Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto LC-X984 del fabbricante Eiki
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LC-X999-984 2 WA R N I NG : TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EX POSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. This Proj ector has a g rounding -type AC li ne plug. This i s a safety feature to be sure that th e plug w ill fit into the power outlet .
LC-X999-984 3 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS All the s afet y and operati ng instruc tions sho uld be read before the product is operated. Read all of the ins tructions given h ere and retain the m f or later us e. Unplug th is proj ector from AC power s upply before c l ea ning.
LC-X999-984 5 The projector is compatible wit h many different types of personal computers and v ideo devices, including: • IBM-compatible com puters, including lapt ops, up to 1280 x 1024 resolution. • Apple Macintosh and PowerBook com puters up to 1280 x 1024 resolution.
LC-X999-984 6 . EXHAUST VENT CA UTION HOT A IR! A ir bl ow n from the exhaust vent is hot . Obser ve the following when handling y our projector or choosing a location to install it.
LC-X999-984 7 • This projector is basically desig ned t o project on a flat projection surface . • This projecto r can be fo cused fro m 4.6’ (1.4 m) 47.3’ (14.4 m). • Refer to the figure below as an example w hen positioning the projector to the screen.
LC-X999-984 8 A DJUSTA BLE FEET Picture tilt and pr ojection a ngle can be a djusted b y rotatin g the ADJUST ABLE FEET . Proje ction angle c an be adj usted 0 to 6°. 1. Lift the fr ont of the proj ector and press the F EET LOCK LAT CHES on both sides of the projec tor.
LC-X999-984 9 Your projector uses nominal input voltages of 100-120 VAC. The projector automatically selects the correct input voltage. The projector is designed to work with single-phase pow er systems having a grounded neutral conductor. To red uce the risk of ele ctrical shock, do no t plug into any othe r type of po wer system.
LC-X999-984 10 COMPU TER INPUT -i TERMINA L Used to connect a comp uter to the projector COMPUTER INPUT-2 TERMINAL Used t o connect a computer t o the projector . MO NITO R O UTPU T TER M IN AL Used to connect a monitor to the projector .. COMPUTER AUDIO INPUT-i JACK mini stereo ty pe Used to connect a computer audio input to the projector.
LC-X999-984 11 Personal computers can be connected to the HDB1 5-pin (VGA) terminal on the projector . • Connect the computer to these terminals using the VGA cable and V GA/Macintosh adapter (provided). CA UTION : For projectors, the VGA cable provided is designed to reduce RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) emissions.
12 CONNECTING AN IBM-COMP A TIBL E DESKTOP COMPUTER NOTE: W hen connec ting the cable, the power cords of b oth the projector and the external equipment should be disconnected from AC outlet. Turn the projector and peripheral equipment on before the computer is sw itched on.
13 CONNECTING AN IBM-COMP ATIBLE LAPTOP COM PUTER NOTE: When connectin g the cable, th e power cords of both the projector and the external equipment should be disconnected from AC outlet. Turn the projector and peripheral equipment on before the computer is switched on.
14 CONNECTING A M ACINTOSH DESKTOP COMPUTER Set the dip switches as show n in the table below depending on the RESOLUTION MODE that you want to use b efor e you turn on the projector and computer. NOTE: W hen connecting the cable, the pow er cords of both the projector and the external equipment should be disconnected from AC outlet.
15 CONNECTING A MACINTOSH POWERBOOK COMPUTER Set the dip switch es as sho wn in the ta ble belo w dependi ng on the R ESOLUT ION MODE that you want t o use befor e you turn o n the projec tor and com puter.
16 Connect to the video and audio outputs of a VCR, video disc player, DVD play er, video camer a, satellite TV t uner or other AV equipment. CONNECTING TO THE VIDEO INPUT JACK Connect the video output from the vi deo eq uipment to this jack using the video cable.
17 CONNECTING THE VIDEO EQUI PMENT NOTE: W hen connec ting the cable, the power cords of both the projector and the external equipment should be disconnected from AC outlet.
18 CONNECTING TO THE EXT. SR JA CK (3. 5 mm mini ster eo t y pe) This jack outputs stereo speaker sound w hich viewing on screen. If you use ex ter nal speaker system, connect stereo type external speaker jack. Internal spea k er sound is disconnected w hen speaker jack is connected.
20 LAMP REPL ACEMENT INDIC A TOR light is orange when the Lamp life draws to an end . TEMPER ATURE W A RNI NG I NDICATOR Flashes red when internal projector temperature i s too high READY INDIC ATOR Light is green w hen proj ector lamp is r eady to be turned on LAMP POWER INDI C AT OR Light is dim when the projector is on.
21 This remote control unit is not only abl e to operate t he projec tor but also usable as a wireless mous e for a PC. One point ing pad and two click buttons are used for w ireless mouse o peration. Wireless mouse is us able when PC mo use pointer is display ed on the screen.
22 COMPUTER SELECT BUTTON Used to select computer mode, (Computer 1 or C omputer 2 Input) VIDEO SELECT BUTTON Used to select video mode. POWER O N/OFF BUTTON Used to turn the p rojecto r on o r off. ZOOM BUTTONS Used to operate power zoom lens. FOCUS BUTTONS Used to operate power focus system.
