Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto RTM-ATCA-7150 del fabbricante Emerson
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Embedded Computing f or Busines s-Critical Continuity TM ATCA-7150 and RTM-ATCA-7150 Getting S tar ted Documen t: 6806800G42B Dece mber 2008.
© 2008 Emerson All rights reserved. T radem arks Emerson, Busines s-Critical Continuity, Eme rson Network Power and the Emerson Network Powe r logo are tradem arks and service marks of Eme rson Electric Co. © 2008 Eme rson Electr ic Co. All other product or service names are the prope r t y of thei r respective owners.
Contents ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 3 About this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Safety Notes . .
ATCA-715 0 and RTM-ATCA-71 50 Getting Starte d (6806800G42B) Contents 4 Contents Contents Installin g the FC Daughter Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Replacing the FC Dau ghter Card .
Contents ATCA-715 0 and RTM-ATCA-715 0 Getting Starte d (6806800G42B) 5 Power-On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 3.7.2 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ATCA-715 0 and RTM-ATCA-71 50 Getting Starte d (6806800G42B) Contents 6 Contents Contents A.15 ACPI Code Checkpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 B Related Documentation .
List of T abl es ATCA-7150 and RT M-ATCA-7150 Gettin g Started (6806800G4 2B) 7 T able 1-1 F unc tions of the A T CA -7150 and the RTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 T able 1-2 S tandar d Compli ance s .
ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Started ( 6806800G42B) 8 List of Tables.
List of Figures ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 9 Figure 1-1 Connection Bet ween the A T CA -7150 and the RTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Figure 2-1 W earing the ESD -Preven tive W rist Strap . .
ATCA-7150 and RTM-ATCA-7150 Getting Started ( 6806800G42B) 10 List of Figures.
ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 11 About this Manual Overview of Contents This documen t describes the A T C A-7150 and RTM- A T CA -7150 server suite (he reina f ter ref .
ATCA-715 0 and RTM-ATCA-715 0 Getting Starte d (6806800G42B) About this Manual 12 About this Manual Abbreviations This docume nt use s the follo wing abbrevi ations: Abbre via tion Definiti on ACA Aus.
About this Manual ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 13 Conv entions The following table describes the conv entions used throughout this manual.
ATCA-715 0 and RTM-ATCA-715 0 Getting Starte d (6806800G42B) About this Manual 14 About this Manual Summar y of Changes This manual h as bee n revised and repl aces all prior editions. ... Re peated ite m for example node 1, node 2, ..., node 12 . . .
About this Manual ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 15 Comments and Suggestions W e welcome and apprecia te your commen ts on our docu mentation. W e want to know what you think about our manuals and how we can make them better .
ATCA-715 0 and RTM-ATCA-715 0 Getting Starte d (6806800G42B) About this Manual 16 About this Manual.
ATCA-7150 and RT M-ATCA-7150 Gettin g Started (6806800G4 2B) 17 Sa fet y N otes This section provide s warning s that prec ede pot enti ally dangerou s procedures t hroughout this manu al. Instructions contained in the warning s must be follo wed during all pha ses of operation, serv ice , and repair o f this equipment.
ATCA-7150 and RTM-ATCA-7150 Getting Started ( 6806800G42B) Safety Notes 18 Opera tion of this equipme nt in a re siden tial ar ea is li ke ly to caus e harmful inte r fere nce in which case the u ser will be required to c orrec t the inte r fe renc e at his own expense .
Safety Notes ATCA-7150 and RT M-ATCA-7150 Gettin g Started (6806800G4 2B) 19 Installation Dam age of the Product and Additional Device s and Modules Incorrect i nstallation or removal of additional devices or modules may d amage the produc t or the additional de vices or modules.
ATCA-7150 and RTM-ATCA-7150 Getting Started ( 6806800G42B) Safety Notes 20 Emerson Net work Powe r Embedded Computing (E NPEC) and our supp liers take significant ste ps to e nsure there are no ben t pins on the backplane or connector d amage t o the boar ds prior to le aving the fac tor y .
