Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 6H308-24 del fabbricante Enterasys
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6H308-24 and 6H308-48 F ast Ethernet Installation Guide RESET C O M CPU FAST ENET 6H308-48 GROUP GROUP SELECT 4 1X RESET C O M CPU FAST ENET 6H308-24 1X 12X 13X 24X G R O U P 1 G R O U P 2 GROUP GROUP.
NOTICE Enterasys Ne twork s and i ts licensors r eserv e the right t o make changes in sp ecif ication s and ot her in formatio n conta ined in this d ocument with out prio r notice. The reader should in a ll cases con sult Enter asys Networ ks to de termine wh ether any such change s have been made.
FCC N OTICE This de vice complies with P a rt 15 of th e FCC rul es. Operation is sub ject to th e follo wing two c ondit ion s: (1) t his d e vice may not cause h armful inte rference, an d (2) th is device mus t accept any interference received, includ ing int erference th at ma y ca u s e un de s i r e d op e r at ion.
ENTERASYS NETWORKS, INC. PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE OPENING OR UTILIZING THE ENCLOSED PR ODUCT , CAREFULL Y READ THIS LICENSE A GREEMENT . This docu ment is an agreem ent (“ Agreement”) betwe en Y ou , the end user , and Enterasys Network s, Inc.
5. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS . The enc losed Produ ct (i) w as de veloped solel y at priva te expens e; (ii) contains “rest ricted compute r software” submitte d with restricted righ ts in accordance with secti on 52.
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Appli c ation of Cou nc il D ir e ct i ve(s ): 89/ 336/E EC 73/23/EEC Manufacturer’s Name: Enterasys Netwo rk s, Inc. Manufactu rer’ s Add re ss: 35 Industrial Wa y PO Bo x 50 05 Roche ster, NH 0386 7 European Re presentat ive Nam e: Mr.
Conte nts vii Contents Figures .. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............ ............. ....... ............. .. ix Tables.... ............. ............. ............. ...........
viii Con tents 3 INSTALLATION 3.1 Unpackin g the M odule ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ...... 3-2 3.2 Installing O ptio nal FLASH U pgrade ............. ............. ............ ............. ...
Figures ix Figures Figure P age 1-1 The 6H30 8-24 and 6 H308-48 M odules ........... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............ 1-2 3-1 Installing the Mod ule in to the M ATRIX E7 Cha ssis ............. ............ .........
x Ta b l e s Ta b l e s Ta b l e Pa g e 3-1 Contents o f Modul e Carton .............. ............. ............. ............. ............ ............. .............3-2 4-1 LANVIEW LEDs ..... ............. ............. ............. .............
About This Guide xi About This Guid e W elco me to the 6H308-24 and 6H308-4 8 Fast Ethern et User’s Guide . This gui de des cribes t he 6H308- 24 and 6H308-4 8 modules and pro vides infor mation concer ning netw ork require ments, instal lati on, and tro ublesh ooting .
Stru ct ure of This Gui de xii Ab out This Guide STRUCTURE OF TH IS GUIDE This guide is o r ganized as follo ws: This chapte r pro vides pre limina ry inf ormati on to ai d in usin g this manua l, lis.
Document Conv e ntions About This Guide xiii DOCUMENT CON VEN TIONS The gui de uses t he fol lo wing con v entions: NOTE: Calls the re ader’ s atten tion to any item o f inform ation that may be of s pecia l im por tan ce. TIP: Conv eys hel pful hints concer ning proc edures o r ac tions.
Getting H elp xiv Ab out Th is Gui de GETTING HELP F or addit i onal support relate d to the module or an y docu ments, cont act Ent erasys Net work s using one of the foll owing m et ho ds : Befor e .
Introductio n 1-1 1 Intr oduction This chapte r introdu ces th e 6H308-2 4 and 6H308-48 Fast Ethe rnet swit ching modules. The 6H30 8-24 module ( Figure 1-1 ) featur es 24 100B ASE-FX switch ed port s connect ed via 24 MT -R J f i ber connect ors.
1-2 Intr oducti on Figure 1-1 The 6H308 -24 and 6H30 8-48 Modu l es 48 100BASE-FX Fiber Optics Ports (100 Mbps) RESET C O M CPU F AS T ENET 6H308-48 GROUP GROUP SELECT 4 G R O U P 3 1X 12X G R O U P 1.
Conne ctivity Introduc tion 1-3 1.1 CONNECTIVITY The modul e connects t o Ethern et netw orks or w orkstat ions through t he front pan el conne ctors. The port s are IEEE 802.3 100B ASE-FX compliant , using MT -RJ f iber connect ors for m ultimode f iber .
Smar tT r unk 1-4 Intr oducti on 1.4 Smar tT runk T raditio nal 802.1D Spannin g Tr ee Bri dges only a llo w one acti ve da ta path be tween any two swit ches; al l othe r parall el dat a paths a r e in Standb y or Blocking mode .
