Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 6H308-48 del fabbricante Enterasys Networks
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6H308-24 and 6H308-48 F ast Ethernet Installation Guide RESET C O M CPU FAST ENET 6H308-48 GROUP GROUP SELECT 4 1X RESET C O M CPU FAST ENET 6H308-24 1X 12X 13X 24X G R O U P 1 G R O U P 2 GROUP GROUP.
NOTICE Enterasys Netw ork s and its lic ensors reserv e t he right to ma ke cha nges in sp ecif ication s and ot her inform ation c ontain ed in this doc ument witho ut prior notice. Th e reader should in a ll cases consult En te rasys Netwo rks to determine whether any such change s have been made.
FCC NOTICE This de v ic e co mplies with P art 15 of the FCC rules. Ope rat ion is subject to th e follo wing two c ondit ion s : (1) t his de vice may not cause harmful i nterference, and (2) th is device must accept any interfe rence rece iv ed, includ ing int erference that may ca u se undesi re d operat ion .
5. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS . The enclosed Produ ct (i) w as devel oped sol ely at private expen se; (ii) contains “rest ricted computer software” submitte d with restricted rights in accordance with secti on 52.
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Appli ca tio n of C ou nc il Di re ct ive ( s) : 89/336 /EEC 73/23/EEC Manufacturer’s Name: Enterasys Network s, Inc. Manufactur er’ s Address: 35 Industrial Wa y PO Box 5005 Roches ter, NH 03867 European Re presentative Name: Mr.
Contents vii Contents Figures ......... ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. ................... ............... ..... ............... ix Tables.... .................... ............ .................... ..
viii Contents 3 INSTALLATION 3.1 Unpackin g the Modu le .......................... .................... ............ .................... ...... 3-2 3.2 Installing Op tional FLA SH Upgrade ...... .................... ............ .................... .
Figures ix Figures Figure P age 1-1 The 6H308-24 and 6 H308-48 Modu les .................. ................... ................... ............. ...... 1-2 3-1 Installing the Mod ule into th e MATRIX E 7 Chassis ................... ............. .....
x Ta b l e s Ta b l e s Ta b l e Pa g e 3-1 Contents o f Module Ca rton ....... ............. .................... ................... ............. ...................3-2 4-1 LANVIEW LEDs ........... .................... ............. ...............
About This Guide xi About This Guide W elcome to the 6H308-24 and 6H308-48 Fast Ethern et User’s Gui de . This guide descri bes the 6H308-24 an d 6H308-48 modules and provides information concerning netw ork require m ents, instal lation, and tro ubleshooting.
Stru cture of This Gu ide xii Ab out This Gui de STRUCTURE OF THIS GUIDE This gui de is orga nized as fol l ows: This chapte r pro vides preli minary inform ation to aid i n using this manual, lis ts .
Document Conv entions About This Guide xiii DOCUMENT CON VEN TIONS The guide uses the follo wing con v entions: NOTE: Calls the reader ’ s atten tion to any item of inf ormati on that may be o f specia l impo r tance . TIP: Conv eys helpful hints c oncer ning pr ocedures o r actio ns.
Getting H elp xiv Ab out This Gui de GETTING HELP F or additional support relate d to the module or a ny document s, contact Enter asys Network s using one of the followin g met hods : Before c ontact.
Introductio n 1-1 1 Intr oduction This chap ter introdu ces the 6H308-24 an d 6H308-48 Fa st Ethernet swit ching modules. The 6H308-24 module ( Fig ure 1-1 ) featur es 24 100B ASE-FX switch ed ports connect ed via 24 MT -RJ fibe r connectors.
1-2 Intr oduction Figure 1-1 The 6H308-24 a nd 6H308-48 M odu l es 48 100BASE-FX Fiber Optics Ports (100 Mbps) RESET C O M CPU F AS T ENET 6H308-48 GROUP GROUP SELECT 4 G R O U P 3 1X 12X G R O U P 1 .
Connecti vity Introducti on 1-3 1.1 CONNECTIVITY The modul e connects to Et hernet netw orks or wo rkstatio ns through the fr ont panel conne ctors. The ports are IEEE 802.3 100B ASE-FX compl iant, using MT -RJ f iber connector s for multimode fiber .
Smar tT runk 1-4 Intr oduction 1.4 Smart T runk T raditio nal 802.1D Spannin g Tr ee Bridges only a llow one ac tiv e data path be tween any two switche s; all other pa rallel data p aths are in Stan dby or Bloc king mode.
P or t/VL AN Redirec t Functions Introducti on 1-5 1.7 P OR T/VLAN REDIRECT FUN CTIONS The port redirect funct ion, also refer red to as “Po r t Mirroring,” i s a troubleshoot ing tool use d to map traf f ic from a single s ource port t o a single desti nation port wit hin the module.