Safety Notes ATCA-7150 and RT M-ATCA-7150 Gettin g Started (6806800G4 2B) 21 Battery Board/Syste m dama ge Incorr ect exch ange of lithium ba tteries can re sult in a hazar dous explosion. When ex changing the on-board lithiu m batte r y , mak e sure that the new and the old ba tte r y are exactly the same batt ery models.
ATCA-7150 and RTM-ATCA-7150 Getting Started ( 6806800G42B) Safety Notes 22.
ATCA-7150 and RT M-ATCA-7150 Gettin g Started (6806800G4 2B) 23 Sicherheitshinw eise Dieses K apite l enthält Hinwe ise, die pote ntiell ge fährliche n Prozedure n innerhalb dies es Handbuchs v orrangeste llt sind.
ATCA-7150 and RTM-ATCA-7150 Getting Started ( 6806800G42B) Sicherheitshinweise 24 EMV Da s Produkt wurde in e inem Emerson Network Powe r Stand ardsyst em get este t. Es er füllt die für digitale Ge räte der Kl asse A gültige n Grenzwerte in eine m solchen Syst em gemäß de n FCC - Richtlinie n Abschnitt 15 bzw.
Sicherheitshinweise ATCA-7150 and RT M-ATCA-7150 Gettin g Started (6806800G4 2B) 25 Überhitzung und Be schädigung des Produkte s Betre iben Sie das Pro dukt ohne Zwangs belüftung, kann da s Produkt überhitzt und sc hließlich beschädigt w erde n.
ATCA-7150 and RTM-ATCA-7150 Getting Started ( 6806800G42B) Sicherheitshinweise 26 Beschädi gung des Produkte s, der Backplane ode r von Syst em K omponente n V erbogen e Pins oder lose K omponent en könne n zu e iner Be schädigung de s Produktes, de r Bac k pla ne od er von S yst emko mpo n enten f üh ren .
Sicherheitshinweise ATCA-7150 and RT M-ATCA-7150 Gettin g Started (6806800G4 2B) 27 Umw eltsc hutz Entsor gen Sie alte Batt erien und Blad es/RTM s stets ge mäß der in Ihrem Land gültigen Gesetzgebung und de n Empfehlungen de s Herstelle rs.
ATCA-7150 and RTM-ATCA-7150 Getting Started ( 6806800G42B) Sicherheitshinweise 28.
Chapter: 1 ATCA-7150 and RT M-ATCA-7150 Gettin g Started (6806800G4 2B) 29 Introduc tion 1.1 F eatures The A T C A-7150 and RT M -A T C A-7150 ser ver bl ade suite fe atures the cap abilities o f high speed calculation and mass da ta processing.
Introduction ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 30 Figure 1 -1 shows the connection bet ween the A T C A-7150 and the RTM of the ser ve r blade .
Introduction ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 31 T able 1-1 lists the func tions of the A T CA -7150 and the RTM. T able 1-1 Fun ctions of the A T C A-7150 and the R TM Function Description Processing functio ns z Suppor ts t wo dual-core L V In tel X eon 5138 ( 2.
Introduction ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 32 1.2 Standard C ompliances This product meets the follo wing standards. 1.3 Ordering Information When or dering boar d varian ts or board acces sories, use the orde r numbers give n on the following p ages.
Introduction ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 33 1.3.1 Suppor ted Board Models The following table expl ains the produc t nomenc l ature used f or the available board vari ants. 1.3.2 Board Acce ssories As of the printing date of this m anual, the f o llowing board acc essories wer e available .
Introduction ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 34 A T C A7X50-HDDx-SAS/SA T A A T C A7X50-HDD1-SAS A T C A7X50-HDD2-SAS A T C A7X50-HDD3-SA T A ATC A 7 X 5 0 T able 1-4 Avai.
