Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Outdoor Antenna del fabbricante Enterasys Networks
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Outdoor Antenna Site P reparation and Installation Guide P/N 9033348-05 ENJ O Y THE FREEDOM OF WIRELESS NETWORKING ENTERASYS.COM ™.
NOTICE Enterasys Network s reserves the righ t to ma ke changes in sp eci fications and other informati on contained in th i s document a nd its web site wi thout pri or notic e. The reade r should in all cases c onsult En terasys Networ ks to determin e whet her a ny s uch c han ges h ave b een made .
Notice ii Regulatory Informati on Canada The produc ts included with the RoamAbou t Outdoor Kit for o utdoor a ntenna install ation s comply with GL-3 6 of Industr y and Scie n ce Canada.
iii Notice When connecti ng RoamAbo ut devices to eq uipment ot h er than the Ent erasys Network s RoamAb out prod uct s describe d in this guide, the antenna inst a llation may n o long er comply with the regulatio ns as de fined abo ve.
v Contents Preface Intended Aud ience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Associated Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents vi 3 Antenna Installation Installation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Verify Compo nent Connector Polarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii Preface This guide describes the requiremen ts that ar e needed for the succes sful in stallation of the RoamAbout outdoor an tennas used in a R oamAbout wireless network.
viii Associ ated D ocume nts The documentation, drivers, and utilities can als o be down loaded fro m the Ro am Ab out Wireless web site. Check the Ro amAbout Wireless w eb site regu l arly fo r produ ct upgrades.
ix Getting Help For additional support related to this d e v ice or document, contact Enterasys Networks using on e of the fo llowing meth ods: Before calling En terasys Networks, pleas e have the fol.
x Document Conve ntio ns The following icons are used in this document: Icon Meaning ELECT R ICAL H AZARD : W ar ns aga ins t an ac t i on th at could r esult in pers onal i njury or death. WA R N I N G : W arns against an acti on that could r esult i n pers onal inj ury or d eath.
1-1 Chapter 1 Site Preparation This chapter describes the site requiremen ts th at are needed for the successful inst allation of the RoamAbout outdoor antenn as.
Choosing a Wireles s Network Co nfiguration 1-2 Choo sing a Wireless Network Co nfig ur ation The antenn as you need depend on the wirel ess networ k configuration: • LAN-to-LAN, Point-to-P oint This is a wireless link between two AP s th at connects two separate wired LANs.
1-3 Determin ing th e Antenna L ocations Typicall y, the RoamA bout directi onal and omni-direct ional ant ennas are i nstalled on rooftops. The directional antenna can also be installed to the side of a buildin g. The vehicle-mou nt antenna is mount ed to a vehi cle and connected to the client with a 2.
Det ermi ning th e Ant enna Locati ons 1-4 Table 1- 2: Distanc es and Lin e of Sig ht Clearance ETSI 1 The Ya gi antenn a m u st be co nnecte d to a n A P con figured w it h th e Hi-Ga in m at c hed Roa m A bou t PC Card. RoamAbout PC Card Variations There are two var iations of the RoamAbou t PC Card: standar d and Hi-Gain matched.
1-5 Determin ing th e Antenna L ocations Line of Sight The shape of the radio beam, defined as the Fresnel Zone, is widest in the middle. The Fresnel Zone is shown as the gray area between the anten nas in Figure 1- 1 .
Det ermi ning th e Ant enna Locati ons 1-6 Figure 1-2: Potential Obstacles to Line of Sight (not to scale) Power lines blocking line of sight Building blocking line of sight T rees blocking line of si.
1-7 Determin ing th e Antenna L ocations Other Factors That Can Reduce Ant enna Range Large reflecting s urfaces that are parallel or p artly perpendicular to the radio signal ca use reflections of the radio signal (see Fig ure 1- 3 ).
Det ermi ning th e Ant enna Locati ons 1-8 Other Requirements The following describes othe r requ irements to meet before inst alling the RoamAbout outdoor an t ennas. • Lightning Protection A lightning rod must be p laced close to the anten na mast or wall brack et.
