Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto XWEB5000 del fabbricante Emerson
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1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 3/48 <Read care fully be fore prooce ding w it h the lecture o f th is manua l> W A RNIN G: This is a c lass A product. In a do mestic en vironment th is product may caus e rad io i nter f ere nce in which case the user m ay be required to take ade quate measu res .
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 4/48 Conten ts 1. CH ECK LIS T ................................................................ .............................. 5 2. INSTA LL A TION ...........................................
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 5/48 1. CHECK LIST Be f ore ins t all ing and co nfi guring the XW E B sys tem we re comm end checking its packag e to v er ify it conta i n.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 6/48 2. INSTA LL A TION Do not open X W EB. Its open ing m akes its warra nty in v alid. How e v er, to install X W EB you need: One bla.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 7/48 Figure 2 RS485 NET WORK : alw ays use the indicated po larity; total length sh all no t e x cee d 1000 m; electric line sh all not spit or u se s t ar- conne ct ions ; av oid pro x imity of el ec tric pow er sources ; u sa ge of sh ielded cable.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 8/48 3. M A INTEN A NCE In any cas e, l ike m a i ntena nce or clean ing or move, X W EB sha ll not be open . W a rranty exp i res on op ening i t. Apply f o l lowing proce dure ref ere nc ing to X W EB rear pictu re introdu ced in pre vi ous pa ragrap h: 1.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 9/48 4. RS 485 CONNECT I ON The cable must ha v e 2 or 3 wires w i th shield, mi n imum sect ion 0,5mm 2 (e x. BELDEN 877 2). From the X W EB pos i t ion the cable reaches all the i ns t rumen t pos i tions.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 10/48 Right conne ction: Figure 3 W r ong con nect i on: Figure 4 Always keep the s erial cab le awa y f ro m pow er cables. Always keep the s erial cab le awa y f ro m Electro -magne tic or f requ ency s ources .
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 11/48 The TTL output The i ns tru m ent with RS485 on board doe s not nee d any kind of e xt erna l i nter face module. For ins t ru m ents with an externa l inter f ace: kee p the TTL cab le awa y f ro m powe r cables o r frequency s ources .
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 12/48 5. Local connectio n wi t h monit or, mouse an d key board On rear o f the X W EB300 0 sockets are prov ided for a m on i tor, a m ou se and a keyboa rd. Pl eas e conn ect all t he per i phe rals before powering -on the unit otherw ise t he s ystem may f ai ls to recognise them.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 13/48 If neces sa ry check the ins t ructions m an ual of each de v ice connected to th e unit. Figure 5 The operative p rocedu re to w ork w it h X W EB3000 i s the sa me f or all connection method s.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 14/48 WINDOW S XP T CP/IP SE TUP Click on Start button, chos e Control pan el, click on “Network and internet conne ct ions ” icon: Figu.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 15/48 Right mous e cli c k on netw ork i n terface icon, then chos e “Properties ”: Figure 9 The f o l lowing w i nd ows w i ll app ear:.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 16/48 Figure 1 0 Select “Interne t Protocol (TCP/IP )”, then cl ick on Prop erties. The f o l low ing w indows w i ll app ear: Figure 1 1 Fill thos e fi elds w i th v a l ue s indica ted in the p i c ture.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 17/48 WINDOW S 7 TCP/ I P S ETUP Follow ing procedure is ill us trated w it h Wi ndo w s7 standard v isua lization m ode.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 18/48 Open ‘Ne t w ork and Internet’ Figure 1 3 Open ‘Ne t w ork and Sharing Cen t er’.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 19/48 Figure 1 4 Click on ‘Loca l Area Connect i on ’ Figure 1 5 Click on ‘Prope rties’:.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 20/48 Figure 1 6 Inse rt admin i strative use rnam e and pas sword if pro m p ted . Select ‘Intern et Protoco l Version 4 (TCP /IP v 4 )’ and click ‘Prop erti es ’.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 21/48 Fill follow i ng w i nd ow using v a l ues i ndicated i n Figure 1 8. Figure 1 8 Click ‘OK’ to confirm and to finis h w ith t h i s procedu re.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 22/48 6. Modem connectio n (“or poi nt to point connection ” ) It re pres ents t he m os t common m e thod w here the LAN (i ntra net / Ethern et / internet) i s not a v a ilable. It is s trongly ad v ise d to us e a dedicated te l eph one line.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 23/48 SETTING UP DIA L-UP CONNECTI O N FOR WIN DOW S XP In Window s XP, you w i ll use the "Ne w Conne ct ion W iza rd".