Chapter: 2 ATCA-7150 and RT M-ATCA-7150 Gettin g Started (6806800G4 2B) 35 Installation of th e RTM -A T C A -7150 2.1 Ov er view This chap ter describes : z Unpacking and inspecting RTM- A T C A-7150.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 36 3. Re move the desiccan t bag shipped together with the blade and dispose o f it accor ding to y our coun tr y ’s legislation.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 37 2.3.2 Po wer Requirements Vibration 1.0g from 5 to 1 00 Hz and back to 5 Hz a t a ra te of 0.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 38 2.4 Module Installation and Remo val Note the f ollowing poin ts at the time o f installing R TM- A T .
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 39 z Hold the ejector handle s and the face pl ate when you ins ert or remove RTM-A T C A -7150. Do not touch the components inside o f the blades. z Kee p the blade verti cal when you instal l RTM- A T C A-7150.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 40 2.5 Installation Preparations The installa tion prepa rations proce ss inc ludes : z che c k t h e i n.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 41 T o we ar the ESD -preve ntive wrist strap, proc eed as follo ws: 1. Wr ap the E SD -preven tive wrist strap around your wrist, as sho w n in the figure bel ow .
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 42 2.5.2 R emoving Fille r Blades If the slot is occupied with a fil ler blade y ou hav e to remov e it first. Af ter a filler blade is re m oved, pl ace it in the equipment room or othe r moisture-proof and dust -proof place s.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 43 T o remo ve the filler blade , proceed as follo ws: 1. A s s how n i n st ep 1 of th e f igu re b elow, use a sc rewdriv er t o anticl ock wise loose n the t wo cap tive scre ws on a filler blade .
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 44 2.6.1 Precautions Note the f ollowing poin ts at the time o f installing or repl acing compo nen ts : .
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 45 z Ensure that y our sleeves are tighte ned or rolled up ab ov e the elbow . For safe t y purpose , it is not recommended to wear jewelr y, wa tch, glasses with metal frame, or clothes with metal buttons.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 46 z Othe rs If a serious proble m occurs and cannot be solved when y ou install or replac e the com p on ent , cont a c t E mer s on N et wo r k P o wer Embedded Computing f or technical suppor t.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 47 Installation Positions When the GE d aughter card is us ed with the RTM- A T CA -7150 it can be installed on the daught er card c onnec tor J1, J2, J3, J4.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 48 Installing the GE Daughter Card T o install the GE daughter car d, proceed as f ollows. 1. W ear the ESD -preven tive wrist strap. F o r more inf o rmation re fe r , We a r i ng t he E S D - Preve ntive W rist Str ap .
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 49 6. Insert the GE daughte r card in R TM - A T CA -7150 by fac ing the daughte r card at an angle of 45° to the R TM.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 50 card is fa stened by the pla stic latch es. See st ep 3 in the figure belo w .
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 51 7. Insert RTM -A T C A-7150 with the GE daugh ter car d installed in the shelf . For more infor mat io n r efer , Installing R TM- A TCA-7150 . Af te r installa tion, check if R TM -A T C A -7150 ca n be powered on and work norm ally .
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 52 6. T ake the new GE d aughter card out o f the antistatic package .
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 53 7. Insert the GE daughte r card in R TM - A T CA -7150 by fac ing the daughte r card at an angle of 45° to the R TM.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 54 3. As shown in step 1 o f the figure below , inse r t t wo plastic supports verticall y in the holes u sed to f aste n the FC daughte r card.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 55 6. Insert the GE daughte r card in R TM - A T CA -7150 by fac ing the daughte r card at an angle of 45° to the R TM.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 56 card is fa stened by the pla stic latch es. See st ep 3 in the figure belo w . 7. Insert RTM-A T C A-7150 with the FC daughter card installed in the she lf .
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 57 infor mat io n r efer , Installing R TM- A TCA-7150 . Af te r installa tion, check if R TM -A T C A -7150 ca n be powered on and work norm ally . Use the optical fibe r to connect RTM- A T CA -7150 to the external stor age system.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 58 6. T ake the new FC d aughter card out o f the antistatic package.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 59 7. Insert the FC daughter card in R TM- A T CA -7150 by fac ing the daught er card a t an angle of 45° to the R TM.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 60 Installation Procedure wi th Installed Front Blade The following proc edure describes the installati on of RTM- A T C A-7 150. It assumes that y our syste m is power ed on.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 61 5. As shown in step 1 o f the figure below , align the upper and lowe r sides of RTM- A T CA -7150 with the guide rails (the edges of the slot).