23 Remote Control Ba ttery Ins tallation Remove the battery compartment lid. Using the Rem ote Control Unit Point the remote control toward the projector (Receiver window) when pressing the buttons. Maximum operating range for the remote control is about 16.
24 The proj ector has two t ypes of oper ation: DIR ECT OPERATION an d MENU OPERA TION. DIRECT OPER ATION all ows you to oper ate the proj ector by using one b utton without s howing the MENU. In MENU OPERA TION mo de, you displ ay menus w here you can a djust the proj ector’s set tings.
26 3. COMPUTER MODE NOTES: 1. If you switch to DIRECT operation by pressing a DIRECT operation button while in MENU mode, the menus will disappear and the M ENU operat ion w ill end. 2. You can use the REM OTE CO NTROL UNIT or the TOP CONTROL OF THE PROJECTOR to operate the MENU operation.
27 TO TURN ON THE PROJECTOR Connect the projector to a sourc e (Computer , VCR, Video C amer a, Video Disc Player, etc .) using t he approp riate term inals on the rear of the projec tor. (See “CO NNECTING THE PROJ ECTOR” s ection on pages 1 1-18).
28 SOUND VOLUME A DJ USTM ENT Press the VOLUME buttons on the rem ote control un it or on the projector to adjust the volume. The volume display will be displayed on the screen for a few seconds. Pressing volume (+) will inc r eas e volume and increase the number on the screen.
29 NO SHOW FUNCTION Press the NO SHO W button on the re mot e control unit. The screen w ill change into black image and the “NO SHO W ” is displayed on the screen f or a few seconds. This function is cancelled w hen the NO SHOW button is pressed a gain or any other function button is pressed.
30 In MENU OPERATION mode, you display menus where you can adjust the projector’s settings. Y ou can use the TOP CONTROL OF THE PROJECT O R or the RE MOT E CONTRO L UNIT. You can select a mode from MAIN MENU display among computer 1, computer 2 and v ideo.
31 SOUND A DJ USTMENT You can adjust the sound v olume and sound mute ON/OFF switch in the MENU display. 1. Press the MENU BUTTON and the MAIN M ENU DI SPLAY dialog box will appear. 2. Press the POINT LEFT/RIGHT BUTTON(s) to select SOUND and press the SELECT BUTTON.
32 COLOR SYSTEM SELEC T This proj ecto r is com patible with the six major broadcast video standards: PAL, SECAM, NTSC, NTSC 4.43, PAL-M and PAL-N (COLOR SYSTEMs). W hen the color system is set to “Auto position”, this projector can detect one of 4 systems (P AL, SEC AM, N TSC or NTSC 4 .
33 VIDEO SOURC E SEL ECT This projector is compatible with 4 types video source input: Composite Video, S-Video, Component Video (Y, Cb, Cr) and Component Video (Y, Pb, Pr). W hen the video source i s set to “Auto” position this projector can detect o ne of 3 types Composite Video, S-Video and Component Video (Y, Cb,Cr) automatically.
LC-X999/984 34 PICTURE IM AGE AD J USTM ENT Picture adjustments have been preset at the factor y. If you want to change the setting, operate the projector as foll ows. 1. Press MENU BUTTON and the MAIN MENU DISPLAY dialog box will appear. 2. P ress the P OINT L EFT/R IGHT BU TTON(s ) to sel ect IMA GE and p ress th e SELE CT BUT TON.
LC-X999/984 35 PICTURE SCREE N ADJUSTMEN T This projector has a picture screen resiz e function, which enables you to display the image in desirable size. W ID E function This projector is able to project not only a normal vi deo imag e (with 4 x 3 aspect ratio), but also a wider vi deo imag e by compressing 4 x 3 i mage.
LC-X999/984 36 COMPUTER SYSTEM SELECT This projector is adj ustable to different types of computer display signals based on VGA, SVGA, XGA or SXGA (See “COMPATIBLE CO MPUTER SPECIFI CATIONS” on the next pag e).
LC-X999/984 37 COMPATIBLE COMPUTER SPECIR C ATIONS Specifications are subject to change w ithout notice. NOTE: Basicall y this pr ojector can accept the signal from all computers w ith the above mentioned V, H-Frequency and less than 165 M Hz of Dot Clock.
LC-X999/984 38 AUTO IM A GE FUNCTION The Auto image function is provided to automatically adjust Fine sync., Total dots and Screen position f or most computers. NO TE: Th is AUTO IMAGE function cannot be operated w hen “RG B” , “HDTV72Op” , “ HDTV1O 35i” or “HDTV1O8O i” is selected on the COMPUTER SYSTEM SELECT menu.
LC-X999/984 39 PICTURE IM A GE A DJUS TMEN T Picture adjustments have been preset at the factor y. If you want to change the setting, operate the projector as foll ows. 1. Pres s the MENU BUTTON and t he MAIN MENU DISPLAY dialog box will appear. 2. Press the POIN T LEF T/RIGH T BUTTON (s) to se lect IM AGE and press the SE LECT BU TTON.
