Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto GT-2500 del fabbricante Epson
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User's Guide NPD1879-00.
2 Copyright an d Trademarks Copyr ight and Trad emark s No part of this publ icati on may be repr oduced, s tored i n a retri eval system, or transmit ted in any f orm or b y any me ans, elec tronic, mec hanic al, photoc opying, r ecordin g, or otherw ise, with out the p rior writ ten pe rmissio n of Seik o Epson Corporat ion.
3 Copyright and Tr ademarks Safe ty Instru ctions Important S afety Instruc tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Restrictions on Copy ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Chapter 1 Overview of Your Scanner Fea tures Scanning Using the Aut omatic Document Feeder .
4 Chapter 4 Scanning Using the Automatic Document Feeder Starting a Sca n With the Star t Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Starting a Sca n With EPSON Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Starting a Sca n With Anothe r Scanning Program .
5 Chapter 6 Using the Scanner Features Scanning to a PDF File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Converting Scanned Documents i nto Editable Text . . . . . . . . . . . 109 OCR Software Limitat ions . . . . . .
6 Scanning Softwa re Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 You Cannot Star t EPSON Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 The Scanner Soft ware Does Not Wor k Properly . . . . . . . . . 148 Scanning Tak es a Long Time .
7 Appendi x B Technical Specif ications System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Windows System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Macintosh System Require ments . . .
8 Safety Instruc tions Safety Instruc tions Important Safety Instructions N e w :F o r a s i n g l e s c a n n e r Read all these inst ructions, and follow al l warnings and instructi ons marked on t he scanner.
Safety In structions 9 ❏ The AC power cord should be p laced to avoi d abrasions, cu ts, fraying, crimping, and kink ing. Do not place objec ts on top of the AC power cor d and do no t allo w the AC adapt er or t he AC power cord to be stepp ed on or r un o ver.
10 Safety Instruc tions ❏ Never disassemble, modify, or a ttempt to r epair the AC adapter, AC power cor d, scanner, or scanner op tion by yourself except as specific ally expl ained in t he scanner’s guides . ❏ Do not inser t objects i nto any opening as they may touc h dangerous v oltage po ints or sho rt out parts.
Safety In structions 11 ❏ Safety re quirements for United Kingd om, Singapore , and Hong K ong users: Mains pl ug: Use a 3-pin mains plug that is registered wit h the Safety Authority. Flexible c ord: Us e a doubl e insu lated flexib le cor d that is cert ified* t o the rele vant I EC o r BS sta nda rds.
12 Safety Instruc tions Exercise caution w hen copying the fo llowing items: ❏ Private marke table securi ties (sto ck certif icates, negot iable notes, checks, etc.), mont hly passes, concession tickets, et c. ❏ Passports, driver’s licenses, warrants of fitness, r oad passes, food stamps, tickets, etc.
Overview of Your Scanner Features 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chapter 1 Overview of Your Scanner Features Scanning Using the Automatic Document Feeder You can loa d an origi nal do cument of up to 50 pa ges in the Automati c Document Fee der (AD F) buil t into your scanner .
14 Overview of Your Scanner Features Scanning to a PDF File You can sc an mult iple document p ages using t he ADF and save them as one PDF fil e on your computer. EPSON Scan di splays an edi ting p age so you c an vie w the page s as yo u scan them and reorder, r otate, or delete them as ne cessary.
Overview of Your Scanner Features 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Converting Scanned Documents Into Editable Text You can scan a docume nt and convert the text into d ata that yo u can edit wi th a word p rocessing p rogra m. This pro cess is c alled OCR (Opti cal Charact er Recog nition ).
16 Overview of Your Scanner Features Available Scanning Methods Your scanner gives you t wo ways to scan. You can select the method tha t works best for t he project you are scanning and the way you li ke to wor k.
Overview of Your Scanner Features 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Using EPSON Scan EPSON Scan let s you c ontrol all aspects of sca nning and includes three modes: ❏ Office Mode lets you quic kly sel ect sett ings for scanni ng text documents and check t heir effects with a preview image.
18 Overview of Your Scanner Features You also use EPSO N Scan whenever y ou scan with ano ther TWAIN-compl iant progr am, such as Ado be Acrobat . ❏ To scan docum ents using the ADF, see " Starti ng a Scan Wit h Another Scanni ng Progr am" on page 39 .
Guide to the Scanner Parts 19 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Guide to the Scanner Parts Scanner Parts N e w :F o r a s i n g l e s c a n n e r a. Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) b. Paper sup port c. Edge guide s d. Erro r li ght e. Ready light f. a Start b utton g.
20 Guide to the Scanner Parts a. unders ide of ADF b. document tabl e c. carriag e home positio n c a b.
Guide to the Scanner Parts 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a. DC inlet b. USB interf ace connector c. ADF cable (do no t disconnect ) d. optiona l interf ace card s lot a b c d.
22 Guide to the Scanner Parts Lights and Start Button N e w :F o r a s i n g l e s c a n n e r Lights The scanner lights indicate the scanner's st atus. Ready light Error light Meaning On Off Ready to sc an i mages. Flashi ng Off Initi alizing or scan ning.
Guide to the Scanner Parts 23 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Start Button The scanner has a a Start b utton fo r scanning op eratio ns. The a Start butto n automati cally opens you r scanning software so you can scan yo ur image to a pr ogram or fi le. Befo re using the a Start button, make sure yo u have i nstalle d EPSON Scan.