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 62 2.7.2 Remo ving RTM -A T C A-7150 T o remo ve RT M -A T C A-7150, proceed as f ollows: 1. W ear the ESD -preven tive wrist strap. F o r more inf o rmation re fe r , We a r i ng t he E S D - Preve ntive W rist Str ap .
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 63 5. As shown in ste p 3 of the figure below , remo ve RT M -A T C A-7150 along the guide rails. 6. Plac e RTM -A T CA -7150 in the antistatic pack age . 2.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 64 If RTM- A T C A-7150 is configured with the GE daughte r card and FC daughte r card, it provides the ex te rnal GE network por ts and ex ternal FC in te r face s.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 65 2.8.2 Connec tin g Net work Cables When R T M- A T CA -7150 is confi gured with the GE daughte r card, it provides two ex terna l Etherne t inte r fac es with 10/100/1000M Bas e- T auto -negoti ation.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 66 The figure belo w shows the me thod of c o nnec ting the net work cables to RT M -A T C A-7150.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 67 As shown i n step s 1 and 2 in the figu re below , inser t the optical modu le in the FC inter face and then insert the o ptical fibers in the optical module.
Installation of the RTM-ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 68.
Chapter: 3 ATCA-7150 and RT M-ATCA-7150 Gettin g Started (6806800G4 2B) 69 Hardware Installation o f A T C A-7150 3.1 Ov er view This chap ter describes : z Unpacking and inspecting the blade z Enviro.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 70 3. R emov e the desiccant bag shipped toge ther with the blade and dispos e of it acco rding t o your c ountr y’s legislatio n. Unpacking the Blade T o unpack and check the A T C A -7150 suite , proceed as fo llows: 1.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 71 3.3 Environmental and P ower R equirements The following en vironmental and power rewu ireme nts are applicable t o the blade.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 72 3.3.2 Po wer Requirements Mak e sure that the blade is u sed in an AdvancedT CA shelf connected to -48VDC up to -60VDC, acco rding t o T e lecommunica tion Net work V oltage (TNV-2).
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 73 3.4 Precautions Note the f ollowing poin ts at the time o f installing R TM- A T CA -7150: z If an RTM is planned to be used, you must install the RTM in the slot before installing t he A T CA -7150 in the paired slot.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 74 3.4.1 ESD Prev ention Static electricit y may hur t you or damage the device . T o minimize the dama ge, pay a ttention to the f ollowing poin ts: z Bef ore you oper ate the devic e, wear the ESD -prev en tive wrist strap.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 75 3.5 Checking the Installation Environment T able 3-4 lists the envir onment f or installing the A T CA -7150 suite .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 76 T o we ar the ESD -preve ntive wrist strap, proc eed as follo ws: 1. W rap the ESD -preve ntive wrist strap around your wrist, as sh own in Figure 3-1 .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 77 3.5.2 Remo ving Blank Fi ller Blades z Af te r you re move a bl ank filler blade , store it in the equipment room or a d amp -proof and dust -proof place .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 78 Bef ore you install the A T C A-7150 suite , remo ve bl ank filler blades fr om installation slo ts as fol l ow s: 1. Use a screwdrive r to anticlockwise loosen the two captiv e screws on a blank fille r blade , as shown in Figure 3- 2 .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 79 3.6.1 Precautions When you install or replac e components, pa y atten tio n to the following points: z Wear th e E SD -p reventi ve w ri st st rap to p revent the st at ic el ec t ric it y fr om dama gin g t he device .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 80 T able 3-5 lists the optional co mponen ts suppor ted by the A T CA -7150.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 81 z Prep aring spare pa r ts and tools — Prepare the c o mponent t o be installed or replac ed. When y ou hold or transport the componen t, use the speci al antistatic pack age .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 82 Figure 3 -3 shows the positions of the DIMM int erfaces on the A T CA -7150. Installing the DIMM T o install the DIMM, proceed as follows : 1. W ear the ESD -preven tive wrist strap.