LC-X999/984 40 PICTURE POSI TION A DJ USTMENT 1. Press the MENU BUTTON and the MAIN M ENU DI SPLAY dialog box will appear. 2. Press the POIN T LEFT/ RIGHT BU TTON(s ) to se lect POS ITION an d pre ss the SELECT BUTTON. Another dial og box POSITION SETTING DISPLAY will appear.
LC-X999/984 41 PC A DJUS T M ENT This projector can automatically detect display signals from most personal computers currently distributed. Howev er, some computers employ a special signal format w hich is diff erent from t he standard one and the p roj ector cannot detect it.
LC-X999/984 42 6. Another dialog box “PC ADJUSTMENT DI SPLAY 1” will appear and the parameter data for the Mode you have selected is shown in this dialog box. 7. The parameters will be filled with the data determined by the projector according to the present signal input.
LC-X999/984 43 17. Another dialog box “PC ADJUSTMENT DISPLAY 2” will appear and the parameter data for the Mode you hav e selected is shown in this dialog box. 18. Move the arrow to an i tem that y ou wa nt to ad just b y pressin g the P OINT UP/DO W N BU TTON(s).
LC-X999/984 44 MODE FREE The M ode fre e func tion i s provi ded to confirm or cl ear the p arame ter data produc ed by PC AD JUST. 1. Press the MENU BUTTON and the MAIN M ENU DI SPLAY dialog box will appear. 2. Press the P OINT L EFT/RIGH T BUT TON(s) to select PC ADJUS T and pre ss the SE LECT BU TTON.
LC-X999/984 45 PICTURE SCREEN ADJUSTMENT This projector has a picture screen res ize functio n, which ena bles y o u to displa y the im age in des irable si ze. 1. Press MEN U BUTT ON and MAI N MENU DIS PLAY dialog box will ap pear. 2. Press PO INT LEFT /RIGHT BUTT ON(s) to s elect SCREEN and press th e SELEC T BUTTO N.
LC-X999/984 46 This proj ector has other functions sett ings: Blue back, Display, Ceiling, Rear, Split wipe, Pow er m anagement, Remote control and Lamp age.
LC-X999/984 47 REMO TE CONTROL CODE CHANGE (M ode 1 or Mode 2) This projector can be op erat ed with two different code, one is factory-set norm al code (MODE 1) and the other one is extended code (M ODE 2) .
LC-X999/984 48 LA MP A GE The Lamp age function is designed to reset the l amp replacement monitor timer. W hen replacing the lamp, reset the lamp replacement monitor tim er by using this function. NOTE: Do not reset the LAMP REP LACEM ENT M ONITO R TIM ER, ex cept a fter th e lamp i s rep laced .
LC-X999/984 49 TEMPER A TURE WARNING INDI C ATOR The TEMPERAT URE WARNING INDI CATOR flashes red when the internal temperature of the projector exceeds the normal temperature. Possible causes for the temperature warning may be: 1. Ventilation slots of the projector are blocked.
LC-X999/984 50 LAMP REPLA CEMENT If the lamp fails to come on and the lamp monitor on the projector light is orange, you must replace the lamp. • For continued safety, replace with a lamp assembly of the same ty pe. • Allow the projector to cool for a t least 45 minutes before y ou open the lamp cov er.
LC-X999/984 51 CLE ANING THE LENS Follow these steps to clean the projection lens: 1. Apply a non-abrasive camera lens cleaner to a s oft, dry cleaning cloth. Avoid using an excessive amount of cleaner. Abrasive cleaners, solvents or other harsh chemicals mi g ht scrat ch the lens.
LC-X999/984 52 Problem: Try these Solutio ns: Picture is LIR Reversed Check Ceiling/ Rear f eature. (See “OTHER FUNCTION SETTI NG” section on pages 46 47). . Pic ture is T/B inve rted. Check Ceiling f eature. (See “OTHER FUNCTION SETTI NG” section on pages 46 47).
53 Projector Type Multi-me dia Pr ojec t or Dimensions (W x H x D) 10.7” (272mm) x 5.7” (145.5 mm) x 16 .2” (412.5 mm) Net Weight 15.2 lbs (6.9 kg) LCD Panel System 1.3” TFT A cti ve M atrix ty pe x 3 pan els Number of Pixels 2,359,296 {786,432 (1,024 x 768) x 3} Color System 6 color system (PAL, SECAM, NTSC, NTSC4.
54 A u di o Vi sual / Video Products EIKI I NTERNATIONAL, INC. 26794 Vista Terrace Dri ve, Lake Fores t, CA. 92630- 8113, U.S.A. TEL (949) 4 57-0200 FA X (949) 457-7878 IN CANADA, EIKI CANADA 310 First Street P.O. Box 156 Midland On tario L4R 4K8 Canada TEL (705) 527- 4084 FA X (7 05 ) 527-4087 Printed in Japan Part No.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Eiki LC-X984 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Eiki LC-X984 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Eiki LC-X984 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Eiki LC-X984 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Eiki LC-X984, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Eiki LC-X984.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Eiki LC-X984. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Eiki LC-X984 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.