24 Placing Original s on the Scanner Chapter 3 Placing Origin als on the S canner Loading Documents in the Automatic Document Feeder You can load up to 50 sheets of paper in t he ADF (a stack thickness of 5.0 mm [0.2 inches] or less). S ee "Document Specifi cations" o n page 27 for det ails .
Placing Originals on th e Scanner 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1. Extend th e paper suppor t at the end of th e output tra y on the ADF. 2. Slide the edge guid es on the input tray of the ADF all the way outward.
26 Placing Original s on the Scanner 3. You will load you r first docu ment page, previ ew it in you r scanner sof tware, and load i t again wi th all the rest of your pages. Place the fir st page of your d ocument i n the input t ray with the print ed si de facin g up and the top ed ge facing into th e feeder.
Placing Originals on th e Scanner 27 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Document Specificatio ns The table below li sted the sizes of paper you can load in the ADF. Load only document s that meet the following specifica tions in the ADF: Make sure your do cuments meet the f ollowi ng condition s before load ing th em i nto the ADF: ❏ The in k is dry .
28 Placing Original s on the Scanner Placing Originals on t he Document Table Befo re scanning a document, r emember to respec t the ri ghts of copyrigh t owners. Do not scan publi shed text or images wit hout first check ing the ir copy right status .
Placing Originals on th e Scanner 29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2. Place your d ocument or photo on the document t able, f ace down on the glass. Ma ke sure the top of the document or photo is aga inst the upper lef t corner of t he document table.
30 Placing Original s on the Scanner 3. If you are sca nning multip le documents o r photo s at once, position each one at least 20 mm (0.8 inches) away from t he others. Note: If you are scanning large or thick doc uments, see "Placing Large or Thick Documents" on page 32 for instructions.
Placing Originals on th e Scanner 31 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4. Close the ADF gen tly so that your orig inal does not move. Note: ❏ Always keep the document table and the un derside of the ADF clean. See "Cleaning the Scanner" on page 136 for instructions.
32 Placing Original s on the Scanner Placing Lar ge or Thick Documents Follow th ese steps to scan a large o r thick do cument on th e docum ent tab le: 1.
Placing Originals on th e Scanner 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2. Close the ADF and hold it down fir mly as you scan..
34 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder Chapter 4 Scanning Using the Automatic Document Feeder Starting a Scan With the Start Button N e w :F o r a s i n g l e s c a n n e r 1.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 35 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. Press the a Start b utton on the scanner. Your computer auto matic ally s tarts E PSON S can in O ffice Mode th e firs t time. From EPSON Scan, you can select scan settings, preview, scan, and save y our image to a file on your computer .
36 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder Starting a Scan With EPSON Scan If y ou w ant to sc an a docu men t an d sav e it d ire ctly to a file , you can start E PSON Scan as a “standalo ne” program. 1. Place the f irst page of yo ur document in the ADF i nput t ray.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 37 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3. EPSON Scan star ts in Offi ce Mode the f irst t ime you open it. If necessar y, click the ar row in the Mode box at the top ri ght of the EPSON Sca n window and select Office Mode .
38 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder If t he Mo de se tting in th e up per rig ht c orner of th e w indow is se t to Pr ofe ssi onal Mo de , y ou see a di ffere nt EP SON Sc an set tings window. For instru ctions on us ing Profe ssional Mode, see "Select ing Basic Setting s" on page 49.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 39 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Starting a Scan With Another Scanning Program You can use any TWAIN-compli ant scanni ng progra m, such as Adobe Acroba t, to scan wit h your scanner . You open the program, select EPSON S can as your scanni ng progra m, and scan.
40 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder Note for Windows XP u sers: Do not choose a WIA option for your scanner from the Import or Acquire list; your scann er will not work correctly. 5. EPSON Sca n starts i n Office Mode the fi rst tim e you open it .
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 If th e Mode s etti ng in the upper right co rner of the win dow is set to Professional Mode , you see a different EPSON Sca n setting s window. For instructio ns on using P rofessional Mod e, see "Selecting Basic Setti ngs" on page 49.
42 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder Selecting EPSON Scan Office Mode Settings After you st art EPSON Sca n in Office Mo de, follow these step s to select your EPSON Scan sett ings: 1. Select whether the Imag e Type of y our do cument pages is Color , G rayscal e , or Black&White .
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 43 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. C lick the arr ow ne xt to th e Resolution list and select the number of dots per inch at which y ou want to sca n. See the table below fo r some guidelines: 5. Click the Pr eview bu tton to ward t he bottom of the EP SON Scan window.
44 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder 8. Change any necessa ry Image Adjust ment settin gs as listed in the tabl e below. 9. Click the Scan button to sca n your document pages.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 45 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Selecting EPSON Scan Professional Mode Settings Selecting File Save Settings When you see the File Sav e Settings wi ndow, you need t o select the locat ion, na me, and format of t he scanned image file you wan t to save.
46 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder 2. Specify a file name p refix wit h an alp hanumeric chara cter stri ng. A 3 -digit n umb er is au tomat icall y adde d to th e file name, but you can ch ange the Sta rt Number if you like. I f you are scanning multip le images a t once, each imag e will receive a different 3 -digit nu mber.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 47 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. The checkboxes at the bottom of the window g ive you these options: ❏ Overwrit e any f iles with t he same n ame Select this o ption if yo u want to reuse the selected file name and location and overwri te previous files with the same names.
