hich im ages and how many copies you want to have printed out.
ADDI TIONAL SETT INGS 47 English SOUND AND SH UTTER SETTINGS You can choose o ne of the various Shutter Release soun ds and/or choose to turn shutter and oth e r cam era operation so unds on or off. 1. Use the ud butt ons to choose "Shutter", "Forcus Lock", "Self Timer" or "Sound" .
48 ADDI TI ONAL SE TTI NGS REGISTER / DELETE SOUND DATA You can take the same procedure to change both shutter sound and photo-pr eparation sound. 1. Use the ud butto ns and select a Shutt er Sound, Focus L ock Sound or Self Timer Sound. 2. Use the lr buttons and select the item to change.
ADDI TIONAL SETT INGS 49 English RESETTING THE AUTO POW ER SAVE You can change the set ting for Auto Power Save. The default is 3 minutes, but you can also choose 1, 5 or 20 minutes. 1. Use the ud butt ons to choose "Power Save" . Use th e lr buttons to change the sett ing.
50 ADDI TI ONAL SE TTI NGS Not e : SD MEMORY CARD LOCKING MECHANISM How to protect your pre cious photos from accidental dele tion. Slide the small switch on th e side of the S D mem ory car d in the di rection of th e arrow to the LO CK po sition. Images will not be able to be de leted or ov erwrit ten.
ADDI TIONAL SETT INGS 51 English RESETTING CAM ERA DEFAULTS How to reset the camera to the original factory de fault settings. 1. Use the ud butt ons to choose RESET DEFAULT. P ress the FLASH button. 2. T o rese t the cam era to its or iginal defaul t settings , pres s the MACRO button.
52 A D D IT IO N A L IN FO RM AT ION Appendix A AD DITIO N AL IN FORM ATIO N CLEANING THE CAMERA It is imp ortant to keep the cam era clean so it will fu nction w ell anytim e you need it. c CAUTI ON When performin g any camera mai ntenanc e, be sure to disconnect the AC adaptor.
A D D ITIO NA L IN FO RM AT ION 53 English SPECIFICATIONS L-400 General Optical Standards and Approvals Di men si on 105 mm (Wi dt h) × 6 0mm (h ei ght ) × 31 .
54 TROUB LES HOOTI NG Appendix B TROUBLESHO OTING TROUB LESHOOT ING This manual has a li st of commo n operati ng problems and simple solutions. Look up the problem and see the appropriate manual page when necessary. IF YOU RU N INTO TROU BLE ❏ The list o f comm on cam era prob lems an d solutions begins o n page 57 .
TRO UB LESHO OTIN G 57 English LIST OF ERROR MESSAGES Follow the approp riate instruction s below w hen the error mess age appea rs. PHOTO MODE MESSAGE S PLAYBACK MODE MESSAGES SET UP MODE MES SAGES MESSAG E PROBLEM & SO LUTION Th is memo ry car d i s writ e-protect ed.
58 TROUB LES HOOTI NG DIRECT PRIN TING MESSAGES MESS AG E PRO BLEM & SO LUTION Batter y power is low. Connect AC adapter. Pro blem : L ittle ba ttery p ow er re m ain ing. Sol ution: The cam era won' t conti nue to di rect pr int when the power i s low.
TRO UB LESHO OTIN G 59 English Cannot pri nt because the necessar y Frame file do es n ot ex ist o r is co rrupte d. Probl em: The pict ure can't be print ed because there i s no fr am e fi le or the l ink has been broken. Solut ion: Replace or add a fr am e li nked to t his f ile.
60 E PS O N IN FO RM A TIO N EPSON INFORM ATION CONTACT ING CUST OMER SUP PORT If your EPSON product is not operating properly and you cannot solve the problem using the troub leshooting informatio n in you r product documentation, contact customer su pport services for assistance.
EPSON I NFORMATION 61 English Fo r use r in Ita ly EPSON Italia S. p.a. Via M. Viganò de Vizz i, 93/95 20092 Cinisel lo Balsamo (MI) Tel. 02. 660.321 Fax. 02.612.36 .22 Assistenz a e Servizio Clienti TECHNICAL HELPDESK 02.268.300.5 8 htt p://www.e pson.
62 IN DE X A AC adapter AC adapter (A211H) 9 , 25 , 53 AC adapter AC Cable 9 , 25 Adjusting LCD Brightness 49 Auto Focus 14 - 17 , 30 AV 9 , 24 B Batteries Accessing T he Batteries 11 Batteries / Memo.
63 English Direct Printing Direct Printing From Camera To Printer 24 , 39 Direct Printing Messages 58 Head Cleaning 44 High Speed Printing 43 List Of Compatible Printers 39 Pick Images 40 Printer Utilities 44 Print Image Framer (P.
64 O Optical Zoom 18 P PAL 13 , 50 Parallax 17 , 31 Photograph Quality Settings 19 Playback System Displaying Multipl e Images 21 Image Enlargement 21 MENU For Playback Mode 27 One By One Playback 21 Playing Back A Cl ip 37 Quick Photo Review 22 Slide Show 22 Power On/Off 12 PRINT Image Framer (P .
65 English T Tables Approximate Number Of Images 19 Compressi on 19 , 31 Continuous Image Recording T able 31 Flash Range 20 Resolution 18 , 19 , 31 Shutter Sound Settings 47 Sound Settings 47 Video C.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Epson PhotoPC L-400 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Epson PhotoPC L-400 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Epson PhotoPC L-400 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Epson PhotoPC L-400 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Epson PhotoPC L-400, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Epson PhotoPC L-400.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Epson PhotoPC L-400. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Epson PhotoPC L-400 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.