Flow Control 1-6 Intr oduction 1.9 FLOW CONTR O L Flo w control i s a method of managin g the flo w of frames between two d evices. I t ensures th at a transmi tting de vice does not overwhel m a recei ving de vice with dat a.
Distr ibuted Chass is Managemen t Introducti on 1-7 1.12 DISTRIBUTED CHASSIS MANAGEMENT Install ation in the 6C107 MA TRIX E7 Ch assis From a manage m ent perspect ive, 6x3xx modules in the MA TRIX E7 chassi s can be managed separat ely by indi vidual IP addresses.
Switchi ng Option s 1-8 Intr oduction 1.14 SWITCHING OPTIONS The module provides 802.1Q switching between all of t he front panel i nterfaces. In the 802.1Q mode (the def ault mode of ope ration), the modul e f unct i ons as an 802.1D swi tch unt il VLANs are conf igured.
Network Requirem ents 2-1 2 Netw ork Requirements Before in sta llin g the mod ule, re vie w the req uirem ents an d specif icat ions ref erre d to in thi s cha pter concerni ng the follo w i ng: • Sma rtTrunk ( Section 2.1 ) • 100B ASE-FX Fib e r Optic Netw ork ( Section 2.
Install ation 3-1 3 Installa tion This chap ter pr o vide s the inst ru ction s to ins tall th e 6H308 -24 or 6 H308-48. A Phi lli ps scr e wdri ver is requ ired to instal l options into the module. F ollow the order of the sections list ed below t o correc tly instal l the module.
Unpacking the Module 3-2 Insta llation 3.1 UNPACKING THE MODULE Unpack the module as follo ws: 1. Open the bo x and remove the packing material protecting th e module. 2. Verify t he contents of the carto n as listed in Table 3-1 . 3. Remove t he tape se al on the non-cond uctive bag to re move the module.
Installi ng the Modu le into the MA TRIX E7 Chass is Install ation 3-3 3.3 INSTALLING THE MODULE INTO THE MA TR IX E7 CHASSIS The module c an be installe d in any of the slots that a re av ailable. T o install a module, refer to Fi gure 3- 1 and proceed as follo ws: 1.
Installi ng the Mod ule in to the MA TRIX E7 Chassi s 3-4 Insta llation Figure 3-1 Installing the Module into the MA TRIX E7 Chassis 35491_02 45 6 7 6C107 12 3 Backplane Connectors POWER OK/ REDUNDANC.
Installi ng the Mod ule in to the 6C105 Chassis Install ation 3-5 5. Examine th e module for damage. I f any damage exists, DO NOT i nstall the module.
Installi ng the Mod ule in to the 6C105 Chassis 3-6 Insta llation Figure 3-2 Installing the Module into the 6C10 5 Chassis RESET C O M CPU FAST ENET 6H308-24 1X 12X 1X 12X G R O U P 1 G R O U P 2 GROU.
Connecti ng to the Ne twork Install ation 3-7 3.5 CONNECTING TO THE NET WORK This sec tion pro vides the proced ures for conn ecting fi ber optic cable from the netw ork or other de vices t o the mod ule. F or de tails on ho w to ge t manua ls, refer to the “Re lated Doc uments” sect ion in Ab out This Guide .
Connectin g to the Networ k 3-8 Insta llation Figure 3-3 Connecting a Fiber Optic Segment to the Module 4. Veri fy that a link e xists by checki ng that the port RX (Recei ve) LED is ON (flashing amber, blinki ng green, or soli d green).
Complet ing the Inst allatio n Install ation 3-9 c. Verify that t he fiber connect ion meets the dB l oss and cable spec ification s for multimode cabli n g, as out lined in the Cabling Guide . If a link is not est ablis hed , see Chapter 4 b efo re co nta cting Ente rasy s Ne twork s.
T roubleshooting 4- 1 4 T r oubleshooting This chap ter pro vides informati on concerning the followi ng: •U s i n g L A N V I E W ( Section 4.1 ) • T rouble shooting Checklis t ( Secti o n 4.
Using LANVIEW 4-2 T roublesh ooting Ta b l e 4 - 1 describes th e LED indicati ons and pro vides rec omm ended ac tions as appr opriate. NOT E: The ter ms flashing , blinking , and solid used in Ta b l e 4 - 1 indic ate the following: Flashing indica tes an LE D is flashi ng randomly .
Using LA NVIEW T roublesh ooting 4-3 RX (Recei ve) Of f No link . No acti vity or po rt in standb y . Por t enabled or disabl ed. Non e. Green Soli d . Link, port ena bled, no ac tivity . Non e. Blinking . Link , port disabl ed. None. Amber Flashing .