48 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder ❏ Open image folder after scann ing Select thi s optio n if you wa nt Windows Expl orer or the Macintosh F inder t o automati cally open the fo lder where your scan ned image is save d when EPSO N Scan fini shes scanning.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 49 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Selecting Basic Settings When you star t EPSON Scan i n Profession al Mode , you see th e main EPSON Scan window: Profe ssion al Mode Before yo u scan your document , you need to select these basic settings: ❏ Orig inal set tings.
50 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder ❏ Destination settings. These tell EPSON Scan how you plan to use your scanned i mage so it can sel ect the co rrect defaul t resoluti on (scan quality) for yo u. Follow th ese steps to select th e basic setti ngs in EPSON Scan’s Professiona l Mode: 1.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 51 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Selecting the Scan Resolution In Professional Mode, you can select t he resolut ion you want at any time. Before you select the scan resolution, you should c onsider whether you will enlarge t he imag es, and if so, whether you will enlarge them b efore or a fter you scan.
52 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder Click t he arro w next t o the Resoluti on list and select the number of dots per inch at which y ou want to sca n. See the tabl e below for so me g uidel ines: Afte r select ing th e Resol ution , you c an prev iew the first pa ge of your document and make any necessary adjustments.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 53 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1. Click the Pr eview bu tton to ward t he bottom of the EP SON Scan window. The ADF loads your fi rst document page, then EPSON Scan pr escan s it an d dis plays it in th e Pre view windo w.
54 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder 3. You can do the foll owing t o adjust th e image: ❏ To select y our scan area, clic k the auto loc ate icon t o place a marquee that marks the edges of your image area. You can move the mar quee to change t he scan are a.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 55 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Adjusting the Scan Area (Marquee) A marquee is a moving dot ted line t hat appear s on th e edges of your prev iew image to i ndicate t he scan area.
56 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder 2. Position t he pointe r in the ar ea where yo u want to pl ace the corner of you r marquee an d click. Ho ld down the mouse button a nd drag the cr oss-hairs over the image to the o pposite corner of the desired scan a rea.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 57 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ To resize the marque e, positi on your curs or over the edge or corner of the marquee. The p ointer be comes a straigh t or angled d ouble-a rrow. Cli ck and d rag the edge or co rner to the desired size.
58 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder Adjusting the Color and Other Image Settin gs Once you ha ve pr eviewed yo ur imag e and adjusted the scan area, you can mo dify th e imag e quality, if nece ssary. EPSON Scan offers a vari ety of s ettin gs for improv ing col or, sharp ness, contrast, an d other aspects aff ecting imag e quality.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 59 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Setting Available mode(s) and description Brightness Adjusts the overa ll i mage lightness and darkness.
60 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder Note: ❏ To view the red, green, and blue levels at particular points in your preview image as you make adjustments, click the densitometer icon in the preview wi ndow and click an image area. See EPSON Scan he lp for det ails.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 61 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Selecting the Scan Size You can sc an your images at their ori ginal si ze, or yo u can reduce or enlarge their size as you scan them. You do thi s usi ng the T arget Size setting in Professi onal Mode.
62 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder For instr uctions on previewing your i mage, see " Previewing and Adjusting the S can Area" on page 52. The n follow t hese steps to select the Ta rget Si ze setting: 1. You can choose a predefined scan size from the Target Siz e list.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 63 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. If you ne ed to creat e a scan si ze that is n ot in t he Targ et Size list, you ca n create a cust om size.
64 Scanning Using the Au tomatic Document Feeder ❏ T o c h a n g e t h e w a y y o u r i m a g e i s c r o p p e d , t u r n Tri mmin g on or off. (See EPSON Scan Help for detail s.) ❏ To unlock t he proport ions of your sca n size, cl ick the lock icon.
Scanning Usi ng the Automatic Document Feeder 65 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Finishing the Scan When you have finished selecting scan settings and l oaded all the document p ages int o the ADF, you are r eady to s can. Click the Scan button. After a few moments, y our pages ar e loaded, scanned, a nd ejected.
66 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table Chapter 5 Scanning Using the Document Table Starting a Scan With the Start Button N e w :F o r a s i n g l e s c a n n e r 1. Place your doc ument or photo on the document table. See "Plac ing Origi nals on the Doc ument Table" on p age 28 for inst ructi ons.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 67 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Note: ❏ To change scan mod es, see "Changing the Scan Mode" on pa ge 78. ❏ You can also reassign the a Start button to another compatible Windows program. See "Assigning a Program to the Start Button" on page 115 f or details.
68 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table 3. EPSON Sc an start s in Offi ce Mode the firs t time you open it. For instr uctions on using Offi ce Mode, see " Selecting E PSON Scan Office Mode Sett ings" on pa ge 72 for instr uctio ns.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 69 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Starting a Scan With Another Scanning Program You can use any TWAIN-compli ant scanni ng progra m, such as Adobe Acroba t, to scan wit h your scanner . You open the program, select EPSON S can as your scanni ng progra m, and scan.
70 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table 5. EPSON Sc an start s in Offi ce Mode the firs t time you open it. For instr uctions on using Offi ce Mode, see " Selecting E PSON Scan Office Mode Sett ings" on pa ge 72 for instr uctio ns.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 71 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Overview of the EPSON Scan Modes EPSON Scan let s you c ontrol all aspects of sca nning and includes three modes: ❏ Office Mode lets you quic kly sel ect sett ings for scanni ng text documents and check t heir effects with a preview image.