1-9 Antenna Options Antenna Opt ions The follo wing sections describe the RoamAbo ut outdoo r antennas. A ppendix A contains the specifications for each antenna. RoamAbout 5 dBi Vehicle-Mount Antenna The RoamAbout veh icle-mount antenna ( Fig ure 1- 4 ) is a broadband antenna for the 2 .
Antenna O ptions 1-10 RoamAbout 14 dBi Directional Antenna The directional antenna is a totally enclosed 16-element Yag i designed for point-to-p oint communications . The antenna is normally moun te d on a mast and vertically polarized. The following sections s how the compon ents and part n umbers in the RoamAb out directional antenna kit.
1-11 Antenna Options Figure 1-5: Yagi Antenna Configurat ion Ex ample (AP 2000) Low-Loss Cable (2) Lightning Protector (6) Pigtail Connection (3) w w w .
Antenna O ptions 1-12 RoamAbout R2 Ta b l e 1 - 4 lists the packaged kit comp onents. The numbe rs in the first co lumn corresp ond to the number s in Figure 1 -6 , which shows an example of a RoamAbout R2 cabling configurat ion.
1-13 Antenna Options Figure 1-6: Yagi Antenna Configuration Examp le (RoamAbout R2) Remote P ower Adapter Insert Ether net Cable F rom Network INDOOR OUTDOOR To P o w e r Outlet Pigtail Connection (3).
Antenna O ptions 1-14 RoamAbout 7 dBi Omni-Directional Antenna The RoamAbou t omni-directional antenna is a broadband an tenna for the 2.4 G Hz frequency b and featuring an omn i-direction al pattern w ith a no minal gain of 7 dBi . This antenna is encap sulated in a weatherpr oof protective cov ering.
1-15 Antenna Options Figure 1-7: Omni-Directional Antenna Configuration Example (Access P oint 200 0) T o Power Outlet Insert Ethernet Cable from Network Remote Power Adapter PC Card (5) Access Point .
Antenna O ptions 1-16 RoamAbout R2 Ta b l e 1 - 6 lists the antenna and related compo nents with their part numb ers. The numb ers in the first column correspond to the numbers in Figur e 1- 8 , which shows an example of a RoamAbout R2 cabling co nfiguration.
1-17 Antenna Options Figure 1-8: Omni-Directional Antenna Configuration Example (RoamAbout R2) Remote P ower Adapter Insert Ether net Cable F rom Network INDOOR OUTDOOR T o Pow er Outlet Pigtail Conne.
Contactin g an An tenna Inst allation Company 1-18 Contact i ng an Ante nna Inst allation C ompa ny Have an antenn a installation pr ofessional inst all the outdoor antenn as. The antenna installer provides the expertise to pr oper ly install, secure, and ground your antenna.
1-19 Contactin g an An tenna Insta llation Company Insta llation Requirement s √ Determine the best location for the AP. √ Determine the length of cable required from the antenna to the AP. √ Ensure the lo cation has an accessible Ethernet connection.
Over view of Co nnect ing Cabl es to the Ac cess Poin t 2-2 Overvi ew of Co nn ecting Cable s to the Ac cess Poi nt Before cabling the Access Point 2000, y ou shoul d install the Access Po int to a wall or ceiling. For detailed hardware installat ion procedures, see the RoamAbout Access Point 2000 Har dwa re Ins t all at i on Gui de .
2-3 Overvi ew of Co nnecting Cables to the Acce ss Poin t 2. Remove the p lastic cap from the PC Card and connect the pigtail cable. After the Lightning Protector has been installed and grounded, connect th e other end of the pigta il ca ble t o the L igh tning Prot ector .
Over view of Conne cti ng Cab les to t he Ro amAbout R 2 2-4 Overvi ew of Conn ecti ng Cable s t o the Ro amA bout R2 Before cabling the Roam About R2, you should install the RoamAbou t R2 to a wall or ceiling. For detailed hardware installat ion procedures, see the RoamAbout R2 Wireless Access Platfor m Hardwa re Insta llation Gui de .