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 83 2. Lay the A T C A-7150 w here the DIMM is to be installed on the antistatic de sktop . 3. T ake the DIMM out of the antistatic package. 4. Mak e sure that two interface fixing clips are fully open.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 84 7. Inser t the A T C A-7150 with the DIMM installed in the shelf . For de tails, see Ins tal ling the A T C A-7150 in a Powered She lf on page 91 . Af te r installation, inse r t the A T CA -7150 in the shelf and powe r on the A T C A-7150.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 85 For de tails, see Remo ving the A T C A-7150 on page 95 .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 86 8. Install the A T C A -7150 with the DIMM replac ed. For de tails, see Ins tal ling the A T C A-7150 in a Powered She lf on page 91 . Af ter repla cement, che ck w heth er the OS can be lo aded prop erly .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 87 3. Exer t even fo rce to pus h t he hard dis k s mo o thly in the hard disk holder . Al ign the screw holes at the sides of the hard disk with th ose at the sides of the holde r , as shown in Figu re 3-6 .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 88 Af te r installation, c heck whether the A T C A -7150 can be powe red on and work norm ally and whethe r the da ta in the har d disk can be re ad and written normally .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 89 Replacing the Hard Disk T o repl ace the hard disk, proc eed as f ollows: 1. W ear the ESD -preven tive wrist strap. For de tails, see Wearing the ESD -Preventive W rist Strap on page 75 .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 90 Af te r repl ace men t, check whethe r the A T C A-7150 can be powered on and wo rk normally and whethe r the da ta in the har d disk can be re ad and written normally .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 91 3.7 Installing and Re mo ving the Blade 3.7.1 Inst allation RTM-A T C A-7150 must be installed befo re the A T C A-7150 to av oid product damage .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 92 6. User the screwdriv er to clockwise faste n the screws to fix the A T C A-7150, as shown in Figure 3-8 . 7. Fully ope n the ejector handle s and the A T C A -7150 is re ady for powe r -on.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 93 z The cables are prope rly connected. z The cables are we ll bound. Power-On Checks Before Power-On Bef ore power -on, you need to c onfirm tha t: z The RTM of the server blade and SMM are installed properly .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 94 2. Close the upper and lowe r ejector handles. The HO TSW AP LED bl inks at the shor t blink rate. The OOS and HEAL THY LEDs blink for 10 times at the same time .
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 95 Checks Before Power-Off Bef ore power -off , you need to con firm that: z Da ta has been s aved on the A T CA -7150. z No application runs on the A T C A-7150.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 96 4. R emov e the A T C A -7150 along the guide rails, a s shown in Figur e 3-9 . 5. Plac e the A T C A-7150 in the antistatic package . 3.8 Ejector Handles The A T C A-7150 suppor ts hot swap.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 97 T able 3-7 describes the inse r tion and remov al of the A T C A -7150 by u sing the ej ector handles. Power -O n a nd Power -O ff T able 3-8 describes the powe r-on and pow er -off of the A T CA -7150 by using the e jector handles.
Hardware Installation of ATCA-7150 ATCA-7150 and RTM-A TCA-7150 Getting Start ed (6806800G42B ) 98.
Appendix: A ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 99 A Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g A. 1 O v erv i e w This chap ter describes : z Precautions z Principles z Res ou r ce s z LED Disp la y Exc eptions z Power -On Star tup E xc eptions z OS Excepti ons A.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 100 z Analyze the alarm of high leve l and then that of low lev el. Analyze the alarm o f high leve l, such as critical alarm or major al ar m. Then, analyze the alarm of low leve l, su ch as minor alarm or warning alarm.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 101 z Detailed descr iption on the fault z Device type and sof t ware version z Mea sures tak en after the f ault occurred .