72 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table See "Changing the Sca n Mode" on page 78 for in structi ons on switching t o Profession al Mode . See "Selecti ng Basic Setti ngs" on pa ge 79 for scanni ng steps.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 73 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1. Select whether the Image Type of your document pages i s Color , Grayscale , or Black&White . 2. Select Aut o Detect or Document Table as the Do cument Source setti ng. 3. Select the siz e of yo ur origi nal doc ument as the S ize setti ng.
74 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table 7. Change any necessa ry Image Adjust ment settin gs as listed in the tabl e below. 8. Click the Scan button to sca n your document pages.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 75 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Selecting EPSON Scan Home/Professional Mode Settings Selecting File Save Settings When you see the File Sav e Settings wi ndow, you need t o select the locat ion, na me, and format of t he scanned image file you wan t to save.
76 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table 2. Specify a file name p refix wit h an alp hanumeric chara cter stri ng. A 3 -digit n umb er is au tomat icall y adde d to th e file name, but you can ch ange the Sta rt Number if you like. I f you are scanning multip le images a t once, each imag e will receive a different 3 -digit nu mber.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 77 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4. The checkboxes at the bottom of the window g ive you these options: ❏ Overwrit e any f iles with t he same n ame Select this o ption if yo u want to reuse the selected file name and location and overwri te previous files with the same names.
78 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table ❏ Open image folder after scann ing Select thi s optio n if you wa nt Windows Expl orer or the Macintosh F inder t o automati cally open the fo lder where your scan ned image is save d when EPSO N Scan fini shes scanning.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 79 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Selecting Basic Settings When you st art EPSON Scan in Ho me or Pr ofessional Mode, y ou see the main EPSON Scan window: Home Mode.
80 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table Profe ssion al Mode Before you scan your document or photo, you need to sele ct these basic s ettings: ❏ Original settings. T hese tell EPSON Sca n the typ e of document or p hoto yo u are scanning. ❏ Destination settings.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 81 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Follow these steps to select the basic settings for a document or photo in E PSON Scan: 1. Do one of t he followin g to select your document type: Home mode : Click the a rrow to ope n the Docu ment Type list a nd sel ect the type of ori ginal you a re scanning .
82 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table Prof essi onal mo de : Click the a rrow to open the Image Typ e list and se lect the detailed i mage type you are scanni ng: 3. EPSON Scan selects a default resolution setting based on the original and destination settings you select.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 83 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Selecting the Scan Resolution In Home M ode, yo u can c hange the resolut ion on ly if you select Other as the Destination setting. In Professional Mode, you can select t he resolut ion you want at any time.
84 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table ❏ You will s can the images at their origi nal size, but t hen enlarge the m later in an image -editing prog ram . If yo u plan to enl arge y our image s lat er in an imag e-edi ting prog ram, y ou ne ed to i ncrea se the Resol ution settin g to ret ain a high image qualit y after e nlargement .
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 85 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Previewing and Adjusting the Scan Area Once you have selected your basic settings and resolution in Home or Prof essional Mode, you can p review your image and select or ad just the are a of the i mage(s) you want to scan.
86 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table Note: If the edg e of your doc ument or photo is not scanned , move it a way from the edge of the document table slightly. 2. You can do the foll owing t o adjust th e image(s): ❏ To select y our scan area, clic k the auto loc ate icon t o place a marquee that marks the edges of your image area.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 87 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Adjusting the Scan Area (Marquee) A marquee is a moving dot ted line t hat appear s on th e edges of your prev iew image to i ndicate t he scan area.
88 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table 2. Position t he pointe r in the ar ea where yo u want to pl ace the corner of you r marquee an d click. Ho ld down the mouse button a nd drag the cr oss-hairs over the image to the o pposite corner of the desired scan a rea.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 89 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ❏ To resize the marque e, positi on your curs or over the edge or corner of the marquee. The p ointer be comes a straigh t or angled d ouble-a rrow. Cli ck and d rag the edge or co rner to the desired size.
90 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table Adjusting the Color and Other Image Settin gs Once yo u have prev iewed yo ur imag es and adj usted the sca n area, you can modify the imag e quality, if necessary. EPSON Scan offers a vari ety of s ettin gs for improv ing col or, sharp ness, contrast, an d other aspects aff ecting imag e quality.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 91 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Bri ght ness Hom e, Offi ce, and Pr ofe ssion al : Adjusts the overall image lightness and darkness. In H ome Mode , cli ck th e B rightn ess b utton to access the Brightness setting. In Office Mode, c lick and mo ve the slid er to adjust the Brightness set ting.
92 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table Unsha rp Mas k Filter Home: A utomat ically appl ied. Off ice and Profes sion al: Tu rn on to mak e the edges of imag e areas clearer for an ov erall sharper im age. The level of sharpn ess is adjustable. Turn off t o leave softer edges.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 93 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Note: ❏ To view the red, green, and blue levels at parti cular points in your preview image as you make adjustments, click the densitometer icon in the preview win dow and click an image area.
94 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table Selecting the Scan Size You can scan your images at thei r original size, or you can reduce or enlarg e their size as you sca n them.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 95 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Profe ssion al Mode If y ou ar e goi ng to scan your i mage to a parti cular size , you shou ld sele ct the T arget S ize sett ing af ter pre viewin g it, but before a d j u s t i n g y o u r s c a n a r e a ( i n d i c a t e d b y t h e m a r q u e e ) .