2-5 Overvi ew of Conne cti ng Cables to the RoamAb out R2 2. Remove the p lastic cap from the PC Card (s) and connect the p igtail cable. After the Lightning Protector has been installed and grounded, connect th e other end of the pigta il ca ble t o the L igh tning Prot ector .
Overvie w of the AP Config urati on 2-6 Overvi ew o f the AP Config uratio n The following pr ovides an overview o f co nfiguring the AP with the Roam About AP Manager. For detailed p rocedures, see the Ro amAbo ut 802.1 1 Wirel ess Ne tworking Guide or click the Help button in the AP Manager.
2-7 Overview of the AP Configura tion Figure 2-3: RoamAbout AP Manager.
3-1 Chapter 3 Antenna Insta llation This chapter provides the inform atio n necessa ry for a pro fessional antenn a installer to install the RoamAb out antennas.
Installa tion Ove rview 3-2 Instal lation Over vie w The installation process is sum marized in the following steps. The following section s in this chapter provide add itional details. 1. Make sure the APs are mounted and configured as specified in Chapter 2 .
3-3 Verify Co mponent Con nector Pol arity Figure 3-1: Selecting the Correct N-Type Conne ct or for the Access Point 2000 The term Male or Female does not refer to the connector thread, but to its center pin.
Verify Com ponent Connector Po larity 3-4 Figure 3-2: Selecting the Correct N-Type Connect or fo r the RoamAbout R2 The term Male or Female does not refer to the connector thread, but to its center pin.
3-5 Groun ding Syste m Grounding Syste m Direct earth groun ding of the antenn a and the Lightning Protector is necessary to p rotect the installation from lightn ing and th e build - up of stat ic electricity.
Lightning Protec tor Install ation 3-6 Lightnin g Protec tor Installat ion Lightning protect ion is des igned t o protect people, p ropert y and eq uipment by provi ding a path to t he ground whenever ligh tning stri kes your antenna installation.
3-7 Li gh tning Pr otec tor Inst all ation To install the RoamAbout Lightni ng Pr otect or, perform th e follo win g steps: 1. Determine a suitable locatio n for the Lightning Protector as describe d in Chapter 2 . 2. As sh own in Figur e 3-3 , secure bracket (A) to th e wall using two screws (F).
Mounting t he Antenna 3-8 Moun ting th e Antenna This section includes requirements and m ounting guidelines fo r the RoamAbout outdo or antennas. Requirements for the Directional a nd 7 dBi Omni-Dire.
3-9 Mounting the An tenna Antenna Polarization With Ro amAbout outd oor antenna produ cts, it d oes not mat ter what typ e of polar i zation you choose, as lon g as the antenna at one en d of the communications lin k is mounted in the same plane as the an tenna at the other end.
Mounting t he Antenna 3-10 Mounting the Directional Antenna You can mount the RoamAb out 14 d Bi d ir ectio na l antenna on a mas t or a flat ver tical surface such as a wall.
3-11 Mounting the An tenna Figur e 3-4: Mou nting th e 14 dBi Antenn a to a Ma st Figur e 3-5: Mount ing the 14 dBi Antenna to a W all Side View T op View Clamp Backing Plate Antenna Mounting Base Flatwasher Always place flatwashers between nuts and the Antenna Mounting Base.
Mounting t he Antenna 3-12 Mounting the Omni-Directional Antenna The RoamAbou t 7 dBi omni-direct ional antenn a k it includes a me tal backing plate, two hose clamps, and a nut and lockwasher .
3-13 Mounting the An tenna Figure 3-6: Moun ting the Omni - Directional Antenna t o a Ma st D C B J G A H E F I H.
Mounting t he Antenna 3-14 Mounting the Vehicle-Mount Antenna The vehicle-mou nt antenna is typically connected to a client in a wireless infrastructure network.