Using LANVIEW 4-4 T roublesh ooting TX (T ransmit) Of f Port ena bled, and no activity . If ST A is enabl ed a nd th ere i s a v alid lin k, thi s led shoul d flash green e very tw o seconds indicating that BPDUs are be ing sent. Ensure tha t the ST A is enabled and that there is a val id link.
T roublesh ooting Che cklist T roublesh ooting 4-5 4.2 T ROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLIST If the module is not w orking pr operly , refer to Ta b l e 4 - 2 for a ch ecklist of pro blems, possibl e causes, a nd recommended ac tions to resolv e the pro blem. T able 4-2 T roubleshooting Chec klist Problem P ossible Cause Recommended Action All LEDs ar e OFF .
T roubleshooting C hecklist 4-6 T roublesh ooting Cannot con tact the mo du le through in- ban d management. IP add ress not ass igned. Refer to the MA TRIX E7 Seri es and SmartSwit ch 6000 Ser ies Modules Local Manag ement User’ s Gu ide for the I P address assignmen t procedure.
Using the RE SET Button T roublesh ooting 4-7 4.3 USING THE RESET BUTTO N The RESET b utton sho wn in Figure 4- 2 resets a nd re-initial izes the modul e. Figure 4-2 RESET Button T o reset the module processor , press and release the RESET butt on. The module goes through a reset p rocess for appr oximately 60 seconds.
Specif icatio ns A-1 A Spe cifi cations This appe ndix prov ides operating s pecific ations for t he Enterasys Netw orks 6H308-24 and 6H308-48 mo dules. Enter asys Net w orks re serv e s the ri ght to ch ange the spec if ic ations at a ny t ime without notice.
Fiber Budget A-2 Specif ications A.2 FIBER B UDGET When using f iber optic cables, it is important t o consider the c able type and the associated dB bud g et s sh ow n i n Ta b l e A - 2 . Ph ysical Dimensions 7.11H x 4 3.18W x 46.99D (cm) 2.8H x 17 W x 18.
COM P or t Pino ut Assignme nts Specifi catio ns A-3 A.3 COM P ORT PINOUT ASSIGNMENTS The COM port is a serial co mmunica tions port that suppor ts Local Man agement or connectio n to a UPS. Refer to Ta b l e A - 3 for the COM por t pin assignment s. A.
Mode Swi tch Bank Settings and Opti ons B-1 B Mode Switch Bank Settings an d Options This appe ndix cov ers the foll owing i tems: • Requi red tools ( Se ction B.1 ) • Locatio ns, functions , and settings f or the mode swit ches ( Section B.2 ) • Upgrading the FLASH ( Se ction B .
Setting th e Mode Switches B-2 Mode Swi tch Bank Settings and Opti ons B.2 SETTING THE MODE SW ITCHES Figure B- 1 shows the location of the mode switches a nd the switch settings for n ormal operation. These swi tches are se t at the fac t ory and rarely need to be changed.
Setting th e Mode Switches Mode S witch B ank Sett ings and Options B-3 • Switch 6 – Forced BootP . DO NOT attemp t a Forced Boo tP unless a BootP se rver has been c onfigured for th e module. The BootP ser ver references the location of a station act ing as a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) ser ver containing the module image file.
FLASH Upgrade B-4 Mode Swi tch Bank Settings and Opti ons B.3 FLASH UPGRADE FLASH upgr ade is a vailabl e for the SmartSwi tch to expa nd from 8 to 16 MB . This section exp lains ho w to locate and add/repla ce the FLASH modul e. For details, refer to “ Getti ng He lp” in About This Guide .
FLASH Upgrade Mode S witch B ank Sett ings and Options B-5 B.3.2 Installing the FLASH Module T o install a FLASH module, r efer to Figure B-3 and p roceed as fol l ows: 1. With the F LASH module oriente d as shown in Figure B-3 , in sert the FLASH module d own between t he connector.
Index-1 Inde x Numerics 100BASE-TX requirem ents 2-1 802.1 p Port Prio rity introduction to 1-6 A Auto-Negot iation 1-3 B Broadc ast Su ppressi on introduction to 1-4 C Cable specifications 100BASE- T.
Index-2 R Receive LEDs viewing of 4-1 Redirect fu nctions port and VLAN introduction to 1-5 Regulator y Compliance A-3 Relat e d manua ls xii Remote Monitoring (RMON ) introduction to 1-4 RESET b utto.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Enterasys Networks 6H308-48 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Enterasys Networks 6H308-48 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Enterasys Networks 6H308-48 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Enterasys Networks 6H308-48 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Enterasys Networks 6H308-48, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Enterasys Networks 6H308-48.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Enterasys Networks 6H308-48. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Enterasys Networks 6H308-48 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.