96 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table 1. You can choose a predefined scan size from the Target Siz e list. Click the arrow in the list and select the size you want. A marquee (dott ed line ) proporti oned for that siz e appears on your prev iew imag e: 2.
Scanning Usi ng the Document T able 97 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3. In Professional Mode, you can fine-t une the size usi ng additi onal tools. Cli ck the + (Windows) or r (Mac OS X) next to Target Size to displ ay thes e tool s: ❏ To size your image by a c ertain percenta ge, adjust t he Scale value.
98 Scannin g Using the Documen t Table Finishing the Scan When you have finished selecting scan settings, you are ready to scan. Click the Scan button.
Using the Scanner Features 99 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Chapter 6 Using the Scanner Features Scanning to a PDF File You c an scan multip le pa ges of a do cument using the ADF and save them as one PDF fil e on your compu ter.
100 Using the Scanner Features Mac OS X: Open the App licat ions fo lder a nd click t he EPSON Scan icon. 3. If the Mode s etting in the top right of the EPSON Scan wi ndow is not set to Prof essional Mod e, click th e arrow in the bo x and select Professional Mode .
Using the Scanner Features 101 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5. Cl ick the arrow in th e Auto Exposure Type list a nd select y our orig inal d ocume nt type ; eith er Document or Photo . 6. Click the ar row to o pen the Image T ype list a nd select the detailed imag e type you a re scanning: 7.
102 Using the Scanner Features 8. Click the Previ ew button toward the bo ttom o f the EPS ON Scan window. O ne of the fol lowing h appens, depending on how you load ed your or iginal d ocument: ❏ If you are u sing the docu ment table, a preview of your page is display ed in th e Previ ew win dow.
Using the Scanner Features 103 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 10. Scroll do wn the EPSO N Scan wind ow and ch ange any nece ssary Adjus tment s etting s as lis ted in th e tabl e below. Setting Available mode(s) and description Color Restora tion Restores the co lors in faded photos autom atica lly.
104 Using the Scanner Features 11. Click the Scan button to sca n your document pages. Histogram Provides a graph ical interface for adjusting highli ght, shadow, and g amm a leve ls indivi dually . For advanc ed use rs only. Clic k the Hi stogram Adjustmen t butto n to use the Histogram settings.
Using the Scanner Features 105 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12. The File Save Set tings windo w appear s: Select PDF as t he file typ e setting. The current Paper Size, Orie ntation , Marg in, an d Com pressio n settin g are display ed belo w it.
106 Using the Scanner Features 13. If you ne ed to cha nge any of t he curre nt PDF set tings, cl ick the Options button. You see the EPSON PDF Plug-in Sett ings window: Select the set tings that match your document and click OK . You re turn to the F ile Sav e Setti ngs wi ndow .
Using the Scanner Features 107 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 15. If you have finished scanning your document and want to view thumbnail i mages of the scanned pages, cl ick Edit page and go to step 16 . If you need to lo ad or place more pages for sc anning, clic k Add page .
108 Using the Scanner Features If y ou wa nt to r otate or d elete page s, cl ick t he pa ges o r use t he odd pages, even pages, or all pages icon to select the page s. Then click the left or right ro tate ico n to rota te them or the delete icon to dele te them.
Using the Scanner Features 109 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Converting Scanned Documents into Editable Text You can scan a docume nt and convert the text into d ata that yo u can edit wi th a word p rocessing p rogra m. This pro cess is c alled OCR (Opti cal Charact er Recog nition ).
110 Using the Scanner Features 2. Start you r OCR prog ram. 3. Start your OCR program’s scan functi on. EPSON Scan sta rts in the last mode you us ed.
Using the Scanner Features 111 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Profe ssion al Mode ❏ Select ADF - Single-si ded , ADF - Double-sided , or Document Table as the D ocument Source. ❏ Select Document as the Auto E xposu re Type. ❏ Select Black&White , 24-bit Colo r , or 48 -bit Col or as th e Image Ty pe.
112 Using the Scanner Features Restoring Color in Photos Using the Color Re storat ion feature in EPSON Scan , you can transfor m old, fad ed, or badly expo s ed p hotos int o ones with true-t o-life col or and sharpness. Y ou can restore printed photos auto mati cally as you scan t hem .
Using the Scanner Features 113 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3. When the EPSON S can window app ears, select Home Mode or Professional Mode i n the uppe r righ t corn er of the window, if necessar y. Note: To change the scan mode, see "Chang i ng the Scan Mode" on page 78.
114 Using the Scanner Features 6. Do one of the fol lowing to select the Color Restoration option: ❏ Home Mode : Click the Color R estor ation checkbox. ❏ Profe ssiona l Mode : Scrol l down to th e Adju stmen ts are a and click the Color R estora tion checkbox.
Using the Scanner Features 115 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9. Click the Scan button to scan and restore the color in your image( s). What happens next d epends on how you started EPSON Scan.
116 Using the Scanner Features 3. Right-cl ick your scanner’s ic on and select Pro perties . You see this wi ndow: 4. Click the Ev ent s tab. 5. In the Select a n even t list, choose the a St art button. 6. In the Star t this prog ram list, c hoose the program you want to assign.