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 24/48 2. If Contro l Pane l is se t f or "Clas sic View", dou ble-click on the Ne two rk Conn ections icon.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 25/48 3. If Control Panel is s et f or "Catego ry View", select the "Netw ork and Internet Conn ections" categ ory, then dou ble-click on the Netw ork Co nnections icon .
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 26/48 Figure 2 2.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 27/48 4. Unde r Netw ork Tasks , s el ect "Create a new conn ection". Figure 2 3.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 28/48 5. Click "Ne x t". Figure 2 4 6. Click "Ne x t" at the bottom of th i s page to continue w it h the setup i ns t ructions .
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 29/48 7. Select "Conne ct to the Interne t" and cl ick "Ne x t". Figure 2 5.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 30/48 8. Select "Set up my conn ection manua l ly" an d cl ick "N ext".
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 31/48 9. Select "Conne ct us ing a dialup m ode m " an d click "N ex t".
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 32/48 10. Type "X W EB3000 DIREC T MODEM" in the ISP Name box and c l ick "Ne xt".
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 33/48 11. Type the acces s number in the Pho ne Number box. E.G: If t e l eph one number i s 555 789 and area code is 09 9, put this Telephone number: 0 9955 5789 .
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 34/48 12. Type dia lup account na m e dixe ll in the Use r Name b ox. Type dialup pa ssw ord dixell in the Pas sw ord and Con f irm Pas sw ord boxes . W e reco mm end tha t you check t he f irst 2 checkbo x es , but not the 3rd bo x which turns on the Internet Conn ection Firew al l.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 35/48 13. Place a tick in the box to create a sho rtcut on your d es ktop, and click "F ini s h".
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 36/48 14. You are now ready to connect to your X W EB30 00. If you wa nt to dial your X W EB3000 DIREC T MODE M connection auto matically w hen you start Internet Ex p l orer, do the f o l lowing.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 37/48 SETTING UP DIA L-UP CONNECTI O N FOR WIN DOW S 7 Follow ing procedure is ill us trated w it h Wi ndo w s7 standard v isua lization mode.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 38/48 Open ‘Ne t w ork and Internet’ Figure 3 4 Open ‘Ne t w ork and Sharing Cen t er’.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 39/48 Open ‘Se t up a new con nection or netw ork: Figure 3 5 Open ‘Se t up a dia l -up con nect ion’.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 40/48 Figure 3 6 In cas e the m odem i s not yet attached to X W E B, choos e option to run uncon di tioned con Figuret i on.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 41/48.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 42/48 Type acces s num be r. E. G : If telephone num be r is 555789 and area code i s 099, put this T elepho ne nu m ber: 0995 5578 9.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 43/48 7. Intranet / ethernet connection The Intranet or E t hern et conne ction s hould be initially manage d by the net administrator which w i ll ass i gn one f ree IP addre ss to reach the Ser v er.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 44/48 Internet connection It is neces sary to ha v e a STATIC IP add ress f or the XWEB30 00 w hich i s no rmall y ass igned by the Pro v ide r of your i nterne t ser v ices (ISP) . The I nterne t connect i on allows XW EB30 00 t o be reache d f ro m all PC-cl ients.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 45/48 If wo rking with the router GATE W AY and DNS check you r I n ternet contract details. Depend ing on your net w ork topo logy you m ay need a rev ersing NAT on port 80. It i s not e nou gh to link port 80 on Router side to po rt 80 o n i ntrane t side.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 46/48 8. Troubleshoot ing Guide Proble m Solution The log- in page doe sn ’t load Check you r brow ser se tup. My pas sword d oesn’t all ow me to log-in. Bew are t o the caps-lock button an capitol letters .
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 47/48 9. Unit Setup Re minder Please t ake so me m o m en ts to m ake an hardcop y o f t his page , then compile it and s tore i t near X W EB300 0 unit.
1592010860 XWEB5 000 stp GB r1 .1 2012.06.22. doc XWEB5 000 48/48 Notes ____ _________ __________ _______ ______ _______ _______ _____ __________ ____ _________ __________ _______ ______ _______ _____.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Emerson XWEB5000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Emerson XWEB5000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Emerson XWEB5000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Emerson XWEB5000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Emerson XWEB5000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Emerson XWEB5000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Emerson XWEB5000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Emerson XWEB5000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.