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 102 The IS LED of the A T C A-7150 blinks (red). The alar m sev erit y varies with the blinking freque ncy . The higher the blinking freque ncy , the more serious the alarm.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 103 3. Check the power supply o f the shelf . If the powe r is low , the A T C A-7150 cannot be po wer ed on through the S MM. 4. Check whether the S M M is firmly inse r ted in the prope r position and works we ll.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 104 T o solve the proble m, proceed a s follo ws: 1. Make sure tha t all DIMMs of correct t ype are installed in the slots properly . 2. Check f or consiste nc y of the siz e and frequency of the installed DIMMs.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 105 A .9.2 A T C A-7150 Automatically Shuts Do wn Desc rip tion The A T C A-7150 automa tically shuts do wn without any explic it rea son. Solution T o solve the proble m, proceed a s follo ws: 1.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 106 A .10.2 Mouse Cannot Be Used Desc rip tion The mouse cannot be u sed.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 107 5. Re place the monitor or A T C A-7150. For details on how to re plac e the monitor , ref er to the docume nt shipped wi th the monitor th at you u se . For details on ho w to repl ace the A T C A-7150, see Installing and R emovin g the Blade on page 91 .
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 108 T o solve the proble m, proceed a s follo ws: 1. Make sure that: z The RTM of the server blade is inse r ted properly . z The upper and lowe r ejec tor ha ndles are fully closed.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 109 T o solve the proble m, proceed a s follo ws: 1. Make sure th at the net work module that y ou use is installed in the server syste m and works normally . For details, ref er to the respective syste m documenation.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 110 If you think tha t the fault is cau sed by so f t ware , see A Fault Occurs in Soft ware on p age 109 . Dam aged CMOS da ta or BIOS codes ma y c ause some unc er tain problems.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 111 5. Install and powe r on the A T C A-7150. If the problem persists, repl ace the following com p on ent s i n o rd er : a.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 112 04 Check the CMO S diagnostic b y te to dete rmine whether ba tter y powe r is prope r and whethe r the CMOS checksum is proper . V erif y the CMOS checksum by reading the storage area.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 113 13 Initi aliz e early POST c hipse t registers. 1. Re st art the A T C A-7150. 2. Re plac e the A T C A-7150. 24 Uncompress and initializ e the specific BIOS mo dules of any p latf orm.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 114 3B T est f or total memory in stalled in the system. Also, Check for the Dele te or ESC key to limit mem or y test. Displa y total memor y in the sys tem. 1. Restart the A T CA -7150.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 115 A .14 DI M Code Checkpoints The device initi alization man ager (DIM) gets control a t various time during BIOS POST to initialize diff eren t system buses. 85 D i splay er ro rs to t he user an d g et t h e use r response f or errors.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 116 T able A-2 lists the c heckpoin ts where the DIM module is a cces sed and solutions.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Gett ing Started (6806 800G42B) 117 T able A - 2 DI M co de ch eck po ints Checkpoint Description Solution 2A Initia liz e diff eren t bus es and perform t.
Troubleshooting ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 118 A. 1 5 A C P I C od e C he ck p oi nt s ACPI che ck poi nts ar e di splaye d w hen an ACPI cap abl e OS eit her enter s o r l eaves a sl eep s t ate. T able A-3 lists the t ypes of c heckpoints tha t may occur during ACPI slee p or wake states and solutions.
Appendix: B ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getting Sta rted (6806800G42 B) 119 B R elated Document ation B.1 Emerson Net work P ow er - Embedded Computing Doc uments The Emerson Net work Powe r - Embedded Computing publica tions listed be low are ref erenced in this manual.
Related Documentation ATCA-7150 and RTM -ATCA-7150 Getti ng Started (6806800 G42B ) 120 PICMG picmg.or g/specifica tions.stm PICMG 3.0 Revision 2.0 Advanced T C A Base Specification PICMG 3.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Emerson RTM-ATCA-7150 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Emerson RTM-ATCA-7150 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Emerson RTM-ATCA-7150 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Emerson RTM-ATCA-7150 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Emerson RTM-ATCA-7150, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Emerson RTM-ATCA-7150.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Emerson RTM-ATCA-7150. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Emerson RTM-ATCA-7150 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.