Using the Scanner Features 117 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Assigning a Program With Windows 98SE, Me, or 2000 1. Click Star t > Settings > Control Panel . 2. Double-c lick the Scanners a nd Camera s icon. 3. Do one of t he following: Window s Me : Right- click your scanner icon and click Properties .
118 Using the Scanner Features 4. Click the Ev ent s tab. 5. In the S canner events list, choose the a Start bu tton. 6. In the Send to this applic ation list, click the checkbox for the program you want to assi gn. Only c o mpatible progr a ms appear in the list.
Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 119 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Chapter 7 Using the Optional N etwork Image Express Card Installing the Network Image Express Card The EPSON N etwork Image Express Card (B808392) let s you use your scanner ov er a network withou t having to connect t he scanner to a server PC.
120 Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 3. R emov e the tw o scre ws sec urin g the s hield pl ate u sing a Phillips-head screwdriver, then remove t he shield plate. Be sure to keep the screws in case yo u re-install the shi eld plate later.
Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 121 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5. P ress in as yo u tigh ten the thu mbscr ews to sec ure the card . 6. P lug th e sca nner’s powe r cord into an electr ical o utle t.
122 Using the Optional Network Image Express Card Connecting the Card and Scanner to a Network Hub 1. Connect an Ethernet cab le (Category 5 shielded twi sted-pair cable) to t he RJ-45 connector on the Netwo rk Image Express Card and connect the other end to your net work hub.
Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 123 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3. Check the lights on the Network Image Express Card. Init ializ ation is in progr ess while th e red stat us lig ht and th e green data l ight are on. When the yellow status lig ht comes on, initia lization is co m plet e.
124 Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 1. Win dows XP : Click Start , ri ght-click My Ne twork Pl aces , and select Propertie s . Windows 2000 : Right -click the My Network Places icon and select Propertie s .
Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 125 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2. Double- click Local A rea Co nnect ion . 3. Click P roperties ..
126 Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 4. Make sure the In ternet Protocol (TCP/IP) box i s checked in the Local Area Connection Propert i es window. If I n ternet Protocol (TCP/IP) does not appear in the list , go to step 5. If it does appear, go to "Scanning Over a Networ k" on page 130.
Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 127 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6. Select Protocol from t he list an d clic k Add . 7. Select Internet Protocol (T CP/IP) and click OK . 8. Make sure the Int ern et Prot ocol (T CP/IP) bo x is checke d and click OK .
128 Using the Optional Network Image Express Card Windows 98SE or Me 1. Click Sta rt , point to Set tings , and select Control Pa nel . 2. D ouble -click t he Netwo rk ic on.
Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 129 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 4. Make sure TCP/IP is inclu ded in the netwo rk co mpone nts li st. If TCP/ IP appe ars in th e list , go to "Scann ing O ver a Ne twork" on page 130; o therwise, go to step 5.
130 Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 7. Select Microso ft from the Manufacturers list and TCP/IP from Network Pr otocols list, then cl ick OK . 8. Follow th e instructions on the screen t o finish adding the protocol . Then go to "Scan ning Over a Network " on page 130.
Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 131 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ❏ With Mac OS X, do not use the Fast User Switching function while using yo ur scanne r. 1. Obtain th e IP address or host name o f the Networ k Image Express Card fr om your network administra tor.
132 Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 3. Select EPSON GT-2500 from the Select Sc anner drop-d own list. 4. Click the Ne twork radio b utton, then c lick the Add but ton.
Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 133 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5. In the Add wind ow, choose the Network Imag e Express Card's IP address unde r Searc h for addresses , or click the Enter addres s radio butt on and type in the address.
134 Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 6. In the EPSON Sca n Settings window, click the Te st button to check the connect ion. If everything wor ks properly, you see a successful connect ion message in the Scanner St atus box. 7. Click OK t o save the settings.
Using the Optional Network Image Express Card 135 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Scanning an I mage Note: You must set the IP address for your Network Image Express Card before you can scan using it. See "Starti n g EPSON Sc an Settings" on page 130 for instructions.
136 Maint ena nce Chapter 8 Mainte nance Cleaning the Scanner N e w :F o r a s i n g l e s c a n n e r To keep you r scanner operating a t its best, clean it pe riodically using the fo llowin g proc edur e. 1. Turn off t he scanner using it s power butt on.
Main tenanc e 137 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5. If the unde rside of the ADF gets dirty, clean it as des cribe d in step 4. Also be sure to clean the left sid e of the document table.
138 Maint ena nce c Caution: ❏ Do not press the glass surface of the do cument table with any force. ❏ Be careful not to scratch or da mag e the glass su rface of the document table, and do not use a hard or abrasive brush to clean it. A damaged glass surface c an decrease the scan qualit y.
Main tenanc e 139 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Transporting the Scanner N e w :F o r a s i n g l e s c a n n e r Before transp orting the scanner for a long distance o r storing it for an extended period of time, you ne ed to lock the scanner’s carriage a nd transparency unit to prevent damage.
140 Troubleshooting Chapter 9 Troubleshooting Reading the Scanner Lights N e w :F o r a s i n g l e s c a n n e r If an err or occurs , the scanner stop s operating and the Rea dy and Error light s flash.
Troubleshooting 141 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 If the Ready and Error lights a r e stil l flashing: ❏ The scanner may b e malfunctioni ng. ❏ The scanner lamp m ay need to b e rep laced. ❏ The ADF may be m alfunctioning. Contact your dealer or EPSON.