3-15 Connecti ng the Ante nna Cables Connect i ng the Ant enna Cables To connect your R oamAbout AP to an ou tdoor antenna installation, y ou need the following component s pictured on the righ t side.
Connectin g the Anten na Cables 3-16 Connecting the Cables Once the antenna is pro perly installed, yo u can connect the an tenna to the R oamAbout AP via the RoamAbo ut Lightning Protector. 1. Verify that the low-loss antenn a cable is properly connected to the anten n a cable.
3-17 Optim izing RoamA bout Outd oor Anten na Placemen t Optimizing RoamAbo ut O utdoor Antenn a Place ment If an AP is connected to an outdoor dir ectional an t enna, the anten na must be po inted directly at the antenna for the other AP. A mi saligned antenna can decrease the signal level or prevent co mmunications.
Routine Maintena nce 3-18 Routine Maint enance Routine maintenan ce is required for each Ro amAbout Ligh tning Protector in you r outdoor antenna installation. Maintenance involv es replacing the Gas Discharge Tu be (GDT) at some interval depending on the lightning/transient d ischarge activity in your area.
A-1 Append ix A Spe cifica tio ns This appendi x lists the specificat ions of the various Roam About outdoor antenna products . RoamAbout 14 dBi Directional Ant enna The directional antenna is a totally enclosed 16-element Yag i designed for point-to-p oint communications .
RoamAb out 14 dBi Direction al Ant enna A-2 Electrical • Frequen cy Ra nge 2 .4 GHz • VSW R Less than 2:1, 1. 5:1 No mi na l • Nom inal Impe dance 50 Oh ms • Gain 14 dBi • Front-to-Back Ratio greater t ha n 20 dB • Half -Pow er Beamw idth (-3dB) • V ertical (E-plane °) 30.
A-3 Roam About 7 dB i Omni- Direct ional An tenna RoamAb out 7 dBi Om ni-Direc tiona l Antenn a The RoamAbou t omni-directional antenna is a broadband an tenna for the 2.4 G Hz frequency b and featuring an omn i-direction al pattern w ith a no minal gain of 7 dBi .
Vehicl e-Mount A ntenna A-4 Vehicle-Mount Antenna The RoamAbout veh icle-mount antenna can be mounted on vehicl es, such as fork-li ft trucks, that n eed continuous access to networ ked data whether inside or outs ide of the building. The following table provides the sp ecifications for the ve hicl e-mount an tenna.
A-5 RoamAb out Pigtai l Connec tion RoamAbout Pigt ail Connection The RoamAbout Pigtail Connection is a propri etary cable used to con nect the RoamAbout PC Card to a RoamAbout o utdoor antenna system. One end of the cable has a proprietary connector which is connected to the RoamAbout PC Card.
Low-Los s Antenna Cable A-6 Low-Los s Antenna Cable The RoamAbout low-loss cab le is av ailable in the following standard length s: • 15 meters (5 0 feet) - see Tab le A-5 • 22 meters (7 5 feet) -.
A-7 Low-Loss Antenna Ca ble Table A-6: Cable Specifications for the 22 Meter (75 Foot) Antenna Mechanical Specifications • Length 22 met e r (75 ft) • Diameter 10 mm (0.4 in.) • We i g h t 101.2 gra m/meter (0.068 l bs/ft) • Bend Radius 25 mm (1 in .
RoamAb out Lightn ing Prot ector A-8 RoamAb out Lightnin g Protec tor The RoamAbout Lightning Protector is a su r ge arr esto r that protects your sensitive RoamAbout equipmen t from high-voltage cur ren ts caused by d ischarge and tran sients at the antennas.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Enterasys Networks Outdoor Antenna è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Enterasys Networks Outdoor Antenna - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Enterasys Networks Outdoor Antenna imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Enterasys Networks Outdoor Antenna ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Enterasys Networks Outdoor Antenna, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Enterasys Networks Outdoor Antenna.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Enterasys Networks Outdoor Antenna. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Enterasys Networks Outdoor Antenna insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.