P or t/VLAN Redi rect Functi ons Introduc tion 1-5 1.7 P OR T/VLAN REDIR ECT FUNCTIONS The por t redir ect f unction, al so re ferred t o as “Po rt Mirror ing,” i s a tr oubleshoot ing t ool used t o map tr af fic f rom a singl e source p ort to a sing le desti natio n port wit hin the module.
Flow Control 1-6 Intr oducti on 1.9 FLOW CONTR O L Flo w control i s a meth od of mana ging the f l ow of frames between two d evice s. It ensu res th at a transmi tting de vice do es not ov erwhelm a rece i ving de vice with dat a.
Distr ibuted Chas sis Ma nagemen t Introduc tion 1-7 1.12 DISTRIB UTED CHA SSIS MANAGEMEN T Insta llation in the 6C107 MA TRIX E7 Ch assis From a ma nagement per spect iv e, 6x3xx modul es in the MA TRIX E7 chassi s can be managed sepa rately b y indi vidual IP add resses.
Switchi ng Opt ions 1-8 Intr oducti on 1.14 SWITCHING OPTIONS The modu le pro vides 802.1Q swi t ching between all o f the fro nt pane l inter fac es. In t he 802.1Q mode (t he def ault mode of ope rat io n), the module funct i ons a s an 802.1D switch unt il VLANs ar e conf igured .
Network Requir ement s 2-1 2 Netw ork Requirements Befor e insta llin g the module , re vie w the req uirem ents an d specif icat ions ref er red to i n this cha pter conce rni ng the fo ll o wing: • Sma rtT runk ( Section 2.1 ) • 100B ASE-FX Fib er Opti c Netw ork ( Se ction 2.
Insta llation 3- 1 3 Installa tion This c hapter pro vide s the i nstru ction s to ins tall the 6H308 -24 or 6 H308- 48. A Phil lips scr e wdri ve r is requ ired t o instal l opti ons in to the modul e. F ollo w the order of the sect ions list ed belo w to corr ectl y instal l the mod ule.
Unpacking the Module 3-2 Insta llati on 3.1 UNPAC KING THE MODULE Unpack the module a s follo ws: 1. Open t he box and re move the packin g material protect ing the module. 2. Veri fy the cont ents of the carto n as li sted in Ta ble 3-1 . 3. Remove t he tape se al on the non- conductiv e bag t o remove the mo dule.
Installi ng the M odule into the MA TRIX E7 Chass is Ins tallation 3-3 3.3 INSTALLING THE MODULE INTO THE MA TRIX E7 C HASSIS The modul e can be i nstal led in an y of the slot s that are a va ilable. T o in stal l a mo dule, ref er to Fig ur e 3-1 and proc eed as follo ws: 1.
Installi ng the Module into th e MA TRIX E7 Cha ssis 3-4 Insta llati on Figure 3-1 Installing the Module into the MA TRIX E7 Chassis 35491_02 45 6 7 6C107 12 3 Backplane Connectors POWER OK/ REDUNDANC.
Installi ng the Module into th e 6C105 Chass is Ins tallation 3-5 5. Examine the module for dama ge. If any d amage exists, DO NOT i nstall the modul e. Immedia tely contact Ent erasys Ne tworks. Refer t o “Get ting He lp” in About This Guide . 6.
Installi ng the Module into th e 6C105 Chass is 3-6 Insta llati on Figure 3-2 Installing the Module into the 6C10 5 Chassis RESET C O M CPU FAST ENET 6H308-24 1X 12X 1X 12X G R O U P 1 G R O U P 2 GRO.
Connecti ng to th e Network Ins tallation 3-7 3.5 CONNECTING TO THE NETWORK This section p r ovides t he pro cedure s for conn ectin g fi ber optic ca ble from t he netw ork or other de vice s to th e module. F or de tails on ho w to get manua ls, ref er to t he “Re lated Doc uments” sect ion in A b out T h is Guid e .
Connectin g to the Network 3-8 Insta llati on Figure 3-3 Connecting a Fiber Optic Segment to the Module 4. Veri fy tha t a link e xists by chec king that the po rt RX (Receive) LED is ON (f lashing amber, blinki ng gree n, or so lid green ).
Complet ing the Installa tion Ins tallation 3-9 c. Verify that the fib er connect ion meet s the dB loss and cable s pecific ation s for mult imode cab lin g, as outlined in the Cabl ing Guide . If a lin k is not est abl ish ed, s ee Chapter 4 befo re c ont act ing En tera sys Ne twor ks.
T roubleshooti ng 4-1 4 T r oub leshooting This chapte r pro vides i nforma tion conce rning the foll owi ng: •U s i n g L A N V I E W ( Section 4.1 ) • T rouble shooti ng Checkl ist ( Section 4.
Using LANVI EW 4-2 T roublesh oot ing Ta b l e 4 - 1 descri bes th e LED indicat ions a nd pro vides recommende d actions as appropria te. NOT E: The ter ms flashing , blinking , and soli d used in Ta b l e 4 - 1 i ndicate th e follo wing: Flashing indica tes an LED is fl ashi ng randomly .