142 Troubleshooting The Sca nner Does Not Scan ❏ Wait until the Ready light turns green to indicate that the scanner i s ready to scan. ❏ Your system may not work properly if you u se a USB cable other than t he one that came with you r scanner. ❏ The scanner may no t work properly when conne cted to the computer thr ough more than one hub.
Troubleshooting 143 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 The Scanner is Not Reco gnized by Your System First check y our connection to th e scanner and computer: ❏ Make sure your scanner’s power cor d is securely connected to the sca nner and a working el ectrical outlet, and the sca nner’ s pow er but ton is turne d on.
144 Troubleshooting Checking For Windo ws USB Support 1. R ight-c lick the My Computer icon an d click Properti es . (On Wind ows XP, cl ick Start , then right-cli ck My Computer and click Pr o perties .) 2. Do one of t he following : ❏ Windows XP or 2 000 : Cl ick t he Hard ware tab, th en cli ck the Devi ce Manager button.
Troubleshooting 145 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Pressing the Start Butto n D oes No t Open the Corr ect Prog ram ❏ Make sure EPSON Scan is instal led correctly.
146 Troubleshooting You Cannot Scan M ultiple Images at One Time ❏ Position p hotos at least 20 mm (0.8 inches) apa rt from each other on the document table.
Troubleshooting 147 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 You Cannot Start E PSON Scan ❏ Make sure the scanner power butt on is turned on. ❏ Turn off your comp uter and scanner, the n check the USB c able connection b etween them t o make sure it i s secure.
148 Troubleshooting The Sca nner Softwar e Does Not Wor k Properly ❏ Make sure you r comput er has enough memory and meets th e other system requir ements for the software you are using. See your softwa re and c omput er docu ment ation fo r deta ils.
Troubleshooting 149 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Scanning Take s a Long Time ❏ Computers with USB 2.0 (high speed) ports can scan faster than those with USB 1.1 ports. If you are usi ng a USB 2.0 port with your scanner, make sure it meets the system requirements.
150 Troubleshooting Scan Quality Problems The Edges of Your Do cument Are Not Scanned Move the document ab out 2 mm (0.1 inch) away from the edges of the document tab le to avoid cropping .
Troubleshooting 151 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 A Line of Do ts Always Appears in Your Scanned Images ❏ The document table may b e dusty or scratched. Clean the docu ment table as des cribed i n "Cle aning the Sc anner " on page 136. Note: Do not press down on the document table with any force.
152 Troubleshooting Your Image is Dist orted or Blurred ❏ M a k e s u r e t h e d o c u m e n t l i e s f l a t o n t h e d o c u m e n t t a b l e . A l s o make sure your d ocument i s not wrinkled or warp ed. c Caution: Do not place hea vy objects on the doc u ment table.
Troubleshooting 153 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ❏ Adjust the Auto Exposure setting in EPSON Scan’s Office or Professional Mod e window. If you are scann ing with the ADF, se e "Adjusting the Color and Other I m age Setti ngs" on page 58 for in structions.
154 Troubleshooting Colors Are Patchy o r Distorted at the Edges of Your Image If your document is very thick or warp ed at th e edges, cover the edges with p aper to block exter nal light as you s can.
Troubleshooting 155 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ❏ Adjust the Auto Exposure setting in EPSON Scan’s Office or Professional Mod e window. If you are scann ing with the ADF, se e "Adjusting the Color and Other I m age Setti ngs" on page 58 for in structions.
156 Troubleshooting An Image on the Back of Your Original Appears in Your Scanned Image I f y o u r o r i g i n a l i s p r i n t e d o n t h i n p a p er , i m a g e s o n t he b a c k m a y be vis ible to the scan ner an d appe ar in yo ur scan ned im age.
Troubleshooting 157 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ❏ Select the Descreen ing Filter check box in EPSON Scan. In Office or Profession al Mode, also dese lect the Un sharp Mas k Fi lter setting. In Professional Mode, set the Screen Rul ing of the Descreening Fi lter setting to an app ropriate setti ng for your docume nt.
158 Troubleshooting Characters Are Not Recog nized Well When Converted into Editable Text (OCR) ❏ Make sure the d ocument l ies perfectl y straight on the document table. Align the vert ical and hori zontal lines with the scales at the top and side of the document table .
Troubleshooting 159 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ❏ Adjust the Auto Exposure setting in EPSON Scan’s Office or Professional Mod e. Also try selecting a differ ent Tone Correction se tting. If you are scann ing with the ADF, se e "Adjusting the Color and Other I m age Setti ngs" on page 58 for in structions.
160 Troubleshooting Automatic Document Feeder Problems You Cannot Scan U sing the Aut omatic Document Fe eder ❏ Make sure you have selected either Of fice or Professional Mode in EP SON Scan. See "Changin g the Scan Mode" on pag e 48 for instructions.
Troubleshooting 161 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3. Open the top cover of the ADF. 4. Flip open the paper guide and remove the jammed p aper. Do not pull the pape r too hard or it may tear, making it more diff icult to remo ve. I f you canno t remo ve the paper easil y, go to step 5.
162 Troubleshooting 5. I f more of the pa per e xtend s up ou t of the fe eder , rotat e the ejecting r oller as shown below to release the paper, then gently re m ove i t. If more of the paper extends in to the output tr ay, gentl y pul l the paper out in the dire ction shown.