Using LA NVIEW T roublesh ooting 4-3 RX (Recei ve) Of f No link . No act i vity or port in standb y . Por t enab led or disa bled. No ne. Green So lid . Link, port ena bled, no ac ti vity . No ne . Blinking . Link, port disa bled. No ne. Amber Flashing .
Using LANVI EW 4-4 T roublesh oot ing TX (T ransmi t) Of f P ort ena bled, and n o activity . If S T A is ena bl ed a nd t her e i s a v alid li nk, th is le d sh oul d fla sh green e v ery two sec onds indic ating tha t BPDUs ar e being sen t. Ensure that the ST A is enabled and that there is a v alid li nk.
T roublesh ooting Checklist T roublesh ooting 4-5 4.2 T ROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLIST If t he modul e is no t wor king pr operl y , refer t o Ta b l e 4 - 2 for a check list of proble ms, possi ble caus es, and rec ommended ac tions to resolv e the pro blem.
T roubleshooti ng Checklist 4-6 T roublesh oot ing Cannot contact the mo dul e through in- band management. IP add ress n ot ass igned. Refer to the MA TRIX E7 Seri es and SmartS witch 6000 Series Modules Local Manag ement User’ s Gu ide for the I P addres s assi gnment proce dure.
Using th e RESET Butto n T roublesh ooting 4-7 4.3 USING THE RES ET BUTTON The RESET b utton sho wn in Fig ur e 4-2 reset s and re-ini tial izes the module. Figure 4-2 RESET Button T o re set the mod ule pr ocesso r , press and rele ase the RESET b utton.
Spec ifi catio ns A-1 A Spe cifi ca tions This appendix pr ov ides op erating s pecif ications for t he Entera sys Networks 6H308-24 and 6H308- 48 modul es. Enter asy s Netw orks re ser ve s the ri ght to ch ange the spec if ications at an y t ime witho ut notice .
Fiber Budget A-2 Specif icati ons A.2 FIBER B UDG ET When usi ng f i ber optic cables, it is i mportan t to co nsider t he cable t ype and the ass ociated dB bud g e t s sh ow n i n Ta b l e A - 2 . Ph ysical Dimensions 7.11H x 4 3.18W x 46.99D (cm) 2.
COM P or t Pi nout A ssignme nts Spec ificat ions A-3 A.3 COM P ORT PINOUT ASSIGNMENTS The COM por t is a seria l communica tions port that suppor ts Local Management or connectio n to a UPS. Refer to Ta b l e A - 3 for t he COM port pin ass ignment s.
Mode Switch B ank S ettings an d Opti ons B-1 B Mode Switch Bank Settings an d Options This appendix co vers the f ollo wing items: • Requi red too ls ( Se ction B.1 ) • Locat ions, func tions, and set tings f or the mode swit ches ( Sect ion B.2 ) • Upgrad ing the FLASH ( Sectio n B.
Settin g the M ode Swi tches B-2 Mode Switch B ank S ettings an d Opti ons B.2 SETTING THE MODE SWITC HES Figure B- 1 sho ws the lo catio n of the mode switch es and the switch setti ngs for n ormal operati on. These switches are se t at the f actory and r arely need to be changed.
Settin g the M ode Swi tches Mode Switc h Bank S etting s and Options B- 3 • Switch 6 – For ced BootP . DO NOT atte mpt a Forc ed BootP unle ss a Boot P server ha s been c onfigu red for th e module.
FLASH Upgrade B-4 Mode Switch B ank S ettings an d Opti ons B.3 FLASH UPGRADE FLASH upgrade is a v ailabl e for th e SmartSwitch t o expa nd from 8 to 16 MB. This se ction e xplains ho w to locate and a dd/repla ce the FLASH modul e. F or details, r efer to “G et tin g Help ” in About This Gui de .
FLASH Up gr ade Mode Switc h Bank S etting s and Options B- 5 B.3.2 Installing the FLASH Module T o inst all a FLASH module, refer to Figure B-3 a nd proceed as follo ws: 1. With the F LASH module orie nted as shown in Figure B-3 , insert the FLASH module down betwe en the conn ector.
Index-1 Inde x Numerics 100BASE- TX requi rements 2-1 802.1 p Por t Pr iorit y introduct ion to 1-6 A Auto-Negot iation 1-3 B Broa dcas t Supp r essi on introduct ion to 1-4 C Cable specifications 100.
Index-2 R Receive LEDs viewin g of 4- 1 Redirect fu nctions port and VLAN introduct ion to 1-5 Regulat ory Comp liance A-3 Relat ed ma nuals xii Remote Monitoring (RMON) introduct ion to 1-4 RES ET bu.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Enterasys 6H308-24 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Enterasys 6H308-24 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Enterasys 6H308-24 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Enterasys 6H308-24 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Enterasys 6H308-24, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Enterasys 6H308-24.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Enterasys 6H308-24. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Enterasys 6H308-24 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.