Troubleshooting 163 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 6. A fter you have r emove d the pap er, cl ose th e to p cove r of t he ADF..
164 Troubleshooting Optional Network Image Express Card Problems You Cannot S c an Usi ng the Optional Netwo rk Image Express Card Make sure you have set the I P addres s for your opt ional Network Image Expr ess Card. See the documentat ion that came wit h your card.
Troubleshooting 165 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1. T urn off t he sca nner us ing its power button . 2. Disconnect the s canner’s US B cab le from your computer. 3. Open the Windows Control Panel and d ouble-click the Add or Re move Prog rams icon (Windows XP ) or the Add/Remove Programs icon (Windows Me, 98SE, or 2000).
166 Troubleshooting Mac OS X 1. Insert the scanner softwar e CD-ROM i n your CD- R OM or DVD driv e. 2. D ouble -click t he EPS ON CD-ROM icon on your desktop.
Troubleshooting 167 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Uninstalling the On-Screen User’s Guide If you need to u ninsta ll this on -screen User’ s Guide , follow the steps here for yo ur operating system.
168 Where To Get Help Appendix A Where To Get He lp Technical Support Web Site Go to ht tp:// and select the Support section of your local E PSON web s ite for t he la test driv ers, F AQs, m anual s and other downl oadables.
Where To Get Help 169 A A A A A A A A A A A A Contacting Customer Support Before Contacting Epson If your Epson product i s not operat ing properly and you cannot solve the pro blem using the t roubleshoot ing informati o n in your product d o cumentat ion, contact customer sup p ort ser v ices for assistance.
170 Tech nical Sp ecifi cations Appendix B Technical Specifications System Requirements Make sure your syst em meets the requirements i n these sections befor e usin g it wi th your scanne r. Windows Sys tem Re quirements Check your Windows system to see which type of interface yo u are using.
Techn ical Spec ificati ons 171 B B B B B B B B B B B B USB 1.1 Po rts Macintosh System Requirements Che ck yo ur Maci nto sh syst em to see wh ich typ e of int erfac e you are using.
172 Tech nical Sp ecifi cations Note: ❏ USB 2.0 is b ackward-compa t ible with USB 1.1. ❏ EPSON Scan does not support the UNIX File System (UFS) for Mac OS X. You must install EPSON Scan on a disk or in a parti ti on that doe s not us e UFS. USB 1.
Techn ical Spec ificati ons 173 B B B B B B B B B B B B Scanner Specifications Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice. General Scanner typ e Flatbe d color Photoelectric device Color CCD line sensor Effective pi xels 10, 200 × 14,040 pixel s Document size 216 × 297 mm (8.
174 Tech nical Sp ecifi cations Mechanical Electrical Note: Check the label on the AC adapter or on the back of the scanner for vo l tage informati on. Scanne r AC Adapter N e w :F o r a s i n g l e s c a n n e r Dimensions Width: 468 mm (18.4 inches) Depth: 395 mm (15.
Techn ical Spec ificati ons 175 B B B B B B B B B B B B Environme ntal Interfaces USB I nte rface Optional In terface Temperature Operating 5 to 35 ° C (41 to 95 °F) (when scanning with ADF: 10 to 3.
176 Tech nical Sp ecifi cations Standards and Approvals N e w :F o r a s i n g l e s c a n n e r Scanne r U.S. model: Europe an model: Austr alian m ode l: AC Adapter U.
Techn ical Spec ificati ons 177 B B B B B B B B B B B B Australian mode l: Safety AS/NZS 60950.1 EMC AS/NZS CISPR22 Class B.
178 Index A AC adapt er specification s, 173 Automatic Document Feeder document specifications , 27 loading d ocuments in, 2 4 paper jam in, 160 problems, 1 60 scanni ng with, 42 B Blurry imag e, 152 .
Index 179 scannin g to PDF, 99 thick, 32 E Editable text, converti ng sca n to, 10 9 EPSON Sc an basic s ettings, 79 basic settings (ADF ), 49 changin g scan m ode, 78 changing scan mode (ADF), 48 col.
180 Index File Sa ve Setting s selectin g, 75 selecting (ADF), 4 5 H Help Epson, 16 9 Home Mode basic settings, 79 color, a djusting, 90 finishing scan, 98 image s ettings, 90 marquee, a djusting, 87 .
Index 181 O OCR (Opt ical Cha racter R ecognition) pro blems with , 158 using, 109 Office Mode basic s ettings, 72 basic settings (ADF ), 42 previewing, 73 previewing (ADF), 43 resolutio n, 73 resolut.
182 Index scanne r, 141 scann er soft ware, 146 scan q uality , 150 Professional Mode basic settings, 79 basic settings (AD F), 49 color, a djusting, 90 color, adju sting (ADF), 58 finishing scan, 98 .
Index 183 replacing lamp, 138 software overv iew, 16 specificatio ns, 173 system requirement s, 170 transp orting, 139 Scanne r button assigning programs to , 11 5 function, 23 location, 19 scannin g .
184 Index Thick documents, 32 Tran sporta tion lock , 19, 139 Tran sportin g the sc anner, 1 39 Troubles hooting, 140 U Uninst alling softwa re, 164 USB connector l ocation, 21 problems, 1 41 specific.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Epson GT-2500 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Epson GT-2500 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Epson GT-2500 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Epson GT-2500 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Epson GT-2500, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Epson GT-2500.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Epson GT-2500. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Epson GT-2500 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.